View Full Version : primordial 3.5 or pathfinder

2013-08-17, 10:49 PM
Hello everyone I am new to the forums and was looking some help on creating a NPC's/Monsters for a campaign that I am running or maybe a template for the NPC's/monsters this is an epic campaign with the ACL being level 45 I want to have my players come up against primortals Fire, Ice, Storm(wind), Earth not all at once but it will be part of a long quest. The most difficult thing for me as a DM is creating a new monster one that will challenge my players. So is there a template or maybe can some one help me create them?

Thank you Aareleb.

2013-08-18, 12:58 AM
DnD 3.5 has Elemental Monoliths, which are pretty beefy elementals for around level 16. Pumping them up with Template would fit thematically.

Since you are the DM, I would suggest Homebrewing something up. Something with like 100 HD, immunities and element abilities. Maybe some ninth level SLAs.

2013-08-18, 02:21 AM
In Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil you fight a CR 17 version of Imix, Prince of Evil Fire Elementals. There's also a template for Half-Elementals.
I'm pretty sure that there's an issue of Dragon with higher level elemental princes.
Ofcourse, you could also check out the Primal Elementals from the Epic Level Handbook and then add stuff from there. That's a CR of 35, but you could easily add to that.

Edit: Ah, they're called Archomentals: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archomental. They range from CR 21 to 24...

2013-08-18, 09:07 AM
thank you for the info guys.

2013-08-18, 09:50 AM

Up their HD by 40 to increase their CR by 10, or add templates (Orglosh and Thommil from Unapproachable East would be a good start).

2013-08-18, 07:15 PM
I have never even seen the Unapproachable East book. Thanks for all the info guys