View Full Version : Paladin Spells

2013-08-21, 10:34 AM
What to you, is a spell that is currently not on the paladin spell list that feels just very... paladin, to you.

If you like, also explain why you think this spell is a paladinesque spell.

2013-08-21, 12:41 PM
Atonement - set as a 4th level spell

2013-08-21, 04:39 PM
Lion's Charge - it just seems something the mounted champion with a spell-linked mount might possibly find somewhat useful.

2013-08-21, 04:43 PM
Atonement - set as a 4th level spell

Oh my goodness yes!

From now on this is house ruled in my games.

2013-08-21, 04:54 PM
Recitation and Righteous Wrath of the Faithful. Come on, it's about inspiring those of your faith around you!


2013-08-21, 05:21 PM
Divine Sacrifice

T.G. Oskar
2013-08-21, 05:50 PM
I always insist Shield of Faith is a great Paladin spell. There's several factors why it should be there, being a scaling buff spell that grants a useful form of AC (deflection), and considering Rangers get Barkskin, it's not easy to understand why they lack SoF.

Righteous Might is another spell they lack, and one that could easily be downgraded to a 3rd level spell without much hassle. It's the benefit of Enlarge Person, but with reduced time, more Strength, a bonus to Constitution, a bonus to natural armor, and free DR to boot. Considering how 4th level Paladin spells are (usually very good, and granting a lot of bonuses to them at once), it's a shame they can't use the spell, not even as a wand. Just the benefits of Enlarge Person, specifically the damage dice increase and the reach, are phenomenal. The fact that it's a Cleric spell gained by default is highly insulting.

Magic Vestment is another spell I find sorely lacking. Paladins get Magic Weapon AND the Greater version of said spell, and they get spells where they eventually boost armor and shields' enhancement bonus but with added special qualities (it's on Complete Champion, BTW). If they're willing to add the deity-specific version of the spell, why not add the original one, considering a Paladin will never get enough CL to boost it as a Cleric would, but at least provide itself (and its allies, if necessary) a decent boost to their armor and shield? That alone would make it a must-have.

On the other hand, I'm ambivalent towards Divine Power. This is the key spell that makes Clerics outperform Paladins in their own turf, but its main benefit (full BAB) is irrelevant on a Paladin because they get that by default. The other benefits, though (+6 enh. bonus to Strength, temporary HP) is always great, however, and they can make a better use of it because they have Battle Blessing to activate it as a swift action and enter the fray of battle. It's the BAB thing that makes it a bad choice; with a houserule, or with homebrew, it becomes better whenever the Paladin gets full CL on top of it, because it allows the class to PrC somewhat freely and retain their BAB potential (good for Power Attack, for example).

Going with Spell Compendium options, I'd add to the list spells such as Girallon's Blessing (4 arms = a two-handed weapon, a shield, and potentially an extra attack with the claw), Conviction (a scaling morale bonus to saving throws, good for when a Bard's not around), Nightshield (a scaling resistance bonus to saving throws with a free barrier against Magic Missiles), Blindsight (do I need to explain the benefits of having actual blindsight?), Weapons of Energy and Weapon of Impact (more buffing spells for weapons, of which a Paladin depends quite a lot), Delay Death (just add Diehard!) and...why not add Lesser Holy Transformation into it (you turn into a frickin' protectar; maybe if there was a Paladin equivalent that allows it to turn into a Hound Archon or one of the Book of Exalted Deeds archons, it'd be awesome). Not quite sure if I'd consider adding the Vigor line, as they won't be actually using the spell (it'd be essentially just to activate the wand), but it's a nice consideration.

Oh, and...Air Walk. It can be used on the Paladin, or used on its mount. There, a way to handle the (lack of) flight. Between Blindsight, Air Walk, Protection/Magic Circle against Evil and Death Ward, you get stuff enough to take Paladins to low Tier 3rd or high Tier 4th (and an excuse to let them remain in the Paladin class afterwards, though that also requires changing a specific class feature I really don't like for another class feature they desperately need).