View Full Version : Retraining and PrC Requirements

2013-08-17, 01:03 PM
Using the retraining rules, in cases of minor requirements like the Prestige Paladin's 4 ranks in Ride and Mounted Combat, would it be fair to retrain these values later if we opted to forgo the special mount feature in favor of something like Cityscape's Standfast alternative feature?

I wouldn't dare suggest it's possible to exchange any PrC skill or feat requirements; only in a minor case like this would I dare suggest this. Okaying this for every PrC would be to like saying a Vassal of Bahamut can suddenly forgo his Sacred Vow and Vow of Obedience, and that's a definite no go.

2013-08-17, 02:03 PM
Isn't it actually 4 ranks in ride? I wouldn't call 4 to 8 (if cross class) skill points and an extra feat minor requirements.

That said, it's up to the DM on which rules he wants to bend.

2013-08-17, 02:06 PM
Isn't it actually 4 ranks in ride? I wouldn't call 4 to 8 (if cross class) skill points and an extra feat minor requirements.

That said, it's up to the DM on which rules he wants to bend.

You're right about the ranks in Ride. I got it mentally mixed with the 2 ranks in each Knowledge. My mistake.

I was gonna discuss it with my DM. I think it would be a fair trade, since I opted to not be a mounted knight. Since the skill retraining only allows going up to 4 points when retraining, I thought it would make sense, since that's all I had in ride.

2013-08-17, 02:23 PM
If you're just asking if it's something you should bring up, by all means. The worst that can happen is the DM says no.

My DM will often let us fudge things (usually in regards to alignment) so long as it makes sense and isn't likely to break the game.

2013-08-17, 02:54 PM
Did ask him. He said that, "a knight doesn't need to summon a horse to know how to ride one." So he wouldn't let me trade them out. Went on to add, "if it's a requirement for any class or ability, you can't trade it out. Anything else, though, free game."