View Full Version : Nale's plan

2013-08-22, 09:03 AM
Nale HAD to know that in this situation Tarquin would kill him. There was no other choice.

So, obviously he planned on being killed, and probably has some plan to come back.

The way I see it there are 2 options:

1- Nale and Tarquin planned it together, before they went on this quest. Now Laurin is sure Taruin truly killed Nale, so now Tarquin just need to ressurect Nale, and plan is over: Malack is dead, Nale is alive, and able to escape to empire.

2- Tarquin did not plan it with Nale. Nale has a plan to come back that is unrelated to Tarquin, and now Tarquin is sure he is dead, and Nale gets to be his own man, and leave the empire, and his father, for good.

Either way, Nale will be back. Count on it.

The Zoat
2013-08-22, 09:26 AM
I doubt it, If only because I am entirely convinced Nale's dialogue in #913 is entirely sincere.

2013-08-22, 09:35 AM
I don't really think he had a plan anymore, his plan was running away. He only came back because of the army. After he found out the true purpose of it and everything else he just kinda lost it.

2013-08-23, 06:08 AM
Nale HAD to know that in this situation Tarquin would kill him. There was no other choice.

So, obviously he planned on being killed, and probably has some plan to come back.

The way I see it there are 2 options:

1- Nale and Tarquin planned it together, before they went on this quest. Now Laurin is sure Taruin truly killed Nale, so now Tarquin just need to ressurect Nale, and plan is over: Malack is dead, Nale is alive, and able to escape to empire.

2- Tarquin did not plan it with Nale. Nale has a plan to come back that is unrelated to Tarquin, and now Tarquin is sure he is dead, and Nale gets to be his own man, and leave the empire, and his father, for good.

Either way, Nale will be back. Count on it.

Interesting theory, though I am utterly amazed at the certainty with which you profess it.

Lord Raziere
2013-08-23, 06:21 AM

well who said that the speech couldn't both be sincere AND be a part of his plan? one last "eff you father" before he enacts his real plan.

but yeah, probably not really a plan. it would be awesome if it was though. villains who make plans that come into effect after their death ARE a known unnecessarily complex type of villainous plot that Nale would go for… and he was talking about how Tarquin was just protecting his rut and not taking risks anymore, so dying for the sake of revenge seems exactly the kind of risky thing Nale would do….

if Nale did make a plan and did intentionally say it all, then he might've out-manipulated his father. :smalleek:

in fact….this might not only be a possibility, it might be plausible. now I'm hoping this theory is true, because if it is, Tarquin just made his biggest mistake of his life.

but yeah, its probably not a plan.

2013-08-23, 06:37 AM
Nale HAD to know that in this situation Tarquin would kill him. There was no other choice.

So, obviously he planned on being killed, and probably has some plan to come back.

On another thread, the Giant stated that Nale merely though himself to be untouchable and ignore the fact that he was a dagger thrust away to death.

I think he was more planning on his father and his team to cow in fear in amazement before letting him go, in case he would kill them just like he did Malack.

And then, he died.

2013-08-23, 06:47 AM
in fact….this might not only be a possibility, it might be plausible. now I'm hoping this theory is true, because if it is, Tarquin just made his biggest mistake of his life.

I don't think that Tarquin would count Nale faking his death and then running away to never come back to actually be a loss. In fact, I think he'd actually be happier knowing he didn't kill one of his sons, AND that Nale was competent enough to survive, perhaps even impressed with his son for doing so. His big deal here is that he sees Nale as just unstable, incompetent, and as failing to recognize all of the crap he's putting on his shoulders without even acknowledging and working with him for that.

2013-08-23, 06:48 AM
I said this in the main thread--Nale never expected his own father to kill him. I think, for all his insults and so on, Nale still loved his father and would never have killed him himself, and he believed the situation to be the same way the other way round.

2013-08-23, 10:32 AM
Nale HAD to know that in this situation Tarquin would kill him. There was no other choice.

Besides the fact that Nale isn't nearly the genius he thinks he is (and his ego actually frequently makes him dumber than average), he wasn't operating on a plan here. He was outraged at Tarquin's complete lack of offense. He thinks his father is just some old man who refuses to play in the big leagues (the irony of Nale thinking that about Tarquin is hilarious), so when something this huge slips through his fingers, and the man just shrugs it off? Nale's operating purely on emotion here.

So, obviously he planned on being killed, and probably has some plan to come back.

I seriously doubt Nale trusts Tarquin enough to have him brought back from the dead, especially since one of the few high-level clerics in the world capable of pulling that off was just turned into ash by Nale's own actions.

The way I see it there are 2 options:

1- Nale and Tarquin planned it together, before they went on this quest. Now Laurin is sure Taruin truly killed Nale, so now Tarquin just need to ressurect Nale, and plan is over: Malack is dead, Nale is alive, and able to escape to empire.

Tarquin seems pretty sincere in his belief that he can smooth things over with his psion team-mate. If he wanted to spare Nale, killing him seems unlikely to be a needed step.

2- Tarquin did not plan it with Nale. Nale has a plan to come back that is unrelated to Tarquin, and now Tarquin is sure he is dead, and Nale gets to be his own man, and leave the empire, and his father, for good.

Nale knows his father. He knows his father is damn genre savey. And while he might not think Tarquin's using his skills to the best possible level, he's not likely going to gamble his life (well, his coming back to life) on the idea that Tarquin's just going to leave the body alone or put it somewhere, intact, where it can be raised. If his father wants him to stay dead, he's going to stay dead.

Either way, Nale will be back. Count on it.

I'm afraid I won't hold my breath. Even aside from my own glee that Nale is finally out of the picture, logically this seems like too great a stretch, especially with this being a pretty powerful moment that would be utterly ruined if he came back. Even if one were to like Nale, this still fits as a satisfying conclusion to his character arc.

Nale MIGHT get a little more screen time with Sabine, seeing as they're both in the lower planes and she has a vested interest in finding him, but I suspect he's never again going to draw breath.

Roland Itiative
2013-08-23, 10:40 AM
Nale was too certain that his father was an old man stuck in his own ways, incapable of actually making a firm stand, to believe he could just flat out be murdered by Tarquin in cold blood. He probably expected to teleport away as soon as things got dangerous (then maybe wait around in the desert until Sabine came back, and skip the continent afterwards), but then Tarquin caught him completely by surprise. The look of surprise on his face after the stabbing is quite telling, he wasn't expecting that at all.