View Full Version : Enemy NPC Builds

2013-08-19, 10:10 AM
Some tactics aren't really viable for PCs because they're likely to kill enemies quickly and not see them again. Sundering, for example, is not only often a waste of time against enemy mooks but also destroys your loot. An over-time damage effect probably won't be particularly effective either, since a regular attack will cut them down just as easily.
However, the enemies of the PCs can use these tactics to make life hard for the players. Sundering their magic items, injecting them with a lasting poison - much more dangerous to those who'll survive beyond the battle!

So what are some character builds you've used as enemies for PCs? Preferably ones that make use of tactics PCs generally don't.

Personally I'm planning a Blackguard character that I'll use when I DM a later campaign. He'll be a high level lackey of the BBEG, probably his right hand man. Rather than houseruling or ignoring the Blackguard's strange requirements, I've decided to roll with them; he hides where the players least expect to ambush, then messes with the players with a combination of Sundering and Bull Rush techniques, and later fear effects, and then runs before the players do too much damage off and hides somewhere else for later.
He'll probably look something like this:

Human Fighter 4/Paladin 5/Blackguard 4+
Fighter 1
L1 Martial Study - Shadow Blade Technique (though its mostly to get Hide as a Class skill)
Human - Power Attack
Improved Bull Rush
Fighter 2
Dungeon Crasher
Fighter 3
L3 Improved Sunder
Fighter 4
Paladin 1-5
With Blackguard grants 1D6 Sneak attack, Lay on Hands, 2 Smites
L6 Combat Brute
Paladin 4 (using Holy Warrior Variant for Bonus Feats instead of spells)
Paladin 5
L9 Shock Trooper
Blackguard 4+
L12 Martial Stance - Assassin's Stance
L15 Imperious Command

+(?) Warning Sundering Adamantine Greatsword
Armor: not sure, but I'd homebrew an enhancement that lets him hide even without cover

Skills: Max or near max Hide and Intimidate, 2 ranks Knowledge (Religion), maybe some move Silently, never outnumbered (skill trick)

He'd probably first appear at around Level 13. His gameplan would be to use his high Hide skill and his special armor to stay hidden until the ideal moment. Then, if unseen, he'd probably begin a surprise round with a charge. Power Attack+Shock trooper to boost up, and attempt to sunder someone's weapon. If the sunder succeeds, he can sundering cleave (combat Brute) to hit the weapon's wielder for hefty damage, including a 4D6 sneak attack. This might fell (or even kill) the player, allowing him a cleave. Alternately he can use Pushback to knock him into a wall for some Dungeoncrashing, or into an ally for a hilarious Domino Rush. Then, thanks to warning and his likely high dexterity, he has a good chance of winning initiative, so he can either fight some more, potentially getting more sneak attacks, or simply run off and hide at a later point in the dungeon, ready to ambush them again.

It could be cruel, but again, he's a near-end enemy. He can be partially foiled by good spot checks too.

In the final encounter, where he isn't meant to get away, he'd probably utilse his Imperious Command with Never Outnumbered to cower the players, which i think lets him sneak attack again.