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View Full Version : How does a...jump over a pit.

Humble Master
2013-08-23, 06:02 PM
The question is simple. There is a really big pit in front of you. How does each class/famous build use their unique abilities to get over the pit in a way that shows what the class is all about. For example:

How does a Monk jump over a pit?
He jump and falls because he is so MAD he doesn't have enough in strength.

How does a Samuri jump over a pit?
He stares at it.

How does Pun Pun jump over a pit?
He is already on the other side.

2013-08-23, 06:08 PM
How does the Omniscificer jump over a pit?
I don't know, but he does.

How does a Wizard jump over a pit?
However the hell he wants.

How does a Warblade jump over a pit?
Iron Heart Surge to end the condition of "being on the wrong side of this pit."

*edit* More!

How does a Bard jump over a pit?
"Jump, jump, jump, jump over the pit!"

How does That Damned Crab jump over the pit?
It doesn't; it fills it in with the bodies of the ECL 3 parties it's TPK'ed and then walks across.

How does a Commoner jump over a pit?
Fills it with chickens.

2013-08-23, 06:09 PM
Jumping is one of the few things a Monk does well out of the box, thanks to the high Speed.

2013-08-23, 06:10 PM
How does a Cleric jump over a pit?
Like a Fighter, but awesome.

How does a Paladin jump over a pit?
Jumping over a pit is a gross violation of his code. He falls.

How does a Beguiler jump over a pit?
He doesn't. He charms the other side into jumping over to him.

2013-08-23, 06:13 PM
monks don't fall... the monk move speed gets it over.

factotum: proves 1=0

swordsage: the shadows take him there

fighter: catches a ride

wizard: he's flying anyway, why would he care about a pit?

artificer: uses whatever item he feels like

druid: bird

warmage: roof is now in pit

Humble Master
2013-08-23, 06:17 PM
How does a Paladin jump over a pit?
Jumping over a pit is a gross violation of his code. He falls. And thanks to his armor he falls in more ways than one...

2013-08-23, 06:22 PM
How does a player in Gary Gygax's game jump across a pit?
"Haha, there's a Sphere of Annihilation hidden by an illusion in midair halfway across; you die, no saving throw."

How does the Jumplomancer jump across a pit?
...how do you think :smallconfused: ?


...these are kinda fun.

2013-08-23, 06:26 PM
How does a ranger jump over a pit?
It takes Favored Enemy: (Other Side of the Pit), and uses Track to get to its quarry.

How does a Witch jump over the pit?
How does a Summoner jump over the pit?
Summon something that can fly.
How does a psion jump over the pit?
Remember, there is no pit: focus, the pit does not exist.
How does a binder/occultist jump over the pit?
Bind himself to the spirit/vestige of The Other Side, and to the spirit/vestige of This Side. They are now joined together. No more pit.

Mr Adventurer
2013-08-23, 06:26 PM
How does the Jumplomancer jump across a pit?
...how do you think :smallconfused: ?

Convinces several nearby NPCs to buid him a bridge.

2013-08-23, 06:30 PM
Convinces several nearby NPCs to buid him a bridge.
Where's the "like" button on this forum?


How does Korg the Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195049) jump across a pit?
korg cast Lesser Flight.

2013-08-23, 06:31 PM
How does a Crusader Jump over a pit?
He takes another turn. And another. And another.

2013-08-23, 06:36 PM
How does the barbarian jump over the pit?
He can't; the pit is the remains of the last thing he hit, putting him at the bottom of it.

How does the monk jump over the pit?
He can't; after another poor combat performance, the barb hit him and the monk ceased to exist.

How does the fighter jump over the pit?
Begs the wizard for a buff.

How does the paladin jump over the pit?
Begs the wizard for a buff.

How does the ranger jump over the pit?
Begs the wizard for a buff.

How does the wizard jump over the pit?
He can't (until tomorrow), he wasted all his prepared spells on the fighter, paladin, and ranger.

How does the bard jump over the pit?
He can't, so he writes a sorrowful song about the obstacles of life.

How does the warlock jump over the pit?
Slowly but surely, all day every day.

2013-08-23, 06:37 PM
How does a Truenamer jump over a pit?
Get level drained by a bunch of Wights and voluntarily fail the saving throw to make the lost levels permanent, reducing his own CR enough so the DC of the Truespeak check to cast Seek the Sky on himself will be low enough to pass.

2013-08-23, 06:59 PM
How does a Truenamer jump over a pit?
Get level drained by a bunch of Wights and voluntarily fail the saving throw to make the lost levels permanent, reducing his own CR enough so the DC of the Truespeak check to cast Seek the Sky on himself will be low enough to pass.

Alternatively, wait until he learns Gate.

2013-08-23, 07:51 PM
The question is simple. There is a really big pit in front of you. How does each class/famous build use their unique abilities to get over the pit in a way that shows what the class is all about. For example:

How does a Monk jump over a pit?
He jump and falls because he is so MAD he doesn't have enough in strength.

How does a Samuri jump over a pit?
He stares at it.

How does Pun Pun jump over a pit?
He is already on the other side.

How does a AP pathfinder monk jump over a pit?
He spends a ki-point... and overshoots into the NEXT pit.

How does a Summoner jump over a pit?
Pffft. That's what my eildon is for.

How does an alchemist get over a pit?
Throws bombs until he reduces the pit's hp to zero, therefore killing it!
...Something doesn't seem right about this plan. :smallbiggrin:

How does an inquisitor get over a pit?
"WHO PUT THAT THERE? Heads will ROLL for this outrage!"

How does an arcane archer get over a pit?
He hits himself with his own imbued arrow of Force punch.
Or, he could, Y'know, fly.
Like a sane wizard.

How does a Mammoth Lord get over a pit?
His mammoth gingerly steps over it.

How do you stop a Cavalier from charging?
Take away his credit card.

2013-08-23, 08:16 PM
How does a Summoner jump over a pit?
Pffft. That's what my eildon is for.

Summons enough monsters to make a bridge.

2013-08-23, 08:31 PM
How does a bard jump over the pit?

He just convinces the pit it's been on the wrong side the whole time and goes about his business.

2013-08-23, 09:08 PM
How does a dragon jump over a pit?
No one's really sure, but the next pit always winds up with the half-dragon template.

Humble Master
2013-08-23, 09:16 PM
How does Chuck E' Cheese jump over a pit?
He has to find someone to throw first.

How does a Hulking Hurler jump over a pit?
He picks up the world and throws it so he lands on the other side.

How does a Commoner jump over a pit?
He fills it with chickens.

2013-08-23, 09:21 PM
how does a tootsie-pop jump over a pit? 1...2...3... crunch!... the world may never know.

2013-08-23, 09:33 PM
What, nobody's done the rogue yet?

How does a rogue cross a pit? She picks the lock on the pit, and then opens it.

2013-08-23, 09:40 PM
How does a kobold jump over a pit?
Pressure-plate-triggered catapult.

How does a dragonwrought kobold jump over a pit?
Takes loredrake and appears on the other side while everyone is busy arguing over whether he's a true dragon or not.

2013-08-23, 09:44 PM
how does a truenamer jump over a pit?
He tries to recite the utterance for falling into the pit, finds the pit's CR is too high, fails, and thus the opposite happens and he is on the other side of the pit.

how does a telepath jump over a pit?
he makes a mental leap

how does a paladin jump over a pit?
he takes a leap of faith

how does an oneiromancer jump over a pit?
he rolls lucid dreaming to move the pit behind him

2013-08-23, 09:48 PM
How does the Pit Fiend jump over the pit?
It's in the Pit!

How does the balor jump over the pit? It teleports, but is intercepted by the pit fiend's Wish SLA and dies.

How does the Olethrodaemon jump over the pit?
It tunnels its way under the pit, then devours the pit fiend's soul and climbs out.

How does the inevitable jump over the pit?

2013-08-23, 09:52 PM
How does Tippy jump over the pit?

Shapechange -> Zodar -> Wish -> Scroll of Ice Assassin of an Aleax of you -> shift to non Zodar form -> Zodar -> Wish for a Power Stone of Fusion -> shift to non Zodar form -> Zodar -> Wish for a Power Stone of Astral Seed -> shift to non Zodar form -> Zodar -> Wish for a Thought Bottle -> Use Power Stone of of Fusion on Ice Assassin -> Use Power Stone of Astral Seed -> Use Thought Bottle -> Kill yourself -> Return from Astral Seed -> Use Thought Bottle to regain lost level.

Now the pit can't hurt you and you can do whatever you want...

2013-08-23, 09:55 PM
How does a dragon jump over a pit?
No one's really sure, but the next pit always winds up with the half-dragon template.

How does a dragonwrought kobold jump over a pit?
Takes loredrake and appears on the other side while everyone is busy arguing over whether he's a true dragon or not.
My favorites so far :)

How does a Dwarf jump over a pit?
Fills it with wimpy Elves and walks over.

Humble Master
2013-08-23, 09:58 PM
How does a Dwarf jump over a pit?
Fills it with wimpy Elves and walks over.How does a Dwarf jump over a pit?
Fills it with wimpy Elves his beard and walks over.

2013-08-23, 10:13 PM
How does a truenamer jump over a pit?
Silly question, the better question is "How does he get back OUT of the pit?"

How does a wizard jump over a pit?
In style

How does a rouge jump over a pit?
He uses his bluff check on the DM to convince him there wasn't a pit.

How does a Dread Necromancer jump over a pit?
Over your dead body.

How does the psionic warrior jump over a pit?
He throws a plank of wood across, and uses Up the Walls to walk across the plank as it travels.

How does a goblin jump over a pit?
He gets all his cousins to dig a NEW pit behind him, and fills in the old pit, then declares himself Lord of the Pit.

How does a Shaper Psion jump over a pit?
He uses Major Creation to create a bridge for his entire party, but then uses his one level of Elocator to float just a bit above the surface as he crosses first, since it's made out of nitro glycerin. He then returns to town with heaps of his buddy's loot!

The Viscount
2013-08-23, 10:26 PM
How does a Shadowcaster cross the pit?
He just walks over the darkness of the pit.

How does a ninja cross the pit?
She uses ghost step to hide the fact that she just walks around it.

How does a Swashbuckler cross the pit?
I promise, Acrobatic Charge works that way!

2013-08-23, 10:32 PM
How does Korg the Barbarian Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195049) get across the pit?
Scroll of Jump (piece of paper that has "JUMP" written on it).

How does the Pathfinder Monk get across the pit?
Well, first he takes the Qinggong archetype to get some spell-like abilities...oh, wait, we're playing core only? Um...

How does grarrrg get across the pit?
Well, first, we're going to need a few levels of alchemist to get some more arms.

Love you, grarrrg :D

2013-08-23, 10:40 PM
How does the conjurer jump over the pit? He summons sheep until the pit is full, but falls asleep while counting them.

2013-08-23, 10:50 PM
How does the low-optimization player get over the pit?
Oh, wow, I'm really glad I took Acrobatic now! This feat is overpowered!

How does the Healer get over the pit?
Mends the wounds in the earth.

How does the Warmage get over the pit?
Who do you think put the pit there in the first place? :smallconfused:

How does the Dungeoncrasher Fighter get over the pit?
Bull-rushes himself across.

How does the Cryptic get over the pit?
Steals the pit, throws it under the BBEG later.


How does the theoretical optimizer get over the pit?
Have a line of commoners miles long pass you off as a free action, accelerating to near light-speeds. Wear a bucket of water on your head so that if you would die from impact, you can begin drowning and get back to -1.

2013-08-23, 11:05 PM
An Elan/Warforged waits for natural processes of erosion to reduce the pit to nothing.

An Incarnate summons fancy blue boots, and flies over.

2013-08-23, 11:31 PM
How does a Warblade get over a pit?
He Iron Heart Surges the pit away.

How does a 1d2 Crusader get over a pit?
He punches the pit to death. With one punch.

How does a beguiler get over a pit?
What pit?

How does a healer get over a pit?
Fall down the pit. Heal self. Realize you have no way of getting back up the pit. Cry in the corner.

How does a Dread Necromancer get over a pit?
Shove zombies into it until they form a nice, convenient flesh bridge.

How does a Factotum get over a pit?
However the hell they want.

How does a Dragonborn Warforged Dragonfire Adept get over a pit?
You're a winged fire-breathing robot dragon man. Who the hell cares?

2013-08-24, 03:40 AM
How does the arcane swordsage jump over the pit?
If he's allowed, he'll use Heroics to do it like a wizard would. Otherwise, he stops time and circumnavigates the globe to arrive on the other side of the pit.

How does an intimidating Barbarian jump over the pit?
He uses imperious command to make the pit helpless. He's still got a move action, so now's his chance to bolt.

How does the spelltheif jump over the pit?
He spends about three hours looking for a wizard, only to find out they're all on the other side of the pit. Then he cries himself to sleep.

How does the artificer jump over the pit?
"Hey guys, this is great. In about one week, we'll never have to worry about another pit again!"

How does a demilich jump over the pit?
Usually just by dominating a football player into kicking him over the pit.

How does a cleric jump over the pit?
Prestige classes. Lots and lots of prestige classes.

How does the Omniscificer jump over the pit?
Automatically; after all, all of his skill checks are infinite.

2013-08-24, 05:18 AM
*tears of laughter*
These are so amazing. So amazing.

2013-08-24, 07:42 AM
How does a wizard jump over a pit?
A wizard need not jump, for it is already on the correct side.

2013-08-24, 08:21 AM
How does a Dungeonscape variant barbarian cross a pit?

Pits are a kind of trap. Therefore, he kills it.

Lord Vukodlak
2013-08-24, 08:57 AM
How does the Pathfinder Monk get across the pit?

He effortlessly leaps the 30ft required to reach the other side of the chasm which is also 15ft up. From the starting point.

2013-08-24, 09:06 AM
How does a Crusader jump over a pit?
Lets the pit do him 20 hitpoints of damage and then smacks the hell out of it while rerolling his Jump check on a Zealous Surge.

How does a Runecaster jump over a pit?
He pushes a button.

How does a Planar Shepard jump over a pit?
Makes a bubble from a plane where all pits are the size of atoms and steps over it.

How does an Assassin jump over a pit?
Waits three rounds and Death Attacks the pit, killing it. While his buddies are whining about how he's wasting his time.

2013-08-24, 09:27 AM
How does a wizard jump over a pit?
A wizard is never on the wrong side of the pit, Frodo Baggins. He is on precisely which side he means to.

- Gandalf

How does a Genius Loci (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/geniusLoci.htm) jump over a pit?
Well, at least it has a positive jump check...

Lord Vukodlak
2013-08-24, 09:35 AM
How does a Bard jump over a pit.
He has the Fighter carry him

2013-08-24, 11:36 AM
How does a Monk jump over a pit?
He jump and falls because he is so MAD he doesn't have enough in strength.

How does the Pathfinder Monk get across the pit?
Well, first he takes the Qinggong archetype to get some spell-like abilities...oh, wait, we're playing core only? Um...

So are we just overlooking the +20 to jump checks thing from the ki pool? :smalltongue:

The monk has enough of a bad rap, don't take away the things it can actually do.

He effortlessly leaps the 30ft required to reach the other side of the chasm which is also 15ft up. From the starting point.

Yeah, that.

2013-08-24, 11:43 AM
So are we just overlooking the +20 to jump checks thing from the ki pool? :smalltongue:

The monk has enough of a bad rap, don't take away the things it can actually do.There is no spoon pit. :smallwink:

2013-08-24, 12:23 PM
And thanks to his armor he falls in more ways than one...
Yes. That was indeed the joke. Good job.

2013-08-24, 12:25 PM
How does a Malconvoker cross a pit? He binds some demons to sit in the pit, walks across, then casts dimensional lock and wall of force on the pit. Another victory for the forces of good!

2013-08-24, 12:31 PM
How does the swordsage jump over the pit?
Hops down, then punches the side of the pit with Mountain Hammer until breaks into a ramp.

Shining Wrath
2013-08-24, 12:44 PM
Druid: Wildshape: kangaroo.
Wizard: Rock to Mud, let things settle out, Mud to Stone, walk across minor dip in road
Warblade: Fill the pit with the bodies of his foes, which have been chopped into manageable sizes
Barbarian: See Warblade, but the chopping lacked panache
Sorcerer: If no learned spell works, Diplomacy someone into carrying him across
Fighter: Fill the pit with tears of impotent frustration; remove armor; swim
Blaster Wizard: Destroy things until the pit is full of rubble
Bard: "Jump, jump, jump across the pit!"
Durkon: If there are tree roots in the pit, leap in and destroy them in the name of THOR!
Aristocrat: Have a horde of peasants fill in the pit
Dread Necromancer: Jump in and let Lich Body prevent the damage
Scout: Carefully shoot the tips off all the spears in the pit. Cross safely.

2013-08-24, 01:03 PM
Psychic Warrior: Wallrun or walk across ceiling.
Psychic Rogue: As Psywar, or Compression and hide in the Monk's satchel.
Psion (Seer): Either finds another way around, or there's nothing over there worth going after anyway. (Alternatively, see Generalist.)
Psion (Nomad): Burst+Skate and leap across, or switch places with the Monk and make him go again.
Psion (Telepath): Has NPCs build him a bridge, or gets a monster to carry him across. (Alternatively, see Generalist.)
Psion (Kineticist): Sonic rays to crumble both sides of the pit into jagged slopes. Walk down and then back up.
Psion (Shaper): Ride Astral Construct across (who either jumps or flies.) Alternatively, form bridge/ladders out of ectoplasm.
Psion (Egoist): Buffs his own jump checks, or Ectoplasmic form and float across.
Psion (Generalist/Other): Levitate to ceiling and clamber across.
Wilder: See Kineticist.

2013-08-24, 01:04 PM
Durkon: If there are tree roots in the pit, leap in and destroy them in the name of THOR!

You mean in the name of the NEGATIVE ENERGY PLANE!

Shining Wrath
2013-08-24, 01:18 PM
You mean in the name of the NEGATIVE ENERGY PLANE!

That would be Durkula, not Durkon :smallwink:

2013-08-24, 01:22 PM
How does the Kobold jump across the pit?

He doesn't ...
He says a prayer to Kurrlumak, then skurries over to pick up the neatly folded pit, which by the way is still full with whatever idiotic adventurers that failed the simple test to get across. Then he places the pit in his pocket and walks on down the hallway. :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-24, 01:54 PM
How does the Kobold jump across the pit?

He doesn't ...
He says a prayer to Kurrlumak, then skurries over to pick up the neatly folded pit, which by the way is still full with whatever idiotic adventurers monks that failed the simple test to get across. Then he places the pit in his pocket and walks on down the hallway. :smallbiggrin:

Fixed that for yah. I think most classes would get across just fine

Lord Vukodlak
2013-08-24, 02:03 PM
Fixed that for yah. I think most classes would get across just fine

Again someone picked the one class with the least possibility of failure. Saying a monk can't jump is like saying" a wizard can't do it."

2013-08-24, 02:18 PM
I know ragging on monks is cruise control for cool and all, but all it does here is expose an unwillingness (or inability?) to read.

2013-08-24, 02:26 PM
And then we have archetypes that make them actually powerful and versatile.

Lord Vukodlak
2013-08-24, 02:35 PM
And then we have archetypes that make them actually powerful and versatile.
Lets not open the monk viability can of worms, this thread is meant to be humorous after all. But saying a monk can't jump is just stupid.

How Does a Wizard jump over a pit
Any number of spells will allow the wizard to cross presuming he has them prepared, however once across he counts the pit as an encounter and insists the party rest for the day, despite there being no reason the party couldn't handle the next two or three encounters without resting.

THAT is how you take a shot at a class that can easily cross the pit

2013-08-24, 02:42 PM
For the record, I was trying to joke about the fact that the PF Monk gets much better if splats are allowed, rather than just standard "Monkday" ragging.

Lord Vukodlak
2013-08-24, 02:44 PM
For the record, I was trying to joke about the fact that the PF Monk gets much better if splats are allowed, rather than just standard "Monkday" ragging.

I wasn't saying you were raging on monk's I was saying you were opening a can of worms by bringing up ways to make monks better.

2013-08-24, 02:46 PM
How does a soulborn jump over a pit?
He waits until he's level 4.

How does an incantatrix jump over a pit?
Quickened-Silenced-Reach-Split Rayed-Twined-dimension hop

I know ragging on monks is cruise control for cool and all, but all it does here is expose an unwillingness (or inability?) to read.
Bloody barbarians.

Edit: How does a monk jump over a pit?
He... wait, you mean that at level 20, if he missed the jump by five feet, he can feather fall the way down? That's so OP.

2013-08-24, 02:47 PM
How does the Kobold jump across the pit?

He doesn't ...
He says a prayer to Kurrlumak, then skurries over to pick up the neatly folded pit, which by the way is still full with whatever idiotic adventurers that failed the simple test to get across. Then he places the pit in his pocket and walks on down the hallway. :smallbiggrin:Alternatively, the kobold can use its Swift Fly SLA from Draconic Rites.

How does an elf jump across the pit?
Easily, since she's of the Pit-Jumping Elf subrace.

How does a dwarf jump across the pit?
He can't remember, he was drunk at the time.

2013-08-24, 03:25 PM
How does the warforged jump over the pit?
He charges through it using his Fighter Substitution levels and Dungeoncrasher.

How does the Ardent jump over the pit?
He thinks he can.

2013-08-24, 03:33 PM
How does a NG outsider get across the pit?
Edit: Alternatively, convert the other side to its point of view.

How does a NE outsider get across the pit?
Corrupt the hearts of those on the other side to summon it.

How does a LN outsider get across the pit?
That pit was placed there for a purpose. No action must be taken that would cause a breach of the pit's integrity.

How does a CN outsider get across the pit?
Easy. Purple.

2013-08-24, 03:48 PM
How does a Hulking Hurler get across the pit?

Pick up the planet, move it twenty feet to the left, drop it again.

Lord Vukodlak
2013-08-24, 04:07 PM
How does a commoner jump over a pit
He takes some long wooden blanks over the pit then walks across.

How does the shadow gnome killer jump over the pit
How ever he gets across its somehow over 100% real.

How does a dwarf jump over a pit
He can not jump the distance you'll have to toss him.

2013-08-24, 04:09 PM
How does a munchkin jump over the pit?

He critically succeeds on his skill roll!

2013-08-24, 04:47 PM
How does a Cleric jump over the pit?

He uses the power of the Pit Domain

Tock Zipporah
2013-08-24, 05:05 PM
In Mother Russia, Pit jumps over YOU!

How does Lara Croft jump over the pit? When I'm playing, usually after the 100th try.

How does the Prince of Persia jump over the pit? (REWIND) Ahh, let me try that again...

How does O-Chul jump over the pit? One saving throw at a time...

How does Haley jump over the pit? Dumps her bags of holding full of gold into it to... BWA HA HA HA HA, oh, man, I almost got through that with a straight face. As if she'd ever.

How does Link jump across the pit? He holds a chicken over his head and hovers across.

How does Samus Aran jump across the pit? Space boots double jump.

How does Mario jump across the pit? Triple jump.

How does a dwarf jump over the pit? You toss him while the elf isn't looking.

How does an illusionist jump over the pit? He casts an illusion over it to make it look solid, then waits for the bodies to start piling up.

How does a stubborn player with a railroading DM jump over the pit? Pfft, you're lucky if he's even in the right dungeon...

How does Xykon jump over a pit? Sacrificing minions, is there any problem it CAN'T solve?

How does the MitD jump over the pit? Wait, what pit?

How does an epic level character in an anti-magic field jump over a pit? He fires an arrow across it and uses his +90 balance score to ride the arrow (Seriously, I DMd a campaign where a friend did this once).

2013-08-24, 05:09 PM
How does a Bard jump over a pit?
He seduces it.

How does a Awakened boot jump over a pit?
He kicked the chance of failure to the curb.

How does Dina (DoA) get over the pit?
She roars at it!

How does a fighter Jump over a pit?
He jumps over it.

Shouldn't this be in the silly games section?

Humble Master
2013-08-24, 06:00 PM
Shouldn't this be in the silly games section? I'm not sure. I apologize if it should be. Is their any way to contact the moderators about something like this?

2013-08-24, 07:08 PM
How does a powergamer jump over a pit?
He attacks the bottom and intentionally fails the roll.

How does the king cross the pit?
He hires some adventurers and says the princess is on the other side.

How does a gnome cross a--LOOK, a mushroom!

How does a halfling cross a pit?
He throws a rock at it. Three months later, the pit is EATEN BY A TIGER.

How does the GM cross a pit?
There is no pit.

2013-08-24, 08:09 PM
I'm not sure. I apologize if it should be. Is their any way to contact the moderators about something like this?

You can report the OP to request a change.

I think it's fine where it is.

2013-08-24, 08:39 PM
How does a psicrystal jump a pit?
--With all of its delicious feats.

How does a druid jump a pit?
--Behold, the majestic polar bear in its natural habitat. These large, carnivorous creatures are quite dangerous to the unwary, as their white fur is difficult to see in the drifts of snow and ice. They subsist on a diet of fish and seals, and they spend quite a lot of time in the water. It approaches a crevice in the ice. How will the polar bear ford the treacherous, tightly-packed ice floe?

...Wait, did that bear just turn into a seagull?

2013-08-24, 09:02 PM
How does a Verdant Lord cross a pit?
He Animates the nearby forest and has them form a bridge.

How does a Fleshwarper cross a pit?
He cuts of the legs of a devil and the wings of an angel grafts them to himself and then jumps 15 feet straight up only to then fly across at 80 mph.

Humble Master
2013-08-24, 09:22 PM
You can report the OP to request a change.

I think it's fine where it is. Alright, thank you.

How does a Shining Blade of Heronious jump over a pit?
He, uh makes his sword all glowy.

How does a Ruby Knight Vindicator jump over a pit?
He just builds a bridge with his crud-ton of Nightsticks.

How does a Illithid Savantjump over a pit?
He eats the brain of the pit. Now he uses it's Be a Pit class feature. Now he is both sides of the pit at once!

2013-08-24, 09:35 PM
I'm not sure. I apologize if it should be. Is their any way to contact the moderators about something like this?

I think it makes more sense here, it is specifically about 3.5, and it isn't really a "game", so...

How does an Eidelon jump over a pit?
Leave. Wait for its summoner to summon something that flies and carry it across. Come back.

2013-08-24, 09:40 PM
How does a devil jump over a pit?
He Kicks it's puppy until the pit puts him on the other side.

How does a drow jump over a pit?
She fills the pit with all those (now dead) renagades, walks across, and drops her torch.

How does a monk jump over one?
Hadoken propellant!

2013-08-24, 10:11 PM
How does the Tarrasque jump over a pit?

It eats it. With a side of pasta.

2013-08-25, 04:40 PM
How does a rainbow warsnake jump over a pit?

By waiting until 10th level and using the cleric spell list to do it.

2013-08-25, 06:01 PM
How does a fighter jump over a pit?

He decides the rest of the party can handle it, shoots himself in the knee with his crossbow, and hobbles home to a nagging wife and an unforfilling job as a guard until he has a heart attack at the age of 43 leaving 4 kids who will grow up to be commoners.

How does a factotum jump over a pit?

He does a knowledge engineering/architecture check to design a catapult, a knowledge nature check to select the right trees, a profession siege equipment builder check to actually build it, then shoots the rest of the party across before casting fly on himself and moonwalking across... In a single round.

2013-08-25, 09:25 PM
The Dread Pirate and the Legendary Captain "sail" over it.

Humble Master
2013-08-25, 10:25 PM
How does a fighter jump over a pit?

He decides the rest of the party can handle it, shoots himself in the knee with his crossbow, and hobbles home to a nagging wife and an unforfilling job as a guard until he has a heart attack at the age of 43 leaving 4 kids who will grow up to be commoners. Fun fact: "Taking an arrow to the knee" was old Nordic slang for getting married, which actually makes a lot more sense than every archer aiming for adventurer's knees.

Lord Vukodlak
2013-08-25, 10:33 PM
Fun fact: "Taking an arrow to the knee" was old Nordic slang for getting married, which actually makes a lot more sense than every archer aiming for adventurer's knees.

Wow that does make more sense.

2013-08-25, 11:02 PM
Ooh, thought of some more.

How does a Wilder get over a pit?
Kill things until you level up twice, so you can use your single power known every two levels to learn a power that will let you get across the pit.

How does a pixie get over a pit?
How does a Raptoran get over a pit?
How does an Anthropomorphic Bat get over a pit?
...You're a little thick, ain'tcha.

How does a Swiftblade get over a pit?

Fun fact: "Taking an arrow to the knee" was old Nordic slang for getting married, which actually makes a lot more sense than every archer aiming for adventurer's knees.
The fact that they thought of this reflects well on the intelligence of Bethesda's game developers. The fact that they didn't realize that the Internet would, of course, not know this... doesn't. :smalltongue:

2013-08-25, 11:06 PM
How does a Swiftblade get over a pit?


2013-08-25, 11:10 PM
Oh, man, I've played that character before. Came complete with tempo bloodspikes and Luhix-covered weapons. It was hilarious.

2013-08-25, 11:13 PM

Drink cactus juice! (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ls-83vf6c4c&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dls-83vf6c4c)Nothing's quenchier!

2013-08-25, 11:18 PM
Oh, man, I've played that character before. Came complete with tempo bloodspikes and Luhix-covered weapons. It was hilarious.
Luhix is a drug, right? What books are these in? They sound like fun.

Drink cactus juice! (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ls-83vf6c4c&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dls-83vf6c4c)Nothing's quenchier!

I love this show.

2013-08-25, 11:31 PM
Luhix is a drug, right? What books are these in? They sound like fun.
Bloodspikes are from Magic of Eberron. They're injectable alchemical substances, and the Tempo Bloodspike specifically allows you to expend it an hour later to gain an extra move action. They're pretty nice.

Luhix, on the other hand... not so nice. Yeah, it's a drug, from BoVD. A single dose deals one point of damage to each ability score, but also gives the subject a +2 alchemical bonus to all ability scores for 1d2 hours and makes them unable to feel pain. But, see, Luhix is actually an injury-delivered drug, and, if someone takes it twice in one day? The overdose effect is a Fort save DC 25 or die. It's a wonderful little injury poison- DC's higher than Black Lotus Extract, and the effect is automatic instant death. Yeah, you need two doses, but if it fails, you only need to apply one more to cause it again.

Hell, it's even plant-based, so with a DC 30 Craft (Alchemy) check you can make it with Minor Creation every day for free.

I love this show.
Heartily seconded.

2013-08-25, 11:41 PM
How does a Wilder get over a pit?
Kill things until you level up twice, so you can use your single power known every two levels to learn a power that will let you get across the pit.

Energy Ray (sonic) is a 1st-level power :smalltongue:

Alternatively, you can Attract someone on the other side to find a way to get next to you, which could include building a bridge.

2013-08-25, 11:49 PM
Energy Ray (sonic) is a 1st-level power :smalltongue:
I... suppose it might take less time to destroy both sides of the pit with energy ray than waiting to level up? Still kind of terrible. And that's assuming you spent one of your tiny number of powers known on Energy Ray- not that farfetched, since it is one of the more useful powers, but still.

Alternatively, you can Attract someone on the other side to find a way to get next to you, which could include building a bridge.
That assumes that you picked Attract. What if you're a 5th level Wilder and you picked, say, psionic grease, vigor, and ego whip? Not an unreasonable choice of powers, but you're still not getting over that pit anytime soon.

2013-08-25, 11:51 PM
Bloodspikes are from Magic of Eberron. They're injectable alchemical substances, and the Tempo Bloodspike specifically allows you to expend it an hour later to gain an extra move action. They're pretty nice.

Luhix, on the other hand... not so nice. Yeah, it's a drug, from BoVD. A single dose deals one point of damage to each ability score, but also gives the subject a +2 alchemical bonus to all ability scores for 1d2 hours and makes them unable to feel pain. But, see, Luhix is actually an injury-delivered drug, and, if someone takes it twice in one day? The overdose effect is a Fort save DC 25 or die. It's a wonderful little injury poison- DC's higher than Black Lotus Extract, and the effect is automatic instant death. Yeah, you need two doses, but if it fails, you only need to apply one more to cause it again.

Hell, it's even plant-based, so with a DC 30 Craft (Alchemy) check you can make it with Minor Creation every day for free.

You should see how big my grin is. :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-25, 11:55 PM
I... suppose it might take less time to destroy both sides of the pit with energy ray than waiting to level up?

Or the ceiling. The point is, they can get across.

Obviously, whether it would take longer than leveling up depends on how long it takes to level up.

Still kind of terrible.

That depends. Compared to a Psion or Druid? Sure. Compared to a Commoner or Samurai? Not at all. Which is, you know, kind of the point.

2013-08-26, 12:00 AM
You should see how big my grin is. :smallbiggrin:
It is a whole bucket of fun. I can't believe I used to use Black Lotus Extract for that, right? :smalltongue:

That depends. Compared to a Psion or Druid? Sure. Compared to a Commoner or Samurai? Not at all. Which is, you know, kind of the point.
I meant 'a terrible method of getting across.' In that situation, a Monk can get across more easily, as we've spent the last two pages discussing. :smalltongue:

But yeah, I'm well aware that Wilders are still a decent class.
That doesn't mean that the crappy powers known progression they get doesn't annoy the hell out of me, though. If it weren't for Educated Wilder, I don't think I'd ever play one, simply because the powers known are so limited that if I wanted to build with a concept that doesn't use super-versatile powers like Astral Construct, the character has no versatility whatsoever.

2013-08-26, 12:09 AM
I meant 'a terrible method of getting across.' In that situation, a Monk can get across more easily, as we've spent the last two pages discussing. :smalltongue:

'Terrible' is relative. The monk's method gets him across more easily, sure, but the Wilder's method gets him and the entire village behind him across. In that circumstance, the latter is actually more useful.

Also, before you two get all giddy over BoVD drugs, 3.0 material does require DM approval/adjustments to be used.

The Viscount
2013-08-26, 12:15 AM
How does a Binder jump over a pit?
He binds Halphax then uses Profession (siege engineer) to shoot himself across. What's that? He could just fly with Marchosias? But that's not as fun!

How does an Earth Dreamer jump over a pit?
Silly fool, he jumps under the pit.

2013-08-26, 12:15 AM

It is a whole bucket of fun. I can't believe I used to use Black Lotus Extract for that, right? :smalltongue:

Pfft. I usually just use Tainted One or Tiny Sea Snake familiar poison. They're not ridiculous so my low OP friends don't freak out.

2013-08-26, 12:21 AM
'Terrible' is relative. The monk's method gets him across more easily, sure, but the Wilder's method gets him and the entire village behind him across. In that circumstance, the latter is actually more useful.
...If you have a whole village, they can build themselves a bridge.

Also, before you two get all giddy over BoVD drugs, 3.0 material does require DM approval/adjustments to be used.
So does every splatbook. What's your point?

Pfft. I usually just use Tainted One or Tiny Sea Snake familiar poison. They're not ridiculous so my low OP friends don't freak out.
Well, it's definitely not something you want to just spring on your party. That game was a pretty high-OP game anyway, so nobody really minded. After all, I still wasn't as powerful as the party Incantatrix.

2013-08-26, 12:30 AM
...If you have a whole village, they can build themselves a bridge.

Out of what? All the more reason to have someone that can make rubble and rocks with a thought.

So does every splatbook. What's your point?

The DM doesn't have to invoke rule zero to crush your munchkiny dreams, that's my point.

2013-08-26, 12:32 AM
Out of what? All the more reason to have someone that can make rubble and rocks with a thought.
A tree would work fine.

The DM doesn't have to invoke rule zero to crush your munchkiny dreams, that's my point.
I suppose, but they're both pretty much rule zero, anyway. Besides, it's not like I'd recommend using this thing unless the DM is okay with it in the first place.

2013-08-26, 12:35 AM
A tree would work fine.

A sonic ray is useful there too. (Trees have hardness.)

2013-08-26, 12:36 AM
How does the Playground jump over a pit?
By going on enough tangents to simply maneuver around it.

2013-08-26, 12:38 AM
A sonic ray is useful there too. (Trees have hardness.)
Eh, yeah, but not exactly vital. A village of people with axes could hack down even the biggest tree pretty easily.

Still, I'm not arguing that you couldn't use Sonic Ray, just that... well, it's not exactly the most effective tool for this job, is it?

2013-08-26, 12:43 AM
It isn't about the best way. It's about the class doing it in a way that highlights said classes abilities.

The best way is the commoner way for most people. Put a board over it. But That's not funny or flavorful so it's only good for commoner,

How does a Lion-totem Barbarian cross a pit?
He combines leap attack with pounce to cover the distance and do massive damage to the goblin on the other side.

2013-08-26, 12:45 AM
No, a commoner leaps across with his mighty dinosaurs. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7097263&postcount=38)

2013-08-26, 12:46 AM
How does a thri-kreen jump over the pit?

Take 10 and leap over the pit and the illusioned pit behind the first one.

2013-08-26, 12:48 AM
It isn't about the best way. It's about the class doing it in a way that highlights said classes abilities.

The best way is the commoner way for most people. Put a board over it. But That's not funny or flavorful so it's only good for commoner
Yes. I know. That's what the thread's about. Not the argument we were having.

...With that said, a return to the topic seems in order.

How does a damage-optimized Fighter/Barbarian get over a pit?
Leap Power Attack Pouncing Shock Trooper Battle Jump over the pit, aiming for the nearest square on the other end.

...You hit, make the jump, deal 2d6+yes damage, and the other end of the pit shatters, sending you careening into the void.

2013-08-26, 01:26 AM
How did the chicken cross the pit?

By immediately turning into an exploding zombie upon creation and just not giving a cluck.

2013-08-26, 01:31 AM
I'm going to see how many characters I can figure out how they get across at Lv 6 (I'm assuming 20-ft width).

Depends upon size of pit, strip off armor (put it into backpack), and rage. With max ranks in Jump (not uncommon for Barbarians since it clocks in at about their 3rd or 4th best skill) this should give them around a +19 so they succeed on a 1, or they don't rage and take 10.

Convince someone else to do it for you. No class feature directly useful.

Such non-core books for spells that would allow them to do so, there are some. Otherwise look for something to tie a rope around on each side and summon some little flier to tie it for you.

Wild Shape into a bird.

Remove armor, with max ranks in Jump you can take 10 and you have nothing better to do with your skill points.

+8 without ranks or Str, and they usually have ranks.

If with his gear he weighs less than 300 lbs, he summons his mount for a glorious mounted leap. Otherwise he cries deeply... like a boss.

Wild Shape variant. Rangers have better things to do with their skills than put them in jump.

Climbs down one side and up the other, assuming they even have climb... why is rogue more skill starved than most classes :smallannoyed:

Is Fly your only 3rd level spell known? Does your DM allow Alter Self (I've seen it banned) and does he allow a humanoid race that flies? If the answer to these are no then ask the barbarian to give you a piggy back ride. Or you just cast Haste (a nice choice for 3rd level spell) and take 10 with your enhanced speed.

Did you prepare fly today? Prepare fly, it's in your spellbook at this point.

Better than a rogue. You're more likely to have jump, and have a minimum of +6. You don't even do a running jump, you just stand there then forward flip across.

Fast movement + likely to put ranks in Jump (though not assured).

Steal the fly spell your wizard friend was about to cast. Or cry deeply.

Fly across with fell flight. Or sob quietly while invisible because you picked the invisibility invocation (there are only 2 lesser invocations, right?).

Cry that you aren't a real caster.

Wu Jen:
Sprout wings of freaking fire and fly across while burninating the bridge so no one else can make it across. What bridge, you ask, there wasn't a bridge :smallannoyed: No need to get upset, a wu jen just went across first.

Favored Soul:
Jump is a class skill! Wait, what you put ranks into Knowledge (Religion) (cross-classed) instead, well now you just can't cross, I'm sorry. Well it's not my fault the most thematically appropriate skill for you isn't a class skill.

I never liked you, so you don't except. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, like those monkeys at that guy's tomb.

Spirit Shaman:
Cross it in spirit. Then wait a day and use spider climb to go down one side and up the other. Or convince the DM that you so could teach a crow how to tie knots through youtube evidence.

Ask the paladin for a ride on his horse. When talking to a paladin always remember to bring your lead sheet or be prepared to dodge the smite.

Shout at the pit, intimidation is your one useful facet.

Actually less likely to have Jump than a Fighter, and not even assured to have 12 Str needed with max ranks. Still might make it across.

Psionic Levitate (if you have it which is fairly unlikely), or if you're a nomad fly. Oh wait that's a Lv 4 power for you, because you cannot get shiny things mr. smart man.

Psychic Warrior:
Do you have jump? Likely not. Use Expansion to get longer arms. Jump 10 feet. Grab other edge. Do pull-up.

Steal the paladin's horse, that never backfires.

Stare blankly. Summon your horse. Try again 'til it succeeds or someone points out you aren't actually a paladin.

Get a running start, then Sudden Leap across.

Leaping Dragon Stance! Oh wait your stance progression doesn't give it to you until Lv 8 :smallconfused: Put armor in backpack or wear light armor, running jump + Sudden Leap.

Bind Andras. Summon a mount. Jump across on horse back. What do you mean it might not have that trick and isn't preternaturally intelligent like a paladin's? Bind Ronove and hope you roll high on your jump check, because worst case scenario you have Feather Fall? Get willing ally on other side of pit, jump across and mid jump switch position via Savnok? Seriously Binders have so many ways that might work but might not at this level. Go level up twice and bind a 5th level vestige and it's easy.

Speed of the Zephyr gives you a chance, but it's less than 50/50. Seek the Sky gets you across, as does Greater Speed of the Zephyr and those are two of the better utterances you could have.

My paladin remake:
Umm... you still have Mount... none of your other abilities help with this till higher level (where you can get flight etc).

My fighter revamp:
What do you mean you fail at this more than a fighter? I didn't give you better things to spend your increased skill points on just so you couldn't jump a pit! Stop talking back to me!

Sacred Healer (yes I'm fully into homebrew now):
How deep is the pit? I mean give myself DR jump down and then heal back up... wait there is a way up if I fall right? Right? It's dark and lonely down here.

Daggerstrike Adept:
Same as swashbuckler. Jump across the pit, as you fail because you don't actually have ranks in jump, smack into the opposite side dagger first and drive a dagger in to create a hand-hold. Pull out another and drive it in to slowly make your way up the side... what do you mean you put ranks in something other than climb and can't make the DC 15 check? Also really good Will save instead of Reflex? I think that's a typo :smallconfused:

Wyldwood Knight:
Ok you at least I tend to put ranks in Jump. At least 5 for Tumble synergy. Activate Wind Stride to increase your speed for the leap.

Study the pit. Draw up blue-prints for a bridge. Build it to specifications.

Beast Tamer:
Have animal companion jump across? No. Ride across the pit on your giant bat, while laughing at your sad hexblade friend who couldn't get across. But send your bat back for the bard because he's got Charisma. Actually this reminds me of what happened when I threw a pit in front of a party... the bard had to bribe the druid not to leave her behind because she had tried to sell him to a slaad to be used for incubation (don't ask).

Awakened Champion:
Do you have ranks in Tumble? That +2 synergy bonus to Jump would really come in handy. Then you could get a +6 insight bonus from class and probably have 14 Str to get across. If not wait a day and change your floating bonus feat to Run and you can get across.

Form Shifter:
You are already a dire bat, just fly across. This class needs a reworking.

Dispel the pit it might be an illusion!

Argent Blade:
Cast Swift Fly, Swift Haste, or (Swift) Expeditious Retreat, running jump with a sword twirl. You probably know one of those 3 at this point (with 6 spells known)

Morphic Claw:
You have fast movement AND Sudden Leap, you can make a DC 20 Jump check on a (less than) 10.

Runebound Knight:
Know Swift Fly? Spend 10 minutes, mutilate your soul, now you do. Cast Swift Fly. Then cast Benign Transposition and then fly across again. Repeat until party is across or you die from self-inflicted ability damage.

Luck Blessed:
Did you put ranks in Jump? Why do I give so many of you Jump if none of you ever put ranks in it? Shush, just because Diplomacy, Tumble, and UMD are better. Wait let me look at your sheet... you put ranks in Perform! What do you mean it helps you get chicks? Ok never... you had 5 ranks in Jump for Tumble synergy :smallfurious: Well you can attempt the jump and if you fail (more likely than not with you +8 bonus) re-roll it at +1d6... the odds are in your favor.

Dragon Knight:
What do you mean you didn't take any spells to help with this because you get fly at-will next level :smallsigh:

2013-08-26, 01:58 AM
Eh, yeah, but not exactly vital. A village of people with axes could hack down even the biggest tree pretty easily.

Still, I'm not arguing that you couldn't use Sonic Ray, just that... well, it's not exactly the most effective tool for this job, is it?

The point of the thread is (absurd/facetious examples aside) finding iconic ways that a given class would cross the pit. For a Wilder to blast her way across may not be the most efficient means, but it's certainly iconic.

What I'm objecting to is the claim that it is (a) universally bad regardless of circumstance, and (b) that the Wilder needs to hit level 4+ to even have a chance.

2013-08-26, 02:11 AM
How does an aasimar get over a pit?
Outsider Wings.

What I'm objecting to is the claim that it is (a) universally bad regardless of circumstance, and (b) that the Wilder needs to hit level 4+ to even have a chance.
...I didn't claim either of those. Not once. Hell, I love Wilders. They just... aren't that versatile, at least not unless you pick nothing but swiss-army knife powers.

2013-08-26, 09:27 AM
...I didn't claim either of those. Not once.

Then who posted these:

Kill things until you level up twice, so you can use your single power known every two levels to learn a power that will let you get across the pit.

- As I noted, leveling up even once (much less twice) isn't actually necessary. It might take awhile (days even) but if there's no way for them to gain exp they can still get across.

Still kind of terrible.

- As I noted, "terrible" is relative.

2013-08-26, 09:57 AM
Then who posted these:
Those don't mean what you think they do.

- As I noted, leveling up even once (much less twice) isn't actually necessary. It might take awhile (days even) but if there's no way for them to gain exp they can still get across.
Yes, they can. If they have the right powers. Sure, you could do it with a power that might still be able to do it, like Energy Ray, but again, what if your power choices were psionic grease, vigor, and ego whip? Besides, as you said, it could take days. Depending on the size of the pit and what material is around it, leveling up may be faster.

And, I don't get where you're getting 'need to be level 4.' I meant that at any level (well, technically, any even level), if you're a standard Wilder and don't have a power to get you across (see the example above, which would be a perfectly reasonable array of powers for a combat-focused 5th-level wilder), you'll need to level up twice before getting to learn a new one.

- As I noted, "terrible" is relative.
As I said, I meant 'terrible method of getting across.' And any method that takes that much time and effort is a terrible way of getting across. Sure, if you happen to have energy ray and nothing better for the job, it might be your only way of getting across, but that doesn't mean you have to be happy about having to spend days getting over.

Look, can we stop arguing about this? You're arguing about things that I'm not disagreeing with, and anyway it's completely tangential.

How does a Wizard get over a pit?
There are so many possible answers that I'm just going to say 'cast Body of War and awesome your way across.' Because it's as good as any other answer.

2013-08-26, 10:08 AM
Yes, they can. If they have the right powers. Sure, you could do it with a power that might still be able to do it, like Energy Ray, but again, what if your power choices were psionic grease, vigor, and ego whip?

That's a bit silly; you might as well say "what if the Sorcerer picked Hold Portal, Comprehend Languages and Shocking Grasp?" Obviously if you make bad choices you will be stuck. Energy Ray however is not a bad choice, both for this and many other challenges a low Wilder might face. The point is that it's a viable (and iconic) means for them to proceed.

Besides, as you said, it could take days. Depending on the size of the pit and what material is around it, leveling up may be faster.

Time was never a factor, and leveling requires something outside of the character and the pit e.g. monsters.

And, I don't get where you're getting 'need to be level 4.' I meant that at any level (well, technically, any even level), if you're a standard Wilder and don't have a power to get you across (see the example above, which would be a perfectly reasonable array of powers for a combat-focused 5th-level wilder), you'll need to level up twice before getting to learn a new one.

Right, but there is still a choice that gets them over without needing to level first.

As I said, I meant 'terrible method of getting across.'

That doesn't change anything; it's still relative.

Look, can we stop arguing about this? You're arguing about things that I'm not disagreeing with, and anyway it's completely tangential.

It looks a lot like disagreement from here :smallconfused: but if you are agreeing with me then fine, I'll drop it.

2013-08-26, 11:41 AM
How does a succubus jump over a pit?

Rest your wings, I'll carry you.

How does a treant jump over a pit?

First it decides very carefully if it wants to.

How does an earth elemental jump over a pit?

Under. Under a pit.

How does a creature of the Far Realm jump over a pit?

You don't want to know.

How does a human jump over a pit?

With its class features.

How does a hagunemnon jump over a pit?

Grows far longer legs and steps across, but becomes completely incapable of drinking the coffee on the other side.

2013-08-26, 12:43 PM
How do Lateral and Psyren jump over a pit?
By arguing with each other about something random until they produce enough of a carbon dioxide current coming out of their mouths to blow them both across.

How does the oracle jump over the pit?
It starts by explaining why it is so much more awesome than the favored soul. Then it uses the same method as the cleric.

Joe the Rat
2013-08-26, 01:09 PM
How does a Rogue jump the pit?
With 8 ranks of Use Rope.

:belkar: Kinky.
:haley: Shut up.

2013-08-26, 01:54 PM
How does a Divine Mind get across the pit?

By swimming through his tears.

2013-08-26, 02:22 PM
How do Lateral and Psyren jump over a pit?
By arguing with each other about something random until they produce enough of a carbon dioxide current coming out of their mouths to blow them both across.

How does the oracle jump over the pit?
It starts by explaining why it is so much more awesome than the favored soul. Then it uses the same method as the cleric.
Are we doing players now?

How does a Divine Mind get across the pit?

By swimming through his tears.
Ahahahahah! This is great.

How does a Pyrokineticist jump over a pit?
His fire is a whip so it's also a grappling hook.

2013-08-26, 09:28 PM
Spell casters only need levitate to get across the pit, not fly.

2013-08-26, 11:52 PM
Spell casters only need levitate to get across the pit, not fly.

Depends on whether there is a ceiling they can push accross.

2013-08-27, 03:50 AM
Depends on whether there is a ceiling they can push accross.

Step off the edge, levitate down a bit, clamber along the edge of the pit until you reach the other side, levitate up a bit, clamber along the groung, stop levitating.

Or, even along the wall if it's in a dungeon.

You don't really need a ceiling. :smallwink:

2013-08-28, 10:20 AM
Fun fact: "Taking an arrow to the knee" was old Nordic slang for getting married, which actually makes a lot more sense than every archer aiming for adventurer's knees.

I believe that's a hoax. I did some googling on the subject once, and every single instance of "Arrow to the knee = Married" I've found is about skyrim. Quite a few of them about that being a hoax too.

How does a pit fiend jumps over a pit?
...Oh, too bad. He's already down there. Fiend business I guess.

Shining Wrath
2013-08-28, 11:58 AM
How does an Expert cross a pit? By being a pit crossing expert. Duh.
How does a Jester cross a pit? He insults the pit until it leaves.
How does a Knight cross a pit? She issues a Fighting Challenge to gravity and defeats it in single combat.

2013-09-29, 12:27 PM
how does a animated bridge jump over a pit

must you ask

2013-09-29, 04:39 PM
Step off the edge, levitate down a bit, clamber along the edge of the pit until you reach the other side, levitate up a bit, clamber along the groung, stop levitating.

Or, even along the wall if it's in a dungeon.

You don't really need a ceiling. :smallwink:
In that case you need a floor, which is safe to touch. What if the floor is made of spikes? Or lava? Sure, protection from fire/whatever helps, but then you aren't using "just levitate":smallsmile:

Or what if it is a bottom-less pit? Or a pit so deep that even persistent levitate on all your spell slots doesn't last long enough to get you out?
The latter could be solved by getting levitate as an at-will SLA (e.g., from greater drow nobility (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/arg-feats/greater-drow-nobility-drow), but you couldn't get across a bottomless pit with only levitate unless there was a (safe) ceiling. You'd just have to use Fly...or summon something to fly you across, or any of a ton of other ways. But not JUST levitate.

2013-09-29, 05:41 PM
Q: How does a house cat jump over a pit?
A: Amasses the bodies of Commoners and 1st-level Wizards in pit, walks across.

Q: How does a Dwarf Artificer jump over a pit?
A: Craft Cursed Potion of Hair Growth, fill pit with beard, try to stagger across.

Q: How does a Psychic Rogue jump over a pit?
A: He really tries, but he doesn't have enough PP.

Q: How does Tippy jump over a pit?
A: Shapechange into a Zodar, use Wish to get Scrolls of Ice Assassin of The Pit, make an Ice Assassin of the Pit, Mindrape the Ice Assassin to learn everything about the pit's strengths and weaknesses, make an Ice Assassin of a Solar, use Shun the Dark Chaos to give it the feats Selective Spell and Permanent Emanation: Selective Spell (ignoring Tippy himself). Run off multiple copies of the Solar with these feats, enough to completely coat the inside of the pit. Have them all Wish themselves into position inside the pit, you are now the only one who can use magic, crossing the pit should be trivial.

2013-09-29, 05:46 PM
How does a Bard jump over a pit ?
Casts Glibness and persuades everyone else that it is they who are on the wrong side.