View Full Version : How to verify character level? It must be very easy and cheap

2013-08-23, 03:00 AM
There is an organization in my campaign world which only accepts over 4th-level characters. How to verify this? They have many candidates and they want to do this easily and economically. The maximum sum for equipment is 100 gp.

I already have some ideas, but they are unfair towards some classes. It's not balanced. Any ideas?

The campaign world is Greyhawk, if that matters.

2013-08-23, 03:06 AM
I would say using any kind of metagame abstract for an IC benchmark is asking for it.

If your requirement was 6th or higher it would be a little easier, you could require them to make a 2nd attack with a greatsword (or any non-monk weapon), or casting a 3rd level spell would guarantee a PC was at least 5th level.

Failed Phantasm
2013-08-23, 03:08 AM
Casting sleep on each of the non-elf applicants in turn will do it, but it's far from the quickest method.

EDIT: It's also "Will negates" spell, so there's that. You could always supplement it with a casting of another spell that affects creatures based on their HD.

2013-08-23, 03:12 AM
If your requirement was 6th or higher it would be a little easier, you could require them to make a 2nd attack with a greatsword (or any non-monk weapon), or casting a 3rd level spell would guarantee a PC was at least 5th level.

Yes, I have that greatsword thing already (it's a greatclub, actually, just in case they accidently break it). Clerics just have to cast Create Food & Water. Not balanced.

2013-08-23, 03:17 AM
Casting sleep on each of the non-elf applicants in turn will do it, but it's far from the quickest method.

Especially since a single casting would be too prone to chance saves (and spell resistance).

Colour spray would work better because you can tell whether the spell actually worked vs. it failing because of a higher level.

2013-08-23, 03:17 AM
You can always look at skill checks. Have applicants take 10 on a class skill they've maxed. This should have predictable and replicable effects across the applicant pool from an in-character perspective.

2013-08-23, 03:17 AM
Or, just Mountain Hammer Strike the 4th wall entirely.

You approach the half-orc standing guard at the door to the Adventurer's Guild. In a British Gnomish accent he pipes, "Right then, let's have a look at your character sheet, Mate."

*Rolls a Forgery check*

"Right then, in y' go."

Skills would be harder to judge by because of ability modifiers, feats, etc.

Casting a spell on them wouldn't be reliable either due to immunities, saves, fakers, etc.

2013-08-23, 03:44 AM
I don't think the 'make 2 attacks in 6 seconds' thing would work- Swinging a sword three or more times in 6 seconds is dead easy. The hard part is making 2 effective attacks against prepared enemies (remember Attacks of Opportunity are free attacks).

Why not just make a custom magic item that glows when held by a character with 4 or more levels. (or a pair of saiyan type character levels- His Character level is over 9 THOUSAND!).

I would also point out that being able to cheat to get in early should be allowed. It adds to the verisimilitude and gives players (and NPCs) more options.

2013-08-23, 03:49 AM
I would also point out that being able to cheat to get in early should be allowed. It adds to the verisimilitude and gives players (and NPCs) more options.

Of course cheating is possible, but should not be easy. Smart (and a bit chaotic) thinking should be awarded.

2013-08-23, 03:49 AM
Or, just Mountain Hammer Strike the 4th wall entirely.

You approach the half-orc standing guard at the door to the Adventurer's Guild. In a British Gnomish accent he pipes, "Right then, let's have a look at your character sheet, Mate."

*Rolls a Forgery check*

"Right then, in y' go."

Skills would be harder to judge by because of ability modifiers, feats, etc.

Casting a spell on them wouldn't be reliable either due to immunities, saves, fakers, etc.
There are a lot of in lore organizations that require a certain level, it just isn't outright said. No character that can't cast fourth level spells can become a Spellguard of Silverymoon for example. While the text is spell related it's pretty obviously a level requirement. I'm sure there are other organization related PrC's that require something like BAB + 5.

2013-08-23, 04:01 AM
oriental adventures has rules for using sense motive to tell another characters level

2013-08-23, 04:04 AM
Start an Iaijutsu Duel with them. Before the fight begins, you can make a DC15 Sense Motive check to know the character level of your opponent.

If they are not worthy, you simply strike them down with Iaijutsu Focus (nonlethal). If they are, you tell them to concede, and if they don't, you strike them down with Iaijutsu Focus (nonlethal).

It's the simplest way to know someone's character level. You can sort of do the same thing in a relative way with Complete Adventurer's Assess Opponent.

2013-08-23, 04:12 AM
Roll an Appraise skill check? Apparently there is rules for slaves, with prices based off of HD, somewhere.

2013-08-23, 07:54 AM
Masters of the Wild has the Power Sight spell. It's a first level druid spell that reveals HD.

2013-08-23, 08:52 AM
Isn't there a use of Sense Motive or Martial Lore in Tome of Battle that lets you tell somebody's relative power? Have a committee of trained members who use these skills to assess applicants, and who undergo regular testing, themselves, as they increase in power, in order to make sure their scales stay calibrated.

2013-08-23, 09:07 AM
You can always look at skill checks. Have applicants take 10 on a class skill they've maxed. This should have predictable and replicable effects across the applicant pool from an in-character perspective.

I think something like this could potentially work best. Depending on the purpose of the organization, you can have it be structured as an "entrance exam" testing "Knowledge: Something Relevant" where the applicants get "all the time they want" (read: players are encouraged to take 20) to complete the exam. Set the DC at max ranks +1.

This would also allow for cheating to allow players to join sooner (magical items or some such to boost the check) and poor player decision-making to delay membership (i.e., the player decides not to take 20 for some stupid reason).