View Full Version : Template removal

2013-08-18, 05:38 AM
As discussed here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=298043), there are no specific rules for what happens to a character when a template is removed.

How do you handle this ? To me, I would think that removing a template is the opposite process to applying one. For instance, if applying the template grants a +6 bonus to strength, removal takes away the bonus. Likewise, if the template grants vulnerability to sunlight, the vulnerability goes away once the template is removed.

Thus for abilities and features granted by the template. For things such as alignment, it doesn't necessarily change the alignment back, but it does remove the *requirement* to be a particular alignment.

For instance, let's say John Smith (NG) is vamped into John Smithcula. He must be some variant on evil, and the most likely is NE, because it does the least possible change to the character and facilitates roleplay of same. If Smithcula is subsequently staked and resurrected, the *requirement* to be [something evil] is removed but it does not necessarily follow that Smith reverts to his original alignment. He's been through a traumatic experience. He may return to his original NG alignment, retain his current NE alignment, or decide that the character's experience has been sufficiently mind-croggling to choose an entirely new alignment altogether. So removing the template does not *force* him to revert to NG. It does however, remove the *requirement* to be LE, NE, or CE. So when playing a vampire the player may choose from the alignments LE, NE, or CE, but absent the template the player may choose any of the nine alignments.

Would you rule differently? If so, how?


Brian P.

2013-08-18, 06:05 AM
I was going to say that Dragonborn of Bahamut lose any benefits conferred by their original race (such as additional skillpoints for humans), but they don't actually change your template. You're still considered humanoid, just with the dragonblood subtype.

What you described sounds reasonable, though. If you raise someone from the dead back to their original race after being a vampire, it's not as if they keep vampire traits. If they were aware of what happened to them, though, that's enough to change their mentality.