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2013-08-22, 11:17 PM
Slateport, once a small town on the coast of Hoenn, has grown into a bustling city. It's marketplace is huge and nearly anything can be found there, for a price. The city has expanded out so much that bicycle road now begins within the city. The once small shipping port has become a center of economic and social growth as people and traders from all over the world visit the city for it's wonderful weather and beautiful beaches.

It's beautiful day in the beginning of summer. The beaches are full, the marketplace is bustling and everything is as it should be, at least on the surface.

And so it begins. Wasn't really sure how to start it off so I figured I'd leave it open and let you guys place yourselves in the city.

2013-08-22, 11:36 PM
Marshall looks around the massive market of Slateport, mentally going over his supplies. Potions... check. Status healers... check. Medicine for my self, just in case - check. Pokeballs, for if I find new breeding stock... check. Now... let's see if there's anything else I can find that might be useful. Maybe see if I can get a decently-priced bike? He muses on possibilities as he wanders the marketplace, looking at the various stalls to see if he finds anything of note.

2013-08-23, 12:21 AM
Elsewhere, a girl and a giant bee look at the selection of sweets in the area, window shopping as most shops tend to not allow beedrills in where there's a lot of sugar. "Too many pointy bits" they said. Three is barely any points at all, when you get down to it!
"Paladin, you're sure that this is where that ninjask said he was from, right? And that there are a lot of other bugs here too?"
The beedrill nods, buzzing about the window and looking very inquisitively through the glass, scaring the occasional little kid by accident.
"Anything good in there? Big, too. Gotta make what we have spread out for a bit, after all."
Truth be told, a grand is a good bit of cash. However, when you've got three bug types and a source of sugar nearby, it can disappear quickly. Especially with the bigger ones.

2013-08-23, 08:54 AM
Vic looks around the marketplace, checklist out for things to purchase, especially apricorns and unusual pokeball designs to study and replicate. He has whispy out with him, she perches on his shoulder, little flame dancing.

2013-08-23, 09:16 AM
Elsewhere, a girl and a giant bee look at the selection of sweets in the area, window shopping as most shops tend to not allow beedrills in where there's a lot of sugar. "Too many pointy bits" they said. Three is barely any points at all, when you get down to it!
"Paladin, you're sure that this is where that ninjask said he was from, right? And that there are a lot of other bugs here too?"
The beedrill nods, buzzing about the window and looking very inquisitively through the glass, scaring the occasional little kid by accident.
"Anything good in there? Big, too. Gotta make what we have spread out for a bit, after all."
Truth be told, a grand is a good bit of cash. However, when you've got three bug types and a source of sugar nearby, it can disappear quickly. Especially with the bigger ones.

Many people around town would notice a blur going around coming into town. For those with good eyes they would notice what the blur was. A young man with a dark complexion and platinum hair riding a larger than normal Durant, not huge just big enough to small distance riding. Antonio, along with his longtime companion Masamune, were laying almost flat in order to fit and clinging tightly to the back of Antonio's Durant named Crush. Flinching a little at the windspeed irritating his eyes Antonio cried, "Cruuuuusssshhhhhh, slow dowwwwnnnnn! What is the big hurry!" Antonio got his answer soon after that as Crush came to a stop outside a certain shop, a sweet shop.

Antonio groaned as he said, "Again Crush? I know it's been a while but..." Antonio turned to see Crush giving him the puppy dog eyes. Crush was a proud creature, but not to proud to beg when it came to sweets it seemed. Antonio sighed as his will folded like a cheap suit and he nodded his head. Durant looked extremely happy as Masamune the Pawniard jumped down from Antonio's shoulder and immediately proceeded to start lecturing Crush who looked affronted. Antonio gave another sigh as his pokemon bickered with each other before smiling at the familiarity they exuded. The two of them were the pokemon he had around the longest after all.

Turning towards the window of the sweet shop he paused as he realized a girl was there with a large Beedrill buzzing around her. He chuckled nervously as he realized the girl probably saw their little debacle. Trying to play it semi-cool he said, "What can I say the big guy loves his sweets. Uh, I should probably introduce myself huh? I'm Antonio Gatsby, nice to meet you." Antonio walks over near the girl to peer into the sweet shop as well to browse the various treats inside. "So, what would you reccomend?" he says with a smile.

2013-08-23, 12:47 PM
Beaches were a place for Kimberly to strut her stuff. Leon let her lead as they wondered the beach front. Kimberly stood tall, sometimes even stretching to her tippie-toes and putting a hand to shield her eyes as she looked into the distance. "Tortle- WAR!" she says enthusiastically as she points to the water. Leon nods and motions his head towards the water, he follows behind her as Kimberly makes a bee-line for the water.

2013-08-23, 12:59 PM
Lucia turned, having been caught up in trying to find something fruit based for her mon.
"Eh? Oh, Lucia Turillo. And that depends what you-"
She spots Crush about then, and you are pretty sure you have never seen someone move towards a durant so fast in your life.
"Aw, look at you! You're no drone, no you're not! You must have been a big guy in your hill!"
Nor have you seen many people try and hug Crush, either, or happily pet him. The beedrill just sighs and shakes her head, before flying over and tapping three balls on Lucia's belt, sending out a spinarak that gives a courtly bow, a paras that looks confused before climbing up onto Lucia's head, and a slightly small kangaskhan, who gives a small chuckle and shakes her head, sitting down next to Masamune.

2013-08-23, 02:05 PM
After getting off the boat. Jack takes in his surroundings looking for any immediate danger. Failing to find any he wonders around the city trying to get his bearings in the new place in the new region. Well now that I'm here I have no idea where I am going. I really should have planned this out better. I wonder if Team Snagem thinks I'm dead... Nah they will probably keep looking until they find a body. But the real question is do they know I left Orre? His feet just keep walking and when he stops to get his bearing again he finds himself at the front of the entrance to the market place. Might as well see if I can find a map of the region while I'm here. And it looks like pokemon are allowed to be out of their pokeballs here... What a strange new region I'm in. Jack then walks into the market place looking for a map of the region and to observe the Honnen regions culture.

2013-08-23, 09:22 PM
Lucia turned, having been caught up in trying to find something fruit based for her mon.
"Eh? Oh, Lucia Turillo. And that depends what you-"
She spots Crush about then, and you are pretty sure you have never seen someone move towards a durant so fast in your life.
"Aw, look at you! You're no drone, no you're not! You must have been a big guy in your hill!"
Nor have you seen many people try and hug Crush, either, or happily pet him. The beedrill just sighs and shakes her head, before flying over and tapping three balls on Lucia's belt, sending out a spinarak that gives a courtly bow, a paras that looks confused before climbing up onto Lucia's head, and a slightly small kangaskhan, who gives a small chuckle and shakes her head, sitting down next to Masamune.

Crush holds his head high, happily soaking up the praise from Lucia. Antonio chuckles as he says, "Yeah, he's a powerful one alright. Just don't give him too much praise. His ego will become unbearable." Masamune rolled it's eyes as it said in pokespeak, "That is a gross understatement." It gives an amiable nod to Lucia's Kangaskhan.

Antonio looks at the pokemon released by Lucia's Beedrill and looks amazed at them. "Wow! Pretty impressive roster. Okay then since I've seen your's it's only fair that I return the favor. Come on out everybody!" Antonio reaches to his belt to clench his other three pokeballs and tosses them in the air. There are three sources of light that form into shapes of pokemon. The first is a serious looking Drilbur despite how young it looks. It salutes to Masamune who nonchalantly waves it off. Next is a Klink that looks at the gathered bug pokemon and smiles at them in a friendly manner as it happily spins. Last but not least is a Magnemite that floated closer to the ground than a normal Magnemite with it's eye half-lidded.

Antonio motions toward the pokemon in order as he says, "Miss Lucia, allow me to introduce you to Kamina, Clockwerk, and Magneto. You can probably guess from their types but I specialize in steel type pokemon. I'm guessing from your pokemon you specialize in bug types?" He finishes his sentence as he reaches down to let Spinarak crawl up his arm.

2013-08-24, 12:40 AM
Hard at work tinkering around with the latest test model of her grandfather's submarine, Eve Medea brushes back her long bangs with the back of her left hand as her right clutches a wrench. She had promised her father that she would at least help him one last time before she left Slateport, but this was ridiculous. Props to him for trying to hold her back for a little while longer, but this is where she would finish.

"Vivi, get my jacket for me, please." Eve adjusts her goggles back to her forehead and tugs at her gloves as Vivi swoops down from her perch on the periscope to snatch the gray jacket from a nearby chair, dropping it on Eve's extended arm. "Thanks! Zero, get down here. It's time for us to leave." A series of squeaks and clicks quickly chatter back, and a bundle of leathery wings flutter down from the rafters.

Eve pulls on her jacket and takes one long look at the familiar building; this would be the last time she would see this place in a long while, and she was probably going to miss it. Might as well take it in, for memory's sake. Then she turns around, grabs her backpack from the rack, and leaves Stern's Shipyard, Vivi and Zero flapping behind her frantically.

2013-08-24, 08:07 PM
"Working towards that, at least. Heard there were a few interesting types here that aren't in Unova, though I had to travel a bit to find these guys."
She waves to the pokemon and scans them as they come out, nearly forgetting to let the durant go before picking him up. Mostly had to stow away, but it worked. She points to her mon, one after another.
"Paladin the beedrill, Gentlespin the spinarak, Mushroom the paras, and Matron the kangaskhan."
Gentlespin gives a small bow before skittering up the arm, intent on speaking with this gentleman. Meanwhile, Mushroom hops down and begins sniffing at the various mon, watching Clockwerk spin and head following the movements. Meanwhile, Paladin lands, looking at the drilbur. Eventually, she taps claws with him, then Masamune. Blade hands for life! Matron smiles happily next to Masamune, before looking closely at Magneto, barking a couple questions about what it's like to fly that way.
"I take it your specialty is steel then?"

2013-08-24, 08:50 PM
Vic sighs after a while of searching, clearly not able to find what he's looking for. He glances around for someone who looks like they know where to go in here.

Anyone else in or around the market, feel free to jump in here. :)

2013-08-24, 08:55 PM
Antonio smiles at Gentlespin as it crawls up his arm. Once it reaches his shoulder he chuckles as he imagines that the two of them could probably make an intimidating pair. He scans it and the rest of the pokemon as he says, "You got it in one. Miss Lucia. I like the sturdyness of steel types. That and I like surprising my opponents when my pokemon when they turn out to be speedy bruiser instead of walls. Well some of them are that too, but you know. Their quite fast, unlike some people seem to think." Antonio's statement is slightly babbly but he really does love steel types.

Clockwerk seeing that Mushroom is intrigued by it's spinning tries to entertain it by speeding up its spinning and then rapidly spinning in the other direction. Crush seems slightly upset that he is no longer being praised and so gently brushes her hand with its head. Kamina looks to Paladin after tapping claws with her in what seems to be admiration for how strong it is. Masamune taps claws with Paladin as it continues to watch over the other pokemon. Since they others were younger by a good deal he considered himself their protector. Magneto looks at Matron as it gives the closets approximation to a shrug that it can. It then replies that it is less troublesome than walking from what it can tell.

Antonio looks at all of his pokemon and chuckles as he brings up a hand to gently rub Gentlespin's head. "Yeah, my pokemon are quite a group of characters. I love 'em to bits though.

2013-08-25, 01:49 AM
As Eve heads towards the Pokemon Center for a quick checkup on Vivi and Zero, she spots a boy in the middle of the market who looks fairly exasperated. She figures he can't find something he's looking for, like many others who come to the Slateport Market, and delays her trip in order to help him out. It shouldn't take long, anyways.

"Hey! You, with the flamey pokemon on your shoulder! Need help?" She waves at him from the outskirts of the marketplace, hoping that she shouted loud enough to catch his attention.

2013-08-25, 03:41 AM
After observing the culture the seem to be all king, and polite to each other. Is this what a "normal" society is suppose to function like?he thinks to himself. Don't think to hard or you'll never learn anything. The words drilled into his head from his captors. Constantly tormenting him. He sees a guy with blonde hair staring in his direction. almost as if they are trying to look straight through him. It kind of freaks him out so he decides to try and talk to him. As he walks over there he taps one of his pokeballs and out pops a Shadow. Shadow stays very close to Jack due to the huge amounts of people around him, and due to the fact that he and Jack have bonded a great deal in a short amount of time. Hello there can I help you with something? He asks the man who is staring into space.

2013-08-25, 08:03 AM
Vic opens his mouth to say something when he hears a girl yelling at him, he turns around quickly, whispy holding on for dear life. Oh, thanks! Um, could you come closer? I don't want to have to shout.

He turns to the man in front of him. I guess this is a friendly town after all! Hi, I'm Victor Rose, but feel free to call me Vic.

He turns to the girl when she approaches. Hi there, I'm Victor Rose, but please call me Vic. So, I was hoping one of you two might know where I could purchase pokeball smithing supplies...I'm a pokeball designer, and I'm hoping to either set up shop or become a traveling peddler.

2013-08-25, 10:26 AM
I wouldn't know, I'm not from here.

Probably shouldn't have said that. I'll have to be more careful with what I say. he thinks to himself.

That being said it's nice to meet you Vic. I'm Jack and this is Shadow. Was there a reason you were staring at me awhile ago?

2013-08-25, 01:59 PM
Oh, um, yeah...I sometimes just sort of space out when thinking...I didn't notice you were there at first honestly.

He looks down for a moment, embarrassed. Well, either way, nice to meet you too. This is whispy on my shoulder. Nice to meet you too Shadow.

He stares off again for a second. I really do need a map.

2013-08-25, 02:20 PM
That's what I came to the Marketplace to find believe it or not. Jack replies as he scans the candle into his pokedex. If he says it's a pokemon I'll believe him, but it doesn't look like one.I was going to give up my search and head to the Pokemon center. I think they have a map in there. Maybe they will let us copy it or tell us where we can obtain our own.

2013-08-25, 02:28 PM
Marshall glances up at the trio of trainers near one of the Marketplace's entrances, and takes a moment to scan the Pokemon they have out as he heads over. Hearing the mention of a map, he says, "Is there some place specific that you're looking for? I might be able to help out..."

2013-08-25, 02:35 PM
I'm not really sure... I just came here without a plan, and no knowledge of the Honnen region.

2013-08-25, 02:40 PM
Vic scans theirs as well, and whispy's flame flickers as she studies everyone around her now.

Well...I was mostly looking for supplies, and somewhere to get started with my craft. Oh, and I'm Victor Rose, but call me Vic. A pokemon center would be a good place to go too...

2013-08-25, 02:51 PM
"Of course. Don't know if I'll be able to help you with supplies - the vendors in the marketplace here can change pretty often, so I can't guarantee something would be available even if it was before. A Center I can help you out with, though," he says with a smile. "Name's Marshall Hawthorne... don't really have a nickname to speak of, though. So, what kind of supplies are you looking for?"

2013-08-25, 03:08 PM
I'm mostly looking for pokeball smithing supplies, various electronics, apricorns, that sort of thing. I plan on making more of my own, and selling them around the area.

2013-08-25, 03:14 PM
Marshall thinks for a moment before saying, "Didn't really notice anything like that, but then again, when I look for Pokeballs I only look for the finished product - and even then, I don't really need much in that regard. I really only catch wilds for breeding stock - I prefer to work with Pokemon I've raised myself."

2013-08-25, 03:16 PM
"Okay, I'll be right over there! Vivi, Zero, fly over to him so I can separate him from the crowd more easily." As the two pokemon soar over the border of the marketplace, Eve runs around to actually get in to where another person has now joined him.

Hi there, I'm Victor Rose, but please call me Vic. So, I was hoping one of you two might know where I could purchase pokeball smithing supplies...I'm a pokeball designer, and I'm hoping to either set up shop or become a traveling peddler.

"Charmed to meet you, Vic. I'm Eve Medea. It seems to me the both of you aren't from around here. Luckily for you, I know this market like the back of my hand. Just tell me what you guys are looking for."

Once the two trainers, soon joined by another trainer, list off their needs, she starts rattling off directions to the various stalls:

"Well, there's a stall six spots down on the left that sells a few maps from time to time, and another one just around the corner back where I entered that's currently selling apricorns. As for regular supplies, the Pokemart takes care of those, but there's some rarer items at the stall near the back entrance. And if you're gonna head to the Pokemon Center, I'll go with you. I was on my way there when I spotted Vic here."

2013-08-25, 03:29 PM
Vic smiles to Eve as she lists off places, then nods again. Okay, I've got that then. And sure, we can head to the center first...shopping isn't urgent after all. Nice to meet you as well by the way.

2013-08-25, 03:34 PM
Eve if you would be so kind to guide me to the map stand I would really appreciate it. Would you happen to know how much they are? He says while scanning the mon now flying above them.

2013-08-25, 03:44 PM
Nodding at Eve, Marshall says, "Yeah, I'm not really looking for anything specific - was thinking about maybe looking for a battle soon. Though... if you guys would be interested, maybe we can do a doubles match?"

2013-08-25, 03:47 PM
Hearing the word battle jack quickly forgets about his need for a map and quickly replies.A battle would sound nice. What would the pairings be, and what are the rules?

2013-08-25, 04:05 PM
"Well... as for rules, I'd say no flying or burrowing beyond 5m... I don't know how many Pokemon each of you has to know how many to use, though I've got six myself. For pairings... well, we could just draw straws or something, I suppose," Marshall replies.

2013-08-25, 05:06 PM
Let's say two pokemon each. That makes a total of four pokemon per team. As for picking teams... why not let it fall on chance and have it be decided by a coin flip? I got one right here. he reaches into his pocket and retrieves one and hands it to Eve.Eve will flip it three times.While it is in the air she will call out a trainer's name Eve, Jack, Marshal, or Vic. Once she says a name it can't be used again. The first team will be the first pair, of either 2 heads or 2 tails. Then the other two trainers make the other team. Sound good?

2013-08-25, 05:10 PM
"Sounds good to me," Marshall replies.

2013-08-25, 05:35 PM
Vic nods. Why don't we do that somewhere less crowded? In the gym maybe, or else there has to be a clearing somewhere around here...

He looks around, then blinks. Maps, right, yes. Maps would help this.

2013-08-25, 06:02 PM
The Budding battlers:
A shopkeeper, overhearing your conversation, buts in "Hey if you guys are gonna start something take it to the beach, we don't like battles here in the marketplace." you leave the marketplace and find a open cement walk along the beach open enough for a double battle. following jack's advice eve flips a coin
Coin flips:
[roll0] Marshal
[roll1] Vic
[roll2] Eve
[roll3] Jack
first two with matching numbers are working together

Turtle chaser:
Kimberly heads straight out into the water splashing right past a fisherman "Control your turtle kid. You'll scare away all the fish."

Sweet shoppers:
The sheer number of pokemon out on the street in front of the shop is starting to draw attention. The owner of the store looks out and shakes his head but otherwise ignores you.
Not really sure I have anything to do with the two of you so.....continue I guess

2013-08-25, 06:15 PM
Antonio smiles at Gentlespin as it crawls up his arm. Once it reaches his shoulder he chuckles as he imagines that the two of them could probably make an intimidating pair. He scans it and the rest of the pokemon as he says, "You got it in one. Miss Lucia. I like the sturdyness of steel types. That and I like surprising my opponents when my pokemon when they turn out to be speedy bruiser instead of walls. Well some of them are that too, but you know. Their quite fast, unlike some people seem to think." Antonio's statement is slightly babbly but he really does love steel types.

Clockwerk seeing that Mushroom is intrigued by it's spinning tries to entertain it by speeding up its spinning and then rapidly spinning in the other direction. Crush seems slightly upset that he is no longer being praised and so gently brushes her hand with its head. Kamina looks to Paladin after tapping claws with her in what seems to be admiration for how strong it is. Masamune taps claws with Paladin as it continues to watch over the other pokemon. Since they others were younger by a good deal he considered himself their protector. Magneto looks at Matron as it gives the closets approximation to a shrug that it can. It then replies that it is less troublesome than walking from what it can tell.

Antonio looks at all of his pokemon and chuckles as he brings up a hand to gently rub Gentlespin's head. "Yeah, my pokemon are quite a group of characters. I love 'em to bits though.
"They're a good group, and I'm glad to have met you all."
Lucia picks the durant up to pet more easily as she regards the others*. Mushroom tries to follow, before getting dizzy. Meanwhile, Matron tries gently picking Magneto up and putting it on a shoulder, because why not? Gentlespin bids the shopkeeper good morning, and Paladin looks in curiously before getting shooed back. Lucia looks at the owner.
"Oh, yeah! Uh, sorry about this, mister. Um, uh...do you have any honey based candies or candied fruits?"

*Probably able to, though your size difference makes things a bit odd as they're normally a foot tall...

2013-08-25, 06:33 PM
"Well," Marshall says, "Looks like it's me and Vic against the two of you. That said, I'm ready to start when you are. Alia," he says as he releases his Azurill, "you ready for a workout?" The young water-type gives a cry of assent as it bounces on the ball at the end of its tail.

Alright, after getting the go-ahead from Cor to do so, I've made a battle map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ah6-iyD21LrrdFhud3IwOE1lb2ZEYVVnQ1NnMHZuQ3c&usp=sharing) for our convenience. It's your call where specifically you want to start out, but I've highlighted recommended starting points for everyone(habit, really), and included an initiative chart down below as well.

Each player gets their own map color - no connection to chat colors, though. You can list both mon you're using, or just list one and wait until the other is released.

Also, I will ask that you note speed when you first release the mon - either in your post or on the map. If you put it in the post, I'll make sure it's added to the initiative chart on the map.

And it is open for editing, so you don't have to wait for me or cor - you can put yourselves on there and move your mon as you go. Just don't edit the templates there, please - if we need a new template, I can make the adjustments for it when it's needed.

2013-08-25, 07:42 PM
Well then, if you're using a water type, whispy, looks like you're up first!

The litwick floats onto the battlefield.

2013-08-25, 08:19 PM
"The flamey pokemon? I hope you know what you're getting into. Vivi's gonna douse that fire of its really quick."

Eve sends her Wingull onto the makeshift battlefield. It squawks as it lands on an acceptable spot across from the Azurill Marshall sent out.

"Oh yeah, here's your coin back." She tosses it to Jack across the walk.

2013-08-25, 08:22 PM
Antonio watches Lucia speak to the shop keeper before he says, "Hey if you want we could put the money we have together and get some. After all you probably need more than me since you have a lot more bug types." Crush looks deliriously happy as he is surprisingly picked up by the young woman. Magneto graciously takes the perch on Matron's shoulder and relaxes. Clockwerk stops it's spinning as it looks at Mushroom worriedly. Kamina tries to lecture Magneto about being so lazy as Masamune shakes his head before it perks up as he listens to a nearby group of people talking. He then taps Antonio's leg as the trainer was speaking with Gentlespin, not really understanding it but doing his best to read it's body language.

He turns to look at Masamune as the small pokemon points at a group of people. Antonio listen's in to the conversation and hears about a battle happening down at the beach. A grin breaks out onto his face as he looks at Lucia again. "So I just heard that a battle is about to get underway. So how about we buy some sweets and go spectate. Sound good?"

2013-08-26, 02:22 PM
As they make their way to the beach. It looks like Eve is his partner for this battle, and as soon as they get there she releases a Wingull, and flips back his coin.So it looks like a flying water type. so I'll cover her rock weakness. . He thinks to himself.Jackie Let's go, hold nothing back. After a spark of light a Hitmonchan appears and throws a quick series of jabs and get's into a fighters stance, next to the Wingull.

Jackie's speed is 13

2013-08-26, 02:36 PM
Lucia nods to Antonio.
"Yeah, we can go see the fight. Girls? Gentlespin? You up for a show?"
She picks up the slightly dizzy Mushroom, still shaking her head to clear it, waving Clockwerk after her while still holding Crush. Letting the young paras rest between the bigger bug's antennae. Mushroom's head always got a bit mixed up due to the spores in her. Really would have to find a way to save her from the fate all parasect face, but that would take time...
Gentlespin gestures towards the fine shopkeep, bereft of wealth of his own but still an amicable customer. Matron, being big, offers a spot on her shoulders to Masamune and Kamina. All the easier to see from, after all. Last of all was Paladin, who with the open door has begun to taste the air, enjoying it. Once she has her sweets for her team, Lucia leads the way to see the fight.

2013-08-26, 02:59 PM
Speed kills....:smallcool:

Jakie move closer to Vivi, and stay light on your feet.

Jakie moves to M8.

2013-08-26, 06:26 PM
Antonio chipped in to purchase the sweets with Lucia. Crush doesn't mind Mushroom's perch on his head as he is still being carried and doted over. Masamune bows deeply in thanks of Matron's offer and easily hops onto her shoulder. Kamina gives an enthusiastic thank you as well before trying to jump up. However Matron's shoulders are just our of his jumping range. He tries three more times before Masamune sighs and jumps back down, wrapping it arms around Kamina before jumping back up to the offered perch. Antonio makes sure Gentlespin is ready for movement and firmly attached to his shoulder before he runs after Lucia to the site of the battle.

2013-08-26, 11:06 PM
Thanks for covering Vivi, Jack, but we won't get anywhere without charging forward in this fight. Vivi, start advancing towards cute, little Mr. Flamey over there!

Vivi moves to M5.

2013-08-27, 12:06 PM
Vic smiles. Whispy is a female, though if you're going to be confused anyway...whispy, give Vivi a Confuse Ray!

Whispy moves forward to D5 and uses Confuse Ray on Vivi, auto-hits.

2013-08-28, 12:01 AM
Marshall says, "Get worked up, Alia, we'll be meeting them in the middle!" The Azurill bounces forward, pumping itself up as it goes.

Alia moves to D9 and uses Work Up, gaining +1 Attack and +1 Special Attack Combat Stage.

2013-08-28, 12:19 AM
Watching the candle pokemon blast Vivi in a colorful beam of light. Jack decides to let the two pokemon battle it out. I wanted them to come to us. But we can just as easily bring the fight to them. Seeing Alia getting bigger Jack decides Jackie needs to be a little quicker. Keep moving up towards Alia and let's speed it up. Agility let's go.

Jackie moves to h7 and use agility.

2013-08-28, 11:32 PM
Oh, her name is Whispy? Sorry, I guess I never caught that.

Vivi, you okay? Try to snap out of it! Use Water Gun on her!

Confusion check:
If successful:
Vivi moves to G5
Water Gun AC 2: [roll]1d20
If hit: [roll1]
Well, not successful at all (although, it's not a critical miss, so I guess I should be happier.) Vivi is hit for 2 HP.

2013-08-29, 08:37 AM
Vic shakes his head. It's okay...I space out on stuff all the time personally. Whispy, let's help out our partner, go for a Shadow Ball on Jackie!

Whispy's flame flickers, then a ghostly ball flies out from it, expanding as it nears Jackie.

Whispy uses Shadow Ball on Jackie

AC: 2, on a 17+, lower Sp. Def. by one stage
Dmg: Special Ghost

2013-08-29, 10:28 PM
Turtle chaser:
Kimberly heads straight out into the water splashing right past a fisherman "Control your turtle kid. You'll scare away all the fish."

Leon scowls, "He's under control sir, it's the beach, and if the fish aren't already scared by the swimmers, Kimberly isn't going to scare them either." He shoots a smile to Kimberly who beams back "War!"

2013-08-30, 02:34 AM
Marshall thinks for a moment before saying, "Let's focus on that one there, Alia - hit it with a Body Slam!" The Azurill nods and uses the ball on its tail to bounce itself into the air, launching itself at the Hitmonchan.

Body Slam - AC: [roll0] v 2 + Physical Evasion(Paralyzes on 15-20), [roll1] Normal Physical Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

2013-08-30, 05:20 AM
Jack sees Alia come charging at Jackie, and he just smiles and says.And that was a tactical error on your part. Jackie hit em fast and hit em hard! Mach Punch! The Hitmonchan barely moves and yet Alia is on the ground.

Mach Punch is being thrown as an interrupt, because I don't want to be Body Slammed, and I want to take at least one person out with my first mon In this battle.
Mach punch physical fighting type.
[roll0] Vs. 2+evasion if any
[roll1] X2 because of it being super effective so... 72 damage before defense.
If a Crit: [roll2]

Great hit Jakie, you have earned a break return.Jack looks down at the Shadow. You ready buddy? Not having to be told twice Shadow jumps into the arena, and stares down Whispy.

2013-08-30, 11:59 AM
Okay, I'm kinda confused. So Alia is an Azurill, which means normally it's a normal type, in which case Mach Punch would be super effective. However, Blues said it was a water type when Marshall first sent it out...
In her daze, Vivi inflicts some injuries onto herself and didn't successfully attack Whispy. However, Whispy decided to attack the Hitmonchan instead, which may have been fortunate, since it looks like Jackie wasn't even phased by it.

Ah! Oh no, Vivi... You don't have much chance against these tough pokemon in your condition right now... But you're the only one who can deal out significant damage to them. Sorry, but I'm gonna ask you to keep on fighting! Back up a little and try another Water Gun on Whispy!

Confuse Check: [roll0]
If 11 or up, then:
Vivi moves to N5
Water Gun AC (2): [roll1]
Water Gun Damage: [roll2] x2 for type weakness
Special, Water

2013-08-30, 03:30 PM
Whispy's flame flickers alarmingly at the hit, then she bounces back, albeit still shaky.

Whispy, try a firespin on Vivi!

Flames flicker around Whispy, and begin dancing and twirling toward Vivi.

AC: 4 + Sp. Def./Speed
Dmg: Fire Special
If successful, Trapped for:
[roll2] turns
Takes 1d12 at the start of her turn while trapped.

2013-08-31, 12:12 AM
Marshall frowns as Alia takes the blow, before sighing and saying, "You tried your best, Alia..." Recalling the fallen Pokemon, he thinks for a moment before releasing his Elekid into the center of the field. "Elric, why don't you get close and show them your Hidden Power!" The young electric-type trots forward before focusing, and releasing a burst of stony grey power around himself.

Recalled Alia, Released Elric at G5. (Speed

Elric moves to L5 and uses Hidden Power, hitting both Vivi and Shadow.

Hidden Power - AC: [roll0] v 2 + Special Evasion, [roll1] Rock Special Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

It should be noted as well that this happens BEFORE Whispy's attack, since Elric is faster. I'll leave it to Cor to decide how this would be handled if this attack KO's the Wingull. (As an aside, Elric is NOT faster than Vivi or Zero - they're tied for speed, so trainer DEX would be the determining factor, and Eve outspeeds Marshall.)

Two notes - first, defenses are applied before typing when calculating defense. So I took 62 damage, not 72 - makes no difference this time, but you'll want to keep it in mind when calculating the damage you're taking here.

Second - yes, I referred to Alia as water-type earlier. My mistake - I always forget that Azurill doesn't get its water typing until evolving.

2013-08-31, 10:23 PM
Elric's stone burst proves to be too much for Vivi. She crumples to the ground unconscious, unable to complete her task of taking down Whispy. Wistfully, Eve recalls the poor bird to her pokeball.

Have a good rest, Vivi. At least you took that candle down a notch. Zero will finish the job for you.

The bat, which was sitting on top of Eve's shoulder, swoops into the field, hissing and screeching.

I need to disable Elric somehow, or else Zero will just be another of its victims.

Zero, fly over and Bite Elric!

With a vengeance, he charges at the yellow pokemon and chomps into its flesh.

Zero released at N8, then moves to M5 to commence attack on Elric.
Bite AC (2): [roll0] (apply physical or speed evasion)
(If AC roll is 15 or up, then flinches)

If hit: [roll1]

2013-09-02, 10:52 AM
Whispy, toss Shadow the ball!

Whispy floats forward, again drawing in a dark ball of energy, before releasing it to fly at Shadow.

Whispy uses Shadow Ball!
AC 2 vs. Sp. Def. On a 17+, lower the target's Sp. Def. by one stage.
Dmg Special Ghost

2013-09-03, 01:56 PM
Post to show I'm still here

Shadow sees the ball and for whatever reason decides that it would be a good idea to catch the ball with his mouth. As he bites down on the balls he suddenly remembers that he is in a battle, but it's to little to late and he is hit hard, and is barely able to shake off the massive blow.

Shadow! Now is not the time to play ball, stay focused out there.

Jack then turns to Eve, and says If you could knock out Elric, it will be a 3 on 2.

2013-09-05, 01:17 AM
Shadow thought he could take the Shadow ball, after all it was his name but the combined efforts of hidden power before it and the shadow ball proved to be to much for him as he is Ko'd.

You did good bud. return. Alright Jackie sap Elics strength. Drain punch! Let's go!

Drain Punch
Acc: [roll0] vs. 2+ evasion
Damage: [roll1] and i heal half so 53/2 rounded down is 26 healed
If crit [roll2]

2013-09-08, 02:26 PM
Well, looks like Jackie has got things under control with Elric here. Let's go take care of Whispy, Zero. Fly on over and use Bite!

Bite again!
AC 2: [roll[1d20[/roll] (apply physical or speed evasion)
(If AC roll is 15 or over, then flinches)
EDIT: Woops, I made a typo. Heading over to OOC.

If hit: [roll0] (x2 for type weakness)

EDIT 2: Oops, I should probably also mention which space Zero's going to. F4.

2013-09-08, 06:47 PM
As the Hitmonchan comes forward, Marshall calls out, "Elric, stop him with a Quick Attack!" The Elekid ducks into the fighting-type's guard and slams an elbow into its chest, trying to bring it down before it can land its own attack.

Quick Attack, used as Interrupt v Jackie - AC: [roll0] v 2 + Physical Evasion, [roll1] Normal Physical Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

Also, the healing is based on damage after defense is applied - so instead of healing 26 HP, you'll heal 24(though that's assuming that Jackie would still be conscious if hit by the QA. If not, then I suppose I'll probably be eating a Mach Punch instead of a Drain Punch since you have the ability to interrupt my interrupt - just keep in mind that if you interrupt the QA and take down Elric that way, it still prevents the healing from Drain Punch.)

2013-09-09, 08:59 AM
"Elric, stop him with a Quick Attack!" Jakie it seems this guy is wants a taste of your Mach Punch... Make him a a knuckle sandwich.

Mach punch used as an interrupt against an interrupt.
accuracry [roll0]Vs. 2+evasion
damage [roll1]derped on damage see roll in ooc: 38 Damage
if crit [roll2]

2013-09-09, 12:15 PM
Whispy takes the bite and falls down, unconscious as her flame falls to embers.

Vic recalls whispy, giving her some respite, Alright then, you're up Flurry, help that bat chill out!

He releases Flurry on the field, the seal-like pokemon calling down a cold wind.

Flurry uses Icy Wind, targeting Zero

AC3 vs Sp. Def, on hit, lowers target's speed 1 stage
Dmg: Ice Special

2013-09-09, 01:09 PM
Marshall watches as Elric falls to the sudden blow, and nods as he recalls the Pokemon. "You did your best, Elric... good job."

2013-09-09, 10:38 PM
As Zero takes the brunt of the snowy blast to the face, he suddenly stiffens and crashes to the ground completely knocked out.

Well, curses. Zero, time to rest up. High time to get to the Pokemon Center, anyways.

Eve hadn't expected a strong counterattack, especially not an Ice move, but what could she do? These people have some strong and unfamiliar pokemon, that's for certain. Time to wait it out. Flurry appears to have the upper hand right now, though, since Jackie was still recovering from taking out Elric. Things aren't looking so hot for Eve's side.

2013-09-11, 08:00 PM
Your heated fight has draw the attention of a small audiance including what appears to be a young couple followed by a small army of steel and bug types.

The fight has been intense and both sides were down to there last mon the two of you have become nearly as engrossed in the fight as the participants but not so much that you don't notice the such a cute couple looks you get from the people around you before the go back to watching the fight.

Teaching a man to fish:
The fisherman gives you a dirty look before reeling in his line, picking up and moving on. After a few minutes of hanging out at the beach you notice that a small group of people is gathering just inside the sand.

Perception from everyone already at the fight (so everyone other then gem) Wqsaey if your dropping out this isn't necessary from you either but you can still roll if you wish. Perception, for those who are unsure, is 1d20+wis mod

2013-09-12, 01:34 AM
Marshall notes the couple with their menagerie, and looks over the group of Pokemon - maybe there'll be something there he can try to breed, if they let him...

Perception: [roll0]

2013-09-12, 05:26 AM
Antonio was glad for his dark complexion as it helped to somewhat cover up his blush from the looks he and Lucia got. He steadfastly kept his eyes on the battle trying to pretend he never saw the looks.


2013-09-12, 11:09 AM
Lucia, meanwhile, really doesn't notice the calls as she moves towards the fighters while making sure Antonia follows, still holding Crush and with both Matron and Paladin following, the bugs eating some candied fruit while Matron makes sure that Masamune and Kamina are still comfortable on her shoulders. The kangaskhan she has would likely be a very interesting mon to have eggs from.
"Hey, you guys have interesting stuff! When they heal up, can we meet them?"
Lucia, meanwhile, really is oblivious as she scans the mon, beginning to get bored with watching. More fun getting stuck in. Maybe it was time to look around...

2013-09-13, 06:45 AM
Flurry, be careful, get in position before you strike, that Hitmonchan has a ton of interrupts!

Flurry moves across the field, getting to extreme range of his Water Gun before unleashing it.

Water Gun at Jackie, just barely in range.

Dmg: Water Physical

2013-09-13, 09:20 PM
Jack is surprised and very confused by the move suddenly falling short of Jackie.

I'm not sure if you did that to goad me, throw me off guard or just failed to realize you moved yourself out of range and wasted an attack. he says while chuckling to himself.
Just be happy I don't have any range moves to make you pay for it. Jackie time to show them your true speed. Close the gap and use agility once more!

Jackie uses agility again and moves to D6. Your move.

2013-09-14, 08:56 PM
Vic frowns as the water spray shoots off to the side, and the boxing pokemon closes in.

Okay Flurry, Icy Wind, though I'm sure he's going to try to interrupt you, try to take it as best you can!

Icy Wind
AC 3
Dmg Ice Special

2013-09-14, 09:10 PM
Jackie Quick close in with your speed and let him throw one last Mach punch! Hold nothing back!

Column – A Move with the Column keyword can hit multiple targets. The size of the Column is
usually specified in the Effect of the Move. To find the area affected by the Move, draw a line from the
user to the target, and then create a rectangle centered on that line using the width specified in the Move.
If the Range allows, Column Moves continue through the target up to 2 more meters. All Legal Targets
within the drawn area are hit by the Move with the Column keyword.That is one weird as crazy line... Just sayin:smalltongue:

We won't go quietly into the night!
Jackie moves to b6 and throws one last desperate mach punch.
Mach punch: [roll0] vs2+ evasion
damage: [roll1]

Jack sees the Mach punch connect and sees the small ball like pokemon take a huge hit, but it was all for not as it manged to get it's attack off. At first Jack though that Jackie could take the hit, but when after the attack was over and the smoke cleared, Jakie appeared on the ground KO'd. You did good Jackie. That's all I could ask for you have earned a long rest. He then goes over to the winners and says That was a hard fought battle, and a well earned win. Tell me though did you goad me with that water gun of yours?

2013-09-19, 09:25 PM
As the fight comes to a close the crowd begins to disperse. Everyone slowly goes back to doing what they were doing before a little friendly competition distracted them.

1890 exp to the victors (almost full exp)
825 exp to the defeated (just more than half exp)
Questions about how the drop worked out go ahead and ask. Blues since your mon are so low level but in exchange have breeder bonuses none of them can jump above PL10 from this fight yes this does mean that any excess exp earned from this fight can be spread to other mon.
And now for roll call everyone who is still here (meaning still checking and wanting to play) must post by Sunday September 22 (or talk to me through some other means if your unable to post between now and then) anyone who misses the deadline but posts in the OOC afterward will be moved to alternate status and I'll try to find a way to write you in. if you've written yourself in and you miss the deadline fair warning I WILL WRITE YOU OUT. Lets get this show on the road.
P.S. for the two of you who won if you have questions about why or how you got shortchanged PM me.

2013-09-19, 10:01 PM
Vic shakes his head. Thanks, and it was a good battle, with all of you, though that wasn't a goad, just barely in range...and Flurry couldn't quite aim from that distance.

Vic sort of stares off for a moment, before blinking again, and seeing the crowd for the first time.

2013-09-19, 11:07 PM
Anotoni grins at Lucia antions towards the group with his head. He then walks forward Gentlespin still on his shoulder with Clockwerk ang Magneto following him. "Hey! That was a pretty intense battle if I do say so myself. Your pokemon looked amazing out there."

2013-09-20, 10:48 AM
I'm sure that was a goad, that or he really is that stupid and thought his attack was in range. Jack thinks to himself. He then hears one of the spectators coming over thanking everyone for the spectacle. Thanks, it twas a hard fought battle. Unfortunately we never seemed to catch a break in the fight. Jack replies to the man. He then turns to all that remains and saysMy pokemon are tired and they have earned a rest. I'm going back to the pokemon center. Anyone coming with?

2013-09-20, 11:00 AM
Vic nods once, recalling Flurry after a rub on the head. Thanks, I don't know that any of us were sure on the outcome there. Oh, I'm Victor Rose, but just call me Vic. Definitely a good time to go to the Center.

2013-09-20, 12:27 PM
Satisfied now that the fight was over, Lucia goes over too, still hugging the durant and her mon following.
"You guys definitely have interesting mon, though. Say, got any rare bugs?"
Her eyes light up at the opportunity to find where more bug types can be found.

2013-09-20, 01:34 PM
I do have one other pokemon, but I don't think this is the place for him to make an appearance. He gets a little edgy when he is hungry, and I don't think this is a good atmosphere for him.

2013-09-20, 01:59 PM
Vic scans the steel bug for a moment. I have Anvil, my Aron, but no bug types...though your Durant looks impressive.

2013-09-20, 10:18 PM
Whoo, things got intense there... Although that miss was totally anti-climactic.

Eve sighs, worn out from battling, when Jack suggests going to the Pokemon Center.

"Yeah, this would be a good time to go to the Pokemon Center. It's already approaching noon, and you don't want to be caught out here in the blazing heat. I'll show you around the market stands after it cools down in the afternoon, though, if you still want me to. Otherwise, I have my own plans for today."

2013-09-20, 10:41 PM
Oh, yeah, that would be great...and yeah, I don't do so hot in the heat...well, you know what I mean.

Vic frowns at that last bit But I don't want to interrupt your plans if you're busy.

2013-09-20, 10:44 PM
"Huh? Oh, Crush is Tony's. Matron, Paladin, Gentlespin, and Mushroom are mine."
Each gives a nod and a wave as they are named, even while eating some of the treats.
"What species?"
She walks with the group while they head to the Center. Only polite, after all.

2013-09-21, 01:05 AM
"Nah, I was just gonna head up to the northern route for some quick scouting for a few people I know, but I need Zero and Vivi at top condition for that. The Pokemon Center does its job, but their morale will recover faster if I stick around here. I can go in the evening, anyways."

2013-09-21, 03:03 AM
"Nice match, you guys! That Hitmonchan of yours packs a wallop," Marshall says to his opponents before turning back towards Vic. "And thanks for taking care of the end there - sorry I wasn't much help. Anyway, a trip to the center definitely sounds like a good idea..." Marshall follows the group to the center, listening to the group as they discuss what they have available. When the topic of discussion turns to their teams, he comments, "I've got a pretty varied team, but no bugs yet. Haven't found any good stock, though yours definitely look like they'd be ideal for breeding..." He looks over the cluster of Pokemon and begins considering the possible pairings as the group walks.

2013-09-21, 07:24 AM
Vic nods at the route. Hopefully there are some good pokemon to catch, and if you need any help, let me know.

Vic smiles at Marshall's comment. Thanks, but we took them out as a team..and if you ever need more breeding stock, as I was saying earlier, I'm pretty good at catching wilds.

Vic releases Anvil for some company, the little Aron giving a small roar of appreciation.

2013-09-21, 11:52 AM
"Huh? Oh, Crush is Tony's. Matron, Paladin, Gentlespin, and Mushroom are mine."
Each gives a nod and a wave as they are named, even while eating some of the treats.
"What species?"
She walks with the group while they head to the Center. Only polite, after all.

Vic nods at the route. Hopefully there are some good pokemon to catch, and if you need any help, let me know.

Vic smiles at Marshall's comment. Thanks, but we took them out as a team..and if you ever need more breeding stock, as I was saying earlier, I'm pretty good at catching wilds.

Vic releases Anvil for some company, the little Aron giving a small roar of appreciation.

Antonio blushes a bit at the nickname Lucia gives him, mostly because he can still remember the word of the crowd. He starts walking with group as well as he introduces his pokemon. "Well as Lucia already told you the Durant is Crush, he's prideful little sucker. The Pawniard is my starter Masamune, he's very disciplined. Next is Kamina my Drilbur. He was hatch not to long ago so he's learning the ropes, he really looks up to Masamune though. Then there's my magnemite called Magneto, unoriginal I know. With Magneto what you see id what you get, a lzy but dependable pokemon. Last but not least there's Clockwerk the Klink. He's a pretty nice pokemon but he can battle with the best of them."

Crush puffed himself up during his introduction to make himself look bigger. Masamune and Kamina simply saluted. Magneto at the group with a half-lidded eye before ging a lzy nod of acknowledgement. Clockwerk simply simled at the group before rotating happily. When Vic released Anvil Antonio made a sound of excitement.

"Woah! cool so you use steel types too! Ah, listen to me here geeking out when I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Antonio Gatsby, nice to meet you all."

2013-09-21, 01:44 PM
Eve's eyes sparkle at the sight of so many different types of pokemon being released around her. It was like a dream come true without even trying.

As the two newcomers introduce themselves, Eve nods and smiles.

"Hey, my name is Eve Medea. Nice to meet you guys. I'd contribute to this menagerie, but the two darlings I used during the fight are all I have, and they're knocked out now."

2013-09-21, 02:36 PM
Nice match, you guys! That Hitmonchan of yours packs a wallop. Thanks we have been working hard on that. Jack rolls up his sleeve to show a good sized bruise on his for arm. He then quickly rolls the sleeve back down and continues on. We train about once or twice a week one against the other. It is very taxing work out for both of us. He finishes with a proud ring in his voice.

Then as the new people and new Pokemon are introduced he does his best to remember all of them and scan them all at the same time, but he knows there is no way on Earth that he was going to remember them all perfectly. He decides now that most of them are distracted now would be a good time and try to put their names to Auras. That way if he ever needed to it would be easier to find them all again in the future. So as the reach the center, he holds open the door for everyone and scans everyones auras as they walk by.

Here's whats happening.
You can read the Aura of your target. Everything has an Aura, but not many can access their Aura. Auras can be any color. The shade of the color varies from very tinted to very darkened. If the color of the Aura is tinted, the target has little negative intentions. If the color of the Aura is very blackened, the target has many malicious intentions. An Aura’s shade can be anywhere in between. This does not allow you to read their minds.Have fun posting guys. :smallsmile:

2013-09-21, 03:27 PM
Vic smiles a bit at each of them as anvil trundles along beside. Nice to meet you all, and good battling with you too Eve. I hope to meet your two pokemon after they've rested up, and you can be properly introduced to my other two then.

His aura is fairly pale green.

2013-09-22, 01:13 AM
Eve gratefully thanks Jack as she passes through the doorway and steps into the Pokemon Center with a sense of returning home. The center has always been a favorite spot of hers, and she's made friends with more than a few of the nurses. She yells out, "Hey, I'm back! I brought some company, too."

Eve's aura is a sky blue.

2013-09-26, 06:17 PM
Marshall smiles as the group enters the Pokemon center and says, "I've got quite a few Pokemon - no Bug types, and no Steel types until Rex evolves at least." Quickly stepping forward to drop off Alia and Elric with the nurses, he says to Jack, "You actually spar with him, huh? I'd try that, but I'm not really a fighter myself - Rex would probably take me out in one hit. I'll stick to teaching my Pokemon by theory, I think."

Thinking for a moment, he says, "You know, I would be willing to trade some tutoring services for breeding rights on your Pokemon - you all have some things that I could see adding to my own roster, and while it may take a bit for them to get things down, I could easily teach you guys's Pokemon some new tricks if you like."

Marshall's Aura is a pale yellowish gold.

2013-09-26, 07:02 PM
Lucia has an orange aura that lazily circles around until something catches her attention, Paladin vibrant, buzzing yellow that darts around, Gentlespin a calm, flowing purple, Matron tan, Mushroom multihued and confused.
Lucia pouts a bit at the lack of bug love before cheering up, walking in with her team.
"Hunting? Hunting's always fun! Want help with that?"

2013-09-27, 02:46 AM
Seeing all them all walk in and no one having any tint in their aura Jack decides that he can trust them for now. He closes the door and hands his two pokemon over to the nurse.

As he waits for his pokemon to recover

"You know, I would be willing to trade some tutoring services for breeding rights on your Pokemon - you all have some things that I could see adding to my own roster, and while it may take a bit for them to get things down, I could easily teach you guys's Pokemon some new tricks if you like."

What kind of tricks would you be able to teach my pokemon? Jack asks curiously.

2013-09-27, 09:18 AM
Antonio's aura is a bright crimson color that moves around slightly hyperactively.

Antonio looks over at Marshall interested. "Really?Wow that's awesome! I didn't know that breeders could do stuff like that. I mean I would have to ask my pokemon if they were cool with it first, but if they agree then yeah that would be cool!"

He then hears Lucia's exclamation and turns towards her, interested. "You hunt Lucia? I thought you just bought stuff from the poke-mart. That must be a really useful skill to have."

2013-09-27, 09:49 PM
Things seem normal as the group enters the center the nurse wave to eve smiling as she leads her small entourage into the center Lucia and Antonio sparking a few giggles as they come in. Once given a task the nurses set to work restoring the combatants from the fight.

First off I'm sorry for making you wait nearly a full week after the deadline I posted for me to respond My classes all gave a huge project due today and I've spent most of my time this week working on those.
From the looks of it of are original 9 we have:
Totaling six people (Five if W still wants out) and this raises the two groups question again. So I'll just go ahead and ask would you guys prefer two groups of about three people or one group of six or do you just legitimately not care one way or the other. I will await everyone's response and decide then which would be the best course of action for the game as a whole.

2013-09-28, 12:46 AM
Marshall nods and says, "Yeah, I can do move tutoring as well as breeding. So, to use your Hitmonchan as an example, Jack, I could teach him some added punches for his arsenal - Comet Punch or Drain Punch, for example. Or maybe something like Low Kick or Mega Kick... or Vacuum Wave for some extra range. Really, though, what moves I can teach depends on the Pokemon in question."

2013-09-28, 12:56 AM
After the nurses' excellent care, Zero and Vivi are back up and flapping around the center, performing tricky aerial maneuvers to show their gratitude to the nurses.

Meanwhile, Eve lounges in a comfortable chair, polishing some unoccupied great balls. She overhears the conversation of teaching pokemon moves, and ponders for a bit. While the prospect of Zero or Vivi learning special moves is a tempting one, she'd rather let them learn moves naturally. She quickly loses interest in the conversation and returns to maintaining her supplies.

2013-09-28, 01:26 AM
I'll talk to Jackie and see what he has to say on the matter. Although personally I would love for Jackie to get some range into his arsenal. Not sure if you saw the fight or not, but not having range attacks was our down fall. He says as he thanks the nurses for their services, and retrieves his Pokeballs from them.

This is my other pokemon, he should be fine in this place, as it's enclosed. As he finishes his sentence a taillow appears after a burst of light. Now Sora, you can play with the other flying Pokemon other there, chill on my shoulder, or you can go off and explore for a bit. But STAY AWAY from the bug Pokemon you understand?! Sora then gives Jack the look of I can do what I want, and starts flying around with the other flying Pokemon.

I just caught him about a week ago. He's rather stubborn at times, but that is his greatest strength and probably his greatest weakness. he says chuckling as he watches Sora flying around the center. After a brief pause making sure Sora doesn't make a beeline for the bug Pokemon over there he continues on.
I battle with my Pokemon so I can teach them how to improve in battle. Yet the funny thing is they have taught me more than anyone else ever has. I guess that's just how we bond. Jack says as if this the first time he has ever thought his Pokemon as his teachers.

2013-09-28, 01:52 AM
"Yeah, I noticed," Marshall responds. "If you decide that's the route you're going to go, just give me the word. I could teach a couple different moves to him, though it might take a bit."

Smiling, he releases the other Pokemon on his team, Rex stretching a bit and looking around inquisitively while Shun gives a dismissive glance at the group before looking at his trainer questioningly. Veya quickly locks on to the soaring Taillow, watching its movement, while Deva seems to pay more attention to the cluster of bug Pokemon. "Anyway, this is the rest of my team - Rex, Shun, Veya and Deva," he says, naming each as he points to it. "Interestingly enough, I didn't catch any of them - I raised them all from eggs myself."

2013-09-28, 02:20 AM
Really?! You raised them all! Jack says stunned. After a brief pause he looks at all of the pokemon.

If you don't mind me asking... Why are they all so different in power? He asks noting the fact that they all look stoner and weaker than the others. I understand that pokemon are all different from each other in both strength, and appearance. But that doesn't really explain this situation. he says trying his best to be kind, and just looking for understanding as he scans the mons into his dex

2013-09-28, 03:18 AM
Anotonio scans all the pokemon that have released as well as he looks at Marshall to speak. "So you raised them all from eggs and your a move tutor? Man, someone has been burning the midnight oil. Still, if you think you could help and they agree my pokemon would be happy to learn some new moves. A little variety to our move pool could help us in spades."

As he finishes Anotonio hears giggles around the center and tries ti fight off another blush. He could guess the reason for them.

2013-09-28, 03:19 AM
"Rex is the oldest - and also the first Pokemon I raised. He's got the most experience battling out of all of them, but I didn't know how to care as well for the eggs back then as I do now," Marshall explains, a smile on his face. "The rest of them don't have as much experience in battle - but I did everything I could from the moment they were conceived to ensure they'd be as strong as possible. They may not be as powerful as older and more experienced Pokemon, but they're far stronger than they'd normally be at that age."

Turning to Antonio he then says, "And I know what you mean - it was a bit of work to learn, but not as much as you'd think. Just different aspects of raising and teaching a Pokemon to help it reach its full potential, after all. Like I said though, I'm more than willing to help out if you'll let me try and breed one of your Pokemon in exchange - with their consent, of course."

2013-09-28, 01:56 PM
Vic gets back his pokemon, and releases Whispy and Flurry to play with Anvil. You've met all three of them I think, and they seem pretty happy after that battle.

Whispy floats up to Vic's shoulder, while Flurry and Anvil mingle with the others.

I don't think any of my friends would mind, though you'd have to ask them. I know they would enjoy some new moves too.

2013-09-29, 08:28 PM
Marshall nods, a smile on his face. "Any idea who you'd want me to teach - and what moves?"

2013-09-29, 10:14 PM
Well, I think Anvil here could use some more heavy hitting moves...not sure what else would be good for the others. Also, if you need more pokemon, let me know. I can help out there.

2013-09-29, 10:20 PM
"Heavy hitting moves, huh... well, Ancientpower and Superpower would be my first thoughts there," Marshall muses as he considers the request, "though I don't know if it's really suited to something like Ancientpower. That said, I don't know what other options might be suitable that it can't learn normally..." He thinks for a moment, musing over the available Pokemon and considering available breeding pairs as he looks at the others and says, "Anyone else need anything? I'm going to plan out a schedule for this - I can only do so much in a day, after all."

2013-09-29, 10:46 PM
Lucia eyes the bird carefully, until Marshall speaks up.
"Electroweb could be interesting. So could Drill Run. How much do you charge?"
She looks at the new mon curiously, petting Deva as she goes around, then going back to petting Crush. Meanwhile, Gentlespin thwips over to Mushroom to defend her from the avian threat, her shivering on top of Crush's head, small puffs of different powders launching from the mushrooms. Paladin, though, has her eyes calmly track the taillow, as is Matron.

2013-10-14, 02:43 AM
After a few minutes of talking a nurse approaches your little group "It's great that you have all these pokemon, but could you please take them outside. you're starting to get in other people's way." you take a quick look around and realize that you and your mon are taking up more than half of the reception area. Feeling a little embarrassed you head outside and continue your conversation there.

Ok guys I feel horrible. I have no excuse for my absence over the past two weeks and I really hope this dead time hasn't killed the game.
Since it seems most people don't care if we split up or not I'll just leave it as one group cause that's less work for me.
Last but most certainly not least perception checks per mon of small size you have out. (you really don't want low rolls on this one).

2013-10-14, 08:12 AM
Vic heads out with the rest, looking around the area a bit.


2013-10-14, 11:48 AM
Come on Sora let's get some fresh air. It seems we are being in the way here, and we can't have that. Jack says as he leaves the door open for the taillow to leave, but instead it lands on his shoulder. They then leave the center together and begin to look around.

Perception For Jack:[roll0]
Perceotion for Sora rolled in OOC: got a 7

2013-10-14, 04:15 PM
Marshall nods at the nurse, leading his group out as he turns to answer Lucia. "Like I mentioned to the others, I'd trade tutoring for breeding privileges. Electroweb and Drill Run should be doable without much trouble, though like I said I can't do it all in one day."

Rex - [roll0]
Elric - [roll1]
Alia - [roll2]
Veya - [roll3]

2013-10-15, 04:36 AM
Antonio has then sensibility to look sheepish at the nurses gentle chastisement of them. He nods as he says, "Sorry about that Nurse Joy. We'll head right outside." He then heads out with his pokemon along with the rest of the group.





EDIT: Sorry. I didn't realize that I wasn't supposed to roll for Antonio. The post count is because I got rid of his.

2013-10-15, 06:31 PM
Lucia nods, leaving with the others. Though Crush seems to get in her face for a couple moments.

2013-10-19, 09:18 PM
Everyone makes their way outside congregating just next to the centers entrance. Otherwise things go back to the way they were inside then trainers talking about their histories or the weather or their plans for the future. The mon getting back in their little groups. Everything seems normal until you hear a small bark coming from the side of the group. When you look Shadow is being held by a man in a dark black suit "Damn dog! You blew my cover!" The man takes off running, Shadow still in hand.

2013-10-20, 10:28 PM
Marshall turns at Shadow's bark, and sees the man running off with his new friend's Pokemon. Scowling, he begins recalling his other Pokemon as he says, "Shun, don't let him get away! Pursuit!" The Sneasel nods, darting after the man as a blur, with his trainer following after recalling his Pokemon.

AC: [roll0] v 2 + Physical Evasion(From Defense or Speed stat only - Keen Eye)
Damage: [roll1] Dark Physical
Crit: [roll2] Dark Physical

2013-10-22, 08:04 PM
Lucia growls as the guy runs, before sprinting after as well.
"Gentlespin, teach him how a gentleman acts!"
Gentlespin nods, for of course! Lesson one was to not flee in such a way. He spits out webbing to try and net the thief.
[roll0]-string shot, 3+dex mod

2013-10-23, 10:01 AM
What the...whispy, let's give him something to think about. Confuse Ray!

Whispy fires off a beam at the running man's back, careful to avoid hitting his new friends.

Whispy used Confuse Ray.
He's now confused. :)

2013-10-23, 05:36 PM
Antonio looks at the man in shock when he hears what is happening. His face then contorts into a look of utter seriousness as he says, "Masamune, Faint attack."

"I'm on it!" With his command given by his trainer Masamune would then run forward, staying out of the man's line of sight to sneak up on him, and then hit him with a startling sucker punch.

Accuracy:Never misses:smallamused:

2013-10-23, 08:06 PM
Jack is \reacts instantly to his mon being stolen "Jakie take him down!" Jakie takes off after the man chasing him down to attack.

The man stumbles from the repeated blows falling hard on the ground, He quickly rolls to his feet again though only instead of you man you know see four each running in a different direction. Two split off running to the right and left, one turns around and runs right at you and finally one continues running away. Right after the man splits you hear Shadow's half scared half angry bark from the one running away "Stupid Dog there you go again blowing my cover!!" all four clones say simultaneously.

Nous has entered boot camp as of the 21st. As such I'm temporarily seizing control of Jack.
This man is a ninja with blur and, in case it wasn't clear, double team. That means that all auto hit moves must roll AC as though they were AC 2 (I neglected to mention that last time so he didn't have that feet last turn :P)
Finally cause I'm to lazy to build a map the man has a movement of 7 so melee mon must have at least that in order to keep pace. mon who used a ranged move last turn are at half the moves range. Obviously they must maintain range in order to attack again other mon are assumed either returned or out of range to pursue.

2013-10-24, 08:59 PM
Marshall follows the man, calling out, "Shun, bring him down with an Ice Punch!" The Sneasel darts forward, a blue glow engulfing his fist as he slams it into the man.

AC - [roll0] v 2 + Physical Evasion(and again, Shun has Keen Eye so other sources of evasion such as feats and abilities don't apply)
Damage - [roll1] Ice Physical
Crit - [roll2]

2013-11-12, 01:18 PM
"Tie his legs, Gentlespin!"
[roll0]-string shot again, 2+dex, slows another stage and traps if six hit consecutively.
She chases along too, trying to stop the guy.

2013-11-12, 05:04 PM
Whispy keep up with him!

Vic recalls his other two pokemon, and hurries after his Litwick, neither quite able to keep up.

No move, as I don't want him unconscious.

2013-12-02, 07:48 PM
The fleeing man spins around the sneasels fist, dodging it, but only by dropping shadow (the houndour). "Damn thing bit me! this is so not worth my time." The man throws a pellet on the ground, Which explodes into a cloud of smoke, naturally you lose sight of him.

It would seem my lack of activity has dragged this game down yet again. I apologize for not telling you guys that I was going on a hiatus in order to give nous a chance to finish boot camp before continuing. as the timeframe he gave me is now expired I intend to pick back up and get this moving again. I understand if the lack of activity here has lead some of you to believe i had abandoned the game. for those of you who are still with me I thank you for your patience, now lets get moving. Again sorry for not mentioning the dead time before.

2013-12-04, 09:50 AM
Vic and whispy catch up with the others, glancing around to see if he can spot the guy...but soon realizing he can't see anything.

Well, at least you're back. Everyone else accounted for?

2013-12-05, 03:13 AM
Marshall watches as the smoke clears, the man nowhere to be found. He debates asking Shun to track the figure for a moment before shaking his head and looking around at the others. "Everyone alright?"

2013-12-08, 11:35 PM
(Still here)
Heedless of the danger, Lucia plows through the smoke, and probably straight into a wall.
"Aw, he got away."
When other people voice concerns, she carefully goes through her own team to make sure they're all there.

2013-12-15, 09:40 PM
Everyone is present and accounted for except antonio who has mysteriously disappeared during the chase. Jack runs up and hugs shadow. "I'm so glad your okay good job messing with him boy." the dog drops something from his mouth as kisses his master. "What this boy you tore off a piece of his shirt, good job now we can follow him and figure out why he wanted to take you away." Jack put's down shadow and turn to you guys. "I think that guy might work for the people I came here from orre to track. I'm going to use this to see if i can follow him, you guys don't have to come with me if you don't want to, you have no reason to help me, I get it. Still help is always nice so I'd be glad if any of you want to come with me. I have some things i need to do but I want to follow this clue before the trail goes cold. You can meet me back here in an hour if you want to help. If not it was nice to meet you, hope to see you again"

2013-12-15, 10:42 PM
(OOC:Wait this game started back up? I though that the GM had gone missing?)

2013-12-16, 08:27 AM
Vic nods and recalls all of his pokemon, just in case.

I should be good to help you out.

He checks his map for something to do for an hour.

2013-12-16, 08:51 PM
Antonio looks over everyone to make sure that no one had any outstanding injuries. Once he does so he lets out a sigh of relief. being the kind natured person he is he listens to Jack's words with an open ear. Once he finishes he nods his head strongly as he says, "You can count on me! This guy could snatch someone else's pokemon as well. I can't in good conscientiousness standby when I know that."

2013-12-16, 10:33 PM
"Hitting people who deserve it for stealing people's friends? You can count me in too."

2013-12-18, 01:56 AM
Marshall nods, and says, "I'm in as well - that could've just as easily been me. And if we've got an hour, I can start working on teaching some of you guys' Pokémon some extra tricks."

I need to know what moves people want me to teach to which Pokémon. I'll track Push Points on my end, so don't worry about that. Just include in OOC or in a Spoiler what moves I'm teaching to what mon, and I'll start getting to it.

2013-12-27, 03:34 PM
So with a meeting time scheduled the group of newfound friends splits up to prepare for the journey ahead.

Kind of just posting to move things along and to reaffirm that I'm still here. Nous you can go ahead an post IC if you get a chance. If not I'll just reassume control of Jack in 2014. I feel I should apologize for the delay, Christmas happened and I couldn't find the time to post between all the things that were going on.
You guys have time to go and buy things or work with each other on move tutoring or whatever else you wish to do before you set off. Just post when your character is all set and when everyone's ready I'll get us started.

2013-12-29, 09:10 PM
Lucia pops up, with no new preparations, not really having anything to add.

2013-12-30, 12:28 PM
Jack stands their rather impatiently as the rest of the people try and figure out what they need. He doesn't let this be know to the rest of the group instead he returns his pokemon leaving Jack as the only pokemon out of his pokeball for the moment. He then runs by the market stalls pays for a map of the area and stands their thinks about further training his pokemon via this new training method and decides that it is better to watch someone else first and see the results.Marshall I would love for you to "tutor", but not right now. They are a little wound up from the attack, and so am I. He says as he begins pacing waiting for the others. He clenches his fist and whispers to himself the favorite saying of the man the tortured him for a many a years.Haste makes waste Jack. Haste makes waste and we don't have time to waste.

2014-01-01, 06:49 AM
Seeing as he had already bought the stuff he needed from the town before he stropped in this one Antonio was raring to go. After Telling Marshall the moves that he hoped he could help his pokemon with he settled down at the meeting place to wait for everyone else.