View Full Version : Which PF books to buy.

Feint's End
2013-08-16, 01:37 PM
So here is the thing. I have recently decided to change to Pathfinder (from 3.5) and I'm not quite sure about which books to buy for now. I'm gonna post here which I'm already sure about and I'd like to buy about two more or so.

Core Rulebook
Advanced Player's Guide
Bestiary (1)
Psionics Unleashed
Psionics Expanded

Which books do you guys think add the most to the game? Ultimate equipment? Advanced Races? Ultimate Magic?

Thanks in advance

2013-08-16, 02:31 PM
I would hold off on both Psionics books and pick up Ultimate Psionics instead, which will have both books combined, all new material and updated artwork. (If you must have the books now, consider buying the much cheaper PDFs instead while you wait.)

Ultimate Equipment is the must-buy after APG and Core I would say. Advanced Races Guide has great stuff as well. Ultimate Combat/Magic are nice but are only really necessary if your DM is a stickler for having the actual books at the table, as those books largely consist of options easily picked up from the PFSRD/PRD.

2013-08-16, 02:45 PM
Most of the raw mechanics from the Ultimate books are found in the PRD. Ultimate Equipment is found pretty much in its entirety on the PRD since it is nothing but stats. I would go with the Game Mastery Guide, which is very little raw mechanics and almost always useful for whatever sort of campaign you wish to run.

Feint's End
2013-08-16, 02:53 PM
Yeah I've heard about ultimate psionics but I'm really into the whole mind theme and to be honest ... Ultimate Psionic is basically just cosmetical.
I went with the advanced races guide and the advanced players guide for now. and also ultimate campaign since it seemed like a pretty interesting book to me and I'm planning on running a war heavy campaign soon anyways.

Thanks for the great suggestions though. I'm also considering ultimate equipemnt now so thanks for that.

2013-08-16, 03:00 PM
Roommate/DM got Ultimate Campaign and I can vouch for it's awesomeness.
Basically read the description. If any of those features being integrated into your game sound cool to you - buy it!

APG is a must for any Pathfinder player looking for Pathfinder's innovations beyond the 3.5 update.

Advanced Race Guide is great if your into creating home-brew races and/or prefer your fantasy worlds to be giant melting-pots of dozens of races in any given location. If that's not your thing then it may be of questionable value since three-quarters of the book is devoted to those two aspects.

Feint's End
2013-08-16, 03:06 PM
Roommate/DM got Ultimate Campaign and I can vouch for it's awesomeness.
Basically read the description. If any of those features being integrated into your game sound cool to you - buy it!

APG is a must for any Pathfinder player looking for Pathfinder's innovations beyond the 3.5 update.

Advanced Race Guide is great if your into creating home-brew races and/or prefer your fantasy worlds to be giant melting-pots of dozens of races in any given location. If that's not your thing then it may be of questionable value since three-quarters of the book is devoted to those two aspects.

Thanks for the short descriptions based on personal experience. Actually all of that seems perfectly fine to me so it kinda makes me feel I made the right decisions. Thank you