View Full Version : Low level arcane caster in a grapple help!

2013-08-18, 11:49 PM
Are their any good 2nd level or lower wiz/sor spells that are great go to spells to get yourself out of a grapple in a tight spot?

The only things I have come across would be Kuo-Toa Skin for a +8 on escape artist checks, and maybe Balor Nimbus to convince someone maybe they should let go of you.

Are their any other spells that could help? Particularly ones that you could actually cast once something has already got you?

2013-08-18, 11:53 PM
Grease, just cast it on yourself. + 10 to escape artist checks and on certain grapple checks, such as checks to escape a grapple.

Edit: Grease is also a general go to spell for many occasions.

Edit2: to cast it in a grapple, you need still spell or sudden still, because you can't cast spells with somatic components in a grapple. You also need to make a concentration check DC 20 + spell level, 21 in this case. Also get either eschew materials or have rings with butter in them. ( or I suppose you could make rings out of pork rinds.)

2013-08-19, 12:01 AM
Doh, however suppose the character has no clothing on(these things happen lol) what then?

2013-08-19, 12:01 AM
Dimension Hop. It appears in one of the Eberron books (MoE?) and in the PHB II I think.

2013-08-19, 12:06 AM
if you're a conjurer and take immediate magic from phb2 you can grab abrupt jaunt, a supernatural 10ft immediate action teleport useable int mod times/day that should be able to get you out of any grapple?

2013-08-19, 12:10 AM
So I am a conjurer, and have thought of all these cool things I could use that ability for(I plan to take it) yet that one simple idea never once crossed my mind. Reminds me of that time I was looking for a forest, but found nothing but trees.

2013-08-19, 12:14 AM
As someone mentioned, the Abrupt Jaunt ACF from PH2 allows you to teleport 10 ft. as an immediate action. It's a supernatural ability so not even a concentration check is required. As it's an immediate action you can even use it to completely dodge the attack that would have grappled you.

If you don't have that, then Benign Transposition is probably the best choice. It's a 1st level spell from SC which switches two willing creatures places. There are no somatic components so it can be used in a grapple. Baleful Transposition is a 2nd level spell, also in SC, which switches any two creatures places, but allows a Will save to negate. It too has no somatic components, so put another opponent into that grapple in your place.

2013-08-19, 12:14 AM
Benign transposition is probably the earliest "get out of grapple free" spell. You just need a willing teammate to switch places.

2013-08-19, 02:26 AM
Doh, however suppose the character has no clothing on(these things happen lol) what then?

Um... exactly what kind of grapple are we talking about here?:smalleek:

Dimension Hop. It appears in one of the Eberron books (MoE?) and in the PHB II I think.

PHBII. Touch range, Will negates, teleport the target up to 5 feet per two caster levels, requires line of sight to the destination.

The one in Magic of Eberron is Dimension Leap. Personal range, teleport up to 10 feet per caster level, but only multiples of 10 feet. No line of sight/effect required.

Both are 2nd level.

2013-08-19, 06:13 AM
Heroics (Martial Study: Shadow Jaunt).

2013-08-19, 01:06 PM
Um... exactly what kind of grapple are we talking about here?:smalleek:

going to be a pseudo-dragon so good chance I won't have any clothing/armor on at least til I can get something custom made that will have a 0% arcane spell failure.

I left it vague for a funny :smallsmile: