View Full Version : Will Kelgore's Grave Mist cause Exhaustion?

2013-08-16, 04:13 AM
Kelgore's Grave Mist (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/kelgores-grave-mist--2929/) is a spell from PHB2 that creates a mist that deals cold damage and saps the strength from living creature. It's discription reads:

All living creatures within the mist become fatigued and take 1d6 points of cold damage per round.

Now the 1d6 cold damage is clearly applied once per round, but I'm less clear on the Fatigue effect.

Because according to the SRD condition summary (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm) any effect that would cause Fatigue to a creature already affected by Fatigue would become Exhausted instead.

Does this mean if a creature in Kelgore's Mist that does not move out of it or prevented from leaving it by the next round becomes exhausted (Fatigued from round 1, then elevated to exhausted round 2), or is the spell limited to only causing Fatigue (or perhaps exhausting creatures that were fatigued by some other means, but not able to elevate a non-fatigued creature to exhausted by itself)?

2013-08-16, 04:23 AM
I would assume that [fatigued] and [take d6 damage each round] are separate effects. Does it give a duration for the fatigue?

2013-08-16, 04:24 AM
It seems to cause the Fatigued condition for 1 round each time they take damage so it does not stack with itself but will cause preexisting fatigue to increase to Exaustion.

2013-08-16, 04:28 AM
Actually from the looks of it, it would actually apply fatigue, and then exhaustion, by RAW. The duration of the spell is for the mist itself, not the effects of the mist, and unless otherwise stated, fatigue is permanent until removed (either by a spell or by 8 hours of rest). Since it also doesn't specifically say that those already fatigued aren't affected by that part of the spell, you would have to assume that it would then upgrade to exhaustion

2013-08-16, 04:30 AM
Grave mist specifies "as long as they are in the most and for one round thereafter", if I recall correctly. It can be stacked with other low level necromancy to shut down an enemy, but seems to set them to 'fatigued' if they are fresher than that.

2013-08-16, 04:35 AM
Grave mist specifies "as long as they are in the most and for one round thereafter", if I recall correctly. It can be stacked with other low level necromancy to shut down an enemy, but seems to set them to 'fatigued' if they are fresher than that.
There is no such wording in the spell description. Near as I can tell, the fatigue effect has no duration given.

2013-08-16, 05:03 AM
Actually from the looks of it, it would actually apply fatigue, and then exhaustion, by RAW. The duration of the spell is for the mist itself, not the effects of the mist, and unless otherwise stated, fatigue is permanent until removed (either by a spell or by 8 hours of rest). Since it also doesn't specifically say that those already fatigued aren't affected by that part of the spell, you would have to assume that it would then upgrade to exhaustion

I have to disagree totally on both of your points.

Any spell that applies a status effect, has the effect end at the end of the spell duration. If anything must be stated in the spell about this, its the exact opposite, it must mention that the effect persists beyond the spell duration.

Also, the spell can't apply exhaustion IMO, if it was ment to do so, it would be worded like "any creatude suffering dmg from this spell becomes fatigued", as it is now its clear that you become fatigued by being inside, and as a secondary effect, you take dmg/round, the instances of dmg and the status effect application are not related in any way, you may be cold immune but you would still become fatigued.

I agree that if you are already are fatigued then becoming exhausted is the proper assumption.

The Viscount
2013-08-16, 02:12 PM
Regardless of the fatigue's duration, you cannot exhaust creatures with only Kelgore's Grave Mist. To attempt to do so would be an attempt to stack effects. Spells cannot stack with themselves.

2013-08-16, 03:11 PM
Regardless of the fatigue's duration, you cannot exhaust creatures with only Kelgore's Grave Mist. To attempt to do so would be an attempt to stack effects. Spells cannot stack with themselves.

That's how I run it. The only effect a single spell can "stack" with itself is ongoing damage/round, unless the spell itself has specific language otherwise.

2013-08-16, 03:12 PM
It applies the Fatigued condition once, upon affecting a creature. If a creature leaves the spell's area and reenters, then they'll become Fatigued again, which per the standard conditions is automatically escalated to Exhausted. Just standing in the spell for its duration doesn't cause Exhaustion unless you were already Fatigued.

It applies the normal Fatigued condition (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#fatigued), which has a duration of infinite until you get 8 hours of complete rest or a Lesser Restoration or similar. The spell's Fatigued condition is instantaneous, just like damage, so it has nothing to do with stacking effects from the same source.