View Full Version : Tarquin's true motive to race for the gate

2013-08-21, 05:40 PM
Ok, so did anyone else here suspect that Tarquin's true motive to enter the gate race was to keep Malack from killing Nale and to give Nale a second chance to prove his competence so he could rejoin their team?

Because we all found it a little weird that Tarquin joined in without having a plan to actually use the gate, we all tried to guess what else he knew about the gate that we didn't, but I'll be damned if I would have guessed he only used the gate as a pretext, and considered it mostly useless, and possibly worth destroying.

I was sure that Tarquin would lose his cool after finding out about Malack and kill Nale, but instead he tried even then to reach out to Nale and help him get through.

For all his competence, Tarquin has always been oblivious when it came to his sons, both to Elan's childish stupidity, and to Nale's hostility and pure hatred.

Edit: Also, I just realized Nale has like... no self-preservation whatsoever. None. Taunting and insulting a general while he has an army at the ready, taunting Malack as he was about to kill him( "Malack. How's the family?"), taunting Celia when he got captured the very first time. This guy was only still alive because he'd been fighting a bunch of wussies who wouldn't finish him off, and because of sheer dumb luck (dodging Malack's quickened spell after Harm on the balcony, being rescued by Tarquin before Belkar knocked him out) .

If it weren't for that totally awesomely executed Switcheroo with Elan and him killing Malack, this guy would have been more useless than the demon roaches.

2013-08-21, 08:23 PM
I really don't think the attempt to "save" Nale was Tarquin's only motivation here. He also needs to feel sure that Elan is capable of handling the threat to the final gate, and he probably also wanted to be along to take advantage of any new and startling knowledge uncovered in the process.

I don't see Tarquin or Nale as being more or less evil than one another, but I think we can all agree that Tarquin is far more effective.