View Full Version : rate build please...

2013-08-16, 11:52 PM
Human cleric with half nymph template. (dm allows buy back)

rolled stats after adjustments for template and levels str 18, dex 15, con 16, int 12, wis 10, cha 24.

1 through 4 LE cleric of Pelor the burning hate. Dm allowed though Pelor still hates undead, so still turns as a good priest. Chosen domains are strength and sun.
Flaws Murky eyed and frail.
Feats extra turning, combat reflexes, dynamic priest, extend spell, weapon focus light mace.

5 though 9 ordained champion.
Change out 2 domain powers for ewp spike chain and combat expertise.
6th lvl feat persist spell and 9th is divine meta magic persist spell.

10 though 12 is Radiant servant of pelor altered for burning hate as all healing becomes harm. Rest of class is standard as he still hates undead.
12 th lvl feat is improved trip.

Way I plan to play. Buff up with all the DMM. Strength gives me enlarge person as a first level domain spell, so I can grow to large and persist it. Persist stat buffs and divine favor and such. I have 14 turns to fuel DMM. Dynamic priest allows me to dump wisdom and run off charisma. I have Spiked chain. Ordained champ lets me channel spells into a weapon. The change to radiant servant of the burning hate allows empowered harm spells that I can channel through my chain which now has a 15ft reach. Combat reflexes allows me 2 attacks of opportunity. Improved trip is there because I will have size bonus and bulls strength persisted. I plan to use 5 foot steps to keep the reach. Cast on my action if needed. If the opponent moves 10 feat to get to me, use an AoO and try to trip to keep them at the range.

Ace Nex
2013-08-17, 02:32 AM
Decent Enough, but you may run into a few problems against heartier undead with turn/positive energy resistance. Lichs in particular should be a pain if they are played correctly, as they will dispel many of your buffs on round 1, their lair will probably have you stooping around as is, their illusions will make your melee attacks useless, and their range/ability to move around the battlefield will make your reach less potent as well. Also watch out, as many undead deal charisma and wisdom damage and drain, so if you dump wisdom you may go coma, and if you rely on charisma, hits to that decrease your ability as well. As with many Melee classes, it is fairly easy to counter if the encounter is build correctly, which means you may be force to wait and mop up lower mooks/other party members dispel/bring the BBEG into range for you.

That being said, like many Melee Builds your damage all in all should be pretty good. The tripping only works if they aren't bigger than your, but most undead aren't so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. I do however, have a vendetta against Flaws, and I think it's a bit of an oxymoron to have a "frail" 18 Strength GIANT cleric beating people with a spiked chain. It's hard for me to see that justified as part of RP and NOT a cheap gimmick used by a player to grab extra boom. Truth be told, I think a straight cleric would be the stronger character and create a more cohesive role in the party, but if you want to be a kind of "Divine-Gish" character smacking undead around in the name of the evil sun God, go for it.

2013-08-17, 02:54 AM
You've got the reach on your chain wrong.

Normally a chain has 10ft reach. When you enlarge someone, their reach doubles. In your case, that means 20 ft.

The halfogre that :roy: fought had a poor understanding of the rules, while Roy barely passed his class on AOOs.

The rules mention your reach increasing by 5ft. But the rules generally are written for medium size characters with non-reach weapons.

2013-08-17, 03:01 AM
You are aware that Dynamic Priest only changes your casting stat with regards to maximum spell level and bonus spells? The spell save DC's are still calculated using wisdom.

Also, you are better off persisting Righteous Might and Divine Power instead of Enlarge person and Bull's Strenght.

2013-08-17, 06:57 AM
Thanks guys. My DM uses destroy undead option. I would do 12d6 plus some extra from radient servant damage against undead though things with turn resistance will reduce that. Also, I have 14 turns. I should be able to persist righteous might, divine power, enlarge, bulls str, owls wisdom and more if I get nightsticks. I should also be able to increase my wisdom with items with wbl by this point. As far as frail flaw. It reduces my hit points by 1 per lvl. I viewed it as more con based. Character doesn't like getting hit, thus investing the time in reach weapon and tripping to keep things at a distance. I should be dealing good damage when I get to channel an empowered inflict critical wounds through my chain, though I hate that a touch spell still has a save for half.