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2013-08-20, 09:10 PM
300 years have passed since the time of the Great War. The mighty mages of old waged a conflict that shook the foundations of the world. Arcane force and divine fury threatened to bring about the annihilation of all life. Finally, the destruction reached the point of no return. The world itself lashed out against the humanoid races as the dragons arose from their remote lairs and haunts to form a great flight the likes of which had never before been seen, and will not be seen again. Chromatic and Metallic dragons alike took wing to lay waste to the armies and city states of humanoid kind. The seemingly all-powerful spellcasters were destroyed utterly leaving their secrets lost to the ages. In a final act of rebuke, the dragons sealed away the ley lines of the world's inherent magic, though in so doing, what few ancient wyrms remained after the bloodshed of the war deprived themselves of the arcane energies necessary to sustain their life forces. The eldest and most powerful dragons slipped away into the slumber of eternity, to join the countless casualties their kind had suffered on the battlefield.

So it was that magic was lost to the mists of time, but now the mists gather once again. Twenty years ago, the expedition to the lost city of Goreyo awoke one of the great ley lines, the dragons and elves are rebounding from their losses in the Great War, and secrets thought to be lost forever are being rediscovered. A new age of the world is dawning...


Chapter 1: The Island of Jibae

The door opens to reveal a derelict laboratory. Centuries of grime cover disused broken glassware and the remains of half finished magical experiments. Most of the equipment has clearly been in disuse for years beyond counting, but across the room, something is moving. Its shape is roughly humanoid, but its body made of metal rather than flesh and bone. The Warforged rummages through the remains of the lab, its red eyes scanning over the ancient room.

(Start introducing yourselves, socializing, and whatnot. The plot will be moving forward within a few days.)

2013-08-20, 10:49 PM
Kami stood at the entrance, keeping his stance balanced and even and himself between the being that moved about inside and his party but not keeping his party from being able to see in.

He was hoping this wouldn't turn into a fight, which, for him, was odd. Normally, he'd be spoiling for one right now. But with a child present, he felt compelled to at least try to temper himself some. He glanced back at the group for a second, waiting to see if any of them had any ideas on how to go about this before he did or said anything.

2013-08-20, 11:11 PM
Intruders detected...5 total, 4 organic, 1 living construct...

The psiforged continues scanning the room.

Suggested course of action?

It bent over, picked up a piece of machinery, looked over the machine to ascertain its function, but was unable to do so due to the utter state of disrepair of the machine.

The machine was unceremoniously tossed to the side.

Are you even paying attention to me?

Yes. And I am not particularly concerned with our guests. So long as they do not initiate combat they are welcome to assist us in our research. ... How many did you say there were, again?


Another piece of equipment would have found itself flying into the scrap heap like the previous one, if it like 26 and the psicrystal were sentient. As it turns out, typically, garbage cannot think or feel.

2013-08-20, 11:19 PM
The 'child', as it were, was indeed an odd one. For one thing, she was made entirely of metal.

Not to say she was a simple robot, like the Warforged of old, no, for this Warforged body held he soul of a young child, a little girl who had originally died in a fatal accident while exploring some ruins with her father. And so it came to pass that her father's last act was to summon her soul, and bind it to the body of an unearthed Warforged.

This Warforged was old, rusted, and small - clearly made for stealth and assassination. Yet it has been cleaned up, polished, with damaged sections being replaced with gleaming ironwood. Its head, perfectly spherical, had a mess of wires coming out of it, mimicking shoulder-length hair above a pair of glowing pale-blue eyes. A pair of metal cat ears sat atop her skull, external sonar sensors that allowed her to hear the sounds coming from within the lab.

A metal tail completed the image of some form of robotic catgirl, while extra-thick plating covered her otherwise mithril torso. There were slits on her wrists, where it looked like some sort of blades could be stored.

Yes, she was indeed odd. However, as the group approached the ruins, she showed one very human quality: curiosity. As Kami stood in front of the entrance, she tried to peek around him, instinctively staying behind him as her father had told her to do.

"Ohhh, I wonder what we'll find here," she said.

2013-08-20, 11:22 PM
(Maneuvers readied: Steel Rising, Moment of Perfect Mind, Sapphire Nightmare Blade. No stance active. Current Weapon Aptitude: fullblade.)

Makuta tapped Kami on the shoulder and nudged his way past, standing just inside the room but within easy reach of his recent companion.

"Here I thought you lacked any subtlety whatsoever. Color me amazed, and let me fill the sudden lack," Makuta muttered to Kami before whipping his fullblade from its half-sheath on his back and ramming it into the floor by his side, filling the room with a sudden clang.

"Declare yourself!" Makuta called out towards the warforged, apparently not caring that it could easily be interpreted as a challenge, especially coming from a man in full plate and bristling with weapons.

2013-08-20, 11:37 PM
Ooooh, a challenge! Lemme at 'em!

No. They probably do not realize that they are intruding here. Besides, you would shatter rapidly. I cannot permit that.

26 turns around to face the challenger. "I was sorting through these ruins. Are you going to distract me with vague unspecified threats, or shall I continue uninterrupted?"

2013-08-20, 11:39 PM
"Threats? When did I make a threat?" Makuta turned to Kami. "Did I threaten?"

He looked back at 26. "I asked first. Answer my question... wait, it wasn't a question, it was an imperative. Hmm. Okay, declare yourself, and then I'll answer your question."

2013-08-20, 11:48 PM
"Before asking me to "declare myself", you drew your sword, then aggressively brandished it. You then called out to me with a slightly aggressive tone. Perhaps I am mistaken in labeling this a threat. However, I will comply with your request. This is, or was, the laboratory where I was created. I am an experimental warforged, Model #26 to be specific, of my creator's. I am currently in the process of gathering information about this lab and the recent magical disturbance which caused my awakening."

The psicrystal begins floating up and down among the group at the door, looking over Lal for a little bit longer than the rest.

"What business do you have here?"

2013-08-21, 12:18 AM
"Said the walking arsenal in a metal suit." Kami quipped back at the larger man in response to the question thrown his way before resuming point of the group very casually, neither assuming a stance nor so much as batting and eye at the other man. He did how ever make note of the crystal focusing on Lal, and opted to keep one eye on it.

"My Name is Kamikeri Longchild. We've been sent here to explore the ruins."

2013-08-21, 05:08 PM
The Warforged would notice that Lal was not a normal Warforged. She didn't even act like a Warforged that gained sentience. She acted more like a human child or a halfling in armor. She, for her part, was surprised to find another Warforged, especially one so well-spoken. She took her cue from Kami and introduced herself.

"Um, my name is Lal," she said. This Warforged, for some reason, made her nervous, she she moved back to stand behind Kami.

2013-08-21, 06:16 PM
Takashi brooded at the back of the group, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His scimitars hung on the right side of his belt, and his small horns poked up through the dark hair hanging in front of his scarlet eyes. "Can't ever resist the urge to swing that huge lump of metal around can you?"

2013-08-21, 11:18 PM
26 looks at the group. "I am curious...is there anything in particular you are searching for, Kamikeri?"

2013-08-22, 12:25 AM
The silver haired man an inch or so under avarage height with a build of all lean, tensile corded muscle though about it for a second before he responded evenly and soundly.

"General search, relics, knowledge, what ever there might be to be found here form before the last war with the dragons and the loss of magic."

Simple, to the point, honest, and he hoped disarming. It would not be said he wasn't at least gonna try to not punch first and not ask questions.

2013-08-22, 11:02 AM
"Makuta," he offered simply, still remaining on guard in case there were more lurkers in the dark.

He glanced at Takeshi, his stance not changing until the group could figure out what was going on. "Better to have a blade ready and unneeded than needed and unready."

2013-08-22, 12:16 PM
Kami couldn't help but smile at this. He had a small dagger tucked inside the armor, it was accessible but it was fairly clearly more tool then weapon, though in a pinch it would do.

"Better still to make yourself the weapon in body and in mind and not rely upon things others make." He quipped once more over to Makuta with an amused smile. He had never been quite as stoic as many of his order, and he'd always had a bit more of a trigger, but for now, he was simply amused at the contrast in his approach to the sublime way compared to the others.

2013-08-23, 03:48 PM
Your conversation is interrupted by the sounds of squelching footsteps and voices that sound like mucus being cleared from the throat.

(Anyone speak Aquan?)

2013-08-23, 06:18 PM
Kami perked up at the sounds, his head turning as he adjusted his angle, putting Lal to his back and himself between them and her as he did and his balance shifting to the balls of his feet as his legs spread to shoulder's with and back into his stance.

"26, these friends of yours?" He said it very softly, in the hopes it would not carry past them.

(Enter flowing Momentum Stance: Scarlet Rose. Between that and my Twin Step feat I get a +1 to AC per 10ft of movement a turn up to my initiator level divined by 3, and I don't take the -2 penalty for TWF. )

2013-08-23, 06:58 PM
Responding in a similar tone, the warforged says, "They are not. This is, however, a disturbance worth investigating..."

It then begins readying itself for a potential battle.

Manifesting Inertial Armor, augmenting it with 4 additional power points, for a total +6 to AC that overlaps with my armor bonus.

2013-08-23, 08:42 PM
Lal froze up for a moment, her 'brain' rebooting as the Warforged body's programming took control. When it was done, she quickly attempted to hide next to the entry way where the sounds were coming from. She looked in that direction, her eyes glowing blue.

Hide check: [roll0]

Casting Sense Magic.

2013-08-23, 09:11 PM
Listen check of 23, (30 feet away, behind a door, whispering)

Skum Warblade listen: [roll0]
Skum Monk listen: [roll1]

2013-08-23, 09:27 PM
One of the voices makes an abrupt sound, and the squelching footsteps move toward the door opposite the one you came in from. With a crash, the door is kicked in, and you are treated to the revolting sight of a revolting creature that appears to be part human and part fish, wearing something not unlike chainmail, and brandishing a long, cruel looking greatsword. Behind it is a similar creature, this one unarmed and unarmored.

Kami: [roll0]
Lal: [roll1]
26: [roll2]
Takashi: [roll3]
Makuta: [roll4]
Armored Fish-man: [roll5]
Unarmored Fish-man: [roll6]

Spot Checks against Lal's Hide
Armored Fish-man: [roll7]
Unarmored Fish-man: [roll8]

Neither of the creatures appear to notice Lal hiding off to the side of the door that was just kicked in.

Initiative Order
1. Unarmored Fish-man
2. Takashi
3. Armored Fish-man
4. Makuta
5. 26
6. Kami
7. Lal

The unarmored fish man runs forward past its companion and leaps toward 26, who is nearest to the door.

2013-08-23, 10:27 PM
Grapple check:

Touch Attack (AC 15)

Grapple Check
Fish-man: [roll1]
26: [roll2]


The creature grabs hold of 26, forcing the Warforged to the ground and twisting a mechanical arm in a way that it was clearly not designed for. Gears grind inside 26's metal body.

2013-08-24, 12:30 AM
Takashi quickly pulls his swords and steps between the second fishman and the rest of the room. "Kill the groper, I can hold this one off."

Two move actions to draw swords (note to self, get quick draw), so no other actions right now.

2013-08-24, 12:55 AM
Takashi quickly pulls his swords and steps between the second fishman and the rest of the room. "Kill the groper, I can hold this one off."

Two move actions to draw swords (note to self, get quick draw), so no other actions right now.

A cruel sneer crosses the creature's fish-like face, and it bellows something that might be the name of an attack in its gutteral language, bringing its sword over its head and down toward Takeshi with all the force it can muster.


Damage: [roll]1d10+3d6+6 (overcomes DR and hardness)

(Bah, I did the second roll wrong somehow, but he didn't beat your AC anyway. Probably not the smartest idea to Power Attack for full on his part, but it wouldn't have mattered.)

The savage swing misses Takeshi. The tip of the sword rips into the grimy floor tile below as if it were made of paper before rising once more into the raised position of the fish man's battle stance.

2013-08-24, 02:57 AM
(Swift action: enter Punishing Stance)

Makuta whirled his fullblade into a ready position and set his feet in a rather peculiar way; it looked like it would leave him open to attack, but also let him put more power behind his swings.

"See, this is what I was expecting," he said rather flippantly as he stepped towards the grappling fish-man and warforged, a savage grin spreading across his face as he fell into a well-practiced strike.

"Sapphire Nightmare Blade!"

SNB Concentration check:
Attack: [roll1]
Stance damage: [roll2]
SNB bonus damage: [roll3]
Fullblade damage: [roll]2d8+6
Elemental Assault Crystal: +1 acid damage

2013-08-24, 08:42 AM
"Next time you swing your sword, please attempt to actually hit."

Manifesting Astral Construct as a swift action thanks to Personal Construct ACF. Expending Psionic Focus.
Concentration: [roll0] vs DC 21
Spending 5 PP to summon a 3rd level Astral Construct with Power Attack and Improved Slam Attack (Boost Construct feat).

Manifesting Vigor as a standard action.
Concentration: [roll1] vs DC 21
Spending 5 PP for 25 temporary HP.

2013-08-24, 03:37 PM
The Karsite's Fullblade swing misses wildly, but through extraordinary concentration, 26 is able to maintain the mental focus needed to bring his powers to bear against the grappling fish-man, fortifying his body and bringing an Astral Construct into being beside the tangle of metal and scales, and swings furiously at its master's attacker.

Astral Construct's Slam:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

As with the fullblade swing, the construct's fist misses the creature. Despite the attacks coming its way, the fish-man seems unwilling to release its quarry.

EDIT: (The extra rolls edited out were a bite/rake/rake grapple routine from Kung Fu Fishstick, but it's not his turn yet.)

2013-08-24, 03:55 PM
Kami stepped up and threw a vicious high roundhouse kick and followed through with a reversed sidekick form the momentum thrown at the Fish Man's mid section.

"If it's a fight you looking for try starting one with ME!" He called at the creature before stepping back about fifteen feet form it so that if it wanted to retaliate it would have to chase him.

[roll0] First attack roll.

[roll1] First damage roll.

[roll2] Second attack roll.

[roll3] Second damage roll.

The damage rolls assume of course that I hit.

2013-08-24, 04:40 PM
Lal swiftly emerged from the shadows, dashing past the tiefling and his foe. A blade extended from her forearm and sliced at the fishman as she passed.

The fishman swung at her, but hit only air. Lal twisted her arm and knocked the blade out of his hands, just barely managing to disarm him and toss the blade aside.

Initiating Shadow Garrote, I get Sneak Attack damage because of my successful hide check. I provoke an AoO by moving through a threatened square and into a flanking position, and initiate a counter (Weapon Lock) to disarm him when he misses. I roll just barely high enough to make the check, one point lower and I would have failed.

2013-08-24, 10:13 PM
The fish-man gasps in surprise at the loss of its sword, then in pain as the shadowy threads of Lal's choking technique.

Meanwhile, despite facing increasingly deadly odds, the other fish man continues its attempts to break 26, tearing at the Warforged's body with tooth and claw.

(AC 17)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

The creatures powerful jaws are stymied by 26's armored body and protective psionics, but one claw does manage to leave a gash in his metallic torso.

2013-08-25, 03:48 AM
Takashi shakes his head sadly at the fis-man. "Bad luck friend. But don't worry, you won't have long to ponder how you will suffer for your misfortune, I'll make it quick." Twirling his swords, Takashi slashes at the creature's belly, then at it's throat.

Iron Flurry Onslaught
[roll0] Attack 1
[roll1] Attack 2
[roll2] Damage 1
[roll3] Damage 2

2013-08-26, 10:36 AM
Takashi's blades strike true, leaving deep gashes in the fish-man's scaly body. It lets out a pained gurgle which might have been an oath in its strange tongue, or might just have been a dying groan, and falls to the ground, bleeding from the twin sword wounds.

(The Fishblade is down and dying.)

2013-08-26, 04:25 PM
26 attempts to throw the other fish-man off of it.

Grapple check?: [roll0]
For future reference, Sam, should I operate my Constructs or will you?

"Regardless of the outcome of this contest of strength between us, I am confident in your eventual demise."

2013-08-26, 05:16 PM
As Takashi gouges the everloving bejeezus out of the armored fishman, Makuta recovers from his missed swing and bares his teeth in what could generously be called a smile. Without another word, he flourishes his massive sword in a dizzying kata before falling into a ready stance and slashing at the remaining foe.

(Move action/standard action: recover maneuvers and attack.)

Attack roll: [roll0]
Fullblade damage: [roll1]
Punishing Stance damage: [roll2]
+1 acid damage

2013-08-26, 07:02 PM
26 attempts to throw the other fish-man off of it.

Grapple check?: [roll0]
For future reference, Sam, should I operate my Constructs or will you?

"Regardless of the outcome of this contest of strength between us, I am confident in your eventual demise."(You can operate your own constructs in the future, also Grapple is d20+BAB+Str. I may have rolled it wrong earlier. Either way, its Str mod is +7 so you're still being grappled, though the point is somewhat moot for this combat, as Makuta's attack knocks it down to negatives.)

Astral Construct Slam:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The Astral Construct swings again at the grappling fish-man, but once more is unable to connect. However, Makuta's sword strikes true, and with a gasp, the creature releases 26 and goes still.

(The Fish Monk is down and bleeding out.)

Victory: Everyone gains 350exp.

2013-08-26, 08:31 PM
Takashi steps out of the room to check the hall. "Everyone still alive?"

2013-08-27, 03:07 PM
The corridor outside is dimly lit by grey light from an open door at its far end, likely the point from which the fish-men had entered. Along the hallway are a number of doors, perhaps leading to other labs like the one that you had found 26 in.

(So yeah, decide on what you want to do next. Loot bodies, search the lab more thoroughly, head outside, or whatever else might strike your fancy.)

2013-08-27, 06:54 PM
Kami stepped over to the down martial artist and knelt. From there he began to apply pressure to attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Are you alright 26?" He asked calmly to the warfordged as he began to work on the problem.

Heal check, 1d20 +int mod cause it's untrained. I know, probably a waste but my character doesn't know what's on his sheet and since it didn't just drop and die gotta make the effort.


2013-08-27, 11:06 PM
"I was not severely damaged. I am capable of repairing myself."

26 looks around the room. "The presence of our intruders raises several questions... How did they get in? Will we be subject to further attacks? What might they have found in their exploration?"

26 and its psicrystal begins to look through the bodies of the two fishmen.

26's search: [roll0]
Psicrystal's search: [roll1]

2013-08-27, 11:09 PM
Lal made her way over to the dying monk, attempted to help Kami stabilize him.

(Using an Aid Another action.)

2013-08-28, 11:05 AM
It didn't take too long to get the bleeding to stop, and that done Kami began moving to the next matter.

"Alright, now the other one Lal. 26, if you have any skill at medican on organic bodies it would be appreciated. Takashi, Makuta, if you wouldn't mind checking there bodies for anything of use and revealing them of weapons?"

[roll0] Heal check to try to stop the other one form bleeding out.

2013-08-28, 11:29 AM
Lal followed Kami to the other body and attempted to help stabilize him as well. For good measure, she gave the greatsword a kick, sending it scattering away.

Aid Another, naturally.

2013-08-28, 02:06 PM
"Any reason why you're bothering to save them?"

[roll0] Search, search, search the fish monster

2013-08-28, 02:21 PM
"It does seem rather counterproductive." Makuta stowed his fullblade and approached the fish-men. "It is odd that they were here, though, and instantly attacked. Why were they so confident? Or desperate?"


2013-08-28, 05:38 PM
"Unnecessary killing goes against my training. If they'd died before they'd hit the ground I'd have just left it at that, but as it stands I feel I should at least try to get them alive." He answered as he kept working on the other one.

2013-08-28, 06:15 PM
"I do not possess knowledge on how to repair the structures of organic beings."

2013-08-28, 08:38 PM
Lal's Heal Check (Needs to be 10 for Aid Another to work):



The fish-men don't seem to have been planning on a long expedition. Neither carries any rations, and apart from the mail and sword that one had used, they have precious little by way of equipment. The sword wielder does however have a pack made of some strange material, in which the tattered and moldy remains of centuries old books and notebooks have been stored, along with a small pouch containing a sizable number of ancient coins.

2013-08-28, 08:41 PM
Bah, here's the Heal roll.


Despite Lal's efforts, she is not of much help with Kami's ministration to the warrior. The creature continues bleeding.

2013-08-28, 08:49 PM
Kami keeps working on it, remembering his training, keeping his patients in check.


"Anyone else wants to help apply pressure now would be a good time."

He offers to the remainder of the group.

2013-08-28, 11:34 PM
This time Kami is successful. The fish-man's wound is stanched, and it begins breathing more easily.

2013-08-29, 06:01 AM
"Hmm. Looks like they were searching for something here, some bit of knowledge." He sets aside the book remains. "Looks like they also found a bit of coin."

2013-09-01, 06:59 PM
Takashi flips through the books the fishmen had. "Some of these are spellbooks, the rest are notes on magical experiments. I might be able to figure out more after I can go through all this in detail." He stuffs it all into his pack.

2013-09-01, 08:45 PM
"Just what we need," Makuta sighed as he continued rummaging around the room, looking for anything of importance. "Fish-people with magic. Enough of it going around as it is. So, move on?"

2013-09-02, 06:29 AM
Kami took a water bottle out and rinsed his and Lal's hands of the blood form the first aid, satisfied that he'd done the first major part of making sure he'd prevented needlessly excessive death.

"Books may be of interst to our employer then. Yes, we probably should move on a bit, though I want to find a room we can lock these two in for the time being. I recall there was a church not far from here. When we go to actually depart we can transfer them there but for now I just want to get them out of the way."

He though for a moment before turning to Lal.

"Remind me when we do go to depart to have you look at those books."

2013-09-02, 09:21 AM
"We should just leave them, they're not dying so after some rest they can just go home. Unless we want to fix one up enough to talk so we can try to get information out of him. If we do, do the one with the armor, disarmed he's less of a threat."

2013-09-03, 12:35 AM
"I would protest the seizure of the books, since there is a good chance they belonged to my creator, but...given the state of things, this lab does not look to have been used for a while... Who is your employer?"

Dead fishy guys! Wait...do I know what they are?

Psicrystal's Know (dungeoneering) check: [roll0]

2013-09-03, 05:13 PM
"I'll feel better about leaving them if we can lock them somewhere so nothing comes behind us and finishes them. And besides, that way we've got a better chance of questioning them."

Kami responded as he moves to one the Fish mens heads and takes it's shoulders carefully. "Someone wanna grab the other end?"

2013-09-09, 04:28 PM
Takashi puts his swords away and helps Kami.

2013-09-12, 01:11 PM
Examining the corridor, you find several rooms much like the one you were just in. Those at the far end of the corridor have already been ransacked, likely by the fish-men you just defeated. One of them does have part of a magical shape of some kind on the floor, but it's difficult to make out, and there appears to have been some sort of accident in the room before they even got there. The cieling is caved in and there appears to have been a fire. The remaining three have seemingly not been touched for centuries. In one, you see a dusty glass cylindrical tank filled with some strange green liquid, and containing some strange hideous monstrosity. It is generally humanoid in form and appearance, but lines of stitches adorn its body and it seems to be composed of parts from a number of different sources (Knowledge(Arcana) to identify). Across the hall from this chamber is a room containing a strange magical apparatus, which, though covered in dust, appears to be relatively undamaged. Finally, across the hall, you find a lab containing a number of notebooks and documents similar to those the fish men had been carrying but seemingly pertaining to a distinct subject (ie Knowledge(Arcana) doesn't work, Knowledge(Psionics) will, though as with the arcane texts it'll take a while studying them for 26 to get much out of them beyond the fact that they were notes kept by his creator). At the end of the hallway opposite the exit into the ruined city at large is a door which appears to lead back in the general direction from which you came before meeting up with 26. Of all these rooms, only the one with the tank and the one with the strange device appear to have working locks. The other doors have had their locks corroded by the ages or were broken down by the fish-men.

Crappy MS Paint Map of the Lab

Red indicates a doorway, the purple thing is the magical apparatus, and the green circle is the tank.

2013-09-12, 01:32 PM
"Unfortunately, there are limits to my knowledge of my creator's lab. Would any of you perchance be familiar with the arcane enough to know what that creature is?"

What knowledge check, if any, would let us know what happened in the room with the magical apparatus?

2013-09-13, 11:14 PM
Kami looked over the scene as they got to the last door, having swept the whole structure and stowed the fish men. At this point, he considered it for a moment and looked at the rest.

"Right, who's for pressing on then?"

2013-09-14, 01:42 AM
"Unfortunately, there are limits to my knowledge of my creator's lab. Would any of you perchance be familiar with the arcane enough to know what that creature is?"

What knowledge check, if any, would let us know what happened in the room with the magical apparatus?

(Nothing happened in the room with the apparatus, and I'm honestly not sure the RAW way to identify it. OOC it's a prototype Create Food trap. Boop it to feed the non-Warforged if necessary. Assuming you're investigating the destroyed room, you could try Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, and taking 20 with Search.)

Kami looked over the scene as they got to the last door, having swept the whole structure and stowed the fish men. At this point, he considered it for a moment and looked at the rest.

"Right, who's for pressing on then?"

(Are you locking them in with the golem tank, or the Create Food trap?)

2013-09-14, 02:36 AM
"I have no idea what any of this is. But this room is as good as any, leave them here."

2013-09-14, 10:07 AM
(Create food trap, and he's proposing that once that's done and they've swept the inside they start checking out the outside.

2013-09-17, 01:33 AM
"Pressing on sounds...well enough. I may as well join you, as I currently lack purpose."

Are we going on an adventure? Adventures sound fun!

The psicrystal glows excitedly. The warforged does not.

Will you go find someone else to bother with your incessant questioning?


The psicrystal begins orbiting about, attempting to telepathically introduce itself to anyone who feels like listening. 26 sighs.

2013-09-17, 12:21 PM
Having locked the unconscious fish-men away, you proceed out of the laboratory building into the street outside. Ancient weather-scarred buildings tower over you, extending well into the distance. To your left is what may once have been a bell tower, though its greatest heights no longer reach the grey sky above. What had likely been its uppermost floors in ages past lie scattered and broken on the ground below. Directly before you is a street, littered with grimy crumbling stone wreckage, and in the center, an open manhole toward what had likely been the city sewers in olden times. To your right is an old church, though its windows are either opaque with grime or have been smashed in, the symbol which had adorned its steeple is half gone and covered in grime, and there seems to be a long gash of caved in roofing behind the missing portion.

2013-09-18, 02:11 AM
Makuta gazed around the street impassively, noting its major features in a glance. "I see four options. Two are viable, one in the long-term. One, tower. Get our bearings, look for landmarks. Two, stay on the road. Bad idea, we'll be exposed to anything watching. Three, down in the sewer. No. Just no. Four, into the church. It might have valuable records."

2013-09-18, 06:31 AM
"I would agree with your assessment of the situation. Information is at a premium here, and scouting the tower would likely give us some immediate knowledge."

The sewer? I wonder what's down there? It sounds exciting! Is that where the adventure is?

26 groans audibly. "My psicrystal wishes to go into the sewer. That is a fairly sound indication that we ought to do anything but that."

2013-09-18, 08:49 AM
"Well, I'll vote Tower then Church in that order then."

Kami chimed in as he cast his gaze back and forth a couple of times, trying to get a feel for the place.

2013-09-18, 08:16 PM
"I agree, we should investigate the church."

2013-09-23, 05:34 PM
"Bearings come first. Then records." Without another word, Makuta headed for the entrance to the tower with fullblade at the ready.

2013-09-26, 04:42 AM
"Or we could do that."

2013-09-26, 11:15 AM
"Doesn't matter to me too much as long as we don't get killed, and we keep the killing down to what ever is gonna be absolutely essential to accomplish that first part."

He started moving in the direction of the Church with the other two, keeping Lal and 26 near by.

2013-09-28, 12:34 PM
(Okay, I seriously can't tell whether you guys are going to the tower or the church or still arguing about it. Make a decision and someone open a door or something.)

2013-09-28, 03:22 PM
"I am inclined to agree." 26 follows Makuta towards the tower.

I think we're heading to the tower. Looks like Metahuman put the wrong word in? Also, not going to be the one to open the door oh wait I'm a warforged, there's only so much a trap can do to me I'm just asking to get smote with a sentence like that...

26 then steps forward and opens the door to the tower.

2013-09-29, 01:22 AM
Yeah, sorry, was a bit distracted when I put up that post.

2013-09-29, 12:56 PM
The door creaks open, revealing a dusty stone entrance chamber. The walls and floor are worn and cracked, and portions of the ceiling are crumbling or have already fallen, leaving bits of rock scattered on the ground, and patches of uneven height above, even a few small rays of pale light drifting down from the next floor. Directly in front of you is a circular desk and in the far corner of the room is a door with a dust covered picture of a staircase on it.

Each square is a 5 foot square, brown stuff is rubble, and the yellow dots are light coming down from small holes in the ceiling.

2013-10-01, 07:09 PM
Lal, meanwhile, hung behind for the most part, just observing everything. For the most part, she stuck close to Kami, though she did scamper about to look at whatever caught her interest.

Sorry for the delay! I completely forgot about this. >_<

2013-10-02, 04:09 AM
"I'll watch the door, so we're not trapped up there in case we're spotted."