View Full Version : Shadowchums: Denver Edition

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2013-08-18, 08:15 PM
Life has been pretty slow lately. You have had a nice rest from the shadows, but the month is almost up. You needed to find a job to pay for your expenses. You sent out some feelers concerning your line of work.

This afternoon, it seems like those feelers have paid off. A few minutes ago, you got off of the phone with someone who is on the fast track to being your best buddy. He called about a job. The meeting is at 4:30 at Denim, a nightclub in the Pueblo sector. The caller sggested that you come ready to 'run. It is currently 2:00 pm.

2013-08-18, 09:29 PM
Declan makes his way down to the city streets, doing his best to look sleek and presentable. He makes sure he's well equipped for the night ahead of him, he loads his specialized Ruger thunderbolt with lethal ammunition and tucks it into his trench coat. His other equipment safe in an attaché he hails a taxi and gives the man directions.

2013-08-19, 04:27 AM
Having swabbed the clinic down after the last patient and put everything back in it's rightful place, Fran turns to the more mobile gear and gets it ready for the upcoming run.

A place for everything and everything in its place!

One hold all containing the scuba equipment and combat helmet; one containing the various pieces of armour to wear later; both attached to their mounts on the bike and secured with locks.

Backpack strategically packed with med gear in easy to access pockets and the bigger gear on the inside, respirator hung on clips on my belt. Weapons loaded and stowed, knife in my boot sheath, baton in my pocket; all power sources fully recharged, comm-link showing green status and ready.

Guess I'm good to go.

Starting, and mounting, the bike Fran heads off to the meeting. Parking up outside the venue and securing the bike Fran sees a figure huddled in the shadows of the building.

"If anyone so much as touches my gear I'll hang them from the nearest overpass with a micro wire noose round their thumbs and genitals!"

Fran then has a quick, last check of the bike's security and heads in for the meeting.

2013-08-19, 06:55 AM
After being up all night gaming in VR, Ygor eventually fell asleep some time in the early hours. Waking up he sees the message to meet at Denim and checks thetime. He's got just enough time to make it if he sets off straight away.

Slipping out of bed and hitting the floor with a thunk and a "****..." he scrapes together some clothes and has a quick breakfast of cold, half-eaten soy-burger before pulling on his jacket. He stows his Uzi under the jacket and slips his baton into his pocket, flicking it out to extension first to check it's working. Rubbing his face to wake himself up he almost trips over the passed out drunk in the hallway as he leaves his apartment, stepping over the guy he continues down the filthy stairs and out into the streets.

He knows the way well enough and walks just quick enough to get there on time, the flickering lights of his AR display flashing advertising before his eyes as he makes his way to the door, spotting Fran's bike outside as he walks in.

2013-08-19, 07:51 AM
Declan walks the last leg of the path, taking the taxi only a few blocks away to drop any thing linking him to the seedy club.

2013-08-19, 11:53 AM
Walking out of the Droid shop. Chapen starts to walk towards metro to take him to there. While on metro he starts to check to make sure he has everything for a rough night ahead. He get off at the closes stop which is still about four block away. It look like I have dome time to check my guns before heading in.

2013-08-19, 03:32 PM
Fran notices Ygor enter the club, thinking well my friend, don't you look better than when I last saw you?

Catching Ygor's eye, Fran nods and tries to indicate that the visit is all business.

2013-08-19, 04:59 PM
Ygor is immediately assailed by both sound and light. The clubs music is loud and thumping and in AR the amount of peoples public profiles pinging into view amidst adverts for drinks offers causes a strange effect as they mix with the lights, with a small gesture he pushes them all to his peripheral view and looks around. Spotting Fran he shoves his way through the crowd to the dwarf "What are you doing here?" he grunts, completely skipping over any niceties like "Hello"

2013-08-19, 05:05 PM
Inside the club, you notice a distinct Hopi Native American theme. The walls are covered in Hopi artwork and memorabillia. This early in the day, the tribal beats have been turned down from eardrum shattering to merely loud. The bartender is a tired looking middle aged female human wearing a traditional Hopi dress. She notices you and turns her attention to you. She says: "What do you want to drink?"

2013-08-19, 06:19 PM
Jack carries himself into the club and takes a look around, unsure if he's ever frequented the place before. "Gimme' a shot of scotch" he says, his familiar accent catching the attention of the runners before turning around to rest his slender frame on the bar. "Afternoon, you two, 'ere for the same I am?" he makes an effort to not make eye contact with the two beside him.

2013-08-19, 07:04 PM
Making it to the club Chapen walks in sets at the bar. " give me a shot of vodka." look around to notice the other runners. But just set there quietly and takes his shot. Now it is time to wait.

2013-08-20, 04:06 AM
Ygor turns and snarls "What's it to you, suit?"

2013-08-20, 09:39 AM
"Always good to know who your workin with" he drinks his scotch and shakes his head is it goes down. "Always prefer to work a job with a friendl... familia..." He looks at he Ork's uninviting scowl and decides to change his words. "Well a known face." Declan turns his gaze back to the dance floor. Closing his eyes for a moment he opens them again, this time gazing into the astral plane.

2013-08-20, 11:02 AM
Vynzzt had been out late the night before Running the streets and rooftops alike. He liked the freedom of running the rooftops, and did it on most nights he could get away. He got to bed late and had a late start to the day, so he rushed through all of his preperations and hopped onto his Bike and Sped to the Club afraid of being late after not having many jobs recently. He pulled up to the club and ripped it to a stop and then proceeded to walk in calm and collected. Upon entering the club, he immediately noticed a popular club song playing that he liked and he started bobbing his head to the music. he walks to the bar and has a seat and looks to the bartender "I will have a Screaming Goblin and add alittle fire to it." he gets a shotglass pushed at him with an odd mixture alcohol and with a fire lit on the surface of it. He take up the glass and swiftly blows out the fire and downs it all in one motion, slamming the glass on the bar. he then turns and sits with his back against the bar watching the dance floor and waiting for the contact to show himself.

2013-08-20, 11:10 AM
The bartender adresses the group: "You guys the 'runners I was told to watch for? You sure don't look like any of the regulars."

2013-08-20, 11:25 AM
Quick to reply but still refusing to turn or make eye contact Declan opens his mouth. "Regulars runners she says hah, no personally I dont get out of bed unless the pay's enough so I'd say your boss is looking for specialist help. Can we get this meeting underway. Names Connell, Declan Connell" The suited elf turns around to shake the woman's hand.

2013-08-20, 11:36 AM
She turns and points to a door in the back of the club. "He is in the back room there."

2013-08-20, 11:46 AM
Addressing the world in general, but making sure the bartender and the suit can here Fran says; "Specialist is about right; not many Runners will do what I do!"

turning to the suit she continues,

"Looks like we're gonna form a real special team here Chum, why don't you lead on through and I'll follow on at the back?"

and to the others,

"You fellas better head on through in case he" nodding towards Declan with a smile "gets in to the wrong room!"

Fran hangs back and then follows the rest through.

2013-08-20, 12:07 PM
The back room is set up like a medicine lodge. The floor is covered in what appear to be authentic skins. Several cushions surround a firepit in the center of the room, where a small brazier currently burns. The atmosphere is smoky and aromatic, but a metal chimney seems to be pulling most of the smoke out of the room. Directly across from the door, behind the brazier, a man dressed in a grey business suit and wearing a traditional Hopi mask ( emblazoned with a stylized raven) sits. He silently gestures for you to enter and take a seat.

2013-08-20, 12:17 PM
Vynzzt gets up and follows the group in to the room, being second to last into the room. He skeptically walks over and has a seat and removes his helmet placing it in his lap letting his long following almost white blond hair fall out and around his slender face. His eyes seem to flash with fire from there orange coloration, while his multiple piercings shimmer in the light of the brazier. He waits not saying a word, but sitting ready and focused on the man, eyes locked on his every move.

2013-08-20, 12:25 PM
Ygor snorts derisively when the barmaid ignores Declans hand and points to the back "Smooth move ,suit".

Walking into the back room he takes a quick look around and lets out another snort, but he's smart enough not to say anything, this guy could be a witch doctor who'd shrink his nuts or something. He walks to a cushion and sits clumsily with a heavy thunk, his legs stretched out towards the fire.

2013-08-20, 12:31 PM
Declan is the first sit down in the decorated room looking around with a charming smile he tries to recollect proper native etiquette
Aneone know how to order these lowest to highest? Makes it easier to read.
Charisma (6)+Etiquette (2)= (8)

2013-08-20, 01:53 PM
Fran follows the others in to the room, takes a brief look round and sits quietly down, near the entrance but not directly in front of it.

just right for a quick bug-out if things go down badly, but no chance of someone sneaking up on me from behind.

As part of lowering down to the cushion Fran adjusts the holstered taser to a more comfortable position for sitting; coincidentally highlighting the fact that it is there and making it easier to get at if there is a need for it.

Once settled Fran focuses on the Johnston in the mask.

2013-08-20, 02:21 PM
The man speaks in a Native American accent: " Greetings, I am Mr. Johnson. Thank you for coming. My fellows need you to deliver a package. We expect our enemies to try to disrupt the delivery. You will each be paid 3000¥, half now and half upon completion. Are you interested? "

2013-08-20, 02:27 PM
"I have a few questions first before we jump into this, i don't care much for what we're carrying but just what kind of trouble are we expecting?"

2013-08-20, 02:36 PM
I don't care what we run into I will take it out

2013-08-20, 02:42 PM
"There are several organizations, some governmental and some illegal, that may object to the contents of the package".

2013-08-20, 02:49 PM
he lets out an odd sound that was something like a chuckle then says in his gruff voice not normal for an elf Sounds...Interesting. I want more information, though. Hell, I don't even know if i can trust half of these people not to stab me themselves and take my cut. his eyes circle the room looking at everyone Anyways, I tend to work alone, but if you can give me more to go on, maybe i'll reconcider.]

2013-08-20, 02:55 PM
"I can provide transportation, and perhaps an easier way across the borders. I need you to agree before I can tell you the details".

2013-08-20, 03:05 PM
Declan looks around the room " Governmental eh. Government is bad for people like us, 3 grand is good... for a street ganger who will get you caught. Maybe we can come to a price that better fits me and my... associates abilities"

negotiation roll
Do i get a bonus for the 3 etiqutte successes

2013-08-20, 03:21 PM
You may roll 2 more dice for the etiquette hits.

2013-08-20, 03:52 PM
Ygor leans back. propping himself up on his elbows. He's prepared to let Suit-boy negotiate if he can get them some more Yen, but 3000 wasn't something to be sniffed at. That might just be a nice shiny new pair of shoes for the Suit but for Ygor that was living money for a while. He did have one question though

"Why aren't your own boys doing this? Or your 'regulars'? Why us?"

2013-08-20, 04:04 PM
" My organization, and the recipient's organization came to an agreement to use a nuetral party for the delivery. None of you have ties to any of the organizations who may be interested in the package ".

2013-08-20, 04:17 PM
Declan looks around the room " Governmental eh. Government is bad for people like us, 3 grand is good... for a street ganger who will get you caught. Maybe we can come to a price that better fits me and my... associates

"I can offer 1800¥ on my end, but I can not change the amount from the recipient. You will have to convince him that you did a good job."

2013-08-20, 04:19 PM
Having been caught out before Fran has 2 questions:

hmmm, package as in object or package as in person? And I hope it doesn't need to arrive without a few scrapes and bumps!

Oh we'll, this suit seems to know what he's doing, but I'll need to get my out of pocket expenses covered somewhere; I'll bring it up later.

2013-08-20, 04:22 PM
Having been caught out before Fran has 2 questions:

[i]hmmm, package as in object or package as in person? And I hope it doesn't need to arrive without a few scrapes and bumps!

"It is a letter in a manila envelope."

2013-08-20, 04:23 PM
"I see, so even though you're working with the guys, you don't trust 'em, and they don't trust you. Great."

Ygor lays on his back and sighs, his hands covering his face, he suddenly sits bolt upright and says "Screw it, I'm in. 1800 is good for me."

2013-08-20, 04:30 PM
"1,800 is fair, I'm in." Declan gives the chief a respectful nod, a he waits for his cohorts.

2013-08-20, 04:47 PM
"Seems reasonable given what you're getting for your money; I'm in.

Of course medical treatment for my colleagues, beyond keeping you alive on the job and possibly getting you out, will need to be on a commercial basis with the individuals; but don't worry chummers, I offer a Friends and Family discount!"

2013-08-20, 04:54 PM
Chapen does not say anything he just give a thumb up and walk towards the door waiting to hear the details of the run.

2013-08-20, 05:01 PM
"What dwarf? You wanna get paid TWICE for doing your job?"

In a seemingly unrelated action, Ygor takes his jacket off, and pulls of his t-shirt and armour vest "Don't be getting yourselves too excited, perverts" he reaches down and touches a seemingly innocuous part of his torso, which clicks and then opens up to reveal a small compartment "Gimme the letter, Johnson. I can keep it stashed"

2013-08-20, 05:20 PM
He was hesitant, but for that mount of money it was hard to turn down and he was starting to itch from the want to use his sword. Fine. i'll agree to that amount. What are the details? and I am assuming this does not have to be covert. if people come after us, murder and that sort of stuff is ok with both partys?

2013-08-20, 05:25 PM
"Now, now Ygor; you know how it works. I'm on the crew to keep you all alive for the duration of the run and to try and get you out of the drek when something bad goes down. Once we're home and dry, long term care comes at a price; but I'm sure we can find agreeable rates amongst ourselves."

Fran actually smiles at this, a friendly smile.

2013-08-20, 06:02 PM
"The delivery adress is 4529 Billing Street. It is in the Montbello district of the UCAS sector. As we are in the Pueblo sector, you will have to cross into the CAS sector first. For this purpose I will give you the contact information for a coyote called Stalker. After you get to CAS, you may use another coyote called Peaches. She will get you into UCAS. When you arrive at the adress, say that you have the letter from the Koshari for Omar Chavez. You must be there by 7:30 pm". He hands the envelope to Ygor, "Do not let anyone but Chavez see the contents of the letter. Any more questions?".

(Coyote is Denver slang for a fixer who specializes in border crossings)

2013-08-20, 06:04 PM
"If you've just got some scrapes and bruises i can help with the patch ups"

The Heal spell's drain value is healed damage value -2 so i can heal 2 points without effort and i have 11 dice to resist drain.

2013-08-20, 06:12 PM
Ygor tucks the envelope away in his torso compartment then gets dressed quickly "If it was as easy as you made it sound, you'd be doing it yourself. Where's Stalker?" he says as he gets to his feet

2013-08-20, 07:11 PM
"His meeting spot is at the Sloan Lake Park. Here are the credsticks and contact information for the coyotes." He hands you each a credstick, then he hands Ygor several pieces of paper. One of them has the contact info for the coyotes, and the other two are letters for them, stating that the Koshari will pay for their services.

2013-08-20, 09:02 PM
Giving a proper goodbye Declan makes his way out of the club and signals the others to follow. Outside he takes a look around the parking lot, looking at the runner's vehicles before turning around. "So how are we getting to the otherside of the Pueblo?"

2013-08-21, 06:43 AM
Ygor stuffs the other letters unceremoniously into his pocket and heads out.

When they get outside and Declan enquires about transport "Whatever it is suit, we need to get goin' fast. From what bird-mask aid, we're in the crap from here on" he looks up and down the street nervously.

2013-08-21, 07:05 AM
Fran walks out with the others to the stret and gets the armour out of the bags on the bike and puts it on smoothly, competently and quickly.

"With two bikes we can go twos up and make good time on the streets, but it does mean you two" indicating the suit and the orc "riding pillion; I can even lend one of you a helmet if you need it?"

Kick-starting and mounting the bike in one smooth move, Fran points it in the right direction and blips the throttle a little.

"like he says, we need to get going and fast!"

2013-08-21, 07:29 AM
"I am Not riding on the back" Declan drops his attache case to the ground and begins to make some simple hand gestures.

Casing levitate twice; once on me and once on Chapen's 300kgs/750lbs.
Force one for myself setting it to my sustaining focus so I don't need to maintain. Each hit can lift 200Kgs

[roll0] 1 success
Drain (1/2)+1=1 (round down)
[roll1] 5 successes

Force 2 for chapen
[roll2] 4 successes
Drain (2/2)+1=2
[roll3] 2 successes

0 Stun damage from Drain.
Sustaining Levitate -2 dice while sustaining.

Declan and the Troll begin to lift up off the ground. The suit picks up his attache case again and grabs onto the back of the dwarf's motorcycle.

2013-08-21, 07:54 AM
"Whatever works for you my friend, whatever works for you; we were never going to blend in anyway!"

Reaching in to a pocket, Fran flips a small object to each of the group, two to Ygor.

"Fix these somewhere on your person. They're stealth tags, I've got the frequency tied in to my commlink so I can find you if there's an issue. They're passive normally, but if you activate them they act as a homing beacon for me. Ygor, if you put one on the envelope we'll know where it is too!"

2013-08-21, 08:23 AM
Declan stuffs the small device into his breast pocket and prepares for the ride ahead.

2013-08-21, 10:20 AM
Vynzzt had exited with everyone else, having replaced his full face covering helmet before leaving the room. He remained quiet as he walked outside. he hopped onto his bike and started it waiting to follow whoever decided they wanted to take the lead. he knew he wasnt the leader type and excepted it. As the plan was given out he was very skeptical about the mage making himself and the orc float. That is going to draw a lot of attention. If you get shot off the back, you will be lucky if i decide to come back. he gives an odd sounding laugh and revs the engine indicating he was ready to depart.

2013-08-21, 11:05 AM
Vynzzt had exited with everyone else, having replaced his full face covering helmet before leaving the room. He remained quiet as he walked outside. he hopped onto his bike and started it waiting to follow whoever decided they wanted to take the lead. he knew he wasnt the leader type and excepted it. As the plan was given out he was very skeptical about the mage making himself and the orc float. That is going to draw a lot of attention. If you get shot off the back, you will be lucky if i decide to come back. he gives an odd sounding laugh and revs the engine indicating he was ready to depart.

"You have any insight on how to make that bike hold 750 pounds? I dont see you 'magic' lifting 5 times your weight."

2013-08-21, 11:17 AM
"I am easily 750 lbs there no way I will fit on you'ah bikes even with this elf magic. I will be wearing Ur bike as a.skate." Chapen stand there waiting fo someone to come up with something.

2013-08-21, 11:21 AM
"I am easily 750 lbs there no way I will fit on you'ah bikes even with this elves magic." Chapen stand there waiting for someone to come up with something.

"What kindof halfwit illusionist do you take me for? I can easily lift 800lbs with no effort." Declan curses in Sperethiel "Just get on the other one's bike."

The spell got enough hits to lift 600kgs or 1,300lbs and stay under 2 drain or 800kg and 1700lbs with 1-0 points of stun depending on what optional rules we're using.

2013-08-21, 11:59 AM
"You damn elves have to go running Ur mouth about everything first about the pay and now about Ur magic can't just be happy with anything. Go ahead then try."

2013-08-21, 12:02 PM
Declan sighs and he motions over Chapen and lifts him off the ground and places him in range of Vynzzt's bike.

2013-08-21, 12:08 PM
"What is happening...?"

2013-08-21, 12:19 PM
"Just grab on to the bike already, lest you fall to the ground and risk cracking it..." Declan continues to curse in a mixture of Sperethiel, Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian.

2013-08-21, 12:28 PM
"If you grokkers are ready, I suggest we get going!"

2013-08-21, 12:49 PM
The drive takes 15 minutes to the park from the club, making it 5:10 when you get there. You see a human man stand from one of the park benches and aproach you. From his cyberware, katana, and receding hairline, it's pretty obvious that he is a retired street samurai. He calls out to you: "Your friends called ahead for you. I wasn't planning on working today, but when they tell you to do something AND offer money for it, you better do it. Come with me, I'll show you to the tunnels we'll be taking." He leads you into the park to an opening that looks big enough to fit a step-van. "These tunnels go all over Denver. Aztechnology built them years ago, but then abandoned them for who knows what reason. It's mostly inhabitted by squatters now. It's a maze in there, so be careful and stay close. Any questions before I get in my car, and we start going?"

2013-08-21, 12:56 PM
"None here the less I know about you the better." Declan haphazardly drops the levitate spells once he's safe on the ground. He grabs his sustaining focus again and eldrich energy pulses around his body as he prepares another spell

Increased Reflexes force 1 +1initative and +1 to initiative passes
[roll0] 4 hits
Drain (1/2=0)+2=2 Drain to resist
[roll1] 3 hits
0 Stun sustained to focus. No lost dice from sustaining.

2013-08-21, 04:02 PM
Ygor gets off the back of Frans back and walks towards the man "You Stalker? Go a letter for you" he thrusts the now crumpled paper at the man "Where's your car? Let's get going"

2013-08-21, 04:54 PM
"I see that you seem to have a tranportation predicament. If the mage wants to rest, some of you can ride with me. My car is just around the first turn, follow me." True to his word, he leads you around a corner to where an armored Mercury Comet waits.

2013-08-22, 01:54 AM
"Lets get going then shall we?" Fran says whilst giving the throttle another blip. "Three of you in the car and the two of us as outriders?

2013-08-22, 03:15 AM
Ygor shrugs "Sure, whatever" he gets in the back of the car and sits behind the driver, strapping himself in and laying his Uzi across his lap. "Be careful old man, we got told there'd be trouble" he says to Stalker as he gets in.

2013-08-22, 09:24 AM
Declan climbs into the front passenger seat, and pulls his Ruger out of his coat, and pulls back the chamber with increased speed as the faint blue energy swirls around him. "Let get this going we're burning daylight."

Edited c o c k s back the chamber to pulls because apparently this forum blocks the word ****. I can see why, but it can cause confusion in this setting.

2013-08-22, 11:58 AM
Chapen gets in the back seat of the car and waits...

2013-08-22, 02:02 PM
"Dammit! I forgot how much room you slotting Trogs take up!" Ygor moves to the side as much as he can to let Chapen in, "Try not to crush me to death ok?"

2013-08-22, 02:19 PM
Stalker begins driving into the darkness. The only light is coming from the car and the occasional group of squatters sitting around a fire. The faint scent of sewage combines with a musty aroma to create an unpleasant smell. After twisting and turning through the tunnels for 10 minutes, Stalker turns around a corner and suddenly stops the car. Ahead of you, in the middle of the way, is a dirty, beat up car parked sideways to block your path. " Damnit, this wasn't here before. I'm gonna need some of you to help me push this thing out of the way. This is probably some kind of trap too, so be watchful. " Everyone needs to roll a perception test.

2013-08-22, 02:33 PM
Chapen look around to see if he notice anything. [roll0]

2013-08-22, 05:02 PM
Fran stops the bike alongside the car, but not so close as to block the doors for the others, and puts it on the stand with the engine running.

With the thermovision and vision enhancements running at maximum Fran's gaze takes in the obstruction for signs of an ambush.

Reaching in to grasp the pistol concealed in the jumpsuit pocket, Fran draws it and braces for the inevitable.

2013-08-22, 05:39 PM
Declan gets out of the car and lowers his pistol to his side, not wanting to waste any time he extends his arm and attempts to lift the vehicle.
Levitate Force 5
Roll in OOC
Forgot the V
Actually I think I rolled a 1d10 and 1d11

2013-08-22, 06:22 PM
Ygor looks out of the window nervously and then taps Chapen on the arm "Hey, big guy. Look after my meat while I drop into VR" without waiting for a reply he leans his head back and his body goes limp as his mind goes online.

In VR he's in a world of simulated light, without wasting any time he starts to scan for wireless signals. His ikon, a humanoid shape that even when still seems to be blurred in motion extends a hand, a glowing ball appears "Go find 'em boy" he says to the ball and it sweeps off his hand, searching the area

Not sure which of these it is:
Detect Hidden Node action, for if I know general area Electronic Warfare+Scan (4) test = [roll0]
Search for Hidden nodes in mutual signal range Electronic Warfare+scan (15+, 1 combat turn) Extended test. Not sure how to roll for Extended tests!

2013-08-23, 07:36 PM
as Vynzzt's bike comes to a halt along the car and other cycle, he looks around at the obvious trap waiting for it to spring. he had been on the wrong side of traps like this before, and despite minor differences he knew them all to be the same. He puts the kickstand down and dismounts the motorcycle. He then walks to stalker and says "I am willing to help move it manually if the mage cannot move it himself. Piece of drek car like that shouldnt take too much to move. he nods his head and gives a good glance around the cars area.

rolling for perception but i dont have the skill so what i believe i read is int -1 so ill be rolling 3. please correct me if im wrong.

2013-08-24, 09:54 AM
Ygor detects two hidden nodes ahead, and three from behind. Fran's thermographic vision spots two warm metahuman shapes approaching from the shadows ahead, and her cyber ears detect several patterns of footsteps from behind. I need everyone to roll an initiative test, Ygor and Fran get +3 dice, and everyone who glitched gets -2 dice.

2013-08-24, 02:37 PM
The glowing ball Ygor released quickly picks up some targets, with a quiet 'bing!' noise it highlights them, red aura circling the light of the nodes, his voice quickly bursts down his Comm channel to the other "Drek! We got two slotters in front and three from behind!" he turns to one of the nodes approaching from behind and holds up his hands as code starts to stream in front of him, heading towards the node"Suck it drek-head!"

OK, rolling for Black Hammer attack on one of the rear nodes, Cybercombat (9) + Black Hammer rating (5) gives me 14 to roll


Only 5 successes!?

2013-08-24, 02:55 PM
Hack on the Fly = Hacking(9)+Exploit(4)+2 from Codeslinger = 15


It's an Extended Test, with the Threshold being the Targets Firewall rating, this will create a user account on the node for me if successful

4 successes. Damn.

The node opens up with a Command screen. Ygor's ikon would smile. If it had a face.

2013-08-24, 03:14 PM
"Frag it all!" Thinking quick Declan opens the passenger door behind him (Chapen's) and uses it for cover. exerting his might he prepares to cast a powerful spell.

Gonna open strong and stupid, fingers crossed.
Overcasted Manabolt power 7
Spellcasting 5+ Magic 5
[roll0] (opposed check to will)
Draing Physical 7/2=3
Drain resist 11+2 from fetishe.

The powerful blue bolt is launched towards one of the rear enemies.

2013-08-24, 03:15 PM
One of the metahumans from in front of the obstruction, dressed in a ragged hooded jacket, tattered pants,and worn shoes, slides over the hood of the car and dives into Stalker, sending them both to the ground.

Next is Vynzzt.

2013-08-24, 08:47 PM
Vynzzt was caught slightly of guard as Stalker was taken to the ground, having been standing next to him asking about moving the car. Without even a brief second between these actions he swiftly draws his sword and attempts to cut into the man deep into his shoulder blade. DIE YOU FRAGGIN BITCH!

drawing sword i could not find, so i am assuming it is a free if i dont move this round and then a melee attack on the man who tackled Stalker.

5 to hit with monofilament sword

2013-08-24, 09:00 PM
Vynzzt was caught slightly of guard as Stalker was taken to the ground, having been standing next to him asking about moving the car. Without even a brief second between these actions he swiftly draws his sword and attempts to cut into the man deep into his shoulder blade. DIE YOU FRAGGIN BITCH!

drawing sword i could not find, so i am assuming it is a free if i dont move this round and then a melee attack on the man who tackled Stalker.

5 to hit with monofilament sword

I rolled one hit twice in a row, meaning you have four net hits, and only one point taken back, so you have done nine damage to him.

2013-08-24, 09:23 PM
The other metahuman in front crouches down behind the trunk of the obstructing car and fires two shots in the general direction of Vynzzt.
0 hits on the first shot and 1 hit on the second. Vynzzt needs to roll 1 hit on reaction to win.

The metahuman hit by the bolt charges forward at Declan, revealing a hideous face and sharp claws.
He got 2 hits. Declan needs to roll reaction+dodge with 2 hits to win.

Next is Chapen.

2013-08-25, 12:05 PM
Chapen reaches and grabs his Are Predator IV from the Holster hidden under his jacket and fires at the enemy close to Declan.

quick draw on pistol[roll0] if miss fire again or not killed [roll1] lean out the door and fire forward if i kill

2013-08-25, 01:22 PM
Chapen reaches and grabs his Are Predator IV from the Holster hidden under his jacket and fires at the enemy close to Declan.

quick draw on pistol[roll0] if miss fire again or not killed [roll1] lean out the door and fire forward if i kill

Your shot sends him falling back with a large hole in his head. He is dead.

2013-08-25, 02:11 PM
The other two guys from behind charge forward. One of them goes for Chapen, and the other goes for Fran.The disfigured metahumans throw their weight into vicious claw attacks.

Chapen: I rolled 6 hits, so Chapen must roll reaction+unarmed with 6 hits to win.

Fran: I rolled 2 hits, so Fran must roll reaction with 2 hits to win.

Next is Fran.

2013-08-26, 09:38 AM
Having avoided the swipe, Fran steps off the bike away from the attack, and attempts to draw the Filchetti from it's hiding place and blast the creep. Unfortunately the safety is still on and the shot doesn't doesn't fire. Cursing silently Fran deftly pops the safety off and fires at the drekker but the darkness, close proximity and speed of events all conspire to make the shot go wide.

"Frak it; shooting like a drek!"


started with a full mag of 30 in the Filchetti, one shot fired, 29 left

2013-08-26, 12:23 PM
Stalker, finding an opening when Vynzzt stabbed the guy on him, manages to stand up and draw his katana.

2013-08-26, 08:57 PM
Seeing that the person is still not done that he sliced at Vynzzt attempts to attack him again this time aiming for his throat

this time i am doing a called shot for a +4 to DV and a minus 4 to my dice pool of my attack.

Attack gets 4 hits: [roll0]
damage= 6+4+4 hits (i think, im still alittle iffy on how extra damage works from the hits)
the monofilament sword gets a -1 AP btw

2013-08-27, 06:35 AM
Ygor speaks into the Comm channel "I'm gonna give this drekkers a blast, let me know if they start rolling around and screaming or anything, cos that'd be really funny" in VR he open one hand and a Volume dial appeared in it, he grabbed it and started cranking it up to full.

I'm assuming this needs my Command Programme? so Cybercombat(9) + Command(4) = 13

[rollv]13d6[rollv] mistyped it again, bah!

I don't have access to the book right now so if that's not right let me know, also I'm not sure what the defence should, if there is one

2013-08-27, 11:06 AM
Posting here in a spoiler to let you guys know that my work has blocked the OOC thread. so i have no idea what is going on over there. if you guys are waiting for me, sorry. i basically wont be able to post unless DM tells me i need to here, until i get home. so that takes me out of posts from 7-7 today. ill keep checking back here though, so if i am needed please let me know. thanks

2013-08-27, 11:50 AM
Vynzzt stabs the ghoul right through his throat, nearly severing the neck. He is dead

Ygor's sound blast deafens the attackers. They are staggering in pain.

2013-08-27, 01:13 PM
Chapen reachs behind his coat putting up the pistol and pulls out his Katana. Then he swing at the one who hit him yelling "It's your turn to die." [roll0]

2013-08-27, 06:53 PM
Chapen reachs behind his coat putting up the pistol and pulls out his Katana. Then he swing at the one who hit him yelling "It's your turn to die." [roll0]

You got 2 net hits, but his body reduced it by 2, so you did normal damage.

2013-08-27, 10:53 PM
Vynzzt's getting overly excited at this point from the chance to use his Foci. He quickly decides he will make a charge(+2 to hit) at the closest ghoul that has taken damage(if none are damaged then just the closest) and do another called shot( -4 to hit, +4 to damage) attempting to cut the ghoul's head off.

Attack Roll:[roll0]
Attack Hits: 5
Damage: 6 + 4 + extra hits

2013-08-27, 11:48 PM
Vynzzt's getting overly excited at this point from the chance to use his Foci. He quickly decides he will make a charge(+2 to hit) at the closest ghoul that has taken damage(if none are damaged then just the closest) and do another called shot( -4 to hit, +4 to damage) attempting to cut the ghoul's head off.

Attack Roll:[roll0]
Attack Hits: 5
Damage: 6 + 4 + extra hits

The ghoul got 0 hits. Vynzzt expertly manuevers in to take full advantage of the distraction, and slices the ghoul's head clean off, leaving the body to spasm and fall to the ground.

2013-08-28, 06:27 AM
As the screams come back through the Comm channel Ygor smiles to himself. "Ha! Take that you drek-suckers! Now...think I'll get myself a little reward..", he spreads his hands and the node opens up, a list of information and symbols floating before his eyes "Come on you son of a trog, show me the money..." he reaches in to his pocket and pulls out a magnifying glass, he lets go of it and it floats over the information, skimming through the content..

Ok Data Search(9) + Scan or Browse (both are at 4) = 13


4 hits

2013-08-28, 12:18 PM
As the screams come back through the Comm channel Ygor smiles to himself. "Ha! Take that you drek-suckers! Now...think I'll get myself a little reward..", he spreads his hands and the node opens up, a list of information and symbols floating before his eyes "Come on you son of a trog, show me the money..." he reaches in to his pocket and pulls out a magnifying glass, he lets go of it and it floats over the information, skimming through the content..

Ok Data Search(9) + Scan or Browse (both are at 4) = 13


4 hits

Ygor's program highlights a bit of text, informing him that the SIN of Sam Jones has an account with 600¥.

From here you can take the money as a transfer data simple action.

2013-08-28, 01:58 PM
Ygor grins, if his icon had his own face his tusks would look terrible. "Jackpot!" he transfers the data out and into his own Commlink "I think my work here is done...." at his mental command he logs off of VR.

Waking up in his meat he looks out of the window and Chapens open door at the bodies around "You guys have been busy!"

2013-08-28, 02:42 PM
"Nothing we cant handle. Wrenched Ghouls." Declan raises his pistol to the remaining Ghoul and fires two bursts from his Ruger.

Skill of 2(4) + 3 agility + 2 Smartlink
[roll0] 3 Hits
-1 from recoil
[roll1] 2 Hits
7DV from burst.

2013-08-28, 03:07 PM
"Nothing we cant handle. Wretched Ghouls." Declan raises his pistol to the remaining Ghoul and fires two bursts from his Ruger.

Skill of 2(4) + 3 agility + 2 Smartlink
[roll0] 3 Hits
-1 from recoil
[roll1] 2 Hits
7DV from burst.

Declan fills the ghoul by Fran full of bullets, and he drops to the ground.
Rolled 2 hits to avoid and 1 to resist on the first roll, and a critical glitch on the second roll.

2013-08-28, 11:59 PM
Vynzzt eyes the last one behind the car and gets cocky. He charges at the ghoul and slides across the car hood as he stabs at the creature with full force, hoping that the ghoul will not have the opportunity to catch him of guard if it is not killed.

Same sort of attack as last time but i am assuming i need to make some sort of check to get across the car skillfully enough to keep the charge so i am gonna roll a gymnastics check. if that fails you can take the last two numbers rolled off for not actually achieving a charge before the attack. and i am doing another called shot. this time i am aiming for the middle of the face with a stab -4/+4

Gymnastics: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]

Attack Hits: 10

Damage: 6+4+10

2013-08-29, 07:58 AM
Vynzzt eyes the last one behind the car and gets cocky. He charges at the ghoul and slides across the car hood as he stabs at the creature with full force, hoping that the ghoul will not have the opportunity to catch him of guard if it is not killed.

Same sort of attack as last time but i am assuming i need to make some sort of check to get across the car skillfully enough to keep the charge so i am gonna roll a gymnastics check. if that fails you can take the last two numbers rolled off for not actually achieving a charge before the attack. and i am doing another called shot. this time i am aiming for the middle of the face with a stab -4/+4

Gymnastics: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]

Attack Hits: 10

Damage: 6+4+10

Vynzzt impales the ghoul's face while sliding over the car at full speed. As he hits the ground, the ghoul slides off of his sword and goes down hard.

2013-08-29, 08:34 AM
Stalker puts away his katana and says "Damn. You're pretty good. Let's get this thing out of the way, hopefully without any further interuptions."

2013-08-29, 10:45 AM
"Whats a simple courier run without any exitement?" Declan casts a couple spells on himself and begins to loot the bodies for valuables. "Let see if these ugly ***s had anything useful on them."

Healing for 2 Stun
[roll0] 3 hits
0 Drain
[roll1] 3 hits
Improving my improved reflexes to force 3
[roll2]3 hits
3 drain
[roll3]3 hits
0 Drain

2013-08-29, 01:22 PM
Ygor gets out of the car "Yeah you guys get right on ahead with moving that pile of junk, I'll just tidy up" he then crouches over the nearest body and starts rifling the pockets hoping for weapons or credsticks

2013-08-29, 02:58 PM
As you search the bodies, it becomes evident that these ghouls lived on the streets. Their pockets are filled with various non-perishable food items, and random bits of stuff. The gun is a Colt American L36 with 9 rounds in the clip, and another full clip with 11 rounds. The comlinks are all cheap Meta Link models with the Vector Xim OS. The leader of the group wears a black shirt with "ZombieZ" painted on with red paint.

2013-08-29, 03:15 PM
Declan picks up the America, and clip stuffing them in his attache "Anyone know a fence?" Turning back to the car he walks over and looks inside,, examining it with Ruger drawn and his left hand alight with magic.

2013-08-29, 03:39 PM
Ygor takes one of the snack-foods from a ghoul and tears open the packet as he eats he responds to Declan's question with his mouthful "Nah, but I know a guy who knows a guy.......this tastes like crap" he spits the food onto the corpse and tosses the remaining packet before getting back in Stalker's car.

2013-08-29, 06:38 PM
Vynzzt nods to Stalker acknowledging the comment and then spins his sword in a quick fashion in attempts to remove all of the unwanted blood from his precious sword. He then puts the sword back in the sheathe across his back with an audible sigh of relief. He turns to the rest of the group, with a smile so big under the helmet he is wearing that it was almost visible, and speaks quickly and cheerfully "Well that was a fine time, wasn't it? And good performances all around, Chummers. Now lets get going. I don't want to smell this drek any longer then i have to. He then walks up to the car that needed to be moved, looked to make sure it was in neutral, and then started pushing as hard as he could to see if he could move it himself.

not quite sure what to roll, so imma roll a couple different varients.

Roll 1(Strength):[roll0]

Roll 2 (Strength + Strength): [roll1]

Roll 3 (Strength + Athletics): [roll2]

personally i think athletics + strength should be the right choice, but idk. there is no skill for weight lifting or anything like that, that i saw. paarth if you have a better idea as to what i should roll please let me know. thanks.

2013-08-29, 09:46 PM
"Your not gonna get much done, showing off like that Wolverine. Let me get everyone patched up first." Declan approaches the dwarf, places a hand on Fran's wounds, and the other on a wooden case in his pocket. "Oooh that's a nasty looking gash you got there Doc, I'm new to the whole doctoring thing... Is this the part where I suggest we send you in for a dozen bioscans and refer you to seven specialists?"
Heal force limit 2
[roll0] 2 hits exactly
2-2=0? Can someone check my math?

A green light surrounds the cuts as Fran's wounds fade to scars and then disappear. Standing up and turning around Declan begins to cast levitate once again on the car blocking their path.
Roll in OOC

Declan winces in pain as he casts the spell.

After pausing for a moment.
"Wait did anyone see if the car still runs?"

2013-08-30, 01:17 AM
Having never really gotten used to the idea of magic healing, Fran is slightly caught out by Declan's assistance and the itchy sensation in the wounds causes an involuntary shudder. "Uh, thanks man; I think you just saved me a day or so off my feet." Fran rubs at the spot under the edge of the shoulder armour where the ghoul made contact as the magic subsides. "I've always been a quick healer, but that's fast!" turning to look at the spot "how about that, it doesn't even leave a scar!"

Leaving the bike on its stand, Fran applies a shoulder to the car to help move it.

strength (4) + body (6) check:

2013-08-30, 07:56 AM
With the strength from Declan's spell, and the group's muscles, after a bit of work the car is moved safely out of the way.

2013-08-30, 08:04 AM
Slightly strained from the spell Declan responds to Fran. "Magic has its perks, but like in the old myths and legends it comes at a price." Declan holsters his Ruger and he rolls back his coat sleeve revealing lacerations across his arm. He casts another spell to remedy his wounds.
Heal Force 1
[roll0] 3 hits heals 1 point reduces time to instant. (for future reference each hit can be used to heal a point or reduce time by 1 turn; healing time=1 turn per wound)
Drain (really just a formality)

The wounds disappear quickly as Declan rolls his sleeve back down and makes his way back to Stalker's car.

2013-08-30, 09:02 AM
"Doesn't look too bad if you can heal it with more damage; but doesn't it hurt? How badly hurt can you get doing this stuff?"

Having moved the car, Fran checks the action on the pistol, catches the round that is ejected, pops the clip out and puts the round back in it then replaces the pistol in its holster without applying the safety catch this time.

Satisfied that the weapon is ready once more, Fran re-mounts the bike, kicks it off the stand and then opens the visor on the helmet.

"We didn't synch our commlinks, better do it now before we hit any more trouble; that way not only can we communicate whilst on the move, but our friend here can talk to us whilst he's in the VR. Continuing directly to Ygor, "if we're sharing a comm channel and I'm tracking those security chips, does that mean you can keep track of us, as well as our commlinks, all whilst in VR? Regardless, your our electronics expert, do you want to sort out the synchronisation?"

Taking the commlink from its position in a sleeze pocket, Fran waits for Ygor to do what he needs to do to make it all work.

Still 29 rounds in the clip, one up the spout.

2013-08-30, 10:09 AM
Following Fran's example Declan does the same with the American in his case. He loads six shots into his clip from the ammo box in the false bottom. " spell slinging isn't always so painful. Mostly just winds me, if things get glitched well... I knew some poor mage who got himself blanked after overcasting a fireball at a wasp spirit we had the misfortune of running into. Not sure what was worse the smell of burnt Ork or the 7ft wasp man"

2013-08-30, 10:42 AM
Fran steps over the bike and stands on the ground once more. Fran picks up the discarded foodsticks and their wrappers and then looks around the immediate area for the spent casing from the single shot at the ghoul. After finding it, picking it up and carefully placing it in a trouser pocket, Fran gets back on the bike and waits for the beep that will signify that Ygor has done his thing with the commlink.

"Can't be too careful, even down here. I'll dump these in the trash when we get back to the surface."

2013-08-30, 10:59 AM
Muttering to himself Declan find he agrees and levitates the casings into his attache.

Can I avoid the check since this is just really flavor?

2013-08-31, 09:50 AM
Ygor grunts at Fran's suggestion and drops into VR in the backseat of Stalker's car.

In VR he looks around and see's the squads Commlink nodes as glowing lights, he opens his arms and they rush to him, as he closes his hands together the lights all gather into a ball "Set up shared channel...." his hands move out and then back in again, as they close around the glowing orb a materializes around it, he spins the dial playfully "Encrypted the nodes..." he reaches into his inside pocket and when his hand comes out it is holding an oversized cartoon bomb, completely with lit, hissing fuse. He places it on the Safe and it sinks into the top of it "Data bombed. The Encryption isn't too hot but anyone breaking in risks getting blown away, which should tip me off."

I'm assuming everyone was happy for me to access their Comm nodes and didn't put up any defense, including Stalker. Encrypted rating 3, Data Bomb Rating 4 on all nodes

2013-09-01, 03:52 AM
Seeing the commlink flash as a result of Ygor's efforts Fran is content when the DOTs of the teams' stealth chips show up in the AR feed.

Linking the Mapsoft of the local area to the feed over the shared link allows the group to see the DOTs against a moving map if they so require or desire.

"okay chummers, you should all now be able to see the map feed and locations of the team over AR; let's go shall we?"

2013-09-01, 07:11 AM
While never being one specifically for all the extras comms had to offer, he nods at fran and ygor for the idea and now simplicity of it. All he wanted from a comm was a way to contact people, a way to be contacted, and the ability to do both secretly and securely. While ygor was getting the information from his comm, he hesitated unsure of whether or not he should allow them all access, but after the fight they just had together, he is starting to trust these people possibly a little more then he should. upon Frans comment about leaving, he hops on his bike and starts the engine with a loud rev. He looks around to everyone, Let's get moving. Never know who maybe watching us. We just flashed a lot of money with all those comm links and weaponry.

2013-09-01, 11:58 AM
"I'll be glad to get out of here. Fran you might wanna get those snacks looked at, I cant recall if vampirism is contagious." He stops to check the watch on his commlink.
Is it still daytime or has night fallen yet? Wondering if I should ready a spirit. (if daytime how many hours before sundown?)
P.S Delia if you want to check I think the skill for that would be biology.

2013-09-01, 01:04 PM
With everyone ready, Stalker begins driving down the tunnels once more. After many twists and turns, you finally see daylight once more. Stalker drives to the opening and then stops and says"Well, this is where we part. We are in Cheesman park in the CAS sector, and the street is right over there."
It is currently 6:00pm. You have an hour and a half left to get across the next border and to your destination.

2013-09-01, 02:02 PM
"Thanks for the lift." Declan looks around at his cohorts "Lets make our way to the next coyote." Declan waves his arms around again and prepares another levitate spell for himself and Chapen.
Levitate force 2 (Chapen)
[roll0] 3 hits
Levitate force 1 (Self)
2 Stun damage taken.

The elf begins to lift off the ground. Declan then proceeds to grab onto Fran's bike.

2013-09-02, 06:42 AM
Ygor gets out of the car without a word and pulls on the spare helmet as he gets on the back of Frans bike "Floor it stunty, we don't have much time"

2013-09-02, 10:23 AM
"Hold on to your meat then ya big noodle, this may get a little hairy!"

Fran revs the bike, checks that everyone else is good to go and sets off with Ygor riding pillion and Declan surfing behind.

Supressing a smile, Twos-up and towing a suit, could be worse I could be pulling 500lbs of troll!

2013-09-02, 09:03 PM
Chapen grabs the back of the bike and waits to get going.

2013-09-03, 07:02 AM
Vynzzt looks back towards Chapen,Hope you're ready and with that he revs the engine and launches the bike off trying to catch up to fran and the rest having already left a few moments ahead of our bike.

2013-09-03, 08:36 AM
Now that you are back on the street, it does not take long for you to hit a traffic jam. As you wait for an opening, you notice several humans step out of a black four door car behind you. As this happens, you also see a group of four metahumans (1 troll, 1 orc, and 2 humans) walking through the spaces between cars, towards you.

2013-09-03, 05:25 PM
Sensing trouble Fran looks for a way through the growing traffic:


Fracking typo! Re-roll OOC

"Hang on back there!"

Seeing a gap in the traffic, Fran guns the engine a weaves between the cars cutting through narrow spaces, knocking a couple of mirrors here and there.

2013-09-03, 05:59 PM
Wanting to cover their tracks Declan decides a distraction is in order.
Summoning a force 3 spirit
8d -4 from sustaining
Spirit's roll
Tie in hits I believe nothing happens.

2013-09-06, 07:52 AM
As you manuever through the maze of cars you see that both of the groups are pulling out guns. The mixed-meta group starts firing in your direction, but when the humans begin firing at them, it quickly turns into a fight between the two groups.. It doesn't take long for the cars to start clearing out of the way, trying to escape the shooting, and you hear the siren of a Knight Errant vehicle rushing to the scene. Fortunately, you are gone before it arrives, so you do not have to deal with any more delays for now.

2013-09-06, 09:37 AM
Vynzzt gives a silent sigh of relief under his helmet and the roar of the bike he was driving. That would have caused a hell of a delay. That was some good fraggin driving guys. I got most of my papers, but if one of ya was missing a license that could of taken a bit to long. Vynzzt then speeds along towards his destination.

2013-09-06, 11:31 AM
"Lonestar can eat drek, licenses or no. But what can you expect from a milk run. Lets just try and get to the other side of the district."

2013-09-06, 12:09 PM
"What kinda drek has that bird-masked trog slotter got us into!?" Ygor growls, he readies his uzi in one hand, just in case, holding on for dear life to Fran "But the sword-elf has a point, good move stunty"

2013-09-06, 02:38 PM
"Oh comeon how many runs have you had that don't go all a**eways five seconds in."
Gonna make a check to see if I can tell what they we're
Corporate Politics (if corp hit squad)
if -4 from concentrate applies only count the first 5.

2013-09-06, 05:26 PM
You arrive at the next coyote's meeting place and find that the adress is that of an abandoned apartment complex in the poor district of CAS. You see that the worn double doors are slightly ajar.

2013-09-06, 05:50 PM
That look fraggin odd to anyone else? he points to the door after he stopped the bike and stepped off. He starts to draw his sword as he looks to everyone and attempts to silently walk up to the door to get a look inside.

rolling a stealth check: [roll0]

2013-09-06, 06:22 PM
Fran drops th kickstand on the bike; steps off and grabs the ballistic shield clipped to the side. Reaching round, Fran also draws the pistol and holds it ready.

Over the commlink channel Fran asks: "How do we want to do this?"

2013-09-06, 07:01 PM
The elf's voice chirps in over the comm. "Calm yourself there Nightcrawler, no use charging in before we scan the place." He says with a smirk. "Ork-with-the-dragon-tattoo (Ygor) you wanna drop into VR and see if there's anyone mucking about?" Declan's eyes then begin to glow with ethereal golden light as he looks around for astral signatures.

2013-09-09, 01:18 PM
Ygor grunts "Whatever, Suit. You're not in charge." having said his piece he sits on the floor next to the bike on the opposite side to the building "Keep that shield handy short stuff" and with that he leans back and slips into VR

In the glowing world of the Matrix he opened his hand and the glowing orb appeared again "You're up again", he holds out his hand and the orb flies away..

Doing the general scan seeing as I know there might be something in the area but not where exactly

Electronic Warfare (9) + Scan (4) = 13


5 hits

2013-09-09, 02:31 PM
Fran squats alongside Ygor, shield resting on the floor in front of them both to give Ygor as much cover as possible.

2013-09-10, 10:12 PM
Ygor's scan does not reveal alot of useful information. This is the kind of area where if you have a device, you would probably want to keep it hidden. There are about 20 hidden nodes in the area, 5 of them are in the building and the rest are scattered throughout the street and alleys.

Vynzzt's entrance into the building is greeted only by silence. The front desk area of the complex has several dirty matresses spread across the floor, but no one seems to be on the first level.

You each hear sounds of people rooting through garbage and searching discarded bags. Declan finds a distinct group of metahuman auras in a darkened alley. They seem to be waiting in anticipation of something.

2013-09-10, 10:32 PM
Declan chimes in on the comm "We've got some metahumans in the alley over there... They seem to be waiting for something, or maybe someone." Declan marks their locations on AR and pings them to the group. "Think we should do anything about them?"

2013-09-12, 07:45 PM
"Lets not start a fight where we don't need one, ay? I think me and the big guy will take the rooftops, along with anyone else who wants to come along. Xavier's kid and the rest of can take the front door."
Heal self force 2

(Drain=2 on all rolls)
levitate troll force 2 (max 2)
levitate self force 1 (max 2)
levitate extra force 1 (max 2)

Declan and the troll begin to float off the ground and move slowly towards the rooftop.

2013-09-13, 12:16 PM
Ygor's sprite highlights the Commlinks inside the the glowing representation of the building. "I dunno about those back-alley drekkers but there's 5 Comms showing up inside, lemme see if I can pick anything up" The blurred form in a jacket of light that was Ygor in the Matrix reached to an inside pocket and what appeared to be an enormous brass bugle, he comically held it up to his ear "Let's see...."

Capture Wireless signal check to eaves drop on the Commlinks
Electronic Warfare (9) + Sniffer (3) = 14


6 hits

It doesn't seem to say in the handbook what this is actually against.

2013-09-16, 04:08 PM
Fran continues to cover Ygor, waiting for the situation to develop.

2013-09-16, 06:42 PM
Ygor's program manages to tap into the commlinks. Most of the activity is typical chatting, but one conversation seems to be between a couple of shadowrunners hiding from Knight Errant. When Declan reaches the roof, he sees that there is no one on the roof, and the door to the stairwell has been left open.

2013-09-16, 07:28 PM
Declan and Chapen look around the rooftop.

"All's clear up here, you lads find anything?" The mage drops his levitate and breathes out, dropping Chapen from the air a third time. "Alright big guy you're in first."

The troll chuckles, "Heh, why should I?" Holding a hand to his cybereye it's pupils dilate, it grows legs, and walks onto his hand. Lowering it to the ground it scurries away.
Pilot Groundcraft (Remote)
5(8)+1(3) (Cyberarm) (spec)
Wow 0 hits...

2013-09-17, 06:35 AM
Through the oversized ear-horn Ygor picks up the chatter from the Commlinks, feeding important info back to the squad. "Drek on a sled, two of these chummers are hiding out from Knight Errant, we might have an unwanted pile of firepower dropped on us so keep your eyes peeled!"

2013-09-22, 03:40 AM
"Man, the last thing we need is KE trying to sweep us up with these drekkers; and if they're wanted we don't want them found slotted. Lets try and get round/past them and leave them to it!"

2013-09-22, 09:54 PM
"We might want to switch to non-lethal and silent weaponry. Lets not give KE a reason to follow us." Declan loads gel rounds into his Ruger.

2013-09-23, 01:01 AM
Slipping the pistol back in its holster, Fran draws the taser and is ready once more.

2013-09-24, 05:35 PM
As you proceed inside, the building seems oddly quiet for this time of day. You would expect more people to be living here. In the lobby, you notice a trace of red liquid in the hallway behind the front desk.

2013-10-01, 09:54 PM
Chapen's eye makes it's way carefully down the stairs. It does not see much that is interesting, but on the third floor it sees a couple of men, who look like they could be local street gangsters, engaged in a fist fight.

2013-10-02, 10:08 AM

The iBall snaps a photo of the two men, and forwards the image to Ygor. "Either of these our guy?"

2013-10-03, 01:35 PM
Ygor brings up the picture in the Matix, to his eyes he's holding up a painting, complete with ornate frame "Not unless she's reeeeeeal ugly. Our coyote is a chick, remember?"

2013-10-04, 09:44 AM
Fran says to Ygor, through the commlink, "You want to hang around out here, or head on inside? If you're busy I can always drag you a little?"

Fran continues to scan the locality for threats keeping the taser drawn and ready; safety catch firmly off.

2013-10-06, 03:29 PM

"Oh... I knew that..." Chapen sends his iBall further in to scout around in the other rooms.

Apollo has informed he hes officially dropping out I'm gonna run his character till the end of the mission and then drop him out entirely.

2013-10-18, 06:08 AM
"What? I'm not having you drag me around, stunter! I'm coming out" Ygor logs out of the Matrix and the world of light fades away to be slowly replaced with a stinking alley as he wakes up "C'mon, I left the channel open so I should hear if anyone makes any calls." he pulls his Uzi out and readies it, pressing the stock against his shoulder and sighting down the barrel as they enter the building..

Does Ygor hear anythign over the hacked channel? Are those guys talking about why they're fighting or any female voices that might be our Coyote?

2013-10-18, 06:54 AM
Fran follows Ygor, shield held up and taser out.

"I've got your back, let's go!"

2013-10-18, 09:22 AM
As the 1st floor group enters, they see a puddle of blood soaking into the floor in a doorway in the hallway behind the front desk. Upon investigation, they find the corpse of a woman who has had her brains blown out. Further into the room is a ramp leading down into an underground tunnel. It looks wide enough to bring the bikes through it.

2013-10-23, 02:15 AM
"I'll get the bike." Fran returns to the street. Once at the bike the taser goes back in the holster and the bike is started. Fran takes it easy up the stairs and rejoins Ygor.


2013-10-23, 06:32 AM
Ygor looks down at the dead body, "Well....frag. Guess our coyote isn't gonna be much help" he crouches down and starts to search the body for anything useful and opens his Comm channel to the guys on the roof "You guys might wanna get down here. Coyote is dead, we're moving out quick"

2013-10-23, 09:12 AM
"Gotcha" Chapen sends his iBall down to the first floor to meet you.

"We'll be right down."
Levitate power 2 for Chapen and 1 for Declan

Contingency for failure rolls all passed no drain





The two levitate down and head inside. Chapen collects his iBall and the two grab onto the bikes.

2013-10-24, 05:06 AM
Clipping the shield back to the side of the bike Fran checks the pistol is free to move in the holster before gunning the engine a little whilst Ygor clubs on.

"We have no idea what to expect here; but I suggest we move quickly so as to present less of a target. If we come to a door or something we can stop and reassess. Ready?"

If there are no comments/objections Fran let's out the clutch and the bike shoots forward down the ramp and in to the tunnel.

2013-10-24, 06:34 AM
"Fine by me shorty! We've gotta get moving" Ygor grips on as best he can, holding his Uzi in one hand.

2013-10-26, 09:25 AM
Declan takes a moment to reload his pistol with live ammo. The elf and the Troll nod at the others to press forward.

I take it Vhael is on auto pilot? We don't have an extra vehicle I don't think, so we'd be F---d without him.

That aside I think everyone's ready, 'cept maybe for Fran loading (his/her) pistol with live fire too. But I think that's a bit of a given. Regardless to keep from spamming up the IC and slowing the pace with making ready-up posts I'm gonna either post a spoiler with current load out and stuff or just stick that jazz in the OOC.

2013-10-27, 03:54 PM
As you enter the tunnel and load up you hear the sirens of knight errant in the distance. dirving down into the tunnel, the sound begins to fade away quickly. After several minutes of going down the tunnel you reach a ramp that leads up into another building. There does not appear to be anyone or anything in between you and the street outside.

2013-10-28, 07:34 AM
Ygor talks through the Comm "Looks like we got the drek out just i time! Looks clear ahead I say we keep rolling until something stops us!"

2013-10-28, 10:39 AM
You make it out to the street without any trouble. Proceeding towards your destination, you find that you are entering a rather wealthy neighborhood. Luckily, you make it to adress a half-hour early and without running into any drones or patrols that might want to stop you. The adress is that of a mansion, and you find yourself at a wrought iron gate with a buzzer nearby.

2013-10-29, 07:25 AM
as the bike comes to a stop Ygor gets off and looks around "Look at these swanky drek-holes. So...this was worryingly easy. Anyone else expecting to take a sniper bullet at any second?" without waiting for a reply he walks up and presses the buzzer tryingto sound a bit more professional as he speaks into the intercom "Hello, I have the letter from the Koshari for Omar Chavez."

2013-10-31, 08:10 AM
You see the image of a young hispanic man dressed in a poorly tailored suit pop up infront of the buzzer. "Yes, you are expected. Come in.", he says barely holding back his distaste of you. The image flickers off, and the gate opens.

2013-10-31, 08:41 AM
Turning to Ygor Fran says, "We've done our bit getting the letter here, why don't we let the suit take the lead for a while?" Not waiting for a response Fran holds out a hand to take possession of the envelope.

2013-10-31, 08:44 AM
Speaking up in a joking manner "Whoa there Mr. Cult-of-Personality. You know the cameras can see you scratching yourself..." He pauses for a minute gauging Ygor's reaction, his voice changes to a more serious one "Uhh.. Just let me handle the talking. Hands at your side and address our contact as Don Chavez, but only if he speaks to you." He turns to look at the mansion "Anyone know anything about this Omar Chavez guy?"
I speak Spanish IRL so might interject some Spanish into here with translations in parentheses. Declan's got a Spanish trained too btw.

Knowledge roll about Don Omar

Corporate Politics

2013-10-31, 10:00 AM
As you proceed past the gate, you notice several cameras mounted among the densely packed pines that line the diveway. Standing in front of the house is a group of four hispanic men in ill-fitted suits. You recognize the man that steps forward as being the same one who was at the gate. The Sottocapo is expecting you. He is in the shooting range. Come with me. He leads you into the mansion and through several expensively furnished rooms, before leading you down into the basement. He stops before a sound-proofed door. Wait for the Sottocapo to address you, and speak only when spoken to. Enter. He opens the door and ushers you all in. Omar Chavez is standing at the range counter holding a pistol, and leaning heavily on a cane. A skinny, cringing, elf stands huched over next to him, wearing a badly ripped shirt. He hands the elf a target and motions for him to set it up. As the elf staggers down the range, Omar begins drawing a bead on the elf's head. Once the target is hung, the elf steps to the side and Omar fires his clip into the target, while the elf shudders in fear with every shot. He then places the pistol on the counter and turns to you and extends his hand. May I see the package?

2013-10-31, 10:59 AM
"Greeting Don Chavez, we have the package as requested. I trust you will find everything you were hoping for" Declan nudges Fran forward with the envelope.
Forgot Ett. check will post in OOC

2013-10-31, 12:27 PM
Fran steps forward and hold out the envelope, careful not to look the Don directly in the eye.

2013-10-31, 06:58 PM
He takes the package and examins the seal, and then opens it up. He removes a stack of papers from it and begins reading over them. He leaves you standing there for several minutes, and then says, Yes, these are all correct. Your funds will be transfered momentarily. Your professionalism could use a little work, but you were punctual. Overall all a solid performance. He motions towards the door behind you.Michael will escort you out.

2013-10-31, 08:17 PM
Declan decides its best not to tempt fate and ask for bigger payment. Instead he quietly nods at the underboss and makes his way out, waving the others to follow. Outside Declan reaches for his breast pocket, he scans it for a moment before asking the escort for a cigarette. The elf's eyes then turn back to the group. "Well that could've gone worse."

2013-11-01, 03:30 AM
As they leave the premises Fran says quietly, "Now what? We're a little out of our territory to find a run easily here eh?"

2013-11-01, 08:56 AM
"Runs? Maybe, the night is still young. Know a good fixer? " He takes a drag of his cigarette. "You know, we're not far from the Barrens could likely find a job there. But I'm not exactly dressed for a stroll down the park... Unless." The elf begins to grin and quickly scans around before walking towards the bikes. "Either of you know the name of a good gambling den? Preferably one that's not got ties to the Chavez family."

2013-11-03, 05:28 PM
The lumbering troll looks at the clock on his commlink. "I've had enough for today, see ya chums" The troll disappears in the direction of the nearest metro terminal.

"Well seems we're short some muscle, hold on though I know a guy who might be able to lend a hand for a bit." The elf quickly makes a call on his commlink and you hear the second half of a conversation. "Hey Gearhead. Could use some help here. Lookin' to make a quick buck? Yeah I'll send you the address." The elf ends the call and addresses the group again. "Called in a favor. We're meeting an old shadowrunner buddy of mine told him we'ed meet him at the Stuffer Shack down the way, we don't want to really want to be seen doing any business in front of the mafioso's." He pings the location to Fran and gets behind the bike.

Obligatory levitate.
[roll0] Hit
[roll2] Pass

Note: Will upload character sheet as chummer file later, don't have the time to transpose everything to myth-weavers at the moment.

2013-11-03, 06:06 PM
With Ygor on the pillion and Declan surfing behind; Fran blips the throttle and follows the queues on the HUD projected in AR to get to the shack.

2013-11-04, 11:45 AM
The group pulls into the Stuffer Shack. Declan tells the group to pull up beside the Range Rover with a shifting color pattern. Dispelling his levitate he knocks on the window of the SUV. The figure in the car steps out, his face covered in an ornate brass gas mask and covered in head to toe in armored Victorian-Era clothing that sports dozens of brass buckles, gears, and wire alongside rubber tubes. His voice carries an electronic distortion as he speaks. Clockwork: "You needed muscle?" "Yeah remember the Salty B****? That casino in Redmond? I was thinking we do something like that." Clockwork nods then gestures for the others to pile into the car. Declan sets down a white noise generator to deter any eavesdroppers. "So back when me and Clockwork used to work together we robbed a small time casino in the Seattle Slums. We made out with a wizworm's horde worth of Nuyen. Split three ways we still came out with 21 grand. We'll cause a stir with the owners in the community so we'll want some previsions to keep our identities to ourselves... Also Denver isn't Seattle so I have no idea what kind of cash the local color likes to keep on hand."

Note all of the above events did happen in my last Shadowrun game. Down to the name of the hole-in-the-wall gambling den. My GM in that game is very generous when it comes to Nuyen & Karma (Granted that run was probably the most profitable in a while) since the group is a "play with whoever can" model, so outta 9 ppl with 4 online we never get the same group twice. But I digress the whole point is I wanted to phrase it so Paarth still has full say on rewards.

2013-11-04, 11:59 AM
"As long as it isn't on my home turf; I've got a business to run and I don't need any additional heat. But I could sure do with some of those greenbacks, and it's probably about time the house didn't win!

Do we need to sit down and plan this, or can we do it on the way?"

Looking at the back of the SUV, Fran continues;

"Perhaps I can hook the bike on the back here and we can discuss it on the way? I'm sure our wetfish here can get us the schematics and other krek we need to pull this off."

looking over one shouldre to Ygor,

"am I right?"

2013-11-05, 07:52 AM
Ygor shrugs "No one turns down fresh Yen. I'll get online and see what I can drag up for targets." he lays back in his seat about to drop into the Matrix before sitting up "Anyone else think that drop off went a bit too smooth?"

2013-11-05, 10:26 AM
"Don't go jinxing us" He pauses for a moment to knock on his mahogany cigarette case. "sometimes things just go alright... You did check the files the chieftain to make sure that Mr. Chavez was Mr. Chavez did the guy give you a photo or something?"

2013-11-05, 11:22 AM
"Please tell me we haven't just handed over a confidential document to the wrong guy? Well at least we got paid, hopefully we didn't get screwed.

As for the rest of it, I suggest we get out of here before things have a chance to be anything other than smooth."

Fran sets up an RV on the communal AR; nearby, but away from the compound.

"I'll meet you here and we can take care of the plans, and my bike."

Stepping down from the SUV Fran remounts the bike, starts it and enters traffic. Careful to keep the SUV in sight during the ride to the nearby RV, Fran parks up and waits; releasing gear from the bike and making space to secure it to the SUV when it arrives shortly afterwards.

"Okay, Clockwork was it? I'm going to hang my bike from these points on the back here and bring my gear inside if you don't mind? With us all inside we can move more freely and talk more openly."

Waiting for approval from the new arrival before acting; Fran then begins attaching the bike to the SUV and puts the bags of gear in the back before hopping in one the rear seat next to Ygor.

2013-11-05, 01:44 PM
Clockwork nods silently in agreement. "We're gonna need supplies. Nanopaste masks, explosives would be nice too."

"There's a place not far from here that might have what we need. If we cant find Nanopaste we could use a latex face mask and a tag eraser."

"I'm gonna see about that Nanopaste." Declan begins to make a few calls and check around the web for a good deal.

I haven't drawn up Travis' stats so I cant say if he'd be a better option for a availability check, but it would likely be maybe 1-2 points above Declan's making it not worth owing a favor. So Declan is gonna make the avilability check himself. Not sure how many rolls I get so I'm doing two in case. rolls in the OOC.

2013-11-05, 05:10 PM
"Okay, we're gonna need time to prepare; especially if I'm cooking up explosives. Just so happens I know somewhere nearby we can park up and get sorted, as long as we keep ourselves to ourselves and don't bring any official heat to the neighbourhood.

I also know somewhere we can get what I need; I'll cook us up a nice couple of blasties, one so fine you could could shave with it and the other" waving at their surroundings in the cab, "will leave a hole in the street big enough to park this monster in."

Fran sets up a destination in the AR and passes Clockwork a stealthtag.

"here, put this someplace safe; it'll help us keep track of you. Ygor here can hook up your comm to our personal channel. Drive here, there's a place to park this thing too!"

2013-11-05, 10:34 PM
Clockwork tinkers with the steering wheel and the dashboard cracks open revealing an open smuggling compartment in the front of the car. He attaches the tag to the inside of the compartment and seals it shut. He then syncs his comm link to the rest of the group and starts driving down the city streets.

Before pulling out of the lot clockwork's hand pushes an inconspicuous button on the Rover's console. Disabling any external RFID tags that may have found their way onto the car.

2013-11-06, 12:04 PM
"Is this the place?" The SUV parks near the safe-house. Clockwork pushes a few icons on the car's AR screen. A series of images appear and his finger pressed down on what appears to be an image of rusted metal and faded paint.

Stepping out of the car you notice the car's shiny paint job has now turned to something that makes the model look like a clunker from 2050.

2013-11-07, 11:52 AM
After checking the discrete markings for signs of occupation or that the house has been compromised, Fran procedes inside - cautiously.

After checking that it is clear, the others are waived inside and Fran makes a mark on the doorframe so that others will know that the rooms are fully occupied.

Fran starts to search the rooms for anything that can be used as apparatus to make the explosives; knowing that the more that can be used from the appartment, the less they will have to buy and therefore the less attention they will draw.

"Okay folks, we need a quite a few ingredients if we're going to have anything more than a bucket of unstable goop; buying each ingredient isn't an issue, buying combinations of them is; I'm not the only one to work out that sticking this stuff together makes a bit of a bang!

Having said that, I know a guy who knows a guy, who can lay his hands on these things and doesn't ask any questions. I'll drop him a line and arrange to meet up, this list is better passed on face to face or at least over a private link.

Hold on, I forgot we have our own hacker now; Wetfish, if I make contact with the guy can you set me up a secure link to send the details through to save me the walk?"

Whilst waiting for an answer Fran creates a number of files on the commlink, keeping the list of ingredients split up so that any one file doesn't contain anything too suspicious.

To the group as a whole,"I'll also need a couple of containers to turn the bigger explosive in to devices we can use; the more delicate stuff will be self contained; see if you can dig out anything suitable, a range of sizes from about the size of a grog-mug to the size of an SUV wheel ought to do it."

2013-11-08, 01:10 AM
Clockwork acts first and begins to look around the room. His artificially enhanced senses scour the room for useful items and listen for others who may be sitting in on their meet.
Clockwork has 4IPs so not sure if that is important here
Visual 4 Natural -1 Default +3 Helmet
[roll0] 2 hits
Auditory 4 Natural +1 Keen -1 default +3 Earbuds
[roll1] 3 hits

Declan offers what help he can as well.
[roll2] 1 hit

2013-11-08, 07:10 AM
Fran breaks the link to the communal comm channel and makes contact with the supplier. (The team can't hear the other end of the conversation.)

<<Hi, how's things?>>

<<Not too bad, you know how it is, keeping out of trouble.>>

<<Listen, I've got someone I think you should meet; I'm going to have him get in touch with you very shortly to discuss a few things. Hold on.>>

Fran rejoins the communal net and puts the contact details up for Ygor to use.

"Can you hook this guy up for me please? I'd do it myself, but I never really got the hang of good security measures I just use this to talk to people and stuff."

Fran lines the files containing the shopping list up ready to be transmitted once the link is secure.

2013-11-08, 07:55 AM
As they enter the safehouse Ygor quickly finds his way to the nearest empty couch and slouches down on it "This drek-hole got any security I can tap into?..Or any food?" while the others are looking around he puts his feet up.

As Fran talks he pulls up an AR display and starts searching for useful info, then with just a silent nod he patches Fran's contact into the link.

I don't think I'll have to actually roll anything for patching the guy into our Comm, as long as he open to it? Ours is encrypted, and I'm assuming Clockwork got pulled in too.

Searchig Matrix for info on local Casino's that are suitable targets (couldn't remember if one has been mentioned) Data Search is 9, using Browse , rating 4 = 13



Also searching for info on the job Declan mentioned he did with Clockwork, same again


3 hits

Ygor thinks to himself Some random chummers turn up to do an easy job the offer us a split on a Casino robbery? I smell drek, gonna check up on this slotters and make sure they're cool....

2013-11-08, 08:33 AM
As soon as Ygor makes the connection Fran confirms the contact is correct and fires the files across to him.

"Okay, we're secure. You've got the lists?"

"Yep, not a bad order; biggest one I've had from you in a while though."

"I know, things have been a little slow these last few weeks. Listen, this is a bit of a rush order, the project is fairly short-notice so I've got some cooking to do; can you get hold of everything for me?"

"Yeah, no problem; there's nothing here I haven't got in stock or easily to hand."

"Great. What's the damage?"

"For you, five hundred even."

"Sounds reasonable. If I send you a location can you make a drop tonight?"

"Delivery is extra, 10% is normal, I'd reduce it for a return customer but the rush factor takes care of that. Five fifty and I'll deliver it anywhere in this Sector within an hour."

"Thanks. Keep this encrypted channel open and I'll send you details of the drop."

Fran closes mutes the channel and says to Ygor,

"Can you keep him hooked up, but outside anything we share ourselves?"

To the rest of the group Fran continues,

"So you heard all of that, we just need to make a dead drop and get the stuff back here so I can get cooking; but we still need a plan for the gig itself."

2013-11-08, 11:59 AM
"Alright so are we splitting in twos or how are we doing this?"

2013-11-09, 04:26 AM
"I'll need to go and collect this stuff, an extra pair of eyes wouldn't hurt; did you manage to locate any nano-paste? Why don't Ygor and I go and pick up chems and you two get the paste and we'll meet back here ASAP? Unless you think we all need to go get the paste?"

2013-11-09, 11:39 AM
"Got it, me and clockwork will got and get the nanopaste. We'll meet back here and get everything ready for the heist."

Clockwork and Declan head outside and pile into the rover as Fran removes their bike from the back. After a moment the rover drives away into the night headed towards the rendezvous Deccan set up earlier in the ride to the current safe house.

Just gonna say i set it up off screen in the car. Standard rate for two 1100 nuyen.

2013-11-09, 01:44 PM
Having stowed the bike carefully, Fran returns to where Ygor is slumped on the couch.

"you up for a short walk? We need to make sure we aren't tailed out of, and more importantly back in to, this place. If we set off a couple of minutes apart, I'll go first as anyone involved at the other end is aware of me, and you follow on behind. If you can then overtake me and arrive before me to check everything is clear.

I've no reason not to trust this guy, but a little precaution now can save a lot of pain and blood-loss later!

We can pick up some synth-soy noodles on the way back too!" ending with a smile.

2013-11-11, 07:22 AM
Ygor sits up and shrugs "Sure thing stunter, which way we heading?" with a wave of his hand he minimises the AR display into his peripheral vision and starts to get ready to leave.

2013-11-11, 10:19 AM
Fran pops a marker on the AR for Ygor and the proposed route.

"It's only about a klick away so we should be back soon enough!"

Fran then heads out of the door, casts a casual glance around on hitting the street and heads off at a relaxed pace.

On the way Fran is happy to notice Ygor pass by without a glance and get ahead.

2013-11-11, 05:44 PM
Declan and Clockwork arrive at the Evo Gardens in downtown, the center is buzzing with activity as nightly shoppers and restaurant goers enjoy the night out. The lush greenery, murmuring voices, and diverse crows of metahumans and metavariants do well to hide the two. Declan makes a stop at a few stores to by a pack of cigarettes and a few other important items. Clockwork picks up a heavy duty shaving razor from one of the meta-human specialty shops.

The two duck away from the terraces of the gardens into a long corridor behind an Employees Only sign. Inside they are greeted with a middle aged dwarven shipping foreman.
"The boss send ya?"
"Yeah we're here for the package"
The dwarf retrieves a pair of cosmetics bottles from his coat and tosses them towards the two.
"Here you go. Looks like we lost a couple of bottles due to a shipping error if you know what I mean. Now get outta here so I can get back to work."

The two walk out of the hallway, Clockwork slides the two bottles into his backpack and they make their way back to the car and to the safehouse.

Total spending Color coated by payer
¥~500(?)x2 D&C not sure if my roll gave me a markup/down here. The (12) availability shouldn't be much of an issue since the EVO Garden shops are likely to have some more exotic items, and Travis has a connection of 5
¥5 Pack of ciggs
¥30 Razor
¥25 Food (Clockwork should be good till early tomorrow evening)

2013-11-14, 02:25 AM
Fran keeps track of Ygor on the commlink channel and when he raises no concerns proceeds on to the meeting point.

Sighting the contact Fran walks up to him indirectly.

Holding out a small case, the contact says "Here, I've packed it all up to be easily carried and hopefully look inconspicuous, but you probably want to keep a tight hold on it."

Taking the case Fran slips a credstick in to the contact's hand.

"Nice doing business with you; maybe another time?"

Leaving the location via a different route, Fran heads back to the safe house. Watching Ygor move ahead again to check the entry to the house Fran takes a slight detour to pick up four portions of noodles.

On arrival at the house Fran checks the markings to ensure nothing has changed and then heads back inside.

Lobbing a container at Ygor Fran jokes, "Noodles for the noodle!" and places the other two on the table before sitting down and digging in.

Food consumed Fran gathers the containers, and the bits from the house and sets to work.

Extended chemistry check (I've modified the base 11 dice pool with inadequate tools (-2))
1st hour: [roll0] 2hits
2nd: [roll1] 7 hits
3rd: [roll2] 3 hits
4th: [roll3] 2 hits

2013-11-14, 08:14 PM
After a couple of hours of work over pans, flames and jars of chemicals Fran straightens up from the table and holds up two hugely different sized things.

Hefting the bulkier package, "This is enough plastique to put a hole in a 6-feet thick concrete wall; whilst this" holding up a much, much smaller package "should open up any safe you care to stick it to.

Are you two okay with blasting caps and stuff or do you want a run down before we go?"

am I okay to retcon the purchase of detonators/blasting caps too? Assuming we got 4 detonators, the total spend would be ¥800 rather than ¥500.

2013-11-14, 08:35 PM
Declan wakes up from a quick nap on a dilapidated couch, he brushes some foam cushion crumbs off his suit as he speaks. "Umm I've used them before but not too great with them. Clockwork?"
Clockwork simply nods his head "no"
"We didn't really use any heavy ordinance in the last 'withdrawal' got any pointers?"
Declan's got a 5 logic so its 4 dice for the demo. roll might be able to improve it someway.

2013-11-20, 11:05 PM
Declan pauses and waits for a moment.
"You know, lets just go with the uh blasting caps. Clock you know any good places to hit?"
"CAS sector has something... I think" He says attempting to scratch his head through the plating on his helm.
"Alright do we have everything we need?"

2013-11-27, 06:14 PM
"Let's head over there, we don't necessarily need a car for the device, a skip or dumpster outside will do. We're supposed to be helping ourselves to some quick creds here, not taking on the gangs; we need to keep our noses clean if we want to get more runs round here!"

2013-11-28, 07:06 PM
Clockwork nods in agreement as he makes his way outside. The Rover's engine purrs to life and the group makes their way to the Denver tunnels.
"Which way to the CAS?" Clockwork says to the group "I'm not that familiar with the tunnels"

2013-12-05, 12:09 AM
As you drive through the tunnels, you begin to feel unsure if you are going the correct way. As you turn around a corner, you see a shady looking human man step out into the way. He waves to you and says "About time you got here. You show me the goods, and I'll show you the money."

2013-12-13, 05:16 PM
Declan smirks as the man walks to the window. He turns to the man and looks straight into his eyes. "You're gonna leave the cash with us, and then you're gonna walk to the nearest park and think about your life choices." As he speaks his words carry an otherworldly quality.

Influence spell force 5
[roll0] 5 Hits
[roll1] 0 drain (3Drain-5hits)

Rules breakdown on manipulation spells

I rolled a 5 on my opposed spell casting + magic

This means if this act is something he'd consider "wrong" he'd need to roll a 5 or higher Willpower+(counterspelling if applicable) check in order to resist the spell. If he doesn't he can still try and shake the effect every five combat turns, since the spell was cast at a force 5.

Influence implants an idea into the persons mind and makes them think it was their own, after the spell wears off then the suggestion fades. Whether or not they realize they were manipulated depends on their reaction to their act. Some may just think they had a really really ignorant moment.

2013-12-17, 09:24 AM
"Uh... Yeah thanks for working with me." He hands you a credstick with 500 nuyen on it and then turns and walks away.

2013-12-17, 11:01 AM
Declan pockets the 500 with a wide grin. Clockwork nods his head as he shifts into gear and begins to drive.

2013-12-17, 11:27 AM
"Erm, does that sort of thing happen to you often" Fran says to Declan from the back seat?

"We should probably get out of here though in case the real seller turns up, eh?"

2013-12-17, 04:03 PM
"Can't say it does, but when an opportunity comes along to get some extra cash, well... I'm not one to turn down an offer, at least not after haggling them down."

2013-12-18, 08:45 AM
"It was nicely done, now let's get out to the airport before this has a chance to come back and bite us in the frakkin' mule!"

2013-12-19, 03:08 PM
Clockwork continues to drive down the tunnels following the way as best he can.

2013-12-21, 12:43 PM
You eventually make it out of the tunnels, in what seems to the area you wanted. After manuevering through minimal traffic, you make it to your destination, a club called Cappi's.

2013-12-21, 10:49 PM
"This is the place" Clockwork pulls into a nearby parking lot and looks around. "Think you can rip the building's schematics?" Declan says to Ygor.

2014-01-03, 04:14 PM
You find it pretty easy to get into the building's system. It takes a little while, but eventually you manage to find the place's schematics. To get to the money, you will have to get past the main rooms and into the storage area. In there is a hatch to the basement. In the basement, you will need to go past the first room and through a hallway to reach the vault.

2014-01-03, 05:54 PM
Looking at the schematics, and the plan Ygor shows them on the AR, Fran says, "So, ideas? With the high-roller and his bodyguard in the main room, Noodle and I could get in the back and wait for you to join us. Down the hatch and through that room before we blow the vault door hinges and head out. Can we find a street wall to place the main charge against so as to blast an emergency exit should we need it? Or I can race up the stairs with the loot and come down from a high window?"

2014-01-04, 01:36 AM
"Think you can pull up the city's sewer plans? Maybe we can see if these a dividing wall we can break to bypass the other rooms."

2014-01-16, 07:23 AM
Ygor grunts wordlessly and then mumbles something aggressive that ends in "..'ing Suit..." while his hands work quickly fingers touching various glowing displays.

Scan for a suitable node Electronic warfare 9 + scan 4 = 13


Exploit - Codeslinger +2 to dice pool. Exploit 4, Hacking 9 = 15



Data Search 9 + Browse 4 = 13


2014-01-20, 05:00 PM
You manage to find a node for use in construction in this area. You break in and find a 3d display of the sewers in this area. You manage to find where the club's basement ought to be by locating an area marked with a "DO NOT CONSTRUCT" warning. The west wall of the basement is not too far away from a sewer access point.

2014-01-20, 05:24 PM
Assuming Ygor shares the knowledge on our LAN:

Fran says, "here" indicating a point on the schematics, "if we enter here we should be able to bypass some of the upstairs security, I can probably even cut a small hole with some of this plastique but it might be quieter to cut through with a saw?"

underground routes (sewers) [roll0]

"I know my way round the city sewers but I can't quite get my bearing here so I can't work out how best to get there from here."

2014-01-20, 08:04 PM
"Hmmm... Could just take a risk. See that warning there?" Declan points out the warning on the sewer map. "I'd bet a wiz-worm's horde that the vault is right there." He pauses for a moment slinking back into his seat. "Or it could be a load bearing wall in which case blam." Declan mimics a small explosion with his hands.

2014-01-21, 07:21 AM
"Lemme see if I can find out why it's a no-build..." Ygor's fingers run across the lights of his displays quickly as he digs through the information.

Data Search?

What does 4 hits get me?

2014-01-28, 07:17 AM
Ygor grunts to himself "Not seeing anything structural. They just don't want any other fraggers building near their stash. We should be good to blow it" he grins darkly

2014-01-28, 01:04 PM
"Wiz... Looks like our options just opened up. Should we go full force on the wall or split as per our original plan?"

2014-01-29, 11:35 AM
Pointing at the plans, Fran says"Sweet! Why over complicate things? Why don't we just go in through here and take it from there? Any idea how think this is? I might be able to make us a hole with my chainsaw rather than risk the noise of a blast, although it would be quicker that way to blow our way in but we might also damage anything on the other side of the wall."

Fran opens one of the bags from the side of the bike and pulls out a monofilament chainsaw and checks it over before resting it back in the top of the bag.

2014-01-29, 04:25 PM
"I think I might have a better plan thats a bit more effective. Think the methane levels down there are low enough for a fire spirit to stay?"

2014-01-30, 11:43 AM
"If I can get down there I can run some tests on the atmosphere, make sure the methane's not going to spread us on the walls like so much soy-cheese on a synth-bagel. Shall we all go?"

2014-01-30, 12:52 PM
"Alright lets go." Declan and Clockwork pile out of the Rover, walking to the nearest and most secluded manhole cover.

2014-02-02, 06:48 PM
If there is one thing that hasn't changed over the years since the magic came back, it is how unpleasant a trip to the sewers is. The tunnels beneath the streets reek of metahuman waste, and perhaps something else as well. Consulting the map, it does not take long to find the wall you believe connects to your target.

2014-02-02, 06:53 PM
Fran breaks out a couple of components from the chemistry set, mixes them and then waves the mixture about before looking at it closely.

chemistry check to determine whether the methane levels are safe enough [roll0]

I make that 7 hits! :smallcool:

2014-02-03, 07:08 AM
All the way to the manhole and all the way through the tunnel gor mumbles a constant stream of expletives.

2014-02-07, 07:26 PM
After a couple of seconds Fran announces, "The air is safe!" knowing that thermalvision won't help distinguish water from wet stone Fran slips a flashlight out of a jumpsuit pocket, activates it and clips it to the helmet mount.

2014-02-07, 08:39 PM
"Good thinking there R2, now wheres this wall?"
Now waiting for an answer the mage begins to cast his spell.

Summoning rules recap I roll summon dice Spirit rolls force dice to resist, my net his = services owed Drain = total hits
Summoning force 5 [roll0]
Fire Spirit's resistance [roll1]

A pathetic fizzle sound is made as a puff of smoke emerges from the water below.

"These some lights on the walls here, we might be able to activate them using the wireless network. But that might raise some alarms plus the darkness will help us hide."

2014-02-07, 08:43 PM
Awkwardly chuckling to himself Declan resumes speaking. "Heh he... Let me try this again..."

Resist [roll1]
Drain [roll2]

Rerolls in OOC

Another miniscule puff arises as Declan begins to cast in frustration

2014-02-08, 09:23 AM
"Hey suit-boy; is this gonna take long? I can crank up my little friend here if you're not gonna be able to get it up?"

Fran points down to the chainsaw in the bag.

"I could do without the smell, and the longer we're here the longer it's gonna take to get these clothes cleaned!"

2014-02-08, 11:02 PM
Arising from almost nowhere a flaming will-o-the-wisp appears before the group, a faint humm can be heard as it floats in the air.
This is just RP, no speech checks. Wheel mages are very respectful of their spirits
In Sperethiel "Greetings fey of the flame" He says bowing "I am Declan of Tir na nÓg. You proved quite the magical adversary... Now I seek your aid in my endeavors, I require three simple manipulation spells and nothing more. Follow me if you will."

In english "Alright code monkey, lead the way."

2014-02-09, 06:17 PM
"Monkey? I aint the one bowing to a glow-worm" Ygor spits into the water then pulls the map up in his display and starts to lead the way.

2014-02-10, 08:24 PM
Very Well, I shall follow, the spirit replies.
After several turns, you come to the area that should be the wall you intend to get through. What do you need done?, the spirit asks Declan.

2014-02-10, 08:39 PM
[In Sperethiel] "I need you to cast Shape on this concrete wall, and the reinforcing walls behind it." He points at the wall Ygor marked "If that cannot be done simply melt the concrete and I will dismiss you until I need your remaining favors."

Notes: Shape is in Street Magic, pg 174. And I am not binding the spirit I'm just having it stick around till morning as normal.

Edit also I'm only asking him to melt the concrete not any reinforcing walls.

2014-02-10, 09:17 PM
Declan speaks again after pondering the situation a moment "On second thought, don't use any flames. We could do without steam and magma, save it for our retreat if you cannot Shape the walls."

2014-02-14, 08:52 PM
With Declan's assistance, the spirit manages to remove the concrete wall in front of you. The room ahead is uninhabited. It has a round table with a deck of cards in the center. On the wall left of you is a staircase leading up, and to the right is a hallway.