View Full Version : Broken Language

2013-08-15, 05:21 PM
Rather than putting two points in to completely learn a new language, you can put in 1 and learn broken [language]. You can later spend a single skill point to turn the broken language into a complete understanding of the language.

When speaking in a broken language, you must make a DC:10 intelligence check for basic simple sentences, a DC: 15 intelligence check for slightly complex discussion, and a DC: 20 intelligence check for in depth conversation. Speaking in broken language gives a -2 penalty to all social checks made using that language.

2013-08-15, 10:34 PM
This is probably the simplest approach I've seen to creating a less binary language system, and I really like it. I'd increase the penalty above -2, though. -5 feels more right. I find people that I can't understand properly to be very unconvincing, but your mileage may vary.

(Not all uses of the Intimidate skill are language-dependent, of course.)

2013-08-16, 01:21 AM
Hmm. Not a bad idea. I might add some rules for trying to understand something spoken in the 'broken' language, since what you have only governs what you say. Also, what happens if you fail the INT check?

2013-08-16, 04:06 AM
Decent fix. I agree that the penalty should be at leat -5.

You can also introduce the Linguistics (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/skills/linguistics.html#_linguistics)skill from Pathfinder, to give some benefit to those who study a lot of languages. Just make it so you need 2 ranks per language rather than 1, and a number of skill checks in place of the Intelligence checks you suggested.

In general, understanding is a lot easier than producing.

2013-08-16, 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Fortinbro
Rather than putting two points in to completely learn a new language, you can put in 1 and learn broken [language].

I've used exactly this idea in my campaigns for years. Naturally I approve. :smalltongue:

I started the practice when a fighter PC, who had very few skill points to spare, was put in charge of teaching a small tribe of quaggoths how to use "magic," i.e. weapons that weren't teeth and claws.

Thanks to some excellent roleplaying, the party had managed to form an alliance with the quaggoths, and since the two groups were spending a lot of time in close proximity, I gave the fighter the option of spending one skill point to pick up simple vocabulary, especially terms that would work for military training. He took the option and became the party's main point of contact with the quaggoths.

As for the training, alas. The fighter was thinking Seven Samurai; the quaggoths were thinking scream-and-leap.


2013-08-16, 02:30 PM
I've been taking a similar tack for years in my campaigns too, but took a clue from Barbarian and had it so you could spend 1 point to get by (-4 penalty) speaking OR to be able to read and write a language, but you need to spend 2 if you want to be fluent and also read and write it. This made it interesting on one occassion where the rogue could talk a language and the bard could read and write it, but neither could do both...it amused me!