View Full Version : can it be done this way

2013-08-21, 08:44 AM
so in looking at other sources it appears the following build works, however there are a couple sticky spots that are questionable when looking at the book info.
Wizard 5 (Player's Handbook v.3.5 variant, p. 55)
Crusader 1 (Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords variant, p. 8)
Jade Phoenix Mage 5 (Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords variant, p. 113)
Legacy Champion 5 (Weapons of Legacy variant, p. 19)
Abjurant Champion 4 (Complete Mage variant, p. 50)
this build appears to achieve a caster level of 17th to cast 9th level spells
and an initiator level of 17th to do 9th level maneuvers...
the sticky spot is legacy champion near as I can see its special +1 level of existing class features, applies to 1 not both - does it work for both the caster and initiator levels?
then are there other PRC's that do similar to the legacy champion?

2013-08-21, 08:51 AM
You can use the Legacy champion class ability to progress your Wizard casting, and the levels will simply add to your IL in a 1:1 basis. They wont actually grant new maneuvers or anything else so you'd need to be smart with when you take certain levels to make sure you're actually advancing a maneuver class at the right levels when new manuevers become available and you've unlocked new levels via IL.

2013-08-21, 09:00 AM
...isn't there another thread currently open (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=298731) discussing exactly that build?

Perhaps to explain: Legacy Champion used to advance the Wizard class advances the Wizard's non-martial 1/2 IL per level as well. But Legacy Champion itself also gets the 1/2 IL per level, so they double up (that seems to be the interpretation, anyway...), but they don't actually grant any new maneuvres.

(Edit: and what's even weirder: if LC is used to advance an actual martial class like Crusader, it advances 1.5 IL per level, following the same interpretation.)

Uncanny Trickster is another PrC with a similar mechanic to Legacy Champion. Some Bloodlines do the same I guess? I'm not actually familiar with Bloodlines.

2013-08-21, 09:59 AM
...isn't there another thread currently open (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=298731) discussing exactly that build?

in looking at that thread - they do not cover this little line in the legacy champion - If you had more than one class before becoming a legacy champion, you must decide to which class to add each level for the
purpose of determining class abilities.
so if we choose wizard for the LC- while yes it advances the wizards "existing class features" in this case adding 4 levels of wizard and +2 IL + the 2.5 IL of the LC itself - still runs short of the IL 17

wizard 5= 2.5 (4.5) IL, crusader 1= 1 IL, AC 4= 2 IL, LC 5= 2.5 IL JPM 5= 5 IL
unless I am missing something this is 15 IL, and CL 17...

2013-08-21, 10:14 AM
Legacy Champion won't add extra IL unless you're using it to advance a Tome of Battle class (and arguably not even then). And advancing IL by 1/2 isn't a feature of the Wizard, it's a feature of how IL works.