View Full Version : Nale Memorial Thread

2013-08-21, 11:31 PM
Nice things to say about Nale ... er ... um ...

He had a well-trimmed beard.

He had a fine-looking girlfriend.

He accepted all races, creeds, and color, down to the lowly kobold, and inspired a twisted form of loyalty in them ... somehow.

He was a restraining influence on Thog. To some degree.

He made Belkar sing show tunes.


2013-08-21, 11:34 PM
He was a very amusing character. What more can you ask for?

2013-08-21, 11:44 PM
He now gives Elan a more traditionally tropey bardy reason to vow to one day return and defeat the murderous despot that was once his father?

The Order can't possibly lose now with that kind of narrative momentum on their side :elan:

Lord Raziere
2013-08-21, 11:59 PM
he was funny and far more entertaining than the man he was killed by, and he should've been the villain that had the dramatically appropriate final showdown with Elan. he wasn't a good man, he was evil, he was a jerk, a bully, a bad planner, or at least not good at accounting for the flaws in said plans, and honestly he could've done something smarter than outright admitting that he killed Malack and then bragging about it, and he was a little too focused on his ego and revenge. but I will give him this: he was an honest man. A man who only wanted to be his own, and he pursued that goal to the best of his ability, and didn't give up in trying to achieve it no matter what, no matter how incompetent he was. he was willing to take risks for it, and willing to stand up to his father and say what he had been thinking all along, and while he may have been a coward, he was still brave for doing so. Even if he could've honestly been much smarter about it.

RIH (Rest In Hell)


2013-08-22, 12:00 AM
He had a knack for finding and somehow attracting far more interesting and useful characters than himself that we may otherwise have not gotten to enjoy, such as Thog, Sabine, and Leaky Windstaff. Despite being a self-centered ego maniacal petulant child bastard who pretty brazenly and openly included using said other team members (except Sabine) as sacrificial lambs in his plans.

He was also, until strip 913, arguably the greatest karma Houdinis in the entire comic.

While his existence was mostly an annoyance, the instances where he suffered severe physical pain or was pathetically outsmarted (V: "Apparently" :smallbiggrin: never stops being funny!) were at least mildly amusing, though still less amusing than if any other character at all were getting the screen time to do...anything, really.

Warren Dew
2013-08-22, 12:04 AM
He and his group were funny the first time they appeared.

Henry the 57th
2013-08-22, 12:13 AM
At first, I thought Nale was amusing. A distraction and a means to advance Elan's subplot. A few strips ago, when he killed Malack, I cheered for him. After reading his last speech, I pity him. Imagine being raised by someone like Tarquin. I hope he is avenged someday.

RIP :nale:

2013-08-22, 12:28 AM
Nale lacked self-preservation instinct, was overconfident and was lacking Wisdom even more then Belkar.

BUT... I liked his twisted personnality, it added a nice touch to the comic.

I wish he could have change through the comic and gain a better vision of the future and find a new goal in life or something.

Rest in Peace Nale... I hope that in death you will finally be freed from that hatred and finally be in peace.

2013-08-22, 12:47 AM
He was a generous patron to the negative level potion companies, and put many of their children through wizard school.

2013-08-22, 12:49 AM
As someone put it in the main thread, he died doing what he did best. Can't ask for more than that.

2013-08-22, 04:40 AM
He is dead.

2013-08-22, 04:53 AM
Nale. "He wanted to be a bigger shot than his father, only to be proved wrong by his dagger."

Bulldog Psion
2013-08-22, 05:01 AM
He was a schemer whose one successful scheme proved to be his undoing.

2013-08-22, 05:09 AM
He died like he lived. A fool.

2013-08-22, 05:12 AM
To Nale. He was a monster, bu no one deserves to go the way he did.

The Pilgrim
2013-08-22, 05:39 AM
He forced Elan to evolve from totally useless and extremely and constanty annoying, into halfway competent and only midly and occasional annoying.

We will always be in a HUGE debt with him, for that.

Gosh, Roy SHOULD build him a giant statue.

Emperor Flumph
2013-08-22, 05:41 AM
He was everything a secondary villain should be. Entertaining, hateable, pathetically flawed yet still threatening.
I always found his storylines exciting and funny. I cheered when he got his comeuppance every time he ruined his own plans. And then I learned what he came from, what (and who) had made him the way he was, and I pitied him. And then he died and I mourned him.

2013-08-22, 06:18 AM
He was utterly evil, but he killed a monster worse than himself and died because he refused to bow down to another monster worse than himself.

Mike Havran
2013-08-22, 06:29 AM
He looked cute when he was a baby.

King of Nowhere
2013-08-22, 07:24 AM
He was defiant before his death.
Too bad he ruined it all by being surprised by said death. If he went down like "i'd rather die than bow to you" he would have been quite badass, but he managed to turn it into "I killed his best friend, taunted him about it, announced i'd always be a stone in his cogwheels, and I even expected to walk away after that. I mean, it's not lke I already have a long story of antagonizing him to the point that he'd aleady have killed me years ago if i weren't his son".

2013-08-22, 08:55 AM
He was defiant before his death.
Too bad he ruined it all by being surprised by said death. If he went down like "i'd rather die than bow to you" he would have been quite badass, but he managed to turn it into "I killed his best friend, taunted him about it, announced i'd always be a stone in his cogwheels, and I even expected to walk away after that. I mean, it's not lke I already have a long story of antagonizing him to the point that he'd aleady have killed me years ago if i weren't his son".

Yeah, but that's because after all that he's experienced, he still really doesn't understand Tarquin at all

2013-08-22, 09:28 AM
...at least 'e keeps movin' around when 'e starts with tha pontificatin!

2013-08-22, 09:36 AM
What good things can I say about Nale? Here goes:

Nale had a very healthy relationship with Sabine.

nale good to thog. nale let thog smash stuff and let thog stay up extra hour past thog's bedtime on weekends (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0387.html)

Nale was an equal opportunity employer, hiring Half-Orcs, Half-Elves, Drow, Kobolds and female Dwarves.

Nale could tell that Miko Miyazaki was not a good potential hiree for the Linear Guild.

Nale indirectly helped both Durkon and Roy have a few "encounters".

Nale would not let Thog use a "Celine Dion, in Concert" album to torture anyone. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0258.html) :smallbiggrin:

Nale and Z destroyed Malack, a major threat to life on the Western Continent, not to mention the scum who turned Durkon into a Vampire.

Nale's actions led Elan to take being a hero more seriously, starting Elan's character growth arc.

Nale let Thog use rocket-skates. 'Nuff said!

2013-08-22, 09:48 AM
He and his group were funny the first time they appeared.

Is it just me, or comments like this (which seem to be common these days) are actually a pretty direct insult to Rich's writing skills?

I know it's likely not intended as such but that's basically what it means...

2013-08-22, 09:50 AM
He was defiant before his death.
Too bad he ruined it all by being surprised by said death. If he went down like "i'd rather die than bow to you" he would have been quite badass, but he managed to turn it into "I killed his best friend, taunted him about it, announced i'd always be a stone in his cogwheels, and I even expected to walk away after that. I mean, it's not lke I already have a long story of antagonizing him to the point that he'd aleady have killed me years ago if i weren't his son".

Lets be fair. He'd been doing stuff like that all the time. He'd been trying to kill Malack for years; he'd been trying to overthrow Tarquin for years; he'd been talking back to and insulting Tarquin for years. Yet Tarquin does nothing, and even when he finally kills Malack, Tarquin is still willing to let it slide.

I mean, lets be honest- how many people actually saw this coming?

2013-08-22, 10:06 AM
"Sought Independence
Discovered he had nothing
Now truly alone."

2013-08-22, 10:57 AM
He gave Thog an extra hour past bedtime on Sundays.

2013-08-22, 10:59 AM
He gave Thog an extra hour past bedtime on Sundays.

Not just Sundays, the whole weekend!

2013-08-22, 11:19 AM
He was true to himself.
Sadly himself betrayed him.

King of Nowhere
2013-08-22, 11:29 AM
I mean, lets be honest- how many people actually saw this coming?

The moment I saw nale admitting he kiled malack like that, I tought "he's gonna die before the end of the strip". He did the one thing he should not have done to REALLy piss tarquin.

2013-08-22, 11:36 AM
he died as he lived.

out matched. out of his depth. convinced he was in the right and had the upper hand. with the ability to get out of it if he hadn't been on an ego trip

i'm gonna miss the evil idiotic man. he deserved to kill Tarquin even if he would have NEVER pulled it off.

2013-08-22, 02:41 PM
He is actually smarter than Sabine.

RIP hell if I care

2013-08-22, 02:54 PM
By definition, he was as good looking as Elan.

He was the most petty of all the 'main' villains, in a good way. He focused on personal evil, wanting revenge and recognition more than world domination.

He kept pace with the party instead of always overshadowing them in terms of power.

He had a good relationship with Sabine.

2013-08-22, 03:21 PM
Nale was a pretty awesome villain, and by extension I thought the Linear Guild were enjoyable recurring enemies. Powerful enough to pose a realistic challenge to the Order on their own footing, and though victories were few (practically nil), I admired their tenacity.

Nale and Sabine had a well-rounded and characterful relationship with one another, and I'm looking forward to how she'll react now he's gone.

Nale may not have had the experience or resources of his father, but he had a creative if overly-ambitious and convoluted ability to create master plans that was as interesting as it was humorous.

He died standing as a man of (admittedly evil) principles, instead of taking up a cosy, but cowardly offer of subordination to his despot father. He lived striving for his own freedom, and in death he finally has it.

2013-08-23, 03:56 PM

He was a bad NPC.

2013-08-23, 04:06 PM
By definition, he was as good looking as Elan.

Except he had a goatee. Eew.

I know this is supposed to be only good things, but that's too far

2013-08-23, 04:14 PM
He was incredibly farsighted, only having to go through seven scrolls of sending before managing to deliver his message with ten words to spare.

2013-08-23, 04:32 PM
Nale. "Finally out of his Fathers shadow. May that bring him some peace".

2013-08-23, 05:07 PM
Whatever chance he had was taken from him long ago by the monster that ultimately ended his life.

2013-08-23, 05:10 PM
He was funny and entertaining, and I liked him as a character. Sad to see him go. :smallfrown:

2013-08-23, 05:30 PM
I found him entertaining.:smallsmile:

2013-08-23, 06:46 PM
Nale was a fun character and, while he didn't really deserve better, that's a rough way to go. But at least Élan has a better narrative advantage against Tarquin now.

I suspect Tarquin will justify his actions to Élan and those justifications may come back to haunt Tarquin.

2013-08-24, 10:03 PM
Except he had a goatee. Eew.

I know this is supposed to be only good things, but that's too far

He was the evil twin... in this universe, I think the goatee was mandatory.

And he did shave it once.

2013-08-24, 10:13 PM
He paid thog in pure fudge ripple and sprinkles (probably)

The Oni
2013-08-25, 05:09 AM
He wasn't Miko.

2013-08-25, 10:00 AM
He died by rejecting the thing he'd been living on since he first appeared. Mercy. He should have died in Dorukan's dungeon but Elan showed mercy. The only reason he wasn't killed in Azure City was mercy (and the difficulty of keeping him dead). Tarquin's mercy had been keeping Malack off his back for years.

Long story short, he was too stupid to realize that the only reason he was still alive was because other people kept showing him mercy, and then he went and told the wrong person he didn't want any. Hence, stabbed through the heart.

Farewell, Nale. You were an incompetent boob and will be missed by none.

2013-08-25, 10:24 AM
Free at last. He took your life. He couldn't take your pride.

2013-08-25, 10:59 AM
Without his machinations, Haley may never have recovered her speech.

He catalyzed the beginning of Elan and Haley's relationship. Without him they may never had acknowledged their feelings for one another.

2013-08-25, 11:02 AM
He was utterly evil, but he killed a monster worse than himself and died because he refused to bow down to another monster worse than himself.

Hear, hear!

This is why I will remember him.

2013-08-25, 11:07 AM
To Nale: He died fighting for an independence from the greatest tyrant of all. May the fires of the nine hells keep you warm at night, and may your servitude to the demon you loved, be a pleasant one.

2013-08-25, 11:31 AM
Is it just me, or comments like this (which seem to be common these days) are actually a pretty direct insult to Rich's writing skills?Nope. Criticism (especially specific criticism) is not insult.

The criticism in question came off as slightly catty, but that's how people are around here.

2013-08-25, 11:37 AM
10 GP says Sabine'll bring him back as a Devil/Demon. Now that is something we can look forwards to.

Bulldog Psion
2013-08-25, 01:30 PM
He was utterly evil, but he killed a monster worse than himself and died because he refused to bow down to another monster worse than himself.

Very well said.

2013-08-25, 08:12 PM
To Nale:

A man who fought the law and all that was good, but was only alive because of law itself.

May your goatee never burn into cinders, you multi-classed rogue.

No toasts necessary, one was already enacted 10 strips ago, and I'm sure Hell will be quite cross with us about ruining it for them before the next strip arrived.

2013-08-25, 11:52 PM
Nale, you were great at being a villain on the same level as the Order. Kinda incompetent, kinda competent, but always funny.

May you and your excellent goatee rest in peace.

Gift Jeraff
2013-08-26, 08:26 AM
Rest in peace...as much peace as a damned soul could have, at least. He wasn't my favourite, but as the underdog I was rooting for him. Plus he had good taste in minions: Sabine, Thog, Zz'dtri, and Leeky.

And most importantly, he made Malack go out in glorious pain. :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-26, 09:03 AM
He killed Malack, which sort of avenged Durkon.

Hopefully they'll both stay dead. May they be tormented in hell.

2013-08-26, 09:20 AM
You know, I was really shocked when Nale died. I mean, as I read the strip, it was pretty obvious that he and Tarquin weren't going to agree and a fight was inevitable - but I still didn't think he'd die. I have no idea how he might of escaped, so really it was just me thinking a Nale v Elan showdown was the only way his part in the story could end (with him dying in a dramatic falling off cliff, "no, I would rather die than be saved by Elan" sort of way). Turns out, I was wrong, and hence very surprised. :smalleek:

I have always liked the linear guild subplots: the colourful characters, the convoluted schemes, Nale's unashamed quest for vengeance. I really loved that they were villains you could just laugh at. Not that they were completely incompetent, but just incompetent enough that I never really thought of them as a serious threat to the (still pretty incompetent) heroes. They were just fun to watch as their latest scheme came crashing down around them - I haven't found any other villains this enjoyable to watch lose and still find them believable characters. :smallbiggrin:

One other thing I note, the Linear Guild's opposition to the Order of the Stick was a lot more personal than any other enemy the Order has faced. Xykon doesn't even know their names, and couldn't care less what they're doing when not in his way. Kubota kinda made it personal for Elan, and the black dragon definitely made things personal for V, but the Linear Guild has consistently been trying to take the whole Order out - and now they're gone :smallfrown:

Woah, I didn't mean to write this much. Better say something about Nale :smallredface:. After reading his death scene, I feel like I understood his character a lot better - living in his father's shadow, raised to be an evil pawn, wanting to be his own man and commit evil on an even grander scale than his father. It makes all his previous acts of evil seem all the more like he was trying to one up his old man, and I can respect that, in a way. He was a damn fool, but he dreamed big.

Oh, and I loved his relationship with Sabine. Perhaps the one healthy, if still decidedly evil, thing in his life. Just a great example of how evil characters can still form lasting relationships. Tarquin, I fear Sabine's wrath :sabine: is reserved for you (or maybe Nale for being so stupid :smalltongue:).

Rest In Hell, Nale. You always made me laugh.

2013-08-26, 03:21 PM
As much of a fool as Nale was, he still managed to be a credible threat.

As ill-advised as many have termed his class combinations, he was still dangerous enough to force Elan to take special training and become a better hero, just to have a shot at beating him.

As evil and twisted as he was, he was at least his own man at the end.

2013-08-28, 11:08 AM
One more thing; with Nale, it was personal most of the time.

All his killing and scheming was for personal reasons, and he kept things personal. There was collateral damage, to be sure, but always because he was driven by his passion for things that mattered to him, personally.

In this, Nale was a better person than Xykon or Tarquin, who would kill for convenience or boredom, and would kill large numbers of people without hesitation. I know that Nale couldn't do that because he didn't have the power, but I like to think it was also because mass-murder wasn't his thing.
He was all about personal attention in that field.

2013-08-28, 01:54 PM
One more thing; with Nale, it was personal most of the time.

All his killing and scheming was for personal reasons, and he kept things personal. There was collateral damage, to be sure, but always because he was driven by his passion for things that mattered to him, personally.

In this, Nale was a better person than Xykon or Tarquin, who would kill for convenience or boredom, and would kill large numbers of people without hesitation. I know that Nale couldn't do that because he didn't have the power, but I like to think it was also because mass-murder wasn't his thing.
He was all about personal attention in that field.

Except that mass-murder absolutely was his thing when he needed it to advance his plans. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0339.html)

2013-08-28, 02:54 PM
But it was up-close and personal. ;)

2013-08-28, 10:52 PM
So long Nale, you treated your team like friends and your friends like family. :nale::sabine::thog: except the kobolds

Yumori Zatsuken
2013-08-31, 01:07 PM
Nale,you were a pretty evil guy,your girlfriend is a succubi,and you killed Malack,thank you.

You were also pretty arrogant.What? I said pretty.

May no one attend your funeral. What is your problem?CANT YOU LET A MAN HAVE HIS WISH???HE WANTED NOTHING!

Gift Jeraff
2013-09-04, 09:32 PM
I often forget that my username refers to Nale (the "gift horse" in Haley's prophecy). May he live on in all of my posts.

2013-09-04, 09:34 PM
Nale, now that we're seeing firsthand what Tarquin considers 'parenthood', I feel sorry for you. Truly, deeply sorry.

2013-09-04, 09:57 PM
Truly, he was the best of us. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0165.html)

2013-09-04, 10:05 PM
He had a fine-looking girlfriend.

Perhaps, but she always appeared a little two dimensional to me.

I know it's generally agreed upon that Tarquin is immensely evil and unreasonable but it's shocking how quick most of the forum is to forgive Nale his evil deeds now that someone worse has cropped up! A mass murderer who puts someone worse in the ground is still a mass murderer.

Truly, he was the best of us. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0165.html)

Yup, this. This kinda thinking.

B. Dandelion
2013-09-04, 10:54 PM
I know it's generally agreed upon that Tarquin is immensely evil and unreasonable but it's shocking how quick most of the forum is to forgive Nale his evil deeds now that someone worse has cropped up! A mass murderer who puts someone worse in the ground is still a mass murderer.

Well it's not just that Nale's been eclipsed by Tarqiun's evil, if he even has. (In scale Tarquin surely wins, but in terms of sheer malice, I dunno...) But Tarquin raised Nale so one can certainly speculate that he's at least partly responsible for how he turned out in the first place. We don't know if he might have been different if raised by his mother. If he would have been neutral or good with his mother, what happened to him is actually pretty sad -- his dad destroyed what good potential he could have had and then killed him when he didn't like the results. And it's not like Nale got a choice about which parent he wanted to bring him up.

There is a line in the front of SOD by the Giant about how his major challenge in the book was to write Xykon's history without making him even slightly sympathetic, because when the audience knows where the character has struggled and suffered it's easier for them to identify with the character but harder to see him as the big bad. That's what I think is happening to Nale as we get a look at what his life must have been like in contrast to Elan's -- he's getting slightly "devillainified" if he's shown to be partially a product of his environment.

2013-09-05, 08:34 AM
Seeing who raised Nale, and who his "uncles" and "aunts" were... he may have learned early on that the Evil are strong, and the strong rule and win. Tarquin certainly crushed enough Good and Neutral people into the dirt that Nale may have felt the only way he could ever be strong at all was to embrace Evil. And he probably desperately wanted to be strong enough to break away from Tarquin's rule and be his own man. He threw that desire in Tarquin's teeth at a time when he was completely outnumbered and surrounded, after all...

Simply put, not only may Tarquin have quashed Nale's potential for being anything but Evil, the way he runs the Western Continent may have left Nale with nowhere to turn except Evil that he could control for himself.

It doesn't make him any less nasty, but it does make him more tragic, rather than just one-dimensional annoying and spiteful.


I know one more good thing to say about Nale. "His mother wept for him." It's going to be sad when Elan breaks the news to her... :(