View Full Version : On the Verge of Madness IC

2013-08-21, 11:36 PM
It swept across the land, turning what was once prosperous, and nearly idealic into a twisted dead landscape. What was once fertile farmland has become nothing more than a grey waste, dead from horizon to horizon.

If of you, as you began your journey into the greater world, the blasted land, the dead-scape, find yourself camping or bedding down at various points in this craggy plain.

Kaylee Brunnel
One night, as Kaylee lived in a hidden corner of the world, she felt a familiar tugging. She was being pulled by a force she could not fully comprehend out into the world again obeyed, following the feeling as it lead her out into the Wastelands, until it stopped at an unremarkable area, a patch of dirt surrounded by patches of dirt. On the horizon she saw the edges of a small rocky outcropping. The guiding hand deposited her here, and so she camped, waiting to see what would happen. Morning rose to the same dreary sight.

Sen had been suspicious when she saw what appeared to be a a miracle, because everyone knew miracles no longer happened. Their had been little chance that a village full of people living prosperously had been real. When the villagers saw that e was not buying into their illusion they revealed their true selves and attacked. Sen saw them turn into humanoids with tentacles growing from their face before e started to run. Exhausted e collapsed in a grove of somewhat carniverous trees. The plants only half-heartedly tried to chew eir's legs, but quick before it could get through Sen's cloth covering. E woke up still among the trees.

Bitter Sweet
Bitter Sweet had begun to look for cover as night started to fall. It would get cold if she couldn't find some cover against the weather. Plus it was far to dangerous to travel at night. She went just a little farther, and was rewarded with the sight of the carcass of a giant beast she had never seen before. She studied what she could of it before night came and she lost the colors of its insides. Bitter Sweet deduced that it was some large mammalian creature with tusks, and a tentacle coming out of its face. It also had scales running down its back, and a set of spines. She slept right by it, and woke up the next morning with the aim to continue her studies of the creature.

Leif cursed his weary feet, as he found himself stumbling into a literal hole in the ground. He had not made enough progress yet again. In between dodging predators and bands of ruffians he had not managed to make enough progress in his search. Instead he found himself lost in the middle of the Waste, without any clear answers, or even a single lead. The only scenery he saw around him as he prepared to sleep in the sheltered hollow, that felt more like a hole, was the faint tip of some sort of cliff or butte. As the sun set and the cold set in he got ready to camp with that being the only landmark he could discern. When morning came Leif felt better, last nights suffering had been nothing compared to other parts of his life, and he woke feeling a bit more encouraged.

Valmere had seen the beast by chance, its sloping back disappearing behind the horizon before he even got a chance to see it. Instinctively Valmere pursued the creature, but his instinct had been right. If Valmere could catch the beast and finish it off he could preserve its meat and feed an entire settlement for a year. All he would need to find was the settlement itself. The creatures tracks were obvious, especially to a seasoned hunter, and he followed it as best he could while remaining cautious. Still, the sun set before he could catch up to the monstrosity, which moved much more quickly than its size would have hinted at. Reluctantly Valmere set up his camp in a small defile, covering it in dirt to hide its location, and prepared to set out again in the morning. Morning came without incident, and with a sky, though not clear, at least bright enough to see the tracks.

2013-08-22, 07:41 AM
Sen rose quickly, despite still feeling fatigued. It likely wasn't safe to linger in this place. But then, was there really such a thing as 'safe' any more? No matter where Sen went to sleep, it always felt like a gamble. Gathering eir meagre possessions, Sen set off in the same direction as before.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-22, 08:12 AM
Valmere's eyes flashed open at the first light of dawn, and the sensation of hot fire on his skin left just as quickly. His eyes closed again, momentarily, as he regained his composure. His nightmares still haunted him, but at least in his waking hours he maintained discipline over his mind. Reciting his mantra under his breath, Valmere packed up his possessions and set out again, following the devastating trail this beast had left. Determined to catch up with the creature, breakfast was skipped, Valmere opting instead to nibble idly on some nuts and berries he had picked before spotting the beast.

"Double the pace today," the light of dawn warming his body as he picked up his speed, "I must not allow such rare game to escape my grasp."

2013-08-22, 11:18 AM
Bitter sweets continued to scratch down her findings into her "Book Of Everything" giggling away as she scraped off some samples of bone and what she could of flesh from the inside her faithful goblin dog looking on. "I shall dub you a Squiggith my discovery i get to name it "

Sitting down to eat her rations for the morning "One day i'm going to make this stuff taste better then some of my discovery's!" was a statement she regularly made to no one in particular.


As her morning went on she deiced it was time to make some extracts for the day before she continued her studies of this beautiful specimen . She did not want be caught off-guard did she.

"If i could i would take some of it with me maybe ill find a live one to study next.....oh to poke and study the live animals so much to learn"she stated yet again to no one as she brewed some extracts.

-Cure Light Wounds
-Expeditious Retreat

After which she packed up a little just leaving her ink and pen and "Book Of Everything" out her infusions on her bandolier to drink at the ready. She was not going to die trying to claim her fortune of knowledge.

2013-08-22, 12:19 PM
Her hazy eyes slowly cracked open as the young oracle awoke from her sleep. Her head glanced from side to side, not noticing anything new. Slowly perching herself up into a sitting position, grabbing at the strap on her white dress, picking it back up into place over her shoulder. Perhaps it was a bit silly to bother with such details, but it was a habit she learned quite early on her in life to follow that still lingered.

The young woman turned her head up towards the sky, a great emptiness filler her. "So it begins... another day in which fate's guiding hand might pull the spirit forward." Her voice carried out, her tone appearing rather lofty, carrying such weight despite her gentle voice.

Keeping her eyes fixated up into the sky. Grabbing a small stick she had brought with her, she began to sketch into the ground. Her hand seemed almost guided by an unknown force as she spent nearly 15 minutes allowing her hand to carry itself, leaving the strange markings upon the barren dirt. Finishing off without even looking down, the girl nodded a bit. "Yes... I can see it now... such the river of time will fill this barren wasteland, in which one most be prepared for its coming." Her voice carried out before sitting back on her knees, resting.

For now, she was resolved to waiting it out, not knowing fully what was in store though obediently waiting for whatever it might be to come or to be guided further should it so desire to do so. She kept still leaving herself in an almost meditative trance, as if collecting her own thoughts and the very essence of the land inside her as a new day was left before her.

Natural Divination : +4 initiation (1/d)

2013-08-22, 05:01 PM
Before him stretched a vast land. A plain, no, more like a maelstrom of anguish. Nothing but loneliness ahead, more dreary wandering and fear-laden marches through desolate wastes.

Leif sighed, willing himself to stand but finding that today, he just could not muster up the energy to go forward. It all seemed so hopeless. Every day. If it was despair, he had it in spades, and then some to barter with any other hapless survivors as well.

"Don't tarry now! Chin up! Keep calm and carry on!"

The chipper voice resonating in his mind urged him on, as it would did the morning before, and the morning before that. An endlessly optimistic, endlessly valorous existence it was. For a brief moment, Leif envied the psicrystal. It existed because he had willed it to exist, and Leif knew that he needed the encouragement and bright optimism it offered.

Sighing again, he climbed to his feet, and heaved his backpack onto his back. Well, then, another day.

"That's it! Never despair, we'll make sure our name is heralded through the lands for centuries to come!"

"Oh shut it," Leif growled, and he carried on, with no real destination in mind. Not like anyone would know where his destination even was.

I decided purple will be the psicrystal. Royal purple.

2013-08-22, 10:13 PM
As you all began to wake up and move about, preparing, or in some cases actually traveling out into the plain, a scent appears on the wind. It is a sweet smell, one that seems out of place in the Waste.

Sen sets out from eir stand of trees, moving out into the world again. Then e smells it, an unusual scent in the air. Though the smell itself isn't threatening something about it causes the hackles of eir's neck to stand. Something deep and primal screams at eir "DANGER". Whatever is causing this its clear that the scent is coming in from the northwest.

Bitter Sweet
Bitter Sweet is busy exploring the inner workings of the Squiggith. She continues her work, only noticing the scent as an interesting curiousity. It will be something else to study, but after figuring out how much the squiggith's heart weighs. That would be except she notices that a man is heading towards the Squiggith. He is an actual man, as in a human.

Leif notices the scent as a mild curiousity, a bit of a change of pace that is different from the normal terrible emptyness of the wasteland. He does see something strange, a little ways off is what looks like a lone figure, like a statue or something standing in the wasteland.

Kaylee Brunnel
The scent does seem strange but nothing about it seems to important. Kaylee looks around the horizon, and sees the outcropping vanish into the perpetual haze that hangs around her. It had apparently been the Vision letting her know of a potentially important object or person.

Valmere caught up to the beast quickly. It was easy, considering how dead it appeared to be. Unfortunately something had gotten to it before Valmere could catch it, and the corpse would be possibly spoiled. Also it appeared as if something was crawling around in it. Valmere saw a goblin dog hanging around the base of the corpse, and moments later sees a goblin face pop out of the beast's cavity, throwing out some nameless entrails and pieces of cut-off flesh. Before Valmere can dwell on this oddity, he smells something. It immediately arrests him, and a feeling of dread fills him. He knows that with that smell comes immediate and terrible danger.

2013-08-22, 11:09 PM
Her eye's widen at the sight of another living creature other then her pet Ben the goblin dog.

"Look Ben another living creature for once and a human to boot maybe we can have him help us carry some of our stuff to a safer location like the insides of the squiggith."

She hails the human speaking in her goblin tongue "Hey tall one can you come here and help?"

waving her arms about in what appears to be a threatening manner to most she is trying to make him come towards her.

Her goblin dog standing by at the ready and slightly growling.

Having never seen this human before she makes no judgement on him being good or evil for she knows no good nor evil.

2013-08-23, 12:02 AM
Before the catastrophe, Sen had been proud of eir intuition. Few negotiators had been able to slip a ploy past eir finely honed senses. But in this new world, those 'finely honed senses' were proving barely adequate. Danger wore so many disguises now, that Sen was lucky to spot it one time in three. This time, however, ey'd got lucky. Without hesitation, Sen turned on one heel and sped off to the southeast.

2013-08-23, 02:29 AM
Propping herself up a bit, her head turned in the direction she had seen the vision in. Her lips parted as if to speak though not words escaped. She grabbed her things, picking them up to move. Fate's hand always seemed to hold such a grip on her, urging her forward. She blinked her eyes glancing forward at what little she could see before her in her clouded vision. She began to head towards the direction of the vision, seeking to find what it might be she is being pointed towards with full conviction.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-23, 06:00 AM
Valmere was both startled and wary at the sight before him. He had learned long ago not to judge by appearance in this new world, but this creature was not speaking in any tongue her could understand.
"Hello there, friend," he stated plainly, standing nonthreateningly with open palms at his sides, "perhaps you could get your dog to stand down, I fear dark things afoot."

2013-08-23, 12:13 PM
Valmere was both startled and wary at the sight before him. He had learned long ago not to judge by appearance in this new world, but this creature was not speaking in any tongue her could understand.
"Hello there, friend," he stated plainly, standing nonthreateningly with open palms at his sides, "perhaps you could get your dog to stand down, I fear dark things afoot."

"look Ben it speaks in common tongue oh joy the wonders of science" she giggles excitedly as she spoke in her goblin tongue once more.

"please tall one come help me carry some of this wonderful specimen back to a safer location i would like to study it less then in the open you can carry a squiggith yes?" this time she sates this in common as well as gesturing to the large creature behind her.

her hopes was that he could drag or lift it for her to a more enclosed area instead of out in the open as well as see if it can infect be lifted all for science of course. She was sure he could lift it he looked strong enough to right?

High hopes for a goblin.

Noticing Ben growling she called out to him in her native tounge and he instantly calmed down pacing the area

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-23, 06:32 PM
"I'm afraid we might have more to deal with" Valmere walked past the goblin, drawing his bow slowly. "Stand with me, Goblin, we can discuss your... studies afterwards"

2013-08-25, 01:23 AM
A steady howling, almost a droning, begins to fill the air.

Sen barely hears the added sound, but the sense of danger increases as the sweet smell grows stronger. Ahead of eir e sees a rocky outcropping appear over the horizon. It is to eir right. In front of it, walking unhurriedly, as if they were oblivious to the danger, is what appears to be a humanoid.

Bitter Sweet
Bitter Sweet's reply to the monk is interrupted as she hears the sound coming over the horizon. It is an odd droning noise, with a hint of a buzz to it and it feels odd in her bones. Just over the horizon a dark patch appears to be forming.

Leif and Kaylee
Leif approaches the figure warily and sees that it is a woman walking slowly towards what is now clear as an outcropping. He calls out to the woman and is about to engage in some conversation when he hears the odd droning that reverberates in his bones. The noise disquiets him and he looks over his shoulder to see what appears to be a black patch rapidly coming over the horizon.

Kaylee hears the same sound, but does not know what direction it's coming from. She hears the voice of a young boy call out "Hello" before stopping and shortly after this a young boy appears in her field of vision. He looks behind him, and Kaylee can only surmise that he is looking in the direction of the noise.

Just then Leif sees a clothed figure running full bore into his line of vision.

Valmere first hears the drone well before it appears on the horizon. Before the blotch appears that rapidly discolors the sky he hears the droning, which sounds far too much like the low-thrumming sound of a thousand and thousand insects buzzing for his comfort. Then he sees on the horizon what many would mistake for a sandstorm made of black sand. He knows it for what it is. Their is, like nothing he has seen before in this messed up world, a swarm of insects massive enough that the faint vibrations of their wings can be sensed running through the ground and into his bones. This is where the danger he had sensed was coming from, and the swarm is coming FAST.

2013-08-25, 01:49 AM
Bitter sweet tilted her head to the side in curiosity her pen moving about the page drawing what she was looking at right now "What a rare treat this is so much to see and only in a few days time of each other it would take weeks normally this tall one is not only good luck but good to keep around to huh Ben"

She stated in goblin falling back to her native tongue she payed no mind right now to the monk.

There was quite a bit of dust to form on the horizon to her it was a beautiful sight to others a death omen.

Just another page in her book of everything to her.

All for the good of science.

She still wanted the monk to help move the squiggith he never did state he could or not.

"So about that squiggith lifting i mean can you do that while i draw this rare sight here?"

Her eyes not leaving the dust cloud as she spoke to him in commen

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-25, 06:28 AM
Valmere squinted at the approaching swarm, he knew any action must be swift.
"That is no cloud Goblin, that is a swarm. Quickly, find some cover!"
He began to run away from the corpse, assuming the swarm would flock to such an ample feast, looking for protection elsewhere.

2013-08-25, 08:23 AM

That command was shouted by Sen, as ey fled at full speed past the other figure. Ey didn't bother to check whether said figure heeded the warning. It was a free wasteland, after all. If someone else had a different opinion about the current situation, then that was their right.

2013-08-25, 11:55 AM
Valmere squinted at the approaching swarm, he knew any action must be swift.
"That is no cloud Goblin, that is a swarm. Quickly, find some cover!"
He began to run away from the corpse, assuming the swarm would flock to such an ample feast, looking for protection elsewhere.

Noticing the human running away after her question she looked back at the cloud enough to see it is in fact coming to her. Looking back at the Squiggith while pocketing her book and quill into safe pouches she dashed over to Ben to mount up and head off after the human. How dare he leave her discovery behind when he knew danger was coming *ohhhhh when I catch him I will drag him back to help me move this Squiggith!! * she yelled in goblin once more at no one

2013-08-25, 01:30 PM

In this wasteland, Leif had quickly learnt one important lesson: Anything that was black and approached with foreboding noise as company was surely bad news.

"Never the better part of valour, but perhaps egress is a good idea?" suggested the psicrystal. Leif considered this for a moment and turned towards the lady again. He did his best to smile.

"I believe our hasty friend just now has the right idea," he called, pointing in the direction the figure had fled. Then he began running. Whatever else that lady did... well, Leif knew well he hardly had the ability to fight everything in the wastes.

2013-08-25, 11:05 PM
Kaylee glanced towards the boy. "Hello..." She responds back softly. Her eyes linger a bit puzzled by his behavior mostly. While it wasn't exactly like she hadn't met anyone before in her life like him, it was a bit peculiar as to what she was use to. Was fate attempting to bring her together with him?

Her attention was snapped watching him as he pointed a direction, not quite able to make out what it was he was pointing to. She watched him take off, seeming a bit hesitant at first. She closed her eyes feeling a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Noticing him having moved ahead, the oracle chased after the boy attempting to catch him. "Wait! D... don't go that way! Stop its dangerous!" She gave her warning following partly behind, not exerting to much of her effort but to call out louder then what she was use to.

2013-08-26, 12:49 AM
Across the horizon rises a low black cloud, growing wider and larger as more and more of it begins to eat away at the sky. The droning fills the air and a steady thrumming drives from the ground into the feet of the poor travellers who remain on the plain. The monk sees it first, and immediately starts running, towards whatever safety he can find; the young goblin chasing after him for perceived slights and unknowingly saving her life. A low buzzing fills the air around Valmere as he runs for all that he can. He sees, rising slowly over the horizon an outcropping of stone. Barely he can see black patches that could possibly be a cave but he much to far to make out for sure. Other than a stand of trees and a squiggith corpse that is the only option available for him.

Sen runs as fast as ey can, and sees caves in the outcropping. The stench, as now that it is so close their is really only one word to describe it, is awful and overpowering. The low droning has filled eir head, and it is clear that no matter how fast Sen runs whatever ey is running from will over-take eir. Ey runs and dives inside the cave, only then able to look back and see as what appears to be a black sandstorm rises out of the sky.

Below Leif runs towards where Sen ran in, stumbling across the landscape as he made haste to follow in the clothed figures tracks. Behind him, stumbling more, and struggling to keep Leif in her line of sight Kaylee follows, not sure what the hand of Fate has in store for her, or if she should even be following this strange boy from the Wastes. The world is a foggy mess to her, and all she knows is the island of calm around her. She makes it to the cave, along with Leif and they huddle just inside. The sky is dissolving rapidly now under the black cloud, and the sweet stench fills the air oppressively.

The monk runs, worried that the swarm will overtake him despite everything he can do. Behind him the goblin has started yelling at him in goblin, but he has no time to spare. Before him stretches the largest expanse of land he has ever seen before. Or maybe its his mind exaggerating it from fear. The swarm is nearly on them, and the goblin dog has figured out the danger. It pushes itself harder than its master is and Bitter Sweet soon finds herself being pulled along at breakneck speeds. She passes the monk, in surprise, yelling at Ben in goblin "slow down, already. We just passed him!" Then she sees the swarm, for at this distance their can be no doubt, and for once the message of fear enters Bitter Sweet's mind. Her response is a quick "Stop, we have to study it!" Before the dog dives into one of the caves, close to the ground. The monk chases after, and he feels the swarm behind him, a few quick flyers dart around him, drawing lines of blood with him barely feeling it. He slaps at one, but can doesn't try to keep them from biting, as he can feel the things almost upon him.

Sen sees the goblin dive in to a spot farther below, and watches for a second as she sees the monk running as fast as he can. Unfortunately the swarm will over take him. Now ey sees it, instead of a sandstorm, an undulating mass of insects sweeping across the landscape in a size ey has never seen before in a swarm larger than even the fabled Terrasque. Sen moves back, delving farther into the cave, away from the opening and into the dubious safetly of the pitch black cave. Leif follows, and so does Kalaryn until they are far enough back to not be noticed by the swarm. Each one knows what had awaited them.

The monk feels them biting at his neck as he dives recklessly into the cave he saw the goblin dart into. He is back on his feet and running down the cavern. He turns just in time to see them rush past the cave's opening, and lets out a sigh when he sees that they do not pursue him. This sigh is possibly short lived, because the goblin girl standing next to him is only silent because of the swarm. The swarm thickens and blots out any light, leaving Valmere in pitch blackness.

Sen, Leif, and Kaylee see the swarm sweep over the entrance, and all but Kaylee are soon left in darkness. Kaylee sees the swarm, as it is close enough, and the she can see in the dark. Understanding fills her as she sees the swarm and understands the sort of death that awaited her if she had stayed outside. But the trials are not yet over, as Leif sees behind them a faint, flickering light.

It is all just another day for those who survive by their instincts and their wits, those who survive

On The Verge of Madness

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-26, 04:17 AM
Valmere squinted at the light, slowly getting up off of the caves floor. Deciding to er on the side of caution, he moved as silently as possible, trying not to draw attention to himself. Drawing his bow and notching an arrow, he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

2013-08-26, 09:24 AM
Sen reached into eir pocket and pulled out a glowing pebble. Ey used it to further illuminate the cave and its new inhabitants. Though Sen's impassive mask remained expresionless, its wearer was pleased by what ey saw. Of course, the swarm of flesh-eating monstrosities was something of a downer; But other than that, everyone in the vicinity was a welcome sight. Sen decided to add a little levity to the air, and get the others talking.

"This is quite a gathering of souls. It's been a while since I've seen two living people in the same place. You are both living, I presume?"

2013-08-26, 01:49 PM
Bitter sweet's eyes adjusted to the pitch black darkness quickly one assets that seemed to keep her alive for so long was no need to have light and give her position away in the wastes.

She dusted her self off what was left of remaines of the squiggith and dirt looking at the monk a great sigh escaped her of saddness and anger.

"Fine job tall one you lost my discovery and you attract a swarm of bugs your not lucky at all your a hazerd"

she stated this in commen as she began to cry she knew she couldint study the squiggth right now and looking around all she could see is rocks before her vission went blury with tears

Walking over to the human she started to kick at him throwing the biggest tamtrem she could.

Her age was clearly showing thru now she didint even care that he had a bow drawn ben was pacing back and forth obeserving the sutiation .

"Not fair i finnly find something i can name and you come up and take it away from me How do you plan on taking responsabilty for this tall one?"

her words coming out in balls and hicups as she whiped her eyes on her sleeve

2013-08-26, 06:20 PM

The psion grimaced. "For the time being." And if his lack of ageing was any indication, Leif feared he'd be alive for a while to come, until he found some pleasant death in all this madness.

"There's a light further up ahead," he continued. "Might not be the last of our... trials."

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-26, 06:55 PM
"Quiet, little one," said Valmere in hushed tones, putting his bow away. "It is far more likely that the dead beast attracted the swarm than I, although I suspect neither is the case."
Seeing the apparent age of the Goblin, Valmere decided it best to let the temper tantrum slide. He kneeled down to the goblin's level.
"My name is Valmere, little one." he extended a friendly hand. "And yours?"

2013-08-26, 10:27 PM
"Quiet, little one," said Valmere in hushed tones, putting his bow away. "It is far more likely that the dead beast attracted the swarm than I, although I suspect neither is the case."
Seeing the apparent age of the Goblin, Valmere decided it best to let the temper tantrum slide. He kneeled down to the goblin's level.
"My name is Valmere, little one." he extended a friendly hand. "And yours?"

Hushed finally taking his hand and shaking it her head tilted to the side as she began examining what she could in the pitch black she did not need to see to much color but details was important

she put her pack down pulling out a torch and lighting it so she could see a bit more clear of the Valmer's hand setting the torch so it could shine light and free her hands she took her book out and began cataloging her findings on this human hand detail notes length of arm hair, color of skin and also noting the burn on his face."bitter sweet's is the name and what a fine arm you have but your face do all tall ones look this way or are you just a special case and if so can i take a flesh sample?"

she did not look him in the eyes. Her gaze focused on his wounds. The Squiggith and the bugs a long forgotten past study for now here it was in front of her a perfect specimen.

"I promise to only take a small sample just a quarter of it that's all you would still live right? It would be good for science"

Smart yes but not the brightest when it come's to what kills and what dose not yet.

Her smile and focus showing she was asking honestly she was of course a goblin of science!

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-26, 11:05 PM
"Nice to meet you, bitter sweet." Valmere's eyes conveyed kindness, though he did not smile. "I appreciate your ...curiosity... but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to take a sample."

He considered the small goblin in front of him. Although perhaps rude, she did not appear to bear him any true ill will.

"That beast outside, what did you call it?" Valmere attempted to change the subject. "And what exactly do you think killed it?"

2013-08-26, 11:25 PM
"Nice to meet you, bitter sweet." Valmere's eyes conveyed kindness, though he did not smile. "I appreciate your ...curiosity... but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to take a sample."

He considered the small goblin in front of him. Although perhaps rude, she did not appear to bear him any true ill will.

"That beast outside, what did you call it?" Valmere attempted to change the subject. "And what exactly do you think killed it?"

"No sample right now? fine ill get it later"

She then pondered his question at what beast he could be talking about thinking of only a few things that happen to him call beast she looked at Ben and shook her head it could not be him the human was referring to that he was calling beast then it hit her.

"THE SQUIGGITH" She had forgoten all about it she flipped open her book in her hand to the squiggith page and all the details on it. to recall the body and what happen to it.

"you owe me a new squiggith by the way Valmere or a fleash sample ill let you pick."

Nature check [roll0] To see if she might know what kind of attack it was that killed it im sure she would not know the beast that did it but cause of death? is what im going for here and she would tell him and he might know

2013-08-26, 11:49 PM
Aside for Valmere and Bitter Sweet

Valmere knows that the thing is some sort of mutated elephant. I had a large trunk with tusks, and one doesn't need an education in nature to know what it was before being mutated. Of course the next question is what was an elephant doing on Shadhmere, as they are not native to this region, at all.

Bitter Sweet can tell simply that something eviscerated the side of the squiggith, and then began to eat the creatures insides. Their were bite marks on various bones, and torn innards that can only be explained in that manner. The thing died because whatever attacked it left a gaping wound in its side, the same wound Bitter Sweet used to crawl inside of the squggith.

OOC: Sorry if the description wasn't illuminating, Kiwi. But now you know what the squiggith really was. Also, remember that you were in pitch blackness before Bitter Sweet lit her torch. In your cave their is no other source of light.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-27, 05:22 AM
Valmere leaned against a rock, one eye on the entrance, waiting for the swarm to pass. "By that logic, I think you owe me your life, little one. If not for me you would likely still be out there, no doubt being consumed by the swarm. But don't worry, I do not expect payment on such a debt"

2013-08-27, 10:22 AM
Valmere leaned against a rock, one eye on the entrance, waiting for the swarm to pass. "By that logic, I think you owe me your life, little one. If not for me you would likely still be out there, no doubt being consumed by the swarm. But don't worry, I do not expect payment on such a debt"

"I survived 9 winters without any help! I would have been fine!"

She didn't grasp the severity of how close she came to knocking on deaths door.

She began to look around the cave room to see if there was any other way out, other then the way in she was starting to grow bored.

With the swarm blocking the only way out, If it was the only way out, it was going to be a long wait for Valmere.

Bitter did not like wasting time sitting around when there is knowledge to be gained.

Time is knowledge wasted time means wasted knowledge

and in her search maybe she would find something to keep her mind busy.

2013-08-28, 02:16 AM

The events unfolding before her all seemed to rush by so fast, yet Kaylee remained rather calm. It wasn't so much that she had no fear, as much as it was she felt herself almost protected... or more so at the whim of fate. It wasn't something most would likely believe, however none truly knew of the horrors Kaylee had escaped from. Despite being so limited in her vision, she had survived where countless others had lost their lives.

As the danger seemed to pass, the girl glanced forward getting a clearer look at the two. Her head turned to the light as the original boy she had met seemed taken by the light. "...not a trial. It is something we must see or experience. Whether it ends in or salvation or demise, it will leave our souls further enlightened." She stepped forward after speaking, her voice dragging on with no real emotion. She was more then convinced it wasn't just coincidence with what had happened.

2013-08-28, 06:11 AM
"Such faith must be a comfort in these troubled times."

Sen had a lot of experience with devotion to a higher power; Albeit all second-hand. Despite never having experienced it emself, Sen found the faith of others to be greatly reassuring. It was good to know that, so long as people still drew breath in this crazy world, there would always be a steady supply of suckers.

The masked figure hung back while Kaylee examined the light. Ey would only follow once it had been identified.

2013-08-28, 09:40 AM

Leif snorted. "I thought the voices of the gods could no longer reach?" He hated the blind faiths people put in the gods. Where were these extra-planar beings when the madness rolled in? Where were they to bring salvation and protection to their followers, and smite the evil that crept into the world?

There was no reason to trust those things at all!

"Come, now! We're meant to defeat whatever comes our way, right? You can't hide away from destiny, then! Even if it's a destiny seen by someone we don't know, it may just be─"

"Oh, shut it."

Leif made to follow Kaylee.

2013-08-28, 10:42 AM
Veteran's Tour de Force
Leif and Sen notice in the light of both a glowing pebble and strange light marks on the floor and walls of the tunnel. It looks as if something, or someone moved through it. On the floor are large, wicked looking quills.

Kaylee moves farther down the tunnel, getting a better look at the light while not seeing any of the details that Leif and Sen notice. Thankfully she doesn't need to be observant to tell that the light is the flickering orange light of fire.

The Newbies
Bitter Sweet goes farther into the cave, leaving Valmere again in darkness as she takes the torch with him. She walks down the tunnel, which gets narrow as she walks down. It turns sharply and she hears voices ahead. She can't make out everything they're saying but she does hear some words.

"What are we going to do? Those bugs are outside, but then..."
"If it's...we're going to have to start worrying..."
"Half of us are gone, it's not going to be as big a concern."

The words become obscured as whatever was walking towards Bitter Sweet is moving away again.

Valmere hears something other than the goblin moving down the tunnels. Its faint, especially from where he's sitting, but he is certain that something else was moving in the tunnel. There is also the vague rumbling of voices, but again he is too far to actually hear what they say. It doesn't take the deductive skills of a master detective to figure out that Bitter Sweet is about to get herself in trouble in about twenty five seconds.

2013-08-28, 12:57 PM
Bitter sweet set the torch down like any other child would when finding a new toy to play with.

But she put her "Book of Everything" away back on her person.

She began to walk quietly down the tunnel trying to pick up on any sounds she could hear and follow them.

Stealth [roll0]

What ever it was that she was following was definitely more interesting then the monk right now. She may be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire, But to her it was always for science and always will be.

"Tall one thinks he saved my life. Like i owe him one for it, for what losing my squiggith and then getting trapped in a cave?.......Where did that talky thing go to?"

The thoughts in her head running wild. As she actively looked about, Her dark vision kicking in and adding any other light source would definitely be a distraction for the young goblin like a moth to a flame.

Her loyal mount Ben was still with the monk letting his master do what she pleased.

If need be Ben would follow the monk as he was a coward when it came to being alone.

2013-08-29, 12:08 AM
The oracle heard him speak, looking forward as best she could. Fire was it? She focused forward moving up. "Sometimes that which carries us forward goes beyond what one can comprehend. Perhaps instincts if you would want to call it such. You are alive, are you not?" She spoke softly being a bit careful none the less.

She always felt the strong pull towards things happening as it was meant to, that pull that had. Even if others didn't have such a connection to it such as herself, she felt it was something that every single thing had. What it was... to her it evolved beyond the concept of just a deity.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-29, 08:40 PM
Valmere let out a sigh, this goblin's impatience was proving to be dangerous. Lighting up another torch, he followed after her, dog in tow. He tried to move silently as possible, worried about what exactly the source of the noises was.

2013-08-29, 11:17 PM

As he noticed the quills, the psion bent over to examine. Had he seen such things before in his life? What of the queer markings?

Local knowledge on both.
Quill: [roll0]
Markings: [roll1]

2013-08-30, 08:34 AM
Sen continued to hang back and observe Kaylee's progress. Well, she hadn't dropped dead yet; That was a good sign. But until she reported back, Sen didn't plan to follow.

2013-08-30, 11:17 AM
The Three Musketeers
Upon examination of the quills and marks Leif discovered that a somewhat large animal had been through here. The marks looked like claw marks, and the sides of the cavern must have been where the creature brushed up against the walls of the cave. He could deduce that the creature was in fact quite large. The quills belonged to it.

Knowledge (Nature) was actually the skill I was looking for, but I gave it to you anyways.

Kaylee approaches the fire, turning around a slight bend and entering a large room. Then she freezes.

The room is covered in blood, and bits of flesh are scattered about the room. She knew a terrible slaughter had occured here, but not from a supernatural sense. Just on the edge of her vision she sees a massive clawed leg. Getting closer her vision encompasses the blood-stained mouth and head of an enormous, gigantic beast. Its head appears like a flatter version of a cat's and its mouth is full of razor sharp fangs. On its back are quills, and it appears to be on fire, though the fire is not harming it.

Thankfully it is sleeping.

Abbot and Castello

Bitter Sweet follows the voices, getting closer and closer to the torch they are carrying. She remains on the edge of the pool of light and hears more of their conversation.

One of them appears to be like the monk, in species, so it must be human also. The other looks weird, off slightly. Its brow is heavy and it appears to have a spiky ridge over its face. Its eyes are a solid black.

"You're so cold. They were our friends."
"Friends? No, they were allies. We are friends. We were too many anyways. Their wasn't enough food for all of us."
"Yeah, and now there is? Did you notice where IT was sleeping? The rest of us are going to starve anyways."
"Not if...Did you hear that? Blasted torch is interfering with my vision."

The weird creature, humanoid, moves away from the torch, walks right by the Goblin without noticing her, and walks down the tunnel a bit. He stops when he sees Valmere holding a torch. Valmere had thought he was doing a good job hiding, being quiet, but he walked more like a drunken sailor than an assassin. If it hadn't been for his training he would have been considered awfully loud.

"YOU! Who and what are you? Say now!"

Valmere knows that this creature is called a Tiefling, and that he is fairly serious. His companion, a human woman, walks up beside the Tiefling, carrying another torch. She has already pulled her weapon out.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-08-31, 12:03 AM
Valmere gently dropped his torch and slowly stood up, displaying open palms.
"My name is Valmere, I mean you no harm, friend" he said rather calmly. However, with a weapon drawnin front of him, Valmere was preparing himself for a fight, ready to jump into action if the woman made an aggressive move. "I took shelter in this cave when the swarm attacked, I apologise for startling you"

2013-08-31, 12:47 AM
Bitters followed the Tiefling and human woman back to the monk.

She observed the situation as it unfolded before her. She decided on calling the Tiefling a Horned Hummie. As she made a mental note of this she noticed a weapon drawn and pointed at the monk. Her newest experiment might be hurt!

Then a thought hit her she never did see how well they could see in the dark. With that being said she decided to throw one of her shrapnel bombs at the people in front of the monk.

She was aiming for the Tiefling, as it was he that stated the light was messing up his dark vision.

As she let the shrapnel bomb go she moved to another location after letting it go as to not give her position.

And re-hide she was testing there reflexes and there ability to see in the dark

2013-08-31, 11:13 AM
Kaylee shivered a bit, feeling the horrors of what was around her despite otherwise remaining still. Finally coming into sight of the beast, it left a rather uneasy sense of relief. Sleeping as it was, the danger was more then real if they awaken it. She glances back towards where the other two were (making assumptions given they are further back then she can see) and gestures at them as a warning, hoping for them to be careful.

Keeping still, the woman awaited hopefully for the others to move carefully forward or observe, doing her own part in attempting to find a way carefully around the creature safely.


2013-08-31, 03:28 PM
Sen wasn't quite sure what the party scout was trying to communicate. Did she want them to approach? To stay back? To fetch her a sandwich? Apparently she didn't feel comfortable speaking right now. Maybe there was someone (or something) ahead. After a few moments of indecision, Sen began to edge cautiously towards Kaylee's position.

2013-08-31, 10:50 PM

A large creature then, huh! Well, size of the quills should have made that much obvious.

Leif was never one for people, though. Monsters, now those he could recognise, but...

"What's she gesturing?" the boy asked his companion.

2013-08-31, 11:12 PM
"No idea. I'm just trying to see why she's stopped moving."

Sen mentally pencilled the three of them in for a 'know your hand signals' meeting, at precisely SometimeLater-o'clock. Communication was, after all, an essential skill of any good team. And who better to teach that skill than a constantly disguised, telepathically shielded fearmonger?

2013-09-01, 10:16 PM
Crew of the Serenity
Kaylee tried to look around her, though her limited field of vision meant she did not have much to look at. She noticed what looked like a shredded boot soaked in blood, and was forced to assume that the miscellaneous pieces of things were once humanoids of some types. She also noticed that the beast seemed to be ill. A faint rumbling was coming from its stomach, and it appeared to be groaning slightly. Or that sound coming from it was the gigantic flaming quill covered carnivore equivilant to groaning.

For more specifics on its illness a Knowledge (nature), or heal check can be made.

Kaylee could not tell if her companions understood her, though she figured she was gesturing in the right direction.

Both Sen and Leif noticed something a little odd. Kaylee was gesturing in their direction, but at about three feet to their left. It was almost as if she couldn't see them at all...

Sen was able to, after studying Kaylee closely, to figure out that Kaylee was trying to get them to approach. But there was some reason she did not feel comfortable speaking. One gesture seemed pointed at something right next to the girl, at the same time she was trying to convey something far to complex for hand gestures.

Leif got a sinking feeling. It began to make sense to him all of a sudden. He was holding a monstrous quill in his hand, and there were tracks in the cave. Then Kaylee starts gesturing frantically at them but does not speak. Something nasty, that has passed this way previously, was in the other room. It was dangerous, because there was little chance of it being not dangerous. And Kaylee had probably managed to get within spitting distance of it.

GLaDOS and Chell

The bomb explodes out of nowhere, jarring the monk for just a second. The lady stumbles slightly from being startled as she some of the fire from the blast hits her. The Tiefling takes the worst of the explosion, whips out the rapier he had in a sheath at his belt and yells "We're under attack!"

Valmere knows instinctively that their was only one creature he had met who was capable of such a suprrise.

Bitter Sweet reminds herself to jot down in her book later that both Tieflings and humans most likely have good eye sight, as they were able to dodge the shrapnel pretty easily, and that they simply ignored her the first time.

Roll Initiative in the OOC, but list your turn actions in the IC.

2013-09-01, 11:42 PM
Bitters was surprised at how well they dodged.

She was sure that they would at least be bleeding by how big that explosion was.

The God's knew the last time she threw one of her bombs. What it hit was not getting back up and continued to bleed after words.

She pulled out one of her daggers from her Bandolier.

She Had to be fast for this next part. She also reached into her pouch and pulled out a Blue whinnis poison.

She was going to be ready to apply said poison to her blade.

If all goes she would be able to find out what makes a Horned Hummie tick.

While he was still alive.

2013-09-02, 03:48 AM
Kaylee fixated her vision on the creature. While fear was her first natural instinct, her eyes sat upon the dangerous creature. She felt a little uncertain. Fixating towards it while remaining as quiet as possible she did her best to observe, attempting to try and think what it might be while awaiting to perhaps the others.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-02, 04:13 AM
Upon watching the bomb explode amidst the two in front of him, he knew that violence was now inescapable. Leaping forward, he immediately engaged the woman, attempting to disable her so as to even the odds.

Stunning Fist attack roll:[roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
(fortitude dc is 15)

2013-09-02, 11:53 AM
Combat Update First round

The woman, upon seeing the injuries caused by the bomb against the Tiefling yells in fury , and drops her torch as she attacks the monk with all her strength. She swings with both hands on her longsword at Valmere.

Attack, Power Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Valmere is able to side-step the sword, though, and remains unharmed.

The Tielfling limps away into the shadows, trying to get out of range of the torches and hide in the shadows. He sees the goblin there, and throws a dagger at her.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The dagger hits Bitter Sweet squarely in the shoulder.

Valmere's attack grazes the front of the woman's chain mail without making forceful contact.

Bitter sweet works through the pain, and is able to apply her poison.

2013-09-02, 12:40 PM
She Cryed out in pain as the dagger hit her.

The thought of keeping the dagger after she had it removed was a strong one but it was far to large for her.

She applyed her poison and was ready to throw it as she let the dagger go her next thought.

If this hits i hope he gets knocked out she was going to enjoy using him in expermients

She then pulled another dagger from her Bandolier

to hit[roll0]

[roll1] Poison is dc14 fort save vs sleep 1 con damage

she then looked over at the monk hopefully her expermient was fairing better then her right now

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-02, 07:41 PM
Valmere didn't miss a beat, striking back at the woman immediately.
"Drop your sword, ma'am," he called out to her "I apologise for my companion's brash nature, but this doesn't have to end in needless death"

Flurry of Blows: [roll0] [roll1]

Nonlethal Damage: [roll2] [roll3]

2013-09-02, 08:09 PM
The non-combatants can still continue posting if you want, but to save time I'm going to continue with the combat until its over, then I'll start waiting for everyone again.

The Tiefling smiles as the Goblin's dagger bounces off of his chain shirt and misses, then hefts one of his own and throws it.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The dagger grazes Bitter Sweet's check and leaves a nasty gash.

Then he moves farther down the tunnel, in the direction the two had originally been going. He appears to be limping somewhat, he could be close to death.

The woman dodges out of the way of the monk's attacks.

Then she replies to Valmere "Easy words, scumbag! You were the ones that attacked us, and now you've nearly killed Draken!" She swings at the Monk again.
Damage: [roll3]

Thankfully Valmere dodges the woman's attack yet again. The woman's passion seems to be dying, maybe she could be reached.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-02, 08:20 PM
"Who is Draken?" Valmere inquired, leveling another two blows at the woman. "I promise if you lower your weapon, we can work this out."

Flurry of Blows: [roll0] [roll1]
Nonlethal Damage: [roll2] [roll3]

2013-09-02, 09:20 PM
Bitters was not going to let her new discovery get away.

Even with the pain she just endured she chased after him he could not get to far and was still with in sight.

As she got with in range she threw another shrapnel bomb.
Attk [roll0] Touch attack

damage [roll1]

If she couldn't have him alive she take him in pieces dead.

she hoped this bomb would do the trick and hoped that the monk did not damage the other human to much.

2013-09-02, 11:55 PM
Final combat update
This time Valmere sucker punched the woman, making two quick jabs to her face and head. She groaned under the punishment, put one hand to her head, and lowered her weapon.

The woman moves slightly, shakes her head, then drops her sword. "Fine. You win, bastard man. She slumps to the floor, nearly unconscious.

Draken falls as the explosion hits him in the back. The shrapnel rips into him, and he falls to the ground with a thud. Bitter Sweet approaches him to find that though severely damaged and possibly dying, is still alive. Thus it can be studied further while still functioning, instead of just serving the purposes of dissection.

2013-09-03, 12:54 AM
Bitters noticed the breathing Horned Hummie still and decided it was best to tie up the body first before retrieving her poisoned dagger.

After making sure he was properly tied up she got her dagger and sheathed it.

She then picked up one end of the rope and started dragging the horned hummie back to the monk hearing no fighting going on.

She decided she would ether. 1.) Have to take care of what left or 2.) ask the monk to help her carry the horned one to some place safer to administer tests.

She hoped for the later and was rewarded with the monk victor

"So now you owe me one right? RIGHT so now that's settled help me move the Horned hummie some place safe so i can find out what makes him tick. Please?"

She was being honest in her statement she believed the monk now owed her one and truly wanted to find out how this human has horns on him shes never seen one before.

As she waited for the monks response she took out the dagger in her shoulder putting it in a pouch to study later and took out her cure light wounds extract and drank it.


Her wounds from before healing from the delicious drink.

"Nothing says victory like a cure light wounds extract after a good work out"

This was stated to no one. She was how ever happy to see ben once more


2013-09-03, 03:42 AM

Shrugging, Leif figured he'd just advance. Whatever she was gesturing, well, he'd figure out later on--the cloaked figure didn't seem like the talkative type. Wasn't a wonder; World ended and all. People tended to be tight-lipped. Wasn't much of a shining example of the opposite himself either.

Quietly, Leif stalked to Kayla's position.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-03, 08:33 PM
Upon seeing the goblin enter the room, Valmere knew his attempts at diplomacy were about to be severely undermined. He decided to go out on a limb.
"See? Draken isn't dead," he said to the woman, extending a hand, "My name is Valmere, and you are?"

2013-09-05, 11:00 AM
The Food

Sen moved down the hallway first, almost immediately after Kaylee began to gesture. Ey entered into a large cavern, with a few crates scattered by what was most likely a firepit. A few bones lay on the ground around the cavern, more than a few congregating around the sleeping monstrosity.

It has six legs, it back is covered in large spines, and the creature is somehow on fire without being harmed. It has a blood stained mouth, and fangs lining its mouth. The fact that it is asleep does little to diminish one's sense of danger.

Sen notices a couple of other exits from the chamber. One of them looks like a continuation of the passage they just left, while a smaller one sits off to the corner across from the fire pit.

Leif notices the same thing, though he misses some of the bones, and he does not notice the smaller exit. As he arrives Sen and Kaylee have already absorbed the idea of the creature, and are actively either studying the beast or the room.

The Attackers

"Yeah, "Alive". Any idiot can see he's practically dead, and it is all your freaking fault you freaking psychopath!" As she talks her voice rises until she is shouting. At first it appears that she is simply angry or out of control.

Then the distinct sound of running is heard by Valmere. A few seconds later and four figures appear from around the bend. One is an elven woman with a bow. Another is a heavily armored figure with a helmet on, and carrying what looks like another longsword. The third is a man wearing only cloth, and some sort of holy symbol. This man beelines towards Draken, pushes the goblin away without much thought.

"What have you done to him? I got you now, man. You'll be all right." He begins to chant over Draken's body, and a healing light soon envelopes Draken. The fourth speaks from the shadows in a deep, business-like, feminine voice.

"Tie up these interlopers, and Adran, when your done see to Mar. She looks to be a bit out of it." The figure steps out of the shadows, and appears to be a young woman wearing chain, though she's extremely pale. She walks up to Valmere and Bitter Sweet, and both notice a wicked-looking whip on her hip, and she carries, tied to her back, a large scythe. One used for farming, in times past.

"I think we need to figure out what these two are doing here, and why they felt it was best to attack us."

Let me know whether you resist being tied up or not. Also, roll arcana if you want to, or perception.

2013-09-05, 11:41 AM
Hmm, an animal. Sen didn't like animals. To em, they were nothing but boring (and sometimes dangerous) distractions. Why build a relationship with a gormless pet, when you could spend that time getting to know real people? Sen would probably have tried to sneak past a sleeping creature even if it had been small, cute and harmless. Since this particular one was large, menacing and on fire, today would be no different.

Sen silently caught the attention of eir two travelling companions; Pointed towards the small side exit; And started moving slowly towards it, as quietly as possible. Ey would continue onward whether they followed or not.

2013-09-05, 12:26 PM
Watching the others come into the room, she let out a small sigh.

"This has been the day of up's and down's" She stated in goblin.

She let them tie her up and surprisingly did not put up any fight but, little did most know that she was pretty good at getting out of ropes, so she would wait.

They did say tie both of them up, so wherever she was going, her tall one was sure to come.

She may not have been bright but from what little she heard, before the whole "blow them up bit."

The people here are starving, at least that's what she assumes and that never bold's well for the captured of the starving.

Many guesses could be used but only one would be needed.

After they figured out why she threw the bomb, it was only a matter of time before they had a fire going, with her over it along with the monk.

She made a plan in her chaotic head but she would wait to make her move until they stopped focusing on her.

She was going to get the tall one out along with her and Ben.

[roll0] Arcana check

2013-09-05, 07:45 PM

Far as Leif was concerned, any encounter with a monstrosity as before him would only be designed to get him killed. After all, the Madness had turned humans into bloodthirsty creatures. Or were they that all along, and had the Madness only tossed them down the lane of desire?

Either way, Leif was pretty sure these kind of beasts required no Madness to be incited to bloodshed. Probably the girl had intended to motion for silence, or carefulness, or some such. Leif resisted the urge to snort, and quietly followed the other figure.

Quiet as they were, they had their head screwed on right. Leif could not spot what the figure had been pointing at, but the psion supposed it was something of interest. Perhaps an exit. One that didn't end in swarmy death, or sleeping monstrosities that were lit on fire by powers arcane.

Or divine. But those godly bastards were all disconnected from the world, last he heard.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-05, 08:21 PM
Valmere knew when he was outnumbered, he glared at the little Goblin who had gotten him into this mess, and hoped that the fact that he was extending a hand to the woman when these new people walked in was worth something. "I can assure you this is all a misunderstanding, I did not mean for anyone to be harmed, or even attacked at all" He sent another glare at Bitter. Perception: [roll0]

2013-09-05, 08:46 PM
She had already sat on the ground with her hands behind her back.

waiting for them to tie her up.

she accepted the glares from the monk.

She cared not for them for she believed she just saved her experiment and would also continue to do so in the future.

Right after escaping the bounds.

"I would like my rope back you could use it to tie me up with if you like" She stated in common

2013-09-06, 12:42 AM
Kaylee noticed as the two others ventured up, aware now of the creature. It was indeed a rather intimidating thing to see, one she didn't need a full glance over of its body to even note it. Its very presence seemed rather haunting as it was. Her eyes gazed upon it quietly as if to keep a lookout on the other's behalf.

Keeping quiet, she observed as the one had walked past, continued away out of her vision. Noticing Leif to be doing the same, the oracle gave a slight nod to herself. She walked past, following quietly behind the two as to not disturb the sleeping creature. As curious as it might make someone, it wasn't curiosity that had kept her alive but the guidance of some unspoken hand keeping her away from it.

2013-09-06, 01:32 PM
Those who walk Forward

As soon as its pointed out the opening is fairly obvious, and everyone but Kaylee notices it without problem. When it comes within thirty feet Kaylee also notices it.

Behind them the trio hears a loud snorting sound, followed by the sound a gigantic creature slowly rising to its feet. Anyone who looks behind them sees the beast rise unsteadily, looking disoriented, and still nauseous. It looks around the room and notices the three individuals walking towards the entrance.

Then it roars loudly.

The presence of other things seems to focus the creature, and it moves towards the party, picking up to a run and full out charge. It leaps through the air of the cavern right at Sen, Leif, and Kaylee.

Thankfully the entrance is only about thirty feet away so the group is able to run into it without any problem. The beast tries to attack them through it, but is too small for it to fit through. The group find themselves in a narrow, empty tunnel that turns sharply up ahead.

Just behind them the tunnel shakes, and all of them hear a loud, ominous cracking sound. The creature roars again, distinctively.

Kaylee, roll another nature check, if you don't mind.


The armored figure ties up the monk, but keeps the goblin's rope, stuffing it into a pack. He pulls out a leather strip, and ties the goblin up using that.

Knowledge Results
For Bitter Sweet: You recognize the Scythe wielder as a Changling, a part Hag part human child who normally gets called by their mother to come to their side. They existed before the Madness.

For Valmere: Each of the people have gaunt cheeks, and the limbs of the healing appear to be too thin. All except the scythe wielder, who is only a bit naturally thin.

Adran stats "It looks like Draken will survive, though he'll be out of commission for awhile." He keeps Draken comfortable, then walks over and attends to Mar. Mar herself seems to be doing a little better.

She gets up then looks for a long second at the Monk.

As The Elf, armored figure and scythe wielder prepare to take the captives somewhere she talks up. "The man here wasn't at fault. He was trying to stop the fight and spared my life when he could have killed me. I'll watch over Draken, but Leian, this man is pure."

Leian, the Scythe Wielder, looks over Valmere, then says. "Very well, we'll need to keep an eye on him, but I'll remember your words. Make sure the goblin cannot escape, it looks like she'll be the only one. Her sins need to be devoured." Adran joins the rest while Mar remains behind with Draken.

The tunnel narrows and the floor becomes uneven as they continue on. Eventually the path closes down into a narrow cleft the group has to pass through. It opens up shortly afterwards into a medium sized cave. There is a fire going, and a spit hanging over it.

Leian turns to the group. "It is time to purify the Goblin here, and free her mortal body of her sins, by devouring them." They leave the monk by the wall, while dragging the goblin to the fire.

Sense Motive, and Knowledge (Religion)

2013-09-06, 01:45 PM
escape roll

Bitter's Sighed once more as she saw the Giant Flame approching her, that she was sure she would be put over.

She was fairly calm about the hole thing as she was sure that she could escape the bonds used to hold her.

hopefully the gaurd didint notice her trying to get out of them.

She looked about the room as she worked trying to not draw to much attention to her self.

The flames getting ever closer as she looked at the monk on the wall her plan would be a simple one.

Escape the bonds and get to the monk who she hoped would aid her in this fight.

"Devour they say all the same thing just hungry and you thought i was wrong when i attacked.
Its a dog eat dog world in this place valmere its why i want to study it.

Even now to know that this is what they believe in the changling and this group togather.

Let it go down the only regret i have is not completing my book and finding out what makes a horned hummie tick"

She was giving her final speech just incase it all failed.

Even if she didint attack them.

She was sure given the chance had they captured the monk by him self he would be the one in her place.

2013-09-06, 01:52 PM
Bluff roll

2013-09-06, 06:51 PM
Sen continued to run down the tunnel.

...That's pretty much all there is to say.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-06, 09:13 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

Although annoyed at the goblin, he had no desire to see her burn alive.
"Is this how you judge people?" he called out in protest, "Burn them alive? My goblin friend may be hasty, but she acted with the best intentions. She only attacked when she saw your companions draw weapons at me." He stepped forwards, directly addressing the scythe weilder, who appeared to be in charge.
"She did not kill Draken, even when she had the chance. She merely incapacitated him, just as I did, admittedly more aggressively. This Goblin's only crimes are leaping to defend her friend, and if she is worthy of your harsh judgement, then so am I."
Valmere stood, glaring at the apparent leader of this group, hoping to somehow guilt her into sparing his friend.

2013-09-08, 12:57 AM
Leian motions for the armored figure to bring the monk over.

"I would not burn her alive. We will kill her first, then as her spirit drifts into the after life we will eat the sin of her body so she is purified. We are helping her. Whatever her intentions she nearly killed someone, and if it wasn't for Adran Draken would have perished." The armored figure brings the monk and forces him to kneel next to the goblin. Then she pulls out her scythe and raises it on high.

"But I will not force you to sit through the pain of watching a friend die."

Then everyone in the chamber hears a monstrous roar, loud enough to echo through the complex of caves. Leian pauses as an enormous cracking sound follows.

And neither of them catch that the goblin has freed herself from her bonds.

The woman is mad in the conventional sense, but that may have been obvious. She seems to believe she is doing something righteous, though. Some aspect of her past life has been fractured and twisted and now she believes she is holding up to what she was before the Madness came. Now those beliefs seem to have become perverted. It also looks as if she is under a constant strain from another source, but you cannot tell what it is from reading her face.

You've also learned to read the expression of mischief on the goblin's face and know that she has managed to free herself from her bindings.


Sen, Kaylee, and Leif run farther down the tunnel, fast as possible. Behind them the creature continues to hammer at the entrance, and they hear as it manages to break through the solid rock and come after them. The tunnel curves sharply, and the group skids through the turn. The tunnel slants downward and begins to narrow. The floor becomes uneven, and the walls become more naturally formed. A stream of water flows down the tunnel, and over the decades has cut a little rivulet into the floor. The creature crashes into the tunnel wall behind them, it is far to enraged to act carefully.

The group continue running, and the tunnel narrows more and more sharply. It narrows to an almost impassable gap, but the group manages to wedge themselves into it, seeing that it continues on into a larger room. The creature nearly catches them, but cannot make it through. The walls of the tunnel are too thick here, even for the monster to break through, and the group is safe. They squeeze through the rest of the way and enter onto an unsusal scene. The creature roars behind them, frustrated.

About twenty feet from where the group entered a woman giving off an unusual vibe is raising a farming scythe into the air. Before her a small goblin is sitting tied up, along with a human man with his arms covered in burns. A fire is burning, and on the fire is a spit. Leif and Sen can see a skinny human in cloth on the other side of the room by another entrance, and all the characters can see an armored man standing behind the man. The woman with the scythe turns and stares at the newcomers.

"Who are you?" She asks.

Leif, Kaylee, and Sen
You can roll a Perception to see if you notice the goblin is free but hiding it.

2013-09-08, 12:27 PM

Sen didn't reply immediately. Ey was too busy breathing heavily. After taking in a few big lungfuls of air, ey straightened up and addressed the gathering. Despite the uncertain nature of this situation, Sen already felt much more comfortable. Even if these people turned out to be villains, they'd still be preferable to beasts.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"Travellers seeking shelter from the swarm. And no, that's not a slip of the tongue. We wish only to rest here until it's safe to leave. Or at least, that's what I wish. I cannot speak for my companions here, since the three of us are strangers to one another."

2013-09-08, 05:18 PM
[roll0] perception.


As he catches his breath, Leif takes a moment to take the scene in. Some people tied up, some wounded, burning fire and raised scythe... It's obvious not everyone here is friends.

No surprise, considering the past few years...

"It is as... he says," Leif says, uncertainly. "So what's going on here?" he finishes, eyes on Valmere.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-08, 07:33 PM
Valmere kept his eyes on the woman with the scythe.
"A madwoman is about to kill this goblin as a sacrifice to her God." He coiled, ready to leap into action at any moment. "She cannot be reasoned with apparently, and I do not intend to let her die, annoying as she might be, for defending me." Valmere had hoped this could be resolved without the need for killing, but suspected that that opportunity had long passed. He waited though, for the newcomers to make their intentions clearer before making a move.
"What say you of sacrificial slaughter, travellers?"

2013-09-09, 12:46 AM
Kaylee moved with the group quickly, outpacing the more then eager creature following behind them. Finally making an escape, a sense of relief filled the oracle, even if it didn't seem that apparent. She over-heard the other two speak in turn.

The girl stepped forward as to try and help emphasize their lack of danger. She wasn't quite sure of what their intentions might be, but for now she figured it would be best to make themselves seem less threatening. "We wish you no harm. I feel it is in our interest to be at peace with one another."


Perception: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-09-09, 08:07 PM
Bitters was curious from where the other 3 members of joy came from, but that would have to wait as she decided that she should wait for another moment.

She observed the situation.

She had her hands free so she was not worried but she would be on guard.

If the new people come and talking to the crazy cannibals resulted in getting them free then why not?

Right now with a scythe above her head, she did not really want to chance having it come down about neck level for her and the monk right now.

The monk did ask them a question "What say you of sacrificial slaughter"

She tried to spot exits as well as Ben the cowardly dog so she could get out of here along with her new control experiment.

If they help she could see about using some bombs to help them get away to but she was getting vary low.

She had her expeditious retreat still so she had no fear for her self to get away.

But what would that say to the rest of them .

"lets be honest the only one you want to save is the tall burnt human so why do you hesitate." She thought to her self

"Because more of them showed up and more to study of course" She could always win a argument with her self.

She had a strange grin on her face now.

The plan was set and ready to spring, if all else failed blow it up.

2013-09-09, 08:35 PM
Everybody who is capable notices that there is also an elf woman in the room.

I think I forgot to mention this, so I'm doing so now. She was mentioned when they first showed up but I think I forgot her.

In reply to the monk, and also to Leif the woman wielding the scythe says "This is no sacrifice to a god! Sarenrae would never demand such a sacrifice!" She seems honestly upset at the monk's words. She waves her scythe at the goblin. "This one is full of sin! It is my duty, and the duty of my compatriots to free her spirit of her mortal body, then to eat the sin that dwells in the body. We will ingest it so that the goblin can join the heavens in the after life, we are helping her!"

She skips tracks and replies to Sen, "Yes, yes, rest here until the Black Locusts pass us by. They will be gone soon."

She is adamant about it, giving off an air of utter conviction. Her eyes dance strangely in the light.

When Kaylee speaks the woman takes a step towards her. "Yes, we should definitely work together. This is a harsh landscape, and the more that aid me in my good work the more we can free from this judgment on earth! Even if you do not wish to partake, we can do so much more working together!" She smiles, sincerely.

"Just let me finish with the goblin, and with her friend. Though this man is not full of sin I wish to spare him the pain of watching the goblin die."

Anyone trained in Religion, I believe that Kaylee and Valmere should make a religion check.

DC 15 Arcana or nature to recognize that the woman is a changeling. Its a little bit important.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-09, 09:08 PM
Knowledge Religion: [roll0]

Valmere believed that the woman had said enough to condemn herself in the eyes of any reasonable individuals, it was time to act. Hoping he could move quickly enough, he attempted to slip his bonds.
Escape artist check, using Inspired trait: [roll1] [roll2]
"If you have any compassion, travelers, now is the time to act"

2013-09-10, 09:31 AM
Well, that settled that. A fully peaceful solution was obviously not possible here. Nonetheless, there was the potential for a significantly less violent one. The woman may have been a lost cause, but the same didn't necessarily go for those with her. Stepping forward, Sen addressed the crowd.

"Let me ask you all something: Do you really believe in this woman's cause? Does what she's saying make sense to you? Or are you just following her for the sake of safety in numbers? Because if it's the latter, I can certainly understand your feelings. The world is a dangerous place now. People can't afford to be picky when it comes to choosing their alliances. Siding with her might well have seemed like a good move in the beginning. Better to be among the predators than the prey, right?

Wrong. Because you see, I've met people like this woman before. And I've learnt one important thing: To them, everyone is prey. Oh, they may claim to only kill the 'impure' or the 'wicked'; But once the supply of victims runs dry, they'll just change the definition of those words. Sooner or later, she'll turn that scythe on the members of her own flock. Perhaps she already has. Perhaps none of you will (or did) speak up against her, for fear that she'll come after you next.

Well mark my words: One day, she will come after you. And when she does, there may be nobody left to stop her."

Sen was relying almost solely on intuition here. Eir approach was based on little more than some educated guesses and a lot of charisma. But even so, it was worth a try.

2013-09-10, 08:56 PM
Kaylee held her hand up as the situation became more apparent. The girl keeping rather calm and collective, seeming to have at least the woman's confidence. Still, the situation was far from being as favorable as she would like. The woman seemed to have quite some conviction towards slaying the goblin, even more so when considering the fact she seemed adamant about slaying its 'friend' as well.

"Such judgement should be left to the world to make. A creature of sin can redeem itself and aid in the righteous in the great design of things. More bloodshed helps not with a world that has shed so much already." She attempted to reason with her, giving a glance over the woman. It didn't take long before she noticed the fact the woman wasn't 'usual' in the normal sense... but a changling.


Diplomacy: [roll0]
Knowledge(Religion): [roll1]
Knowledge(Nature): [roll2]

2013-09-11, 06:14 PM

The boy psion tilts his head, frowning.

"That sounds like glorification to justify eating your fellows, here," he says plainly. "Oh, condemn it for crimes, for all I care. If it has committed them, then punishment should come. But this... this reeks of hunger speaking, rather than righteousness."

The gem on his necklace grows warm, now. Clearly, the psicrystal approved of this course of action, but Leif wasn't sure. The woman spoke of sin─and for all the cloaked figure's paranoid declaration (paranoia which Leif could not blame him for), the boy just wasn't sure that she was actually just looking to cull random people for the sake of some bloodthirsty Madness, unless he found some more evidence of this.

"Are you touched by the Madness, lady?"

Arcane knowledge: [roll0]

2013-09-11, 11:34 PM
Bitters looked confused for a moment.

One said kill, another said everyone should get along, and the last addressed everyone but the psycho hungry changeling in front of her. What a strange turn of events this was. Sad to say she was not ready to die, and she was pretty sure they were all coming to a close in their arguments on whether or not her life was to be spared.

According to the monk her life was worth saving, so she decided his life was also worth saving. It also seemed worth looking into trying to get out of the cannibal hall of nastiness.

The one who addressed everyone but the hungry one seemed good as well for now. First impressions were important to her and most of them seemed to pass.

Except for the young one. Why would he just come out and say something like that.

Most likely the crazy lady wouldn’t listen and all their arguments were going to be for naught. Bitter Sweet was approaching a now or never moment.

She readied herself for what she would have to do. Hopefully this one would go down well.

It wasn’t their life being judged.

2013-09-12, 01:15 AM
From previous experience those touched by Madness are more aggressive and they do not rationalize or speak for the most part.

The bonds hold tight on your hands. Thankfully your feet were never tied up in the first place.

At Sen's words the man Adran looks down at himself, then begins to cry. He mumbles something but does not speak coherently enough to be understood. He collapses and simply stares into space. The elven woman lowers her bow, lets the arrow fall to the ground, then shakes her head sadly.

Leian the Scythe-wielder sees this and looks as if she is about to become consumed in rage. She raises her scythe at Sen, the person who is turning her flock against her, when Kaylee's words strike her.

This strange, cloudy eyed girl spoke to Leian with the kindness of a friend, and touched Leian's soul in a way that no one had done since the Madness had struck. Yet she spoke with such disapproval, such sadness. It made the monks words strike hard, when they would normally have been ignored. She lowered her scythe, then raised it again. She looked around the room, trying to figure out what was going on.

Leif added to her confusion, and one hand left her scythe to hover by her head, as if an insect was buzzing right by her ear. Then he said the simple phrase.

"I'm not mad!" She screamed at him, as loudly as she could. Leian's disassociated front broke completely and the eerie calmness shattered. She burst into tears, threw her scythe onto the ground, then fled to the wall. For a second it looked like she'd try to claw her way through the solid rock, then she collapsed into a ball.

Only one figure remained still. The armored figure drew out his longsword. He looked around the room at his companions, all in no shape to fight. Then he snarled in a distinctive, Orcish growl. "Frak This!" He cut down at Bitter Sweet.

There was always one hardened criminal in a crowd.

Bitter Sweet gets a surprise attack against the Orc, because he didn't know she was untied. Everyone else roll Initiative, along with your turn's actions. I'm going to be mimicking another gm's style and allow anyone whose actions become useless from another person's move the option to retcon the move.

Orcy's Initiative: [roll0]

2013-09-12, 02:08 AM
Bitter's decided that it was now a good time to strike.

She reached for her poisoned dagger and with drew it from its holder.

She took some aim and let it loose quickly at the orc about to lay into her.

She hoped it would hit.

[roll0] fort save dc 14 fail fall asleep for [roll1] hours


2013-09-12, 02:11 AM
insh [roll0]

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-12, 04:40 AM
Valmere carefully positioned himself behind the orc, having his hands tied was a problem, but one that was easily overcome. Stretching his arms out in front of him to counter balance, he aimed a kick at the back of the orc's head.

Not sure what conditional modifiers, if any, you would want on this roll.
Unarmed Strike: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2013-09-12, 05:26 AM
"Subdue him!"

Sen was relieved to see only one maniac attacking the goblin. In a crowd like this, there could easily have been two or more. As the man raised his sword, Sen ran towards him with one arm outstretched. Ey didn't need to land a solid blow here: One touch would be enough.

Initiative: [roll0]

Sen uses Devastating Touch, combined with Overwhelming Fear.

Attack (vs touch AC): [roll1]; Crit confirm: [roll2]; Damage: [roll3]

If the attack hits, the target cowers in terror for 1 round {Mind-Affecting Fear effect; DC 15 Will prevents}

2013-09-12, 12:46 PM
Before anyone can attack, the goblin throws a dagger and lodges it into the orc. He moves to pull it out, but wavers. He stumbles slightly then falls over.

A moment later a loud snore rips through the air.

No one spent anything, because the Orc failed his fort save by 2 points... Except Bitter Sweet, who used that dose of poison.

Everyone gets 500 combat related experience for everything you've done so far. Plus 200 extra for various role playing and story related benefits. We're going to go down the fast track, so you all started at 1300 experience.

2013-09-12, 03:41 PM
Sen halted in mid-charge. That 'fight' had ended almost as soon as it began. Ey regarded the sleeping orc, along with the Goblin who'd felled him.

"Nicely done. Now, perhaps we should all take a minute to calm ourselves. Tensions are running high right now. Once everyone's recovered, we'll see about making introductions."

Sen calmly walked over to the nearest wall, and casually leant against it. If nobody moved to restrain the woman and Orc, Sen would suggest that someone do so. Otherwise, ey'd stay quiet until the atmosphere eased. It was important that ey not seem eager to give orders, or take charge.

2013-09-12, 04:50 PM
Bitter's sighed pulling a dagger out of the orc and whiped the blood off of it onto him then used it to cut the monks bounds.

Putting it back in it holder she went over to the armored figure that took her rope and dug in the pack only taking the rope back that she rightfully owned.

Looking about the room satisfied with the results she used the leather that "bound" her and tied the orc up. he was going to be out for quite some time she chuckled at that thought.

She was quiet proud of her self as she should it all went down perfectly, no mess ups no foul ups and no one "hurt" that term was a loose one.

Looking at the new members to join she observed each one carefully. Not really sure what to make of them.

They are all humanoid of some kind above average intelligence, Due to the ability to speak and had a season of reason.

She deduced that they must be friendly of some kind as they didint really want to see her die.

She decided to speak up "Bitter's Sweets the name, Study and poisons my game and what a happy bunch we have today all except for you short one" in common

She was referring to the one that said to condemn her for a crime she was not guilty of. In her mind she belived she saved the monk's life and now he owed her that reminded her.

She then looked back to the monk "YOU OWE ME TWO"

2013-09-12, 05:03 PM

The boy crossed his arms and frowned. "What crimes did you say this committed?" he asked, eyeing the now depressed bunch of misfits. Oh brother, today was just going to be one of those days, huh?

"I get that you're not Mad, but what did we just blindly wander into?"

He was, honestly, quite lost. Having a goblin announce her proclivity for poison wasn't exactly the most soothing thing either. Leif made a mental note to keep a close eye on it.

2013-09-12, 07:50 PM
The young oracle was quite surprised as things unfolded quiet quickly before her. Keeping still she watched the commotion play out. Her lips remaining sealed watching the changeling dart away in panic and seeming to subdue herself. Her head turned to Leif hearing him speak.

"I suspect its not so much that he is mad, as much as the woman's own mind justifying her acts. Perhaps such a realization has come into her own mind that the changling's actions have been not as just or right as she once assumed." Her eye fixated at the curled up ball on the ground.

Her head turned to the goblin as she bowed her head. "Nice to meet you, my name is Kaylee. Mostly a group of individuals who found themselves guided by fate to the right place at the right time... and perhaps the same could be said about our meeting as well." She spoke with quite some confidence, looking over at the goblin.

Wow that was quick haha XD didn't even get a chance to post for it. :)

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-12, 09:03 PM
Valmere stood, calmly, assured at least that the level headed seemed to outnumber the rash in this room. A rare sight indeed nowadays. He lifted an eyebrow at the goblin's last remark, turning to address the group.

"I'm not entirely sure what should be done now. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to your purpose here?" He said to no one in particular, just waiting to see who would answer.

2013-09-13, 10:36 PM
The elf leaves the cavern, going through the crack without a giant monster behind it, without saying a word to the group.

The man of the cloth has stopped crying, but is still mumbling under his breath. Most of the group cannot quite catch what he's saying, but if they know something about religion they'll be able to guess that he's praying.

Kaylee hears the man's words abnormally clearly. Adran is apparently praying to Sarenrae for forgiveness. Apparently his actions have only recently begun to really hit home. Kaylee feels a strange sense of forgiveness towards the man, almost unbidden. Its like the feeling of the guiding hand, but different.

Adran hears Leif, and stops his praying. He wipes his face with the back of his sleeve then replies. "The goblin nearly killed one of our compatriots, a man named Drasken. Neither I nor Leian, or Gursk were there for the actual event I must admit. As...they...said." He points at Sen, unsure what to labor em as. "I have been in the habit of obeying her..." He is cut off.

First everyone hears another frustrated roar, then a great deal of shuffling. Apparently whatever it was decided to give up waiting for Leif, Sen, and Kaylee to come back out.

Adran is about to speak again when everyone hears a loud crack. Leian has uncurled just enough to poke her head out. Then, she must have rammed her head as hard as she could into the rock. Kaylee sees this happen, as she is watching Leian actively.

Then, before anyone can act, the woman rams her head into the stone two more times. She falls back, uncurling, her right arm twitching oddly. Blood stains the wall of the cavern, and blood is poring from her head.

To HanaRei, I reply with an lol. I planned for a fight against four people, but you guys were so good that you stopped most of them from actually fighting.:smallsmile:

2013-09-14, 12:10 AM
Bitter Sweet looked at what transpired, a little surprised to say the least.
To terminate oneself in that manner took a huge amount of will power. The pain from doing it once, let alone two more times was staggering. It was the sign of enormous inner trauma for the changeling to resort to such a manner of self-execution.

She walked over to the changeling, looking down at her bleeding face, knowing the kind of brain trauma Leian had most likely caused herself. Bitter Sweet decided to do the merciful thing, to end the woman’s life instead of forcing her to deal with all of the trauma she must have been experiencing.
Bitter Sweet had her dagger ready to do the deed. She pressed it down onto the changeling’s neck.
In one swift motion she cut across the woman’s throat. Bitter Sweet made sure the Changeling wouldn’t survive.

After cleaning her blade off she looked over at the monk once more "What i mean by you owe me 2 is that i saved your life 2 times now.
So the swarm saving has been payed off and now you owe me 2, for now and the horned hummie see?"

2013-09-14, 06:29 AM
As soon as Bitter Sweet's intentions became clear, Sen bolted towards her. If possible, ey would restrain her before she could kill the Changeling. Whether successful or not, ey would shout to those in the vicinity.

"Restrain this woman again! Securely this time!"

An angry Sen was a curious thing to behold. Thanks to the mask, there was no actual emotion in eir voice and expressions. Sen's feelings were conveyed entirely through phrasing, stance and actions. As ey addressed Bitter Sweet directly, onlookers would have no trouble deriving the necessary context. Sen was angry.

"That was not your decision to make. Have you learned nothing from your brush with death? Minutes ago, this woman was ready to execute a stranger solely on her own authority. Now you're doing exactly the same thing. Once one person sets the precedent, it's only a matter of time before others follow their example. For your own sake, I would seriously advise you to reconsider this mentality."

2013-09-14, 09:56 AM
Bitters only shook her head looking at the one who said to restrain her once more.

"So you expect me to watch a creature suffer while they die when they so badly wished for a way out.
Her actions was going to kill some one who was clearly saving another and i do not claim to save her life.
She beat her own head on this rock to the point she would have suffered till termination. It would have been the same as jumping off a cliff with a rope tied around your neck to have it brake, and you fall to brake your legs till death takes you 8 hours later.

You claim i just killed her to save her from her self no i killed her to end her own suffering and not make a scene for her friends to bare watching.

If i was going to die like that with no chance, i would hope some one would do that for me. Death is never a pretty thing i brushed up with it today as im sure you have, NOT once but multiple times it's the world we live in so go ahead tie me up if you must but i only do what is needed to be done.

Be it you the monk, the new girl or any one in this room you did not see me kill the orc who tryed to kill me. And he is perfectly healthy i did not kill the horned hummie. The bombs almost did but that was due to the weapon he had pulled out on my friend the monk.

SO no the only one who died here was the one who wished to die so

Tell me what i did wrong

By the way i said it once and ill say it once more.

This is a dog eats dog world now so you either survive or you don't and if you want a out follow her example."

She stood by what she said she did not feel guilty or saddness for the women, Hell suicide was never the answer to anything when so manythings needed a meal that your body could provided it one.

2013-09-14, 11:53 AM
"Your reasoning doesn't matter. I don't care whether you acted out of compassion, malice, logic or insanity. What matters is that you acted alone. Without consulting anyone, you took it upon yourself to end another person's life. Everyone in this room should have a say in what happens to that woman. The final judgement is not yours to make."

Sen would only release the Goblin once others had successfully restrained her.

"Now, is anyone here a healer? It would be nice to get a second opinion about the patient's chance of survival."

2013-09-14, 10:24 PM

The psion's boy face distorted as he watched the (attempted) cold-blooded execution. Oh, he'd seen it before, but it never settled well with him. He supposed he'd never outgrow that.

Like he'd never outgrow this body, apparently.

"I begin to see why you were branded criminal," he says, looking at Bitter Sweet disdainfully.

2013-09-15, 02:52 PM
While Bitter's rather blatent actions were distasteful for the oracle, it didn't really seem to make her flinch on the outside. She made her way calmly over towards her. She leaned down quietly to check out the changling, attepting to see if anything could be done. She wasn't exactly the best with handling such detials, but she wasn't above giving it a try knowing she had the tools that could possibly save her.


Heal Check: [roll0]
If alive: Stabilize (Lvl 0 Spell) to stop bleeding

2013-09-15, 03:29 PM
i made escape check on OOC it was a 20 i believe that beats the 15 cmd for sen

also sorry if its not a perfect correction or read im at work with no spell check guys :smallfrown:

Bitters could not understand why everyone was getting upset at her.

Sure she was putting the changeling down, but the lady was going to suffer anyway.

It didn’t really matter. What did matter to Bitter Sweet was her refusal to be tied up once more in the next 24 hours. She would like to be able to study something.

With that she made her escape, ducking and twisting her arms in just the right way to break free from the new tall thing’s grasp.

After freeing herself she felt it was good idea to put her weapons away, and just go sit over by the monk.

"You want to save a crazy hungry lady of death, so be it but I’m not going to be tied up when I can restrain my own self, thanks. And for your information I was ‘labeled’ as a criminal for saving my friend so ya. Thanks a lot"

The craziness in today was unbelievable, someone trying to kill her, a swarm and jerks that still want her dead.
Just for meeting new people.

It was starting to make her think she should just leave if no one wanted her around.

2013-09-15, 04:03 PM
Unfortunately Kaylee lacks the training and knowledge to really identify the wounds, or decipher whether or not the woman can be saved. She does see that the woman's head is mishapen oddly, and that blood is poring out of both her ears, her nose, and the injury itself.

Sadly as Kaylee examines the woman her body gives up. Leian shudders, body tensing, then a death rattle comes out of her mouth. The injury stops bleeding, as she dies.

Adran stumbles over, in shock. Before he can say anything two people emerge from the entrance on the other side of the cavern. One of them is a haggard young woman with gaunt cheeks, and hopeless eyes. She seems a bit dazed but otherwise able. Leaning heavily on her is a odd man, with a large scaled brow with tiny spikes coming from it. He looks vaguely unsettling, but otherwise harmless. Kaylee recognizes that he is a Tiefling. He is leaning heavily on the woman.

This new man, Draken as both Bitter Sweet and Valmere know him as, looks around the room appraisingly, then he leaves the woman and limps over to the orc. He whips out a dagger and cuts the orcs throat. "Psychopath." He says quietly, letting the orc die.

He looks at the body of Leian, then at the group. "Thank you for killing the psychopathic bitch." He says matter-of-factly. "I'm Draken, and my friend here is Mar. That" He points to Adran. "Is Adran." He turns and glares at Bitter Sweet.

"Your an idiot and I hate you. You should have killed me. Especially now a days. But I'm not entirely ungrateful for you little 'mercy.' Thanks." He shoots a glance at Mar. She nods in approval.

"Now, what do you want? The swarm is lessening. I believe it has run its course, so if they brought you here then feel free to go about you way."

2013-09-16, 04:53 PM
He looks at the body of Leian, then at the group. "Thank you for killing the psychopathic bitch." He says matter-of-factly. "I'm Draken, and my friend here is Mar. That" He points to Adran. "Is Adran." He turns and glares at Bitter Sweet.

"Sen. And for the record, she committed suicide. I'd like to think that her death will herald a new era for your group: One where a lone member doesn't execute helpless people solely on their own authority..."

Sen pointedly indicated the Orc's corpse.

"...But perhaps that's just wishful thinking."

Sen wasn't really addressing Draken. Rather, ey was talking to the group as a whole. Maybe this incident would act as a wakeup call for them. With luck, they might act to prevent the rise of another Leian.

2013-09-18, 11:45 AM

... People truly enjoyed murder these days, didn't they? The masked figure seemed entirely out of place in this world now, idealism run rampant perhaps?

Leif was still adjusting to everything himself.

"The swarm, and a creature set ablaze with the desire to eat us," the psion smiled.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-18, 06:49 PM
Valmere looked sadly upon all that had transpired. Although he was not fond of Bitter Sweet's rashness, he actually agreed with her in this instance. If someone decided their life was not worth living in this wasteland, who was he to stop them? As to the others:
"The swarm drove us in, and I detect in your tone that you would now wish us to leave." He stepped forward, keeping himself between the goblin and the others, and directly addressing Draken. "I understand that what we just did was traumatic for your group, if there is anyway I can assist you please let me know. If not, then we shall be on our way."

2013-09-18, 07:48 PM
It did not go unnoticed to bitters that the monk stepped between her and everyone else a simple act to some.

But a strong meaning to her she knew that he was protecting her from the others and them from her.

She looked around him as she listened to what he was saying. If he was going to stay she was also, he was of course a experiment for her.

She could help where needed even if she thought them rude for addressing her like that.

She looked at the rest of the new members the boy that said to condemn her,

The masked one that seemed crazy for wanting to save a hungry evil lady who clearly was well fed compared to the rest of the group she was looking at and of course,

The pretty girl who seemed odd she tried to help out the dying one, and save her from getting decapitated.

She thought back to all that has happen in the day to this point and concluded "that there are bad days and there are epicly bad days and that this was turning into one of them" She thought to her selfRiddick-Van Diesel

She remained quiet for the most part now due to anything she seemed to say fell on deaf ears even if she did not kill any one.

I am at work sorry if its hard to read will have it get edit when i get home

2013-09-19, 04:54 PM
Kanna found no solution to the woman's situation, her own reaction perhaps to late as it was apparent she was gone now. She looked down rather as if in a brief gesture of mourning before turning her head back up. Not exactly a 'prayer' or 'funeral' to pay respect, but a simple acknowledgement of the passing of a life into its new and much more 'mystical' after life.

Her head turned to focus on the others, hearing each give their own piece. Turning her attention towards Draken. Having the swarm lessened if indeed it is as they said, it would mean that it would be possible to travel out from such a place. Still, she wanted to try and at least establish a more stable interaction with the small group herself, and perhaps with those around her now, whether they be sudden allies or simply individuals who managed to cross paths with only moments ago.

"I feel that being uneasy about one another... while warranted... isn't the best way to survive. While I feel fate might lure me from this place soon enough, it would be best to stand on mutual ground with one another would it not? I am sure we can stand together peacefully onto we know for certain our safety and the swarm has indeed parted completely and the danger is gone."

She attempted to give some reasoning, her words gentle and direct to the point, hoping to dispel some unease or hostility that might exist.


Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-09-19, 08:56 PM
At first Draken seemed to ignore Sen. He moved down to the orc's body, and began to unfasten the man's guantlet.

He looked up at Leif. "That creature, huh? It ate half our number, barging into our head-cavern like mad. Just luck any of us got away in time. Don't know what it is, though. Some sort of mutant creature? Or Fey, I guess."

He narrowed his eyes at Valmere, perhaps deciding whether or not the man was serious. "Of course we need help. Food. We need it. If you find it we'd be grateful, and not dead. And yes, I want you to go. I'm going to have a hard enough time trying to feed Mar, Adran, and myself. I don't need a bunch of potential psychos to add to my problems. If you find food you can use this place as shelter."

Mar speaks up. "There is water in the back of the cave. Clear the creatures that hid there and we'd be even."

Draken shoots her a look, but doesn't say anything to her. Since Kaylee wasn't talking to him he doesn't acknowledge her words. He finishes removing the gauntlet from the orc arm. He holds it up. Then he speaks to Sen. "Look at this man's arm. Really see it." He puts his own arm against the orcs bicep. The Orcs arm is meaty and thick. Draken's arm is thin, and the bone is plain in it. He looks starved. The Orc doesn't.

"Before you judge me, remember this. We don't have enough food, yet dear old Leian and our friend Gursk here were well-fed. What do you think they ate?" He straightens up, letting the orcs arm fall. "Really, think what you will. Your just a bunch of outsiders that helped rid me of a pest problem." His little speech ends in an even temper.

Sense motive can be used here, if one so wishes.

2013-09-20, 07:14 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

Sen gazed inscrutably at Draken, with head slightly tilted. Now that the burst of anger had died away, Sen's emotional state was once again hard to read. Was ey annoyed? Disappointed? Cynically amused? There was no way to know for sure.

"You weren't even listening to me, were you? That goblin was the same way. Not matter what objection I raise, you both ramble on about motives. What do motives have to do with anything I said?"

Should anyone volunteer to deal with the creatures, Sen will back them up.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-20, 08:21 PM
Valmere's eyes grew sad as Draken spoke. It troubled him, but he was not to judge.
"What manner of creatures? I would be more than happy to aid you in securing a water source. And where there is water, perhaps game may surface" Valmere glanced away from Draken and the Orc, looking at Leif. "And what manner of beast? Perhaps if we attacked as a group, we could take it down and feed these poor souls."
Whatever the course of action, Valmere's desire was to help the inhabitants of this cave, and knew that he would need the help of the others in order to do so.

2013-09-20, 09:41 PM
Bitter Sweet looked at the masked one, confused. At what point had this one said anything of use aside from “Subdue some people”.

And now that the horned hummie clearly stated that the two most well fed people here are now dead and they need aid in getting water and food.

It doesn’t even offer to help them, just spout on about how no one listens to it. How selfish, and it was always demanding to be the center of attention. Sen couldn’t really expect any different when it came to judging the motives of others or help when it was needed. This one was clearly someplace else in the world, at least in Bitter Sweet’s mind.

After hearing Valmere offer to help, and more importantly, about a new creature that was also on fire, her eyes lit up.

She started speaking in goblin excitedly, "LETS GO LETS GO FIND THE NEW CREATURE that means I can study and cut it up I can kill two birds with one stone FANTASTIC."

The goblin had a happy look on her face. Of course she would try to find the water too, especially after listening to the human talk about game. Game meaning new exotic things to capture and study.

2013-09-21, 11:39 PM
Draken speaks up to answer Valmere's question to Leif. "It was a large creature, with six legs, a mouth full of razor sharp fangs, and it was on fire. Like literally burning. It moved lightning fast. It ripped through half our men before we even had to run."

"There were a few, maybe two or three things in the water tunnel. I don't know. At least one was a weird ape-creature with tentacles for feet? I don't really know. I just know that they were there one day when one of us tried to get some water. Shortly after they arrived the big beast attacked us."

2013-09-22, 11:09 AM

The boy psion smiles, amused. "Call it even? I don't know what would make us uneven to begin with. Waiting out the swarm here as we care for ourselves is a right, not some privilege secured."

His eyes glint as he continues, "And the way it seems to me, you have a debt to the goblin and its companion for removing the 'pests' you speak of."

"Heroics don't care for balanced scales!" the psicrystal interjected, its booming voice audible only to Leif. "Come, come! Just help them out! We need water anyway, and there's a source nearby! Strength of will can't sustain you forever!"

Snorting, Leif adds, "I'd like to secure the water source anyway, so I'll join any expedition thereto."

2013-09-23, 01:29 AM
Kaylee closed her eyes tight, seeming to focus on something within her mind. It was as if she found some sort of meditation in the act, clearing her mind taking in the words she heard. A creature lurking in the water way, particularly with the only source of clean drinking water. It seemed more then content on taking advantage of a mortal's needs.

She opened her eyes once again. "Such a thing... likely makes their own living off pray who need fresh water... whether its of its own survival or of some devious intention. Its very likely while we might be on the dangerous creatures... they will likely be on the hunt for us as well. Two predators seeking out each other as pray... although one likely has incredible brawl as the others rely solely on wit to stand a chance." She spoke out in a rather dry tone of voice.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-23, 07:27 AM
"Clearing out your water source will be have to do." Valmere dusted himself off, preparing to leave. "The beast in the other room is perhaps a problem best avoided rather than faced head on."

Valmere placed himself at the entrance to the water source, waiting to see if these new companions would join him.

2013-09-23, 10:39 AM
Was exited to leave and study the new things right away.

She started to walk to the back of the cave listening and actively looking for stuff.

2013-09-24, 01:33 AM
There are only two exits in the room. Draken points towards the one that Sen, Kaylee, and Leif used, and the group squeezes through the crack and walks down the long, uneven tunnel. The trip is uneventful. Though worried that the beast is still there, it quickly becomes clear that whatever it was has already left the confines of the tunnel. This becomes an issue very quickly, as there is little to no light in the large cavern it made a home in, save for a few quickly burning embers. In the light of Sen's Ioun Torch a small entrance can be made out that had previously been blocked by the creature. The other, much larger entrance is still in place.

The room is massive, and Kaylee cannot see any of the various exits from her position near the small entrance they had walked in on.

2013-09-25, 05:28 AM
Sen took the lead. Ey advanced slowly and carefully towards the newly revealed entrance.

"Don't provoke them without reason. Violence might not be the only way to drive them out."

2013-09-25, 09:42 PM
Kaylee moved forward towards Sen, using him as a vantage point to follow, not quite certain of her surroundings. She closed her eyes a bit in thought, not quite certain what their plan of action might be. It was a long shot... but perhaps off of what she heard maybe she could figure out a plan of attack for such things... on the off chance they were natural creatures she was certain she might of heard of them before...


Eh bit of an off shot but figure I should try.
Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-25, 09:51 PM
Valmere took up position at the rear of the group, bow drawn. Moving in silence, he kept his eyes peeled for any danger.

Perception check? [roll0]

2013-09-25, 10:21 PM
Kaylee has not heard about the creatures described before.

The tunnel gets narrow, dark, and full of an unplaceable stench. The tunnel dips down to a puddle of stagnant water at the bottom, before climbing again. A tiny trickle of water flows down the rock way, which is apparently enough to support a colony of vine-like plants that is growing on the walls. As the party follows the tunnel the ceiling gets lower and lower, until it is about five feet above the party's head. The walls get closer, also, to about forty feet wide.

To most of the group it appears as if one of the vines hangs a bit lower than the others, only Valmere catches the slight movement. He calls out in time to spoil the attack as a tentacle shoots down from the ceiling to grab Sen by the neck. Thankfully Valmere's warning is enough for Sen to avoid it.

Sen, Leif, and Valmere then hear the distinct flapping of wings, and faint cries of what sounds like monstrous bats.

Monstery intiative: Creature #1 [roll0]
Creature #2 [roll1]

I thought I'd update a bit quicker this time around, since the update I did was a bit slow. Servbot if you would have done something, just post it in your new update and we can incorporate it into the campaign.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-25, 11:19 PM
Valmere notched an arrow, loosing it at the creature which tried to strangle his companion.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2013-09-26, 12:00 AM
Bitters giggled at the sight of the new maked figure getting caught up in this trap she then with drew a dagger one in both hands.

Not that she used 2 weapons for fighting but one for throwing if need be


Holding attacks till my round

2013-09-26, 12:01 AM
Relized how dumb i was

Attack [roll0]


2013-09-26, 07:16 AM

Thanks to Valmere's warning, Sen was able to dodge the organic noose. Ey immediately lashed out against it.

Initiative: [roll0]

Sen uses Devastating Touch and Overwhelming Fear.

Attack {VS touch AC}: [roll1]; Crit confirm: [roll2]; Damage: [roll3]

A successful hit causes the target to cower for one round {DC 15 Fort negates}

If Sen gets attacked in melee, ey will expend psionic focus to cast 'Untouchable Aura (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/u/untouchable-aura)' as an immediate action.

2013-09-26, 04:23 PM
The sudden sound reached her ear as Kaylee picked her head up alerted to the new danger. She shifted herself attempting to ready herself for combat for the new threat they managed to find themselves involved with.


Initiative: [roll0]
For now Kaylee is going to stand back and prepare, since I was silly and didn't think to include an attempt of an attack or anything. ^^;;

2013-09-27, 10:50 PM
The tentacle draws back into the tangle of vines and undergrowth. A faintest rustling marks its progress as it rushes incredibly fast until it reaches above Valmere. Two tentacles jut out of the vines and try to wrap around Valmere's throat.

Attack, #1 [roll0] #2[roll1]
Damage #1 [roll2] #2 [roll3] plus grappled and you cannot talk or use spells with a somatic element.

Bitter Sweet's dagger hits home, cutting into the visible tentacle.

Two creatures fly down the tunnel, coming to attack the rest of the group.

A leathery piece of skin stretched across a frame of joints and bony knobs beats awkwardly through the air. Eyes glare from the folds of its thick wings, writhing tentacles surround its sucker-like maw, and a long, thin tongue darts forth seemingly at random to lash the air around it.

One of them attacks Sen, while another attacks Leif. Sen activates Untouchable Aura, and tries to fill the creatures mind with nightmares.

Batty, rolling Will save: [roll4]
Sen, attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] plus bleed (1). Makea DC 11 Fort save or be nauseated for 1 round.
Leif, attack: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] plus bleed (1). DC 11 Fort or naseated for one round.

The first flying thing recoils from Sen, as if seeing something truly horrible. Sen manages to track the creature, and when its tentacles come down to attack Valmere Sen manages to hit it with ey's Dread Touch. The creatures squeals and falls from the ceiling onto the ground. It manages to hold onto Valmere, though.

Unfortantely Valmere misses the creature completely.

2013-09-27, 11:05 PM
Leif steps back, after deftly avoiding the bat-skin thing. Then he uses Mind Thrust.

Bat will save: [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Only using 1 PP.

I did say I'd make an action for a person who couldn't post. If you guys would prefer them to do nothing, let me know.

Unfortunately the creature withstands the assault.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-09-28, 04:57 PM
Valmere disengaged, dropping his bow, and immediately laying into the creature.

Flurry of blows attack:

2013-09-28, 07:21 PM
Sen stepped into a flanking position with Valmere, and continued to attack the tentacled beast. Hopefully they'd be able to finish it off while its defences were weakened.

Devastating Touch: [roll0]; Crit confirm: [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]

2013-09-29, 01:23 AM
Kaylee gripped her spear, drawing it out and holding it before her. She moved forward attempting to get close to that strange thing attempting to harm Valmere, if not already taken care of at least, if not focusing instead on a nearby bat.


Damage: [roll]1d8-1
Bleh fudged 2nd roll, hopefully still works if not doing it in ooc

2013-09-29, 11:33 PM
THe new incoming units to join the fight was not what they needed she reached back pulled out some material to make a bomb and thru it at the new ones to attack before they got to close to the others

BOMB Shrapnel Vs. TOUCH [roll0]

Crit confierm [roll1]

DAMAGE [1d6+2]

On hit save vs bleed ref 13 save

2013-09-29, 11:34 PM
damage [roll0]

Stupid me

2013-09-30, 12:01 AM
Full of supernatural fear the creature with tentacles for arms is frozen in place with such severity that it cannot even maintain its hold on Valmere. It simply cowers in place.

Bitter Sweet throws a bomb at the one next to Sen, aiming high so the explosion does not catch Sen. The bomb misses but still explodes and catches the bat in the blast.

Baty Reflex save for half damage. [roll0]

Both flapping beast wing creatures hone in on Valmere, sensing his injuries. They immediately attack him.

Bat #1 Attack [roll1], damage [roll2] plus Bleed (1). Make a DC 11 Fort save or be nauseated for 1 round.

Bat #2 Attack [roll3], damage [roll4] plus Bleed (1). Make a DC 11 Fort save or be nauseated for 1 round.

Sen, and Kaylee can make attacks of opportunity against clawbat #1, while Bitter Sweet and Leif can do so against clawbat #2. Roll those in the OOC, to avoid clogging the IC.

Kaylee manages to stab one of the folds of flapping skin and claws, wounding it slightly.

Sen lunges at the strange, almost monkey-like creature, and jabs it with her Psionic Dread Touch. The beast shrieks and crumples to the ground. Seeing the beast drop, Valmere attacks the Clawbat that Kaylee wounded, shifting slightly and punching at it. His blow lands and the creature falls to the ground.

Leif uses Mind thrust, because doing more would give someone a head-ache.

Sorry, these psions look very complicated to run in combat.
Baty: Will save [roll5]

Mindthrust damage [roll6]

The clawbat looks incredibly dazed, by no visible means other than Leif concentrating. It looks about ready to drop, as if one good hit would do it.

The last creature falls over, dead.

2013-10-01, 03:53 PM
Sen surveyed the assorted bodies with approval. Ey glanced back at eir fellow combatants.

"Not bad. We seem to work well together."

After making sure that everyone was okay, Sen resumed the journey forward.

2013-10-01, 06:20 PM
Bitters quickly cut off pieces of the new creatures and pocketed it. She would study it later in better light and followed on. She was rather pleased

2013-10-01, 10:42 PM

Releasing his focus on the mental assault against the poor Clawbat, Leif takes a deep breath and releases it.

"Well, that was lightly unpleasant," he says, watching the creatures to make sure they're all incapacitated. "You alright?" he adds, eyeing Valmere.

2013-10-02, 02:53 AM
Kaylee stepped back after her blow hit, putting away her spear. She bowed her head briefly as a brief gesture towards the fallen foe before returning her gaze up. She brushed her hair from her face looking towards the others. It over-all seemed to go over relatively smoothly... at least one could say considering the state of things as they were.

"Danger often can be the greatest catalyst in bringing souls in sync with one another, so long as you are open to it." She spoke gently, bowing her head down as if in some sort of thought over it before lifting up once again.

2013-10-03, 12:36 AM
Valmere appears to be wounded, and is currently bleeding. He could use some healing, or at least some medical attention to stop the bleeding.

As the tunnel continues the vines grow more abundantly, making it hard to see anything. If it wasn't for the tunnel walls the party would surely have lost there way.

The main tunnel continues on for awhile, maybe three minutes worth of walking, before the left side falls away in an opening. The main tunnel continues to the right.

Roll Perception in OOC, please

Kritical Kiwi
2013-10-03, 03:58 AM
Valmere clutched at the wound, and attempted to bandage it off to stop the bleeding.

Heal check:[roll0]

2013-10-04, 03:48 PM
Kaylee glances over at valmere, noticing the wound. She calmly walked over, looking at him as she pressed her hand. A soft glow formed on her hand as she muttered a soft incantation before light swept through valmere's body, healing at his wounds, attempting to heal them as best she could with her divine magic.

Cure Light Wounds on Valmere: [roll0]

Sorry for the delay. XP

Kritical Kiwi
2013-10-05, 10:50 PM
Valmere nodded at Kaylee, displaying gratitidue. "Thank you."

He stood and surveyed the party's surroundings, marveling slightly at how well he felt despite being fairly injured in that fight. On the road alone, Valmere always had to tend to his own wounds, and had not much skill in this area.

"It would appear that either the creatures came from the right, or there is something else further down. However, I'll wager that something's hidden off to the right, look at the way the vines are laid out. We should inspect that first."

2013-10-05, 11:12 PM

At Valmere's idea, Leif starts looking around a bit if there's anything there.

"Are we not looking to exterminate monsters rather than explore for hidden passages?" he asks meanwhile.

[roll0] Perception.

2013-10-07, 08:32 PM
Sen showed no outward reaction to Kaylee's healing magic. Privately, though, the Oracle had moved to the top of Sen's 'desirable ally' list. In this sick world, even the weakest divine casters were worth their weight in food.

When Leif asked about their objectives, Sen shrugged.

"Plans change. Let's take a look."

2013-10-08, 12:05 AM
Sen leads anyone who is willing down into the older passage. The passage leads down sharply, and there is a small overhang that the group must jump or scramble down to continue. The tunnel spirals down briefly for a little while. Then it levels out suddenly.

The tunnel is dark, except for Sen's light, and for a steady glow at the end. The light, instead of illuminating casts the entire corridor in even deeper darkness, save for the dim Ioun Torch. There is a rustling echoing through the room that sounds somewhat familiar.

To anyone who doesn't want to enter, just tell me what you do instead. I felt it safe to mention Sen since they stated they were going into the tunnel area.

2013-10-08, 12:54 AM
Kaylee stood quietly, hearing Sen's enthusiasm towards going down the dank older passage. She kept quiet as he nudged forward. "Exploring can be a dangerous thing... however it could yield great rewards too. Its also possible that this threat here might of originated from within the passage." She commented turning in the direction of it.

Turning her head down briefly in though, she eventually turned to the passage, deciding to follow it. It was perhaps a risk, but at this point just searching it out carefully might be alright, though the rustling echo did leave her a bit skeptical.

2013-10-08, 05:32 AM
When the rustling sound became audible, Sen halted. Ey peered ahead, in an effort to see the source.

"Stop. Look. Listen. Does anyone recognise that?"

Perception: [roll0]

Remember that Sen and Bitter Sweet have Low-light vision and Darkvision, respectively.

2013-10-09, 06:38 AM

With a shrug, Leif also moves to follow his two somewhat-companions. They had fled from a swarm together and they had escaped the maws of death from that weird creature before. Surely some tunnel crawling wasn't going to be their untimely deaths by now.

Leif still advanced carefully and from a respectful distance. Respectful with regards to any traps, despite his psicrystal's harsh complaints of heroism and taking the hit from others.

"Have you seen our body lately?" Leif mumbled, mostly to himself. "We're in no shape to take hits for others."

2013-10-10, 04:46 PM
Kaylee glanced over towards Leif, shaking her head a little. "Perhaps... still.... its a game of risk and reward... is it not? I suppose we have to hope our guiding hand might lead us to prosperity over destruction." The oracle spoke in a hushed whisper, not wanting to peek her voice as the group remained unaware of just what the noise was they heard ahead.

2013-10-11, 12:23 AM
Sen notices it, and with eir ability to see well in dim light, can track the source of the noise.

Now it becomes clear where some of the creatures came from. About six-eight of them crawl around above the opening, and around it. In the ceiling is a hole that they seem to live in normally, positioned close to the door. They have not noticed the group yet.

2013-10-13, 09:51 AM
Sen motioned for the group to back away from the newly discovered nest. Once back in the corridor, ey explained the situation. After that, it was time to explore their options.

"So, let's talk tactics. Shall we attack the nest directly? Or seal off the entrance? Or find some way to divide the creatures, so that we can pick them off separately? Let's hear some suggestions."

2013-10-16, 01:57 PM

Leif considered for a moment. All his considerations ended up at a single truth, however.

"When it comes to strategy, I'm no good," the boy admitted. "I'd prefer not to fight if at all possible."

Sadly, this was not a situation in which it seemed likely they could avoid a fight. After all, weren't they doing someone a favour?

2013-10-17, 12:34 AM
The oracle kept quiet in thought, not quite sure what to say at first. It was apparent there was likely danger in tackling the things head on. While she couldn't make it out clearly it would likely be aggressive, whether its protecting its home or for the desire to hunt down pray.

She turned her head up speaking in a low tone. "If... this place isn't connected outside, it might be possible to block them in or at least away from the area where the drinking water is without having to fight them directly... given theres a good method and supplies to allow for us to do it. It wouldn't exactly ensure though that they wouldn't have other ways to get at the water supply either."

It didn't seem very likely after all that the caves wouldn't be interlocked at some point. The path they took wasn't exactly a clear path so there was a chance that there was other ways to get to where the creatures were.

2013-10-19, 09:34 PM
Whether the party was too loud, or the creatures caught sight or scent of them was unknown, but one moment they were moving around unaware of any interlopers on their territory and the next they began to boil out of the their ceiling hole, and throw themselves into the air against the party.

As they enter the light of the Ioun Torch the rest of the party can see what Sen new earlier, these were the same flapping creatures made of skin and claws that they saw earlier.

Roll Initiative: Creatures [roll0]

Kritical Kiwi
2013-10-20, 04:49 AM
Valmere gritted his teeth, ready for another struggle with these creatures. He notched an arrow and let it loose into the oncoming barrage.

Initiative: [roll0]
Longbow attack roll: [roll1] crit confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-10-20, 07:46 AM
Well, so much for planning. Positioning emself on the front lines, Sen swiped at the oncoming creatures. If possible, ey would aim for one which eir allies had already injured.

Initiative: [roll0]

Sen uses Devastating Touch.

Attack {VS touch}: [roll1]; Crit confirm: [roll2]; Damage: [roll3]

As before, Sen will cast 'Untouchable Aura' {DC 15} if ey gets attacked in melee.

2013-10-20, 02:40 PM
Kaylee noticed as their planning fumbled, the creature seeming to notice them. The poor visioned girl prepared herself, hoping they could come out unscathed, fate being on their side, not quite ready for what was to come.


Init: [roll0]

2013-10-20, 08:30 PM

Looks like time for discussion was over and time for fighting was, again, now. Well, then... Leif preferred not to get too embroidered in the fight and prepared to stay near the back...

Initiative: [roll0]
Move towards back if own group as possible, Mind Thrust nearest enemy.
[roll1] damage. Will saves.

2013-10-20, 10:30 PM
The bats fly in and swoop down over the heads of the band, but Leif manages to get in an attack before they make contact with the group. One bat swerves a bit oddly in the air, as Leif's Mind Thrust hits home.

Two bats swoop down on Sen, but both cringe away as they become overwhelmed by fear and cannot attack.

Two other bats swoop down over Valmere before he can get a shot off. He manages to fend one off but the other gets in close. It snaps at Valmere, and while he doesn't feel anything, blood begins to ooze out of an almost invisible cut.

Valmere is now suffering from bleed damage 1, which is taken at the beginning of each round

Valmere suffers another of the nearly painless bites.

Valmere is now taking bleed 2 a round

The bat that Leif hit weaves in the air, then tries to attack Kaylee but only manages to headbutt her breastplate. The other hits home, and Kaylee begins bleeding from a cut in her neck that barely hurts.

Kaylee is taking Bleed 1 damage which is taken at the beginning of each round

Valmere manages to let his arrow loose, and it hits squarely, killing one of the bats, but the other takes advantage of the opening and makes another attack.

AoO: [roll0]; damage[roll1] + bleed 1

Sen tries to attack one of the bats but despite there fear they manage to evade eir.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-10-21, 06:32 PM
Valmere dropped his bow, unleashing a flurry of blows at the nearest creature within reach.

attack 1: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
attack 2: [roll2] damage: [roll3]

2013-10-22, 09:41 AM
Sen continued to strike at the creatures. While doing so, ey kept half an eye on eir fellow combatants. By studying how they fought, Sen hoped to gain a firmer grasp of their tactics and abilities.

Attack {VS touch}: [roll0]; Crit confirm: [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]

2013-10-22, 09:14 PM
Kaylee let out a loud gasp as the one bat smacks into her plate, the other managing to take advantage of her surprise as she let out a light cry being bit more in surpise then pain. She cringed looking around noticing as the others seemed to be bit as well. She could feel the blood running down her neck.

She focused her energy, deciding to act quickly seeing how everyone had been bitten. She shifted back as she attempted to strike at the bat that had bitten her.


Not sure if I can 5 foot away so I'll just use spear to be safe.
Attack on Nearby Bat:

2013-10-23, 11:51 AM

The boy psion continues his psychic assault on the bat, intent on shredding its mind to shreds... at least temporarily...

Mind Thrust again!

Spent 3 PP total now.

2013-10-23, 10:33 PM
Bat Actions

Bat #1: Attack: [roll0]; damage [roll1] + bleed 1
Will Save : [roll2]

Bat #2: Attack: [roll3]; damage [roll4] + bleed 1
Bat #3: Attack: [roll5]; damage [roll6] + bleed 1
Bat #4: Attack: [roll7]; damage [roll8] + bleed 1
Bat #5: Attack: [roll9]; damage [roll10] + bleed 1

Valmere Fort Saving throw: [roll11]
Kaylee Fort Saving Throw: [roll12]

One of the bats trying to attack Sen flies towards Valmere, as if smelling something, and leaves itself open for attack.

OOC: Leif's roll didn't work. I'll do it in the OOC, since I forgot to roll a saving throw.

2013-10-23, 10:51 PM
The two bats fighting the monk try to sink more of there needle-like teeth into him, but he keeps them solidly at arms length.

One of the bats is able to get into Kaylee's reach, and it begins to lick the cut on her neck, as it tries to add more. Though it causes shudders to flow down her back she is able to brush them off, and the bat flutters away without doing any additional harm.

Of course, with eir aura still functioning the one bat trying to use Sen as a snack finds itself unable to follow through due to its fear.

Valmere manages to hit one of the darting creatures, and it screes in almost inaudible pain. Sen's attacks again manage to avoid the creatures quite skillfully, if that was the intention behind them. Though this time the bat's felt the wind from Sen's hand.

Kaylee manages to thrust her spear through the bat, but unfortunately only hits leathery skin and nothing fatal.

Leif's attack does nothing.

Sen doesn't notice anything too specific. The monk likes to use a bow as an opening move, Kaylee likes to stab things with a pointed stick, and Leif appears to concentrate at the enemies. Sen knows psionic attacks when e sees them, though, and connects the two. Sen notices, more importantly, that the little goblin is gone. E cannot remember the last time e saw her.

Kritical Kiwi
2013-10-24, 05:59 AM
Valmere took a quick glance around the battle. They needed to finish this fight quickly, so as not to be overrun by their injuries. A change of tactics was perhaps necessary. Tired of attempting to hit the creatures out of the air, he lunged at the nearest one, attempting to grab it.

Grapple check: [roll0]

2013-10-24, 10:46 AM
Sen was starting to get annoyed. True, none of the creatures seemed able to hit em; But the reverse was also true. Maintaining eir defensive fear aura, Sen sent a particularly vicious swipe at a random enemy.

Sen uses 'Untouchable Aura' again.

Attack {VS touch}: [roll0]; Crit confirm: [roll1]; Damage [roll2]

2013-10-24, 09:11 PM
Kaylee shivers a bit brushing away the new bat. It seemed as if the creatures were quite good at slipping away, just as much as they seemed to be able to avoid to much damage from the flying critters as well.

She attempted to stab at the bat once again, hoping to strike it down and rid of such menace, not wanting to prolong fighting to long as the blood trickled from her wound, slowly bleeding her out.

Attacking close by bat.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: DERP I swear I'll one day get my damage roll right. OOC incase it does manage to hit somehow.


Kaylee: HP 19/21 AC 16 Touch 11 FF 16 CMD 11

2013-10-25, 04:35 PM

The psion finds the bat's mind impenetrable... Or maybe it's just that he's not hitting the right nerves? How do bat minds work anyway? Maybe a sound attack'd be more useful, or...

Instead! A bolt. Yes, that's it. Bolts always work. Ain't no one who's ever taken a bolt to the knee and continued adventuring.

Setting a bolt on his crossbow, Leif takes aim at the same, mind-resistant bat and lets loose!

Move: Set a bolt.
Action: Attack the same old bat.

2013-10-26, 01:37 AM
Bat Actions

Bat #1: Attack: [roll0]; damage: [roll1]
Will Save: [roll2]
Bat #2: Attack: [roll3]; damage: [roll4]
Bat #4: Attack: [roll5]; damage: [roll6]
Bat #5: Attack: [roll7]; damage: [roll8]
Bat #6: Attack: [roll9]; damage: [roll10]

Valmere, roll a Fort save.