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View Full Version : What are all of the Craftable SLA Creatures?

2013-08-23, 02:19 PM
The only two that come to mind are the Runic Guardian and the Spellstitched Template. Are there any other creatable creatures whose SLAs can be chosen?

Edit: Remembered the Sacred Guardian Template (DL:BoK) gives some SLAs depending on Domain.

What we have so far:
- Runic Guardian (MM2 pg182), MP: 175,000gp, SLAs: 1x each 1st-3rd and 1x 4th

- Spellstitched (CAr 161), MP: 1,000gp+(500xp*Wis score), SLA: 2x each 1st-6th (depending on Wis score)

- Sacred Guardian (DL:BoK 85), MP: 1,200gp+(1,000gp per size category), SLA: Domain dependent: Charm, Commerce, Community, Earth, Healing, Liberation, Passion, Pestilence, Planning Domains grant SLAs.

- Spellsong Nightingale (web (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070115a)), MP: 26,250gp
SLA: 2x 3rd (arcane only), and either 4x 1st or 2x 2nd