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View Full Version : Colonizing an Area with Fictional Characters.

2013-08-18, 11:22 AM
Your group must be 5-10 groups (excluding your avatar or yourself). Your class include warrior, combat engineer, Sniper, Mage, and non-mary sue characters. No Mary Sues for your group either.
My group will include:
- Twilight Sparkle (Scientist, Range Unit, "Emergency Ration" if she had to be put down or disagree with some of my "good ideas")
- Swedish Chef (Cook, Melee Unit)
- Sniper (Range Unit, Scout, Guard)
- Simon from Yogscast (Miner, Melee Unit, Builder)
- Vin Diesel (Driver, Scout, and Range Unit)
My Unit: Minecraft avatar with Combat Engineer Class. Armed with Rifle (Weapon Maintenance, Builder, and Melee Unit).
Loadout: 100 pounds of Beef Jerkies, 60 bales of Hays, 300 lbs. of vegetables, 5 water canteens, water purifying equipment, 10 Gallons of Beers, 5 rifles (1 Sniper Rifle and 4 Semi Automatic Rifle), 500 rifle catridges, Bullet Presser, 7 machetes, 3 Kukris, 3 combat knives, a Half Track (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-track) powered by magic crystal, gas stove, and 2 dozen hand grenades.
The world will be a mix of Dwarf Fortress (Fun, Monsters, work stations and Minerals), Sid Meier's Colonization (Interaction with Natives and waves of Colonists), and Minecraft (Day and Night Cycle, and Item crafting).
So what do you plan for your Colony group?