View Full Version : Woochi: Tao Wizard

2013-08-17, 05:35 PM
Ok, this is a exercise in character building. I need help optimizing this for flavor, not for ZOMG, I AM GOD OF THE REALMS, EVERYONE DIES.
I am trying to make a D&D 3.5 character based off of Woo Chi: the demon slayer from the korean film by the same name. I am playing in a fifth level campaign and currently all the bases are covered so I can do whatever I want. (I would like to be somewhat useful though).

I can gestalt within a small list: Fighter, Monk, CA Ninja, Healer, Swashbuckler, Rokugan Ninja, Soulknife, Expert, OA Samurai, Paladin, and Knight.

Ability array: 17 16 14 12 10 8

Any official templates/race is allowed as long as end up with an ECL of 5. Any official material for class/feat is allowed as long as I can find it detailed somewhere. (includes dragon magazine articles)

We get a bonus feat at level 1, two extra fully ranked skills (preferrably something corner case and not something like tumble which most drool over)

Humans lose +1 skill point/level and gain +2 to any one ability score.

Currently my build looks something like this:

Human Wizard 2/[Monk|Swashbuckler] 3, Level 5, Init +4, HP 45/45, Speed 40
AC 18, Touch 18, Flat-footed 14, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 4
Unarmed Strike +8 (1d6+5, 20/x2)
Flurry of Blows +6/+6 (1d6+5/1d6+5, 20/x2)
Applies to touch and flat-footed My massive intellect (+4 Dex, +4 Misc)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Feats Practiced Spellcaster: wizard, Scribe scroll, Carmendine Monk, Combat casting, Weapon Finesse, stunning fist, knowledge devotion, deflect arrows.
Features Impromptu Metamagic, Monk AC Bonus (Int Based), Monk Unarmed Strike (1d6), Flurry of Blows (-2), Evasion, Arcane Flourish (Feather Fall), Insightful Stike

1: Wizard 1
2: Gestalt 1
3: Gestalt 2
4: Gestalt 3
5: Wizard 2

I am planning on taking Obtain familiar (Dog) at level 6 and extend spell at level 9 for Impromptu metamagic (if we even get that far). I was considering Enlightened fist for prestige class and once hit third level spells, Geometer, and then returning to pick up 2 more levels of Enlightened fist before finishing out with something else (I doubt we will make it to this point).

An alternative route I have considered is Duskblade 3, Wizard 2 progressing to Ultimate Magus after taking wizard 3 for 2nd level prepared spells. I also Considered a Monk|Fighter 1/Sorcerer 4 Then picking up both Enlightened fist and Ascetic Mage at level 6.

I would like to work in Bane Magic (evil: outsider) and have looked at Sanctified spells, especially using the aligned caster alternative for good and Spell focus (good) (a bit cheesy, but they prevented me from playing an assassinish character because the party didn't want to associate with someone who was technically evil, even though my assassinish guy followed a strict code and despite being a killer for hire wasn't such a bad individual.

Thanks in advance.

2013-08-17, 07:51 PM
Just in case it helps Woochi is a Tao wizard, he is immortal, he fights with a staff that he often enhances with his spells. He seems to use a lot of illusion effects such as mirror image and blur and shadowy teleport/blink. He can also phase into objects. The spells he casts come from Sigils written on little pieces of paper. He also has levitate/jump/featherfall effects. He is potent at slaying demons/oni and his best friend is a Dog that he has given human form. Eventually he learns to trace his sigils with his mind to increased effect. He seems to wear cloth/leather armor or no armor at all.

2013-08-17, 10:35 PM
I found this movie on Netflix and watched it so that I could better advise you on your choices (it was pretty good btw) but I don't think I really have anything that would improve the character at the current level. You've got the character down rather well with this build.

2013-08-17, 11:30 PM
Thanks for your reply. I am a big fan of the character, and I am glad you enjoyed the movie!

2013-08-18, 12:31 AM
What if i alter it so I have str 16 dex 16 con 12 gestalt fighter instead of swashbuckler and be gestalt 2 wizard 3... that should be better no? 1 less ac 1 less bab, same saves, dont need weapon finesse, improved toughness instead... still have one more bonus feat that not sure what to do with...