View Full Version : Shouldn't have Eugene haunted Roy by now?

2013-08-22, 06:40 AM
Roy asked his father to haunt him if Xykon leaved azure city. In http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0664.html but even hinjo had time to make a sending to inform haley about xykon on the move. :(

So either...

a) Eugene can't appear yet since it isn't night/dusk (and he will belittle Roy for that)
b) Author is saving that up for a more dramatical and funny effect.
c) Rich forgot about that since it was more than 200 strips ago.

RMS Oceanic
2013-08-22, 06:48 AM
Roy asked his father to haunt him if Xykon leaved azure city. In http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0664.html but even hinjo had time to make a sending to inform haley about xykon on the move. :(

So either...

a) Eugene can't appear yet since it isn't night/dusk (and he will belittle Roy for that)
b) Author is saving that up for a more dramatical and funny effect.
c) Rich forgot about that since it was more than 200 strips ago.

As hinted in the last panel of that very comic, I don't think Eugene is going to attend to Roy's orders very punctually. Also I think there was a book commentary that Eugene would act in such a way, possibly out of spite.

2013-08-22, 06:57 AM
Roy asked his father to haunt him if Xykon leaved azure city. In http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0664.html but even hinjo had time to make a sending to inform haley about xykon on the move. :(

So either...

a) Eugene can't appear yet since it isn't night/dusk (and he will belittle Roy for that)
b) Author is saving that up for a more dramatical and funny effect.
c) Rich forgot about that since it was more than 200 strips ago.
That's an odd amount of certainty.

Try d) Eugene has some reason other than it not being night for not having done so.

2013-08-22, 07:02 AM
As hinted in the last panel of that very comic, I don't think Eugene is going to attend to Roy's orders very punctually. Also I think there was a book commentary that Eugene would act in such a way, possibly out of spite.

There is no such book commentary, to the best of my knowledge.

That would also be completely out of Eugene's character. Eugene is actively praying that Roy can defeat Xykon, there would be no reason whatsoever that Eugene would choose to sabotage Roy from, effectively, saving Eugene.

RMS Oceanic
2013-08-22, 07:08 AM
There is no such book commentary, to the best of my knowledge.

That would also be completely out of Eugene's character. Eugene is actively praying that Roy can defeat Xykon, there would be no reason whatsoever that Eugene would choose to sabotage Roy from, effectively, saving Eugene.

Then why did he burn that notice about V? Roy needs all the facts in order to have the best shot at Xykon. As we seen, by going to Girard's Gate without that knowledge, it really bit them in the long run.

2013-08-22, 07:13 AM
Then why did he burn that notice about V? Roy needs all the facts in order to have the best shot at Xykon. As we seen, by going to Girard's Gate without that knowledge, it really bit them in the long run.

That's easy, because if roy knew that he could ditch V from the group and Eugene is Rooting for a caster to kill Xykon, more if the caster almost got the job done earlier than his son.

2013-08-22, 07:39 AM
Then why did he burn that notice about V?

Because, in his opinion, V has been doing by far the best job of any in the Order at destroying Xykon? Plus he's the only "proper" arcane caster in the group (yes, I know Elan is also an arcane caster, which is why I included the qualifier "proper"). So, from Eugene's highly selfish and wizard-centric viewpoint, the chances of his Blood Oath being fulfilled are far greater if V remains in the Order than they are if he gets kicked out for consorting with demons.

2013-08-22, 07:45 AM
Roy asked his father to haunt him if Xykon leaved azure city. In http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0664.html but even hinjo had time to make a sending to inform haley about xykon on the move. :(

Personnaly, I always took Eugene answer to Roy's order as being ironic. As in "Don't worry, son, you'll be the first to know when that lich finally leave his tower to teleport on you and start swarming meteors all over your face. Unless, of course, you really suck that much at spotting."

2013-08-22, 07:47 AM
It is also possible that Eugene came to talk to Roy during the time he spent in Girard's illusion trap. Noting as he would have that Roy was incapacitated, by an illusion no less, he probably rolled his eyes at his son and decided to let the big dumb fighter figure it out for himself.

Grey Watcher
2013-08-22, 07:52 AM
Also, was there not a line where he suggested his ability to visit the Material Plane was going to be severely curtailed by The Powers That Be in Lawful Good Heaven, because he hijacked a summoning/calling/bring-that-guy-here-now spell and used it to hijack a lawful criminal trial and change the outcome to suit his own purposes?

2013-08-22, 08:08 AM
Are you refering to this one (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0292.html) ? If so, he says that he won't be allowed to answer any summoning for a while, but does that include manifesting through the sword ? So as long as it's reforge, it should be fine, right ?

Which makes me think, did we see Eugene manifesting even once since the sword is reforged ? Maybe reforging it using starmetal changed it too much for it to still be considered the same as before and thus a proper medium for manifesting ?

2013-08-22, 08:11 AM
May be because the Starmetal Greenhilt is as good as the Broken Greenhilt regard it's value as a family heirloom? Since I don't know if adding a piece of (totally not related to the family) Starmetal to the broken sword would make it any more suitable to serve as "the metaphysical link" for Eugene.

2013-08-22, 08:28 AM
Roy asked his father to haunt him if Xykon leaved azure city. In http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0664.html but even hinjo had time to make a sending to inform haley about xykon on the move. :(

So either...

a) Eugene can't appear yet since it isn't night/dusk (and he will belittle Roy for that)
b) Author is saving that up for a more dramatical and funny effect.
c) Rich forgot about that since it was more than 200 strips ago.

Or, Eugene got distracted by something.

It is also possible that Eugene came to talk to Roy during the time he spent in Girard's illusion trap. Noting as he would have that Roy was incapacitated, by an illusion no less, he probably rolled his eyes at his son and decided to let the big dumb fighter figure it out for himself.

That would be a Eugene thing to do.

May be because the Starmetal Greenhilt is as good as the Broken Greenhilt regard it's value as a family heirloom? Since I don't know if adding a piece of (totally not related to the family) Starmetal to the broken sword would make it any more suitable to serve as "the metaphysical link" for Eugene.

I don't know. I could see the breaking and reforging process as being able to create a new heirloom, one that is disconnected with the old. Then again, that does sound overly nit-picky.

2013-08-22, 11:16 AM
There is no such book commentary, to the best of my knowledge.

That would also be completely out of Eugene's character. Eugene is actively praying that Roy can defeat Xykon, there would be no reason whatsoever that Eugene would choose to sabotage Roy from, effectively, saving Eugene.

I believe RMS Oceanic is referring to the Don't Split the Party commentaries:

"At that moment, it stops being Eugene's mission that Roy is carrying out, and becomes Roy's mission with which Eugene is helping. ... Whether Eugene will remain willing to take orders from his son as the story proceeds is less certain."

This same commentary also reminds us that Eugene is very petty.

2013-08-22, 11:29 AM
On a separate yet related matter, what was Roy asking Roy's Archon to do at the start of that comic?

2013-08-22, 11:54 AM
Roy asked his father to haunt him if Xykon leaved azure city. In http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0664.html but even hinjo had time to make a sending to inform haley about xykon on the move. :(

So either...

a) Eugene can't appear yet since it isn't night/dusk (and he will belittle Roy for that)
b) Author is saving that up for a more dramatical and funny effect.
c) Rich forgot about that since it was more than 200 strips ago.

d) The Starmetal properties of the new sword are keeping Eugene away

That's been my personal Epileptic Tree for quite a while now.

2013-08-22, 02:03 PM
On a separate yet related matter, what was Roy asking Roy's Archon to do at the start of that comic?

It's not been revealed yet.

2013-08-22, 03:24 PM
Yep. I re-read that strip recently and thought the same thing yesterday. By rights, we ought to be seeing Eugene any moment now, if Giant is paying attention to his plot. It's pretty convoluted though, and there's a lot that's more important going on... unless he shows up with a flock of devas to give them a lift to the gate, it's in "Who cares?" territory.

2013-08-23, 09:37 AM
Are you refering to this one (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0292.html) ? If so, he says that he won't be allowed to answer any summoning for a while, but does that include manifesting through the sword ? So as long as it's reforge, it should be fine, right ?

Which makes me think, did we see Eugene manifesting even once since the sword is reforged ? Maybe reforging it using starmetal changed it too much for it to still be considered the same as before and thus a proper medium for manifesting ?

... you know what would be hilarious?

If the anti-undead properties that Roy never did figure out how to counteract actually prevented manifestation through the sword.


d) The Starmetal properties of the new sword are keeping Eugene away

That's been my personal Epileptic Tree for quite a while now.

Shoot, I was sure no one else had said that when I skimmed the thread! :smallredface:

2013-08-23, 09:40 AM
If so, next time he see's his father for any reason, he's in for an earfull. :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-23, 09:42 AM
... you know what would be hilarious?

If the anti-undead properties that Roy never did figure out how to counteract actually prevented manifestation through the sword.

But would that not be an anti-dead property instead of an anti-undead property?

2013-08-23, 03:51 PM
... you know what would be hilarious?

If the anti-undead properties that Roy never did figure out how to counteract actually prevented manifestation through the sword.


Shoot, I was sure no one else had said that when I skimmed the thread! :smallredface:

It happens to the best of us.


That's meant as a warm smile, not a sarcastic one.

2013-08-23, 04:10 PM
But would that not be an anti-dead property instead of an anti-undead property?
Not at all. As long as Eugene stays up on the cloud the sword won't affect him at all.

When he comes down to the Prime Material Plane to talk to Roy, he becomes this thing called a "ghost," which is a type of undead and warded against at Julia's school.

2013-08-23, 05:18 PM
Eugene is haunting Roy. Eugene took over "Belkar" back when B. was having his "fever dream". It may look, eat, and smell like Belkar, but its a 100% Greenhilt production. People keep on wondering when Belkar is going to die, the joke is that he's already dead. MuH HA HA!

2013-08-23, 05:37 PM
It's entirely possible that whatever prevented Roy from manifesting when he was dead is also what's prevented Eugene from manifesting now.

2013-08-23, 05:59 PM
Eugene hasn't haunted Roy since Xykon shattered Roy's sword way, way back. It's been a while. He hijacked a summon to show up in Azure City, and when Roy was dead, it wasn't necessary. And after Roy resurrected, Eugene hasn't been in the comic.

According to Eugene, he can't show up to Roy unless the sword is intact - perhaps even when the sword was repaired, it still wasn't enough.

Alternatively, the devas up in Limbo got pissed at Eugene and he's not allowed to do the Pat Swayze routine anymore.

Or maybe, Rich Burlew doesn't think Eugene can add anything to the story right now. He doesn't have any direct relevance to the plot playing out - in fact, Roy himself hasn't been the focus of the story - that's primarily been Elan and Haley. While it would make Eugene for him to show up in a real-world sense, to the reader, he only offers unnecessary recap.

Who knows, maybe he's been haunting Roy off-panel. Only Roy can see or hear him, right? Maybe he and Eugene have been talking this whole time.

OR, MAYBE, Roy's just crazy and hears voices. EUGENE DOESN'T EXIST. IT'S ALL BEEN A GIANT DELUSION. :smalleek:

2013-08-23, 06:51 PM
It's entirely possible that whatever prevented Roy from manifesting when he was dead is also what's prevented Eugene from manifesting now.
Before, Eugene was unable to appear except to Roy*, the heir of the Blood Oath that was keeping him a ghost. That suggests two possibilities for Roy:

1) Nothing kept Roy a ghost and so he was unable to appear to anyone.
2) He would have been able to appear to one person: Julia. Had she been outside her school's anti-ghost wards, had she had the Greenhilt Sword, and, oh yeah, had he ever tried.

*Edited to add: Lest someone think I just pulled that out of...thin air, this is spelled out in On the Origins of PCs, when Eugene first says he wants to manifest to Julia and the deva tells him it's Roy or no one.

2013-08-24, 04:21 AM
*Edited to add: Lest someone think I just pulled that out of...thin air, this is spelled out in On the Origins of PCs, when Eugene first says he wants to manifest to Julia and the deva tells him it's Roy or no one.
It was Start of Darkness, not Origins.

2013-08-24, 04:24 AM

2013-08-24, 11:39 AM
Eugene is haunting Roy. Eugene took over "Belkar" back when B. was having his "fever dream". It may look, eat, and smell like Belkar, but its a 100% Greenhilt production. People keep on wondering when Belkar is going to die, the joke is that he's already dead. MuH HA HA!

Ummmmmmm, nah. He hasn't pestered Roy yet to let Tarquin take over the anti-Xykon crusade.

You've got to remember, Roy's in it to save the world. Eugene's in it to get Xykon snuffed.

2013-08-25, 11:57 PM
Does anyone ever bump threads just to push the spam off the page faster?

2013-08-26, 03:53 PM
No. That's a good idea.

Roland St. Jude
2013-08-26, 04:04 PM
Does anyone ever bump threads just to push the spam off the page faster?

No. That's a good idea.
Sheriff: No, that's a terrible - and rule violating - idea. Just report spam threads and then ignore them. Or just ignore them.