View Full Version : Astral Construct Tournament ?

2013-08-17, 01:36 PM
So varoius things happen for magical folks to compete in , largest fireballs, magical due;s, summoners fighting each other with creations.

What do folks here think of using the summoners fighting each other with creations, to allow the thought of running a tournament for astral constructs?

Is their a chance for variety of creations, or only one or two build types that would be successful ?

2013-08-17, 01:39 PM
So varoius things happen for magical folks to compete in , largest fireballs, magical due;s, summoners fighting each other with creations.

What do folks here think of using the summoners fighting each other with creations, to allow the thought of running a tournament for astral constructs?

Is their a chance for variety of creations, or only one or two build types that would be successful ?Basically, the one who has the most levels in constructor, Linked Power, and the highest ML would win, I think. There's really not much support for psionic options like astral constructs until you go into 3rd party stuff like Hyperconscious and Untapped Potential.

You could set challenges to be overcome, I guess, but it'd still depend on who had all that stuff I mentioned above.

2013-08-17, 01:47 PM
So just sticking to wizards summoning would be more interesting overall you think for my potential players?

2013-08-17, 01:52 PM
Since you can shape constructs however you want (within the bounds of their size and menu abilities), I think constructs in play are more fun, but they're certainly nowhere near as optimizable in the metagame.

I suppose you can find ways to push the players in question into stretching their imaginations with the power. However, the main ways to optimize the use of the Astral Construct power are what I mentioned above, along with avoiding "ectopic" anything.

[edit] I suppose taking Leadership and getting a caster to magically boost the construct further is doable, but that feels like cheating.

2013-08-17, 01:56 PM
The idea am having, is sort of a pokemon like styled fighitng, two players are the psionic folks, and they create the two constructs to face off against each other.

2013-08-17, 02:00 PM
The idea am having, is sort of a pokemon like styled fighitng, two players are the psionic folks, and they create the two constructs to face off against each other.I don't think that would work overly well. Setting up unusual and complicated challenges to overcome seems like a much better test, since all the players would need to do would be to create the biggest construct possible with the best suite of abilities available, and since there's a very small list of decent abilities, and the manifesters would ostensibly be the same level (with a very tiny range of optimization options), it'd basically turn into who gets the best initiative combined with rock/paper/scissors gameplay.

Chained Birds
2013-08-17, 07:06 PM
Setting up unusual and complicated challenges to overcome seems like a much better test,...

This actually sounds like a fun idea.

The competition would include an unknown objective that the participants would have their construct complete. They would first create their constructs blindly, just going by intuition, any scraps of info they were able to find out, and potentially a hint given out before the start of the game (Like "Water").

Constructs would wear an emblem that forces them to exist until the match is over, in addition to tracking the creature so the monitors can know where they are at all times. This makes it so the announcers and audience know what is happening at all times, and it gives the security a way to deal with any rogue constructs (Because you never know what could happen when powerful Psionics are brought in).

The rules for each match vary depending on the objective, though you cannot directly harm the audience or the non-construct participants by any means.


Well, that's my take on it.

2013-08-17, 07:12 PM
Keep in mind that the manifesters must direct the constructs at all times, since they have Int scores of --. They could continue performing a specific action until told otherwise, but they cannot change their behavior on their own initiative.

Chained Birds
2013-08-17, 07:54 PM
Keep in mind that the manifesters must direct the constructs at all times, since they have Int scores of --. They could continue performing a specific action until told otherwise, but they cannot change their behavior on their own initiative.

That's why the Manifester would also be in the ring, calling out orders and junk. Also why there is a rule for directly attacking the non-construct members (Would be too easy otherwise).

2013-08-17, 08:14 PM
starting to feel like thishttp://i.imgur.com/veOjFeA.jpg