View Full Version : War with Estasia IC

2013-08-20, 01:00 PM
The Patropolis of Peardis, located in Outer Claslat, was once the Orichalcum Caste Champion Spear of Discipline. The streets and buildings are golden, though muted compared to other Claslati cities. Municipal Charms constructed from the other five Magical Materials seem to provide the only splashes of color in the grim streets. Formations of troops, armed with the best weapons produced in the Munifactories of Arat, march throughout the city blocks.

Peardis is one of Claslat's newest cities, and has been heavily modified since explorers from the Reaches confirmed that Estasia would soon be moved into a position to invade. Now, Peardis deals almost exclusively with the training of soldiers, in anticipation of the impending war.

The five of you have been brought in before the local Tripartate Assembly. The head of the Olgatory, an aging man named Oan, looks out at the assembled Champions, and begins to speak.

"Noble Champions, today we ask of you a grave service. No doubt you have heard of the threat of invasion at the hands of Estasia. We fear that the Estasians have sent ahead scouts and spies, most likely Champions themselves. In time, you will face the Militat in open battle, in service to God and Country, but for now, it is the opinion of this Assembly that you use your considerable talents for a more subtle purpose. Discover and eliminate any Estasian spies that might be hiding in Peardis. If you can, feed them misinformation before you dispose of them." He nods his bald head briefly, them smiles. "I thank you, Champions. We all do. May the Great Maker smile upon your mission."

2013-08-21, 07:23 PM
Poised Emergence Flare stands before the Assembly, dressed in plain clothes, with few bits of technology giving her an inhuman visage, glad to have a task; all the waiting has been troubling. And an important one; while cities are nearly invincible to assault, sabotage can render them at least somewhat vulnerable (see the Siege of Lux, on both counts). "We will do our best, sir, and Illuminate their schemes wherever they may be found. The Maker smiles on the...Chosen."

While she appears to be making an effort to seem relaxed, she can't avoid fidgeting a bit, small movements of the hands that she hopes will be seen and believed, old hand signals used by Estasian deep cover. With luck, they haven't been changed much since her days. The missing word from her statement completes the picture of a desperate agent. The Maker smiles on Exarch the Twice Chosen. Perhaps it is paranoia, and no one in the gathered Tripartate is a spy. And even if they were, it is far from a sure thing that they will approach a champion giving their signs.

She gives a bow to Oan. "Do the regulators have any leads for us?" And rises, nearly ready to leave.

2013-08-21, 08:43 PM
Oan nods approvingly. "Yes, they do. For that purpose, I have had the city's Chief Regulator brought in, to provide you with more information. Dolov?" He looks over to a man dressed in the plain uniform of a regulator, who appears to be well into middle age. Care lines mark his face, and bits of grey are peppered in his black hair and mustache.

The Chief Regulator, named Dolov, stands and thanks Oan for giving him the floor. "A small factory on the outskirts of Peardis has fallen victim to an unusually large number of "industrial accidents"." Contempt, as though he couldn't possibly believe the official story, permeates his gruff voice. "I'd say the best place for you to start would be there." He gives the address of the factory, wishes you good luck, then sits back down.

2013-08-22, 12:13 AM
"What of personell? do we know of anyone who might have information? factory heads, management, shift leads?

The scuplted silver Champion stands with a relaxed pose. Her time as a seductress and spy have given her a natural sultryness to her voice and posture even when she's not trying.

Perhaps getting close to them could allow for an interrogation without force?

She run a hand through her silvery hair. Silver Lady of Clockwork Perfection was quite a well deserved moniker for her. Standing before the regulator in standard issue if ... uniquely cut clothing, she knew her job and she knew it well. If there was anyone who could coax a confession or information out of someone without bloodshed, it would be her.

2013-08-25, 06:40 PM
Bane chuckles slightly as the Silver Lady of Clockwork Perfection speaks. "You would prefer that, wouldn't you?" She flashes an amused grin at her.

"I'm sure we can find out who the shift leaders are once we get there. No more need to waste the Tripartate's time." She rose to leave, expecting the others to do the same.

2013-08-25, 11:50 PM
And so what if I would? Is it wrong to like your job? She grins at her fellow champion.

2013-08-26, 09:34 PM
"Nothing wrong with liking it." She shrugs. "But you take a perverse pleasure in it. Totally different things." She winks at her Moonsilver companion as she starts to head for the door.

"Well? Are you all coming or not? We've got work to do." She cracks her knuckles with a grin still plastered on her face.

2013-08-27, 09:22 PM
(just to move things along)

You all follow Bane of Heresy out the door, and into the streets of Peardis. You walk past a group of soldiers performing a drill for the umpteenth time, and eventually find your way to the factory. Dolov's words appear to be true, as the place is in shambles. It's surprising that it's even up and running at all, and not a burnt out, abandoned husk. People are milling about, as it's time for a shift change.

One of the workers sees you coming, and talks animatedly to a few other people. Soon, a woman with long, blonde hair comes out to meet you. She walks and carries herself with an aura of authority, meaning she's most likely a shift leader.

She stops a few feet in front of you. "Greetings, Champions. My name is Kolle, and I'm the Shift Leader here. What can I do for you?"

2013-08-28, 10:55 AM
Bane's smile fades, as she falls into a more serious, businesslike demeanor. She bows her head politely and says, "A pleasure to meet you, Kolle. My companions and I were led here by Chief Regulator Dolov, and we just have a few questions. We were told that your factory has fallen victim to an unusually large number of industrial accidents. Have you seen anything out of the ordinary, or heard anyone talking about seeing someone who shouldn't be here?"

2013-08-28, 01:33 PM
"Well, I personally haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. But a few of my workers claim to have seen a mysterious hooded figure in the shadows, usually just before an "accident" occurred." From her tone of voice, it's clear that she doesn't believe they're accidents either.

2013-08-31, 05:03 PM
There is very little quiet in the Realm of Brass and Shadow. The churning of engines, clanging of pistons, and endless flexing of metal combine to create a constant background noise. Men and women are often part of that noise, so when they go silent those accustom to them notice.

So, while it was not quiet where Nexus walked, there was a perceptible quieting. Populate workers, even members of the Tripartite accustom to champions, fell silent as he passed.

"Would you please assemble all those workers who have reported these sightings? It is possible that an infiltrator might have reported their own crime to allay suspicion. Moreover, please see that they are either watched or unable to communicate with each other, a great deal of time has already passed but we may be able to identify differences between their accounts."

2013-08-31, 05:16 PM
Kolle nods and says, "I'll see to it at once, Champion. I can take you to a place where you can wait for them, if you'd like."

2013-08-31, 06:22 PM
"I am sure your shift is not the only one afflicted, otherwise our instructions would have been quite different. I am sure that we can oversee work while you gather the other supervisors and the foremen."

2013-08-31, 08:01 PM
"Of course, noble Champion. Thank you." She bows politely, then heads off to go about her task.

In the meantime, you all watch over the workers at the factory.

please roll perception+awareness everyone.

2013-09-01, 12:15 AM
Once she was out of sight Nexus spoke quietly to the other champions, "One of you should follow her. She is not above suspicion and even if she is not guilty one of those she fetches may be."

Having spoken his peace he surveyed the workers. There was awe, he had almost learned to tune it out, but also fear and more than a trace of shame. Their factory had been sabotaged, it was only natural that some would blame themselves no matter how irrational. He would have to do something about that.

"I see you, Autochthonains. I see that there is work to be done. You have heard it said that all productive labor is worship of the Maker, and in this you have been told no lie. Yet I tell you the truth, though your labor nourishes the soul of your world there is more still that you can do.

Holy are the tools of the Maker, and holy are the tools used for his sake. We have the ability to function as mighty tools in the service of god and state. It is right and proper that we do such. Indeed, it is required of us, that god and state may endure.

It is required, but when I look out I see people who can do more than the merely necessary. I see people who can do the extraordinary. We are men and women, sons and daughters of the machine god and there exists within us still the potential for greatness which first brought our god's eye upon us.

I see you, Autochthonians. I see that you can be more."

As he spoke he stepped forward and the ruddy glow of orichalcum surrounded him. It grew in intensity, climbing the spectrum to the very edge of vision, and bloomed like a flower into dozens of rising arc tendrils. The arcs passed across the edges of gears and the surfaces of shafts, gilding them with nigh imperishable strength. They passed across the surfaces of walls and machinery, leaving mandalas and yantra of elegant lines and holy scriptures.

The whole factory began to vibrate as though every piece of machinery had begun to utter the sacred syllable.

"Now then, let us be about our task. Take up the cadence with voice and hand so that you might alloy praise with praise!

Om Mani Autochthon! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG_lNuNUVd4)"

The splendor, both of himself and his display, were almost spiritually blinding. Yet Nexus' eyes were accustom to it. The great pattern of labor and worship he had laid down was a baseline, aligning all the workers into a baseline he could filter out. Only those doing otherwise would standout.

Flare Anima to Totemic: 1m
Patriotism-Provoking Display + Many is One Node: 9m+1wp
Thousandfold Courtesan Calculations 5m
Radiant Iconograpy Array: -m
Total: 15m peripheral + 1wp
Charisma 5 + Perfomance 3

OOC: The layer of orichalcum should reinforce many of the machines against minor sabotage due to its exceptional strength and hardness.

Perception 6 + Awareness 3

2013-09-01, 02:35 AM
Silver glances to her Soulsteel companion. Subtlety is lost on this one... she shrugs and makes her way after the Shift lead. Her eyes glance around as she takes in the factories sights, smells and sounds. Her fingertips drag slightly across railings feeling the vibrations of work as the elevated shoes make a clack along metal walkways.

Perception + Awareness



2013-09-01, 09:43 AM
Messiah hears the speech, and ignores it. Simple theatrics to inspire the workers, it should reveal nothing. The Estasians, after all, misguidedly believe this to be a righteous war. She steps down a stairway from the railing to walk along the factory floor. Spare eyes watch the factory in every direction. She twirls about, checking that there is nothing worse than Estasian spies in view, that this is not the work of an infected voidbringer.

Then she strides up to a work crew near a bank of machines overhanging a conveyor belt. Waiting for the cycle to finish, "Please come with me, citizen."

Perception + Awareness [roll0]

2013-09-01, 11:03 AM
Bane chuckles slightly at Silver's words. "It tends to be lost on his entire Caste, don't blame him, specifically."

She then looks out, keeping an eye on the workers as they go about their business.


2013-09-01, 12:07 PM
Nexus smiled to himself, letting the other champions go on believing exactly what he wanted them to believe.

There is no better disguise than what everyone expects to see.

2013-09-01, 03:40 PM
None of you notice anything out of the ordinary. For all intents and purposes, the factory work goes on as if nothing had happened. Eventually, Kolle returns, and gathers you all up, saying "I've managed to bring together everyone who reported seeing the figure. They're all in a stock room in the back. I can lead you to them, if you'd like."

2013-09-02, 09:59 PM
"That would be best" the champion nods, "it would be prudent to speak with them and figure out what they know."

2013-09-02, 10:01 PM
Kolle nods and leads the group towards the back of the factory. As you get closer, you're each suddenly assaulted by the smell of smoke. It hangs thick and oily in the air, and is coming from the direction she was leading you.

2013-09-03, 09:49 AM
Bane sniffs the air, and curses under her breath.

"Fire! We need to move!" Heedless of her own safety, she runs in the direction of the smoke, in case anyone is trapped and needs to be rescued.

2013-09-03, 10:12 AM
"This could be a diversion. Someone stay and keep watch over the suspects."

With that Nexus followed after Bane into the room.

2013-09-03, 12:06 PM
Silver was about to go after but as the two others charge in she stays back. Two champions are more than enough to deal with a fire.

Being a little more pragmatic she walks over and pulls the alarm for workers to clear out. Fire ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm and orderly and exit the factory! Do not leave the waiting area until we have a full headcount.

Protecting Claslat means protecting its people, if that means something as simple as a fire alarm then so be it, a champion works for the good no matter how great or small

She begins guiding folks out and has them wait at a spot outside the building across the road.

if autocthonia has ANY concept of work safety protocols there is a fire alarm in every hall.

2013-09-03, 07:36 PM
Bane and Nexus find the smoke pouring out from underneath a door.

"Oh no. No no no no no." Says Kolle. "That's where I gathered the witnesses."

Meanwhile, Silver has no trouble escorting the other workers out to their various safe points outside the building.

2013-09-03, 08:24 PM
Flare rushes after the other champions, a quick thankful nod to Silver for shepherding the workers to safety.

"Someone was about to be found out." She quickly tries the door, and, suspecting that it will be barred, will try to break it open if it is. "Okay, all together!"

Any necessary feat of strength [roll0]

2013-09-03, 08:32 PM
Without hesitating, Bane flings the door open, ready to do whatever she can for those trapped inside.

2013-09-03, 10:28 PM
There are times when paths split, when the Design must chose between two choices, two champions, two futures. Nexus preferred to walk the third path.

If we simply open the door the reintroduction of oxygen could cause a backdraft. There are people in there and their safety is paramount.

Nexus brought a hand to his forehead, fingers to soulgem, in a ritual gesture and pale light spilled out of the concave tanzanite. Like fire it spilled out and around his hand. With a single motion he cast it from him as a quickly expanding spiral that flew under the door. On the other side it would blossom into a mass of fire retardant foam that should smother any blaze.[/SPOILER]

Hardened Light Construction: Prismatic Panoply Submodual 4m

Horus, still waiting on those stunt ratings.

2013-09-03, 11:47 PM
Sorry, Exthalion. Take 2 dice.

Soon enough, the flames are put out. Bane and Flare pry the door open to reveal... corpses. Dozens of them. All charred beyond recognition.

Kolle breaks down at the sight, falling to the floor and sobbing.

Outside, the workers are getting antsy. "Where's the others? We're missing a lot of people!"

Kell, can you roll perception+awareness for me, please?

2013-09-04, 07:17 AM
The champion glanced around taking a headcount.

4 dice

2013-09-04, 06:58 PM
Bane's eyes fly open in surprise. "Great Maker preserve... Someone must have known this was happening."

She kneels down next to Kolle and says, "Hush dear, it will be all right. Can you think of anyone who knew about this who wasn't supposed to?" She gently places a hand on the shift leader's shoulder, trying to give her some measure of comfort.

2013-09-05, 11:43 AM
Silver's headcount tallies up about two dozen workers. But she also notices something else as she glances around: a hooded figure, running away from the factory.

Meanwhile, Kolle sniffs, and wipes her tears. "I... I didn't tell anyone else. Unless one of th-them talked, no one e-else should have known."

2013-09-05, 01:48 PM
Silver begins giving chase, shouting toward the hooded figure. The champion, not an althlete does her best to keep pace with the fleeing hooded one. STOP!

She runs, regretting her choice in shoes with elevated heels. Wasn't this Bane's area of expertise?


2013-09-05, 07:07 PM
Bane looks up as she hears her Moonsilver companion calling out to her. She leaves Kolle in the capable hands of her fellow Champions, and rushes off. As she passes Silver, she briefly claps a hand on her shoulder and says "Good eye!"

With that, she activates her Integrated Arsenal System, a massive Soulsteel Crossbow emerges and folds out from her forearm. She readies a bolt as her Crawlspace Creeping Unit comes online, lifting her off the ground and carrying her after the hooded figure.

2013-09-06, 02:49 PM
Bane gets near the running, hooded figure, and sees a brief flash of Moonsliver flesh as she draws closer. The figure extends an arm, and a Paramagnetic Tether Beam erupts from their wrist, attaching to the side of a building up ahead. The Beam starts to reel in, taking the Moonsilver Caste up to the building's roof.

2013-09-06, 06:55 PM
"Oh no you don't!" Bane shoulders her crossbow, and lines up her quarry in its sights. She inhales, putting all else in the world aside, then pulls the trigger as she exhales.

Rolling Dexterity+Archery+Specialty:


2013-09-07, 10:29 AM
"Maker help them. One of them was..." Flare looks suspiciously at Kolle. She seems to be genuine in her shock and grief. Another suspect-

Which Silver Lady has found. Their Moonsilver sprints after Bane, slowly passing the slower (though more heavily armed) soulsteel. Not stopping to draw a weapon or shout commands, the champion heads for the structure and leaps to catch a coolant pipe, swing herself higher up, and begin scaling the wall. She can't hope to match the speed of a tether beam winch, but hopefully the crossbow will slow him enough that she catches up.

Dash rate of 11, Jump range of 6 yards up (at least), and a Dex+Athletics roll to keep climbing.
Any stunt [roll1]

2013-09-07, 04:48 PM
The shot flies wide of the intended target, missing as the Moonsilver Caste is pulled up be the winch. They spare a glance back at Bane, however, and the moment of distraction slows them down.

Meanwhile, the much quicker Flare starts to close the distance by jumping across rooftops.

Go ahead and take one stunt die from that, Recaiden.

2013-09-11, 12:11 PM
Bane utters a curse under her breath as the bolt misses, and pours on the speed, moving as fast as the spindly legs of her Crawlspace Creeping Unit would carry her.

2013-09-11, 03:13 PM
Eventually, the two of you catch up to the hooded figure, who throws back his hood, revealing a handsome Moonsilver face.

"This is no concern of yours, fellow Champions. Let me leave in peace, and I will spare you."

Should you want to fight, roll join battle!

2013-09-11, 10:31 PM
Flare doesn't bother slowing as the hooded figure stands and reveals himself, throwing the momentum of the chase into a punch toward the recently revealed face of the other moonsilver.

"The wanton killing of citizens is everyone's concern. Surrender, and you will be judged fairly." Talk comes afterward.

Join battle! [roll0] + spending one wp.

I know I probably can't actually attack yet. Just fluffing/stunting things.

2013-09-12, 01:38 PM
Bane levels her crossbow at the Moonsilver Caste's chest, but doesn't fire just yet. "I'd rather take you in alive, after all."

Join battle roll:

2013-09-12, 03:51 PM
Alright, our order of battle is:

Tick 1: Flare
Tick 2: The unnamed Moonsilver
Tick 3: Nothing happens
Tick 4: Bane

2013-09-12, 05:07 PM
This moonsilver caste slows just a slight bit as she reaches the fleeing saboteur, throws a quick jab at him, mostly to test his defenses, but with plenty of ability to cause some damage if it connects, and skids to a stop behind him, sparks crackling around her Lotus Matrix and down her arms in readiness for a fight.

1st Dexterity Excellency, +5 dice
The Circle Screams, +2 Damage
[roll0], + possible stunt [roll1] 8 or 9 successes
for 5B damage + Threshold successes.

((Why is that not in the OoC thread? :smallconfused:))

30 peripheral motes.
7 motes -> anima

2013-09-12, 08:13 PM
I usually post my turn orders in the IC thread. Though I suppose it might make sense to move it to OOC. Also take a stunt die for that.

The punch connects solidly with the Moonsilver Caste's jaw, forcing him back several steps. He smirks. "A good hit, but you've just sealed your fate. I'll kill as many Claslati as I have to, in order to save the lives of my own Citizens."

His hand falls to the hilt of a thin, slender blade. He lashes out in an arcing slice, and misses Flare's torso by the breadth of a finger.

2013-09-15, 04:35 PM
"Then I hold no guilt over killing you." She pulls the trigger of her crossbow, sending a bolt towards her opponent's chest.

I'm rolling Dexterity+Archery+Specialty+Accuracy, 15 dice total.


2013-09-15, 05:41 PM
"We want the killer alive." It's no trouble though. Unless that went through his essence core, Flare is confident she can keep him functional. But now is not the time for that. The moonsilver moves back just enough to avoid his blade, and steps up, inside his guard, to grab the saboteur at the arms and hold his blade away. The champion starts to glow with unmistakable energy as she does so.

Makes sense. I have just always seen them in the OoC

[roll0] Clinch attempt with 1st Dexterity Augmentation. + Possible stunt [roll1]

25/34 motes. Anima up to 11.

2013-09-15, 10:36 PM
The crossbow bolt sinks into the Moonsilver Caste's chest, and he clutches at the wound as Flare restrains him. He briefly struggles, then goes limp.

"Then take me. I surrender." He hangs his head, seemingly ashamed.

2013-09-16, 12:16 PM
The moonsilver will feel a quick jab as Flare deploys her Hypodermic Apparatus to deliver a dose of Maker's Mercy. The healing agent should prevent any serious damage from the crossbow shot and put the saboteur into a compliant haze, in case he was thinking of making an escape attempt.

"Your surrender is accepted."

She reaches over to take his sword, and use a small spool of cable from her belt to tie his hands. With Bane's help, they should be able to get him to the ground anyway.

"Help me bring him down with your crawlspace unit?"

The other guy heals 1 health level, has the difficulty for avoiding infection form his wound reduced to 1, and gets a -1 internal penalty to most actions as a Poison.

2013-09-16, 08:07 PM
After getting things organized, Silver makes her way over to where the commotion was. "Were you able to cat.... oh good you were!" She offers assistance where she can in getting the moonsilver into custody.

2013-09-17, 10:30 AM
Bane nods to her Moonsilver friend, then feigns offense. "I'm surprised you had any doubts, Silver. That hurts my feelings." She then smiles and winks.

"Now, where should we take him? To the regulators?"

2013-09-17, 11:29 AM
"Ended the fight in one shot." Flare nods, grinning with the rush of the battle. "That seems best. Though we might need to take him to the vats to deactivate his panoply." She looks the captive over, checking his visible charm installations for gas release vents, memory-modifying starmetal nodes, weapon-conjuring elsewhere beacons, or other threats. If nothing else, the statement might provoke some response.

"I trust everything is under control back in the factory?" Her smile starts to fade away as she idly examines his sword. Their orders were to kill him. If they had discovered him without giving things away, it might have been different, but he had panicked and forced this confrontation. Still, he'll have information.

2013-09-17, 05:22 PM
The captured Moonsilver says nothing, his face blank.

And as far as you all can tell, everything is winding down at the factory. The workers are being sent home until repairs can be done.

2013-09-17, 07:57 PM
"The vats! That's an excellent idea. We don't want him to be able to escape once we have our back turned." She smiled briefly at Flare, then turns back and watches the factory workers going home, and waits for their last companion to rejoin them.

2013-09-17, 08:05 PM
Silver looks around and whispers to bane.

"if you want i could probably get him to talk.... just a thought."

2013-09-17, 08:08 PM
Bane grins and whispers back
"Oh, I'm sure you'll get your turn, dear."

2013-09-19, 08:48 PM
The captured Moonsilver mutters slightly. "If you're going to do something to me, just do it already..."

2013-09-19, 09:37 PM
Silver snaps at him. "I'll do you in a minute! Calm down!" She rolls her eyes. "The impatience of some of these prisoners."

2013-09-19, 10:20 PM
Bane giggles slightly to herself, then says, "Let's go ahead and take him to the vats. Then Silver can have her fun." She looks to the captured Moonsilver Caste. "And if she can't break you, then I get my turn." She flashes him a wicked grin.

2013-09-19, 10:29 PM
"Oh, she will."

Flare chuckles at Silver's transparency, and starts marching the prisoner down the street. If they really need to, she can probably get information out of them. But Silver alone should be able to handle.

She leads them right in to the Vats, and addresses the startled technicians. "This man is a prisoner of Peardis. His panoply is to be deactivated preceding interrogation, with all reasonable haste."

2013-09-20, 05:15 PM
The technicians nod and take him away. A few hours later, one of them comes to you all and says, "He's restrained and his Panoply has been removed. You can see him now."

2013-09-20, 06:13 PM
With a subtle expendeture, the moonsilver's body begins to move in a seductive fashion. I can go see him now.

She walks into the vats, disrobing before the prisoner. "Bet you don't get this type of treatment back home."

She looks at her target. "now would you like to begin?" her moonsilver body sculpted with a light tone and great attention to beautiful detail.

4 motes for pheromone regulation systems from personal, 5 motes peripheral for thousandfold courtesan calculations 2 for unobtrusive repartee baffles (masks obvious nature), 1 for her aura dampening conduit to mask the peripheral expenditure ALA night caste

Her appearance is 6, let me know in the OOC what i need to roll to try and seduce him.

2013-09-23, 02:29 PM
I'll give you a one die stunt on that, Kell.

The captured Moonsilver Caste looks surprised. "This was... not what I expected. But I'll gladly take it." His eyes never stray from Silver's body.

"I was never able to resist this kind of interrogation... So ask away, my dear."

2013-09-23, 02:53 PM
As she straddles him, she begins to make love to him and in the midst asks her questions questions. "are you just the first or are there more of you?"

She gyrates a little as she continues, gripping the operating table he is restrained in for leverage. "what is or in this case, was your mission?"

Silver leans in close to his ear and whispers..

"what information have you sent to Estasia?"

As they approach climax, she leans in. "if you tell me the truth, i can guarantee this won't be the last of this you will receive...

This is all multiple lines of questioning, so i'll roll however you require me to. I assume manipulation + presence + probably a 1 die stunt?
Her pheromone projector enhancing her courtesan calculations with instilling lust while doing this. She will be enhancing with a manipulation augmentation. 1 mote surchage to each question resulting in a lot of mote use for keeping things from flaring up.
The questioning itself is unnatural mental influence and requires 2 willpower to resist. Playing on instilling lust as well the last one should render his DMDV inapplicable, and that one costs 3 willpower to resist.

I'll make all three rolls in OOC once i know if i'm using Presence or Socialize for this.

2013-09-23, 03:39 PM
He moans softly as he answers her questions.

"My name is Venomous Infiltrator, and I am but the first of many. My mission was to spread chaos and confusion, so that you would be focusing on trying to catch me, rather than preparing for the invasion. And I've told the Militat that this city would... make the perfect staging ground for the initial assault, in addition to who the local leaders and Champions are, so that they could be eliminated quickly."

2013-09-23, 04:09 PM
After he finishes answering, she gets up. Work done she begins to clean up and dress. "you have been a real dear, thank you for the cooperation."

She makes her way back out to her companions. Once the door closes behind her she gives them the rundown.

"His name is Venomous Infiltrator, he was a distraction, we should probably shore up our defenses. Get any champions who are skilled at war ready for invasion.

They will likely send assassins, he has apparently been feeding them information on leadership and champions.

So far he is alone but more will come is what he told me.

Also he's not that good in the sack... Estasia need's to get their priorities in proper order.

She says this as she zips her jumpsuit up to just below the breasts leaving ample cleavage visible.

2013-09-23, 06:37 PM
Bane giggles and rolls her eyes as Silver zips up her jumpsuit.

"Well, now we know a bit more about what he wanted to do. Did you find out when the Estasians would be invading? I'd feel more comfortable if we knew how much time we have."

2013-09-23, 06:59 PM
"I don't think he'd have told the truth on that one regardless"

She gestures to the door. "You of course are welcome to ask, but he might not take to force as receptively as he took to my methods."

2013-09-23, 07:12 PM
"You know, there are some priorities higher than sex."

Flare listens as Silver redresses herself, with some appreciation for the beautiful champion. And clearly the blatant seduction had worked; it's not hard to see why. She's just so showy.

"Then, are you saying we won't get more information out of him?" She steps up to the door, hesitating before passing in. "One of us should report to the council, you heard it directly, Silver Lady, and another finish with him."

Maybe Bane will volunteer.

2013-09-23, 08:14 PM
"Darling, if sex wasn't a priority, then the Great Maker wouldn't have even bothered making us capable of it."

She chuckles slightly.

"I'll head to the council and report, they'll want to hear this."

2013-09-23, 08:28 PM
"I'll see you when you get back. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to show our guest my brand of hospitality." She grins wickedly and cracks her knuckles as she walks into the room.

Can we say that during the time we were waiting for my turn at this, I went to the vats and had all my torture/interrogation Charms installed?

2013-09-23, 09:49 PM
Yeah, we can say that.

He looks up as Bane enters the room. "Not done with me yet? I've said all I can. Though I've never had a Soulsteel Caste before." He grins wickedly at her.

2013-09-24, 08:38 PM
Bane chuckles, as she walks closer to him.

"And if I have my say, you never will. I'm not the same kind of interrogator that my Silver friend is. Remember, I'm the one who, after being told we need you alive, still shot you in the chest. Imagine what other fun I have in store for you..."

She meets his eyes, and Essence flows through the circuits embedded in her Soulsteel flesh. He find his mind engulfed in a hall of mirrors, surrounded by the tortured souls of all the innocent people that he killed.

"Estasia means nothing to you now."

I'm spending 4 motes and 1 willpower to activate Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols, which means that if this roll works, he loses his Intimacy to Estasia, and should be willing to spill his guts.


2013-09-24, 08:56 PM
Venomous Infiltrator is reduced to a sobbing heap, his composure and cocky attitude shattered by the Charm's effects.

"I'll tell you whatever you want... Just make it stop..."

2013-09-25, 02:34 PM
"Then tell us when the Estasians will arrive! How many of them are coming?"

She takes a step closer to him, while thin, hooked Soulsteel claws extend from her fingertips. "If you don't, I'll have to use these..." She grins widely.

Spending another 3 motes to activate Transcendent Brutality Programming, but I'm not using it just yet.

2013-09-25, 04:23 PM
"They are coming... They are coming soon. Already, the armies are on the move. They aren't going to wait months until our nations move into close contact. You have days before they arrive."

2013-09-25, 04:57 PM
Silver makes her way to the council. She informs the desk messenger that she has news of the possible Estasian invasion.

2013-09-25, 05:00 PM
The desk messenger sends you up to Oan's office.

"Ah, the Silver Lady of Clockwork Perfection. Always a pleasure to have you here. I'm surprised, though thoroughly pleased, that you've returned so soon. I take the investigation is going well?"

2013-09-25, 05:39 PM
"well, yes, and no. Which would you like first? good or bad news? Know what they always say bad so lets get that out of the way. "

She stands with her hands behind her back like she were at attention. "The bad news is Estasia is intending an invasion, likely soon. The incidents were in fact an Estasian Champion, Venomous Infiltrator, moonsilver like myself. I was able to get some information out of him, he has been feeding them information about our Champions and our leadership so assassins can more readily take them out. He said there would be more of them coming."

She runs a hand through her silvery hair.

"the good news is that bane is currently going over him with her more frightful methods in the VATS right now. He has had his charms removed and is probably sobbing as we speak. Bane is very good at her job."

2013-09-25, 07:12 PM
Damn! I thought we had more time.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Now sit tight while we decide what to do with you."

She walks out of the room, and tells Flare what she learned.

2013-09-25, 11:27 PM
Flare blanches at the information. "Days?" How can we be ready for that?

She shakes her head. "Back to the council, right after this. We are supposed to kill him. Has anything happened to suggest we should not?" Hopefully so. She doesn't want to have to do this.

2013-09-26, 04:05 PM
"That's troubling news indeed. I'll be sure to pass word on to my colleagues, and to our generals. It would seem... we are at war." Oan pauses and stands from his desk. "If you would excuse me, Champion. I must prepare a statement."

2013-09-26, 05:22 PM
Silver nods and excuses herself. She makes her way back to the Vats.

2013-10-06, 04:29 PM
"Welcome back, Silver. They will arrive at Peardis in just days, the Estasians. Any new orders?"

Flare takes another step towards the door.

2013-10-07, 07:31 PM
She shakes her head. "The council is preparing to make a statment. No new orders though we should remain vigilant."

2013-10-07, 07:49 PM
The other moonsilver nods, and turns to head in to the interrogation room. "He was probably not their only agent, though if we are lucky he was the only champion. Send a recycler along for what's left, will you?"