View Full Version : Pathfinder: Spell Gauge Spell

2013-08-16, 04:44 PM
Spell Gauge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/spell-gauge)

Does this really work the way that I think it does? Because the way I read it is that you cast the spell and if you get through their spell resistance and they fail their save then you learn a number of spells starting from level 1 up to level 3 equal to your caster level and that since the duration is instantaneous you maintain your knowledge of these spells. Hence if you were a sorcerer for example you could use this to learn far far more spells that you ever would with your basic spells known, and all for the cost of a level 2 spell. Am I missing anything?

2013-08-16, 04:50 PM
That's a poorly written spell, considering that it says save: Yes.

But it doesn't do what you think it does. It tells you what spells the target has prepared. It does NOT give you knowledge on how to cast them. It says nothing about you being able to cast them, or prepare them, or put them into a spellbook, so it doesn't do any of those things.

I'm guessing it's intended to let you know what spells the target has prepared so you can try to tactically prepare for them.


2013-08-16, 05:01 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhh. Gotcha. I see the difference in the phrasing now. IOW its pretty useless. How disappointing. Oh well I knew it was too good to be true. Something had to be wrong. I'm prolly still going to use a sorcerer for the arcane class on my cerebremancer since I just cant stand that whole preparing spells ahead of time thing that wizards have going on. Nigh unlimited knowledge of spells but more limited spells per day and if you want a spell you don't have you have to sleep on it and use it tomorrow. Annoying. Anyways anybody have any advice on the best ways to teach a sorcerer more spells?

2013-08-17, 01:35 AM
ahhhhhhhhhhh. Gotcha. I see the difference in the phrasing now. IOW its pretty useless. How disappointing. Oh well I knew it was too good to be true. Something had to be wrong. I'm prolly still going to use a sorcerer for the arcane class on my cerebremancer since I just cant stand that whole preparing spells ahead of time thing that wizards have going on. Nigh unlimited knowledge of spells but more limited spells per day and if you want a spell you don't have you have to sleep on it and use it tomorrow. Annoying. Anyways anybody have any advice on the best ways to teach a sorcerer more spells?

Your best option is to get as many scrolls and similar items as you can possibly find. The only things that come to mind that increase a sorcerer's Spells Known are feats, and you can find much better uses for your feats than a few extra uses for your spell slots. You'd be much better off looking for the stuff you can find a use for in any situation and letting your scrolls, wands, and (if allowed) runestaves pick up the other slack.

2013-08-18, 02:02 PM
Yeah there is a feat for a sorcerer to learn either 1 new spell up to highest level known or two and at least 1 level lower then highest known but even in pathfinder feats are still hard to come by and valuable. So I guess I will have to just put my buff spells of any kind onto wands or items and then save my spells that I need a high dc for to use against targets for my spells known.

Huh, I did just find this however, Page of Spell Knowledge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/m-p/page-of-spell-knowledge)

Huh and this as well Ring of Spell Knowledge

Ok now I have some hope for getting more spells known although pages are absurdly expensive I have to say but its still an option. Wonder what else is out there. Anybody got any recommendations?

2013-08-18, 02:45 PM
Perhaps I'm just being daft, but what does that Page of Spell Knowledge do, exactly? The name makes it sound like you can learn an additional spell, but that seems ridiculously overpowered given the relatively low cost and how valuable that one extra spell known can be for a spontaneous caster (especially for the first 4 spell levels).

It also doesn't cover the process needed to learn the spell or any checks that might be required to do so.

2013-08-18, 02:51 PM
Perhaps I'm just being daft, but what does that Page of Spell Knowledge do, exactly? The name makes it sound like you can learn an additional spell, but that seems ridiculously overpowered given the relatively low cost and how valuable that one extra spell known can be for a spontaneous caster (especially for the first 4 spell levels).

It also doesn't cover the process needed to learn the spell or any checks that might be required to do so.

Its low cost because you don't actually learn the spell. While you have the Page of Spell Knowledge you can cast the spell as if you knew it, but you don't actually know it. Meaning its benefits end when you don't have the item anymore.

2013-08-18, 02:56 PM
Ah, thank you. It seems I am being daft, as I glazed over that third sentence somehow and when I went back to reread it just now had to double check that it was even the same pfsrd entry I had read initially.

2013-08-18, 04:25 PM
thankfully it doesnt take up a slot however so you can have as many as you want. Heck it doesn't even require you to be holding it in your hand to use it but that's more RAW and less RAI. I mean irl it wouldn't make any sense to be able to cast the spell if you aren't even looking at it. Thankfully though since im not a blaster or anything most uses I have for my spells and powers arent the kind of thing where I need to do it right this second and I dont have enough actions to pull a page out of my haversack.

2013-08-18, 05:38 PM
Looks like a single-spell version of a runestaff. That'll solve a LOT of your problems, and can be cheaper than getting scrolls/wands of a lot of spells. It'd work best on the spells you have large amounts of use for but can't fit on your list. A page of, say, Rope Trick would go very nicely if your party doesn't have a wizard willing to throw the party a bone.

If you got obscene amounts of money for whatever inane reason, you could conceivably abuse the mortal **** out of these by making a book filled with them and basically turning into this chick; http://castlevania.wikia.com/wiki/Charlotte_Aulin Should get a couple laughs from anyone who likes Castlevania. I'd do it myself, but I gotta find a game first. ^_^;;