View Full Version : Druid(or better) / Wizard PRC?

2013-08-17, 03:02 AM
When I was a kid I always though Wizard were more like Druids, flavor-wise.

I'm trying to get that on paper, what are some good prc's for Druid/Mages, and are there batter classes than an actual Druid to get the old man of the forest feel?

Maybe even a vancian "nature" magic class?

2013-08-17, 04:56 AM
Well you can give most classes any fluff you want... And there is also a class called spirit shaman... Good prc s for druids are planar Shepard moonspeaker and moar druid. But if you want a wizard "druid" be a specialist conjurer trade familiar for animal companion and go into sentinel of bharrai (a bear god)

You could also do it with a cleric by choosing natures domains taking natural bond feat oh and polymorph domain I think it's called

You could have any class even paladin as the old guy in the woods theme...

2013-08-17, 05:13 AM
Arcane Hierophant is a theurge class focused on druid/wizard! I think it's in races of the wild.

2013-08-17, 05:58 AM
Arcane Hierophant is a theurge class focused on druid/wizard! I think it's in races of the wild.

Yeah, Druid 3/Wizard 3/AH 10/Mystic Theurge 6 is pretty solid and gets double nines.
Possibly not as good as Druid or Wizard 20, since you delay casting three levels, but not bad by any means.

It does run into some slight issues with having casting on Int and Wis, but Druids don't really need much Wis to be good.

Oh, and your might be able to get some class features from AH even if you haven't had them previously, depending on reading. So find some good ACFs.

2013-08-17, 06:02 AM
Geomancer might be worth a look, though Arcane Hierophant is indubitably stronger.