View Full Version : Help!

2013-08-16, 04:08 AM
I'm new to the forum and KIND OF new to 3.5.

I'm in my third campaign and I'm trying to become more valuable to my party both in terms of game skill and character ability.

I have a druid who just hit lvl 9 tonight and I'm thinking of making him a beastmaster. I've been looking in the books for info, but the blasted books are so confusing that my questions just aren't being answered! I tried talking to the gm, but his patience is pretty thin.

Anyway, here I am! I wonder if you fine people can help me get some of these questions answered? I would really, really appreciate it.

I won't bog you down with my huge list of questions yet. I'll just start with a few:

Do I keep all of my feats, skills, stats, armor, abilities, and spells?
Do I choose new ones?
If I choose new ones, do I really have to start at lvl 1 again?
My druid is mainly a caster with a tank pet, but the beastmaster seems to be a melee character. My -1 str modifier is going to be a huge hinderance. How can I fix that?
Do I use the same rules for new animal companions when I lvl or what?

This last question is a big one. The book says that, as a beastmaster, I would get a new animal companion at lvls 1, 4, 7, and 10 and every time I get a new one, I have to pick from the list that druids have at lvl 1. It also doesn't say anything about me getting to pick from the higher lvl lists ever. What gives? Do I have to stick with hawks and riding dogs forever??

Again, any and all help will be appreciated.

2013-08-16, 04:31 AM
Do I keep all of my feats, skills, stats, armor, abilities, and spells?

Sure, why not. But see below.

Do I choose new ones?

You need match the prerequisites:
Skills: Handle Animal 8 ranks , Survival 4 ranks
Feats: Skill Focus (Handle Animal)

and if you haven't something you need to respeck youself.

If I choose new ones, do I really have to start at lvl 1 again?

Ofc not. There are some ways to change you choices.

My druid is mainly a caster with a tank pet, but the beastmaster seems to be a melee character. My -1 str modifier is going to be a huge hinderance. How can I fix that?

First you already have Wild Shape, so just turn into sometnig with high physical stats.

Do I use the same rules for new animal companions when I lvl or what?

Yes, but with some exceptions. Now you would be count as druid levels + 3 for all animal companions purposes. And your Extra Animal Companions have some limits at 4th level you count as druid levels -3 for 1st extra animal companion, at 7th druid -6 and at 10th druid -10 (excluding +3 mentioned abow, so the real things look like 4th = druid levels, 7th = druid -3, 10th = druid -6).

This last question is a big one. The book says that, as a beastmaster, I would get a new animal companion at lvls 1, 4, 7, and 10 and every time I get a new one, I have to pick from the list that druids have at lvl 1. It also doesn't say anything about me getting to pick from the higher lvl lists ever. What gives? Do I have to stick with hawks and riding dogs forever??

No, count levels in beastmaster as levels in druid, and choose among all accepted to druids. And remember that you can change you animal comanions at any time.

From me: I strongly suggest you not to take Beast Master because you lose 10 levels of Spellcasting and Wildshaping. If you want additional animal companion just take Wild Cohort Feat.

2013-08-16, 04:46 AM
If you want to be a powerfull character, then straight druid is a much better option tha BeastMaster(BM).

Druid can be the melee beast you want to become, just by summoning melee beasts via Summon Nature's Ally (SNA). There are guides (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1354.0) about playing druid.

Take a momment to read it, it will answer many questions about how to play Druid.

Your job is easy:
a) have a decent summoning feat picks
B)stay safe and summon somethign Big Strong and Stupid
c) if they reach you, Wild Shape into something Big and Strong

You also have other spells that can become handy utility/blast-wise.

If you are married to the Idea of becoming a BMaster, then you could pick Natural Bond feat from the same book, You might be the only guy around that picks it and uses it as it was emnt to be :smalltongue:. Also if you just liek the idea of multiple anima companions, then have in mind that beyond your 1st animal companion the others are gona be one-shoted anytime by most mooks.
Consider taking the 1st lvl of BM and then continue Druid, also ask your DM if he allows this (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) that is already mentioned in the above post.

Here you go with 3 powerfull companions.
Also have in mind that many companions will probably annoy your party cause of your endless turn time....

2013-08-16, 06:33 AM
I highly suggest reading the section that explains multiclassing, since you seem to be a bit fuzzy on that area.

2013-08-16, 01:10 PM
Thanks for all the advice, guys. I think I may end up sticking with the druid and looking into wild cohort. Also, I had forgotten completely about wild shape (again, fairly new), so that should help quite a bit. Also, I'm bookmarking that druid handbook and will definitely be going through that.

Do you have any recommendations on armor and equipment? Currently, I have equipped +1 darkwood breastplate, which seems awesome, but that's all. I mean, I have a few cure wands because I'm a backup/ emergency healer and I have a quarterstaff, but I never use it.

I think that main reason I seem dwarfed in my party is because everyone I play with is really good at finding exactly the right things to do to be super powerful and I'm not. [Example: in combat, I'll end up rolling one or two dice for damage, whereas it's completely common for someone else to roll 10d6) I really just want to be able to perform on par with everyone else.

2013-08-16, 01:26 PM
Thanks for all the advice, guys. I think I may end up sticking with the druid and looking into wild cohort. Also, I had forgotten completely about wild shape (again, fairly new), so that should help quite a bit. Also, I'm bookmarking that druid handbook and will definitely be going through that.

Do you have any recommendations on armor and equipment? Currently, I have equipped +1 darkwood breastplate, which seems awesome, but that's all. I mean, I have a few cure wands because I'm a backup/ emergency healer and I have a quarterstaff, but I never use it.

I think that main reason I seem dwarfed in my party is because everyone I play with is really good at finding exactly the right things to do to be super powerful and I'm not. [Example: in combat, I'll end up rolling one or two dice for damage, whereas it's completely common for someone else to roll 10d6) I really just want to be able to perform on par with everyone else.
Well, for armor, if you're good I'd advise looking into luminous armor from the Book of Exalted Deeds. It stacks with the often high dexterity bonuses to AC you get from the better defensive forms. The best defensive item for a druid is probably a monk's belt. You should absolutely look into wilding clasps from the Magic Item compendium, and pick up a belt of battle while you're there. A periapt of wisdom is a classic, and you might want a ring of the beast from Complete Champion.

For more general advice, stop worrying so much about damage. It's really not a great metric for power level. While other people are dealing mediocre blasting damage (seriously, 10d6 is highly mediocre by level 9) you can control the entire battlefield. If you really want to wreck stuff up, have your animal companion be a brown bear or something, summon up a polar bear of some variety, and hit both of them with an animal growth. Alternatively, get the feat rashemi elemental summoning from Unapproachable East, and summon up some large orglashes. Those things get an 8d6 cone of cold, and can do so three times, after which they're a more powerful large air elemental. Infinite blasting for your enjoyment. When you get SNA VI, those large orglashes become huge, and their 8d6 cone of cold becomes 15d6. Crazy damage action.