View Full Version : Help with Cleric/Bard or Cleric/Rogue Build.

2013-08-19, 09:11 AM
I'll play a New Game on Menzoberranzan, and I'll attempting to make an new cleric for the game. Chating with the DM, I decided to make an Cleric of... Eilistraee?? Yeah, a Cleric of Eilistraee, in Drow Society. Largely Dangerous, but Very Fun!

But, that comes the Problems: There some Optimizers in the party, and will be an Very Complicated Campaign, because the players can turn on the own fellows. Especially because has some Evil characters in the party, and... well... they just doesn't know how to roleplay a Evil Character, but details...

I am an Cloistered Cleric of Eilistraee, Drow [not the Lesser Drow; in the game, Lesser Drow are peasants in the Drow Society, and my character is Noble in the very concept; thinking to make LA-Buyoff...], but, because of concept [and campaign things, because... too few class skills...], I'm thinking about picking multi-class with Bard or Rogue.

My attributes are:
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 17
I have earned a Feat [Noble Born], and I picked a Feat [Wordly Focus, Faiths of Eberron], to pray without my Holy Symbol, that will help a Lot to not be caught.
I'm Cloistered Cleric 1, Domains: Healing [ACF: Spontaneous Domain], Charm, Knowledge, Neutral Good.

I Was thinking, to make an Mystic Theurge Build, with the Bard class. But I wanna get some advice to make something very useful, and durable.
Cleric/Rogue is very good too, and if there's not a good thing to make bard/cleric, advice about Cleric/Rogue will be very appreciated.... :smallsmile:

Very Thanks, and sorry about my bad english... Not my First Language... :smallcool:

2013-08-19, 09:21 AM
Take a look at the eyes of lolth prc, it may be what you desire, for a cleric/rogue.

2013-08-19, 09:53 AM
Kinda Nice, but I just doesn't meet the Pre-Requisites... [not have Trickery Domain, and do not worship Lolth]... And, you know, lose 5 caster levels doesn't make this PrC appealing to me... :smalltongue:

Unusual Muse
2013-08-19, 12:31 PM
In my experience, Cleric/Rogue is really hard to make work. The two classes just aren't synergistic in any way. Cleric alone can accomplish most if not all of the Rogue-y stuff with spells. I made one that was about as optimized as I could make it, and it still wasn't very effective. I can't comment on Cleric/Bard because I've never tried it.

2013-08-19, 12:40 PM
Cloistered cleric has a lot of the key skills, and enough skill points to be a face, like it sounds like you need. Getting going on the trapfinding and infiltration aspects of rogue is....hard as a cleric, but not impossible. I am hard pressed to come up with a PrC that helps, but, you may be able to delve one up.

Fax Celestis
2013-08-19, 12:42 PM
Maybe see if you can retool as a bard and go into this? http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9792850&postcount=23

2013-08-19, 01:59 PM
Cloistered cleric has a lot of the key skills, and enough skill points to be a face, like it sounds like you need. Getting going on the trapfinding and infiltration aspects of rogue is....hard as a cleric, but not impossible. I am hard pressed to come up with a PrC that helps, but, you may be able to delve one up.

Yes, I need to make an Social Character, but, That is not only thing. I need some skills, to make my character more survival... Hide, Move Silently, Spot, listen, Disguise, Bluff, and others. And Just Cloistered Cleric, I cannot pick. And, unfortunatly, I cannot pick too, the Able Learner feat. :smallfurious:

Maybe see if you can retool as a bard and go into this? http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showp...0&postcount=23

Retooling, I think he'll not let me do. That is Sad.
Perhaps, reflavour the PrC Bard, to make an Divine Bard version. But I'm not sure that he'll allow that.

Fax Celestis
2013-08-19, 02:10 PM

2013-08-19, 03:17 PM
Cleric/Rogue is very good too, and if there's not a good thing to make bard/cleric, advice about Cleric/Rogue will be very appreciated.... :smallsmile:
Sacred Outlaw (Dragon # 357, page 86) is the multiclassing feat for Cleric+Rogue: your levels stack for both sneak attack and undead turning. The feat requires 2d6 sneak attack, meaning 3+ levels of Rogue. You can stagger your 3 Rogue levels to buy up the stealth and perception skills without having to pay the cross-class price.

Some Cleric spells are very handy to help with stealthy maneuvers. Deeper Darkness can be cast ahead of time on the tip of a sheathed blade, and drawn during a normal move. If you have cast Ebon Eyes (Spell Compendium, page 77) on yourself, the concealment will help you Hide but not impair your sneak attack ability. With the cover/concealment requirement satisfied, you need a way to handle the "not being observed" requirement for the Hide skill. One option is the Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis (Tome of Magic, page 156), which gives you the Dark Creature template and its (fairly poor) version of Hide in Plain Sight. Being able to Hide not only enables sneak attack, but has a huge defensive benefit as well: if you're successfully hidden, you cannot be targeted either by spell or mundane attack. And, of course, See Invisibility and True Seeing won't detect you when you're hidden.

Guidance of the Avatar (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) is an excellent spell to boost the occasional skill check (by +20).