View Full Version : Elven crit + damage/attack machine

2013-08-16, 01:33 AM
So I have an idea for an crit-happy NPC... but it's a bit chessy to cancel out the spell casting heavy group (unseen seer, dragonblood sorcerer, lion of Lion of Talisid druid, "healer adept" online cleric, and a slightly cheesy warblade). This is still a few months away.It's in a dragon and undead heavy campaign. The character will join them for a short piece of the storyline.

Wild Elf (Str maxed but somehow int 16) with 2 flaws

Ranger 2/Warblade3/ Reverant Blade 5/ Swashbuckler (prc) 5

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196574 is the prec swashbuckler.

Progression goes something like this:
Ranger 1&2: TwF, Track, Wild Empathy
Warblade 3: Stance: Blood in the Water (so wolf-fang strike), +3 reflex, + 3 confirm crit + whatever manauvers
RB: +4 free feats with Zaelshin Tu (assuming Improved Critical, Great Cleave, Blind-fight, and Power attack) + 1 1/2 str per hit + karmic strike and double hit
1) Bladebearer of Valenar, Dodge, and Weapon focus (Double Scimitar)
3) Combat Reflexes
6) Imp TwF
9) Double hit
12) Karmic Strike
15) dancing mongoose
1) Same
3) Power Attack
6) Imp TwF
9) Combat Reflexes
12) Greater Twf
15) Dancing Mongoose

Munchnin: Main idea is laminated steel and improv crit= 14-20x3 crit range + 3 confirm + 1.5 str + int for damage for all attacks with -6 to hit on all attacks, but each confirmed gives +1 damage and hit as well as -2 str and con to whomever is critted

Could combine with http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=11463.0 "Poked by Corellon Larethian" giving +6 dex, +con mod fast heal, and double crit range in an untyped kind of phrasing with another +4 confirm, making it 11 or 12-20 threat and +7 confirm. UMD is a rare skill for the build though, there are quite a few skill points. If large with a decent +str should hold it's own with the casters.

SO...Lion of Talisid 5 (so mystic ranger 4/ warblade 1/ Reverant Blade 5/ LoT 5) low level higher CL spells OR Sing Rager 5 (oriental adventures p.48), + str and con + swift fear on full attack. Including duskblade 3 could be fun too.

Thoughts from internet people?

2013-08-16, 04:51 PM
This seems like something a PC would dream up. A character that is unrealistically specialized in one thing.

Are you playing with the auto-kill variant rule? It's something my group uses. If you role a critical threat, and then get a critical threat on the confirm roll, and then confirm it with a third roll, any creature vulnerable to criticals is instantly slain. This makes crit focused characters over powered.

Take note, DMPCs sometimes overshadow PCs, thus, I would advise including them. They can be sometimes important plot hooks, or help for undermanned parties, though be careful, encounters can sometimes turn out to "Sit there and watch the DM kill the boss monster with his NPC while you watch."

This build can provide a lot of damage. This might result in critters being killed by the NPC than the players can, resulting in the problem stated above.

Just my two copper pieces.

2013-08-23, 10:15 AM
Thanks for the coppers :) I doubt this is going to be a "sit-back and watch" issue though, as the party has a lot of battlefield control magic, but the NPCs (aside from bosses) have very little. They're all noobs, but I think by the time they get to level 12-13, it's going to be hard to create melee characters that can compete with the druid, sorc, and cleric. And I'm not abusing the Lightning Mace/ Weapon Aptitude trick.

I actually appreciate the comment in general, because they're currently retaking a city, and needed help to make that possible. The Swiftblade and Swift hunter's turns seem to have a habit of shifting the battle a little too much (but are kind enough to boost them too). Part of the motivation is that the casters are overwhelmed with options (making turns take forever), so this was a way for me to bark orders at them so they know how to play as a team and get full advantage of spells in a reasonable amount of time.

We're not doing the auto-kill variant, though it does seem like an interesting way to play. The devastating/overwhelming crit combo is one of my favorite melee epic feats. Might be a little much given the Str and Con damage when confirmed.

Right now, thinking this ranger variant 5/ RB 5/ PrC Swash 5: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=282017
Stats: 20 str, 18dex, 14con, 16int, 10 wis, 10 cha + non-enchantment bonuses. BAB 15/15, okay HP, and 1d6 (14-20x3) + 10 + Power attack. Seems reasonable to me.
I kind of like it because you can switch out 5 feats (2 archer or twf, 3 RB list which do not count for prc and feats) for 5 different ones every day
1) Bladebearer of Valenar, Dodge, and Weapon focus (Double Scimitar)
2) Twf
3) Combat Reflexes
5) (Ranger) Imp 2wf
6) Double hit
9) Power Attack
12) Cleave
15) Karmic Strike

2013-08-23, 10:38 AM
You should change the sub-race to "Drow" and you'd be all set.