View Full Version : NPC Level 7 Summoners Creation help ?

2013-08-17, 08:06 PM
So am making some a summoners for a monster vs monster game, and while am busy creating arena's and making rules for my Players to follow when they face each other, I would like the forums help on making some NPC Summoners.

I would like the idea of them based on difficulty aka level of optimization. "easy,medium, hard "

The premise is that A player can summon 3 monsters , and they face another player having the same, in an arena with random designs and traps.

I have kept the rules rather lose for my players, so I would do the same here, with three basic concepts for help I would like to ask for


1. No psionic or incarnum summoners

2. Monsters cannot summon other monsters

3. at will abilities have a 3 round cool down

4. All teleport methods have a 3 round cool down.

5. No Banishing or Dismissal Spell

6. Flying is limited to 60ft above whatever you are currently above (some arenas have hills or towers)

7. Protection from whatever does not prevent summoned creatures from attacking each other, but it does provide bonus for whatever affects normally.

7. Initiative is a flat 1d20 with no modifiers , 1st round is for buffing by monsters and summoners methods, 2nd for moving into places without the other side seeing you or attacking you. The 3rd does combat as usual allowing the initiative to take affect as normal.

What I would like folks to consider when building these, if you are kind enough to help out.

1. Level 7 creations , monsters summoned cannot be templates but things like greenbound feat or augmented summoning feats can be used.

2. The stats of the summoners really do not matter, so summoners have a flat 18 casting stat for whatever build they are going for.

3. You can use PRC's

4. All sources allowed besides Incarnum & Psioinic

5. Would like a easy, medium, and hard versions of NPC's to throw against my players if they are the odd person out and no one to fight, or just wish to fight something that does not count as part of ladder.

6. Supposedly two fights per day, so no builds that go supernova for one fight, as that would create a lack of strategic thinking, as the NPC would have to fight another person but have no spell slots available.

7. Summoners can use the first round to enhance their team, but not cast any spells after that.