View Full Version : What are your favorite combo spells?

2013-08-15, 01:03 AM
My favorite, I would have to say is using Ice storm, then following it up with an Icelance aimed at a caster. Mmmm juicy fort saves.

2013-08-15, 01:13 AM
Time Stop + Cloudkill + Delayed Fireball + Force cage + Dimension Lock, but I was able to do so a couple of times because of the random period of time stop.

2013-08-15, 01:21 AM
My favorite, I would have to say is using Ice storm, then following it up with an Icelance aimed at a caster. Mmmm juicy fort saves.

Hold Person. Coup De Grace Ray of Frost. (Arcane Trickster)

2013-08-15, 01:35 AM
Would a resist energy prevent that ?

2013-08-15, 01:41 AM
I had a character go down in the first fight of a campaign due to Hold person from one guy and a coup de grace. Basically got my throat slit.

I loved that Dread Necro...for the 20-30 minutes he was alive.

Oh well if your character can't die why get attached or even play

2013-08-15, 01:50 AM
I had a character go down in the first fight of a campaign due to Hold person from one guy and a coup de grace. Basically got my throat slit.

I loved that Dread Necro...for the 20-30 minutes he was alive.

Oh well if your character can't die why get attached or even play

It's nice for your character to feel threatened, but I generally feel that tables that have a character death every session lack consistency and good character development.

Anyway, Ocular Spell Split Ray Twinned Scorching Ray with whatever mixture of empower and maximize you can afford. Be sure to yell "pew pew" while doing it.

2013-08-15, 01:55 AM
It's nice for your character to feel threatened, but I generally feel that tables that have a character death every session lack consistency and good character development.

Anyway, Ocular Spell Split Ray Twinned Scorching Ray with whatever mixture of empower and maximize you can afford. Be sure to yell "pew pew" while doing it.

This was going to be a short 5-10 session campaign and even the GM was surprised. He offered (after that evenings game) to bring my guy back, seeing as how we were in a large population center and likely would have had access to the means.

I refused and kept the death. I cut my teeth playing old school D&D where death was common if you played stupid and still happened if you just got unlucky. Plus I play a lot of Call of Cthulhu and Trail of Cthulhu and that's a high mortality genre as well.

If we were planning on having a long campaign I would have taken the deal but the GM was going to be out of country for a few months.

2013-08-15, 01:56 AM
Yes, sneak attack damage with a spell is the same damage type. Critical damage with a spell is also of the same damage type.

Its also a little hazy whether you can Coup De Grace with a spell regardless. You are using a weapon-like spell (ray of frost) so you can crit with it, you can sneak attack with it, but Coup De Grace specifies a melee weapon or a Bow or Crossbow. Which is kind of interesting because if you have a Dart for example you couldn't Coup De Grace with it. Or a Shuriken. Or a Peasant Railgun. But I digress. I would argue that Shocking Grasp or any spell delivered via melee touch attack would be viable though.

Anyway, Ocular Spell Split Ray Twinned Scorching Ray with whatever mixture of empower and maximize you can afford. Be sure to yell "pew pew" while doing it.
On a Sorc/Rogue/Unseen Seer/Arcane Trickster of course. So you can sneak attack all of those rays.

2013-08-15, 01:58 AM
Yes, sneak attack damage with a spell is the same damage type. Critical damage with a spell is also of the same damage type.

Its also a little hazy whether you can Coup De Grace with a spell regardless. You are using a weapon-like spell (ray of frost) so you can crit with it, you can sneak attack with it, but Coup De Grace specifies a melee weapon or a Bow or Crossbow. Which is kind of interesting because if you have a Dart for example you couldn't Coup De Grace with it. Or a Shuriken. Or a Peasant Railgun. But I digress. I would argue that Shocking Grasp or any spell delivered via melee touch attack would be viable though.

It's ok, he's just giving his throat a little hug...with a lighting hand.

2013-08-15, 02:38 AM
On a Sorc/Rogue/Unseen Seer/Arcane Trickster of course. So you can sneak attack all of those rays.

Recent forum discussions have led me to believe that you couldn't get sneak attack more than once per round unless you actually make a full round attack.

EDIT: Having looked at the RC myself sneak attack on those rays seems fine, though.

2013-08-15, 02:45 AM
Hence the Sorcerer in there instead of Wizard. So when you metamagic its a Full-Round action as opposed to a standard.

And with Ocular Spell you are casting them (One from each eye) as a single full round action anyway.

2013-08-15, 03:10 AM
With Druid: First cast Entangle, and then cast Summon Nature's Ally: Ape 10 ft. away from the opponent(s). The opponent(s) will be within the ape's reach (which is 10 ft.), and they have to step forward within the entangle to melee the ape (assuming they don't have reach weapons). Ranged weapons? AoO. Spells? Defensive Casting or AoO.

Sometimes the ape can freely hit the entangled creatures for a few rounds before they can do anything about it.

2013-08-15, 03:19 AM
Feeblemind, followed by Ray of Stupidity, and then Coup de Grace

2013-08-15, 03:44 AM
Otto's Irresistible Dance + Ghost Sound for Thriller.
On a Necromancer of course.

2013-08-15, 03:52 AM
Dragon Wild Shape (Steel) + Empowered Energy Admixture (electricity) Born of Three Thunders Venomfire
Sculpted Energy Admixture (electricity) Born of Three Thunders Call Lightning Storm with Swift Concentration and Extraordinary Concentration

If you're blasting, do it right. :smalltongue:

2013-08-15, 04:05 AM
Dragon Wild Shape (Steel) + Empowered Energy Admixture (electricity) Born of Three Thunders Venomfire
Sculpted Energy Admixture (electricity) Born of Three Thunders Call Lightning Storm with Swift Concentration and Extraordinary Concentration

If you're blasting, do it right. :smalltongue:

I see no point in both Swift Concentration and Extraordinary Concentration... neither allows you to cast a second spell while concentrating on the former. And Swift Concentration is strictly better then Extraordinary. Unless your bonus to concentration checks vastly exceeds your ranks in the skill.

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-15, 04:15 AM
I don't think Energy Admixture (Electricity) would do anything to a spell that's already dealing electricity damage?

2013-08-15, 04:40 AM
I see no point in both Swift Concentration and Extraordinary Concentration... neither allows you to cast a second spell while concentrating on the former. And Swift Concentration is strictly better then Extraordinary. Unless your bonus to concentration checks vastly exceeds your ranks in the skill.
Call Lightning Storm lets you call a bolt of lightning by concentrating on the spell. With both Swift and Extraordinary Concentration you can call up to three bolts per round, or two bolts and still use a breath weapon.
Concentrating as a move action has the benefit of still allowing you to use your swift action for something else. And boosting concentration isn't all that hard.
You need 15 ranks anyway to take the feat. Constituion should add another +5 to +10 (easy with Wild Shape), Tunic of Steady Spellcasting adds +5 competence(MIC, 2500gp). It takes a little more effort to reliably use Extraordinary Concentration to concentrate as a swift action but Swift Concentration doesn't really cost you anything.

I don't think Energy Admixture (Electricity) would do anything to a spell that's already dealing electricity damage?

It doubles the damage. It's right there in the description of the feat.

... and you can also admix your chosen energy type with a spell that already uses the same type, in effect doubling its normal damage dice.

2013-08-15, 06:15 AM
Eh, still for a 10th level spell slot I would have thought you'd get more power out of it. Sure, its up to 15 bolts of 10d6 but... its only 10d6. Sure you can use 3 of them for a round, but then its 2/round after that (Skill tricks are limited to 1/encounter). If you are going blaster, 20d6 line in epic isn't that great.

Sure you can do it for ~7 rounds in a row per casting, but by that level shouldn't you already have more than enough spell slots? A Twinned, Repeat Lightning Bolt (10th level slot) would be the same amount of round to round damage, but 4x the line. Chained Repeat Enervation (10th level slot) would be 2d4 negative levels drained on up to 21 targets (at level 20) and if you are the above mentioned Arcane Trickster you would probably do another 10 or so d6 extra damage each. And of course that's without metamagic reducers.

2013-08-15, 06:47 AM
Call Lightning explicitly allows you to cast other spells. So you have 20d10 damage per round in addition to whatever you want to do with your standard action (Getting the die upgrade is a no brainer).
If you want to be serious about it buy a Metamagic Rod of Empower & Maximize or use the Sudden X feats to get more damage out of it.
Also, it's not a line since it's sculpted. Getting Sculpt from a rod and/or some kind of metamagic reducer allows you to get it long before epic levels.

The main point is that you can blast while also doing whatever else you want. Without filling all your high level slots with blasting spells. It's not like you can't afford the feats as a druid.
Sure, you can do better because blasting is not all that good. But it's fun.
Turning every druid into a summoner or Planar Shepherd would be boring, not to mention overkill for most games. Throwing around lightning bolts that stun and throw people around is just cool fluff.

2013-08-15, 07:28 AM
I think there's a spell that allows you to summon Shambling Mounds. It's neither Summon Monster nor Summon Nature's Ally, though, so I could be misremembering.

Assuming there is, combine that spell with the Call Lightning trick above.

2013-08-15, 07:51 AM
I think there's a spell that allows you to summon Shambling Mounds. It's neither Summon Monster nor Summon Nature's Ally, though, so I could be misremembering.

Assuming there is, combine that spell with the Call Lightning trick above.

It's called Shambler (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shambler.htm). Good idea though, didn't think of that.

2013-08-15, 08:06 AM
Sadly, even if a Druid can Wild Shape into one, it seems they wouldn't get the Immunity to Electricity, as that's an (Ex) ability.

However, a Shambling Mound is actually playable at ECL 14. Get one a single level (or more) of Sorcerer (and push its Cha to a point it can cast 1st level spells) and get it Thunderhead.

Or just play one that has an item which casts Thunderhead at will.

+1d4 con/round for the duration of the effect!

2013-08-15, 08:23 AM
Sadly, even if a Druid can Wild Shape into one, it seems they wouldn't get the Immunity to Electricity, as that's an (Ex) ability.

However, a Shambling Mound is actually playable at ECL 14. Get one a single level (or more) of Sorcerer (and push its Cha to a point it can cast 1st level spells) and get it Thunderhead.

Or just play one that has an item which casts Thunderhead at will.

+1d4 con/round for the duration of the effect!

Enhance Wildshape (SpC) gets you (Ex) abilities.

2013-08-15, 08:33 AM
Its also a little hazy whether you can Coup De Grace with a spell regardless. You are using a weapon-like spell (ray of frost) so you can crit with it, you can sneak attack with it, but Coup De Grace specifies a melee weapon or a Bow or Crossbow. Which is kind of interesting because if you have a Dart for example you couldn't Coup De Grace with it. Or a Shuriken. Or a Peasant Railgun. But I digress. I would argue that Shocking Grasp or any spell delivered via melee touch attack would be viable though.

Spellwarp Sniper has a special ability that allows them to deliver a coup de grace with a ray spell. Implicitly, the default is that a character cannot normally do this.

2013-08-15, 08:43 AM
Enhance Wildshape (SpC) gets you (Ex) abilities.

Ah, well then! Enhance Wild Shape + Shambling Mound + Shambler + the above Lightning trick! Not only are you getting a bunch of servants who are gaining loads of con every round, and dealing loads of damage as a blaster to anything vulnerable to it, but YOU are gaining loads of con every round (and your concentration checks are just getting easier).

2013-08-15, 09:47 AM
Creaking Cacophony + Elemental Substitution + Any spell with elemental descriptor.

Yuki Akuma
2013-08-15, 09:51 AM
It doubles the damage. It's right there in the description of the feat.

Oh, okay. Carry on then.

2013-08-15, 11:15 AM
step 1) ray of dizziness
step 2) choking sands

your enemy suffocates. Period.

2013-08-15, 11:54 AM
Aura of Terror
Adoration of the Frightful

2013-08-15, 12:33 PM
- Enlarged Extended Fimbulwinter followed by an Enlarged Extended Control Weather to keep it nightmare xmas for even longer.

- Greater Humanoid Essence then Elation then Distill Joy on a Dedicated Wright, bonus points if you can get all that on a repeating trap in the Wright's workspace.

- Craft Contingent Spell item + Chain Contingency is redonculous.

- Thrallherd using Steal Life and/or Cocoon (MoF version) coupled with Cocoon of Life to reincarnate the thrall is funny too. Again, bonus points if they're built into a magic trap to keep the victim fueling your awesome for ever.

- Energy Transformation Field + Iceberg was going to be my combo of choice for fighting an army of Drow and Red Wizards.

- Megalodon Empowerment + Body of War 'that spell that makes the target into a big warforged-like critter' (seriously, cannot for the life of me remember it's name) is cool too, but only if they stack and one doesn't replace the other.
Doesn't work. Sorry.

Edit: Another use for that last one would be to put either one into an Energy Transformation Field that's been cast into the bottom of a Bag of Holding which you then wear across your shoulders like a cloak so that the ETField affects you but you can shrug the bag off when desired.

2013-08-15, 04:26 PM
step 1) ray of dizziness
step 2) choking sands

your enemy suffocates. Period.

I don't have my books, but I assume this relies on requiring a full round action and getting none?

I'm 99% sure there's a rule somewhere that you can use 2 partial rounds to perform a full round action, purely for cases like this.

Fax Celestis
2013-08-15, 04:31 PM
Celerity + mass snake's swiftness

I call it the "Quick guys, kick him in the shins" combo.

2013-08-15, 04:32 PM
- Megalodon Empowerment + 'that spell that makes the target into a big warforged-like critter' (seriously, cannot for the life of me remember it's name) is cool too, but only if they stack and one doesn't replace the other.

body of war turns you into a warforged titan. probably what you're thinking of

2013-08-15, 04:36 PM
body of war turns you into a warforged titan. probably what you're thinking of

Yup, that was it. Thanks.

Using either Animate Objects or Minor Servitor (SS) on the stuff made by the Quintessence power is fun too. Though it takes an absolute crapton of the Quintessence to make a Tiny animated object.

2013-08-15, 05:18 PM
Call Lightning explicitly allows you to cast other spells. So you have 20d10 damage per round in addition to whatever you want to do with your standard action (Getting the die upgrade is a no brainer).

Actually, no.

You need not call a bolt of lightning immediately; other actions, even spellcasting, can be performed. However, each round after the first you may use a standard action (concentrating on the spell) to call a bolt. You may call a total number of bolts equal to your caster level (maximum 10 bolts).

This means you can cast the spell and have it active, so you can cast it early if you think you'll be threatened by melee or something later, but you still have to spend your standard action to call a bolt. It says you can cast because you can cast call lightning, and then use your standard action for something else next turn. (Basically saying it doesn't lock you into "use all your bolts in a row or lose them")

2013-08-15, 05:49 PM
Actually, no.

This means you can cast the spell and have it active, so you can cast it early if you think you'll be threatened by melee or something later, but you still have to spend your standard action to call a bolt. It says you can cast because you can cast call lightning, and then use your standard action for something else next turn. (Basically saying it doesn't lock you into "use all your bolts in a row or lose them")

By that interpretation you couldn't cast anything during Call Lightning. But you can since it doesn't have a Duration:Concentration. The concentration is not continuous.

The way i see it normal concentration spells need constant concentration or the spell falls apart, which is why you can't cast something else.
Call Lightning just needs a moment of concentrating on "fry that orc there" so you can do whatever in between.

You could argue that you can't use Swift/Extraordinary Concentration with Call Lightning and have to use a standard action, but even then you could cast a quickened spell before or after.

That's how my DM rules it at least and i think it's a reasonable interpretation. Other DMs may rule differently but you should talk about your build with your DM anyway so you can just ask about it before investing in feats/gear.

2013-08-15, 06:28 PM
By that interpretation you couldn't cast anything during Call Lightning. But you can since it doesn't have a Duration:Concentration. The concentration is not continuous.

The way i see it normal concentration spells need constant concentration or the spell falls apart, which is why you can't cast something else.
Call Lightning just needs a moment of concentrating on "fry that orc there" so you can do whatever in between.

You could argue that you can't use Swift/Extraordinary Concentration with Call Lightning and have to use a standard action, but even then you could cast a quickened spell before or after.

That's how my DM rules it at least and i think it's a reasonable interpretation. Other DMs may rule differently but you should talk about your build with your DM anyway so you can just ask about it before investing in feats/gear.

It says it takes a standard action to call the bolt. That's pretty clear cut. Your other 2 feats would work fine, so you'd still get 2 bolts, but if you want to call bolts AND cast another spell, that spell is going to take up your standard action.

Nowhere did I say anything that suggests you can't cast anything during call lightning. You can cast during the duration of the spell. You just can't call a bolt AND cast on the same turn.

2013-08-15, 07:34 PM
Harm + Quicken Cause Minor Wound
Not efficient, but it adds insult to injury

2013-08-15, 07:56 PM
Quoth bekeleven:

I don't have my books, but I assume this relies on requiring a full round action and getting none?

I'm 99% sure there's a rule somewhere that you can use 2 partial rounds to perform a full round action, purely for cases like this.
Yeah, you spend one round taking the "Start Full-Round Action" action, and then the next round on "Complete Full-Round Action". Though it would definitely still suck, having to spend two rounds to even get a chance at a save.

2013-08-15, 09:17 PM
My current character is a 9th level evoker. He is built to abuse Scorching Ray. With Arcane Thesis and Metamagic School Focus, he is able to cast an Empowered Split Twinned Repeat Enervated Scorching Ray with Elven Spell Lore converting it to sonic damage 3 times each day. He then spends most of the time buffed up with Shield, Mage Armor, and Protection from Evil and and used his starting magic items to boost his saving throws ridiculously high. And just in case something does go wrong, he can always use Celerity to Dimension Door away.

2013-08-15, 09:28 PM
My current character is a 9th level evoker. He is built to abuse Scorching Ray. With Arcane Thesis and Metamagic School Focus, he is able to cast an Empowered Split Twinned Repeat Enervated Scorching Ray with Elven Spell Lore converting it to sonic damage 3 times each day. He then spends most of the time buffed up with Shield, Mage Armor, and Protection from Evil and and used his starting magic items to boost his saving throws ridiculously high. And just in case something does go wrong, he can always use Celerity to Dimension Door away.

How do you deal with enemies that have spell resistance and/or are resistant to/immune to fire/sonic?

2013-08-15, 10:00 PM
Not a combo of spells, but a Power/Spell combo. Hideous Laughter and Crisis of Breath. Your opponent dies, dry heaving with a smile on his face. Truly a Joker-worthy death.

2013-08-15, 11:25 PM
How do you deal with enemies that have spell resistance and/or are resistant to/immune to fire/sonic?

Spell Resistance can be problematic, I am considering dropping one of the extra metamagic feats that is just overkill for Spell Penetration. And really, how many enemies are resistant/immune to both fire and sonic? Or even just immune to sonic?

2013-08-15, 11:46 PM
Spell Resistance can be problematic, I am considering dropping one of the extra metamagic feats that is just overkill for Spell Penetration. And really, how many enemies are resistant/immune to both fire and sonic? Or even just immune to sonic?

the slash signified a resistance or immunity to fire and/or sonic. are there a lot of enemies resistant to sonic? not really. destruchans are pretty lame monsters, so even if you can't sonic beam them, they're not especially hard to kill. sonic resistance is uncommon but not unheard of, such as on slaadi or inevitables, and it really cramps one's style.

2013-08-16, 12:14 AM
the slash signified a resistance or immunity to fire and/or sonic. are there a lot of enemies resistant to sonic? not really. destruchans are pretty lame monsters, so even if you can't sonic beam them, they're not especially hard to kill. sonic resistance is uncommon but not unheard of, such as on slaadi or inevitables, and it really cramps one's style.

Sonic resistance is annoying, but that is when you switch to using your other spells.

The Viscount
2013-08-17, 03:04 PM
Transcend Mortality + Pact of Return.

Specify that Transcend Mortality will kill you, and come right back the instant you die with no penalty! Laugh long and hard. Repeat if desired.

EDIT: On another note, I just realized something. Spellguard of the Silverymoon lets you cast any personal defensive spell on another character with a touch. It gives some criteria for "defensive spell" which transcend mortality meets. Thus you could potentially use transcend mortality as a wildly impractical means of killing someone. Now, I assume an unwilling recipient of this spell would make you resolve it as a melee touch attack, but do they get a save? As a personal spell, it doesn't allow saves, but would it in this bizarre instance?

2013-08-17, 03:27 PM
As an added bonus, if you did that, you could spend your target's two minutes of near-invulnerability giving Tyrell's speech to Roy. "The light that burns twice as bright burns for half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly, Roy. Look at you: you're the Prodigal Son; you're quite a prize!"

2013-08-17, 04:12 PM
Unseen servant + Major Image + Prestidigitation = Sexy Maid-Chan?

2013-08-17, 04:27 PM
As a personal spell, it doesn't allow saves, but would it in this bizarre instance?
If there's no save listed, they don't get one.

Silva Stormrage
2013-08-17, 04:34 PM
Transcend Mortality + Pact of Return.

Specify that Transcend Mortality will kill you, and come right back the instant you die with no penalty! Laugh long and hard. Repeat if desired.

EDIT: On another note, I just realized something. Spellguard of the Silverymoon lets you cast any personal defensive spell on another character with a touch. It gives some criteria for "defensive spell" which transcend mortality meets. Thus you could potentially use transcend mortality as a wildly impractical means of killing someone. Now, I assume an unwilling recipient of this spell would make you resolve it as a melee touch attack, but do they get a save? As a personal spell, it doesn't allow saves, but would it in this bizarre instance?

They don't get a save, use that + limited wish means an instant death no save with no chance to resist it. Save for celerity + teleporting away.

As a side note celerity + teleport is a fun one :smalltongue:

As a high level druid chained constricting chains + rain of roses is pretty devastating.

2013-08-17, 04:52 PM
Transcend Mortality + Pact of Return.

Specify that Transcend Mortality will kill you, and come right back the instant you die with no penalty! Laugh long and hard. Repeat if desired.

You could even Mystic Theurge into that. Getting 9th level arcane/7th level divine is near-trivial.

If you don't feel like making it on yourself, you can also pick up Obtain Familiar and possibly Improved Familiar or Draconic Familiar or whatever you prefer.

Transcend Mortality can be cast as a touch-range spell on your Familiar. You can either do the same with Pact of Return...or be a real jerk and just serially sacrifice familiars (not a recommended tactic, but less fatal than sacrificing yourself)!

I'd need to look closely at Arcane Heirophant, but if you can manage to sneak Pact of Return into the caster list of the divine side of that, the fact that your animal companion/familiar is going to be much beefier than a standard familiar (even an Improved one) could really make this devastating.

2013-08-17, 06:00 PM
Quickened Grease+Cloudkill, or if I have a friendly caster with me cloudkill+sphere of ice. Simple and effective.

The Viscount
2013-08-17, 07:00 PM
You could even Mystic Theurge into that. Getting 9th level arcane/7th level divine is near-trivial.

If you don't feel like making it on yourself, you can also pick up Obtain Familiar and possibly Improved Familiar or Draconic Familiar or whatever you prefer.

Transcend Mortality can be cast as a touch-range spell on your Familiar. You can either do the same with Pact of Return...or be a real jerk and just serially sacrifice familiars (not a recommended tactic, but less fatal than sacrificing yourself)!

I'd need to look closely at Arcane Heirophant, but if you can manage to sneak Pact of Return into the caster list of the divine side of that, the fact that your animal companion/familiar is going to be much beefier than a standard familiar (even an Improved one) could really make this devastating.

Using Transcend Mortality on your familiar is not a good idea, as the cost of xp every time he dies is a real pain. As for actually obtaining both spells, don't make it so hard on yourself. Just take Arcane Disciple. You can spare some points into Wis as a wu jen, you're quite SAD.

2013-08-17, 07:03 PM
Using Transcend Mortality on your familiar is not a good idea, as the cost of xp every time he dies is a real pain. As for actually obtaining both spells, don't make it so hard on yourself. Just take Arcane Disciple. You can spare some points into Wis as a wu jen, you're quite SAD.

Arcane disciple (spite) for those uninitiated to the glory of the cas, moose-headed god of spite from heroes of horror

2013-08-17, 07:30 PM
It is a bit of a low level spell combo that I prefer.
My gaming group refers to it as party streamers.
Web + Glitter dust.
One of the funniest things I have seen in a while, a blinded trapped BBEG while we freedom of movement up an around 'em while archers/nukers do their thing.
Worked on a lot of enemies. Like almost to lvl 20.

Silva Stormrage
2013-08-18, 04:47 PM
It is a bit of a low level spell combo that I prefer.
My gaming group refers to it as party streamers.
Web + Glitter dust.
One of the funniest things I have seen in a while, a blinded trapped BBEG while we freedom of movement up an around 'em while archers/nukers do their thing.
Worked on a lot of enemies. Like almost to lvl 20.

I personally prefer web + stinking cloud. As it basically prevents people from getting out of the web in addition (Assuming that nauseation prevents heavy duty strength checks to break free)

2013-08-20, 03:02 PM
It is a bit of a low level spell combo that I prefer.
My gaming group refers to it as party streamers.
Web + Glitter dust.
One of the funniest things I have seen in a while, a blinded trapped BBEG while we freedom of movement up an around 'em while archers/nukers do their thing.
Worked on a lot of enemies. Like almost to lvl 20.
One of the (possible) downsides of web is that it provides cover to those further than 5 feet away, or total cover to those 20+ feet away. Sometimes that's really handy, but sometimes it is annoying... like when you want your archer pals to kill the trapped creatures.

2013-08-20, 03:09 PM
yeah giving them cover can be a pain, but against huge+ creatures if even a part of them is in the web they are "stuck in it" while the parts that are not are still easy to see and hit. and the extra fire damage when you burn them out is nice at low levels, true this is more of a hindrance at higher levels, it can still be nice(and cheap with a wand) CC and also to trap/separate groups.

2013-08-20, 03:11 PM
It's probably already been mentioned, but the fact that you can be Invisible and cast Summon Monster to your heart's content does amuse me.

2013-08-20, 03:38 PM
Ive always been fond of Fog Cloud+Evnards Black tentacles

Heck anything that can hide the tentacles and make the target derp right into them

2013-08-20, 04:04 PM
the slash signified a resistance or immunity to fire and/or sonic. are there a lot of enemies resistant to sonic? not really. destruchans are pretty lame monsters, so even if you can't sonic beam them, they're not especially hard to kill. sonic resistance is uncommon but not unheard of, such as on slaadi or inevitables, and it really cramps one's style.

The Silence Spell pretty much shuts down every sonic based ability and is not hard to come by, while fire resistance can be found in abundance.

2013-08-20, 04:07 PM
Unadulterated loathing and Reckless infatuation, on two different people with each other as the subject.

Also, wind blades and telekinesis.

2013-08-20, 04:24 PM
Not sure if it was mentioned yet but a early combo I used before is Wall of Force+celerity+ball lightning= screwed if they can't teleport out.

2013-08-20, 04:44 PM
Chain Alter Fortune - Re-roll Initiative.

Blood Wind on any touch attack, if you can convince your DM a touch attack is an unarmed strike. Technically, it is, but you just to to make it a regular attack, not a touch attack.

Celerity and any spell that gets my ass out of danger.

Revenance (cleric 4) and Revivify (cleric 5 1,000 gp): Okay Revivify sucks because you only have ONE round to cast it. BUT, the Revenance spell brings her back to life (Not undeath) and then, get this, they DIE AGAIN. So, if you miss the revivify window, slap Revenance on someone and bring them back, when you have the time, kill them and use revivify within one round of "death". Kinda sucks someone has to dies repeatedly, but hey, it's that or lose a level. Choose.

2013-08-20, 08:09 PM
Unadulterated loathing and Reckless infatuation, on two different people with each other as the subject.


Here's one I came up with the other day:

Need a specific fiend dead? Know its name? Curtain of Light (BoED) + Permanency + Planar Binding.

2013-08-20, 10:21 PM
I must just be a dull sod...

Widened Incendiary Slime + Empowered Burning Hands.

Because sometimes, you just need to kill it with fire

2013-08-20, 11:16 PM

The evilist thing I thought of was casting feast of ashes on a guy, telling him that I cursed him so that he could only sate his hunger by eating the heart of one of his blood relatives, and letting things go as they will.

2013-08-20, 11:55 PM
I just reached 7th level with my druid, so I'm about to try the Entangle + Vortex of Teeth Combo :smalltongue:

2013-08-21, 12:12 AM
Forgot this one: You can use major creation to create a corpse, then you can polymorph any object the corpse into a living version of itself, kill it, dispel the effect, then resurrect the body. Tada, you just created life. And then the duration on its existance ends. Better if you have someone that can true creation the corpse.

2013-08-21, 12:24 AM
Forgot this one: You can use major creation to create a corpse, then you can polymorph any object the corpse into a living version of itself, kill it, dispel the effect, then resurrect the body. Tada, you just created life. And then the duration on its existance ends. Better if you have someone that can true creation the corpse.

Or you can try doing that with a woman. Charm Person might help.:smallwink:

2013-08-21, 12:33 AM
Or you can try doing that with a woman.

Yeah, but I'm a theoretical wizard, so what are the odds of that.

2013-08-21, 01:04 AM
I am still a rather big fan of the classic Timestop+Celerity combo.

2013-08-21, 02:38 AM
Yeah, but I'm a theoretical wizard, so what are the odds of that.

Given the typical alignment of a theoretical wizard...


I am still a rather big fan of the classic Timestop+Celerity combo.

Don't forget Foresight.

DM: "Everyone roll initiative."
Wizard: "First, my turn."

2013-08-23, 12:48 PM
Quicken Grease followed by Web.

As an Evil Cleric Hold Person followed by Slime Wave. (or is it Wave of Slime now I can't remeber)