View Full Version : IC - Animals!

2013-08-15, 03:25 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=297535)

You spent most of your lives locked up in a cage, having humans and their other rational kin staring at you from other side the cage bars. While the cells were fitted to remain mostly similar to your natural habitat, they were all far more claustrophobic than the real thing, had a stifling artificiality to them (though your primitive animal mind would not have consciously understood this), and were uncomfortable besides.

Then, one night, you were awoken by a small man with bushy hair, and three others, who were very large and carried lights in their hands. The last thing you remember is that he peered at you from behind the bars and whispered something to you.

When you come to consciousness again, you're jammed into a box barely large enough for you to fit in it. You also feel refreshed but drowsy, as if you'd just woken from a long sleep. The most curious sensation of all, however, is that you feel a state of heightened awareness. The feeling is as if your whole life up to now was just a dream, and that now you are fully, devastatingly awake.

You hear a rattling noise outside, which seems to correspond with a physical rattling of your box. You also hear and smell the presence of several other animals nearby. Suddenly, the rattling stops, and you hear shouts and footsteps outside.

I hope you don't mind that I'm adressing your characters in first person. I figure it's probably simpler this way.

You can use first or third person to roleplay your character, whichever one you prefer.

2013-08-15, 05:54 PM
Pteropu came too, and recognizing he was in a box, started squirming around trying to set himself to rights and find away out. Outside he heard voices, like all the visitors to the zoo, but this time it was... different. Now all the sounds meant something. He ceased his movement, save for his large ears, pivoting in attempt to hear better.

Taking 10 to listen, 25

2013-08-15, 06:49 PM
Sil slowly awakes, and tries to stretch the sleep away only to find he can not with him being confined in a box. Grumbling under his breath at the situation he begins to look for a way out.

Taking 'ten' whichever is more appropriate.
Spot (12)
Search (10)

2013-08-15, 06:56 PM
Leo wakes up and try to relax it body and hits his head only to hear other animals around making noise. Leo go back to laying down in the box waiting to see what happens. While trying to poke a hole in the box to see.
balance encase the crate tips over

2013-08-15, 08:13 PM

Boxer wakes from a dream, reliving his glory-days as a knight's noble mount. His instincts scream at him to kick, bite, and push the box open but a higher intelligence that has awakened within stops him, urging him to patience.

[roll0] if needed

2013-08-15, 08:32 PM
A crate? Is that all? A single attack could probably destroy this thing. That would make a lot of noise though. Much better to attempt to escape from this prison silently. He briefly considered trying to listen but now did not seem to be the time to do so, now was the time to act.

[roll0] Using escape artist to attempt to escape from the box. If 20 fails then I attack the crate with my stinger.

2013-08-15, 08:40 PM
Listen [roll0]
balance [roll1]
spot [roll2]

Batpope Scott
2013-08-15, 09:02 PM
Noise. The one thing Vegrandis had always hated was being awoken by careless noise. He lets out a quiet hiss as he uncoils, trying to find enough room for himself. This containment is not doing wonders for his mood, but the queer feeling of awareness quiets him.

2013-08-16, 01:01 PM
The ape known only as the silverback awoke slowly, to find himself in a box and very cramped. Panicking, he strained against the box, in an effort to break out of it.

Strength Check: [roll0]

2013-08-17, 02:10 PM

Sometimes, instincts have a point. Boxer launches into the wall in front of him, hooves and teeth gouging into the wood.




2013-08-17, 02:25 PM
just gonna break the box

spot [roll0]
strength 27
and go watch the movement of others while laying down

2013-08-17, 03:06 PM
Zozo Str check: [roll0]

Boxer's crate smashes to splithereens, while the Silverback breaks free from his in a slightly less spectacular way, and Leo fruitlessly struggles against his. Boxer and the Silverback find themselves, along with several other crates of varying sizes, in a large wagon. The base and sides of the wagon (the latter, by the way, only extend a few feet above the base) seem to be made out of some sort of wood. The domed roof seems to be made of some sort of opaque cloth, as are the front and back of the wagon.

The clatter of feet outside becomes more pronounced, and suddenly, the cloth at the back of the wagon is drawn aside by a burly orcish-looking man (one of the men you saw back at the zoo). He takes one quick look at the animals, yells something to somebody none of the animals can see, draws a battleaxe, and brandishes it at the animals threateningly.

Batpope Scott
2013-08-18, 04:36 PM
The constrictor flexes against the crate, trying to break it.

Strength Check [roll0]

2013-08-18, 09:31 PM

Boxer seeing the brandished axe, feels the surge of old-times, he rears back and hops forward, hooves and teeth flashing out at the orc that threatens him.

Assuming it's only about 5ft to get within striking range, if not feel free to cut this back to the first attack only.

Critical Confirmations/Damage:

2013-08-19, 12:08 AM
Try to break the crate

claw 1 - [roll0]
claw damage - [roll1]

claw 1 - [roll2]
claw 2 damage - [roll3]

2013-08-19, 06:50 AM
Jugax, awakened and in unfamiliar surroundings seems much less alarmed than the others seemed to be. He became anxious when the sound of splintering wood rang out next to him and the sounds of a struggle ensued. He attacked his enclosure, trying to free himself.

Claw 1 [roll0] dmg[roll1]
Claw 2 [roll2] dmg[roll3]

2013-08-20, 10:15 AM
The Constrictor's struggles against his crate are totally futile, but the Wolverine's aren't: Jugax soon tears an opening through his enclosure.

Meanwhile, two humans run up beside the orcish-looking man. One of them, slightly more thin and wiry than the others, yells something to where they came from.

If your character understands common, you can open the spoiler.
He said "They're already awake!"

Both humans warily stand beside the orcish-looking man. One, the wiry-looking man, draws a shortsword, and the other draws a dagger. Neither of them, however, seem particularly aggressive - they simply stand there in a defensive position, waiting for the animals' next move.

2013-08-20, 02:55 PM
More voices, followed by smashing noises. Whatever was going on, Pteropu would better be able to deal with it from not inside the box. He lashed out at his enclosure.

Dual-wielded unarmed strikes plus bite on the box.



2013-08-20, 09:21 PM
The racket outside is enough to raise Coyote from his deep slumber. He stands and stretches as far as his enclosure allows him, shaking his mangy fur.

He licks his chops a few times and lets out bellowing howl from inside his crate. "Arooooooooooo!!!"

Then he yawns once and lays back down and tries to get some more sleep amidst all the racket.

No action. You guys are interrupting his beauty sleep.

2013-08-20, 11:45 PM
Sil, frustrated by his prison attempts to roll and bounce his confinement towards the sound of the loudest destructive noises.

Strength 1d20
Jump 1d20

2013-08-20, 11:48 PM
Strength [roll0]
Jump [roll1]

2013-08-23, 01:59 PM
As the Bat attacks his crate uselessly and the Wasp writhes around his own crate with an equal lack of success, the Raccoon claws a hole through his.

A gravelly voice from the other side of the cart yells.

If you understand common:
The voice says "I made a mistake, get back on the cart quickly!"

2013-08-27, 10:33 PM
Coyote gets the sixth sense that the other animals might be angry at him (it wouldn't be the first time).

He lashes out fiercly at his crate, trying to gnaw a hole in a weaker section of wood and escape before they try to turn him into lunch.

Attack roll: 1d20+11
Damage roll: [roll0]

2013-08-27, 10:34 PM
messed up the attack roll formatting


2013-08-30, 12:43 PM
So, I'm just going to put Gnarnia back at the start of the init order again, just to simplify things. It's not like initiative order in the first round really counted.
And sure, I'll say Boxer's 5 feet away from the orcish-looking man. Why not.

And now it's your turn, Avnomke. I think.

The Coyote manages to splinter the box containing him enough to escape it. Meanwhile, each of Boxer's blows connect with the orcish-looking man. Though battered, he seems to remain reasonably calm.

2013-08-30, 01:22 PM
break the crate to be free

claw attack 1


claw attack 2


2013-08-30, 01:26 PM

2013-08-31, 07:43 AM
Attacking the orcish man.

(If full attack allowed)
(If full attack allowed)

2013-08-31, 01:31 PM
Coyote wouldn't normally have attacked someone, but raising a stick with metal stuck on it seems menacing enough. He joins the other animals attacking the axe-wielding orcish man.

Chompie Chomp attack roll: [roll0]
Chompie Chomp Damage roll: [roll1]