View Full Version : Settings with class limitations

2013-08-16, 09:50 AM
I was just wondering how many settings are using limits on what character classes are available. Most non-WotC and non-Golarion settings probably use only the PHB/CRB classes anyway, but right now the only setting I can think of is Midnight, which has the normal Barbarian, Fighter, and Rogue, as well as the new Defender, Wildlander, and Channeler classes.

Any others?

2013-08-16, 10:04 AM
Rokugan in particular. Barbarians are refluffed as Berserkers, Clerics don't natively exist, neither do other Divine Casters (excluding Shugenja). Wizards, Bards and Sorcerers (among other Arcane casters) are unheards of inside Rokugani families, although Unicorn Clans are more accepting and Yobanjin use them more often.

There is nothing to suggest however that they cannot have travelled from elsewhere. But for native Rokugani peoples there are many limitations.

2013-08-16, 10:12 AM
Doesn't Dark Sun have some kind of limit on casters?

Rokugan in particular. Barbarians are refluffed as Berserkers, Clerics don't natively exist, neither do other Divine Casters (excluding Shugenja).

Aren't Shamans divine too?

2013-08-16, 10:12 AM
Darksun is not very fond of arcane-casting PCs.

Ravenloft, in my opinion, is created for playing as commoners, and even truenamer defeats the point of playing the setting.

2013-08-16, 10:14 AM
In Dark Sun, wizards have to be defilers or preservers, and clerics get their powers from the elements. But the classes are still available, from what I can tell. (And it even has additional classes, like Gladiator and Templar).

Shamans don't exist in Rokugan either, if I remember correctly.

2013-08-16, 10:15 AM
Shamans don't exist in Rokugan either, if I remember correctly.

But they're in OA. Were they a WotC addition? They're the favored class of the Vanara.

2013-08-16, 10:23 AM
Vanara are not Rokugan, neither is it (Vanara or Shaman) within the Rokugan sourcebooks.

WotC only addition I think. As I came to 3.5e and D&d in general through the Rokugan setting, I find OA did less for it than it should have done, and generaly dislike it; although the Samurai was pretty cool in OA.