View Full Version : Buck: Legacy IC

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-22, 12:29 PM
Urbem Sanctam in the early morning is always busy. Main street is filled with market stalls selling everything from food and clothes to weapons, armour, and complex tesla-powered devices (many of which look highly unsafe). It's a clear, sunny day, but there's plenty of smoke in air from the local workshops. Oscillator technology is still in it's infancy, and everypony wants to be the first to create something that will revolutionise the world (and make them rich at the same time).

You were summoned by the captain of the guard yesterday to deal with a problem. There's an abandoned temple on the west side of the city where some nagapons were recently seen. It's believed that there's an entrance to an underground lair hidden underneath the temple, and the local guard don't want to go down there, so they are hiring adventurers to go exploring and stop any potential threats that might rise to attack the surface.

You and your party have agreed to spend some time in the city acquiring supplies for the journey. You find the following interesting items in the market place...

Phoenix Tail - Single-Use Item (Buy 20g, Sell 15g, Light)
Special Effect: Return of the Spirit
Choose one of the following effects: 1. Choose an incapacited adventurer and "rez" them. 2. Target an "Undead" monster and deal 2 instant damage to it.

Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Buy 40g, Sell 25g, Light)
Special Effect: Soul Trap
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
+1 Combat Strength

Glitterbomb - Single-Use Item (Buy 10g, Sell 5g, Light)
Special Effect: Surprise Facial
Activate when an adventurer fails an escape test: that escape test becomes successful.

Staff of Metal - Weapon, Staff (Buy 50g, Sell 25g, Light)
Special Effect: Static
Gain +1 to your combat rolls.
+2 to your maximum mana.
+1 Combat Strength

Leather Armour - Armour (Buy 30g, Sell 20g, Light)
Level 6 Armour

Throwing Dagger - Weapon, Blade (Buy 25g, Sell 20g, Light)
Special Effect: Throw
You may discard this from the backpack to target a monster and to deal 2 instant damage to it.
+1 Combat Strength

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0822_180154.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0822_180154.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0822_180236.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0822_180236.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0822_180301.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0822_180301.png.html)
Remember, there's no real turn order in the market phase, unless there are disagreements about who wants what.

Scarlet Blaze
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g (if you could all use this notation in your posts please, that would help)

"This city is large and strange, but the market places are the same everywhere, it seems. Time to go shopping!"

Scarlet is happy with her weapon, a smallspark pistol, bought when she first arrived in the city a week ago. She generally prefers close-combat, but the loud ZZZZZZAP noise the gun makes is very satisfying.

She considers buying some leather armour, but she's not sure if she even need it. She's pretty tough as it is, and her companions, though strong, might want the extra defence. That phoenix tail might come in handy at some point, but she isn't sure. Scarlet continues wandering around the market to find better deals.

(Deciding to wait and see if anything better shows up for my character. Over to you, guys!)

0/4 actions used.

2013-08-22, 08:37 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g

Jackie wanders around the marketplace, attempting to get around the crowds. She ponders flying over them, but the belt strapping the huge hammer to her back felt frayed. It was best not to risk ruining somepony's day.

A curious squat merchant caught Jackie's attention. He was a charcoal-coated unicorn with a spikey purple mane. The merchant called out to her;

"Come, come! See what wares I have for sale!"
Jackie stepped up to his tent. The dark cloths blocked much of the morning light from entering, but she could still tell this pony had a lot of little trinkets piled around haphazardly.

"I am Nick Nack," the merchant introduced. "You are adventuring to ruins, yes?"

"Aye, but how did you know?" Jackie asked.

"This old stallion sees ponies come and go," the merchant replied, "But, you, you are special. I can tell."

"And how does ye tell that?" Jacked questioned.

"You have hat with Jolly Roger upon it, but no ship. You are not tourist."

Jackie blushed at the obvious answer. "Oh, right."

The merchant reached into one of his many chests and pulled out the leather strappings of a suit of armor. "As nick Nack said, he sees ponies come and go," the old stallion reiterated, "But come back more so when they have this."

Jackie looked over the armor. She heard that vile Nagapons were seen inside the ruins, and if that were true, then a little armor might help her chances of survival. "How much ye be askin'?"

"Thirty gold pieces," Nick Nack stated proudly. "A fair sum to keep you alive long enough to enjoy the treasures you will surely find inside the ruins."

Jackie would like the armor, but she didn't have the money for it. She told the merchant she'll 'browse a bit more' and come back with a decision. A white lie, as she really needed to find some extra cash for the purchase.

Jackie saw a Help Wanted sign to unload cargo from a caravan that just arrived. She swooped over and offered her ability to fly and get the cargo over the crowds for a few coins. She was hired, and the pegasus spent the next hour carrying boxes over several stalls to their destination. The smoke was quite foul, but the fairly easy task earned her what she needed.

Jackie was paid for her service and she trotted back over to the merchant to buy the armor.

Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 40g
[1/3 Actions used]

(I'll stop here in case some pony wants to interrupt and buy the armor first. No hard feelings if you do, I got my eye on a couple other things).

(Edit: I realized it might be a good idea to keep a spreadsheet of your stuff for quick reference. I made mine on Google drive).

2013-08-23, 03:32 AM
Edit[/B]: I realized it might be a good idea to keep a spreadsheet of your stuff for quick reference. I made mine on Google drive).

((better Idea, make a public document that can show everypony's stuff! I volunteer your current document for these renovations. I've already run it by the City Council for ratification via time magic and it's been under review fopr two months now, so you've had your time to vote against it!))
((Also, no need to stop, right? If your second action is "buy armor" then anyone can interrupt with their first, isn't that so?))

Knives C'Pon3
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g

Knives rubs her lower lip with one hoof, trying not lo giggle as Scarlette makes the shopkeeper nervous by holding the pistol, one eye squinted shut and tongue out in concentration, making zzzap noises. She doesn't seem to notice that pointing back and forth with a pair of, well, knives, is also making the poor stallion as skittish as a tarantula in the stall.

Oohhh, I do so need something to protect my delicate flesh from being, well, undelicatated, but the glitter bomb has glitter. And is also within my budget... You wouldn't happen to bother giving a discount to a lady would you, dear? Hmmm~? She strokes the shop-keep's chin flirtatiously, but he just looks at her like she's some sort of thief! Well, fine then, he can be that way! It's not like pretending to be a lady is easy or anything, y'know? Especially when one comes from the rough streets, after all. Knives ceases her attempted flattery with a pout, drops some coins and leaves with the glitterbomb neatly tucked away in a purse beneath her cloak and "armor".

It's not until she is on her way to pray at the temple that she considers where she went wrong in her attentions to the poor stallion, and she can be heard muttering in frustrated disappointment to herself, Handle first, handle first, hande first!

Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 10g
((Lemme know if that is too bright, I can't find the right color. Damn synesthesia...))

2013-08-23, 09:43 AM
(Now watch me completely forget the rules over the next several days and do something silly. :smalltongue:)

Heal Turn
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g
Unicorn Cleric
Apprentice Staff (+2 max mana)

Just so I don't forget what I have. :smallwink:

Heal begins his day after a good nights rest and an early morning soak in a tub. What? He's about to go on a highly dangerous mission, thank you. He should have the chance to enjoy a few luxuries before he heads out; he isn't so new to this to not understand what trotting around in a dirty cave with several other ponies for several days smells like.

He takes his time this morning dealing with breakfast. He stretches. He studies. He meditates. He even makes a little time to recharge his magic potential, seeing as he wouldn't be much use to the others without that.

Early morning has slipped into late morning, and he's delayed it about as long as he can. Of to town he goes, to socialize and other necessities. Maybe that staff he's been looking at is on sale today; he somehow doubted that a staff was Knives' kind of weapon, after all.

Mana 12, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g
[1/3 Actions used]

(Not sure what to pick up here. Staff is obviously useful but I can't afford it this turn. I'll see what else pops up before selecting to buy anything.)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-23, 10:55 AM
(Not sure what to pick up here. Staff is obviously useful but I can't afford it this turn. I'll see what else pops up before selecting to buy anything.)
(If I don't find anything I want, I don't mind lending you a little extra cash for a weapon.)

Scarlet Blaze

A market sell down the way starts yelling about somethig or other. "Step right up folks! Step right up! Get your one of a kind Darksteel Axe here! Only 50 gold pieces! What do ya say?"

Mighty Darksteel Axe - Weapon, Blade (Buy 50g, Sell 25g, Bulky)
This weapon deals chaos damage
+2 Combat Strength

(replaces the bought glitterdust)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0823_102336.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0823_102336.png.html)

Scarlet stares at the weapon. It looks SO AWESOME. But it looks heavy and expensive. Not a total turn-off, but something to consider.

Darksteel is a magically forged metal; strong, but also a problem when facing certain magically resistant enemies. Would such an item be worth the gamble?

(Scarlet continues to dither about what to buy)

0/4 actions used.

2013-08-23, 11:36 AM
(Actually, I have an idea. And why does Scarlet have 4 actions again?)

Heal Turn

Heal stopped by his place of work first, grabbing a paycheck and cashing it in for a cool 20g. Not that he didn't appreciate his work healing others and the help it provided ponies in town, but it just got tiring to listen to ponies complain every day. "Why shouldn't I eat that, it was tasty!" "What do you mean it costs money, you should do it for free!" "It took half the time to Rez my husband last time I was here!" It was enough to cause a sane pony to run pell-mell into the nearest dungeon. Which, he guesses, was an accurate description of what he was planning to do anyways.

Stopping by the market, he saw the familiar stall. He saw the familiar staff. However, something else caught his eye. Something nice. Something shiny. And it was kind of staff-like.

"I want that."
"Sir, are you sure? It doesn't seem, er, fitting for your occupation."
"I said, I want that one."
"Don't you think that it might present the wrong impression for your work?"

Heal took the time to glare that the shopkeeper. Perhaps Heal's intense stare unnerved the store owner, or perhaps the owner had worked in customer service himself and understood. Regardless, the shopkeeper pulled down the Death Scythe and prepared it for sale.

Mana 12, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 40g
[2/3 Actions used]
Buying Death Scythe, unless someone else is more interested in it.

2013-08-23, 11:41 AM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 40g

Jackie returns to the merchant and eagerly hands (hoofs?) him the 30g to purchase the leather armor.

"A wise decision my friend," Nick Nack says. "It comes to you from the British Empire across the great sea."

"Really?" Jackie asked.

"It has a 'u' in it's name, no?"

"...fair point," the pegasus admitted."

The merchant held up the armor for Jackie to try on. "This fine armor will serve you well for the rest of your life."

Jackie raised an eyebrow. "That ain't a very assurin' sellin' point there," she commented. The pegasus put her hammer down and tried on the armor.

It smelled like it had a past owner, and that pony sure wasn't a pegasus. Nick Nack retrieved some scissors and thread to make a quick alteration on the armor. Once Jackie's wings were free to move, she made a couple laps around Nick Nack's tent in the air.

"Arrr, this will do nicely," Jackie said happily. "Thank you kindly." She looked at the other wares he had, but she lacked the funds for anything else.
There was still time before her adventuring group would embark on their 'exciting' adventure to the ruins, so she located another Help Wanted sign to gather some mail from several merchants and sort it over at the post office. Her wings once again came in very hoofy for the job.

After purchasing the armor and performing two casual jobs, Jackie was ready to meet up with her team for their journey.

Springboard Jackie
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 30g
[3/3 Turns used]

(why does Scarlet have 4 actions again?)

(Earth Ponies get +1 actions in Market Phase)

2013-08-23, 01:25 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana/Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 20

Yu spent the morning unloading the caravan with Jackie, somehow manoeuvring the large crates through the crowds with ease. Work done and wallet bolstered, the next stop was the market, to spend some of that hard earned gold.

Yu followed the others around, flitting around the edges of the stalls and peering at the merchandise. There were some interesting wares for sale, but nothing particularly noteworthy. Then Knives approached, and offered a glitter bomb. Maybe she was suffering some buyer's remorse.

"No, I don't want that, 's too shiny."

Maybe the wallet wouldn't end up lighter today after all, though it was probably a good idea to buy some equipment before heading into the dungeon. Yu hopped onto a nearby awning to wait and see if anything interesting showed up later in the day.

Mana/Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 60
2/4 Turns used

2013-08-23, 02:14 PM
Buck: Legacy - The Card Game, The Spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgEntF9igYMudDB4ZVVfSlRyZ2hMdmlQNkFRMmFhY 3c&usp=sharing)!

Posting the Google Doc link here as well to ensure every pony gets it. The doc is open for all to edit and keep track of their things.

Useful links were placed in the bottom right corner of the spreadsheet too.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-23, 04:55 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g

After searching up and down for what felt like ages, Scarlet eventually discovered something. The instant she set eyes on it, she was captivated. It was incredible. It was beautiful. It was...

"What is it?"

"This? Why this, my dear, is the Captain's Spirit! Shades magically imbued with the spirit of a great leader. Only 40 gold."

(these replace the bought leather armour and death scythe)

2nd Dimension Potion - Single-Use Item (20g/10g/light)
Choose an equipment card in play, attach this card to it: chosen equipment becomes 'light'

Captain's Spirit - Eyewear (40g/20g/light)
You gain +1 to combat rolls

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0823_184458.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0823_184458.png.html)

"I want it!" Scarlet checks her pockets. "Ugh, I don't have enough. I saw a help wanted sign a ways back, I'll be back soon. Don't sell those shades!" She then zooms off, leaving a cloud of dust behind her.

"I promise nothing. These kinda things are really popular and-"

"I'm back!"

"Waaah! Don't do that to me! I thought you were going to do some jobs?"

"I did," she says, slamming a bag of gold down on the table so hard that it cracks. "I did some deliveries."

"But you were only gone a few seconds!"

"Yeah. So, anyway, I'll take those shades. Don't bother to wrap them."

Happy with her purchase of a pair of stylish shades, Scarlet walks merrily through the market place. It isn't until she notices a local workshop that she realises she needs to charge her gun.

Action 1: gain 20g
Action 2: buy Captain's Spirit
Actions 3&4: gain 40g
Free actions: Spend 40g for 8 tesla.

Mana 0, Tesla 8, Medals 0, Gold 0g

4/4 actions used

Replacing the Captain's Spirit is:
Dragon Tongue - Weapon, Blade (35g/20g/light)
This weapon deals flame damage.
+1 Combat Strength

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0823_184526.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0823_184526.png.html)

Currently in the market:
Staff of Metal
Throwing Dagger
Phoenix Tail
Mighty Darksteel Axe
2nd Dimension Potion
Dragon Tongue

2013-08-23, 09:22 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana/Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 60

Yu perked up as the light hit a bottle on the other side of the market. Now that was something that would come in handy! A short jump and a quick slip through the crowd, and the merchant's booth reappeared. No wonder it had been impossible to see before; the bottle was really two dimensional!

"How much for that interesting thing there?"

"For you? Special price, 20 gold."

That was a good deal for something so useful. Yu flipped some coins to the merchant and tucked the bottle away in a saddlebag. There wasn't anything to use it on right now, but Yu wasn't used to carrying heavy things despite the success with the crates earlier, and there would surely be somthing down the road.

Mana/Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 40
3/4 Turns used

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-24, 06:00 AM
(replacing the 2D potion)
Silk Top Hat - Hat (30g/15g/light)
+1 to charisma rolls

(charisma rolls are used to recruit companions, which are basically pets that give small bonuses)

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Img2013_0824_115538.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Img2013_0824_115538.png.html)

2013-08-24, 11:29 AM
Knives C'Pon3
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 10g

Knives circled the temple district, looking for the one that felt most right. She needed to be ready by the end of the day and—

Ooh, shiny!
Knives capers over to a stall, the same stall, with the same keeper, and now that Knives was back, with a new neck-guard. Hooves on cougertop, she pressed her nose so far onto the merchandise she left fog, showing a little wart somepony ha traced into the glass with their breath.

How much for that beauty, right there? she asked.

I buy 'em for seven bits. For you? Twenty five."

Knives does a good job of lookin heartbroken, but it moves not the implacable heart of the stall-keep. Head down and hood up, Knives heads instead to the local Palace of the Great and Powerful, to meditate on the power and greatness of ancient pony messiah who saved the kingdoms from rampaging star-bears. Of course, only those who earn the right to step on stage can perform the meditations and rituals to recover one's energy, and of course they have knives earn her right the old fashioned way; they give her a broom.

Hours later, only when the sun is descending and the group gathers, as Knives polishes her shiny new toy, does she realize that she never actually got up on stage to relive the mystery plays of the Trickster Goddess and replenish her spiritual energies.

... Well, flick.

[action 2: earn money]
[action 3: purchase throwing dagger]
Mana 0, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 5g

2013-08-24, 04:09 PM
Heal Turn

Heal takes the time to unwrap his newest purchase, getting more than a few odd looks on the street. It may have cost all his gold, but it was shiny. It would also potentially be useful, as a way to regain mana while inside a dungeon. Taking away his staff, he equiped his new scythe, making final preparations for the journey ahead.

Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 0g
[3/3 Actions used]
Unicorn Cleric

Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Special Effect: Soul Trap
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-24, 05:04 PM
(replacing the throwing dagger is...)
Chapeau of Conjuration - Hat (50g/20g/light)
You gain +1 magic rank

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0824_230024.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0824_230024.png.html)

2013-08-24, 08:17 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana/Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 40

Yu watched interesedly as the merchant pulled out the magician's hat, but paused when the price tag came into view. As helpful as that would undoubtably be to the unicorns, there was no way to afford it now.

Still it wouldn't do to go in completely empty-hoofed. Yu peered closer at the flaming sword. It was a little showy, but at least it could serve as a torch if it got dark. And it was a fine sword. Some more coins clinked into the merchant's purse as Yu strode off to meet the others, tucking the sword (flames extinguished) into a bag.

Mana/Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 5
4/4 Turns used

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-25, 07:42 AM
(Market Turn over. Adventure Turn begins!)

Bells chimed out as the clock hit 11 o'clock. Time to get going (and hopefully be back in time for lunch).

The team meets up outside the market place and travels to their destination. The abandoned temple is in a rougher part of town, with many seedy looking individuals hanging around. You have nothing to fear though; nopony here would dare mess with you.

The temple is dilapidated; the roof caved in, the windows smashed. A pair of pegasus pony guards stand outside the entrance. Between them, a trail of dried blood leads into the temple.

"Anything to report?" asks Scarlet as she hands over the important papers that proove that the group is allowed through.

"We heard movement in there recently, but nothing has come out in the past few days. 3 days ago nagapons kidnapped a pony. Quite a struggle." the guard says, indicating the blood stains. "Penny Pincher. She was a common thief. Somepony no one would miss," his eyes linger on Knives for slightly too long. "But the captain says to bring her back if you can. Assuming she's still alive."

The group enters the temple. Broken pews litter the floor. The smell of mold from rotting tapestries fills the air, despite the breeze from the broken windows. The group searches for the hidden entrance to the underground dungeon. It doesn't take long; it's poorly hidden beneath a crumbling statue of some unknown pony priest.

The party descends down a roughly dug corridor for a good 15 minutes before finally coming to a large stone door, decorated with sepentine carvings.

"Alright, we'll rest here just a moment, then get ready to kick some flank! Yu, perhaps you could scout ahead?"

Explore Phase:

Scarlet draws Light the Bonfire - Event
All adventurers are 'Rez'd. All adventurers mana is restored to maximum. All discarded cards are shuffled back into their respective decks.

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_132843.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_132843.png.html)
Yu draws Treasure Chest - Event and Behemothic Birdbear - Monster
Treasure Chest- Make a roll on the treasure chart
Behemothic Birdbear-Level 6, escape 5+, Loot 20g, skull counter
Fear: Must pass a fear test on a 4+. If you suceed, fight as normal. If you fail, must attempt to escape.

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_132908.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_132908.png.html)
Knives draws Ten Ten Constrictor - Monster (weapon is immediately discarded)
Level 6, escape 3+, loot 10g
Special effect: The adventurer that draws this card immediately has their equiped weapon discarded. If the monster is defeated the weapon is returned.

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_132953.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_132953.png.html)
Jackie draws Gelatinous Sphere - Monster
Level 5, escape 4+, loot 10g
Special effect: Resists holy, chaos, flame, thunder
Natural Resist: blade and blunt

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_133013.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_133013.png.html)
Heal Turn draws Terrifying Sharkbear - Monster
Level 6, Escape 5+, Loot 20g, skull counter

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_133042.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0825_133042.png.html)

2013-08-25, 11:12 AM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 5

Yu gave a quick salute to the order and slunk through the door into the dungeon, creeping through the winding corridors. It was dark, but the goggles did do something, and added a glimmer of light to one's vision. Sinuous corridors branched off into the distance, some with strange noises that did not sound comforting.

Yu passed through several large rooms with strange monsters in them, all scary looking beasts. Luckily, the walls were wide, and it was possible to easily sneak by the side. The last one looked like a shark! Sort of. Best to avoid them all anyways, though they'd likely come this route later.

Finally Yu arrived at an impasse. A T-junction, the path ahead blocked by a giant sleeping bird thing, the right full of black ooze. Going that way was not very appealing. The earth pony sat a while, thinking of a solution, before knocking two rocks into the air and kicking them, one straight into the bird's face, the other rebounding off the walls of the right hallway. As expected, the brid awoke with a fearsome shriek, and ran(!) down the corridor after the rock. Satisfied that it wouldn't be returning soon, Yu continued on.

Right into a little room, where a treasure chest sat alone in a corner. It looked like a trap, but there hadn't been anything like that so far, unless the monsters had tripped them all. Yu carefully lifted the unlocked lid, and found a pile of gold, on top of which an item sat in a bag. It could be examined later.

Gold and item stashed in a bag, Yu silently returned to the others.

"Lots of monsters ahead. Looks like we'll be fighting some nasty stuff. No sign of any Nagapon though."

Treasure Roll: [roll0]

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-25, 04:38 PM
Combat Phase: Events

Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 0, Gold 0g
The Adventurers are fully rested. All ponies have mana filled to maximum. (even if they have no magic rank)

Wah-Ching Yu
Receives 60g and a Phoenix Tail

Combat Phase: Monsters
Knives is up first. Roll one die for you, and one for the monster.

2013-08-26, 12:11 AM
((Rolled snake eyes.))
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 5g

Yu's gots a problems with dat? sword, cleanly embedded in the gathered together and-not-at-all ominous pile of pony bone fragments, rubbery monster hide and shed serpentine flesh, all coated with bite marks, glows warm and serene in the night dank dungeon corridor.

Not a creature was stirring, because that would be silly. What would they stir? They aren't alchemists or cooks! They weren't awake, either. And so, Knives arose.

Now was the best time for a lady to do her shopping after all, before the hustle and bustle picks up! This has nothing to do with desired loot and base greed, no ma'am! No ma'am indeed. And so, woolen hood pulled up tight, leather dressing in place, thiefity pouches within easy reach under the cloak, she departs, possibly watched by Wah-Ching Yu. But, that's probably just the glare from her goggles. Probably.

The obvious choice is the corridor down which the dogbirdbeastbearmonster sprang from. Nothing behind that but lair and loot, right?


That... Didn't sound like a lair, or loot...

And then it was upon her! A horrid amalgam of tentacles and whips and whipping tentacles and there might be a mouth in there we don't really know and Ewwww! A long forked tongue emerges, flailing, as Knives draws her whip, of all things, ready to engage!

The leather slings and swings and snaps, and bites! A vividly putrid yellow gash appears along the tongue, and then...
The monster sighs, wistfully. It's own whip-like tongue coils about the end of Knive's weapon, slowly and skimpily undulating like a kis—

Ew ew ew ew EEEEWWW!

She relinquishes the whip, feeling unclean for a moment. But the beast, it is not satisfied! It engages I've more! Tentacles, like arms, circle menacingly and twist and squeeze, in the most monstrous of hugs! Knives fights back against the impromptu-cuddle and fires up her horn, golden-tinged blue encircling the duo of knives she is named for. She feels for the rhythm of battle and, throwing knife firmly in teeth, drives the blade in while grunting, Unce! Unce! Unce! punctuated by the staccato techno sound of her magicly manipulated knives striking home (deedle-eedle!).

She can only hope the Most powerful and also Greatest of unicorns sees fit to enjoy the show, and maybe wake up a companion or two for some help on stage?

Mana 7, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 5g
using Magic Missile fluffed as animating knives to inflict 1 instant damage, then engaging. This puts us at 6 (knives) and 6 (monster), so it's either a party or, if someone helps, a victory. :smallsmile:

2013-08-26, 08:01 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 5

There is a hiss as a bar of flame appears near the ceiling, before dropping to the ground, a pony behind it. Most of the tentacles entangling Knives go slack as they are severed from their source. With another swing of the sword, the creature's hide ruptures, and it begins to dissolve into a puddle of goo.

It looked like Yu had been watching after all.

Sword cleaned and sheathed, the unwavering gaze of the goggles turns to Knives.

"There are reasons to sneak away alone. Romancing the tentacle monster is not a good one."

Eyes(?) still locked on Knives, Yu techno dances backwards to the now unheard beat of the knife, fading again into the shadows.

2013-08-26, 09:48 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 30g

Jackie followed the group into the ruins.
As she kept within wing's reach of Heal Turn. Danger was a given in this dungeon, and should some big furry monster sank its teeth into your back, you'd want to be best friends with the cleric. She faintly heard one of the guards mutter an 'Arrr!' behind her back. Jackie frowned, but let the slight go uncontested.

There were more important things to deal with than an insult from a land lover.

Speaking of backs, the pegasus looked over her shoulder for a moment. She thought she saw movement from the ruined pews nearby. Jackie stared intently at the rotting seats, but nothing moved. A trick of the shadows? Perhaps...

Jackie abruptly noticed that the team had continued into the basement without her. The pegasus spread her wings and dove down the stairs and into the dark hallway. Old cobwebs splattered against her face. Jackie clipped a solid stone that protruded from the ceiling and skidded awkwardly on the ground. She came to a halt with a soft thud against the wall at a T-junction. Jackie vigorously wiped her face of the webbing.

"Arg, what a lousy place to put a wall," she muttered to herself.

The pegasus heard the draw of a blade, followed by the sound of... a beatbox?

"Unce! Unce! Unce!"

Was that Knives? Jackie pulled out her large hammer and scurried in the direction of the music. Down the corridor, the pegasus saw something big and... well ‘tentacle-ish’ grappling with Knives. This was Jackie's chance to help out a teammate (and maybe collect a share of some loot!). She raised her hammer up high to charge.

The big mallet hit something sticky above her. Jackie looked up. A big ball of what she could only describe as snot dripped down upon her from the ceiling. It was huge. One of those creatures that could ‘eat a pony in one bite and digest it in minutes’ kind of sizes.

"Hello, beastie," Jackie said with a confident smirk. She held her hammer up to block as the creature came down to absorb her.

Combat Round!
Jackie vs. Gelatinous Sphere
The gelatinous sphere dropped down upon the pegasus and engulfed Jackie's right side. It began to 'slurp' her inside itself as Jackie pulled hard on her hammer to free it from the blob's jelly-like grasp. Or was it a syrup-like grasp? Ugh, whatever this creature was made of, it smelled like butt. The blob's digestive juices began to sizzle against Jackie’s armor. Looks like her purchase just paid off.

Jackie: STR [4] + Mallet (1d6+1)[5] = 9
Gelatinous Sphere: LVL [5] + Attack (1d6)[2] = 7

Jackie yanked her hammer free and with a mighty swing she brought it down against the errant dessert! *WHAM!* The creature splattered in all directions like a nasty water balloon. Jackie hit it a second time to be sure she crushed in its… whatever gelatinous creatures had for brains. The pegasus yanked her leg free and stumbled backwards. She landed on her rear with a squishy thud.

As she caught her breath, Jackie noticed the glint of several coins stuck to her tail; likely the remains of the last hapless meal the creature had.

"Yarr, I’ll be swearin’ off Jell-O for a month," Jackie muttered.

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 40g
Achievement Unlocked: There’s Always Room (slay a gelatinous sphere)

2013-08-27, 12:42 AM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 5

There is a hiss as a bar of flame appears near the ceiling, before dropping to the ground, a pony behind it. Most of the tentacles entangling Knives go slack as they are severed from their source. With another swing of the sword, the creature's hide ruptures, and it begins to dissolve into a puddle of goo.

It looked like Yu had been watching after all.

Sword cleaned and sheathed, the unwavering gaze of the goggles turns to Knives.

"There are reasons to sneak away alone. Romancing the tentacle monster is not a good one."

Eyes(?) still locked on Knives, Yu techno dances backwards to the now unheard beat of the knife, fading again into the shadows.

http://api.ning.com/files/tMXCmElfIXAcHNA0dUvrzZdjFoUGB2yL1mHuSEW2OccVRh0qnE Ti34thncY0D6W*3Zke*rQZNBp*Cdv2NxjvmtiUlEJofQGp/bravo2.gif

Knives silently collects her whip and some valuable monster parts from the now-deceased loneliness beast and sheepishly moves back to the group. A cartoonish, tiny hert may or may not have fluttered out from under her good on the way.

Mana 7, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 15g

2013-08-27, 12:58 PM
Heal Turn

Heal continued onward, although sounds of a fight seem to have erupted in the hallways nearby. What, already? He was hoping for a more peaceful introduction into the dungeon; perhaps that was a bit naive. He noticed Knives in a side corridor, preparing his magic to support until it was apparent that Knives and Yu had their monster taken care of. He'd lost track of Jackie somewhere in the commotion, leaving himself all by his lonesome. Well, that shouldn't be too bad, just so long as he keeps his eyes open and doesn't run into anything too dangerou


Heal makes an effort to keep himself under control, and avoid bolting immediately!
Roll for Fear: [roll0]

Heal stood his ground, despite the frightening beast lumbering towards him. Do sharks lumber? Well, whatever it was doing, he figured that it was lumbery enough that most would probably not argue the point.

Heal readied his scythe, not sure the best way to handle the weapon but determined to go down fighting. Almost at the last moment, he decided to roughen up his opponent a bit. Magic missiles flew through the air, tagging the beast and giving him the distraction he needed to finish it off.

Taking a breather, Heal take the chance to acquire his trophy and go find the others.

Post here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15906282&postcount=109) is where I made my rolls.

3 mana spent for magic missile, +1 mana thanks to death scythe for killing an opponent.
Mana 8, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g
1 Skull Counter

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-29, 09:30 AM
Distance counter: 4

Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 0, Gold 0g

With the dungeon's initial guardians out of the way, the party continues on.

A poorly lit coridor leads to a large hall where several strange items are on display. Some sort of trophy room, perhaps? There's an anvil that glows slightly, a golden lamp, and a giant clam with a treasure chest inside.

Guarding these items, is a solitary nagapon soldier with a bored expression on his face, and a large metal biped with a featureless face; a gauss robot, one of the deadly automatons created in the age of Heartsbane.

"Aha! A challenge!" cries Scarlet, with no thoughts of stealth what so ever. "Come friends! To battle!"

"Hsssss! You dare!? Sentry! Protect the treasure!"

Explore Phase:

Scarlet draws Gauss Sentry
Monster, level 7, Escape 2+, Loot 20g, skull counter
If you are incapacitated by this monster, choose and discard one item from your backpack.
Vunerable to Oscillator Damage

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143117.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143117.png.html)
Yu draws Mocking Phantasm and King Clam
Mocking Phantasm - Curse
Curses automatically attach to a character, and are discarded during the market turn.
Lower self-esteem: You fail all charisma checks.


King Clam - Monster, Level 8, Escape 2+, Loot 25g, skull counter
In addition to gold, the loot for this monster is 1 item card.
Vunerable to Thunder Damage

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143136.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143136.png.html)
Knives draws Nagapon Soldier
Monster, level 6, Escape 5+, Loot 20g
Immune to instant damage.
Resistant to Chaos Damage

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143213.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143213.png.html)
Jackie draws Forgemaster's Gift
Boons automatically attach to a character, and are discarded during the market turn.
Attach this boon to your currently equiped weapon. That weapon gains +2 combat strength.

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143245.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143245.png.html)
Heal Turn draws Pony of the Lamp
Choose one:
1. Make a roll on the treasure chart, or
2. Rez all incapacitated adventurers, and all adventurers draw 1 item card.

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143310.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143310.png.html)

(please let me know in the ooc thread if you want to change/trade equipment, or if you are okay to continue. Once everyone has replied, we'll move to the combat phase)

2013-08-29, 09:33 PM
Heal Turn

Heal looks over this strange pony that appeared from the lamp. "One wish?" he asks. "I don't suppose wishing to set you free would endebt you towards me in gratitude?"

"What, and give up my real estate? In this housing market? And don't try that wish-for-more-wishes trick either. The lawyers will never finish with you."

Heal wasn't sure about that, but looking around his sparsely equipped ground, he came to a decision. "I'd like for everypony to have one item, along with the free Rez you're providing." After all, even if he doesn't get a good random item himself, maybe he could trade if somepony else does...

"GRANTED!" cried out the Pony of the Lamp, making an item appear in everyone's backpack while heading back to her lamp, to catch the newest episode of The Dark World: Technology is Courage.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-30, 05:35 AM
"GRANTED!" cried out the Pony of the Lamp, making an item appear in everyone's backpack while heading back to her lamp, to catch the newest episode of The Dark World: Technology is Courage.

Heal Turn draws Magnificent Monocle
Eyewear (Buy 30g, sell 25g, light)
+1 to charisma rolls

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110330.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110330.png.html)
Scarlet draws Banish Beastie
Single-use Item (buy 20g, sell 10g, light)
Choose a monster: negate its special effect and discard that card (no distance or skulls awarded)

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110231.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110231.png.html)
Yu draws Steel Armour
Armour (buy 40g, sell 20g, bulky)
Level 8 Armour

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110245.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110245.png.html)
Knives draws Amulet of Detect Darkness
Misc (buy 35g, sell 25g, light)
+1 to maximum mana
If you draw a curse card, negate and discard it.

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110305.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110305.png.html)
Jackie draws Gearmaster's Goggles
Eyewear (buy 25g, sell 15g, light)
+2 to maximum tesla
At any time you may look at the top card of any deck.

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110318.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0830_110318.png.html)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-30, 02:36 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 0, Gold 0g

Not wasting any time, Scarlet rushes toawrds the lumbering Gauss Sentry. She dodges the initial attack easily, before delivering a powerful buck to the rusty robot's leg. The Sentry stumbles slightly, but keeps enough balance to stay upright and swing back round to face the Earth Pony.

"Haha! You're too slow! Let's see what else you have!"

[roll0] (Strength 4, Combat Roll +1)
[roll1] (Level 7)

The Sentry swings another of its mighty fists at Scarlet, and for a moment it looks like its a hit. But at the last second, Scarlet leaps over the limb and lands with her foreleg outstretched, her pistol aiming at the giant's blank faceplate.

"Eat dirt you useless tin can! Hahahaha!"

A bolt of white energy strikes the Sentry with a loud ZZZZZZZAP sound. There's a bright flash from the robot's dome before the whole thing explodes into a pile of debris.

"Who's next!?"

Scarlet uses 1 tesla to gain +1 to her combat roll. 11 vs. 10.

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 0, Gold 20g, 1 skull counter

2013-08-30, 09:40 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals/Tesla/Skulls 0, Gold 65

Yu stalks around the giant clam, ignoring and being ignored by the ongoing combat. Treasure chest. In giant clam. It was almost certainly a trap.

There was however a good way of tripping traps, and that was going into them headlong. Not always the best solution, but the clam didn't look that dangerous...

Moments later a pony drops sword first from the ceiling, landing in the middle of the clam with a splash. Moments later, it falls closed with a dull thwump. The sound of slashing and splashing inside is inaudible among the clamour of battle.

[roll0], 4+1 = 10
[roll1], 8 = 11

2013-08-30, 11:10 PM
Heal Turn

Heal takes a look around the fight, determined NOT to get jumped by any random wandering sharks this time! Still, perhaps looking for predators kept his reactions a bit slow - was Yu just swallowed by a giant crab?

He turns clamward, leveling his scythe and firing off a simple Spark spell at the combatants. Seafoods doesn't like lightning, correct?

That should give +1 due to the vulnerability, and as stated in the OOC thread, I believe that the thunder vulnerability puts the 11/11 tie in Yu's favor. Forgive me if I misinterpreted the rules.
Mana 7, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g

2013-08-31, 01:03 AM
Knives C'Pon3

I've got the slithery one! Knoves calls out, eyeing the Nagapon. Whip in teeth, knives circling her head like a halo of steel, she jumps and attacks!

... Is what she wants to happen. Instead, the fell beast rears up to it's full ten-foot height, easily four times that of a pony, coils twisting and strange oriental knife stick blade spear pole at the ready, and Knives responds;

... Nnnnope.

Instead, she engages in that most time honored of family techniques, passed down by Kung fu monks from the Himarelayas, the unseen subtle step – or as it has more recently been known, the Dive-Under-Belly step. From her leap, Knives tumbles under the beastie's extending swinging ... Weapon? The SOKSBSP, kicks it in the exposed underbelly, and then runs, leaping over the cooling, twisting tail likea marathon runner hitting the hurdles!

"Hsssss!" It cries, "I've got you pony!"

Ha! she responds, Got your wallet! and shaking a coin purse telekinetic ally, she runs off through a shadowed archway followed closely by the snakebeast.

Moments after the last sick, slithery sound dissapears down the catacomb, a bundled sack swings down and slowly pendulum's to a stop in the doorway. Knives unfurls her cloak, and walks triumphantly back to her companion with a few extra coins tucked into her bundle.

Medals 0, Mana 7/11, tesla 0, Gold 25

Nagapon - (1d6+6) [12]

[roll1] ((positive result equals escape))

2013-08-31, 01:06 AM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals/Tesla/Skulls 0, Gold 65

There is a muffled yelp as things inside the clam suddenly get very shocking. Then a sword blade emerges from the seam, twists, and the clam lid opens, lifted by a waterlogged and innards covered pony. The chest falls out, pony behind, and the clam closes again with a thud.

"Er... Thanks?"

Yu's head thumps to the floor.

2013-08-31, 01:52 AM
"No problem, happy to help!" responds Heal cheerfully. After checking on Yu and seeing Knives walk confidently back to the party. "Okay, so is everypony still okay?"

Heal has taken the time to put on his monocle. After all, if he's going to have it, he might as well make some use of it.

Heal Turn
Mana 7, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g
1 Skull Counter

[Equipped]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[Equipped]Magnificent Monocle - Eyewear (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 to charisma rolls


2013-08-31, 08:32 AM
When the team had turned the corner and found a Negapon, Jackie knew this was it. This was going to be a big fight. Ponies versus that snaky monster, it's huge mechanical Gauss construct, and... a... giant clam?
Jackie had to level with the Napapon. Why a giant clam?

Scarlet rushed the automaton. Ah, that's what Jackie liked. A straight-forward fight! The pirate lifted her hammer ready to assist and... huh? The gooey substance from that gelatinous creature apparently hardened over her hammer. It was rock solid and slightly rough in texture.

"Arrr, this be a boon to our cause. I bet I'll crush in that's construct's skull with this!"

And then the Gauss monster crackled and fizzled as Scarlet stood over it's broken body. Wow, that was truly an awesome fight. Ah, but there was still a clam and Napaon needin' a reckoning! Jackie turned in time to see the clam shut on Yu. Jackie rushed over to help and...

*Poof* Goggles!

Jackie tripped over the rubber band of a pair of goggles that appeared in front of her. Where did these come from? What do they do? They seemed to made with that fancy 'Tesla' tech stuff. Perhaps Scarlet would know.

A sudden crackle of lightning burst from the clam as Yu leaped out victorious, with Heal by his... her... okay that was a good question Jackie would have to ask later.

Well then, with its support slain, it was now time to bring the hammer down on the Nagapon! Jackie felt confident. It was her entire team against one snake and Knives led the charge against that creater over in the hall... where she... Uh...

The team had fled down a stairwell.

"Oh come on!" Jackie shouted.

The Nagapon hissed at the now lone pirate, its money pouch apparently pilfered. Jackie jumped into the air and flew after her party. At least she was much faster in the air than a snake was on the ground.

"Hey, you land lovers wait for me!!"
Achievement Unlocked: Double Deuce (Gain two items in one round).

Beacon of Chaos
2013-08-31, 05:46 PM
Distance counter: 6

(sorry for the wait)

After their success in the treasure room, the team continues further on. This section appears to be some vast underground waterway. Narrow canals branch off in many directions, though it's hard to tell how far they go, the only light coming from a few sconces where the party now stands.

Suddenly, a splash! The sound came from the left... or is it right? The sound echoes in here... but that was definitely the sound of slithering... and it's coming this way!

Explore Phase:

Scarlet draws Snake of Asclepius
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232446.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232446.png.html)
Yu draws Nagapon Soldier and Snipping Mud Crab
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232524.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232524.png.html)
Knives draws Soldier Phantasm
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232551.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232551.png.html)
Jackie draws Tentacle Monster
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232614.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232614.png.html)
Heal Turn draws Dynamic Entry Alligator
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232627.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232627.png.html)

2013-08-31, 06:47 PM
Springboard Jackie [Exploration Phase, Trading]
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 40

Jackie pulled back the elastic band on the odd goggles she had and flung it at Scarlet with all deliberate speed. "Here, take them goggles! I cannot figure their use, but you seem to be a smarter pony than I." She saw Scarlet throw something back in exchange. Jackie jumped up and easily caught it. It was a scroll with some odd words, but they were still legible.

"Arrr, thanks fer the trade!" the pirate said as she looked down at the waters below. Something slithered down there and she had air superiority. No fish, crab, or shark would reach her up here.

Tentacles on the other hoof...

The black, slimy creature reached up and grabbed Jackie by her tail with lightning motion. The pegasus flapped her wings hard to stay aloft, but the monster proved to be stronger and yanked her down into the water.

"Gah blubba gablubble!!"1 the pirate blurbbled as she went under.

1Underwater speak for 'I need an adult!'

2013-08-31, 10:39 PM
Heal Turn

Heal adjusts his new monocle, ready to take on whatever comes his way OH CELESTIA is that an alligator? Where are they, in a sewer? What kind of luck does he have, fighting all these aquatic...

...wait, it doesn't seem hostile. In fact it seems quite charmed by Heal's dapperness. Perhaps he could make use of this? Perhaps he could avoid getting his face bitten off? It is certainly worth a try!

[roll0]; 5+ success

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-01, 05:05 AM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 0, Gold 20g, 1 skull counter

As they enter the waterways, Scarlet puts on the goggles that Jackie gave her briefly. She scanned around, eventually spotting something small skittering in the distance. Whatever it was, it was made of metal, suggesting it was tesla-powered. Worth investigating.

Scarlet switched back to her Captain's Spirit just in time to see Jackie grabbed by a tentacled water beast.

"Jackie! Don't worry, I'm coming! GAH!"

Before she could dive into the water, a strange snake rounded a corner and lunged at her. Well, the snake itself wasn't too strange, but it was holding a staff, which was pretty odd. Scarlet attempted to buck it away...


...and she succeed! She picked up the staff it dropped. Whatever magic it may have once had was gone, but maybe she could sell it for a few bits in town.

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 0, Gold 30g, 1 skull counter

2013-09-01, 12:47 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla/Medals 0, Gold 90, Skulls 1

Yu walks slowly behind the group, still somewhat dazed from the clam incident. Suddenly, a leg bumps into something hard. Yu stares at it a little uncomprehending. A tiny crab, no more than a hoof and a half wide, is trying to stare the a pony down. Wierd. You can't be too careful in a dungeon like this though. Yu raises a hoof to smash it.

Said hoof is suddenly entangled by a tentacle that surges from the water around them. The flaming sword emerges once again, chopping at the tentacle and causing it to withdraw. But the crab is gone...

Yu feels the prickling of six little legs and bucks wildly, trying to throw the crab off, but it's latched on tight and won't go.

[roll0] +4 +1 = [8]
[roll1] +6 = [11]

2013-09-02, 01:12 AM
Knives C'Pon3

Knives, cunningly distracted by the dank and the dark, wanders a few steps while musing aloud, Ugh, so dank! And dark! as a pony in her circumstances is wont to do, before having a slick, slimy trail of mucus left lovingly by a monster's caress across her rear left cannon. Then, she used all of her artistry and skill to begin using her whip, knives and sheer cartoonish shiveriness to begin walking on the walls. You know, as a pony in her circumstances is wont to do.

So imagine if you would, her surprise when, two full pony-heights above the floor, suspended from some sort of, of rafter or.... or cross beam or other supportive architectural roofing device, when she feels the sickly slime of a caress again across her left rear cannon.

I say imagine her surprise, because nopony within a mile of the place has to imagine her scream. They get to remember, instead.

Suddenly, it's like one of those old war movies they always show, where the guy is delirious and dizzy and looking around, and all you can hear is that ringing, like the ringing in your ears? You know, because of that one loud sound a moment ago? And Knives, poor, poor Knives is wide-eyed, swinging about like a wrecking ball a-la combat toads, or battlefrogs, or whatever that old game was, blades jerking hastily through the air in orbit of her body as a ghostly pony-form materializes out of the wall leaving a reddish purple patch of ectoplasm, much like on her leg.

Despite her vigor, though, Knives is doing terribly in her engagement. She manages to slam into several walls, knife a couple dozen tentacles a few times (or, possibly, knife a few tentacles a couple dozen times, she lost track), narrowly avoid Scarlette and her fiery mane, almost tangle up Jackie like in those rodeo & clad books she won't ever admit to reading, and...

Swings by as a vicious beast, some monstrous crustacean out for blood and money, makes a go for the wallet of Wah-Xing! But, as in so many anime shows, it instead ends up picking Knive's pocket, getting an explosive pack of glitter in the process which leaves the crab blind, dazed, and painted like burlesque dancer, all eye shadow and glitter as it's intended prey continues away.

And the whole time, bolts of magic energy flying from her horn in wide eyed panic, is Knives shrieking the battle cry of her people;

[Knives uses glitterbomb on Crab. Knives uses Magic Missile on Phantasm, and requests Holy element buffing.]

[roll1] ((>4))

2013-09-02, 01:13 AM
poni poni poni~

2013-09-02, 02:24 AM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals/Tesla 0, Gold 90, Skulls 1

Suddenly, the crab is no longer there. Yu spins around and sees in on the ground covered in some sort of shiny glitter. A kick, and it tumbles away down the corridor.

2013-09-02, 01:03 PM
Knives' battle is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a pony, wearing a monocle and riding an alligator. Because really, that is certainly not something you expect to see every day.

"Hullo, Knives! Have a bit of assistance! I'm off to see how Jackie is doing. Good luck!"

With that, after casting Smite onto Knives' weapon, the holy surfs off into the distance, to support others in their battles against tentacles.

Casting Smite for Knives, holding off on supporting anyone now.

Heal Turn
Mana 6, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g

2013-09-04, 11:27 AM
Knives C'Pon3
Mana 3, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 25g

AAAAAAAH!She says, as her rhythmic swaying slows. AAAAAAAAH. Aaaaaaaah. Aaaah? both knives and the phantasm come to a stop, staring after the berobed Heal Turn as the crocodile or alligator or whatever rampages, open-jawed, down the darkness. ...W- was that a crocodile?! knives stammered.

Uh, an alligator I think. the phantom replies.

After a beat, left vacant of speech or movement to establish proper comedic timing, Knives stabs the thing in the eye. Violently. As it let's forth a silent scream, ectoplasm dissolving into nothingness, she catches the few bits of valuable solid form it had; some combat horseshoes, a badge, several obscure, faded medals and a gold tooth.

Thank you for your donation~! she smiles out to no one in particular.

Mana 3/11, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 35g

2013-09-04, 01:05 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 40g

As Jackie slowly sank under the bind of the tentacles, she recalled that there were two important skills that all successful pirates knew.
Oddly enough, fighting wasn't one of them. The first skill was Swimming, for obvious reasons. The second skill was holding your breath, for those times that swimming failed you.

Swimming was definitely failing Jackie.

Sure, fighting was probably in the top 10 skill list somewhere, maybe the top 5, but pirates rarely learned to fight underwater. Unless you were a shark or giant squid, it was a crippling disadvantage in a fair fight. However, pirates don't fight fair anyway. They fight dirty. The pegasus chomped down with her teeth hard on the tentacle that was wrapped around her. The writhing mass lashed out and Jackie was swung out of the water, still held by a rear leg.

She gripped her weapon tightly. This was her opening shot. It was hammer time.

Jackie vs. Tentacle Monster
Jackie: 6+ (1d6+1)[6] = 12
Monster: 5+ (1d6)[6] = 11

*Smash!* Jackie's hammer tenderized the tentacle holding her with a well placed blow. The monster dropped the pegasus onto the hard stone walkway as it slithered away.

The pegasus coughed up a lung full of water, squid ink, and a couple of her own feathers. "Ick, how did that get in thar?"

She gathered up some of the ink into a vial, something of value she could pawn off later. Jackie stood up, soaked to the bone, and turned to her adventuring friends.
"Right, so... why does everything smell like fish?"

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 50g

Achievement Unlocked: Aren't you a Cutey Honey (defeat a tentacle monster)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-04, 05:04 PM
Distance counter: 10

Explore Phase:

After slogging through the waterways and dealing with all the gross slimy monsters within, the party arrives at a large chamber. Inside are large glass vats filled with some strange green liquid. Floating within are strange and unpleasant fleshy masses. Some appear pony-like in nature, others are more animal-like. Beasts, insects, fish. All are grotesque in appearance, though thankfully, none of them are moving.

"Failed experiments," rings out a voice. You can't see its source, but it's female and has the telltale hissing accent of a nagapon. "Heartsbane spent many years here perfecting her creations. I tried to pick up where she left off after her death. Sadly, every creation was a failure. Until now."

Something walks towards the group. It's a pony, or it was. An undead abomination, the creature appears to be a mix of pony types: the body of an earth pony, the wings of a pegasus, and the horn of a unicorn; all rotten and stitched together like a horrific patchwork doll.

From behind one of the vats, the source of the voice appears. A nagapon wearing elaborate armour, and carrying some kind of scepter.
"Ms. Penny Pincher here is my greatest success. The recreation of a race long extinct: an alicorn! Oh, I had to use dark necromantic magics which destroyed her mind and soul, but it was worth it, don't you think? Ahahahaha!"

The creature formerly known as Penny growls.

"Of course, she is not quite yet ready to destroy the surface world, so I'm afraid killing you will have to do. Good day!" With a swing of her scepter, the nagapon is gone, teleported away. The undead alicorn moves forward, the horn nailed onto her skull glowing.

Everypony rolls their white dice vs. the dungeon boss.

As a reminder, the dungeon boss has these stats:

Level 9+, Escape 4+, Loot: Treasure roll

Special Rule*: Level scaling
This monster gains +4 levels for every adventurer in the game. Adventurers must fight it simultaneously.

(Boss is level 29)

*Note that special rules are not the same as special effects and cannot be negated.

Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 0, Gold 30g, 1 skull counter

"You slithering coward! Get back here and fight us!" yells Scarlet, but it's too late. She looks to the advancing monstrocity. "Penny? Can you hear me? We don't want to hurt you! We're on your side!"

Penny does not react.

"...very well then."

(Everyone must roll their own die, plus one die for the boss)

[roll0] (edit: add +1 from armour of thorns. Total is 10)

2013-09-05, 07:30 AM
Penny does not react.

"...very well then."

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 50g

Jackie pushed her way forward, her hammer trailing behind her in position for an overhead swing. She watched Scarlet strike the monstrosity true and followed suit. "Arrr, there ain't no brakes once the ship has sailed, ladies. To the locker with it!"

The pegasus swung the hammer over and downwards upon the creature. Even if it were alive, Jackie figured that death would be a boon to its miserable existance.

Jackie: 6+ (1d6+1)[6] = 12
Penny: (1d6)[3] = 3

2013-09-05, 12:06 PM
Knives C'Pon3

Alright, you abomination! Knives shouts, standing dramatically. It's time for the encore laser light show!

All three of the blades she brought begin to whirl, glowing with force and reflecting the wispy flames of Yu's sword and shooting blistering disco beams around the room. The helicopter Whoosh is complemented by the deep bass buzzing of a circular saw entering flaccid meat as the whole blazing apparatus grinds into the princess monster boss.

Mana 0/11, medals 0, tesla 0, gold 35

2013-09-05, 12:46 PM
Heal Turn
Mana 6, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 20g
1 Skull Counter

[Equipped]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[Equipped]Magnificent Monocle - Eyewear (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 to charisma rolls
[Companion]Dynamic Entry Alligator
+1 Combat Strength
You gain an additional +1 combat strength when you support another adventurer's combat.


Heal pulls out his scythe, eyeing the undead creature carefully. Perhaps a sharp pointy cutty thing wasn't the best bet against monstrosities inspired by Frankenstein? Well, whatever. Riding in on the DYNAMIC ENTRY ALLIGATOR OF AWESOME, Heal somes in blade swinging, hoping to dehorn the creature before it can start launching magic at the others.


2013-09-05, 06:31 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals/Tesla 0, Gold 110, Skulls 1

Yu drew out the flaming blade as the abomination approached, on guard against any magic that might attack them. Could it even manage a spell with a horn like that? Didn't seem like it, with the way it was successfully not defending itself from the barrage of attacks. It probably couldn't even fly away, poor thing.

Using the chaos of the battle to sneak around, Yu approaches the "alicorn" from behind. It was still standing, but those spinning knives were making short work of it's left side. Still there was one way that usually never failed to down the undead...

There is a snicker-snack as the the tongue of flame whips through the creature's neck, it's head falling to reveal Yu's grinning face.

"I can't say I'm terribly impressed."

Yu puts the sword away and casually saunters into the nest of vats, looking for anything useful that might be found there.

"That nagapon will have to do better next time, but from the looks of these things," there is the sound of a hoof tapping on the glass, "I don't think she has it in her."

These words are followed by a regretful sigh.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-06, 05:15 AM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 0, Gold 10g, 1 skull counter

The abomination formerly known as Penny Pincher barely stood a chance. She flew unsteadily into the air and cast a spell of green fire at the group, but it was easily dodged, and a hammer blow from Springboard Jackie knocked her back down to earth. She teleported away, with an unpleasant 'squelch' sound as some organ failed to move with her.

She reappeared a mere ten feet away and began casting another spell, but follow up attacks from Scarlet, Knives, and Heal put an end to that. Wah-Ching Yu's final strike put an end to the creature's misery.

"Poor girl," said Scarlet. "Put through all that suffering just for that."

She thinks for a moment. "I know we were supposed to bring her back, but... she kinda smells, really bad. I'm sure the captain will understand. That nagapon though... We haven't seen the last of her, I'm sure." Scarlet strikes a heroic pose, standing on hind legs, forelegs at her waist, eyes focused on the middle distance. "We'll be ready for her!"

With their mission over, the group search the experiment chamber for treasure.

(All players gain 1 medal, plus 1 for each skull counter they had.)

(Treasure roll is made by the Buck Coin holder for the entire group.)

(all players get 50g and...)

Scarlet draws Summoned Sword and Mana Potion
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111736.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111736.png.html)
Note: Mana Potion is misprinted, it should give mana instead of tesla. Obviously.
Yu draws Holy Water x2
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111757.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111757.png.html)
Knives draws Silk Top Hat and Chapeau of Conjuration
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111818.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111818.png.html)
Jackie draws Staff of Metal and Short Bow
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111839.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111839.png.html)
Heal Turn draws Twin Blades and Steam Cylinder
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111904.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_111904.png.html)

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 60g

(all dungeon cards and discarded cards get shuffled back into their respective decks. Buck Coin passes to Wah-Ching Yu)

Market Turn:

The group returns to the surface. The trip is somewhat uneventful, the worst of the encounters having been taken care of.

Back in the city, it seems that the party were in the dungeon shorter than expected. The markets are still in full swing, though it has now gone past midday, and a multitude of new items have been put out for sale. Seems like the party has earned a little shopping time. The guard captain can wait.

Today in the market:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_114157.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_114157.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_114218.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_114218.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_114247.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_114247.png.html)

Scarlet immediately gravitates towards the weapons shops, and the Slashing Talons in particular...

(Not doing anything yet though. 0/4 actions)

2013-09-06, 08:51 AM
"I know we were supposed to bring her back, but... she kinda smells, really bad. I'm sure the captain will understand.

"Arrr, I was half eaten by gelatin and then violated by a fish-smellin' tentacle monster. Her decapitated smell ain't nothin' I can't handle," Jackie stated proudly.
The pirate noticed the distance between her and the others had suddenly increased. She wanted to pretend that it was because of the monster's body next to her and not her own odor, but she had to face facts.

Jackie reeked of week-old whale blubber.

She picked up two weapons and some coins that were scattered under one of the Nagapon's workbenches and stuffed them into her backpack before she hurried after the team. Jackie was courteous to fly above them on the way back to keep her scent away. Upon arriving back in town, she headed for the bath house. As Jackie arrived, she noticed that the hot desert sun had caused the hardened gealtinous covering on her hammer to crack and peel off. Lady Luck giveth, and Lady Luck taketh away...

"Excuse me, you can't bring those in here," said the owner of the bath house as he pointed at her weapons.

"Eh, why not?" Jackie asked in reply.

"This is bath house, not a blacksmith's workstation."

The pirate sighed and handed the owner her mallet. "Here, give it to an adventurer who gives a flying feather," she said sarcastically as she walked into the bath house to wash up. With the weight of the mallet in his hooves, the owner couldn't stop the pirate from entering.

As she sat in the wooden tub, she looked over the two weapons she got. The bow was a bit more cumbersome than the crossbows she was used to, but it could help support her teammates in a pinch. The staff though... she wasn't a spellcaster and usually the mage types weild the sticks right? Jackie wonderered if this staff had any magical properties. She lowered it down to get a closer look at the topper gem.

That's when the staff touched her bathwater and delivered it's static payload into the pegasus.

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 100g
[0/3 Market turns used]

Later at the markets, Jackie returned to Nick-Nack's tent.
"Ah, you have lived to tell some tales, yes?" Nick-Nack asked as he noticed the pegasus' mane was a bit... spiked up.

"Aye, this armor did its job," Jackie replied, "But we had quite a number of critters that didn't go down in one swing. The unicorns got us through most of those fights with their fancy magic assistance. Since I'm a winged fish and not a four-legged narwal, I reckon I be needin' something more mundane to help the team in my own capacity, savvy?"

Nick-Nack stared at Jackie for a moment and stroked his chin. Without a word, he reached into a chest and pulled out a glass bottle with... a grenade inside it.

"Friendship is a powerful force," Nick-Nack explained. "Especially when packed tightly with black powder and a fuse."

Jackie's eyes lit up. "Arrr, now you're speakin' the language of piracy!"

Jackie pulled out her purse to purchase the Potion of Explosion.

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 80g
[1/3 Market turns used]

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-06, 03:49 PM
(Replacing the Potion of Explosion)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_214009.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_214009.png.html)

Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 60g

Scarlet's eyes dart from her pistol to the shiny claws. The gun requires charging and is a long range weapon, but makes such a cool sound. But is that sound better that being able to rip into your enemies, up close and personal?


"These are a true warrior's weapons! I will slice and dice and shred evil into julienne pieces! HaHAH!"

(Buying the slashing talons. Replacing them is)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_214126.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_214126.png.html)

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 30g
[1/4 Market actions used]

2013-09-06, 07:07 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals 2, Tesla 0, Gold 160

Yu walks up to a merchant's stall, and casually tosses a saddlebag overflowing with coins onto the counter with a thud. The merchant's eyes bulge.

"I want that one" says Yu, pointing a hoof at a finely made and rather large crossbow sitting at the end of the row. "and, hmmm... what else have you got?

Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals 2, Tesla 0, Gold 115
[Market turns 1/4]

2013-09-06, 07:30 PM
Heal Turn

Heal gives himself a stretch, finally getting out of the dang dungeon and away from the sharks and bears and undead alicorn monstrosities. Still, it's not all fun and pleasantries. His friendly alligator has decided to depart. It seems the dungeon is it's home, and one isn't inclined to leave home so easily. Still, with a fond farewell, Heal wishes the reptile good luck.

"So long, Misses! Don't forget to write! Don't forget to floss between meals!" He waves a hoof as the alligator wanders off. "It's too bad he had to leave. He was a nice guy, for a croc."

Heal turns to the strange looks of his companions.

"What? I'm sure Misses is quite the manly name for alligators in this part of the dungeon."

With that done, though, Heal gets down to a bit of business. It seems that he's collected a Steam Cylinder, which he won't find much personal use for, and it seems that Scarlet has collected a Mana Potion, which she is unlikely to use for herself. Heal offers an even exchange between the two.

Heal Turn
Mana 6, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 70g
[Equipped]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[Equipped]Magnificent Monocle - Eyewear (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 to charisma rolls

[ ]Twin Blades - Weapon, Blade (Sell 20g, Light)
+0 Combat Strength
Once per combat phase, you may re-roll your combat roll. You must accept the new result.
[ ]Steam Cylinder - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum tesla.
Market Turns 0/3

Wandering around the market, Heal comes across the overburdened Yu - trying to drag home the new crossbow while also dragging around the steel armor, and for some reason lacking her hammer. He trots up beside the fellow adventurer. "You seem to be having a bit of trouble carrying that all around. Interested at all with getting rid of the armor?"

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-07, 03:04 AM
"I want that one" says Yu, pointing a hoof at a finely made and rather large crossbow sitting at the end of the row. "and, hmmm... what else have you got?
"Uh, well, I do have this... thing."

The seller pulls out a bird cage. Sitting inside is a fat, rotund avian creature that one might be inclined to refer to as a bird, if lacking better options. It screeches and bashes against the bars.

"35g if you're interested."
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_214208.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0906_214208.png.html)

With that done, though, Heal gets down to a bit of business. It seems that he's collected a Steam Cylinder, which he won't find much personal use for, and it seems that Scarlet has collected a Mana Potion, which she is unlikely to use for herself. Heal offers an even exchange between the two.
Scarlet happily trades the two. She has no need for the extra tesla right now, having ditched her pistol (no one would buy it), but one never knows when that kind of stuff would come in handy, and giving the magic users magic potions could only help the team to kick more monster butt.

2013-09-07, 02:07 PM
Heal Turn

Heal gladly accepts the trade, slipping the mana potion into a pocket. While he's in the market anyways, he does spot something that would be rather nice addition to his pack.

A short exchange with a shopkeeper leaves him 50g poorer and one staff of lighting richer! Surely, he can find some use for it.

Heal Turn
Mana 6, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 20g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Magnificent Monocle - Eyewear (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 to charisma rolls

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Twin Blades - Weapon, Blade (Sell 20g, Light)
+0 Combat Strength
Once per combat phase, you may re-roll your combat roll. You must accept the new result.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
Market Turns 1/3

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-07, 03:11 PM
(replacing the staff of lightning)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Img2013_0907_182545.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Img2013_0907_182545.png.html)

2013-09-07, 05:58 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 80g
[1/3 Market turns used]

Jackie left Nick-Nack's tent and wandered about the market to catch up with the rest of the team. She saw Heal Turn haggling with a scrawny cloaked merchant to squeeze an extra 5 gold pieces to buy a cute pair of glasses. She wasn't sure why such petite eyewear seemed so sought after. Pirates don't do cute.

...not openly anyway. >_>

"Arr, what's so special about these specs?" Jackie asked the cloaked merchant.

"These lenses magnify one's ability to channel arcane energies through convex refraction of Mana by way of optical flow with your personal essence," the merchant rattled off matter-of-factly.

Jackie started at him a good long time. "Ya lost me at that third word, mate."

"Sigh, it makes your magic ability better, you feather'd mare!"

The pegasus frowned. She took out 5 gold and slapped it on the table in front of Heal Turn. "Heal, I want ya to buy these specs. Otherwise I'm makin' this scalawag eat them with my hoof."

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 75g
[1/3 Market turns used]

2013-09-09, 07:34 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 75g
[1/3 Market turns used]

Jackie leaned against the neighboring stall besides the lens-selling merchant and met eyes with it's proprietor. She was a dusty gray mare with an eclectic assortment of items.

"Do you have a cutlass in your stash of good, lass?" Jackie asked her.

The gray mare blinked and continued her stare.

"You know, a cutlass, an epee, a bloody sword?" the pirate explained loudly.

The mare smiled and pulled out a rusty little dagger. Jackie face-hoofed against the counter. "Come on now, you call that splinter a blade?" the pirate scolded. "I seen better steel on me pa's tooth. I been to bigger holes in the ground and those places have fine weapons. Arrr, you ever seen a warrior from Hammerfell? They've got curved swords, lass. CURVED. SWORDS."

The gray pony placed a carpenter's hammer in front of Jackie and sunk low behind the counter in fear. The pirate let out a dissatisfied raspberry and walked away. As she thought about just taking a side job, she saw Scarlet across the way yelling at a robed unicorn stallion.

"I'm sorry, but that's not really a sword," the unicorn said defensively. "And as a scroll I've got too much of that kind of merch to buy it from you."

Jackie butted into the conversation. "Eh, what's this about swords and scrolls?"

"I'm sorry," the robed pony replied, "But are you an expert at-"

"Pirate," Jackie interrupted. "So, what are you on 'bout not buying my friend's goods?"

The unicorn sighed. "I simply have too much stock right now to be buying anything. It's a fine sword-summoning scroll, but I'm simply not interested."

Jackie wondered how many seconds Scarlet would need to faceplant the unicorn into the ground. ...eh, might be bad rep for the team to let that happen. "Scarlet, let me buy it off you. It ain't a real sword, but me left knee is telling me it'll be needed in our next venture. Here, I'll give ya 15 bits for it."

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 60g
[1/3 Market turns used]

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-10, 10:32 AM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 45g

"Ah, thank you Jackie. I think I'd never find a use for that thing." says Scarlet, handing over the scroll.

"This haggling stuff sure is thirsty work. I could use a drink!"

A few minutes later, Scarlet is seen walking away, happily drinking a juice box and stuffing another away in her bag for later.

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 35g
[2/4 Market actions used]
(Buying the refreshing juicebox. Replacing it is...)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0910_162930.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0910_162930.png.html)

2013-09-10, 08:09 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 60g
[1/3 Market turns used]

Jackie wandered over to the edge of the market for some work when she happened upon a crowd...
"Step right up folks and marvel over Tesla ingenuity at its best!" exclaimed a dapper white unicorn. "For these mechanical wings can make even the most earthly earth pony soar higher than an eagle! They're made of the finest materials from the north and powered by the steam energies of your own people!"

The crowd gave mixed murmurs over the strange device. The unicorn scanned the ponies until his eyes met upon a young pegasus pirate at the back. He twirled his black mustache a bit before pointing her out.

"You there, my pegasus pretty," the unicorn said proudly. "Would you like to help me demonstrate my mechanical wings?"

Jackie raised an eyebrow. "I already got a pair that I'm quite attached to."

"Now now my dear, please step up. Over here if you will," the unicorn insisted. He led Jackie up to the small stage. A young unicorn assistant came out from behind a curtain and strapped herself to the mechanical wings.

"Just fly around a little bit and my assistant will follow you," the unicorn stallion explained. I'll even pay you for your assistance. Don't worry, it's not a competition. I just want to demonstrate my invention."

Jackie shrugged. Booty is booty she supposed and the pegasus took off into the air. The assistant used a small cylinder of steam to power her wings and she took off after Jackie. The mechanical wings allowed the assistant to follow the pirate in a few lazy circles over the crowd before they both landed back on the stage. The crowed gave a soft applause.

"A big round for our flyers," the dapper unicorn said. "You too can join the skies by purchasing this fine pair of mechanical wings!" As several earth ponies pondered the thought of flying and chatted with the assistant, the dapper unicorn turned to Jackie and hoofed over a few bits.

"Thank you for your help," he said happily.

"Aye, I suppose that weren't bad. Though be sure to remind them ponies not to sit on a cloud unless they're a true pegasus." She gave him a wink and walked off.

(Jackie earned some money from a side job)

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 80g
[2/3 Market turns used]

2013-09-12, 01:16 PM
Knives C'Pon3

Ooh, what have we here? knives purrs from the shadows, behind the currently-busy vendor. She runs one hoof across the fabric, unwilling to give away her presence with the telltale glow i unicorn magic.

I mean, that would be overkill! As it is, all the ponies standing around are already pointing and whispering amongst themselves... It was just a matter of time until the shopkeeper stopped talking to Jackie and turned around!

Like... uh-oh Now.

Yoink! Knives shouts, leaping, whipping, fleeing into the darkness of the back room of the stall which led to the bright, bright daylight of the street, because, come on, it's broad daylight in a hugely busy town, for Princess' sake!

[color="brown"]Stop! You! Come back! the shopkeeper chimes out, shouting in dismay after fluttering cloak she or he (Knives didn't really pay attention) had just lost. ... You left this coin purse. There's 30 bits in here! that cloak was on sale, this is too much... A tip I guess?

Bouncing over the tents like some kind of wooden armed ninja samurai like from that series of stories named after spirits of a definitive weapon sizing term, Knives exults in her theft, unaware of the lightness of her coin purse.

Market actions 1/3
Mana 0(?), Medals 1, Tesla 0, Skulls 1, Gold 55

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-13, 12:13 PM
(replacing the cloak)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0913_180339.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0913_180339.png.html)

2013-09-14, 07:46 PM
Heal is going about his business in the marketplace. He takes up the 5g that Jackie handed him earlier, and goes off to do some haggling. Selling off the Twin Blades, he has just enough gold to purchase the Student's Spectacles. (20g + 5g + 20g = 45g for purchase) With that done, he heads off to get some well deserved rest, and recover his mana.

Heal Turn
Mana 13, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 0g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Student's Spectacles - Eyewear (Sell 30g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
Market Turns 3/3

2013-09-14, 10:19 PM
Knives slips under the flap of a tent, lounging in the dark and watching. Watching as ponies of all stripes observe Springboard Jackie, and also...


Oh... My... Divinely imbued sovereign entity. she gasps out.

There is, in the dark after, some haggling. But there is not much haggling. Not much at all. Instead, there is a happy merchant, and a happy unicorn, and all around just loads of happy ponies.

At the Temple of the Great and Powerful, Knives cavorts, being top pony for a time. And my but it is re-freshing!

Refill mana. Market actions 3/3
Bought the mechanical wings
Knives C'Pon3
Mana {Full}, Medals 1, Tesla 0, Skulls 1, Gold 25

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-15, 10:30 AM
(replacing the specs and wings)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0915_141831.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0915_141831.png.html)

2013-09-15, 11:49 AM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals 2, Tesla 0, Gold 115

Yu stalks out of the market square. There wasn't anything interesting or particularly useful there anymore, but that was alright; from what the others had been buying they seemed well equipped for another job.

Into a tavern, and Yu sits down at a card table, the goggles and weaponry intimidating the other ponies. As far as ways to make money, Yu found "gambling" to be one of the easiest. That is, until everypony else loses all their money and leaves.

Mana 10, Medals 2, Tesla 0, Gold 175
[Market turns 4/4]

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-15, 01:33 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 35g
[2/4 Market actions used]

The sound of a horn can be heard echoing throughout the city. Scarlet plays a blaring battle toot, not caring one bit about the angry looks from merchants, guards, passers-by, ponies shouting out of their windows, or indeed, anypony at all.

"Hah! If this doesn't get you pumped for battle, nothing will!"

(Buying the Battle Horn)
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 5g
[3/4 Market actions used]

(replacing it is an oscillisabre)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0915_192649.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0915_192649.png.html)

2013-09-15, 08:06 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 80g
[2/3 Market turns used]

Jackie began to walk through the remainder of the market and back towards the rest of her team. As the little pegasus turned the corner, her eyes saw it- the glint of a sword the likes of which she never beheld before.
It hung quietly from the rack over the tent's counter. The fine blade was smooth with a razor edge and made of a dark hued steel shaped like... like... Jackie blinked and got a closer look. Its shape defied description.

A muscular red stallion approached from behind a curtain and leaned against the wooden counter of his stand. It sighed under his weight. The stallion adjusted the various lenses on his monocle to line up. "Afternoon, my simple friend. I see you have your eyes set upon the oscillisabre."

"Neigh," Jackie replied, still enchanted. "I be lookin' at that beautiful sword."

The stallion snorted. "I take it you're not the technical type of pony. How much experience do you have with tesla-powered objects?"

The pegasus thought for a moment. "Well, I once threw a pair o' goggles at a friend from across a canal filled with tentacles."

"Uh, that's not what I was asking," the stallion said. He took down the blade and twisted a small ring on the hilt. There was a soft hiss, followed by a crackle of energy across the blade itself.
"Look, this is more than a sword," the stallion explained. "This is a weapon of electrical science. I don't know how well you'd understand it."

Jackie placed a purse of coins on the counter. "I can swing a sword!" she protested. "Granted, this blade be powered by fancy tesla stuff, but at its core it is still a saber. I can learn fancy if ye just give me a chance!" She held out her hooves with conviction.

The stallion gave her a good, hard stare. He carefully passed Jackie the blade. The pegasus held the sword aloft and then gave it several quick swings. She had some skill with a blade, but far be it from a master's touch.

As Jackie lowered the sword and touched the metal, the stallion leaned closer and whispered into her ear. "You might want to fold those feathers."

The pegasus brought her outstretched wings in tight as she blushed red. The stallion let out a good belly laugh before taking some money from Jackie's purse. He then brought up a cylinder from under the counter.

"Alright lass, you convinced me to sell the blade," he said with a smirk. "However, if you want a lesson on tesla, you'll have to pay for the energy up front. It's five bits a unit."

Jackie looked at what was left of her purse. She pulled out the bulky bow she had found in the dungeon fighting that... alicorn was it? The pirate held up the bow. "Could I barter this for some of the energy as well?"

The stallion looked over the weapon. "It seems like an alright weapon, but you're probably not thinking this through. What if you need to hit something far away? See, if I were a pretty little pegasus such as yourself, I'd consider selling that staff off. What chances are you going to have using that? I won't tell you which to sell, but just giving you some friendly technical advice."

The pegasus pulled out her two weapons and thought about it. Perhaps the merchant was right; The staff wasn't going to be put to much use, but a bow would should her friends need help. Sure the spellcaster were there when the team needed them, but where would Jackie be if she was needed?"

The pegasus hoofed over money and the staff. The stallion pocked the coins before he showed her how to charge the blade and use it's special effect.

Jackie tried hard to understand the instructions. A lot of it still flew over her head (an easy feat despite her pegasus-ness), but she got the jist of how to use the sword's ability. Perhaps in a pinch one of her friends could help her if she forgot how to work tesla energy.

The pegasus hurried back to her friends. She flew over the crowd with eyes full of delight and a sword strapped between her wings. Jackie landed in front of her team and pounded her forehooves together.

"Arrr, let's go kill some bilge-rat nagapons!"

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 1, Gold 15g
[3/3 Market turns used]

Starting funds: 80g
Purchased Oscillisabre: -50g (1 turn used)
Sold Staff: +25g
Purchased 8 Tesla: -40g
Ending funds: 15g

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-16, 03:00 PM
Scarlet Blaze
With the day coming to a close and the market vendors packing up, Scarlet decides that she'd had enough of shopping. Since the adventurers weren't due to report to the Captain of the Guard until tomorrow morning, the hot-blooded pony decided to relax the desert-dweller way; by going into a bar and challenging ponies to hoof wrestling. It's also a great way to win some bits.

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 25g
[4/4 Market actions used]

With the day done, the ponies headed to the inn to sleep.


"I want these slithering snake-ponies stopped!" yelled the Captain of the Guard. Captain Cacophony was a burly pegasus pony with a tendancy to spit when she shouted, which was all the time. "How dare they come into MY city and kidnap MY citizens!?" She pounded her desk with a hoof, and left a large crack down the centre. She seems to calm down, but only slightly.

"We found another tunnel, this one just outside the city limits to the north. I want you to go in there and find the leader of these lizard-brained freaks and bring her back here to face juctice!"


The tunnel entrance had been well concealed with a large rock, but the guards had moved it away just enough for the ponies to squeeze through into the tunnel below. Wah-Ching Yu took point, using his superior scouting skills to look out for any traps or up ahead.

A chill wind blows down here. The tunnel leads to a large pit. Looks like the only way is down from here... and something can be seen lurking below...

Yu draws Behemothic Birdbear/Nagapon Soldier
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200724.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200724.png.html)
Knives draws Maurading Ice Elemental
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200743.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200743.png.html)
Jackie draws Light the Bonfire
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200754.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200754.png.html)
Heal draws Pitfall Trap
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200806.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200806.png.html)
Scarlet draws Pocket Hero
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200821.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200821.png.html)

2013-09-16, 05:55 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals 2, Tesla 0, Gold 175

Yu forges ahead, checking the halls for any denizens. Once again, the tunnels were winding and sinuous. Snake-like. And more than a little confusing. It came as a shock to find a perfectly square T-junction again. Of course, the path more travelled was the way to go, if they wanted to find the centre of this place.

Or not. There was another one of those bear things with the beaks down there, and to be honest, they creeped Yu (and everypony else) out wayyyy to much. Surely the other path would lead to the same place in the end. Yes, of course it would.

And how convenient! A single nagapon guard, almost asleep at her post. This would be like taking candy from a foal. Not that Yu knew any foals with parents who would've given them candy. Bad for the teeth and all that. Yu casually walked by the ignorant guard, and prepared to strike.


The nagapon turned at the last moment, but the blade struck true. Yu turned back to let the others know the way was clear so far.

2013-09-16, 11:27 PM
Heal suddenly has the floor drop out from under his hooves! He flails to get a hoofhold, preparing his magic in case that doesn't work out.

[roll0] (5+ success)

Heal summons up a big of magic, just as his hold gives way. He floats a bit on his own Crystal Wings spell, making it to more solid ground.

Heal Turn
Mana 11, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 0g

2013-09-17, 07:48 AM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 1, Gold 15g

"Yu? Hey, did ya run off ahead or something?" Jackie called out. She noticed Yu wasn't with the party, but when you had a real sneak around, it was pretty normal to lose track of them like that. Jackie zipped ahead to see if she could spot Yu, but didn't keep her hopes up. The tunnel grew cold quickly and the pegasus felt a shiver.

"Arrr, better light our way to keep warm down here." She saw a brazier that hung from the ceiling. The pegasus flew up to it and took some flint and steel to the ashes inside. The fire burst into sight immediately and warmed the passage. No sooner than Jackie felt the heat of the bonfire did she hear the movement of stones below her. Jackie glanced down and didn't remember the huge hole being there earlier.

"By Davy Jones' Locker!!" the pegasus cried out. "I jus' don't know what went wrong!"

Achievement Unlocked: Background Pony (Took no actions and gained no loot this round)

2013-09-18, 03:01 AM
Knives C'Pon3
Mana 11, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 20g

Knives waited for her roy— That is, her companions, at the edge of town. The surprise had to wait for just the right moment, else it wouldn't have the proper impact!

And so, it is with a muteness not often seen on the bombastic pony that they enter into tunnels, and set themselves atop an old trap door, of the kind found throughout the fourth wave of neophidian architecture as was prominent during the third dynasty of the Shogun Thundermane. Why are we on a trapdoor, of a variety prominent during ancient period-history? Knives wondered, but who was she, to judge the actions of those who worked with her? No one, that's who!

No one, yet. And so Knives simply applies a preparatory magic, the ancient and yet recently learned Wings of Crystal Brightness spell she found scribbled on the back of that abandoned fortune cookie fortune. Yu probably wouldn't notice, but it was the thought that counts, right? Oh, and Scarlette should probably get some magic too, she thinks. And so she does that, what with the magic giving and all.

The cold winds from the tunnel were nice, though they'd quickly overwhelm her subj— er, companions, and so to avoid having to light one of the trapped trigger braziers, Knives engages her magic to enhance the namesake tools she is perpetually in sue of with a burning red brilliance! It's an old trick, one used to liven many a party and make it through long, boring stints of Iso whenever somepony gtes upset enough about her picking up their discarded things that they both arrest her and keep her away from other prisoners. Especially after that one time... Although Knives has to wonder, how come nopony ever takes away her knives? It's not like they feel comfortable around me, or they wouldn't use the muzzle on the manacles, would they? Police ponies are silly~!

It is during her reminiscing that Jackie, lovely young Pegasus that she is (she tries so hard, bless her heart!) lights the trapped Brazier, which activates the third dynasty pit door, sliding away to the side as most of these are wont to do. Knives rides the edge, waiting until it about reaches terminus before bailing, as is proper. The others, of course, do what one would expect when the floor moves, and all jump (Jackie of course, staying in the air). Luckily, Heal had his own magic, and all the ponies were safe!

Knives is best ruler, natch.

But then! Dramatically! A marauding bipedal shape! Carved in ice, to ravor fineness, ridged in teeth of ice and with the speed of sleet! An elemental of coldest mien attacked, with exclamation points and everything!

Knives looked to her glowing, fiery tools, and smirked. I got this. she almost said. But, she catches herself, and the words which actually come out are;

I shall protect thee, my Royal Subjects!, her R's rolling so deep, the po-po be hating, as she steps forward to do battle with the alerted thing, all shivery blue-silvers and whorls of clearest white.

Her cloak flutters, draws back, falls. Gleams of metal and piston and servo clatter like chimes, softly, and then flare in a cacophony of razor-sharp ringing, sparks cascading around. I, your new Princess, demand that thou ceaseth all aggression, fell beast! she calls out. But the elemental, being a thing mindless in it's mannerisms, continues to charge, the scraping sound of ice cracking along the stone floor like a roar it's only answer.

And so Knives stabs it.

Knives: Level 4, weapon +1, roll: 5 (10)
Elemental: Level 6, roll: 4 (10)

There is a great hiss, as gouts of vapor expand into a quickly chilling cloud of steam. The beast, wounded, finally vocalizes as it tosses it's head back, or, perhaps, it's head bucks back from the force of Knives' assault. A twisted, frozen mouth opens intoa scream of wind through a snow-filled canyon, peaking into the sound of a lone pony shrieking, peaking in the almost-falsetto ring of cracking ice, as two red-hot points of pony-guided steel slowly emerge from the marauder's eye-socket spots like the first red petalled flowers of spring, and the creature shatters, shatters into millions of pieces so small the thin film of icy glass fills the air in a burst, almost extinguishing the guttering fires of Jackie's brazier.

Through the steam, lit from behind by what seems to be two torches, a pony calmly trots. The stead, hollow clip-clop of hooves bears dignified rhythm to her regal countenance as she steps from the cloud, still wet with the dew of battle - sopping, really, as is everypony by now - all but her magnificent steely wings and still-glowing horn slouched under the wear of water.

Her eyes open. Her teeth flash.

Grinning, Knives looks over the assembled troupe. I'm a Princess~!

The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III
Mana 11, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 30g

2013-09-18, 07:15 AM
I'm a Princess~!

Jackie landed on the ground to shake bits of ice out of her mane. She raised eyebrow in Knives' direction. "What's a princess? Is that like a captain's private wench?"

2013-09-18, 08:38 AM
What? Knives cries, stamping her hoof. No! Well, maybe, actually, but No! A princess is a captain's captain! An Admiral! A rear admiral, that is, an admiral of plots, because they are the ones to get the wenches! oh, um. That is... Do you not read literature? she finishes lamely, in an upper crust accent of indeterminate variety. Surely thou hast read of the Princesses in the Book of Harmony? Fringe cult of primitives it may be, debunked by She Most Great and Powerful, but concept-shoe-ally, the idea is still one that is sound.

2013-09-18, 10:34 AM
Surely thou hast read of the Princesses in the Book of Harmony?

"A captain's captain's rear admiral?" Jackie pondered aloud. "Oh, you mean like a pirate king! Aye, now I be understanding your rank and file. You be like a commodore of the fleet." She nodded vigorously to avoid answering the question about literature. Jackie was 'mostly' literate, but fairy tales were a rare find on pirate ships. She mostly read manifests, journals, and treasure maps on the high seas.

Though, the Book of Harmony sounded quite interesting. The pegasus wondered what kinds of harms she could learn to better fight off these dungeon monsters. Perhaps Jackie should learn more from Knives'. The unicorn was definitely a more educated pony than she was.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-18, 12:24 PM
Scalet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 25g

The floor disappeared.

This frustrated Scarlet immensely, as it was the kind of problem you couldn't stab, shoot, or punch away.

Luckily for her, one of her faithful companions had cast a flying spell on her. And by "one of her faithful companions" she meant "her majesty, Princess Whats-Her-Face-With-the-Metal-Wings". Apparantly.

She barely had time to process what could have possibly triggered this change in the unicorn, when something small and squishy landed atop her head.


"Wha- what the-?"


"Um... sure?"


"Okay! Bye, fwiend!" The small chubby creature bounces off down a corridor.


2013-09-18, 04:40 PM
"A captain's captain's rear admiral?" Jackie pondered aloud. "Oh, you mean like a pirate king! Aye, now I be understanding your rank and file. You be like a commodore of the fleet."

Uh, yes. One of those.


See? Knives says, proudly. She gets it!

2013-09-18, 05:12 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals 2, Tesla 0, Gold 175

Yu watched in mute confusion as Knives started throwing spells everywhere. Such a waste of energy, all just to show off?

Then the floor disappeared.

Oh. Was the unicorn prescient then? Yu wasn't sure Knives had that kind of magical power. She always seemed a much more... martial pony, confirmed when Knives proceeded to stab the elemental to death. Yu had been about to go help, but realized that the magic might not allow any movement, and so stayed put.

Knives had also started to speak though, and her words confirmed Yu's fears. Not prescient then, just insane. It was probably the glasses; they looked suspicious. Probably cursed. As the other ponies hovered over the pit and discussed, Yu considered ways to remove the spectacles without having to move. A jump to the edge was probably possible, but best not take any chances while the insane pony's magic was holding you up.

2013-09-19, 07:30 AM
Jackie offered to nudge Yu toward solid ground. The pegasus didn't know how long magic wings lasted and the drop looked like quite a trip. She kicked a small chunk of ice down the pit and listened. If there was a delayed 'plink' at the bottom, then she didn't hear it. The ice could have been too small and soft to hear. Likely why the infamous BlackMane the Pirate used warm, screaming bodies.

"Well, my bad about that thar pit," Jackie stated. "I suppose we could either shimmy around this and keep going, or try to find another passage. What say ye, princess Cutlery?"

Jackie glanced at the others. "You all can chime in too. We're still a team, right?"

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-20, 12:12 PM
Explore Phase

Scalet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 25g

Jackie glanced at the others. "You all can chime in too. We're still a team, right?"
"That we are! And I think I know where we need to go next." said Scarlet. Moving around the crumbled remains of the Ice Elemental, she points to a small corridor. It's small, just large enough for the ponies to squeeze through, and looks like it's been recently dug.

On the other side, a rhythmic clanging sound can be heard, echoing loudly over the sound of running water. The corridor opens out into a large cave, a river on one side running in a lake in the centre. On the other side of the lake, opposite our heroes, there appears to be some kind of mining operation. A nagapon soldier oversees another nagapon using a pick to break apart rocks. A group of small, green-skinned creatures are nearby, sorting through a large pile of broken stone.

For a moment it looks like the ponies would get the drop on their foes, but then something stirs in the water.

Something big.

Yu draws Bloated Larvae/Group of Goblins
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164411.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164411.png.html)
Knives The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III draws Monstrous Octopus
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164436.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164436.png.html)
Jackie draws King Clam
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164458.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164458.png.html)
Heal draws Nagapon Soldier
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164510.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164510.png.html)
Scarlet draws Nagapon Worker
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164541.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164541.png.html)

Scarlet equips her Captain's Spirit.

2013-09-20, 09:32 PM
((Sorry, somehow unsubscribed. Was wondering where the IC went!))

"Well, my bad about that thar pit," Jackie stated. "I suppose we could either shimmy around this and keep going, or try to find another passage. What say ye, princess Cutlery?"

Jackie glanced at the others. "You all can chime in too. We're still a team, right?"

Tis forgiven, good privateer. the "princess" starts, rememberin her decorum voice. Yea verily, we hall forsooth and follow the lady Scarlette to eventual victory, and thence egress.

So engrossed is she in her proper and irreverently anachronistic grammar, that it's not until moist, fanged suckers press themselves to the supple flesh beneath her fur. The tentacles, having silently breached the water and extended towards her glorious majesty and regal poise, now wrap her like a precious gift, or also like a hog to the [redacted]. A slow ripple and a distorted, wet squish reaches the ears as a bulbous protruberance breaks the liquid horizon, eyes glistening in the dark.

Oh, uh... You fine gentleponies do be so kind as to deal with whatever else may show? Please and thank Yuuuuuuuuuu——— *Bloop* goes the water, as the Princess is plucked away from her adoring throng with speed, leaving a few metallic feathers fluttering in the cartoonish dust cloud, an electric ripple flarig from her point of watery entry as the wings discharge what little energy remained to them after their demo.

((Combat rolls later. Equipping cloak and knife.))

2013-09-20, 10:48 PM

"Arrr, that can't be good," Jackie muttered. She raised her fancy sword up and charged toward the water. "Come on, Science Sword! Our princess is in another kraken!" With spread wings, the pegasus sailed over the air to where Princess Cutlery disappeared under. As she drew near the murky surface, two ends of a giant shell sprung from the water to close over the little pirate.

"By Davy Jones' Locker!"

((Oscillisabre at the ready!))

2013-09-22, 12:46 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals 2, Tesla 0, Gold 195

Yu springs into action as the creatures in the water start to envelop the other ponies. But there was no reason to go near the lake, none at all. There might be crabs in there for all anypony knew. And the things on the opposite bank were still a threat.

Yu pulled out the giant crossbow and started shooting the little green creatures. The nagapon were wily and could probably dodge the bolts anyways.


There were too many of them though, and some were starting to escape. The party couldn't let that happen, or they might warn the nagapon further in.
"Heal, magic bolt things!" says Yu to the last visible unicorn, gesturing at the fleeing creatures.

2013-09-24, 01:22 AM
The Princess Knives... Uh, Cutlery... Du.... The Other Unicorn. The one underwater.
Mana 11, Medals 1, Tesla 0, Gold 20

Tentacles undulate in the darkness. She can't breathe. Her hair is icky, her cloak is probably ruined without dry cleaning, and she will, long odds otherwise, end up smelling like fish.

The princess' handiblades scrape along rubbery octopoidal tentacles writhing like mudwrestling river serpents, unable to do more than tickle the beast – whose delighted shivers just crush her ever tighter.

BlURrble! she says, into the deep. The octopus frowns wickedly, bulbous eyes slanted at a cartoonish angle.

Knives: level 4, +1 weapon, total 6
Octopus: level 5, unarmed kinda, total 7

The water begins to churn. Beneath the surface, clad, seemingly, all in sushi, the a princess begins to glow a fulminant electric blue. Her knives, glowing, spin. The spin, like a generator, produces energy – tesla. And the tesla, overloading a wing system not designed for direct current, begins to go wild. Big, bushy wings, pinion a of cable holding steely feathers, like knives. The Princess' specialty, of course.

And where the villain could withstand two tickly touches, he did not fair so well against an electric twelve thousand, as a brilliant, arcing cascade of unicorn power explodes from the water, sending jolts of thunder everywhere throughout the cave, magnetically guiding bladed metal feathers into the tender fleshy bits of the strangely ferric goblins. Nice, neat piles of tentacle land on slices of stone which can only be described as plates, and as the water begins to calm, the Pricess Cutlery Du'Pony III lands majestically, and then falls unceremoniously to her side, clutching her belly.

I need a sammich...
[Knives uses Thunder Damage on Springboard Jackie]
[Knives uses Thunder Damage on Knives]
[Knives uses Magic Missile on Octopus]
[Knives uses Magic Missile on Goblins]

Mana 3/11, Medals 1, Tesla 0, Gold 30

2013-09-24, 11:30 AM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 1, Gold 15g

Jackie wiggled around the giant King Clam's mouth as she was pressed by its fleshy tongue.
This was probably worse than the gelatinous sphere from this morning...
The pegasus recalled a bit of advice her mother gave when she was but a wee filly: 'Always pack a clean pair of socks. The stallions go gaga for that.'

Huh, Jackie just remembered why she never listened to her mum as a kid. Well, there was always her father's advice. She couldn't think of anything off-hoof right now that would apply to being eaten by a giant clam, but her father was the ship's cook and Jackie remembered that to properly cook seafood, it had to be filet'd.

The little pegasus pressed against the King Clam's tongue with her shoulder and then swung her fancy blade at it's muscular hinge. "For the skull and bones!" Jackie cried out defiantly.

Jackie vs. King Clam
Jackie: [1d6][3] + (5 Strength, +1 Thunder vulnerability) = 9
King Clam: [1d6][2] + (8 Level) = 10

The giant clam shuddered, but it pressed down upon the little pegasus. Jackie felt her body fold painfully, like an electric press was upon her back. Yes, that was it! She remembered her sword had the ability to shoot out a pulse of energy. Jackie squeezed a trigger in the handle and the sword vibrated to life. With a crackle of tesla energy, the shock drove the blade through the clam's muscles and sliced it in half.

+1 roll from 2 tesla spent.
New combat result: 10!

"Ugh. Thank ye, Science Sword," the pegasus muttered as she rolled out of the creature's dead shell. Jackie She saw a partially digested sack under the clam's tongue and snatched it quickly before the shell sank down beneith the surface.

Jackie jumped out of the water and glided back to the stone path near Princess Cutlery. She sniffed the air and noticed a familair scent coming from the princess. "Hey, I didn't know you wore the same cologne as me mum!"

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 6, Medals 1, Gold 40g
+1 Skull, +1 Item [??]

Achievement Unlocked: Clamity Jane (slay a King Clam)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-24, 04:07 PM
The goblins were punctured and perforated with crossbow bolts and razor-sharp feathers. They didn't know what hit them. A single goblin manged to survive by using his buddy as a shield. He didn't hang around, dropping his weapon, a heavy looking black flail.

Yu gets Spiked Darksteel Flail as loot
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0924_214847.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0924_214847.png.html)

When Jackie made it back onto dry(ish) land, the bag she'd managed to grab from the giant clam began to move. There was something inside!

Clambering out of the leather sack, choking and spluttering, was a tiny pony-like creature, with beautiful butterfly wings. She looked up at Jackie, with hints of both fear and awe in her eyes.

Jackie gets Faerie's Blessing as loot
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0924_214903.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0924_214903.png.html)

2013-09-25, 02:34 PM
Heal Turn
Mana 11, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 0g

Heal would've readily given Yu his support, but unfortunately had his own problems to contend with. He had run into a Nagapon Soldier, and a rather high ranking one from the looks of it. "Sssssssooo you ponies have returned, have you? And one apart from hissss group. I shall sslay you here, and report back to prepare proper welcomesss."

Heal hefted his lightning staff, preparing for the attack. "Not a chance, snake! I'm not letting you get away and cause ponies more trouble!"


Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-28, 08:34 AM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 25g

"At last! A worthy battle to test out my new weapons!" said Scarlet, slowly scraping her claws against each other. She looked left. A giant octopus! Slicing those tentacles off sounded like great fun! Oh, but Knives got there first. Oh well, good for her. She looked right. Goblins! A battle against numbers, surely that would be a perfect challenge! Oh, they're dropping already. Well how about that tough looking nagap- oh, never mind.

The worker was left. He stood off to one side (Do Nagapons stand? That's a tail right? What do you call standing on a tail?) watching the battles with a grimmace. When he spotted Scarlet he slithered over, hefting his pick like a weapon.

"Hah! You mean to challenge me!? What does a peasant know about fighting?"

"Hsssss! All nagaponss are trained in the art of combat, sso that we can take out pathetic poniess like you!"

"Pathetic!? I've destroyed countless monsters and creatures, many far stronger than you could ever hope to be! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!?"

"I don't care!"

The creature lunged for Scarlet, but with a swift movement she brought her claws up to block the attack. But the nagapon reacted quickly, using his tail to sweep her legs out from under her. He swung the pick down again, but Scarlet rolled out of the way and quickly scrambled back to her hooves. She dodged another attack, but she was at the wrong angle to use her claws. With a quick twist of her forehooves, the blades retracted, giving her stable footing for a buck to the nagapon's chest.

"You're good, but I'm taking you down!"

"Haaah! Bring it!"

The two combatants rushed each other.


Both Nagapon and Pony swung their weapons, but only one connected. A flash of metal, a splash of blood, and the nagapon collapsed.

"You were a worthy foe."

"Ughhhh... Bite... me... hssss."

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 40g

(explore phase to come soon)

2013-09-28, 11:41 AM
Jackie wiped the wet bangs away from her eyes.
"Yar, you be a pretty little faerie creature," she said to the tiny pony. The pegasus noticed it was coiled in fear. Jackie held her up to the others.
"Hey now, yer in safe company," the pegasus assured. "I'm Jackie, and these are my friends. That's Scarlet, Heal, Kni- I mean, Princess Cutlery, and... well somewhere around here is Yu. So, do faeries have names?"

"ChIS Mist pongwIj'e'," the fey responded.

Jackie scratched her head. "Err, I think I heard a 'Mist' in there, but..." The pegasus thought about it and had an idea. "I know, how 'bout I call ye Navi? It's short fer Navigator. You can be my wing pony."

"Pong Qo' vIparHa'," the little faerie sad sadly.

Jackie didn't understand her language, but she could tell the creature wasn't happy at all with the name. "Aww, don't ye cry, little one. Alright then, how about I jus' call ye 'Misty' then?"

The faerie nodded agreeably.

"Do ye know your way around this maze?" Jackie asked.

"jIQoS, bag qaStaHvIS jaj Hoch," the faerie responded, pointing at the floor.

The creature fluttered down on Jackie's shoulder and sat close for safety. The pegasus nodded. "I guess she doesn't? Arr, least she can be an extra pair of eyes out for danger. Haha, she's kinda like me shoulder parrot now."

"SoH vaj jIchopbej 'ej je tlhaQwI' ghom'a' neH polly jatlh," the faerie muttered.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-28, 12:14 PM
Explore Phase

With their foes vanquished, the pony heroes continued on. Tunnels branched off from the cave in every direction. The ponies picked a direction that looked promising and marched on, with Yu scouting ahead and The Princess leading the rest.

The rough tunnels went on for what seemed like miles. It was dark, dank, and eerily quiet. That is, until a light could be spotted in the distance. It was coming from behind an old wooden door, left slightly ajar. Behind it was some kind of study. Bookcases filled with old tomes lined the walls and a desk covered in scrolls and parchment sat in the centre. Off to one side were a variety of cages. Most were empty. One contained an ugly looking lizard. Another was a bird cage with a phoenix inside. In the corner sat a wooden chest.

There was another door opposite the entrace. Voices came from behind it.

"Viper is a fool," spoke a rasping female voice. "How could she think that stitching a horn and a pair of wings to an ordinary pony would result in anything resembling a true alicorn?"

"Princessss Viper-" corrected the other, a male nagapon for sure. "-will figure it out eventually. I am more concerned with the oness who defeated her creation. If we are to desstroy the ssurface poniess, they will be a thorn in our ssidess-"

"Will you please stop with the long, drawn-out esses? I know you're just doing it to sound more snake-like and it's annoying."

"Sorry. Look, let me show you my plans, I think-" the door opened. A nagapon wearing a wizard hat and robes slithered through. "Hssssss! Heartssbane! Intruders!"

The owner of the other voice walked through with a clacking sound. A pony with her body covered in stitches and open wounds; a zombie, but more than that. A single metal claw replaced one foreleg, the tips of the fingers ending in razor sharp claws.

"So, the 'adventurers' have come." She looked directly at the newly made Princess. "And you brought another fake alicorn. How droll," she said with a sneer. "Tearing you apart will truly be a pleasure!"

Meanwhile, the nagapon magically opened the lizard cage behind Jackie. "Hssss! my creaturess will desstroy you-"

"I said stop that."


Yu draws Flesh-Eating Spider/Nagapon Sorceror
Note: if you'd prefer to fight the spider, just have the nagapon summon it with magic, then teleport away, or something. I just prefered to have the nagapon in the story.
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144138.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144138.png.html)
Princess Whatever-Her-Name-is-Now draws Possessed Adventurer
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144209.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144209.png.html)
Jackie draws Frilled Lizard
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144315.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144315.png.html)
Heal draws Treasure Chest
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144343.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144343.png.html)
Scarlet draws Guardian Phoenix
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144411.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144411.png.html)

2013-09-28, 10:37 PM
Heal Turn
Mana 11, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 20g

Taking a moment to look at what he found, Heal takes a peek inside the treasure chest.


Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-29, 09:21 AM
Heal Turn gets 50g and draws Mighty Darksteel Axe
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0929_145218.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0929_145218.png.html)

Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 40g

Upon arriving in the sorceror's study, Scarlet looked in the cage at the phoenix. It looked back up at her with sad eyes, giving a quiet chirp. Its feathers were in a terrible state and the cage looked like it hadn't been cleaned in quite a while. "Poor thing. You're no pet, are you? Why, when I get my claws on whoever did this, they'll be sorry! Here..."

She opened up the cage, but the phoenix did not move. "Hmm. I know what will cheer you up!" she said, grabbing the monocle and top hat her friends had found but barely used. She put them on and balanced a breadstick from her rations as a faux moustash.

"I say, cheer up old bean! You're free to go, don'tcha know?"

The phoenix seemed to brighten up, chirping happily in a manner that Scarlet assumed was bird laughter. It hopped to the edge of the cage.


Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-29, 09:23 AM
Blast. Let me try again.


The phoenix flew up onto Scarlet's shoulder. "Oh, would you like to come along with me? At least until we get out of this dump?" The phoenix nodded. "Excellent! We will battle alongside each other for great justi-"

Just then the door opened and the foes appeared.

Combat Phase begins!

2013-09-29, 11:29 AM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Medals 2, Tesla 0, Gold 200

The nagapon wizard quickly fired off a spell before anyone could react though nothing appeared to have happened. Yu could see it though, the beast that had appeared on the ceiling above them.

"Deal with them Heartsssbane! I go to tell the others." the nagapon said, before slithering out the door again. The zombie thing advanced.

No one seemed to have noticed the spider lurking above them. Yu ran to the edge of the room and jumped off the wall, disappearing up into the gloom. The crunching noises that followed were swallowed up by the commotion below.


Suddenly (to the others), a giant spider falls from above, with several broken legs and a crossbow bolt stuck in it's neck. Not quite dead, it attempts to stumble to it's feet.

2013-09-29, 06:29 PM
Heal Turn

Having stashed away the axe, Heal goes about locating his comrades. Somehow, he doubted they would all get lucky enough to run across treasure chests.

Fortunately, that happens to be the case! Or unfortunately, that happened to be the case with Yu. But fortunately, Heal noticed in time! He charged forward, only to misjudge the stability of the flooring and caught his new staff on an outgrown root.

What valor failed to accomplish, simple physics did. Heal tumbled over and landed on the spider, heavy large axe on his back and several dozen pounds of steel plate dropping onto the spider carapace. The end result was one dead spider, and one slightly sticky from bug juice unicorn.


(Assisting with Yu's fight.)

Mana 11, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 70g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Chapeau of Conjuration - Hat (Sell 20g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Mighty Darksteel Axe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Bulky)
+2 Combat Strength
This weapon deals Chaos damage.

2013-10-02, 03:36 AM
((I am assuming. because Knives didn't need the magic missile for the Octopus and Jackie already had Thunder damage, that we are 4 mana above our last statement, for 7/11. If not okay, lemme know.))

The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III
Mana 7, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 30
Ace Danger!, Earth Pony Archaeologist and Ladies' Stallion
Mana 0, Tesla 10, Medals 0, Gold 30

Ace Danger! was excited. He finally got to scrape enough bits together to retire, and what's more, he finally had enough bits to help pay for his love, Griselda's treatments! It was hard, even in a place as cosmpoloitan as Urbem Sanctum, being in love with a griffon. Especially given the... Cravings she whispered about quietly, only ever when they were alone, and only ever in tears.

But now, now he could just about afford it all! Just one last mission, a quiet little side job escorting some weird tesla device with his friend, Wide Brim the wizard. Wide Brim and Ace Danger! (The bolding and exclamation were how you spelled it, you see; Griselda's idea, helped him stand out on the dockets when anypony was looking for a new adventurer what to hire for these side jobs) were only working together for a few week,s bt he was pretty sure he could trust the pony. Sure, Wide Brim was secretive, and made weird noises under his breath, and wore those funny robes all the time, but hey - who would trust a wizard who didn't act weird most of the time, right? Weird was the wizards purview!

Just a little farther, now, yess. Come along, Ace! Come along!

So, what's the job? Ace asked, shouldering the weird tesla thingy, wrapped e'er so snug in it's loose burlap. We just bringing this to someone, or... what?

Yes, exactly! Exactly! The wizard mused, doing his funny slow walk behind Ace Danger!, rubbing his obviously-fake beard (But hey, that made sense, right? Every wizard had a beard, even the girl wizards. Especially the girl wizards. He wanted to fit the part, is all, no need to insult the poor guy for his facial lackings). and basically being a calm and thoughtful wizard. Wide Brim, in fact, continued obliviously when Ace stopped, listening to the tell-tale rustle of bushes and the slither of scale over rock in the pass ahead, only looking up exasperated when he eventually bumped into the stilled adventurer. What, what iss it? Why are you stalling?!

Wide Brim, we're being followed. He says, pointing ahead to the gorge, lined with bushes and dead trees. It's an ambush.

Mmm, so it is. I guess we should prepare, then.

Yes, definitely, let's— AAAAAAAAARGH!!! Ace Danger! shrieks, as the lightning bolt lances deep into his flank, knocking him and the tesla thingy flying. Nagapon,. three of them, crawled from the ambush spot, each bearing their strange, oriental spear swords. And worse, behind him, a rogue wizard! Ace Danger! drew his sword, gritted his teeth (around the sword, natch), and prepared for combat!

Ace Danger! Strength 4, +1 weapon, 2 (total 3)
Nagapon, Strength 5, no weapon, 6 (total 11)

Wide Brim was too skilled, too much a liability. His only chance was to cut a swathe through the nagapon, make it out the other side! He lunges forward, and...
But then...

No, there are too many, I can't focus, I can't...! Sword and spearswordthing clash, repeatedly, as the earth pony adventurer and ladies' stallion extraordinaire, Ace Danger! vmoves with practiced steps, weaving through a motley group of slimy serpents that would challenge his old party, let alone a solo warrior. He dips, he thrusts, he turns, he parries, but... Too slow...

Wide Brim laughs, staring into the dust cloud kicked up by the stupid earth pony's evasive antics. It was all for naught, though - these nagapon had beend eveloped from pit vipers, and they could easily see the adventurer even if he, himself, could not. He laughs louder still as a bloody chunk flies from the cloud to land before him with a meaty thud. A pony foreleg, so scrumptious! Wide Brim thinks, bending down to pick it up. Mmmmmmmm~

He is so enrapt in his meal that he almost doesn't see the shine of moonlight on the polished steel limb... Almost.

Very Good, Ace! You've beaten the Nagapon! I underestimated you. I think, instead of taking the tesla claw, I will take you. Dim Sum Nrak Kyuu Spirits of the 7th Shadow realm, I call you, take this willing vessel! The wizard intones, rising up on his coils to his full, impressive compared to a pony height.

I'm not a willing vessel, you plot! and it's pronounced [B]Ace, not Ace! the bloodied adventurer cried, still trying to balance on his weird, griffon-like forelimb.

Oh, poor dear. The spirits of the seventh shadow realm only care about access. Your bloody, open would is sufficient... And they can permeate metal!

All Ace Danger! remembers of the rest of the night is screaming. Screaming, and how friendly the snake pony is. How much he wants to obey, even when he doesn't want to obey, when all he wants to do is ripped the possessed thing from his shoulder and limp home, even when the only word his fevered mind could contain is but a name, the face it belongs to forgotten... Grissssseldaaaaa.

Ace waits patiently, in the dark, even as weeks and months pass by. He keeps occupied by dissecting memories from this other pony, this other pony who maybe used to be him, from before he... from before... Before something. All that mattered now was Wide Brim, and obeying him. All that matters. Not the name, not the funny necklace he sometimes found clenched in his claw when his eyes got all murky and Wide Brim got mad for leaking all over the place.

Imagine his joy, when Wide Brim opens a door and starts addressing other ponies, then. Imagine his joy, when the snake ponies point, and say, 'kill'. Wide Brim wants him to obey! He can Obey! He must obey! Twelve spirits, one of them probably his soul, all rejoice; Purpose!

He trudges forward, toward the one with the drooping metal wings, ready to rip the horn from her face and add it to his collection. But... Oh, no! His eyes, they're murky again. He must be leaking, leaking from the face like all those other times, and it makes it harder to fight. Harder to notice when wizards teleport away. He calls out. He calls, for help of course, but the only word left his tongue can make is what comes forth.

Gri... Selda...

No. No! That wasn't it. That wasn't asking for help at all! And here this weird winged horned pony is just looking at him, sadly, like he's not worth anything? And it's just making the leaking worse... He'll show her! He'll show her, or his name isn't... Uh, isn't... Isn't bolded and exclame-y! Because that was an important thing and that was his name!

Years of adventuring reflex kick in, as the spirits align within the poor earth pony, cut to oblivion and almost beyond recognition. He runs, full tilt into combat, rearing and claw held high, the death blow barely averted by a series of glowing knives thrust forward by the unicorn's magics.

Knives C'Pon3, strength 4, +1 weapon, 4 (total 9)
Nameless Possessed Adventurer, Strength 7, +2 weapon, 2 (total 11)

The claw falls, again and again, and now the unicorn with wings starts to look worried. Good! Wide Brim said kill, so Kill he would! He was fast, way too fast for some unicorn with heavy metal bits strapped to her, even if he wasn't smart enough to figure that out anymore. He moves, around, one side then the other, breaking her focus as the knives seem to be in the wrong spot compared to him, waiting for an angle of attack... Even if he can't see through all this weird leaky eye fluid, and even if the only sound he can make is a piteous moan, a name lost to him forever... Grrrrr... iselda!


Pinned under a slowly descending metal claw, talons twitching like a broken puppet, Knives is backed into a wall, unable to move with all her concentration on simply keeping this thing off of her. Guys? Guys! she calls, panic clearly lining her voice. She throws up one semi-limp wing, flinching as the grinding of metal on metal sends a shower of sparks over her, and drops her knives, instead grabbing the copper necklace around the zombie-pony-possessed-claw-guy's throat, and pulling it to the back and right. She's unable to pull the claw away from her face, but exposes the whole of the thing's chest as it tries to stay balanced enough to deliver the killing blow. Yu! Help!

2013-10-02, 09:11 AM
Suddenly, there is more water than just that leaking from the clawed pony's eyes. Was it, raining? Inside? Then the former pony starts to howl, as the water begins to open blistering rents in it's flesh. It twitches, the claw coming dangerously close again, and is still.

Hanging upside-down near the ceiling from a strand of spider's web, Yu shuts the now empty container with a snap, and grins down at the Princess Cutlery.

2013-10-02, 10:57 AM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 6, Medals 1, Gold 40g

The room had exploded into combat quickly when the doors flew open.
The shambling undead couldn't follow Jackie, but the frilled lizard could glide and it jumped up at the tasty pegasus when she took flight over the posessed adventurer. She looped around several crossbow bolts that whizzed through the air at a giant spider that dropped from the ceiling. The lizard touched against a wall and jumped off, still in persuit of the pegasus.

"Yarr, you still with me, Misty?" Jackie asked the faerie that clung to her mane.

"vIjaH chuH 'e' vIHar!" the little fey screamed back.

Jackie spun around in the air and led with her sword. "Come at me, you stubby dragon!" she shouted out. The frilled lizard collided with Jackie and the two plummeted to the floor.

Jackie vs. Frilled Lizard
Jackie: 5 + (1d6)[4] = 9
Lizard: 4 + (1d6)[1] = 5

Jackie pushed against the lizard with her wings and slashed with the Science Sword.
The blade sliced through the monster's gut and it hit the ground with a hard crunch as it flattened under the weight of the pegasus. Jackie was jarred from the crash, but the lizard absorbed most of her momentum. She bounced up to her hooves... and then stumbled backwards.

Jackie turned and braced herself with her forehooves, scraping them against the stone ground to protect her little companion from falling as well. The pegasus wiped the lizard's blood off herself. Her left foreleg hurt from the tumble.

"Well that was a fun tussle," the pirate said cheerfully. "Except for the colliding-in-midair part, but I sure did pull off that tight loop. Not an easy trick with this here low ceiling. Arrr, did any pony see how I totally keel-hauled that..."

She looked around and noticed that her companions had already dealt with the other monsters and she was just rambling to herself. "Ah, right. So, which way did that Nagapon go?"

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 6, Medals 1, Gold 50g

Achievement Unlocked: Frills and Chills (Defeat a Frilled Lizard)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-03, 08:23 AM
Distance counter: 10
Explore Phase

The enemies fell. The spider crushed, the lizard slashed, and the zombie...

"GRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The holy water had the same effect on the undead that pouring acid over a living pony would. Cursed flesh withered and burned.

"I... will... return!" Heartsbane managed to cry out before her captured body gave up completely. The heavy metal claw dropped to the ground with a 'thunk', before scrabbling away, using the razor sharp fingertips to crawl behind one of the bookcases in the study.

"Hey! Get back here!" Scarlet yelled. She pulled the bookcase back to reveal...

"Oh, good. More tunnels." A secret passage behind the bookcase. Classic dungeon building. The nagapons knew their stuff. The claw had been moving fast, it had already reached the far end of the tunnel. A dim light could be seen right at the end. "I bet that snake escaped down there."

The corridor lead to something that looked kind of like a temple. Torch sconces illuminated greenish-grey walls covered with eldritch writings and depictions of nagapons at war with ponies or worshipping some kind of giant winged serpent.

A large stone door slammed down over the entrance once the ponies were inside.

"OHHHHHHohohohoho! Sso you have returned!"

The voice came from above, standing on a balcony. The same nagapon from the laboratory.

"Princess Viper, I presume?"

"Oh! You've done your ressearch I ssee! Not that it matterss. You five have run around my lairss long enough. My last experiment may have been a failure, but I have learned from my lessonss. Why create one weapon when you can have thousandssss?"

A strange noise could be heard. A fast scratching, tapping sound, like the sound of thousands of tiny legs scrabbling against stone.

"My newest petss are 100% loyal, and 100% magic-proof. Do have fun, won't you? OHHHHHHohohohoho!"

She turned to leave, and from the same balcony came insects. A swarm of what looked like roaches. Thousands of them, each with a glowing rune on its carapace...

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1003_112045.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1003_112045.png.html)

Note: With boss rules, loot is 5g + treasure roll, level is 24.

Scarlet equips her Captain's Spirit. "Bring it on!"

2013-10-03, 09:46 AM
A swarm of what looked like roaches. Thousands of them, each with a glowing rune on its carapace...

Jackie's eyes went wide with fear. Her experience from her life on a ship was that vermin were not an uncommon thing onboard; A nest of roaches, maybe a hoof-full of beetles, an occasional rat or two... but this... this...

Words failed the pegasus as the writhing swarm undulated toward the party. Jackie couldn't move. She couldn't draw her weapon. Her wings were locked tight to her sides and her hooves were as planted as a ship's mast. It was when Misty grabbed Jackie's left ear and bit it hard that the pegasus finally snapped out of her terrified trance.

"By Posideon's trident," the pegasus muttered. "I've ne'er before seen the likes of this... this horror."

Jackie's forehooves shook as she drew the Space Sword. She repeated in her mind not to run. The team could win this if they worked together. There were two unicorns with them and their magic was a keystone to their success. Their magic was a lucky albatross, a light in a thick fog, a...

"Err, wait. What was that about being magic-proof??"

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-04, 01:01 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 40g

Scarlet eyed the incoming mass of bugs with a mix of disgust and avarice. A battle against a horde of deadly foes! Sure, they were just tiny bugs, but it was still one vs. thousands! The bards would tell tales of her mighty deeds for years to come! She quickly pulled out the juicebox she'd saved earlier. A good refreshment to give her the energy she'd need for this fight.

(Scarlet uses her Refreshing Juicebox. +1 bonus to all rolls in the combat phase.)
Earth pony +4
Slashing talons +2
Captain's Spirit +1
Armour of Thorns +1
Sparky +1
Juicebox +1
Total +10
+1 from battle horn if needed

"Err, wait. What was that about being magic-proof??"
"Don't worry, Jackie! They may be magic proof," said Scarlet, raising her claws. "But I bet they're not blade proof! Sparky! With me!"

Scarlet rushed ahead to meet the oncoming swarm. Then suddenly, she stoped and returned to the rest of the group. "Oh, by the way, I named the Phoenix Sparky," she said, pointing to the bird hovering at her shoulder. Sparky chirps in response. The pair of them dived at the swarm of bugs, Scarlet slashing with her claws while Sparky wreathed its body in flames and flew through the mass of insects like they weren't even there.

"Mwahahahahaha- Ew! Ick! Get offa me!"

[roll1] edit:+4 for earth pony race. total: 14

2013-10-04, 01:42 PM
"Don't worry, Jackie! They may be magic proof," says Scarlet, raising her claws. "But I bet they're not blade proof! Sparky! With me!"

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 6, Medals 1, Gold 50g

"Aye, but makes this no less unnatural!" the pegasus cried.
The mass of insects crawled ever nearer and the pegasus beat her wings quickly to lift off the ground. She stumbled through the air over the swarm. The mana roaches piled up and jumped off each other to reach her. Jackie raised her blade to strike at the reaching pile of insects.

She hovered too near and the mass brushed up against her rear legs. Several insects latched on and began crawling up to the pegasus' back. The faerie Misty panicked and jumped in front of Jackie's face just as the pegasus began swinging. The tickling sensations and her lack of sight left the poor pegasus franticly swinging her sword around in every direction.

"Ugh! Misty, I can't see!" Jackie shouted.

"raD yIlo'!" the faerie yelled back.

Jackie: 5 + (1d6)[2] = 7
Swarm: (1d6)[1] = 1

2013-10-04, 07:50 PM
Heal Turn

Heal didn't like the look of those bugs. Actually, he didn't like the look of most bugs, not being a gardener or somepony which regularly deals with them. [Censored] Jim, he's a doctor, not a veterinarian! Well, still, bugs probably fry about as well as everything else. Heal lit up his horn, setting up a small firewall as he prepared himself and... and just watched the roaches...

Did they just eat his wall of magic fire?!

"Ohhhhnononono, I'm not getting paid enough for this!" Heal swung his weapon at the oncoming swarm, rather concerned that the finely crafted staff of magical might was aiding him as little more than a bug zapper!


2013-10-04, 08:42 PM

Yu wavered between weapons, unsure which would be the least ineffective against the small creatures. The sword probably, though the way they just ate away the wall of fire, maybe that hadn't been the best choice. Too late now though, as the bugs were on to them, barely staved off by the wild swings.

Of course, hooves! Yu, drew back, then charged forward into the swarm, trying to trample as many of the little things as possible.


It seemed to be working, as long as the hooves didn't keep around long enough to get latched onto. Yu turned and prepared for another dash.

2013-10-05, 12:39 PM
Bugs? Magic eating bugs?

Knives does what any dignified lady would, in this situation she runs around screaming, wide eyed, knees high. Did I mention screaming?



2013-10-05, 06:50 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 6, Medals 1, Gold 50g

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! ...and silence.
Jackie stopped swinging once she noticed that the crawling menace was quieter than a calm sea at midnight. She shook her wings and felt several... small masses fall off them. She dared a peek around, and she saw that the swarm was dead. Indeed, the party was surrounded by piles of crushed, mushed, ground, and smeared roaches.

This was vaguely better to Jackie than when the creatures were moving.

Jackie pulled the still frightened and screeching Misty off her face. "Will ya stop wailing like a banshee? I think the swarm's done fer."

Misty took a quick glance around, and then jumped into Jackie's mane for safety. Well, at least she wasn't crying anymore. However, Jackie found that yet again a bath was listed high on her priority list of things to do once the team left this dismal place.

"Right... so where's the way out of this cursed temple?" Jackie asked as she looked around. She flew up to the balcony and only saw more corridor. Did it lead out? To another part of the dungeon? It didn't look like whoever that creepy... was it Swiper that Scarlet called it?

Well, whatever the name, it had fled the scene. Again.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-06, 04:24 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 45g

"That... was gross." And no where near as satisfying a fight as Scarlet had hoped. It was a massacre, pure and simple. And now her hooves were covered in bug guts EW EW EW! Sparky had managed to stay clean by simply burning the insects off of its body. Lucky bird.

She watched Jackie fly up to the balcony where the Princess has escaped through. "Well, I guess that's our best option."

Deciding that she didn't feel like waiting for a lift from the pegasus or a flight spell from the uncorns, Scarlet used her claws to climb up the wall.

Or, she would have done, but jamming the first claw into the wall caused a brick to shift place slightly. Testing it with a hoof, she pressed it in and the wall swung back to reveal a hidden space behind it.

"Hey, look at this! A treasure chest!"

All adventurers gain 5g for defeating the bugs, plus...

Yu draws Reclaimed Gauss Rifle
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1006_221029.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1006_221029.png.html)
Knives draws ???
Hidden until SiuiS gives the okay
Jackie draws Cartographer's Cap
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1006_221122.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1006_221122.png.html)
Heal Turn draws Enchanted Maid's Outfit
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1006_221139.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1006_221139.png.html)
Scarlet draws Magical Tiara of Divinity
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1006_221156.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1006_221156.png.html)

2013-10-06, 08:15 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 6, Medals 1, Gold 50g

"A treasure chest? Well now, guess bein' covered in bug guts was worth a little payoff!" Jackie cheerfully shouted. She glided back down and helped bring the chest out of the hidden space in the wall. With a swift kick, the chest opened up and revealed its many wonders to the team.

Misty swooped in and grabbed the lightest item she could lift, a sheet of paper folded into a cap. She placed the paper cap on Jackie's head with a big smile. Jackie however, was more puzzled than anything else.

"Uh... thanks?" the pegasus said with a confused look. "I hope this is a treasure map to more booty." The pirate noticed the gleam of a really nice rifle leave the chest and move into the darkness of a shadow. Was that Yu? Hard to tell, he was a real quiet one.
"Ooh, I could use a rifle like that," Jackie muttered.

And then her paper cap shifted form and clunked her on the head with all the assumed weight of a solid gauss rifle.

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 6, Medals 1, Gold 55g

2013-10-07, 05:51 PM
Heal Turn

Heal breathed heavily, rather thankful that his staff was enough to fend off the magic-consuming bugs. Who the heck makes magic-consuming bugs, anyways? There should be a law against that. Although come to think of it, whoever made them probably wasn't big on following laws anyways.

A bit late to the party, Heal looked around at the treasures the others were collecting. Some kind of steampunk rifle? Interesting, but not really something he'd find too practical. A paper hat that turns into a rifle? Well that was certainly a nifty price. He saw Scarlet taking out what was clearly a magical circlet - he'd check to see if Scarlet was inclined to trade that for something, and Heal was certain that it would be quite better than his current hat.

Still, an interesting selection. Weapon, magical hat, shapeshifting paper... perhaps these were pieces of equipment for someone. Actually, that made sense! Weren't the Negapon trying to assemble some kind of pony creation down here? Despite the situation, Heal was getting excited. They'd found a weapon, they'd found a magical enhancement. What was next? Perhaps some magic armor, which would make him indestructable in battle? Perhaps something granting him the ability to fly like a pegasus?

Heal cracked open his treasure, revealing...


Well, it wasn't armor per se. Maybe a magician's robes? That would make sense. He used a charm to clean the bug gunk off himself; no sense getting his new mage's robes dirty! Still, something seem off. These were awfully lacy robes.


After stepping around a corner and giving them a try, Heal noticed three things. First, they were rather drafty in the hindquarters. Second, he did not feel particularly well defended, or magical, or capable of flight.

Third, whoever had bought this with the intent of putting on a cobbled-together pony was really sick.

Mana 2, Tesla 0, Medals 1, Gold 75g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Enchanted Maid's Outfit - Miscellaneous (Sell 60g, Light)
+3 to Charisma rolls.
[Equipped]Chapeau of Conjuration - Hat (Sell 20g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Mighty Darksteel Axe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Bulky)
+2 Combat Strength
This weapon deals Chaos damage.

2013-10-07, 07:14 PM
First, they were rather drafty in the hindquarters.

Jackie sat up and nursed her terrific headache. Her paper cap was indeed a paper cap again. Whatever it did to change it's shape and conk her on the head was apparently not a long enduring effect, nor were the stars circling her head.

The lacy clothes on Heal Turn however...

Jackie rubbed her eyes to ensure she wasn't seeing things. She wasn't. "Err, Heal," Jackie muttered, as she tried to find a way to word her thought nicely, "I'm not sure that outfit, uh, matches yer style."

"SoH legh qaStaHvIS paH 'IHqu'," Misty whispered to Jackie with a giggle. The faerie made circular motions with her tiny hooves over the pegasus' shoulders.

"Eh? What are you babbling about?" Jackie asked.

2013-10-07, 08:33 PM


"Uh, maybe I should just... carry it back home. In my pack. Where nopony else will see it."

2013-10-07, 08:44 PM
There was a giggle from beside Heal.

"Perhaps not. I'm sure wearing it would get you all the mares." Yu drawled.

2013-10-07, 09:30 PM
"Bah, Heal don't need a fancy dress to get mares out here," Jackie said dismissively. "The smooth stallion gots us on an adventure with 'im."

Misty stifled a chuckle.

"Arrr, I meant that in a... what you call it? A plutocratic way!" The pegasus turned away and folded her fore-hooves together as the faerie curled up on the floor in a giggle-fit. "Ack! Why am I suddenly thinkin' how charming Heal is?!"

As Jackie was no longer viewing Heal with the outfit, her mind cleared up a bit. Misty finally stopped laughing. "Well that was a weird moment."

2013-10-07, 10:57 PM
Knives, having run in circles screaming non-stop for several minutes (and having become a light blue background sound such that nopony else realizes that, yes, she is still screaming) decides via mandatory metabolic processes to stop running, and, indeed, stop screaming. Probably because she is a much darker blue than her normal dusty grey coat. Possibly, from all the screaming.

Fwuh. *faints*

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-08, 05:33 AM
Scarlet tested out her own treasure, putting the magical tiara on her head. Just for fun, of course. "Hey, look at me! I'm a Princess! Give me a castle!"

She turned around at a 'thump' sound behind her. "Alright, perhaps we should get out of here," she said, looking at the now unconscious Knives. She picked up the fainted pony and began climbing up the wall once more. It wasn't until she reached the top that she noticed that Knives wasn't touching her, she was floating in the air behind her, a magical glow surrounding her. The same glow that surrounded the tiara she was wearing. "Well I'll be a desert rat! Magical jewellery! Not my style, but handy to have."

The doorway at the top led out onto ledge in a cliff. Perhap the group had gone up without noticing? In any case, there was no sign of the Nagapon who had called that swarm of gross bugs. The adventurers might as well head back to the city to rest.

(All adventurers earn one medal, plus an additional medal for each skull counter they had.)


Several baths and a good night's sleep later...

"I'm sorry, Captain Cacophony isn't here right now. Come back with your report later."

"Well, that'll save us an earful for a while. I guess we'll check the market place."

Market Turn

Buck coin passes to Knives

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1008_112536.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1008_112536.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1008_112622.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1008_112622.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1008_112558.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1008_112558.png.html)

Scarlet equips her goggles.

2013-10-08, 07:35 AM
(Don't forget to update your equips/medals on the Spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgEntF9igYMudDB4ZVVfSlRyZ2hMdmlQNkFRMmFhY 3c&usp=sharing))

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 6, Medals 3, Gold 55g

It was a hot and dry morning in Urbem Sanctam.
Jackie got up early because she wanted to find out if there was a way to understand Misty better. The pegasus wandered the market place with the faerie sitting on her back. The little fey was whistling an eerie tune, but seemed happy about it so... Jackie supposed there's no accounting for taste.

She couldn't complain. Most pirate songs she knew involved booze and debauchery.

Unfortunately, the markets were a place to buy stuff, not research fey languages. There was poacher at the corner exotic fur shop, but for obvious reasons the pegasus didn't ask him for help. Jackie wondered if Misty could read and write in the common tongue? Maybe the purchase of a quill and ink was in order.

Speaking of shopping,
Jackie decided to hold off on fey communications for now and relieve her backpack of some deadweight. Her pack was full of stuff that she didn't think she'd find use for, so she went over to Nick-Nack's to barter for some quick cash.

"Come! Come! See what goods I have to offer!" the old stallion shouted to the passing crowds.

"'Ello Nick," Jackie said with a grin. "Can I interest you in a few trades?"

"Ah, the pegasus returns. I see you have made friendship with the fey."

Jackie glanced back at Misty. The faerie had stopped whistling and hid in Jackie's mane. "Aye, she be with me. Not for sale."

"Of course, of course," the charcoal-coated stallion said as he stroked his chin with interest. "Well I've got coin and I've got merchandise. Let's see what kind of deal we can make."


Short Bow (+30g)
Banish Beastie scroll (+10g)
Summoned Sword scroll (+15g)

(If anyone wants to buy them off me, I'll accept the sell price).


2 Tesla units (-10g)

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 100g
[Market Turns used: 0/3]

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-08, 11:31 AM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 45g

Scarlet had also woken up early, mostly just to have another bath before heading out. She said goodbye to Sparky the Phoenix, who had stayed with her for the night but had decided to move on again, possibly to go find friends and family.

Heading down to the market she overheard Jackie talking with a seller. Apparantly she was trying to sell some of her loot from the expedition.

"Hmm. That scroll looks interesting. Mind if I take a look?"

She read over the Banishment scroll with great interest. "Ah yes, an enchanted scroll with a variation of Star Sprinkle's arcanographic banishment spell, if I'm not mistaken."

She dropped the scroll.

"Ack, I think this tiara's having an effect on my head! Still, the scroll might come in handy. You're willing to sell? How's 10g sound?"

2013-10-08, 12:48 PM
You're willing to sell? How's 10g sound?"

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 100g

"I certainly agree to your terms," Jackie replied. "Not that Nick offered me a lower offer so much as selling it to keep it within the group is a better deal, savvy?" The pegasus picked up the scroll and handed it to Scarlet as the faerie whistled in awe of the earth pony's shiny tiara.

Jackie raised an eyebrow. "By the seven seas... Am I the only pony here that don't fancy herself wanting to be a princess?"

"I was one in a past life," Nick-Nack commented freely.

Jackie had no words.

2013-10-08, 08:01 PM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 100g

"I'm goin' to get a drink," Jackie muttered to herself.
She put distance between herself and Nick-Nack princess incarnate, but where to go she wasn't sure. She stopped in front of a cart full of snacks and beverages, but nothing struck her as particularly appetizing.

"Can I get you something?" the scrawny yellow mare behind the cart asked. She noticed the faerie on Jackie's back. "Oh, isn't that adorable! Where did you find such a creature?"

"I've been exploring some tunnels with a team. Working under order of Captain Cacophony Tight Pants to catch a Nagapon." Jackie looked over the meager selection. Everything was warm too. "Ya got any rum?"

The merchant shook her head. "Nay, we're out of it."

Jackie was about to ask why, but that sounded silly. Her attention was taken when Misty climbed up on top of the pegasus' head and pointed to a juice box. Jackie picked up the small container of sugar water refreshment.

"You want this, matey?"

Misty nodded with a big smile. The merchant interrupted. "One should remain hydrated in this desert climate, and she does seem really thirsty."

"You know much about princesses faeries, lass?" Jackie asked the merchant.

"No, I'm afraid not. Only the tales told to little fillies at bedtime."

The pegasus sighed and hoofed over the money for the juice box. Jackie decided that perhaps quill-and-ink was still on the table for an idea. That or mutually learn sign language seek a wise sage in the market give up. She decided to go to the temple and ponder.

Maybe the great and powerful goddess had an answer.

Purchasing Juice Box

Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 90g

Market Turns used: 1/3

2013-10-08, 09:01 PM
Heal Turn
Mana 2, Tesla 0, Medals 3(?), Gold 75g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Chapeau of Conjuration - Hat (Sell 20g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Mighty Darksteel Axe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Bulky)
+2 Combat Strength
This weapon deals Chaos damage.
[ ]Enchanted Maid's Outfit - Miscellaneous (Sell 60g, Light)
+3 to Charisma rolls.

Heal had decided to NOT wear the maid's outfit around down. Despite the possibility of getting a better sale from it, he did have a reputation to keep. Well, okay, he probably didn't. But at least he didn't have a reputation of wandering around in miniskirts to avoid keeping! Or something.

Still, he wasn't quite sure what to do with it. It was probably useful, technically, although awkward to be seen it. He was currently wandering around the market at the moment, looking for a sale of his axe, when a voice made him remember a thought he had earlier.

"Ack, I think this tiara's having an effect on my head! Still, the scroll might come in handy. You're willing to sell? How's 10g sound?"
"Oh, hello Scarlet. I wanted to ask you; were you interested in parting with that crown? Perhaps for some coin, or possibly a trade?" He tips his own hat in acknowledgement.

2013-10-10, 08:21 AM
Springboard Jackie
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 90g

The temple of the divines...
Well, not so much a 'temple' as it was a refurbished tavern with applied adobe walls and an opened plan. Still, it served its purpose to provide relief and non-denominational faith to the masses of Urbem Sanctam and its visitors.

Jackie wandered inside and sat on a bench in the corner. She pulled off her paper cap and pondered over the object. She had a few things on her mind, the main one being what was going on in the ruins around this town. She came here in search of fortune to buy her own ship and crew, but somehow she was caught up in some dangerous nagapon plan. What was the name of that leader of theirs? Hartsbane? Viper?
Jackie wished she was a bit smarter like the others to keep track of little details like that.

"Is this seat taken?" asked an eldery blue-gray mare in a hooded black cloak.

"Nay, you're welcome to it," Jackie replied as she slid over for the mare to sit down beside her. The pegasus continued to fiddle with her cap in thought.

Misty gave the old pony a curious glance. While the mare's face was obscured by the hood's shadow, Misty seemed genuinely intrigued by her long silvery-white mane. "Dun je HoSghaj?" the faerie asked.

"jIHvaD ruch malja'chaj vIlegh," the old mare replied.

Jackie snapped to attention and turned to the blue-gray mare. "Wait, ye can understand the fey language?"

"Yes, although my knowledge is a bit rusty," the old mare responded.

"Can ye teach me something of it?"

The old mare shook her head. "That would take quite a bit of time, and you have much work to be done first."

"Eh?" Jackie grunted with a confused expression. "Do I know you?"

"No, but I've heard of you," the mare answered. "You are part of that team hunting the nagapon in the ruins. I've heard you are close to succeeding in catching their leader."

"Arrr, I don't know about that," Jackie said crestfallen. "I feel like the fourth sail on a three-mast galleon. I'm befuddled by who these nagapons are and half the team keeps talking about princesses and stuff-"

"Does that matter?" the mare interrupted. "Despite your lack of understanding, you're still with them. That shows loyalty."

"I guess..."

"Allow me to let you in on a little secret," the mare said with a toothy grin, "Keep your audience focused on what you can do, and improvise the rest. You are but one piece in the jigsaw puzzle. Find where you fit in, and embrace it. You are a pirate, a fierce sailor of the sea."

"Aye, but there's no ocean around," Jackie pointed out.

The old mare thwacked Jackie on the noggin. "Don't correct me," she said sternly. "The ocean does not make a pirate any more than magical trinkets make a powerful magician. A real pirate will still inflict piracy no matter the terrain. You look the part, you act the part, but you must *feel* the part."

Jackie was starting to understand the old mare's words. Her friends never lost their identity working as a team. Scarlet was still a hot-blooded warrior despite getting along well with others, Yu was one with the shadows, but still never far away to assist, Heal always had faith in lending his magic to defeat the monsters and Knives... um, well was a really pretty princess?
But Jackie, she wasn't acting herself. A real pirate confidently takes on their opponent with words and swordplay, dares to take the risks for rewards, and never passes up an opportunity to snag some swag along the way.

"Arrr, you're right, I should loosen up and be more like myself!" Jackie finally said with resolve.

The old mare grabbed Jackie's cap and placed it firmly on the pirate's head. "Atta girl. Oh, and this cap, it can mimic the abilities of your friend's equipment. Just think of what you need the cap to be, and it will do the rest."

"Uh... what?"

"Nevermind. You'll figure it out," the mare said with a chuckle as she stood up and walked away. She gave a farewell wave of her hoof.

"DaH bImej, Dun 'ej HoSghaj qa'!" Misty shouted out with a wave.

"legh rIn jackie jIH. ghaH lem naQ Seng," the old mare responded with a smile.

Jackie stood up and walked outside the temple. Maybe she wasn't the smartest pony, or the prettiest pony, or even the most magical pony of the team, but Jackie was one thing that they were not. She was a pirate, and by the trident of Neptune, she was going to excel at it!

"Look out nagapons!" Jackie shouted outside the temple. "Jackie is going to crack open a keg of plot-kicking and serve it up cold!"

"Hey lady!" shouted one of the guards across the dusty street. "If you're going to shout like a drunken wino, take it to the tavern!"

...The pegasus ducked away and returned to the marketplace quietly.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-10, 01:12 PM
Replacing the juicebox:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1010_190955.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1010_190955.png.html)

2013-10-11, 04:03 AM
Knives C'Pon3

Mana 3, Medals 3, Tesla 0, Gold ??

Knives wakes up, dizzy, disoriented, and curled tightly into the fetal position, wrapped in mechanical wings.

Yeaaaahhhh... So, that happened. Uh, what was it that happened exactly, though? Guys? Knives looks about, at the other ponies far off enough to not hear her, though close enough to keep her shiny semicorpse in sight. She blushes. Guys? Yeah, I uh, I have to go... Do.. A thing.

Knives picks herself up with her namesakes, shakes herself off— runs, flees, screaming almost, madly in terror for just a heartbeat as a crushed bug corpse falls out from her metal feathers. But no, she keeps it together. This time.

Urbem Sanctem is a big place, but not that big, not for a pony as grand and royal as the Princess Cutlery DuPonyy III (by which of course we mean not for a pony as sneaky, conniving, and larcenous as Knives C'pon3, of course; But don't tell her that!), and yet there's nothing. The usual shops, and towers, and the occasional cloud, but nothing, just the whole of Urbem Sanctem, surrounded by craggy hills, or whatever it was really surrounded by (she hadn't really been paying attention).

Oh, but clouds and craggy hills? There's an idea.

It would have to be low to the ground, of course. No wings for half the group, means no lack of floor entrance. So, knives moves about and investigates further, and happens to find, plastered with boards and a FOR SALE sign, a small cottage with adjoining and now superfluous lookout tower, from one of the city's prior expansion cycles. From before they thought to include the wider vistas, from when they thought a few walls and towers and cheerful lookouts could keep them safe. Surprise; Nothing passive could keep them safe. Not with *shudder* Her still out there.

There is a light. A small, almost lantern-bright flickering through the boards, and so Knives approaches.

The inside is dark. Waaay dark. Darker than it should be, reminiscent of the dungeons, except wasn't there a light? I mean, come on, this isn't even narratively consiste— Knives stills her thoughts, cuts the narrator rudely short, and watches a lion's tail swishing in silhouette. Around the corner of the abandoned house, there sits, quietly, a griffon, who stares at a section of stone wall, wings still, tail aflutter. This is where the lantern-light comes from, but rather, candle light; dozens of candles, enough to give a faint and steady glow almost like a cartoon campfire. The air is awash with the smell of incense.

I can year ya, you know.

Eep! Knives eeps. Uh, Sorry. I'm, uh... She takes a chance. I think I'm looking for Griselda?

The griffon's head turns like an owl's. It is very creepy. Griselda was my mother.

Oh, uh... Well, here. Knives finishes lamely, holding out a single knife, with a gilded chain and some sort of locket or medallion on it. The griffon's body turns, equally slowly, and for a moment Knives wonders if this is one of those horror story scenes with the expensive sounding effects, like ponies with backwards heads who move backward toward you, stuttering in time. But, instead, the grifon just moves with characteristic, aquiline grace and harshly grabs the thing between two talons, turning it over in the candle light. Her eye is green, like a hunting cat's, and the other is milky, heavily lidded, and deeply scarred. They both subtly glow in the ambience.

I uh... I found this. On a zombie pony guy? He said 'Griselda', but I—

The griffon simply yanks the chain off the telekinetic knife, and walks calmly back to the impromptu shrine, where she spits on the incense and douses all but one of the candles.

The temperature plummets, despite the secure walls there comes a howling, and a sensation of falling, a deep, low wind. Above the stone, shrieking in twelve voices all raw with varied emotion, is the emanation of a ghost - a griffon, eyes almost sightless, talons dripping blood and chest torn open and weeping. She begins to shriek, to howl, and then descends, bloody claws spreading, beak, growing, elongating beyond all—

Yeah, hi Mom. Look, I found this. Dad's dead. You're dead. He's at rest, you should be too. Can we both cut this out now? the griffon asks the ghost. This is kinda embarrassing. I can't sell the house, and I need to pay my tuition fees. Here.

The ghost's eyes focus, taking in first the daughter, then the medallion. She scoops up the now-glowing medal, croons. And vanishes. The daughter, nameless, stands, and walks past Knives toward the exit amidst the sound of hooves and rustling feathers. Thanks, she calls back. There's a relic under the altar stone. I won't be needing it to hold her anymore. It's yours.

Knives, indeed interested in rewards and treasure, in a way unbefitting a lady of her status, eagerly moves forward and rams the altar stone, knocking it away from a finely honed, neighponese knife.


Oh Man! This. Is. So AWESO— Wait, hoof-sounds? What?

Knives runs outside just fast enough to see the hippogriff fly off into the dark.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-11, 05:31 AM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 35g

Scarlet had only just finished her trade with Jackie when Heal Turn spoke to her.

"Oh, hello Scarlet. I wanted to ask you; were you interested in parting with that crown? Perhaps for some coin, or possibly a trade?"
"You know, I would be interested in trading. I think this thing is designed for a unicorn, or perhaps just somepony smarter than me. I don't really need much coin at the moment, but if you have... anything... you..."

She didn't manage to finish her sentence. Something Heal was holding had caught her eye. It looked like a dress. Why Heal had a dress she didn't know, and didn't feel the need to ask. "Mind if I look at this for a second? Thanks," she said, grabbing the dress without waiting for a response.

It was beautiful. They didn't have anything like this back in the desert. Such an outfit would be highly impractical; it would just get dirty and torn and there was no hood to keep the sun off your face, nor sleeves to protect one's legs from sandstorms. It had a skirt and a bow and all these little lacy bits that Scarlet didn't even have words for. Growing up in a community where water is the most valuble resource, Scarlet never really got much chance to enjoy luxury items or play dress-up. This outfit would be awkward to fight in but it was pretty and frilly and girly and Scarlet wanted it ever so much.

"I'll trade you the crown thingy for this beautiful dress," she said with wonder in her voice.

2013-10-11, 08:16 AM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 90g

A patch of clouds drifted over the marketplace...
Desert climates rarely see rainfall throughout the year, but any pony who bothered to study this particular patch would have noticed that it was unique one very peculiar way--

It waved the Skull and Crossbones.

Jackie and Misty peered through their little cloud fort down at the market. From this vantage point, Jackie was able to see most of the stalls on any particular street, but she was more interested in the shadows.

The pegasus saw an earth pony jeweler put on some specialized goggles to peer closely at some merchandise. Jackie thought about the goggles and her Cartographer's Cap responded in kind by dropping a pair of lenses from a fold in the paper. Now Jackie could get a slightly closer look.
She had figured out the cap's effect earlier, after a period of trial and error at the tavern.

"Alrighty little shadows, where Yu be hidin'?" Jackie whispered to herself. The cap didn't keep the lens effect for long, but just as it retracted the eyepiece, Jackie spotted the tinniest glint of movement from a shadow.

"Qapla'!" Misty gleefully chirped as she saw the glint as well.

The pegasus grabbed the cloud with her hooves and dove down at the shadows. "Yarr!" Jackie shouted as she sped into the market and collided with the shadows.

Like a tigger to pooh bear, Jackie pounced the shadow and rolled over him out into the light. The clinking of coins and jewelry spilled out onto the street. The pegasus sat triumphantly over her victim. ...except it wasn't Yu that Jackie had pinned down. In fact, it wasn't even a he, but a she.

"nuq ghoS QIH neH vISovbe'," Misty said sadly.

"Get off me, you cretan!" the dark blue mare bellowed.

Jackie hopped off her, but didn't back off. "First of all, it's pronounced 'Cretin'. If yer going to insult me, at least do it right."

"What's going on here?" A guard shouted as he approached. He noticed the spilled loot all over the ground. This was quickly accompanied by the nearby merchants that were chatting.

"Hey! That's the thief!!" one merchant shouted.

The dark mare kicked Jackie and made a run for it. The guard blew a whistle, which did nothing to slow the crook down, but Jackie did one better.

"Misty, fastball special!!" The pegasus grabbed the little faerie, pulled back, and launched her like a javelin. The little fey zipped through the air like a bullet.

"QujmeH tal moQ!!" Misty shouted in a panic as she struck the thief in the back of the head.

The dark blue mare tumbled on the dusty ground and was quickly flanked by two more guards. Jackie caught up with Misty and picked up the dazzed faerie. The pegasus held up a hood. Misty looked on with confusion, still processing the fact she was just used as a weapon.

"It's a hoof bump, silly faerie. Like this." Jackie demonstrated the art of the 'Hoof Bump' and Misty quickly learned to mimic the stroke. The guards took in the thief and wandered off.
"Well, not even so much as a thank you," Jackie muttered. "And no sign of Yu anywhere in the shadows. Darn! I was hoping to make a trade with 'im for that rifle."

2013-10-11, 12:07 PM
Heal Turn
Mana 2, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 75g

"What? Oh, wait..."

Heal had taken the time to clean up and fold the maid's outfit into a nice little square package, all nice and presentable and with a cute little bow on top. What? No, he just happened to have the ribbon lying around, and just happened to know how to make cute little bows. He wasn't enchanted by the outfit or anything! He just throught it would be better. In case he planned on selling it.


Anyways, it was just a bit embarrassing to have a mare suddenly yank a frilly pink-bowed package out of his bag, open it up, and start showing off a dress to everyone. Ponies were staring. They were saying things like "Now what was a colt like him doing with something like that?" And "Getting something like that for his marefriend?" And "Mommy, show me how to make pretty bows like that one!"

Wanting to quickly get out of there before he was wrangled into an impromptu ribbon-tying class, he tried to wrap things up quickly. "Sure thing that sounds great Scarlet here you go!" he got out quickly, handing her the rest of the outfit while snatching the tiara in his telekinetic grip. Red in the face, he hurried off, hoping to regain some of his stallionhood with selling a big manly axe to a shopkeeper.


A short time later, a voice can be heard crying from the weapons' tent.

"It's a powerful magical artifact! Not a Pretty Pretty Princess Crown!!"

(Trading Enchanted Maid's Outfit for Scarlet's Magical Tiara of Divinity.)
(Selling Mighty Darksteel Axe, unless somebody else wants it.)

Mana 2, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 100g (assuming sale)
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Chapeau of Conjuration - Hat (Sell 20g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.

2013-10-11, 05:37 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 225

"And no sign of Yu anywhere in the shadows. Darn! I was hoping to make a trade with 'im for that rifle."

"Oh were ye now?" came a voice beside Jackie, and Yu stepped into view. "And let me guess, you were going to give me this fine hat for it." With one fluid motion, the hat is removed from Jackie's head, and the rifle put in it's place. "Very well, I accept! For with this hat, one wields the most powerful weapon of all!" Yu gave a twirl, holding the paper hat up in the air, then leaned in close. "Imagination!" Yu tossed the hat, now folded into an origami crane, into the air, clapped fore-hooves around the tail, and took off into the sky.


Minutes later, Yu landed on the other side of the city, and quickly slipped down a basement staircase. Inside, an old brown stallion in a decrepit hat sat in the midst of a large mess of chemicals and arcane machinery. "Purple, I have brought you an object to test your machine." announced Yu, pulling the large flail from a bag. Before the stallion could object, Yu had placed it into the bizarre contraption in the middle of the room, and pulled the lever on the front. The device hummed and dinged, and tiny bars of gold began to pour from a slot on the front. Suddenly, there was a bang, and voluminous clouds of smoke began to pour from the joints. "Wait, no, it's not calibrated for darksteel yet!" cried the alchemist in distress, but it was too late. Yu, and the gold, were already gone.

Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 210
(Bought some Tesla too, still no market actions used)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-11, 05:54 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 35g

"Sure thing that sounds great Scarlet here you go!"
Scarlet squeed loudly and rushed off to find a changing room somewhere to try on her new dress. What's that? Why would she need a changing room when she's naked anyway? Well she couldn't just get dressed in the streets like an animal, could she?

After finding a small clothing store that would let her change she quickly discovered that this outfit required more work to put on than a desert cloak. There were ribbons to tie on and shoes to lace up and what on Earth was this?

Eventually, and with the help of an assistant, she donned the outfit.

"Oh wow, it suits you, madam!", said the assistant.

"You really think so?"

"Absolutely. You look lovely." The assistant sighed deeply, which Scarlet considered a little odd. Perhaps she just really liked the dress.

Scarlet thought it was about time she went shopping for supplies, so she stepped out into the market place.

She quickly noticed she was turning heads where ever she went. Stallions, mares, children, animals; they all watched her as she went past. It was a little odd for Scarlet. She was no stranger to attention, being a hero back in her home town got her used to cheers and offers of buying drinks, but the general staring and murmers of "so pretty~" were a little unnerving. Was there magic in this dress? Perhaps she should have saved it for a special occasion.

Her thoughts on the dress were pushed aside when she saw a small object for sale that caught her attention. It was a feather, red with hints of gold at the edges. It reminded her of Sparky, her temporary phoenix friend. The tag next to it confirmed that it was a phoenix feather.

"Excuse me," she said to the seller. "how much for this?"

The large, gruff stallion behind the stall turned to look at her. "Oh,well, normally it'd be 40 gold. But for a beautiful young lady such as yerself, a mere 20!"

Perhaps, Scarlet thought as she tucked the feather behind her ear, I'll wear this dress a while longer.

Buying Phoenix Feather. Replacing it is
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1011_235104.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1011_235104.png.html)
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 15g

2013-10-11, 06:46 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 90g

"eh, ruch Pinkie chab net poQbej."
One of the merchants tapped Jackie on the shoulder. "Excuse me, were you talking to some pony?"

"I ain't going to lie to ya," Jackie stated. "He flew away." The pegasus leaned against the merchant's stall and looked over the acquired rifle. It was very old and needed some work, but if Jackie could get it working it would be a beautiful weapon.

"Is that... gauss powered?" the merchant asked.

Jackie shrugged, but then she thought about the old blue-gray pony. "I acquired it from the depths of a dungeon. Massive nagapons everywhere, but I snatched this rifle after I took them down with my crew. Bang!"
She made the motion of firing the rifle.

"It appears to have seen better days," the merchant said.

"Ah, but the best day has yet to come," Jackie stated. "If only there were a sciency pony around who'd help me restore it a bit. I certainly would make it worth their while."

The merchant smirked. "Alright, lass. I get the hint." He took some pieces apart and put some pieces together. Jackie paid attention and took some mental notes on it's inner workings. It was certainly more complicated than a commonplace black-powder pistol. It was like science and magic... Together!

Jackie picked up a bottle with a grenade in it. "Hey, I'll take this as well and round up the service if you polish my sword as a courtesy," she stated.

"Sure!" the merchant replied. After the work was done, he handed Jackie the equipment. "Alright, it's not perfect, but it'll shoot straight. Just don't try to use it like a club."

"Thank ye kindly," Jackie stated as she dropped coins on his table. As the pegasus walked away, the merchant called out.

"Say, aren't you a bit far from the ocean? You know, given your occupation?"

Jackie smiled. "'Tis an ocean of sand out thar and I intend to sail it just the same until the nagapons are keelhauled." The pegasus continued to walk away, equipped with a new weapon. As she moved through the market, she scribbled 'Hartsbane' on one of the potions.

Purchasing the other Potion of Explosion.
Equipping the Reclaimed Gauss Rifle
Nicknaming the rifle 'Long Tom'.

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 70g

Market Turns used: 2/3

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-12, 02:34 PM
Replacing the potion of explosion:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1012_202741.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1012_202741.png.html)

2013-10-12, 07:30 PM
Heal Turn

Having sold off his axe, Heal looks around at whatever else they have for sale. Not much of interest showed up, although there was one particularly annoying merchant.

"Come get your holy water! Holy water here! Works best against curses and dead folks! Fresh and holy, straight out of the cistern!"
"Are you attempting to say 'Sistine' with that?"
"Yeah, sure buddy. Whatever you like."

Still, after checking it over, it did indeed have holy magical properities. Heal figured that he'd buy it; it was most likely to be splashed on an undead anyways.

[Purchased Holy Water]
[Market Turns 1/3]

Wandering around a bit more, Heal did come across one pony in particular he was looking for. He came across Knives, who for once didn't seem particularly crazy and busy looking over a sword. Strange; didn't she have a hat previously? Well regardless of reason, Heal figured that getting the most out of the unicorns of the group couldn't be a bad thing. Without a word, Heal walked up to Knives and plopped the Chapeau of Conjuration on her head.

"Enjoy your new hat, and new spellcasting with it."

Mana 2, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 85g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Holy Water - Single-Use Item (Sell 5g, Light)
1. Negate or discard a curse card in play, or
2. Target an undead monster and deal 3 instant damage to it.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-13, 09:47 AM
Replacing the holy water:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1013_154345.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1013_154345.png.html)

2013-10-13, 10:32 AM
I... What?

Knives looks up, and can't see anything. It's like there's— Oh! A hat! She is wearing a hat. Okay.

Um... Thanks? She calls out to nopony in particular. If they saw fit to gift their princess with magic hats, she wasn't going to argue any.

Knives decides to spend some time working the thunder clouds, now that she is a Princess and can do that sort of thing. Finagling a few for the local tinkers (even with a bit of cheating magic, but hey! Princess) into place, she gets a full mechanical and magical charge for her newfound robowings, before heading to the Halls of Greatness and Power.


To what does the Great and Powerful owe this generous donation, pilgrim?
The Stagemare asks, holding the bag of coins.

Oh, that's not donation, dear mare. No. Knives begins, as imperious as she can be (which is admittedly not so much imperious as, uh, snooty). That, dear mare, is a down payment. I'm buying these halls. They will be my castle and the seat of my power.


Yes. A Princess such as myself should have a pretty princess palace, of course, =from which to rule. Do you not agree~?

The priestess of the stage, worker of wonders o'er wide-eyed foals, She who speaks for the Great and Powerful, hefts the coins, rubs her chin, and thinks. Finally, Well, The great and Powerful cannot fault you for thinking big... She eyes knives, up and down, before smiling. The sod will probably get killed in the next dungeon anyway. And we could always use more landscaping, the gardens are a mess. They do not properly capture the grandeur and potency of our liege lady.

[Spend 50Gs on Tesla fill-up]
[Spend market action refilling mana]

Mana 11, Tesla 10, Medals 3, Gold 10

Named Sword Kusanagi - Weapon, Blade (Sell 100g, Light)
+3 Combat Strength
This weapon increases the combat rolls of all ponies with Flight by +1

[Equipped]Wings - Misc. (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Grant Flight for 1 round for 1 tesla.

[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Holy Water - Single-Use Item (Sell 5g, Light)
1. Negate or discard a curse card in play, or
2. Target an undead monster and deal 3 instant damage to it.

uhg. Will edit later.

2013-10-13, 02:29 PM
Replacing the holy water:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1013_154345.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1013_154345.png.html)

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 70g

Jackie passed by an armorer's shop where a small crowd was gathered.
She looked on as two merchants were selling off some newly arrived armor to the highest bidder.

"Step right up and check out our new furred chaps!" one of the merchants said. "They keep you warm at night, protected in a fight, and if you need carrying capacity then they're just right!"

Jackie raised a hoof "Oi, them chaps keep you dry for say, getting into a dungeon fight with sea creatures?"

The audience turned to give the pegasus a confused look.

"What? It's a legit question," Jackie said defensively.

The second merchant cleared his throat. "That they could! I'm not sure where you'd fight fish out in the desert, but you certainly would be kept dry."

"You wanna know where?" Jackie asked. "I've been huttin' Nagapon in the ruins outside of town, savvy? There's a big nest out there and my crew have been busting them down to keep yer town safe."
She showed off a few scars she got fighting the giant clam. "So yeah, I be interested in yer chaps."

Buying the chaps (unless blocked?)

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 45g

Market Turns used: 3/3

2013-10-13, 02:56 PM
Heal Turn

Heal takes a much-deserved rest, getting everything cleaned up and ready for the next adventure.

[Resting to recover mana.]
[Market Turns 2/3]

Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 85g

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-13, 04:52 PM
Replacing the chaps
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1013_222611.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1013_222611.png.html)

2013-10-14, 12:42 PM
Lady White Mist, Blessed Faerie
Mana 10, Tesla 0, Medals 0, Gold 0g

"I've seen queens shoot straighter than you!" White Mist scolded.
The mid-morning sun gleamed off Mist's golden hair as the faerie watched the pirate shoot several cacti at the edge of town. It was a case of 'the blind leading the blind' since neither of them were marksmen, although White Mist recognized the rifle from an age long ago when they were commonplace tools of war. The training was made harder by the fact that while Lady White Mist could magically understand Jackie, the spell effect was not two way.

"No, no, no!" White mist shouted. "Keep both eyes open! You lose your depth perception with just one eye!" She flew over to the pegasus and poked Jackie's brow until the pirate opened both eyes.
"Yes, now breath slowly and lead the target."

There wasn't much leading to do as cacti in this part of the world didn't move, but just the same the pegasus seemed to drift to the right with her shots. Jackie pulled the trigger and completely missed the center cactus. In the distance, a large bounder was not so lucky.

White Mist sighed.

"Listen, you cross-eyed muffin-eating bubble-head," the faerie muttered, "You need to adjust your aim. You keep shooting to the right."

Jackie frowned as it was clear the pegasus didn't understand a word she had said. White Mist sat on the pirate's head for a minute to think. She wanted the pegasus to succeed. After all, she was indebt to Jackie after the pegasus saved her life from the giant clam... and admittedly, it was a bit fun to interact with the mortal pony races again. Especially with Jackie's friends, as the Knifey one was a princess!

Lady White mist was hit by inspiration. She quickly scrounged up some leaves and twigs, and made a makeshift faerie out of it. White Mist placed the faerie doll on the right branch of the center cactus.

"Okay, pretend that's me there," she said, pointing to the doll. "The cactus is a monster and you have to save me. Now, aim left-ward and shoot!"

Jackie appeared to hesitate for a moment, take aim, and then pull the trigger. It wasn't dead center, but the shot hit home upon the cactus. Jackie let out a cheer of accomplishment and White Mist clapped her hooves. The pirate finally understood how to adjust her aim for this rifle and the next few shots all hit near the center of mass.

Lady White Mist sat on Jackie shoulder as the pegasus sat down to drink from her canteen. The faerie took a sip from the juice box and watched the clouds drift by.

"Thanks fer your help," Jackie said happily.

"You're welcome," White Mist replied, "But I'm still going to get you back for throwing me like a dart at that thief earlier." She patted the oblivious pegasus on the head and continued to watch the sky. That beautiful shade of blue had not changed in all these years...

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-15, 02:53 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 15g

"Hey, you!" A voice yelled out. A stern looking older mare trotted up to Scarlet and poked her in the side. "Where the heck have you been!?"

"Huh? But-"

"No! No more excuses! You have a job to do so do it already!" Without waiting for a response the mare pushed Scarlet into a nearby building. As soon as she was inside, the pony thrust a broom into Scarlet's hooves. "I will not tolerate lazy maids! Now you're going to clean this place from top to bottom and I'm going to watch you like a hawk to make sure you don't sneak off again."

"You've got the wrong-"


"Yes Ma'am!"

Scarlet didn't know what it was about this mare's voice that was so commanding, but she suddenly felt that disobeying would be a really bad idea. With all her combat experience she never felt frightened, no matter how big or ferocious the foe, but something about this made her feel threatened like she'd never felt before. Perhaps she'd just clean up this house for a while.

(Using all 3 remaining actions to do some work.)

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 75g

2013-10-15, 05:51 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 210

Yu sat at the top of one of the highest buildings in U.S., eyeing down the sights of the paper rifle at the street below. The mark would come into view any moment now; the head of the procession had already rounded the corner. One moment more... Bazinga! retorted the rifle as it was fired. A perfect shot! The mayor's dread biletoad was dead, and the people were once again free! Yu hefted the bag of gold paid for the hit contemplatively before placing it in the already bulging saddlebags. The rifle was carefully packed away, transforming into an innocuous paper crane, before carrying the master assassin from the roof down into the crowd below. Yu smirked at the mental image of the guard ponies' faces as they found their quarry had escaped once again.

[Using all market actions to do some work] (But was it real?)
Gold 290

2013-10-16, 01:01 AM
Heal decides to spend his free time in the office. It's been awhile since he was last there, after all. Work went surprising smoothly, with unusually few complaints for this time of year. Perhaps he was building up a reputation? Or perhaps it was the scythe he kept hung on the wall in his office.

Heal Turn
Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 105g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Holy Water - Single-Use Item (Sell 5g, Light)
1. Negate or discard a curse card in play, or
2. Target an undead monster and deal 3 instant damage to it.

2013-10-16, 08:04 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 45g

Jackie stood outside "Captain Tightpants" barracks waiting for her friends...
The late morning sun began to grow hot upon the sand. It was almost as hot as the guard captain himself, who apparently was angry about something as Jackie could somewhat hear his raised voice coming from inside the building, but Jackie wasn't sure what it was. Perhaps it was because her team didn't catch that Heartsbean villain yet?

Well, you can't rush perfection.

The pegasus sat down on a square stone and pondered the things this Headsbane guy was doing. He had that 'female dog' named Princess Viper (seriously does this title just pop out from boxes of breakfast cereals?) who built Heartsbake's odd monsters. There was the odd pony stitched together and called an... alicorn? Then there was the mana-sucking roaches...

Ugh, Jackie didn't want to remember that fight.

Despite the ick-factor that no doubt would ensue, perhaps the prudent course is to bring back the body of the next experiment that the team took down. Assuming it doesn't eat them first. Maybe some pony in town could figure out Heartspane and Viper's plan.

"Excuse me, miss?" one of the guards said. It didn't interrupt Jackie's train of thought so much as derail it into the hull of a battleship with the loss of all hooves.

"Aye?" Jackie said simply in reply.

"Did you want to see the captain?" the guard inquired. "I noticed you've been sitting out here for a few minutes."

"Nay, I'm just waiting for my friends to get here," the pegasus explained. "Scarlet is the one who's been talkin' with your captain. I ain't one for team debriefing."

"Alright then," the guard said. He almost seemed to fidget for a moment. "You... your part of the expedition looking for the nagapons, right?"

"Arr, that I be," Jackie answered.

The guard stepped closer. "I know it isn't my place to ask, but," the guard whispered, "I was wondering if you could do a favor for some of us?"

The pegasus nodded as she stood up. "You have my word as a pirate that I can help... not that a pirate's word is worth more than a swig of grog, but you get what ye ask for."

"QaQ SuvwI', Jackie," Misty added.

"But I didn't say what I would like the favor for."

"Bah, details," Jackie dismissed. "What do ye need?"

The guard pulled out a small locket and held it out to the pirate. "This belonged to one of the guards. He died a few weeks ago. He wore a locket just like it. If you happen upon the body, you think you could... return it to him?"

Jackie smiled. Ah, so even here on land superstition and respect for the dead were not completely uncommon. "You and the other guards want to pay your respects to 'im, eh?"

"QaQ yIDIl Heghpu' wIqelDI', maHeDnIS," Misty said solemnly.

The guard nodded. "He was a good friend."

"Aye, I'd do anything for a good friend as well," Jackie said as she pocketed the locket and looked in the direction of the markets.

2013-10-17, 04:44 AM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III
Mana 11, Tesla 8, medals 3, gold 20

The Grrrreat and Powerrrrful thanks you for your time and donation! the High Stagemare declared, loudly. She stamped the earth pony's Karma Kard, before gesturing and shouting NEXT!
Things were moving smoothly. With Knives' money and a few favors, the temple to the Great and Powerful was able to begin building at he foundations of a small keep right there in the middle of town. Sure, there wasn't enough money to even get past the trench-marking and some floor work, at first, but the spectacle of building a keep right there? That took some brass, and also some gold, and if there was one thing ponies looked for in a religion it was the ability to have and use gold.

That 'faithful petitioner' seemed to have meant 'voluntary labor' slipped right past most of the new converts until after they had spent a few hours in the yoke. Digging or laying stones. But with that one bard paid off, and a merry jig zipping from the fiddle, the work went quick – and the spectacle of a real, honest to goodness Princess (kind of) flying about, making adjustments and coordinating with that obviously royal accent, why, who wouldn't donate to that cause?

Or to the princess herself?

[two work actions. Market phases 0/3 remaining]
Mana 11, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 60

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-17, 06:33 PM
After hours of sweeping, dusting, and scrubing, Scarlet was finally able to placate her new employer and get away. At least she'd gotten paid a respectable amount for her work. She made her way to the barracks to report in to the guard captain. She figured that her companions would already be there, given the amount of time she'd just spent cleaning.

Her companions. She had to admit, they were a bit of a strange group. The mysterious stalker, the noble cleric, the pirate without a ship, and the thief princess. Truly, anypony from any background could be an ally of justice. With such heroic partners by her side, Scarlet was sure they would be able to wipe out the evil hordes of the nagapons.

There seemed to be a commotion going on at the north east end of town. There was a lot of shouting and yelling. Perhaps a party or parade? No, there would be music in that case. A protest? A riot? No. A loud noise rang out over the city.

"That was a battle horn! We're under attack!"

Moments later, ponies began running from that direction in droves. They were screaming and tripping over each other in an attempt to get away from the attack. Scarlet was nearly knocked down several times, and it was only by grabbing hold of a nearby lamp post that she was able to stop herself from being swept away by the stampede.

"It must be the nagapons! Those snakes must be loony to try and invade now!" Scarlet ran towards where the horn had sounded, confident that her companions would be doing the same.

When she got to the north easten square, a terrible battle was happening. The guards were trying to push back the nagapon invaders, but the nagapons had monsters on their side. Nagapon summoners had conjured giant lizards and swarms of Viper's mutated insects to attack their foes, a necromancer created a phantom pony from a fallen guard, and nagapons wielding some kind of magical prods were forcing huge elementals to destroy buildings.

This was war.

Adventure turn begins

Explore phase

Knives draws BEEEEES
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1017_223428.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1017_223428.png.html)
Jackie draws Soldier Phantasm
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1017_223504.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1017_223504.png.html)
Heal draws Nagapon Soldier
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164510.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164510.png.html)
Scarlet draws Frilled Lizard
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144315.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144315.png.html)
Yu draws Docile Earth Elemental/Nullroach Swarm
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1017_223621.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1017_223621.png.html)

2013-10-17, 07:51 PM
This was war.

Jackie took to the sky to get over the stampede of panicked ponies. Unfortunately, her airspace was clouded up by the bee swarms around her. Misty held on tight as Jackie tried to zoom around the thickest patches of the insects to get at the undead.

"War?" the pegasus grumbled as she shrugged off a couple stings. "No... This. Is. Pest Control!"

[Equipping Long Tom (rifle) and readying a movie quote.]

2013-10-19, 08:31 PM
Knives C'Pon3Princess Long Name the Inconsistent

Mana 11, tesla 8, medals 3, gold 60

The horns of war sounded. The drums of war, also sounded. The march of war, while not sounding, was in progress, and clearly making sounds. Knives had the most important thought any princess could have.

My castle! They'll knock it over, we just started!

Scarlette was down there, highly visible with her Bright Colors and also Dramatic Combat Screams. Yu was obviously engaged in combat, else Yu would probably be visible, because if the ninja is invisible then obviously they are doing ninja stuff. And in the thick, crazy monsters of rock, and crystal, and also rock, and snake tailed enemies, and most importantly...

Beeeeeeees! Knives shouted, as she was assaulted by bees; massive, tangled swarms of them, all flying and buzzing in some sort of insectoid attack formation (or possibly just a random cloud) and clustered around a snarling, laughing Nagapon in a terribly unfashionable hat. The bees were clustered mostly around it, like the nucleus of some dastardly bee-moeba.

A sword rings, clarion, in the night. The wind itself begins to move from it's sluggish pace, crying for retribution. And from the top of a precarious and cartoonishly tall, incomplete tower, a pony who is not a Pegasus runs, leaps, and dives.


2013-10-19, 11:15 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 45g

Pirates had many superstitions. The two worst? Albatrosses and the undead. While the phantasm of what was once a soldier shambled along the ground toward the townsfolk, Jackie was pretty sure the necromancer was giving her the bird...

The pegasus landed with a hard thud against the sandy ground and raised her rifle up against the nagapon necromancer. "Yarr, disrespecting the dead is a pet peeve of mine, witch."

"Puh! The dead are *my* pets!" the necromancer hissed back. "My phantasm is going to butcher you like a steak!"

"I think you got yer occupations muddled," the pegasus replied. She pulled back the bolt on the rifle and took aim.

Two fillies screamed as the phantasm drew upon them. Jackie snorted angrily and darted over to intercept the undead. "Misty, draw the kids away!" the pegasus shouted. She slid in front of the phantasm and pulled the trigger.

Jackie: 6 + [1d6][4] +1(sword's bonus) -1(bee's anti-bonus) = 10
Phantasm: 5 + 1d6[3] = 8

Blam! The phantasm reeled back from the shot.
It took a wild swing, but Jackie leaned back to avoid its reach. Misty circled around the two children and led them away from the battle. Jackie jumped forward and kicked the monster down onto its back. It swiped at her legs and the pegasus wrestled out of its grasp. With a quick action of the bolt cycle the round she took aim for the head.

"Fourth rule of zombie huntin'," Jackie muttered, "Double Tap."


Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 55g

Achievement Unlocked: Doubletap (Kill an undead single-hoofedly)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-21, 05:35 PM
-1(bee's anti-bonus)
(The bees are already dead)

Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 75g

Slashing Talons +2
Captain's Spirit +1
Armor of Thorns (B) +1
Battle Horn

Scarlet rushed to aid the guards, who had been caught completely unprepared, but a shadow passed overhead and a big ugly lizard landed in her path. Scarlet dived to the side to avoid its bite attack and took a swipe at it with her claws but the creature retreated out of range and climbed straight up the wall of a nearby building.

"Hmph. Neat trick."

The lizard flared the flaps around its neck and hissed loudly.

"Bah! I'm not afraid of you! Come down here and fight like a mare!"

The creature obliged and leapt off the wall to dive attack Scarlet...


...but the pony was quicker! Two quick swipes to the creatures belly was all it took to finish it.

"Where did the nagapon come from? This many shouldn't have been able to just sneak in. Did they break through the walls?"

Scarlet decided to go find her friends. They'd be much stronger together. She moved quickly, stopping only to take out a few lesser nagapons hassling the guards.

2013-10-25, 04:58 AM
Heal Turn
Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 105g

Heal ran out into the street, looking at all the commotion. An attack? Here? Wasn't the whole point of attacking the Negapon to get them away from the city? Still, while such questions loomed, now was not the time to consider them. There was a more immediate threat to be concerned about, and one unicorn cleric was here to put a stop to it.

He stumbled into a problem almost immediately. Between the animated chunks of ground attacking buildings, and the summoned creatures, Heal spotted one of the creatures causing the havok - a Negapon, attacking one of the town guards! It looked like the guard wasn't fairing well in the exchange, clearly not familiar with fighting one of the Negapon. The way things were going, it didn't look like the guard would come out of this exchange victorious.

No need to allow that to happen!

Heal raised his staff, charging. The static charge in the metal staff built up, arcing a warning bolt over the Negapon's head. Seeing the chance, Heal yelled to the guard, "Run!" while confronting the snake-creature.

"Oh, a braver one! How noble of you to offer yourself."

"What are you doing here?" cried Heal. "We've beaten you back in the sewers and the dungeon. Why do you keep returning?"

"Yes, that is the point. Such valuable materials and research lost." The Negapon glanced up to the tiara on Heal's head. "Bringing back one of our treasures, along with offering yourself as recompensation? How very considerate of you."

Heal stiffened, not liking the sound of that. He readied his staff to attack. "You aren't getting anything like that here. Not over my fallen body!"

"Yes, that was the point, my little pony."


2013-10-25, 01:39 PM
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Skulls 0, Gold 290

Yu cautiously approaches the giant earth monster that is patiently digging through the cobbles of the street and levels the crossbow at it. "You, elemental, stop that!"

The elemental halts digging and looks up, rumbling, before prostrating itself in the hole.
"Nay, Elemental, you needn't gravel. Let me guess, your controller is dead?" asked Yu, looking around at the finished battle. The elemental rumbles again.
"Do not take for granite that your fate is set in stone. I'm a down to earth pony, and since your unicorn has bitten the dust, I see no reason you should keep digging this hole. That you think you're a chip off that old block is boulderdash."
The elemental rises and rumbles once more.
"I dig it, you're a real gem you know. I'll take that then, and sand you on your way." Yu hops up to the elemental's shoulder, and rips off a chunk of rock that looks to have some gems in it. The elemental lets the pony down again, then turns and stomps away.

Yu turns to the others and grunts. "Hgg, speaking to earth elementals always gives the most earth-shattering headaches afterwards.... What?"

Gold 305

2013-10-25, 07:50 PM
"Hgg, speaking to earth elementals always gives the most earth-shattering headaches afterwards.... What?"

Jackie plucked the last bee stinger off her foreleg and rubbed the wound. "Arrr, well if yer done playing with your rocks, me thinks there out to be an entrance these nagapons came out of and we need to be entering it with all due haste."

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-26, 05:09 PM
"Alright Habu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habu_%28disambiguation%29), just concentrate. Remember the lesson."

Nagapon Wizard (in training) Habu furrowed his brow in concentration. He waved his hooves, spoke the arcane sylables, and...

"Ugh, ew! What happened master? These were supposed to be giant beetles!"

The master wizard wrinkled his nose at the sudden horrible stench. "Hmm. Giant larvae. Did you remember to account for temporal variance?"

"Uh... which one was that again?"

The master facehoofed. "Honestly Habu, you shouldn't be forgetting these things at this point in your training. It's the one where you make the sign of the barking owl with your left hoof and speak the phrase 'A'bik shll'uh'kan'. Do it again."

"Uh, right. Let's see... A'bek shil'ooh'kam!"

There was a puff of steam and a sound like a rusty gate being opened. Amidst the steam sat a small metal object. Moments later the object sprouted eight small legs.

toot! went the steam-powered spider, which promptly ran off.

For a moment, there was silence. Then the master was able to pick his jaw up from the floor.

"I have absolutely no idea what you just did."

"Well, I-"

"Do it again."



Princess Viper slithered out of the tunnel exit, flanked by a pair of soldiers. The illusion that had hidden the tunnel and its occupants from view had worn off, its pupose now complete. Behind Viper, a nagapon worker carried a small golden chest.

"Exxcellent! The invasion iss proceeding sswimingly," she commented.

"Yess, your majesty," replied one of her soldiers. "The ratlingss sskill at digging really paid off. Our ssummonerss are busy calling our sstrongesst creatures to destroy the wretched poniess."

"Perfect! You!" she turned to the worker, who jumped at her voice. "Keep closse. I may need use of the lamp in that chesst."

She slithered on, confident that nopony could stand in her way...

Explore Phase

Knives draws Steam-Powered Spider
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221726.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221726.png.html)

Jackie draws Bloated Larvae
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221827.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221827.png.html)

Heal draws Savage Rat Pack
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221846.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221846.png.html)

Scarlet draws Nagapon Princess
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_222133.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_222133.png.html)

Yu draws Pony of the Lamp/Nagapon Soldier
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_222057.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_222057.png.html)

2013-10-26, 08:55 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 55g

Jackie saw more forms coming from the direction the last batch came from. As the creatures slithered through the dusty clouds of the ground their nagapon features became evident.

A second wave.

The pegasus raised her rifle and put a hoof on the bolt. "You scalawags picked the wrong town to show yer scaly hides!" Jackie's faerie friend stood on the pegasus' head, turned around, and patted her plot insultingly.

"Scoundrels aren't even takin' cover," Jackie mused to Misty. She pulled back the bolt and-


The bolt jammed in mid load of the next round. The pegasus tried to wiggle the bullet out of the chamber, but it wouldn't clear quickly enough. "Son of a sailor!" Jackie cursed. She slung the rifle over her back and drew the Science Sword. "Guess we do this by the scientific method. Ready Misty?"

The faerie held on to Jackie's mane and nodded. The pegasus kicked off the ground, sword in hoof, and with her heart beating mightily in her chest, she shouted the battle cry her former captain used on every ship raid since she was a filly.


Equipping the Science Sword.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-10-28, 05:01 PM
Scarlet spotted Jackie in the middle of a battle. She arrived just in time to see the pegasus' spectacular battlecry and charge.

"Yeah! That's the way to do it! Show 'em who's boss!"

But while she watched the fight (she didn't need to join in, Jackie was fine) something crept up on her.

"Ew, gross! What is that smell!?" Behind her, a mass of disgusting larvae were crawling towards her. They didn't look dangerous, but they sure were repulsive.

"Ya know what? I'm not dealing with this. At all." She pulled out the scroll she'd bought from Jackie earlier. "Begone!" she yelled, and the mass of writhing insects vanished, along with the smell.

"Well worth it," she muttered. She decided she needed to go find something to fight that wasn't going to make her vomit. Rushing off, she dropped her hat...

Dropping the hat for Knives

2013-10-30, 08:15 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 55g


The once fairly organized stacks of nagapon forces quickly scattered like a nest of roaches when one turns on the light. The little pegasus pirate zipped in a straight line in between dodgy opponents, swinging her blade around more for intimidation than actual damage.

What she initially aimed at was a swarm of insects, but they had vanished so suddenly that Jackie wondered if they were really ever there. Perhaps they were a summoning that fled from her? Eh, who cares, they were gone and good riddance!

Jackie slowed down to a light cruising speed as she noticed that the entire second wave was now behind her. Her friends were still in their initial draws and marching up to meet them, but while they appeared a hardy bunch to take on the invaders, the pegasus didn't want to leave the field in case one of them needed a little help.

She flew up and took position on a low drifting cloud and watched from this vantage point. If a third wave came, she'd spot them early. If not... well Jackie was pretty sure gravity could deliver some "Friendship" to an ally if the nagapons overwhelm.

Misty broke out the juice box again and Jackie unjammed her rifle. The two began to shout incomprehensible obscenities at the nagapon, save for a few vague words that compared the nagapon parental lineage to that of a cheeky rodent and the Sambucus plant.

2013-11-01, 02:06 AM
Knives C'Pon3

Mana 11, Tesla 7, Medals 3, Gold 70

The wind whistles, and seen from the side in backlit, dramatic silhouette, Knives and Nameless Nagapon Wizard #4 face away from each other at twelve paces.

There is a sound like tearing paper, and a fine mist trails away from the wizard, spraying down the remaining bees. Knives stands rigid, eyes closed, sword held at the ready. Dramatically.


Hooves clomp down, everywhere. All the wheres. all of them. They are clomped down by hooves, dramatic and vengeful, hooves, which clomp. Down. All around. Constantly. And were it not for the resilience of it's fine, metal joints, its fine, electric current, and its fine, articulated exoskeletal structures,teh little spider would be crushed, mercilessly, beneath those strong, clomping hooves, dragged into dust by those long, slithering tails, and wrecked, utterly, utterly, wrecked, but the oncoming current of monstrous, naga-pony flesh.

But there is, hope. There is, light. There, at the end of the tunnel, there is a glowing, flowing, amazing beacon of safety, a rock in the fleshy warrior-sea.

Eight eyes whirr like cameras and tick as they revolve, and the whole, steam clouds leaving drops of perspiration, almost like, or, possibly identical to, sweat, beading on it's brow and thorax. The spider scurries to this stillness, hoping for safety to be found in it's lee.


Knives opens her eyes, wide, worried, afraid, looking around at the pressing throng of murderous serpents th—


Eyes close.

The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III opens her eyes into bored, patient slits. The teeming throng of fork-tongued demons in pony guise, their tails lashing and slithering like party ribbons trailing dying balloons through the dust, their strange oriental weapons gleaming in the low dark. The filthy commoners, come to usurp her crown, to steal her birthright!.

A long, light blue ribbon twirls itself into a cone, then a tube, then flattens as her great knife slides into it, sheathed and floating before her. She breathes in once, to set her royal posture, get her bearings. Her wings flare, quite dramatically, before filling with electricity charged with the colors of her magic and exploding. The thousands of feathers of glittering electric steel, like a petals falling, like fresh snow, wind-blown, all catch and stop. They begin to glow, to quiver, vibrant and blue, before flowing into a tornado, shaping... Shaping into...

I fear that as my Royal Assassin is at present busy with other affairs, it falls to my Majordomo to handle you ruffians.

Blades of metal fold and twist, forming the long, tubular spiked neck of a dragon, snout of polished alloy, eyes afire with electric blazing fury, and finally before the invading nagapon can sound the retreat there is among them a whirling dragon of metal and death. Its fangs, knives. Its body, also knives. The spines on its back, so like a shark's fin or a ships sail, once again, knives, led by the great oriental blade glowing demon's blue at the helm. Wind rushes donw it's gullet to be cut into a thousand thousand pieces, and to die screaming - the dragon's roar is the roar of wind lost in a cavern, it's footsteps the screams and thuds of nagapon soldiers falling as the better metal snake roars outward in a spiral, catching straps of fabric to clothe it's body, and finally coming to rest over The Princess' shoulder, somehow a discarded and familiar hat having come to rest on one brow, along with a twisted, broken bicycle wheel over an eye.

Cutlery Du'Pony feels a skittering, and hears a low, machine-like purring as a large robotic spider clambers it's way up to her back at the wing apparatus base. Cutlery looks at the spider. The spider looks at the dragon. The dragon looks toward the horizon, the very vision of a dramatic hero.

Above the spider's head, there may or may not be a tiny, cartoonish heart-bubble. Cutlery smiles.

Looks like thou art coming with me for a time, little one.


2013-11-01, 11:07 AM
Heal Turn
Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 125g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Holy Water - Single-Use Item (Sell 5g, Light)
1. Negate or discard a curse card in play, or
2. Target an undead monster and deal 3 instant damage to it.

Heal manages to fight off the Negapon Soldier, also just barely. He didn't get much chance to worry, though, as another problem presented itself. Another concern had crawled up out of the sewers with the Negapon, and it was skittering around the city streets.

"Oh, rats." Indeed, Heal.

He hefted up his staff. It wasn't a fun job, but looks like somepony needed to do it.


2013-11-04, 12:18 AM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony II

Mana 10, tesla 7, medals 3, gold 70

Hark! the princess remarks, dost thou spy something, Majordomo?

The giant, telekinetic knife-puppet nods as the princess strains under the massive weight of the wing-blades.

Well then, allow us to show these ruffians what-for!

The dragon shivers, and quivers, and almost comes apart, before the entire cloud throws itself bodily towards heal, only shaping back into a discrete serpent halfway across the field, and then it begins to snake around and through, severing tiny rat bodies in a maelstrom of neon blue violence.

[Knives assists, and throws her Throwing Daggers for 2 instant damage]

Beacon of Chaos
2013-11-05, 01:27 PM
The shrieking of the Rat Pack draws the attention of...
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1105_182300.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1105_182300.png.html)

2013-11-05, 02:46 PM
Heal Turn
Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 135g

Heal was glad to have a breather when Knives showed up. Imagine, getting throw Negapon and undead alicorns and everything else, just to fall to a bunch of rats. Still, Heal appreciated the assistance, as as soon at the ravenous rodents were rounded up, gave a nod of appreciation towards his savior. "Thanks, Knives. I appreciated the help."

Still, it brought up the question. What would make the rats swarm like that?

Walking over to the hole in the ground, Heal lit up his horn and took a look. There were no more rats, but a different animal was found. "Misses!" Heal cried out, recognizing the alligator from his first adventure. Or was it? "Um... that is you, right?"

[roll0] (5+ success)

The alligator gave a nod, apparently having noticed the disturbance from the Negapon moving on the village, and decided to come to assist. Heal and Misses were reunited once again, to thwart evildoers and fight crime on the dirty streets of this town, Whateverthistownnameis Urbem Sanctam!


Beacon of Chaos
2013-11-06, 12:49 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 2, Gold 85g

Slashing Talons +2
Captain's Spirit +1
Armor of Thorns (B) +1
Enchanted Maid Outfit +1

Scarlet couldn't believe her eyes. Viper! She was here, and out in the open! The earth pony grinned. That snake's arrogance would be her downfall.

The logical thing to do would be to cause a distraction, sneak around behind, then take out Viper before she got a chance to react. In other words, the logical thing to do would be to get to Yu to do it.

Scarlet was not one for logic or patience when brute force was an available option.

She charged forwards, giving the traditional battle-cry of her people: "YeeeeeeeARGH!"1

"Ah, I wass wondering when they'd sshow up. Guardss!"

Several Nagapon soldiers moved to block Scarlet's path. It took only a few quick dodges to get past them. She gave them a few quick swipes with her claws, nothing lethal, just enough to make them stop. She was focused on the Princess.

"Your reign of terror ends here, Viper!"

"To the contrary, you four-hooved simpleton! It has only begun!"

The nagapon hefted her staff at scarlet and a wave of shimmering purple energy burst forth. Scarlet was knocked back off her hooves, but she quickly recovered and charged for another attack. She leapt high, diving forward, claws outstretched. The Princess began casting another spell...


...but she wasn't quick enough. Scarlet's attack struck Viper in the shoulder, eliciting a screech of pain from the nagapon. Her hoof clung just barely onto her staff, and she swung it at Scarlet's head, dealing a light blow, but just enough to force the pony to back off. Scarlet tried to finish off the snake, but with her remaining energy, the Princess was just able to cast a teleportation spell.

"No! Get back here!"

"Hsssssss! You'll pay for thiiiissss!" cried Viper, as she vanished with a flash of white light.

"Darn it!"

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 3, Gold 135g

1As a battle-cry, this was not particularily clever, nor did it have any special meaning. However, it came from the heart, which was all that really mattered.

2013-11-06, 01:30 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 55g

Up on the small cloud, Jackie held up a scorecard with a '6' scribbled on it. This was outdone by Misty, who held up a card bearing an umlaut.

"Okay, now yer just making stuff up," the pegasus said.

"HIchop," the faerie muttered back.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-11-09, 01:04 PM
They were pushing the Nagapons back. With the aid of the adventurers, the guards had managed to rally up, with Captain Cacophony leading the way. Victory was in sight!

A nagapon battle horn sounded. "Regroup! We musst hold on until reinforcements can arrive! Summonerss, double your effortss! All remaining soldierss regroup near that pottery shop!"

"Why the pottery shop?"

"Don't ask questionss, just do it!"

The remainging nagapons, along with their goblin allies, retreated back towards the city walls. The summoners combined their efforts, calling forth giant lizards, wurms, and undead to combat the ponies.

Knives draws Group of Goblins
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172009.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172009.png.html)

Jackie draws Nagapon Worker
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172128.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172128.png.html)

Heal draws Confused Dongo
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172037.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172037.png.html)

Scarlet draws Room Filled With Pots
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172716.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172716.png.html)

Yu draws Burrowing Nilwurm/Umbra Phantasm
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172209.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172209.png.html)

2013-11-09, 02:36 PM
Heal Turn

"Hey, I think I see everyone!" Indeed, it looked like was converging on a... pottery shop? Why would anyone try to take over a pottery shop? He still saw Knives after she'd helped with the rats, and was noticing some of the others heading to the same location.

Very odd, as it seemed like the soldiers were picking their way carefully through it? Well, he wasn't about to let them do that!

"Misses, there they are - sneaking carefully through the store. We have to stop them!"

The alligator let out a roar in response, jumping through a window and smashing through the inventory to scare off the soldiers. "I meant stop them from sneaking, not stop them from doing it carefully!"

A few coins made their way into his pockets, though. Entirely by accident, I'm sure.


Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 145g

Beacon of Chaos
2013-11-09, 03:53 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 3, Gold 135g

Annoyed by Viper's escape, Scarlet was taking her frustrations out on the lesser nagapons. Her claws were a blur as she struck hard and fast against any snake pony too slow to evade her. When they began to converge around the pottery shop, the enraged earth pony found herself in the thick of the action.

Slash to the left! Dodge to the right! Don't worry about all those pots getting smashed, they're replacable, right?

Scarlet spotted a nagapon sneaking up behind Heal Turn, who had also come to battle the nagapon (with the aid of a crocodile, no less. Impressive). She picked up a pot and threw it, where it smashed against the nagapons head.

Oh! And some coins dropped out of the nagapons pocket! How fortunate!


Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 3, Gold 145g

2013-11-09, 05:37 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 55g
Achievement Unlocked from last round: Background Pony

Jackie watched her friends race to the pottery store. "Yarr, nuts to that," the pegasus muttered as she dove down upon the spent battlefield below her. "If I be want'n to go fight over some clay pots I'd... well actually no, there be no reason I'd ever do that."

"vItna' vaj silver chaH chenmoH jatlh vagh bits," Misty said with a grin.

Jackie remained at the rear position of the party and looted some of the nagapons the others had missed. Her keen pirate-senses tingled like radar to those corpses that were holding out!

Cash Flow: (1d6 x 5)[6] = 30g

Jackie stuffed the coins into her money pouch and decided to catch up with her friends. However, something shiny caught her eye. She sheathed the Science Sword and walked over to one of the dead nagapons on the ground. The pegasus spat onto her hooves and then moved the heavy body out of the way.

"Figures it had to be under the fattest one," the pegasus grunted.

With the corpse moved, Jackie beheld what looked like a finely crafted jade amulet on a simple chain. It had markings she recognized as magic symbols from the far east, which would put this jewelry's value at least a hundred coins depending upon it's enchantments.

The pegasus reached down to grab her prize when a large pickax smashed down upon the amulet and shattered it to bits. Jackie fell backwards onto her butt. She looked up and saw a bruised nagapon worker holding the shaft-end of the pickax. The pegasus hoped that the nagapon meant to hit her.

"That," Jackie angrily stated, "Was at least a hundred gold piece magical jade amulet!" The pegasus stood up slowly and took in a deep breath.
"So, what can I do you fer?"

"I am the chief foreman of the nagapon crystal mines!" the nagapon replied.

"And I'm the element of 'Who Gives a Flying Feather'," Jackie sarcastically spat back. "Guess what my cutie mark is!"

The foreman worker lifted his pickax and readied himself for another swing. "Your little surface world under the sun shall be destroyed!" the nagapon threatened. "Viper shall plunder your riches and lay your homes to burn under the fires of-"

"Yarr, I love it when somepony talks piracy with me," Jackie interrupted. "Do we get to ravish their women and put their children into the chains of slavery?"

"I'm trying to be serious here!" the worker yelled out.

"I am too, and I'm failing," Jackie stated indifferently. "See, my problem is that I was just looting some bodies, minding my own business, when some dirt-suckin' snake came up to me, smashed my prized booty, and then tried to impress me with a stupid empty death threat like I'm their drunk alcoholic mother!"

The nagapon worker swung his pickax at Jackie's head. The pegasus drew out her gauss rifle and parried his weapon. The dirty pick tip stood a breath's width from Jackie's face as the barrel of her rifle was just a hair askew of the negapon's neck. The two held their place, weapons still crossed.

Jackie smirked. "Be a dear and get mommy another beer, would you?"

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 85g

Rifle Equipped.

2013-11-13, 08:39 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Skulls 0, Gold 305g


There was a whoosh as Yu passed overhead, supported by a small pair of paper wings, followed by the crash of breaking glass as the flying pony went through the other front window of the shop with a little too much speed.

Yu landed face first in a large pot, which tumbled over, leaving the pony upright once again. Unfortunately, it was dark. That was no problem for Yu, who could see the flat wall of the pot a few inches in front of the goggles, as well as the coins that had been stored within and now sat around the top (well, bottom now). Those were a bit worrying, they might become a suffocation hazard if one breathed too hard.

Ninja training was nothing if not useful though. Devoid of most senses, Yu extended two hooves and felt the air, locating foes with the currents and the few muffled sounds that penetrated the thick clay helmet. With quick strikes, Yu leaped into the fray. As many innocent pots as nagapon fell to these ministrations, but at this point in the battle, little heed was being paid to collateral damage.

The hat is now wings.
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Skulls 0, Gold 335g

2013-11-14, 03:42 AM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony II

Mana 10, tesla 7, medals 3, gold 70

The princess surveys the ruins, the devestation, of her (soon to be, maybe) kingdom. The princess sighs. The nagapon army has struck, and is earing apart everything she ahs worked for! That's like, three hours of work, gone, and that's a lot!

Now, however, the battle is shifting, and the pony forces, led by the brave and merry band of adventurers led by Scarlett led by Princess Cutlery, are pushing back! Most of the civilians have fled, luckily, but this just leaves them ripe for the plucking. Even now, there, a small band of goblins is stealing a precious supply of urns!

You there! Cease at once! Do you know how many ponies died in the vase mines, extracting the precious ores needed to smelt those pots? the princess cries, Probably, like, a dozen maybe! So you should—

She is interrupted however, by the smashing sound of several pots breaking, and also by the repeated concussive force of being hit by several pots. Goblins seem to have really good arms for this sort of combat.

Fine then! Be it on your own head, goblin scum! We didn't want to be friends with you anyway!

The dragon, roaring, swoops down and around once more, scooping up the Princess into it's jaws. She emerges from it's back, riding the beast, somehow having come into possession of a jaunty hat cocked just so, and and on that hat, a mechanical spider, and on that mechanical spider, a smaller, but no less jaunty hat also rests.

The goblins might even, in their brief moments of frightened eternity before the tidal wave of blades hits, come to believe that the smaller hat is the more jaunty of the two, their souls transported to the bliss of Nirvana by the realization of such enlightenment.

Knives: Named Sword +3, Level +4, Wings +1, Spider +1
... Do I even have to roll? I cannot get lower than six on the die. My result is always 10 <_<


The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 10, tesla 6, medals 3, gold 80

2013-11-14, 10:18 AM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 3, Gold 85g

"Misty, you know what to do!" Jackie said confidently. The faerie chirped an acknowledgement to the pirate's command and then flew off at high speed towards the pottery shop. Jackie yelled back over her shoulder at the fae.

"I meant back me up!"

The nagapon foreman pressed harder against the pirate to win the deadlock. Jackie couldn't hold the serpent back any longer. She fired her rifle to deafen the nagapon with the crack of the electrical magnet inside and then dove backwards. The pegasus rolled under the swing of the foreman's pickax. The nagapon advanced with a series of quick strikes, but Jackie continued to tumble and dodge out of the way.

"Missed! Missed! Ya missed again, chief!" the pirate taunted. As the two combatants neared the pottery shop, Jackie spread her wings and jumped up to the roof of the building.

"Hey!" the nagapon shouted. "That's cheating!"

"Uh, hello? Pirate?" Jackie pointed out.

Jackie: 6 + (1d6 + 1)[5] = 11
Nagapon: 5 + 1d6[6] = 11

The nagapon leaped at the building and struck the wall with his pickax. It held him up and allowed the foreman to scale the building in one swing of his tail. He yanked his weapon off the wall and turned to the pegasus. "So what are you going to do now, chicken wings? Fly away back home to mommy?"

Jackie pulled back the bolt on her rifle. "I'm going to make you eat them words, ya scallywag."

The nagapon whipped his tail and tripped Jackie over. He dove on the pegasus with his pickax poised for her head, but Jackie reached out and grabbed the shaft, holding the swing back. The tiles on the roof cracked under their combined weight.

"Ha, you can't beat me without using your wings to cheat!" the foreman chided. "I'm bigger and strong than you!"

"I bet you I can whip your tail!" Jackie rebuked. She headbutted the nagapon off her and pounced. "And without my wings!"

The foreman coiled away and tiles shattered as Jackie's hooves hit the roof. The nagapon struck Jackie with the shaft of his pickax. The pegasus stumbled backwards unbalanced. The foreman jumped on her and crushed her against the roof with his weight. The roof buckled under the impact, bits of tile rolled off the slanted plane. "No, you can't!" the nagapon hissed as he pushed the pickaxe tip closer to the pegasus' head.

"Can tootin'!" Jackie muttered as she struggled to block the pickax from gouging out her eye.




Jackie turned the gauss rifle around to point at the rooftop. She pulled the secondary trigger and with a resounding CRACK the overpowered shot pierced through the weakened structure. The roof collapsed and both the nagapon and pegasus fell into the building. Jackie held her wings shut and twisted her body to remain above the foreman. The two combatants slammed into a large pile of shattered pots and roof debris on the ground.

The nagapon moaned in pain and then passed out. Jackie stood up, dazed, but accomplished as she loomed over the defeated creature.


(Spent 1 Mana & 1 Tesla for +1 Combat roll)

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 7, Medals 3, Gold 100g
Achievement Unlocked: Miners, not Minors (Defeat a Nagapon Worker)

2013-11-14, 12:53 PM
Heal Turn

Heal feels the ground begin to shake a bit and Misses tramples through the pottery shop. Shelves shuttered, ceramics rattles, and pots fell off the racks. Well at least I can blame the damage on the earthquake, Heal reasoned.

He spared a bit of magic for his alligator friend, giving it dragonfly-wings so that it could buzz around over the mess. "Now be careful with those! One bad hit, and they'll shatter like glass." Misses seemed to respond as only an alligator can, which is to say, by just looking forward with it's mouth slightly open.

Buzzing forward, they looked for more Negapon. He wasn't sure where they had vacated so quickly. Perhaps they didn't like the tremors? Or maybe slithered off when some alligator-riding pony smashed through the front window and started wrecking the place. Nah, that seems unlikely. Still, he headed towards the back door. Heal opened it up to not find a Negapon, but... what the heck was this?


Misses didn't seem quite as confused at the dongo as everyone else, deciding it was something appropriate to lunge and bite at.


The three thrasted around. Or rather, the alligator and dongo thrashed around, while Heal hung on and beat the dongo over the head with his staff. This wasn't going swimmingly! The final straw, though, was when the dongo crashed into the alligator, knocking it against a wall and causing the magic-crafted wings to shatter like glass.


With a bit of a temper, Heal lunged at the dongo, knocking it out. All thanks to Knives' Princess Cutlery's that one flying pony's magic sword giving him a boost.

Casting Crystal Wings on Heal, giving him flight.

It turns out Knives' Kusanagi gives +1 to combat rolls for flying characters, so that's another +1 for Heal, winning the fight without doing anything else. Whoops.

Mana 13, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 165g

Forgot that Knives' Kusanagi gives +1 to combat rolls for flying characters. Guess I didn't need to spend the mana or receive a support after all!

2013-11-16, 11:56 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Skulls 0, Gold 335g

The ground shook from the intensity of the battle. Then it shook more. Nagapon and ponies were tossed about like ninepins. Yu was tossed out of the now broken front windows, as part of the roof caved in under two combatants. Beams that looked like they could be structurally important followed, as the tremors increased.
Yu, unable to see the commotion, leaped from the ground, moments before the un-embattled nagapon sorcerer standing a few feet away finished her spell. The street ruptured with a rumble, and the nagapon gave a hissing squawk of surprise as she fell into the maw of the massive wurm that emerged from the earth. It bellowed a high-pitch challenge to the puny surface world in which it found itself, heard only by the city's dogs, before the eyeless head swivelled around, searching for prey.


With unnatural speed for such a large creature, it positioned itself directly in front of Yu, who was swooping around blindly. There was a thunk, then shattering sound, as the pot lodged in the wurm's mouth and was crushed. Yu, suddenly confronted by a wall of very dangerous looking teeth, kicked reflexively away as the worm's jaws snapped shut.
The wurm however, did not pursue. To it's throat, used to soft earth and juicy meat, the manufactured shards of pottery were like razors, and it gave a low rumble of distress that shook the earth. A few hacking coughs only managed to dislodge the rounded coins that had been in the pot, and the beast slowly slid back into the hole from whence it came. It had met the surface, and the surface had won!

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Skulls 1, Gold 355g

Beacon of Chaos
2013-11-18, 11:00 AM
The nagapon forces were routed, their last remaining numbers being picked off or driven away by the remaining guards. The invasion was over.

The adventurers had finally regrouped. Tired, but triumphant, they made their way back to the Captain's office to be debriefed and, with any luck, get paid.


Meanwhile, Captain Cacophony looked over the aftermath of the carnage and sighed. Dead bodies strewn over the place, buildings damaged by elemental attacks, a disgruntled pottery shop owner yelling something about compensation. This was a disaster! And who did they expect to clean up this mess? Her, that's who! She needed a break, maybe at that new salt bar down town.

Just then, a bunch of scraggly looking bunch of ponies approached her. They were carrying some weird looking weapons, one was wearing a maid's dress, another a paper hat, another had a pair of clunky metal wings on her back. What a mess they looked.

"Great, just what I need. I'm busy! What do you want?"

"Captain Cacophony?" said Scarlet. "We're the adventurers you hired to go into the nagapon caves."

"Oh yes, I remember. And clearly you did a bang-up job there, because obviously this attack had nothing to do with you lot screwing up!"

"Okay, but in fairness we think the nagapon princess is dead now, or at least severely injured."

"Well that's just fan-flipping-tastic! What do you want, medals?"

"That would be nice, but there's one thing we'd like to take care of first."

"And that would be?"

Scarlet grinned. "You."

Scarlet's claws flashed far quicker than Cacophony could react, digging deep into her chest. She spluttered and coughed up blood, before falling to the ground. Scarlet's eyes flashed green, as did those of her companions.

Just then, the real adventurers turned the corner...

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1117_113036.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1117_113036.png.html)

With Boss modifiers: Level 36

2013-11-18, 01:33 PM
Just then, the real adventurers turned the corner...

"...And then I said, 'Ship them? They're practically sleeping in the same bed!' Har, harr!" The pirate's laugh was cut short when her team just bumped into... uh... her team standing around the mortally wounded captain.

Jackie lifted her gauss rifle, but hesitated to aim. "Arr, it ain't five o'clock yet so I should still be sober. What in the seven seas is going on here?"

"What in the seven seas is going on here?" the other Jackie asked. She lifted the exact same gauss rifle off the strap on her back as well.

The two pirates mirrored each other's dumbfounded looks. Jackie wiggled her wings and then her tail. It was like looking at a very real mirror... or a twin. "Well, ain't this amusing," she muttered.

"Ain't it just?" the other Jackie replied.

2013-11-19, 07:53 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 7, Medals 3, Gold 100g

There was silence... too much silence.
"If no land lover is going to speak their peace," Jackie shouted, "Then it's time to release the ponies o' war!!"

"For the skull and bones!!" the other Jackie yelled out.

The two pegasi charged each other with rifles firing. The weapons screeched their resounding Crack! just before the ponies collided head on with one another. They dove and rolled through the air at each other with hoof strikes and wing slaps.

Springboard Jackie: [roll0]
Springboard Jackie: [roll1]

2013-11-19, 08:23 PM
Heal Turn
Mana 13, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 165g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Holy Water - Single-Use Item (Sell 5g, Light)
1. Negate or discard a curse card in play, or
2. Target an undead monster and deal 3 instant damage to it.

[Companion] Dynamic Entry Alligator
+1 Combat Strength
You gain an additional +1 Combat Strength when you support another adventurer's combat.

Heal snaps himself back to attention, with Jackie jumping forward. No time to think, so it's time to do! Heal starts off with a blast of magic, trying to get rid of whatever disguises their opponents were using (Null Zone) followed quickly by granting flight to himself, Yu, and Scarlet (Crystal Wings x3). With that done, he called back to Knives. "Hey, think we could get some flame support here?"

Mana 2, Tesla 0, Medals 3, Gold 165g


Total bonuses: (running total)
Combat Strength 4
+1 Staff of Lightning
+1 Dynamic Entry Alligator
+1 Kusanagi bonus (flight)
+1 Flame Techno Remix
Heal Turn Total: 14

Beacon of Chaos
2013-11-22, 06:10 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 3, Gold 145g

Slashing Talons +2
Captain's Spirit +1
Armor of Thorns (B) +1
Enchanted Maid Outfit +1

Scarlet stood dumbfounded at the sight before her. It was... her. An exact double, with claws dripping in pony blood.

She saw red (figuratively and literally) and with a primal scream she leapt at her clone. The copy fought back perfectly, mirroring Scarlet's fighting style and parrying every blow. Silver claws clashed over and over, until eventually the two ponies were locked together, claws stuck in a violent grapple.

Heal turn's magic tipped the scales in Scarlet's favour. Negating the changeling's magic forced it back into its original form, sans claws. The creature took to the air to escape Scarlet's attacks, hovering on insectile wings, but thanks to the unicorn, Scarlet was able to pursue on wings over her own, a strange wind suddenly rising behind her, giving her extra speed.


(pony total so far: 35, changeling total so far: 34)

2013-11-25, 02:18 AM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 10, tesla 6, medals 3, gold 80

The two pirates mirrored each other's dumbfounded looks. Jackie wiggled her wings and then her tail. It was like looking at a very real mirror... or a twin. "Well, ain't this amusing," she muttered.

"Ain't it just?" the other Jackie replied.

Knives stood watching the clash, aware that she had somethif no amount of changeling magic could imitate. Sure, they had her skill. They had her magic. They even had her character, flaws and foibles and all.

But they didn't have her eight story tall serpentine metal dragon with a top hat!

"Hey, think we could get some flame support here?"

Flame support?

But, who would she flame? Which of each set would she set alight, or, more importantly, how could they expect her to live with herself if she got this wrong? The Princess' eyes tremble with angst and inner turmoil, and so slick with I she's tears are they she doesn't notice when Heal solves the issue with his mystic negations.

Well, there was only one way to be sure, and that was to do something only her team – the real team – could predict. Maybe. If any pony could it would be them though, no matter how unpredictable. Right?

Well, hay. If they don't get it, she'll just find new friends! Less crispy and more appreciative ones.

Knives grabs the hovering dragon-serpent's tail and uses it like some grotesque megaphone, her voice blaring from it's now gaping, smiling maw with a tinny screech of metal and amplification. Alright! Listen up! I hope you're ready to cut a rug and trip the light fantastic, ponies, because it's time for a DANCE PARTY!

The dragon begins to vibrate and glow, and then explodes outward into thousands of pieces! Each glows a vivid hue from yellow, through orange to a deep red, each bobbing up or down to some imaginary beat, and then each begins to fly at high speed in rings around the battlefield! Some level, some tilted wildly, some clockwise, some anti-clockwise, and all vivid and fiery and dangerous – gauss bullets, otherwise seeking to embed themselves in wood or plaster or soft pony flesh, ricochet off of the multitude of blades creating sparkling flashes and a laser light show, as Knives and her counterpart have an epic dance-off amidst the ruins of the area, each deftly dodging the erratic superheated blades.

Knives - (d6) [10]

[Knives uses 1 Tesla to activate Princess Wings. Knives uses 5 mana to activate Super Hot Dance Moves (Party Weapons Remix track 2). Knives uses little spider buddy to buy 3 Tesla.]

The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 5, Tesla 8, medals 3, Gold 65

2013-11-25, 04:18 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Skulls 1, Gold 355g

Yu had been keeping a rear guard, in case the nagapon army was not, in fact, finished with their invasion. Rounding the last corner though, it turned out that the remaining threat appeared to be ahead. Identical ponies locked in combat. That would mean there was probably a double Yu around too. But real Yu had an advantage that double Yu didn't. True Yu knew how to harness the full power of the hat. Folding it quickly into a copy of the flaming sword, Yu touched the two blades to light the paper one on fire, and then peered around, searching for double Yu.

There! Circling opposite. And it looks like true Yu had been viewed by Yu two too!

The Yus converged, leaping at each other far above the fray below. Suddenly, double Yu was gone however, taken in the side by a sliver of the super-heated metal that was now whirling around the street. Real Yu continued on the typical trajectory, landing clear of the danger zone without similar incident. Really, that was quite much. Awfully showy. And no music, how gauche. Yu watched the battle conclude from the side alley, emerging once it was done to give a halfhearted stab at one of the defeated changelings with the flaming paper sword.

You know. Just to contribute.


Beacon of Chaos
2013-11-27, 02:07 PM
The changelings had no chance. While they could mimic their opponent's strength and skills, they simply couldn't match the ponies' courage, determination, and awesome dance moves. One by one they fell or retreated, leaving the party victorious.

Scarlet walked to where Captain Cacophony had fallen. She was still alive, but barely. She flicked open her eyes at Scarlet's approach and suddenly tried to back away, scrambling on the floor in terror. She tried to scream but only managed to cough up blood.

"Cap! It's okay! I'm the real one! We're all real! The changelings are gone, see?" Scarlet pointed a hoof to where her own doppleganger, still wearing blood-stained claws, lay dead.

Cacophony relaxed and fell back, clutching the bleeding wound on her chest.

"Damn snakes," she wheezed. "Invading... my city." She pulled out a golden key from her armour. "Here... take this... to the guard house. You can get our best equipment. Just... promise me... promise me you'll avenge me!"

"Hey, get it together Captain! The Nagapons are beaten! And we have a healer right here. You'll be on your hooves in no-"

A hacking, spluttering cough racked the Captain's body.


"Avenge... me!"

"Yes, yes, Ms. Worrywart we'll avenge you just as soon we get you healed up."


After healing Cacophony's woulds as best they could, the adventurer's left the Captain her fellow guards and went to check out the equipment left at the guard house.

Knives draws Dragonscale Armour
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171730.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171730.png.html)

Jackie draws Commander's Soul
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171754.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171754.png.html)

Heal draws Suricate Sentry
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171811.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171811.png.html)

Scarlet draws Full Glass Armour
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171834.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171834.png.html)

Yu draws Waveform Cannon
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171851.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1127_171851.png.html)

All adventurers earn 40g for their aid in the battle, plus a medal for defeating the boss, and an extra medal for any skull counters they have.

All companions return to the dungeon deck.

2013-11-27, 08:31 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Gold 140g

"We won."
Misty flew over to the treasures and plucked one of the smaller items to carry back to her friend. Jackie looked over the gaudy eyewear with a raised eyebrow. The star-shaped single lens that stretched across both eyes had an odd orange-red tint to it. Who would wear such an odd tint?

The two stepped out of the guard house and looked at the damage the nagapon attack had caused. Homes were damaged, the market was a complete disarray, and the guards were able to do little more than pile the bodies and carry the injured to the temple healers.

If it weren't for the adventuring team, the destruction could have easily been twice what occurred. ...maybe even worse.

The pirate put on the eyewear and thought about what to do. The more she thought the less she thought about it and the more she thought she should think less and do more action with less thought.

Jackie removed the shades for a moment.

Her mind cleared up. Strange... what was she thinking just then? More action? The pegasus put the eyewear back on. Yes, action was in deed te thought that ran through her mind. The team just fought off their invasion and routed their leaders back into their holes. This wasn't a time for rest or licking wounds. Not even lollipops. This was a time for action! The team should grab their gear and strike now while the nagapon were at a low point! Yes, tat was the way! Get back on the offensive!

...so, which way were the remaining nagapons hiding?

"Sigh, I suppose we outta start looking fer clues," Jackie muttered.

2013-12-01, 03:36 PM
Heal Turn

Having finished up the changelings and patched up the captain - good thing he was a doctor! - Heal took a look around what remained. It looked like several ponies had grabbed armor and... was that a cannon? Well, it certainly looked like they'd found the equipment the Negapon were using to attack the village. With this, they should be routed.

Still, by the time he was done patching up the captain and got back, it looked like most of the stuff was cleared out. There wasn't much, treasure or otherwise, for him to find - unless you wanted broken pottery. Heal was about to just give up and head home until he heard a shout, and felt a quick tug on his tail. Turning around, he noticed some ponies running towards him - although strangely, nopony nearby.

"Huh? What is it?"

The two ponies, charged wtih cleaning up the whole mess afterwards, ran up to Heal. With an open cage, no less. "Sorry about that, he just got away from us!"

"Pardon? Who got away from..." At which point, Heal felt a tug on one of his ears. Looking up, he noticed a... ferret? Or something, sitting on his head and looking at the cage warily.

"Again, sorry! He was in a cage with everything else. We're just trying to take him to the local shelter with the rest of the animals."

However, it quickly became apparent that the ferret was not interested in leaving, skittering around Heal's head like it owned the place. After a few moments, Heal just waved the other ponies off. "It's fine, I'll take care of him. Just worry about the other stuff, okay?"

Seeming to calm down when the ponies and the cage departed, Heal looked up at his new houseguest. "So, what do you think about alligators? Misses is currently staying with me, as well. I figure it'll surely help the home security value of the place..."

Mana 2, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 205g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Steel Armor - Armor (Sell 20g, Bulky)
Level 8 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Holy Water - Single-Use Item (Sell 5g, Light)
1. Negate or discard a curse card in play, or
2. Target an undead monster and deal 3 instant damage to it.
[ ]Suricate Sentry - Single-Use Item (Sell 50g, Light)
Activate during the Explore Phase. During the subsiquent combat phase, all adventurers gain +1 to their dice rolls.
(bah, not my best work)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-12-01, 05:17 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Gold 185g

Scarlet pulled out a suit of armour from the stash at the guard house. It was beautiful. It looked like it was made of glass but seemed just as strong as any metal armour she'd ever seen. She thought about trying it on, but there was something about the bulkier spiked armour she was wearing that she simply prefered.

Also, on closer inspection, this armour was designed for a stallion.

"Hey, Heal? What do you think of this? Looks about your size."


If there was one thing you could say about the ponies of Urbem Sanctem, is was this: They never miss an oppotunity to make some money.

Despite the devastation in the market square, many merchants had set up temporary stalls with many "discounted" wares being sold underneath signs claiming that proceeds would go to helping rebuild the city, or feeding the homeless. Perhaps some of them were even telling the truth...

Market Phase

Buck coin passes to Jackie

Being sold in the market:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1012_202741.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1012_202741.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0929_145218.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0929_145218.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0924_214847.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0924_214847.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221337.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221337.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221353.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221353.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221406.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221406.png.html)

2013-12-01, 08:04 PM
Buck coin passes to Jackie (http://iambrony.steeph.tp-radio.de/mlp/gif/480013__safe_solo_animated_magic_nightmare%2Bmoon_ moon_season%2B4_spoiler-colon-s04e02_princess%2Btwilight%2Bsparkle%2B-dash-%2Bpart%2B2_laughing.gif)

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Gold 140g

Despite the nagapon attack, the marketplace was quick to pick up where it had left off.
Perhaps it was even livelier now, as ponies scrambled to purchase weapons and armor with which to protect themselves with. Jackie hoped they were not going to need them. How many citizens here could properly wield heavy axes and flails?

Don't answer that.

Nick-nack's tent was half-crushed and the proprietor was not home. The pirate hoped he was simply elsewhere and not one of the few unfortunate souls that had perished. Jackie helped a few merchants move some of the damaged goods out of the way to be sure, but no body was found there. Yet another mystery...

"wutlh, lugh vo' nagapon? tu'lu' toH Sum?" Misty asked.

Jackie observed the faerie's downward movements and nodded in response. "The nagapon hide underground, sure," the pegasus began, "But what are you asking... ah! A well! That would be an easy exit and one that no pony would of thought to barricade!"

The pirate flew quickly to the nearest two guards she could find. With flailing hooves, Jackie got their attention. "Ey, either of you land lovers know where the town well is?"

"A well?" one guard asked in return.

"There's a few scattered around the city," the other guard replied. "If you're thirsty you could just go to one of the taverns. They have pumps to get at the water."

Jackie shook a hoof. "Nay, I mean an actual large well. Is there one of those in the market somewhere? Like where the nagapon first attacked?"

"Not a useable one in the market, no," the first guard said. "The only one there is by the farrier and it dried out years ago. We sealed it off with planks so kids won't fall in..."

"Oh no," the second guard muttered. "That's how they go us by surprise!"

Jackie beamed when the two guards saw where she was getting at. "Alright, you two round up a carpenter and I'll get my friends over there!" The pegasus zipped through the market, but stopped to quickly refill her Tesla battery for the gauss rifle. The hunt was on!

Spent 1 market action working (+20g)
Purchased 1 Tesla (-5g)

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 155g
Market Turns Used: 1/3

2013-12-02, 06:19 AM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 5, Tesla 8, medals 4, Gold 105

Knives, held aloft by her right forehoof, comes to a stop. The dancing cloud of red-hot steel and iron around her also comes to a stop, and both slowly spin down – knives to all four hooves, the knives to their original and yet larger than ever wing-forms.

The electric spider glanced around, chirping and clanking. Beads of steam condense across its body from effort. Finally, it looks up to Knives, reaching to its princess for security and reassurance. Instead, she provides a life lesson.

All love must inevitably end. It is better to cherish the time you have had than languish in your memories and wallow in pain. Go forth, little spider, and ponder this.

The teslarachnid slumps, condensation pouring down its face like bitter tears, before scuttling away and leaving a cloud in the shape of a fractured and rapidly fading heart. The Princess Cutlery Du'Ponyy III smiles to herself for having remembered that fortune cookie, and being able to be so wise and deft with her subjects.

Regal. Aloof. Possibly off in the head. But definitely more regal than off. These are the things the Princess inspires in the minds of those around her as she walks slowly and triumphantly to the armory. All around, pieces of weaponry, fallen spears and broken swords and knives and axes, tremble, and skitter to life, and flow into her magnetic wings, building slowly, blade by blade, into an elegantly lethal gown. She enters the armory, her horn and the wings, constantly enchanted as they are, casting a ghostly blue radiance across all the things. All of them. Even those things. Amidst armor of glass and cannons of bass, a set of intricate Nipony armor sits, wrapped about a mannequin and guarded by a plate-metal dragon, crouched and feral. The Princess gazes upon the armor, shrewdly, before taking it for herself and beginning to strap it on.

The dragon trembles, it's fastenings strain and roar. Cutlery looks upon he great inanimate beast with little concern. Perhaps, even polite disdain. Yes?

The dragon creaks and groans, it's jaws clenching and it's fingers twitching, eager for... Something.

Well, out with it. Thy princess dost not posses the entire morrow!

Metal snaps, pulled to the breaking point. A tidal wave of metal and destruction cascades down upon Knives like some Hokusai-inspired nightmare, and yet her eyes remain placid, even bored by the display.

The metal form crashes to it's knees, about turned under in groveling, and claws held upward and open, pulled towards the Princess by her magnetic gear and personality, and a little bit of magic. The beginnings of a ghostly blue trace their way through the dragon.

Very well. You may serve me; it is quite an honor.

The dragon, now fully engulfed in the liquid aura of Knives' magic, pulls itself apart and flows like magnetic filings onto her already decadently-clad form, great twisted horns and fangs creating a crown with diadem of polished steel, pauldrons of dragon's wings and claws cinched tight about the waist and hips like the most deadly of gown-corsets.

Come, my loyal subjects. Let us prepare ourselves to respond in kind to these nasty reptilian ingrates! See to thine needs in the market. Your princess, Knives pauses, rising steadily higher on a serpent-tail of stolen blades, to survey the damage, Shall see to the damages these fell beasts have caused!

2013-12-06, 11:18 AM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 155g

Jackie passed the temple, and she noticed that the clergy had stacked the broken pottery and furniture damaged by the nagapon invasion. Her first clue that something was wrong was the vandalized tapestry with 'Fire Sale' written on it with red paint...

The second clue was that the vandals were still there and writing 'background pony' on the clergys' robes.

One of the clerics galloped over to the pirate and faerie. "Please help us! With the city guard scattered, we're at the mercy of these vagrants!"

"Jackie, chaHvaD DIQaHnIS!" Misty urged.

The pirate looked at the faerie. "I... what?" she asked. "Confound it, you know I don't speak your language."

The cleric removed one of his earrings. "Perhaps I may be of assistance with that?" He handed his earring to Misty and the faerie put it on with skepticism.

"It's magic, but what does it do?" Misty asked.

Jackie's jaw nearly hit the ground. "Ey, she speaks the common tongue now!"

"I am?" Misty asked. "I don't think I... oh, why do I sound funny? Is this an accent?"

"No, no," the cleric corrected. "She's still speaking her own language, but the earring translates her words to anypony who's near her. It's a little trinket I picked up from the east. Very hoofy when dealing with foreigners."

"Tell ya what," the pirate said with an idea in mind. "You let us keep it and I'll take care of the brigands for ye."


Jackie drew her gauss rifle and walked up to the three brigands that harassed the other clerics outside the temple. The three stallions stopped their antics and watched the little pegasus approach them.

"Excuse me, gents," the pirate began. "But this temple is for folks to pray for the meek, not to prey upon the meek."

The stallions pushed the clerics away and approached the pegasus. "Well little mare," the black-coated leader stated, "You just tangled with the wrong folk. For we are..." The trio performed a quick dancing pose together, somewhere between ballet and stupidity.

"The Iron Bandits!" they shouted out in unison.

"I... err..." Jackie faltered. "The heck is wrong with you ponies?"

"Jackie, look out!" Misty warned.

The bandits jumped the pirate, but Jackie blocked two of the three ponies with her rifle. The third struck her in the chest. She backed off to regain her balance. The brigands drew swords and surrounded her.

"Ha!" Jackie sneered. "Bringing a knife to a gun fight?" She raised her rifle and pulled the trigger at the leader. The weapon sputtered and failed to fire. It didn't even charge up.

"You really need to stop using that old thing as a shield," Misty said.

"Ah, right..." the pegasus muttered.

The three brigands charged them with blades out front. Jackie jumped into the air and landed behind the leader. She drew the science sword and struck. The blade cut deep into the leader's back and he fell to the ground.

"I'll get you for that!" shouted one of the other brigands. Jackie jumped back onto a pew for higher ground. The red-coated brigand pulled out a necklace of pieces-of-eight and threw it like a bola at Jackie. The makeshift weapon wrapped around her left wing and robbed her ability to fly. The other brigand led the charge against Jackie with two swings. They clashed blades and pushed their way up the tall stack of furniture.

"Hey, you know what this reminds me of?" Misty said. "Buckaneers of the Caribbean. It's a great story!"

Jackie ducked a swing aimed at her head. "Not now Misty," she angrily replied. the pirate remained on the defensive, parrying the two brigands, but unable to strike back.

The red-coated stallion pulled out what appeared to be a small jar of dirt from his pocket. Misty pointed at the strange object. "See, jar of dirt! You totally can't make it up!"

"Are ye gonna help me or just play commentary?!"

The stallion tossed the jar at Jackie's hooves, but Misty swooped in and grabbed the jar. The weight grounded the little faerie and bounced down the pile of chair cushions to the ground with the jar between her little hooves.

Jackie ran out furniture to climb and found herself on a ledge of a stack of cracked barrels. The two brigands locked swords with her and the three stoop precariously near the edge.

"Got you now, lass!" one of the brigands taunted.

Jackie's gauss rifle spurred to life as the tesla battery finally charged up the weapon with a 'Baweeeeeeeee' pitch. Jackie raised the rifle up with her off hoof.

"You cheated!" the red-coated brigand shouted.

"Yeah. Pirate, remember?" the pegasus countered. She fired the rifle upwards at their blades. Metal shrapnel burst in several directions and the red-coated brigand fell backwards down the way he climbed. He hit the ground with a long groan and a throbbing headache.

The last brigand dropped his broken sword and raised his hooves up. "Uh... parley?"

The clerics cheered as Jackie walked the remaining brigand down from the pile. The clergy rewarded her with several bits and their many thanks. Misty waddled on the ground with the jar of dirt on her back.

"Where's my thanks?" the faerie asked indignantly.

Jackie picked up the jar. "Thank you, love," she said with a smile. "A bit odd to be throwing dirt around, don't you think? Ah well." The pirate tossed the jar over her shoulder.

As the jar struck the ground, the hidden vial of nitro within it exploded and sent a cloud of white dust in all directions. The clergy fell into a coughing fit while Jackie and Misty took to the air above the dusty cloud.

"Err... right, we should go," Jackie whispered.

"Yes. Yes we should."

The two zipped away in the air looking for their friends.

Worked two jobs in the most long-winded detail ever. Done.

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 195g
Market Turns used: 3/3

Beacon of Chaos
2013-12-11, 11:25 AM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Gold 185g

"There, you're safe now."

"Thank you!"

Scarlet wiped the sweat from her brow and smiled. She'd just rescued no less than 30 ponies from various crumbling buildings around the former battleground. It felt good to be helping her fellow ponies for a change, rather than simply ripping apart another monster with her trusty claws.

"Oh, Ms. Blaze?" came a voice from behind her.


"We wanted to thank you for saving us back there," said an elderly pony that Scarlet had rescued. "My family doesn't have much except these antique medals. Please accept these as a token of our gratitude."

"That's very kind of you," replied Scarlet. "Thank you."

Scarlet uses 4 actions to earn money, then gets 4 medals.

Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 8, Gold 25g

2013-12-11, 09:04 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 6, Gold 390g

"Be free little pony."

"Thank you!" said the rescuee, before noticing the creature that had freed her. It had the head of a pony, if barely. Technologically advanced goggles covered it's eyes, while the rest of it's face was obscured by a (fake?) moustache, all under a large sedge hat. The rest of it was a misshapen mass, obscured under a large cape, from which it's two forehooves (at least it had hooves!) emerged. It was somehow currently leaning on a paper shovel, which the pony swore she had seen as a crowbar a few moments earlier. The goggles regarded her calmly.

"...I'd like to thank you for saving me" she started. "My family is very rich, so please accept this as a token of my gratitude." She hoped it would accept the bag of coins, and let her leave. It was unlikely she would be able to use them in the market now anyways.

"How kind. Thank you." said the creature, tucking the bag away. With superpony grace, given it's bulk, it leaped from the rubble pile, and headed back towards the centre of town, the shovel folded neatly into a new hat.

Actual gold gain will depend on Diego's answer of what the next card is in the market deck.

2013-12-13, 03:22 AM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 5, Tesla 8, medals 4, Gold 105

Knives wastes no time. The dragon, the sword, they have all become supplicant. It is only a matter of time before the ponies themselves, also become supplicant.

She must have the castle ready.

Great swathes of stone are moved. Food is collected. Lives are saved. Wherever these miracles occur, there is one thing. Said in whispers of awe and wonder amongst all the ponies; "She came in a cloud of swords, stoically, and when the work was done, she left without a word."

Also said amongst ponies, but louder and less appreciative, was "I have like, fifty paper cuts now, can I get some band aids?" Because there is only so much tenderness a cloud of knives can show to a creature of flesh and bone.

The Princess Cutlery, formerly Knives C'Pon3, no longer makes any pretense of normalcy. Normal is for common ponies. Massive, and shrieking, and electric blue, she is a golem of wonder and steel, who hefts great chunks of debris in her massive metal wings like a child at play with blocks. She applies this debris in great globbets to the walls, stuffing crushed "handfuls" of refuse and devastation into place and leaving it for the common unicorns to sculpt something more appropriate from her raw clay.

The unicorns of the Great and Powerful cowered. Before, before they had chided. Before, they had laughed. Mocked. But now? Now, clad in the hues of their patroness, Greatness and Powerfulness strides amongst them. It slithers and crawls, like a python chainsaw, like a centipede sushi chef with transpony grafts.

The priestesses cower, and slave. Toil. Work. It is hard work, draining, but they daren't rest. They daren't stop. Whenever one is near collapse, her fellows catcher, feed her, and she gets back in line.

Their Princess moves amongst them, and they must work. They must revere her.

[two Work Actions for bits. One Refresh action to top up mana. All money going into buying medals. Sells her amulet, whip and cloak. Will addendum once I find their sell price :smallredface:]
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 10, Tesla 8, medals 7, Gold 5

2013-12-14, 05:34 PM
Heal Turn
Mana 2, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 205g

Sorry, not up for RP much right now. But moving things along...

Heal will trade his Steel Armor for Scarlet's Glass Armor, unless she wants something different.
Can the Short Bow be used while in the backpack, or do you need to have it equipped to use its ability? Because a free 1 instant damage each battle would be nice.
Heal will spend one action to recover mana, and one action to work. I'm saving the third action between deciding to buy the Short Bow or work again.

Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 225g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Full Glass Armor - Armor (Sell 70g, Light)
Level 10 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Holy Water - Single-Use Item (Sell 5g, Light)
1. Negate or discard a curse card in play, or
2. Target an undead monster and deal 3 instant damage to it.
[ ]Suricate Sentry - Single-Use Item (Sell 50g, Light)
Activate during the Explore Phase. During the subsiquent combat phase, all adventurers gain +1 to their dice rolls.

[EDIT] Mentioned in the OOC thread that the Short Bow needs to be equipped, so nevermind. Just working again for some more gold.
Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 245g
3/3 Market Turns

Beacon of Chaos
2013-12-21, 05:06 PM
The adventurers gathered around the well that the nagapons had entered the city by. Scarlet stood up on the edge of the well and struck a heroic pose.

"Alright! This is it! By following this well down, we can find the nagapon headquarters, and finish this, once and for all! With the powers of good, justice, and crazy weird magical items, we will defeat their evil hordes, once and for all!"

She pointed a hoof to a nearby group of ponies holding planks, nails, and hammers. "Remember, seal up the well behind us to prevent more snakes coming through. When we are triumphant, we shall return. To prevent deception, I shall make the sound of a baby manticore so that you know it's us!"

"Um, I don't think any of us know what a baby manticore sounds like."

"Neither does the enemy! That's why it's perfect!"


"Come my friends! TO BATTLE!"

Without waiting for further input from her allies, Scarlet leapt down into the depths of the well.


Scarlet landed with a splash in the deep water. It was a well, after all. After a brief swim under the water, the ponies found themselves in a wide tunnel. The nagapons had created a large passage for their forces. Had Scarlet stopped to think, she might have wondered how they created such a large tunnel so quickly. Further ahead, the tunnel led to a crudely made camp of sorts, with a few broken pots and an old chest. Oh, and monsters. There were monsters too.

An earth elemental rose from the centre of the room, climbing out of the rough stone floor as though it wasn't even there. Possibly this was the creature responsible for the tunnels. Above, a large predatory spider crawled towards Scarlet along the thick webs that were coating the ceiling. Long tentcles rose from the water and in the far corner, a large metal soldier stood silently, though it had not moved. Perhaps it was inactive?

Jackie draws Treasure Chest
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144343.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144343.png.html)

Heal Turn draws Docile Earth Elemental
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1221_215155.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1221_215155.png.html)

Scarlet draws Flesh-Eating Spider
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1221_215259.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1221_215259.png.html)

Yu draws Room filled with pots/Gauss Sentry
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1221_215326.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1221_215326.png.html)

The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III draws Tentacle Monster
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232614.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232614.png.html)

2013-12-21, 09:10 PM
"To prevent deception, I shall make the sound of a baby manticore so that you know it's us!"

"Um, I don't think any of us know what a baby manticore sounds like."

"Neither does the enemy! That's why it's perfect!"


"Come my friends! TO BATTLE!"

Without waiting for further input from her allies, Scarlet leapt down into the depths of the well.

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 195g

"What's a manticore?" Jackie muttered.
She glanced at Misty, but the faerie only shrugged. They descended down carefully, keeping above the water line in the tunnel below. It was pretty dark and quite musty down here.

"Huh, weren't this well supposed to be dry?" the pirate questioned.

Misty nodded. "Maybe it flooded when the nagapon dug into it from one of the canals under the city?"

"A fair point, lass," Jackie agreed. It wasn't long before she encountered the greatest beast in all of piratedom-- the Treasure Chest! The pirate landed before this beautiful bountiful big box of bubbly baubles. She carefully surveyed the lock...

...then, the monsters attacked.

"Save the loot!!" Jackie shouted. With the butt of her gauss rifle, she smashed the old lock apart and kicked open the lid, grabbing the treasure inside!


(I hope this gives a good result...)

(Edit: d'oh...)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-12-23, 06:51 AM

(I hope this gives a good result...)

(Edit: d'oh...)
You open the chest and get... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPZXxlckBSs)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0924_214847.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0924_214847.png.html)

+60 gold.

2013-12-23, 02:35 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 6, Skulls 0, Gold 470g

The earth elemental wouldn't do any harm, and Yu didn't want to get too near the spider or tentacle city (that was Knives's shtick, though it would be interesting to see how that would turn out for the tentacles this time. Perhaps that's why she had coated herself in sharp metal?). Charging through the pots, Yu attacked the golem. Only to have it unceremoniously fall over, inactive.

Well that had been easy. Yu turned to see how the others were faring.


2013-12-23, 04:31 PM
Heal Turn

Heal would seem to disagree with Yu's assessment that the Elemental would do no harm. Perhaps to an earth pony like Yu, but it seems quite content to attack the unicorn Heal! He ends up smashing through a few pots while fighting the opponent.

[roll0] x 5


Getting +2 from Yu's crossbow assistance. Thank you, and victory!

Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 280g

2013-12-24, 04:44 AM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 10, Tesla 8, medals 6, Gold 25

The water at the edge begins to bubble, to froth and churn. From its in fathomable four meter depths, rises a behemoth of edged steel and gauss-radiating tesla energies. It rises, creaking, groaning, the multi-hued mechanical wing-beast rises and shakes it's wet pony to clear it of water like a hound, or like a stallion would clear his beard.

This unfortunately, embroils the pony in cobwebs.

Eww, gross! the pony remarks, as a salivating spider begins it's slow crawl over (Mental note: webs are not cob, repeat: webs. Are not. Cob.) when, from the murky water, there is. Ripple of motion unseen.

Knives is blissfully unaware, until her namesake knives are grappled and pulled away by all-to-familiar tentacles., caught in their slimy, aquatic embrace.

Oh, double gross! Eww eww eww eww EWW! She curls into the position commonly known as fetal, snug and round and eyes cinched ever-so-tight, horn flaring and magic pouring out like water from a broken facet, Gauss lighting taking hold and activating the magnetic sensory arrays of the wings.

The tentacles shriek. The webs quiver. Dozens of strands of loose spidersilk fall and sway, surprise packaging – ceramic pots, pony corpses, a gauss soldier, several dedicated snake tails and several more pots – swinging into the joust like swashbucklers without coordination. Their collision is the stuff of legends, strewing shard shards of ceramic, broken bone, and a heavy pelting rain of gold.

And around the Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III, scales of armor, weapons, and broken farm tools cocoon into a gauntleted weapon, descending on the water like the fist of an angry, mailed Minotaur.

[color="deepskyblue"]Knives; 10

No means No! Thine lascivious oaf! the Princess cries dimly from within her iron exile.

[Knives uses 1 tesla for flight.]
[Knives uses 3 mana for magic bolt.]
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 6, Tesla 7, medals 7, Gold 45

Beacon of Chaos
2013-12-25, 03:55 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 8, Gold 25g

Slashing Talons +2
Captain's Spirit +1
Armor of Thorns (B) +1
Enchanted Maid Outfit +1

Total: +9

One major problem with fighting using claws was that they were rather ineffective against enemies that could climb on the ceiling. Scarlet leapt up to attack the giant spider when she could, but the creature was able to move out of the way every time.

"Grrrrr! This is getting annyoing," said Scarlet, as the spider took a swing at her with one of its long legs. "That's it! Wait there!"

Scarlet quickly grabbed a few of the clay pots that hadn't been smashed yet and stacked them on top of each other to form a crude staircase. She clambered to the top, balancing unsteadily on her back hooves. The spider, apparantly confused by the pony's behavior, merely sat there and watched this strange sight.

"Aha! Now I can get you!" Scarlet yelled, before leaping from the tower of pots, causing them to topple and smash into pieces ([roll0]). She grabbed onto the spider and both fell down to the ground.


2013-12-25, 08:53 PM
She grabbed onto the spider and both fell down to the ground.

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 270g

"Son of a sailor, that's one big arachnid!" Jackie shouted. "Better make sure it's dead!" She dropped the newly acquired flail and drew her gauss rifle. With naught half a second to aim, the pirate fired a shot into its abdomen.

[Adds +2 to Scarlet's roll]

"Ick, I hate spiders," Jackie grumbled. She pulled tangled webs off her wings, picking at little baubles leftover from a less fortunate adventurer... and what may be bones. Ewww.

Achievement Unlocked: Shoot-N'-Loot! (Assist another adventurer in combat)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-12-30, 05:05 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 8, Gold 45g, Skulls 1

The ponies made quick work of their foes (and their foes' pots) and moved on to the next area. Another stone tunnel. Then another. And another. The Nagapons must have been digging for weeks. This tunnel felt like it would go on for miles.

Eventually it led to a large gate. Off to one side was a rope ladder, leading upwards to a light. Probably went to the surface. Scarlet wondered how creatures such as the nagapons used ladders. Carefully, she assumed.

The gate was guarded by a solitary nagapon, who was snoozing quietly. A large lizard creature was also sleeping nearby. Scarlet snuck up quietly to the gates and gave them a cautious tug.

"Locked," she whispered. "Maybe the guard has the key."

But as she went to check his belt, a chriping birdsong from above drew her attention. Down from the shaft to the surface came a familiar sight.

"Sparky!" cried Scarlet, forgetting her stealth completely. The phoenix descended, carrying a small familiar-looking creature on its back.

"Hewo!" said the small chubby creature. It was wearing a small helmet and carrying a tiny sword. It jumped pff Sparky's back and landed on the head of Princess Cutlery, apparantly undaunted by the mass of sharp metal objects she surrounded herself with. "Phoenix fwiend brought me to help pony fwiends!"

"Oh... neat," said Scarlet, who was barely paying attention, instead feeding Sparky a few scraps from her rations bag.

Of course, with all that noise, someone was bound to wake up. "Hey! Intruders!" yelled the guard, who then blew on a whistle around his neck. Within moments, the skittering sound of hundreds of tiny feet could be heard, and a mass of insects crawled through the bars of the gate.

Meanwhile, Jackie finds someone tapping on her shoulder, and it isn't Misty...

Jackie draws Mocking Phantasm
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1230_201103.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1230_201103.png.html)

Heal draws Nullroach Swarm
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1003_112045.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1003_112045.png.html)

Scarlet draws Guardian Phoenix
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144411.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144411.png.html)

Yu draws Frilled Lizard/Nagapon Worker
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144315.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144315.png.html)http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164541.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164541.png.html)

Knives draws Pocket Hero
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200821.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200821.png.html)

2013-12-30, 07:49 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 290g

Jackie turned around. The tapping came from an odd little spirit that hovered a bit too close for comfort.

"What in the seven seas are you?" Jackie asked.

"You know ninjas are better," the spirit mocked.

"Um, what?" the pegasus questioned. She wasn't sure what to make of this creature.

The spirit poked Jackie in the cheek. "Pirate right? So where's your ship? Why aren't you leading in medals and loot? How come the princess has a fancier name than you? Why is your name last on the game spreadsheet?"

"Oi! Leave me alone!" Jackie shouted. "I don't have to take this from you. I'm a plenty good pirate! So what if I'm not the richest or the fanciest? I'm still a good lass."

"Suuuuuure you are," the spirit mocked. "For a 'Background Pony'."

The little pirate didn't like what this spirit was insinuating. And that really, REALLY hurt her self-esteem. "I'm not... background," she muttered. Jackie lifted her gun and took off to the air toward the frilled lizard. "Going to help you out, Yu!"

The nasty little spirit tailed her. "Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail. Gonna fail-
"Yes, we get it!" Misty interrupted. "Shut up already!"

2014-01-03, 04:13 PM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

"Hewo!" said the small chubby creature. It was wearing a small helmet and carrying a tiny sword. It jumped pff Sparky's back and landed on the head of Princess Cutlery, apparantly undaunted by the mass of sharp metal objects she surrounded herself with. "Phoenix fwiend brought me to help pony fwiends!"

Knives draws Pocket Hero
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200821.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0916_200821.png.html)

Excellent. It is god you have arrived, noble hero! I take it the pony ambassador to Bwobonnya was well received? Knives remarks drily.

"Noap!" The enthusiastic bwob responded.

... I see. Then the messenger doves must have arrived, and the peace treaty is being signed? Knives asks.

"Don't know what yuh talking about, wady." The blob says, drawing his cutely small sword, looking at it, and turning it this way and that.

Then... What are you doing here, noble son of Bwob?

"Why, Phoenix fwiend told me about wed pony fwiend, and adventuh."

Knives blinks a few times before looking at Scarlett, who seems to maybe wink, and set her hat on one of the Princess' many protrusions, before running off to battle. Knives blinks a few more times, before just resigning herself to it; These ponies are crazy.

The bwob finds what he is looking for and, tossing his sword, draws a well shaped piece of jagged, sharpened steel from The Princess Cutlery's many-pointed mane like plucking a hair... Or drawing the sword from the stone.

"CHAAAAHJ!" The bwob demands, and before she knew it, Knives was, indeed, charging. Pony and Bwob as one, to mutual victory. The treaties could wait, but good relations started now.


2014-01-03, 04:48 PM
Heal Turn

"AAHHH! The roaches! They're in my saddles! THEY'RE IN MY SADDLES!!"


(Yeah, just doing this now. It technically happens after everyone but Yu finishes their actions.)

Beacon of Chaos
2014-01-03, 06:52 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 8, Gold 45g, Skulls 1

"So what do you say, old friend? Will you join me in fighting the forces of evil once again?"


Sparky chirped happily in agreement.

2014-01-03, 10:49 PM
"AAHHH! The roaches! They're in my saddles! THEY'RE IN MY SADDLES!!"

Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate Gonna Fail
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 290g

"Hold still, Heal!" Jackie shouted. She made a long gliding jump over to Heal, but hesitated to reach into his bags. These bugs were... icky! She finally flicked several of them off and stepped on them. They squished under her hooves like soaked hard tack. "Ugh! That's a nasty feeling."

The mocking phantasm laughed. "You eat with those hooves right? I bet you forget to wash them. Then again, you probably eat bugs with food anyway. You know, being a looser and all."

Jackie turned fired her rifle at the mischievous spirit. Unfortunately it wasn't substantial enough to be noticeably harmed. "Just shut yer trap!"

"What kind of name is Heal Turn anyway?" the phantom asked. "I mean, is he a heel that turns? Or a healer that turns away patients? Hey Heal Turn, are you a practicing doctor or have you finally graduated to actually, you know, doing something?"

"I'm going to find a way to strangle a ghost," Jackie grumbled.

[Assisted Heal Turn, +2 to Heal's roll]

2014-01-06, 06:31 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 6, Skulls 0, Gold 495g

Yu had been stalking about the room, looking for more of those fancy pots filled with gold, and generally ignoring the large amount of what were probably very dangerous bugs similar to the ones they had fought before. Having completed the circuit, Yu looked up to see the others had finished their fight, but seem to have forgotten about the nagapon guard, who was at that moment fleeing down the previously gated hall. That wouldn't do at all, to have the others alerted to their presence. Two quick crossbow bolts followed the nagapon, bringing an end to his flight.



Beacon of Chaos
2014-01-07, 05:57 PM
Past the now unguarded gate, the rough stone tunnels gave way to brick corridors, then to a large room that looks somewhat like the forges on the surface. Large contraptions apparantly powered by steam filled the place, though they were all currently inactive. Piles of scrap metal littered the floors. There were more broken Gauss golems here too. Something about the place caused the blade, Kusanagi, to resonate.

There were no nagapons in sight, but something was in the room with the ponies. Things moved in the corner of one's sight, then vanished into the shadows. The piles of busted machines and broken spears blocked sightlines, and there was very little light.

"Be on your guard, gang! We've got company!"

Jackie draws Possessed Adventurer
This one's not Heartsbane though. Just your regular zombie pony.
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144209.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0928_144209.png.html)

Heal draws Soldier Phantasm
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232551.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0831_232551.png.html)

Scarlet draws Steam-Powered Spider
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221726.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221726.png.html)

Yu draws Bloated Larvae/Gauss Defender
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221827.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1026_221827.png.html)
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0107_215327.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0107_215327.png.html)

Knives draws Forgemaster's Gift
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143245.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0829_143245.png.html)

2014-01-07, 09:09 PM
Springboard Jackie, Mighty Pirate Gonna Fail I'll show you!
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 295g

The zombie adventurer had Jackie at "Graaaaargh!!"
The huge monster was stitched together by magic and science, neither of which were used responsibly. He charged forward out of the shadows with his clawed hooves held out. The monster's steps thundered as he slammed into the pirate and faerie at full tilt.

"Here comes the pain train!" the zombie shouted gleefully.

His momentum shoved the two friends backwards past the other adventurers and through a large pile of machine parts. The nasty little mocking phantom zipped through the air behind them, shouting "Tier 4! Tier 4!"
Zombie: 7 (Level) + 2 (Soldier Phantom Bonus) + 6 (1d6+2) = 15

The crash threw parts in all directions. Jackie buffeted her wings and sent rusted metal bolts into the zombie's face. The undead backed away and Jackie rolled away. She fired her gauss rifle into the creature. The shot hit true, but the zombie growled and charged again. Misty flew in tossed several round objects in the monster's way. The undead faltered and missed Jackie by inches. The pirate fired again. Blam!
Jackie: 4 (Combat Strength) + 2 (Weapon Strength) + 6 (1d6) = 12

"Just die already! ...again!" Jackie shouted.

"You first," the zombie retorted as it back-hoof'd Jackie, blooding her nose. The mocking spirit hovered over the undead's shoulder and made several demeaning faces. Misty flew over to her friend, but the zombie swatted her into a wall. The little faerie yelped and fell onto the ground.

The zombie grabbed the pirate by the throat and hoisted her into the air. "Any last words, pony?"

Jackie fought the choke-hold, but the zombie was much too strong. Her eyewear glinted under the torchlight and it gave her a sense of calm... and the commander's soul of rage. She drew her saber, swung upward, and cut the metal claws off the zombie's hoof. Jackie fell and rolled away. She quickly scooted over and lifted misty up.

"You alright, lass?" Jackie asked her friend.

"What... took you?" Misty happily coughed out.

The monster stumbled back and held his destroyed claw. "Wha... this was darksteel! How did you rend this?!"

"Buck you, that's how," Jackie stated. She popped open the gun's chamber and pulled out a small vial. "I've got one with your master's name on it, but you ought to have the other one." Jackie poured the contents into her rifle and sealed the chamber. The gauss rifle hummed and began to glow brightly.

The zombie charged. "Heartsbane will have your soul!!"

Jackie fired. A cone of brilliant multicolored energy blasted out of the barrel. The zombie vaporized in a raging scream of anger as the combined destructive force of tesla science, magical faith, and friendship tore through flesh and metal alike. Moments later all that remained was charred ash and bits of teeth.

"Heartsbane can have it when she pries it from my cold, dead hooves," Jackie muttered. The pirate leaned against the stone wall. She wiped the trickle of blood from her snout and patted the rifle. "I love this gun." She turned her attention to the mocking spirit.

It remained several feet away... hovering in awe over a brick-shaped dropping of ectoplasm.

[Screen Cap of my Dice Rolls (http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/digoraccoon/426506/34015/34015_original.jpg) because I borked the bbcode horribly several times. I forgot I was wearing Commander's soul. Cannot be cursed (so I wrote it as the spirit is now awestruck and will leave Jackie alone) and I get +1 Combat Strength and +1 Combat Roll (the latter useless as I maxed the die roll already). Add 3 Instant Damage from a potion of explosion and I think I've just won this fight single-hoofedly]

Friendship: 1
Heartsbane: 0

Springboard Jackie, Pirate Queen
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 325g
Achievement Unlocked: Material Win (Use a consumable item to win a fight)

2014-01-08, 07:50 AM
Heal Turn
Mana 15, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 285g

Heal will just be casting Smite and rolling, because his player is boring and not coming up with anything to say at the moment.


Using the Holy Water to deal 3 extra damage to the Phantasm. Overkill, perhaps, but it saves the other people to support Yu's fight if they want.

Mana 14, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 295g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Full Glass Armor - Armor (Sell 70g, Light)
Level 10 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.
[ ]Mana Potion - Single-Use Item (Sell 10g, Light)
Choose an adventurer; they receive maximum mana.
[ ]Suricate Sentry - Single-Use Item (Sell 50g, Light)
Activate during the Explore Phase. During the subsiquent combat phase, all adventurers gain +1 to their dice rolls.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-01-08, 06:00 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 8, Gold 45g, Skulls 1

As Scarlet moved through the forge looking for trouble to beat up, she felt a small tug on her skirt. Looking down, she saw a small mechnical spider of some sort. It didn't attack at all, just kind of sat there and looked at her.

"Oh, um, hello?"

the spider gave a toot from its smokestack and climed up onto Scarlet's back, much to the annoyance of Sparky, who was already there.

"Relax sparky, I don't think it means any harm." Sparky gave a squark that indicated that this was not his main concern. "Have you come to fight villains with us, little spider?"


"Excellent! Come on, let's see if the others need help."

Yeah, I know I don't need to roll. Gonna do it anyway.

2014-01-09, 05:29 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 6, Skulls 0, Gold 510g

Across the room, the was a rumble, as one of the giant automatons lumbered onto it's six feet, and slowly turned towards the entrance. The beady little crystal sensors that passed for it's eyes swivelled in their metal casings and fixed on Yu, who stared right back. A pegasi and zombie briefly flashed across their vision, but otherwise, the staring contest went uninterrupted for a solid four seconds. Then it took a step forward. Yu followed suit.

"It. Is. On."

Battle vocalizations complete, the contestants charged towards each other. The automaton's actuators are too slow though, and it sends a six ton claw crashing down on the floor that Yu had just passed through. Yu slid past underneath the robot, planting several bolts into it's undercarriage on the way. First pass, complete.

[roll0] using two crossbow bolts to add four more

Alas, this is not enough. The crab, faster than it looks in the turning department at least, spins on a dime, and swipes a claw down, grabbing it's pony opponent in a crushing grip. Gold coins begin to leak out of the bottom of Yu's cloak, falling in a steady stream onto the floor. At least the change was acting as improvised armour for now, though it was debatable how long that would last. A few more bolts are fired at the crab, but all bounce off it's armoured shell.

"Hurrrruuugh!" is barely audible, as the last of Yu's air is forcibly compressed out.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-01-09, 07:11 PM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 8, Gold 45g, Skulls 1

Scarlet heard the grinding of metal gears and the twangs of crossbows and headed towards them. She was just in time to see the huge crab-like automaton grab Yu and begin trying to crush him. She only had a few seconds to act.

"Ki-YAAAAAAAAH!" she screamed, as she rushed forward. The Gauss machine heard the battlecry and swung around to face her. Just as it brought down one of its massive claws to crush her, she dodged to the side and slashed at its other arm with a claw of her own, breaking Yu from its iron grip. The crab recovered quickly and took another swipe at her, but she leapt over the huge pincer and landed on the machine's head, where she proceeded to dig her claws though its eyes and into whatever the thing had for a brain. There was a bang as smoke poured out from the crab's head and the whole thing suddenly became motionless as whatever had been controlling it had been destroyed.

Scarlet jumped down to check on Yu. She offered a hoof to him. "You okay?"

OOC: Assisting for +2 to roll.

2014-01-09, 09:05 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 6, Skulls 0, Gold 530g

"Hyuuuugh" Yu wheezes breathlessly, feebly sweeping up some of the nearby gold and waving off the offered hoof. Recover, then stand. Best to do things in the right order.

2014-01-18, 09:33 AM
[pools updated using OOC data]
[prior post actually made]

The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 6, Tesla 7, medals 7, Gold 45

STAND BACK, MY FELLOWS! Knives bellows (though, now The Princess Cutlery)

I shall end these overblown bellows! as she strode (was that texture... Buttery?)

A stink did rise, her nose to assail
and water to her eyes, t'was no avail
Princess Cutlery, Du'Ponyy
Went tumbling down and rolling
And she passed the rug, snug with a bug
whose stench on her hooves was moldering.

Alas! She cried
Help Meee! She screamed
And katamari princess the giant crab creamed.

Not that it mattered,
Scarlett prior splattered
And helping up Yu, she beamed.

The Princess sent rollin'
The pratfall gods trollin',
Knives' dizziness rose to a peak

Her blades all pulled in
as she went for a spin
and across dozens of anvils she shrieked.

The magic of ponies
is not all well known
Much has been lost in the darkness
Much new has been grown.

The old smiths of Torlaid
Caer of the sisters
worked horns to splinters
And hooves down to blisters

Their magicks still linger
Perhaps even grow stronger
Their anvils they sharpen
Poor blades they make longer

Late now, and woozy
So dizzy she's crazy
The Princess Cutlery stands
And happens to wobble away, slowly, comically, from the runews of lyrical longing she had bumped in her fall, outside the radious of it's wicked limerick urges and able to think without meter once again. She lifts her hoof, sniffs the goo, and recoils; The stench so fowl even the once potent mystic rune, the mighty anvils of the ancient equestrian smiths, melted at it's touch.

Knives scrapes it away with a wing, then wipes the wing, sizzling, into the stone of a wall very far away from her. Wah-Ching! She pouts, You simply must tell us when you walk around piles of slugs! Those things are slippery...

The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 6, Tesla 7, medals 7, Gold 45

Beacon of Chaos
2014-01-18, 03:17 PM
With the forge area cleared out, the ponies continued on their journey. The next area looked very similar to the lab they had first found Penny Pincher in. Large vats filled with a viscous green substance lined the walls. Eldritch runes were inscribed into the stone floors. Large, blood-spattered tables with straps were in the centre of the room, with unpleasant looking medical tools strewn across them.

The only occupants of this place were a small group of changelings, in their natural form. They were seated around a wooden table and playing some kind of card game.

"Okay, so, I'll equip my griffon with the darksteel sword and attack the pony soldier."

"Alright, roll a d6. Oh, that was a good roll! Now you just roll the black die for her attack and-"

"Guys! We got company!"

"Oh, horseapples!"

The changelings stood up as one and lined up in front of the adventurers. One by one they shifted their forms to match those of their opponents. Except for one...

"What's wrong, Jenny?" said the one disguised as Heal Turn.

"Well, look at her! Her wings are metal! How do I even do that!?"

"Look, just do the best you can, we don't have time for accuracy."

"I'm having trouble with mine too! I mean, is it male or female? I can't tell under that big hat!"

"Of for the love of- y'know what? I'm getting the reinforcments."

The changeling slammed a button on the wall next to the vats, and the lids on top of them opened up, many strange, mutated creatures pouring out from them. Giant bees, a monstrous octopus, a walking chest... and one bat, which landed on Scarlet's back, in between Sparky and the Spider.

"Um... hi?"


Jackie draws Monstrous Octopus
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164436.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_0920_164436.png.html)

Heal draws BEEEEES
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1017_223428.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1017_223428.png.html)

Scarlet draws Screeching Bat
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0118_171435.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0118_171435.png.html)

Yu draws Group of Goblins/Mimicry Chest
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172009.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1109_172009.png.html)http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0118_171456.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0118_171456.png.html)

Knives draws Changelings
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1117_113036.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1117_113036.png.html)

2014-01-19, 05:11 PM
The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 6, Tesla 7, medals 7, Gold 45

No, please, Jenny. Finish your roll. Twould be tragic otherwise! We aren't uncivilized, and as your princess it behooves me to be fair in these matters. In fact, let me help you, dahrling!

"... What? What are you—"

But it was too late! Besides, Jenny's complaints were wasted anyway, on the Princess' generosity. Suddenly, masses of feathers (and knives and scales and plates and cleavers and that's probably a fish hook and) swarmed like. A liquid avalanche that swarmed from Her shoulders, down and up onto the changeling in a majestic and poised set of wings more reminiscent of a dragon than anything seen in pony kind. The baffled changeling looks upward, doubtless about to compliment the princess on her fabulousness and for sharing her gorgeous wings, but Cutlery Du'Ponyy saw the thing that most separated her doppletrotter from she herself (aside from the common Marie's utter lack of sophistication, grace and royal mien, that is).

Why, you almost look the part of a princess! But here, dahrling, you've forgotten your crowning jewel!

The Princess cutlery Du'Ponyy III was nothing if not selfless! So of course she would give this 'Princess Jenny' her own crown jewel. Share, and share alike, yes? The dagger from her saddle bags comes cartwheeling out, emblazoned with Knives' signature laser magics to achieve that perfect garnet glow. It sinks into the other Princess' head dress or forehead or whatever that thing is with a dull thunk, and the neon shine of the unicorn magic holding up the wings ceases. There!

There is a rumble, and then a shake, and then the entire multistone metal structure (now beginning to torn with a low red heat) comes crashing down on Princess Jenny, who had done nothing to support the wait besides out her body underneath it.

The wingspan likewise clobbers or at least winds the remaining interlopers.

... ... ... Oh. Um, we uh... Meant to do that? oops.

The Princess Cutlery Du'Pony III

Mana 5, Tesla 6, medals 7, Gold 70

2014-01-19, 07:03 PM
Springboard Jackie, Pirate Queen
Mana 9, Tesla 8, Medals 4, Gold 325g

The sitch wasn't so bad... well, for Jackie anyway.
The changelings appeared to be quite tough, but that was Princess Cutlery's fight and she may have a difficult battle, but the true challenge of it was that assistance was hampered by a giant octopus that waved its tentacles to prevent the rest of the team from getting closer.

One question did cross Jackie's mind... "Why is it octopi and not octopuses?" she thought out loud. "I mean, they're not pegasi, though pegasuses does sound odd as well... guess I'll never know."

"Just take the bloody shot!" Misty shouted as the tentacled creature lashed out at them.

Jackie flew above the creature. Air superiority was her greatest advantage. Well, not counting the large gauss rifle that's about to put a hole through this seafood platter.

Jackie: 4 + 2 + [roll0] +1 = 10
Octo: 5 + [roll1] = 10

The octopus wrapped around Misty. "It's not dead, you moron! Double-tap it! Douuuuuuuuble--" Misty was shaken around in the air by the creature. Jackie snorted and put a little extra 'oomph' in her shot.

(Tap: 1 Mana, Pay: 1 Tesla. Gain +1 to attack roll)
11 vs. 10

The second shot blew through the octopus. It collapsed, releasing Misty. Jackie blew the end of her rifle, even though it didn't smoke at all. "Lunch, is served!"

Springboard Jackie, Pirate Queen
Mana 8, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Gold 335g
Achievement Unlocked: I'm Helping! (End a monster's status effect on the party)

2014-01-20, 05:33 AM
One question did cross Jackie's mind... "Why is it octopi and not octopuses?" she thought out loud.

"It's actwuawwy octopuses, wiff octopi being a cowwect but iwwegular use of the syntax!" The little bwob called, huffing as he raced along a motley of steel thorns, playing whack-a-changeling with any limb that popped free. "The suffix –i foe pwurals comes from the owed wanguage out of Itaily, but the word for octopus is actwuawwy owiginawwy fwom the owed goat language. Boff of which made their way into equestwian!"

Uh... Yes. Knives stutters. What he said.

2014-01-20, 08:03 AM
Uh... Yes. Knives stutters. What he said.

"Great, I'm getting a wanguage wesson- I mean, language lesson from a blobie with a speech-impediment." Jackie commented.

2014-01-24, 02:57 PM
Heal Turn

Heal finally remembers that he's supposed to be doing something over here! With a swing of his mighty Lightning Staff, he does his best impression of a bug zapper. And wonders why he's fighting bees, of all things.


Heal casts Flame on his weapon, giving himself the +1 to counteract the -1 the bees themselves provide. That I forgot to take into account. Darn troublesome bees.

Mana 13, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 305g

Beacon of Chaos
2014-01-27, 07:49 AM
Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 8, Gold 45g, Skulls 1

Scarlet turned to her newest companion. "Well, you're a cute little guy, aren't you? Why were you in those vats with those monsters?"


Just then, Scarlet's changeling doppelganger crept up behind, hoping to strike while she was distracted. Suddenly, the bat's head turned 180°, its mouth opening impossibly wide, and a burst of flame shot out, incinerating the changeling before Scarlet even had a chance to react.

"Wh- But- Uh- Wow! Okay then! Sparky, Smokestack, meet our newest ally: Jalapeno!"


Assisting Knives with her changeling problem, with +2 to her combat roll.

2014-01-29, 08:40 PM
Wah-Ching Yu
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Medals 6, Skulls 0, Gold 530g

Monsters, monsters everywhere! Pouring from the vats.
Bees, changelings, octopii, even a tiny bat.
But only one did Yu pursue to pierce it's woody hide,
A hulking mimic treasure chest that might have gold inside.

Whispering out a battle cry, since silence would be key,
Yu approached the treasure chest, stepping stealthily.
With a hiss, and smoky wisp, the flame blade did ignite,
And leaping from the shadows, set the chest alight.


The chest aground, without a sound, the pony did draw near,
And looked inside, no need to bide, what treasure may be here.

2014-02-01, 06:35 PM
An eye! How auspicious. Yu fit the bauble into the goggle lens, then turned and surveyed the battleroom with it's all-seeing view. A wave of golden light bathed the changelings, and their true forms were revealed once more.

2014-02-05, 01:49 PM
and their true forms were revealed once more.

"Ick," Jackie muttered. "And yet those buggers still remain only the second ugliest things we've met all day."

Beacon of Chaos
2014-02-06, 06:41 PM
The Changelings, weakened and embarassed by the sudden disappearance of their disguises, looked at each other and collectively teleported away.

Moments later, one teleported back, grabbed the card game from the table, then disappeared again, all the while blushing furiously.

It was then that the party heard a familar voice.

"I will admit it, you five are strong. You make a great team. My naga forces, my changeling and goblin allies, even my strongest creations, none of them have been able to stand up to you. Even when I possessed the body of an adventurer I was unable to defeat you. But now..."

A creature slithered out of the shadows at the far side of the room. She had the body of a nagapon, roughly. Her forelegs had been replaced with vicious, razor-sharp claws. A unicorn horn had been stiched onto her forehead and a large pair of metal wings, not unlike the ones used by Princess Cutlery, had been grafted onto her back.

"Now I am strong enough!" she hissed. "I have learned from my mistakes! A nagapon body, graciously donated by the late Princess Viper, given life by magic, and fuelled by tesla! The perfect blend of metal, magic, and flesh! With this body I will have my revenge on the ponies of the surface world!

Starting with you!"

She lunged forward, claws bared and stolen horn glowing with magic.

FINAL BOSS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je3YoGKPC_o)

Heartsbane, Undead Metal Nagacorn Psychopath
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/heartsbanenaga.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/heartsbanenaga.png.html)
(An art attempt was made)

Level 36
Escape 4+
Loot: Treasure roll

Special Effect: Heartsbane gets +2 to all dice rolls. If this effect would be negated, instead reduce the effect to +1 to all dice rolls.

Scarlet Blaze
Mana 10, Tesla 7, Medals 8, Gold 45g, Skulls 1

Scarlet braced herself as the first strike came. Heartsbane surrounded herself with magic fire and flew straight at the group. Scarlet was knocked flying, but managed to land on her hooves.

"Oof! Nice shot, but how about this!? To me, my animal friends!"


The three allies Scarlet had befriended in the dungeon surrounded her.

"Now take this! Blazing Rush!" Together, the four charged back at Heartsbane, striking with claws, talons, firebreath, and steam.

[roll0] (+1 for Suricate Sentry)
[roll1] (+2)

2014-02-06, 07:17 PM
Heartsbane surrounded herself with magic fire and flew straight at the group.

Springboard Jackie, Pirate Queen
Mana 8, Tesla 7, Medals 4, Gold 335g

Jackie and Misty jumped up and took flight to dodge Heartsbane's charge. The flames licked Jackie's tail. She pulled out the remaining Potion of Explosion and handed it to Misty. "Make it count, love!"

The pegasus landed behind Heartsbane and brought her gauss rifle to bear. She charged up the weapon, for mixing magic and tesla was a game she could play too. But for flesh? Jackie settled for Heartsbane's.

"This is for every pony you've hurt."

Jackie pulled the trigger and fired her weapon. That's when Misty pulled the cork with her faerie teeth and dropped the potion. They didn't have a cool attack name like Scarlet, but they brought the pain just as well.

Jackie: 7(STR) + [roll0] + 2(Spent 2 Mana & 2 Tesla) + 3(Instant Damage) = 16 No Kill Like Overkill
HBane: [roll1] + 2 = 3

Springboard Jackie, Pirate Queen
Mana 6, Tesla 5, Medals 4, Gold 335g

2014-02-07, 09:35 AM
Heal Turn
Mana 13, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 305g

"Final boss? FINAL BOSS?! Alright, let's do this!"

Heal tossed his Mana Potion towards Knives (full mana) and used his Suricate Sentry, giving everyone an assist.

Combat Strength: +4
Staff of Lightning: +1
Suricate Sentry: +1
TOTAL: +10

Mana 13, Tesla 0, Medals 4, Gold 305g
[Equipped]Staff of Lightning - Weapon, Staff (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
This weapon deals thunder damage. +3 to your maximum mana.
[Equipped]Full Glass Armor - Armor (Sell 70g, Light)
Level 10 Armor.
[Equipped]Magical Tiara of Divinity - Hat (Sell 70g, Light)
You gain +1 magic rank.
+2 to your maximum mana.

[ ]Death Scythe - Weapon, Blade (Sell 25g, Light)
+1 Combat Strength
Whenever you defeat a monster or support a monster which is defeated: gain 1 mana.

2014-02-13, 03:19 PM
What's this?! A challenger to the tiara!?

Thou darkest to mock mine royal blood? Thou daresy to sully all I stand for with that admittedly gorgeous adder's plot? This mockery can! Not! Stand!
Knives calls from the back of the room while putting her knives back on. A lady needed to decent for a boss battle after all.

Well, take this then! My love! My anger! And my bitching fashion sense! Knives cried, fiery electrical ice flooding her eyes, her horn, her body, her knife-cloud-armor. They burned (and froze) so hard as to form her into a silhouette amidst a polychromatic aureola, stretching from spiky pony into nebulous starfish thing into...

The others gasp as Knives – no, the Princess Cutlery Du'Ponyy III – begins the ultimate in pony martial attacks, the Minotaur Claws stance, seen only once before in history when the fourth grand master of the temple of howlig winds sneezed during his morning yoga.

Shining! BURNING! PRINCESS! and the five-pronged claw curled upon itself like some sort of armadillo hydra into what the Minotaur people call a "fist" as the Princess rocketed into the other princess, the bad one, like some sort of contrived meteor or giant robot special attack form.

Combat strength: 4 level +5 sword +1 armor +1 bwob +1 retroactive Heal Turn bonus +2 instant damage = 12
Combat roll: 1 sword +1 flying +1 bwob = 3
= [b]18 total

2014-02-13, 03:20 PM
[and because I derped the tag]

2014-02-14, 09:10 PM
Wah-Ching Yu, Goldeneye Ninja
Mana 10, Tesla 8, Gold 550, Skulls 0

Yu felt the sweep of magic underhoof, and let it take over. As the ninja floated up into the ceiling of gloom, the battle unfolded beneath. Heartsbane was taking a pounding, but hadn't been finished yet.

It was time to change that. The time for subtlety was over. Yu struggled to remove the arcane machine from the cloak, but soon freed the giant box. The paper hat was removed, and stuck into the front as an amplifier. Then Yu pointed it straight down.

"Heartsbane, may you be the bane of hearts no longer!"



The ground began to crack.

The hat is a cannon.
[roll0] (4 base, +1 f/ Moustache, +1 f/ flight, +4 f/ Cannons, +6 instant damage)
[roll1] (max 6)
All tesla spent

Triple points if you can see the joke.

2014-02-15, 01:07 AM
"That ought a raise the roof," Jackie muttered.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-02-15, 06:33 PM
Heartsbane fought fiercely. Against Scarlet's assault she weathered the blows with a magic shield and then knocked the pony and her pets away with a sweep of her mighty tail. Jackie and Misty blindsided her with their attacks but she blasted them back with her magic and took to the air with her tesla-powered wings. She tried to fight back waves of dark energy from her horn, but Heal Turn's magic was strong enough to deflect it and strike back with an attack of his own.

Heartsbane was wounded and weakened, but she would not relent. She used her magic once more, engulfing her claws in flame as she charged at the ponies once again. Then came The Princess's "fist". Heartsbane had never seen anything like it. Nopony had ever seen anything like it. And it struck her hard. She'd managed to put up a shield, but it was too little, too late. She'd exhausted her mana supply and the mighty fist pummeled her.

Despite the great pain, Heartsbane managed to stand back up, barely clinging to consciousness.

"I... will... not... lose! Not to... not to the likes of you! I will-"

And the rest of her sentence was drowned out by The Noise. Heartsbane was screaming. The ponies could see it, even if they couldn't hear it, covering the ears with their hooves as they were.

The floor cracked and shattered. The evil mutant nagacorn fell. The Noise ceased and through the ringing in their ears the ponies heard Heartsbane's voice cry out:

"I will have my revenge! You... will... regret... thiiiiiiiiis!"

She fell down into the caves below, striking the cold, hard rock.

Scarlet stood at the edge of the pit created by the waveform cannon. Heartsbane was dead. But was she dead enough? She'd come back before.

With some magical assistance, Scarlet floated down into the pit. Heartsbane's corpse was lifeless. At first. A slight twitch of one claw caught the earth pony's eyes. Heartsbane's possessed claw detached itself from the rest of the naga's mangled body and attempted to skitter away as it had done once before.

"I don't think so!"

Scarlet was ready this time and crushed the claw under a rock. She smashed it several times to make sure. And the claw stopped moving. That was it. It was over.

Scarlet flew back up to the rest of the group, carrying the battered claw as evidence of their victory, as well as a small chest.

"Found this down there. Jackie, would you care to do the honours?" She set the chest down in front of her friend. "And then we'll head back and get some drinks! I'm buying!"

2014-02-15, 08:12 PM
"Found this down there. Jackie, would you care to do the honours?"

"It would be my pleasure, mate," Jackie said happily. "Well... guess this be the end of the run, isn't it? Almost wishin' there was just one more dungeon. Heh. Almost."

Jackie pries the chest open with her Science Sword and (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKQ9TDSiawo)...

Beacon of Chaos
2014-02-16, 05:49 AM
Treasure Time!

Jackie draws:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0216_102255.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0216_102255.png.html)

Heal draws:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0216_102313.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2014_0216_102313.png.html)

Scarlet draws:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1010_190955.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1010_190955.png.html)

Yu draws:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221353.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221353.png.html)

Knives draws:
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221337.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Pony%20Stuff/Buck%20Legacy/Img2013_1201_221337.png.html)

"Alright ponies, let's go home. Drinks are on me!"

2014-02-16, 01:29 PM
Despite victory today against the forces of evil... Jackie felt like there would be something still missing. "You know... I'm going to actually miss all the shenanigans."

Beacon of Chaos
2014-02-17, 03:05 PM
Despite victory today against the forces of evil... Jackie felt like there would be something still missing. "You know... I'm going to actually miss all the shenanigans."
Scarlet grins and slaps Jackie on the back. "Hey, once word gets out that you're a rich, unstoppable adventurer, I'm sure you'll find yourself in plenty of shenanigans!"

2014-02-17, 07:42 PM
Jackie smiles. "Heh... I hope yer right."

2014-02-20, 12:56 PM
Scarlet grins and slaps Jackie on the back. "Hey, once word gets out that you're a rich, unstoppable adventurer, I'm sure you'll find yourself in plenty of shenanigans!"

"Excellent idea." The goggles turn and stare at Knives briefly, and then the misshapen blob that was Yu swoops gracefully back up the tunnel. It was time to expand the Wah-Ching family holdings, and this town was in need of a dear leader.

2014-02-20, 02:04 PM
this town was in need of a dear leader.


2014-02-21, 02:21 PM
And thus, his adventures came to an end. With peace taking the reins in town, Heal decided to focus back towards his medical practice. He briefly expanded into dentistry, but after seeing the new drill he had, it was shut down due to lack of clients.

The medical practice still carried on, though! And in his office, Heal kept the momentos from his adventuring. While they were simply there for memories, perhaps the scythe hanging up on the wall was partially responsible for the unusual decrease of complaints lately.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-02-21, 04:25 PM
The party made their way back to the city. There were no more nagapons to be seen; they had all disappeared after the death of their leader. The war was well and truly over.

As they climbed out of the pit there were many ponies stood around, many of whom had been in the process of cleaning up the mess from the invasion. They all waited with baited breath to hear if the adventurers had been successful.

"We got her!" cried Scarlet triumphantly, holding aloft the battered claw trophy. A roar of applause rose from the crowd and the party was suddenly surrounded by ponies congratulating them, shaking their hooves and offering to buy them drinks. Streamers and balloons appeared from nowhere, and music began to play. The ponies later learned that a young local inventor had invented some kind of steam-powered cannon that dispenses party supplies.

Off to one side, Captain Cacophony smiled. "That ragtag bunch of weirdos actually did it. Heh. I wonder if any of them want jobs with the city guard. I'll ask them later, after the celebrations."


Scarlet packed up her bags and left the hotel room. It had been a wild few days, but now it was time to leave. She was going back to the oasis to see her family. She had many stories to tell, as she was sure they did too.

She said her goodbyes to her new friends, Jackie, Heal, and Princess Cutlery. She would have said goodbye to Yu too, but that guy was so hard to find. She had no doubt that she'd see them again someday. She was an adventurer, and there were always plenty of adventures to be had in Urbem Sanctem. Maybe she'd take up that offer from Cacophony some day.

"Whadya say, guys? Shall we get a move on? Next caravan is in ten minutes."


"Great! Then let's get going! Home sweet home, here I come!"