View Full Version : New campaign

2013-08-22, 07:52 PM
Hello guys! I'm looking for some tips to build my character for the campaign my new group is going to undertake. Actually the group is going to be just me and another friend + DM and we were thinking what would be the best combo of classes to go by in a duo.
Here's the rules stipulated by the DM:
The books are the 3 core (3.5), complete adventurer, the 3.0 masters of the wild and the newly bought (actually an used book) stormwrack which are all the books we have available combined.
No druids, wizards, paladins, monks or ninjas. No gnomes or half orcs. Everything else is good to go.
Our initial idea is he going cleric of the thief goddess and me going sorcerer/fighter. I haven't played for years and always used to play druid. The campaign itself is a pirate adventure through several islands with some dungeoncrawling. We're starting lvl 6. My pal will have access to most thieves skills with the homebrewed pantheon so I think he is good to go. I was thinking of fighter/sorcerer/eldritch knight, human or maybe dwarf. Maybe barbarian instead of fighter.
Any cool ideas?

2013-08-22, 07:59 PM
I suppose depending on what you want out of a Sorcerer/Fighter, I'd actually suggest a Ranger. No Arcane Spell Failure, the light armor only won't hurt too much as you won't be "overboard bait" like the guy in plate armor always is. You have a lot of relevant skills and the skill points to use them on a shipboard adventure. Like the Sorcerer/Fighter you'll have a smattering of magic. And as a druid player you'll be used to thinking tactically with nature spells/animal companions.

Humble Master
2013-08-22, 08:08 PM
If you want to play a Sorc Fighter type thing I would not recommend being a Dwarf. The Cha penalty will hurt you a lot. Human is probably a better option.

2013-08-22, 08:23 PM
Well... what I want from this combo is being able to go melee AND sling good spells. I don't like the ranger spell list too much, there is some gems there, but no good damage dealers. The animal companion is always a plus of course, however the familiar from sorcerer could be good too.
My thinking was that the CON bonus would be good enough to outweight the CHA loss.
Also we are rolling stats with the 5d6 minus the two worst deal. If I don't roll good enough I'll be going full sorc I guess, but maybe I can pull this build with a couple 16s.

2013-08-23, 04:28 PM
I'll shamelessly bump this once and see if anyone is willing to help me select some good spells or offer more help with the build before tomorrow.
Thanks in advance for any replys.. Thanks!

2013-08-23, 06:16 PM
... I'm blanking on the name right now, but furthering the Ranger thing, there is an ACF which alters their spell list to the Sorcerer/Wizard list. Which might make it exactly what you would want. Mystic Ranger I think? I wanted to be more help but for the life of me I cannot remember what it's called.

But if you got that, you got the Ranger Chassis, full BAB, feats, etc, with Wizard spellcasting from level one. Might be exactly what you'd want.