View Full Version : DFRPG: The Happiest Place on Earth

Jack Arken
2013-08-23, 11:16 PM
Orlando Florida
September 13th 2007

The city was never dark, even at night. The same could be said of the city's morgue affectionately known as District 9. Most everyone had gone home the parking lot almost deserted, but lights still shone inside and they were greeted by the security guard manning the front desk. He glanced up from his newspaper, "Hello there sirs. Going to need to see a pass for after hours." He said casually as the automatic doors slid close behind them. Heck, Thomas, and Arthur had decided the first step to finding out who was killing Arthur's clients would be to examine the bodies. Or atleast it was Heck's idea. Heck wore a dark blue dress shirt with a loose black suit coat over it, but what made him stand out wasn't his clothes but the large black guitar case he carried with him. "Yeah, I have my Pass right here." The security guard gave him a skeptical look as he lowered his magazine on the table. It would take a man looking for it but the security guard's hand went under the table ever so slowly.

Reaching into his pocket the dark haired Heck pulled out his wallet, the guard relaxing. "Lets see here..." He flipped through his wallet adding bills into his hand before laying them on the table. "Here, this looks good right." He said letting the guard look over the cash. "I don't know, could be a fake." Heck gave out a short chuckle and added another two bills. Good thing they had pulled their money for the bribe. "Ahhh, yeah this checks out." The grinning guard said stuffing the money in his pocket and handing them out three visitor passes. "Have a good night gentleman. Don't take too long alright?" Heck waved him off and went down the hallway to their right, a sign on the wall saying "Storage" leading the way for them.

2013-08-28, 01:23 AM
Thomas cringed a little when Heck handed the guard the extra bills, none of them had much money to begin with and Thomas hadn't had any work in weeks. Looked like ramen for a while since helping Aurthur out didn't tend to pay well, or at all for that mater.

As they walked to the storage he reached out with his senses to feel the barrier like running your fingers over a curtain as you walked past, he wanted to make sure it was strong. Morgues weren't bad places really despite what you would think they tended to be stable but what did lurk on the other side tended to be.....well not something you would want surprising you.

"So who are we looking for here?" he asked absently as he searched.

2013-08-28, 04:15 AM
Arthur shook his head as they walked down the hallway and entered the room.

"Her name is Abbie Wren. In her mid-twenties, she had been coming to see me for about a month. Then about a week ago she stops showing up and then they find her body hanging from a tree downtown, missing her legs."

"She didn't deserve that."

He began pulling open the unit, then hesitated for a moment before pulling it all the way out.

It was empty.

Jack Arken
2013-08-28, 10:24 PM
"What the hell..." Heck muttered as he looked into the dark corners of the body bag, zipping it all the way down to the end. "All that money wasted!" He said loudly, punching one of the chrome shelves. Suddenly there was a rustling sound, glancing around the room you see no movement. Then you hear it again this time louder, like someone was banging metal trash can lids together.

As if being in a morgue, at night, surrounded by dead bodies wasn't creepy enough one of the drawers slid open a bloody clawed hand slipping out. Heck took a step back as the ghoul leaped out, carrying the corpse's severed arm in its hand. "Whatsss thisss?" It said raspily as it lifted the pale and mortified hand to its mouth, biting through the bones of its fingers and swallowing them ring and all. "Seems I have something more delicious to eat tonight." It said, circling them in a hunched position, its grotesquely long claws held before it.

The ghoul was male, though it was hard to tell with ghouls, it wore a blue suit that looked well tailored to him. His face was all angles and inhuman, though something about him seemed familiar to you.

2013-08-29, 11:23 PM
Thomas planted his crooked cane on the floor to his right and clenched his left fist concentrating on the compass worn on that wrist like a watch mentally preparing for defensive actions. "Why is it these guys seem to show up whenever we hang out" he said sideways to Aurthur, the last time Thomas had ended up in the hospital, at least this one didn't seem to have a gun.

2013-08-30, 12:21 AM
"I would call it a coincidence if I believed in those anymore. And besides, would you rather run into them on your own?"

Arthur gave the handle on his cane a quick twist and withdrew the sword concealed within, raising it to a guard position.

Turning to keep his eye on the ghoul, "I suppose you are the one who has been has been taking my clients? I must say I am not pleased. Not pleased at all." So saying he dropped the point of the blade until it was horizontal with floor, even with the ghoul's chest.

Jack Arken
2013-09-01, 06:28 PM
The Ghoul's pleased expression turned to one of serious appraisal. Three lone humans were one thing, but three potentially armed humans were another altogether. Still, its hunger overrode its good sense and it lunged at Arthur. It was quicker than quick, sidestepping his drawn blade and swiping at his throat with gore slickened claws.

Ghoul is attacking with claws against Arthur, pretty hard and fast strike.

2013-09-02, 11:26 PM
Arthur's back slammed into the still open drawer. That, combined with the force of the ghoul's strike was enough to knock the wind out of him.

He struggled to regain his breath, using the sheath of his sword to help stay standing. Luckily, the ghoul's claws had caught on his jacket, other he could have been the one shredded.

"Well, that was quite the greeting," he panted. "Our turn."

So saying, he feinted to the side and slashed out, but he still wasn't fully recovered from the ghoul's attack and it just barely slipped out of the way. But at least now the ghoul was focused on Arthur which, considering its last attack might not be such a good thing.

2013-09-05, 06:37 PM
Thomas lifted his cane towards the ghoul, the air around him became charged as he gathered in his strength and the energy around him to shape. The contours of the gnarled staff seemed to shift as he shouted "Divarico!" A strange pulse jumped through the air enveloping the Ghoul who now despite being right next to Aurthur seemed to shrink back without moving.

Jack Arken
2013-09-05, 11:10 PM
The ghoul swipes again at Arthur, but as its hand moved farther away from his body it seemed to stretch. It froze, confused, as it tried to close the distance between it and its prey but found as it ran it gained no ground on him. "What isss this?!" It screamed, just as Heck stepped out from behind Thomas. "A one flight ticket!" Pure force wrapped around his fist to the point where even Arthur and Thomas could see it gather like clear water turning endlessly over itself. Winding his fist back he punched the air between him and the ghoul shouting out "Indemna!", and just as if he had punched him the Ghoul took the full force of the spell.

Well, I don't think anyone's seen a monster exit a building quite like that. The ghoul doubled over and was propelled ten feet back and crunched against the steel door of the Morgue's storage room. Heck was sure he heard bones breaking as the door blew a hinge and toppled, the ghoul then flipping over and through a window on the other side of the hallway. Shaking his hand out Heck whistled, "Wow, that looked like it hurt." He said grinning over at Thomas and Arthur.

The Ghoul is now in another zone Parking Lot and has a new Severe Consequence.
Heck takes a 2 in his mental stress

2013-09-06, 02:39 AM
"We should get out of here ourselves, that guard will be coming in a moment and I am sure he or someone would have phoned the police."

Arthur quickly moved through the space where the door had once been and out the same window the ghoul had gone through, carefully in case it was waiting for them. Instead he could see it beginning to limp away, though now armed with some sort of pistol.

Glancing around, he slipped behind a car, hoping the ghoul hadn't spotted him.

Jack Arken
2013-09-06, 02:12 PM
Picking up the black guitar case he had been toting, Heck follows after him. "We should probably grab the car. I don't think the guard will rat himself out and tell the cops he let us in." He said climbing carefully out of the broken window, careful not to nick himself on the broken glass. "And I hexed the cameras as we came in." Setting his guitar case down he knelt beside it and opened it up, pulling a large revolver out.

2013-09-06, 07:31 PM
Thomas waited for Heck to clear the window before taking his turn, he would be glad when they were away, ghouls were nasty creatures that he couldn't stand, still he couldn't shake the feeling that one was familiar. "Lucy did that ghoul seem familiar to you at all?" he said, a silvery pinpoint of light appeared in the small carved jade stone set in the handle of his cane.

Jack Arken
2013-09-07, 10:11 PM
The wounded ghoul limped across the black asphalt, its leg dragging a red smear across the parking lot. When he heard their voices he turned around and started firing shots from his berretta. He emptied the clip at them, though the shots were all over the place.

"Holy ****..." Heck ducked as a bullet zinged past his head and buried itself in the brick wall behind them. Aiming his gun Heck returned fire, his huge revolver dwarfing the other gun in its kick.

Gun [roll0] +2

2013-09-08, 07:51 PM
Arthur sprints for the ghoul once he hears the gun click empty, dropping into a roll and coming up for a gut stab.

Weapons + 1: [roll0], the sword also inflicts 2 stress if I hit.

2013-09-08, 11:50 PM
The pinpoints of light on the stone pulse as a feminine voice chimes in "I believe I've seen his face on the television on a show you were watching, but I wasn't paying attention too"

"Oh yeah" Thomas replied as he picked through the broken glass "Isn't he that preach...." bullets flew by one punched through Thomas' shirt scraping his skin causing him to fall back onto the broken glass. Anger and pain flared up and Thomas lashed out with the power gathered around him forgetting even to use his focus item "gurgustium!" Several micro-fissures to the never-never opened in the ground in front of the ghoul destabilizing the pavement of the parking lot and making footing treacherous.

OOC 1 physical stress from not dodging a bullet and a new aspect of 'Treacherous Footing' with a free tag lasting 3 rounds.

Jack Arken
2013-09-11, 03:05 AM
The Ghoul manages to land a hit on Thomas, but as he gurgles out a bloody laugh and makes it to the side walk he stumbles and falls. The entire length of his leg has disappeared into the ground, or more accurately into the Nevernever. Heck grins, "Nice one Priest, you alright?" He said firing another shot at the ghoul, the gun going off loudly and reverberating around the parking lot. Crouched low he crawls over to Thomas and helps him back up. "I thin-" His next words were cut off as a gun shot rang out and heck clutched at his shoulder. Blood was seeping through his shirt as he applied pressure to it. An engine gunned up and a black motorcycle, one of those racing ones, ramped over the shrubbery that encircled the parking lot and stopped with a skid next to the downed ghoul. The bike cutting off Arthur's sword thrust and diverting it aside.

The Bike's rider was decked out in a full one piece leather suit all in black, that made it quite obvious it was a she. Though the black helmet made it impossible to identify her. She aimed a kick at Arthur's chest from her bike as the Ghoul pulled himself up and onto the back of the bike. Just then another engine roared and a second identical rider flew by on the road, this one toting a long sniper rifle. Seems she had gone for Heck first, and the other had gone to help their "friend".

Heck fell to his knees. "Ahhh, god this hurts. Can somebody -please- get the ****ing car!"

Less than a mile away...

"We have a 417 at the Orange County Morgue 2350 Virginia Avenue, multiple armed perpetrators. All nearby units please respond." Detective Morales turned up the police scanner, he wasn't a beat cop but he had been heading to the morgue. The bodies from his most recent case were there, the mangled corpses that the public had begun to label "The Hanged Men." Normally high profile serial murders didn't get kicked to SI, but they had found human teeth marks in the victims wounds as well as "Occult Paraphernalia" So he was working on the case with his partner Francis Kucharski. Kucharski nearly choked on the granola bar he had been eating, Francis was a bit of a health nut. "Holy ****. Better turn on the siren." He said grabbing it from under the seat and sticking it to the top of the car. Kucharski was skinny, with brown hair and a mustache he looked like a used car salesman in his rumpled gray suit.

Jack Arken
2013-09-11, 03:09 AM
Ok Arthur, your getting kicked in the chest. So Acrobatics again.

2013-09-11, 10:49 AM
Manny wasn't looking forward to tonight's trip to the Morgue as it was but the call on the police scanner cemented the idea in his mind that tonight was going to be one the nights he wished he could forget but will never be able to. Manny wasn't scared of the Morgue he just hated going there. Manny had outgrown his fear of the dead long ago once he had learned to control his talents. But he hated seeing all the ghosts that the Morgue usually housed. One way or another the dead always found their way to the Morgue. He hated seeing the anger, rage and other emotions portrayed over their wispy faces. Manny knew that they were no longer alive but nevertheless he couldn't explain or understand how ghosts still had feelings, powerful emotions.

"Strap in and call it in Kucharski, let them know we are on our way." Manny waited until the siren turned on and then accelerated to a high speed making sure to bypass traffic and not get hit by another car when he passed any red lights. Manny was wearing a grey suit that mirrored Kucharski's. They didn't plan this but people kept making CHiPs jokes all morning. "Why would anybody bring weapons to a Morgue? I wonder if we have a body snatcher maybe somebody connected to the 'Hanged Men.' Ohh man, Kucharski please tell me you left the body armor and the shotgun in the trunk of the car after you cleaned it the other day."

2013-09-13, 10:43 PM
Arthur's thrust just missed as a motorcycle sped out of nowhere and grabbed the ghoul before his sword could penetrate. Before he could recover from the attack, something hit him in the chest. Hard.

Arthur flew back into a lamppost, and everything went black. He thought that was because he had passed out, but he had hit the post with enough force to knock the light out. "Oh good, that could have been worse....".

And then he passed out.

2013-09-15, 10:34 AM
Thomas helped Heck hobble back behind a dumpster for cover before fishing through his pockets to grab the car keys. "I'll be right back" he said before disappearing around the corner to the street where the car was parked.

Jack Arken
2013-09-17, 12:13 AM
Heck grunts as he falls on his ass next to the dumpster. "Better not scratch her." He said tossing Thomas the keys. Heck had spent years putting her together, and with magic always shorting out electronics he had had to go old-school. Not that it wasn't stylish.


Leaning out from behind his cover he saw that the motorcyclist and her passenger had gunned out of the parking lot and onto the main road, crossing over the well manicured lawn. "Damn." THat's when the police sirens started up. "Double damn." Grabbing the edge of the dumpster he pulled himself up and grabbed his guitar case. Rushing over to Arthur he tossed his gun through the window of the car. "Lets gogogo. We do -not- want to get caught here." He looked at the scene again, a broken window, bullet holes, a broken door and missing bodies. Pale blackish blood mixed with red dotted the parking lot, yeah this wouldn't look good. He picked up Arthur, wincing as the wound started to bleed out again and tossed the unconscious therapist in the back of the car.

Hopping in the passengers seat he urged Thomas on. "Follow the bad guy's. Maybe we can trip them up." He turned around to look out the window behind them and saw the cops pulling into the entrance. They would have to go out another way. The well kept shrubbery should do it.

2013-09-17, 04:59 PM
Manny scans the area as his car pulls into the Morgue main entrance and notices the Pontiac GTO raring to go. The car seems to be occupied and Manny's police instincts kick in immediately. He remembers that he was called to a scene with possible armed perpetrators. He signals Kucharski to get ready and states in a loud clear voice for everyone to hear "This the Orlando Police Department. We demand you turn off your vehicle and exit slowly. Arms raised in the air."

2013-09-17, 07:29 PM
Hopping in the passengers seat he urged Thomas on. "Follow the bad guy's. Maybe we can trip them up." He turned around to look out the window behind them and saw the cops pulling into the entrance. They would have to go out another way. The well kept shrubbery should do it.

"Are you sure we shouldn't get him to the hospital first?" Thomas retorted indicating Aurthur. As he hit the gas a little too hard sending gravel flying around the parking lot and losing speed in his takeoff. He didn't drive much, he didn't know where he was going or what to do in a chase, the only experience he had in this arena was a couple games of GTA he played before technology started getting squirrely around him.

Manny scans the area as his car pulls into the Morgue main entrance and notices the Pontiac GTO raring to go. The car seems to be occupied and Manny's police instincts kick in immediately. He remembers that he was called to a scene with possible armed perpetrators. He signals Kucharski to get ready and states in a loud clear voice for everyone to hear "This the Orlando Police Department. We demand you turn off your vehicle and exit slowly. Arms raised in the air."

"This is sounding somewhat reasonable" Thomas complained as he over-corrected to avoid hitting a pole and took out a trashcan. He was pretty sure he could get out of a lockup in a pinch but would rather not have to try.

Jack Arken
2013-09-18, 12:59 PM
Heck winced as Thomas clipped the trashcans. "Where did you learn to drive?" He said exasperatingly, turning around to lean into the back seats. He checked Arthurs pulse and felt his scalp for bumps and contusions. "Eh, he's fine. Might have a concussion, but he'll be up in no time atleast." Heck had to grab the seats as Thomas turned onto the main road, two black and white police cars trailing after the detective behind them. The traffic was light on the road, but still they had to weave between cars to make any leeway on the motorcycles ahead of them.

2013-09-19, 09:23 AM
"No, no, no, don't run, ugh" Manny screamed as he saw the car accelerate onto the main road. "Great" he mumbled under his breath. "Kucharski, call for more back-up see if you can get somebody to block them off the road." An idea then came to Manny a very dangerous and crazy idea but it might work. "Hold on partner." Manny tried to accelerate around the fleeing GTO. His idea was to get in front of the car and try to get GTO to stop by braking in front of it using his own vehicle as a block.

Rolling Drive in order to just have the roll in case we need it later.

2013-09-19, 11:08 PM
Heck winced as Thomas clipped the trashcans. "Where did you learn to drive?"

"Walmart parking lot" Thomas retorted as he pulled around a slow moving VW "My older brother Peter thought it was hilarious when I took out a bush"

Thomas could see the cop speeding up to try to get around him and hit the gas hard, the GTO had some power behind it and pulled ahead drawing some horn honks from other drivers, well at least now he'd actually done something illegal for them to be chasing him.

Jack Arken
2013-09-20, 09:02 PM
Heck's grip on the leather seats deepened. "Yeah well. Haha." Heck leaned out the window and started gathering a bit of magic. "I'll try and take out his tires." Suddenly the biker with the SMG opened up on their car. Bullets tore holes in their window and bounced of the pavement. Heck had to pull back inside or risk getting shot to pieces "Ok... now its personal." Some of the cars pulled off to the side of the road as soon as they realized there were gunmen. "Get closer. I'll take them out." Heck said, buckling his seatbelt. Better safe than sorry.

2013-09-21, 12:22 AM
Manny tried to keep up with the GTO but had to come to the realization that his Orlando PD car was no match against the roaring monster the fleeing individuals were in. The difference in speed was too great. Manny realized that the GTO was in pursuit of a motorcycle and then a man in the GTO stuck his head out as to open fire but it was instead one of the motorcyclist who shot back. "Estos cabrones, Kucharski any word on getting these *******s blocked off and who the hell are the motorcyclist." Manny then saw that the light had turned red up ahead and instantly started thinking oh **** oh **** oh ****.

I think I'll keep what I rolled earlier in OOC which was a +2.

Jack Arken
2013-09-29, 11:11 PM
Kucharski braced himself in the seat next to Manny and closed his eyes. "Stop the car!" The Black Motorcyclists weaved through the oncoming traffic easily, horns blaring as they passed. The GTO was less lucky, as they crossed the four way intersection a car that hadn't taken notice of the chase rammed into the side of the black muscle car. The offending vehicle wasn't large, a small foreign compact, had hit them hard enough to crumple the right side of the GTO and send them skidding off and into the side walk accompanied by the sound of tires scrapping on asphalt.

"Ow..." Heck pressed his palm to his forehead, a trickle of blood smeared onto his hand. "Hey Thom. You ok?" He tried to move but found he was still strapped in with the seatbelt and started trying to unclick it. The car had slid to a stop in front of some coffee shop, the place was closed down and its windows dark. If Thomas bothered to try the car again the engine would fail to turn over, it looked like they were on foot from then on. Pulling at the seat belts lock it wouldn't budge. "Crap, I think its jammed. Got a knife?" In back Arthur was probably better off than most of them. Being limp as he was he had probably sustained less injuries. As long as he hadn't gone through a window that is.

2013-10-01, 04:54 PM
Manny takes a few seconds to absorb everything that had just occurred. He unbuckles his seat belt and exits his vehicle. He turns to Kucharski and says "Call an ambulance I think we might need one." Manny then pulls out his Orlando PD badge and flashes it to any civilians present and states. "Orlando P.D. people get back in your vehicles."

Manny then pulls out his Beretta PX4 Storm Compact 9mm handgun and assumes a crouched stance. He slowly makes his way towards the GTO holding his Beretta out in front of him angled towards the ground. He scans the area around him checking for anything suspicious. He stops about 5 feet from the GTO and announces in a loud clear voice "We called an ambulance should you need assistance it will be here soon. Now exit the vehicle with your hands in the air. I will give you to the count of 5."


Jack Arken
2013-10-06, 11:23 PM
"**** it." Heck reached down onto the floor of the car and grabbed a piece of broken glass from the window that was shattered in the impact. He started to cut into the seatbelt. "Ok Thomas. Now would be a good time for one of those fancy portals." Thom was looking out the window at the cop, his eyes dazed and unfocused. He wouldn't be any help. Severing his binds Heck grabbed Priest by the neck and drug him into the backseat with Arthur. Gathering up his will to open a portal in the backseat he closed his eyes.

Meanwhile the cops had gotten out of their cars and rushed past Manny to surround the car. "Go go, while they're still disoriented!" Apparently, they didn't much care for a countdown. "Oh man are they in trouble if this turns bad." Kucharski said, slipping his gun back into its holster under his arm. "I'll check on the other car!" He said running off to inspect the car that had rammed the GTO.

Jack Arken
2013-10-18, 12:14 AM
"Exit the car, hands behind your head!" One of the beat cops said as another ripped open the passenger side door. It took a few tugs as the entire right side of the car was bent in. But when it was finally wrenched free the cops pulled the dazed Thomas from the back seat, another cop in a black uniform running around to the other side and dropping to the floor to check under the car. "They're gone? There were three."

As they fell through the portal they landed in cold blinding white snow. It was quite the shock, going from sweltering Florida night heat to the cold mountain path they had fallen into. "Christ, that was close." His breath condensed in a cold mist and he stood, picking up his guitar case. Turning around he saw the tear close, Thomas had fought him as he tried to pull him through. Chances are his brains were a bit addled from the crash, or maybe he was afraid of what was on the other side. " Well, hopefully that means he isn't in the right mind to rat us out either..." Taking in the scenery he realized they must be in winter, snow capped mountains dotted the horizon, and they themselves sat at a crossroads inside it. Oddly enough though not too far on the other side of the dirt path he saw green and autumn tinged leaves in the distance.

That's how the Never never is, places in the real world tend to have some significance. A four way intersection, a crossroads in fairie. "Greetings travelers. Might you be looking for directions? You look a bit lost." Where once they had been standing on an empty path stood a tall pale skinned man, he looked like perfection and his eyes were a teal green color Heck had never seen. Sidhe then. Then he realized what he was wearing, and he arched a brow. The fairie lord was dressed in what could only be a peter pan outfit, complete with small shining dagger at his hip. "Uhhh... yeah. We were just on our way to..." He tried to think of something. "Disneyland? That's where everyone's headed tonight. I'll show you the way hmm?" He said smiling and walking past them both. Heck crouched down next to the unconscious Arthur and slapped him across the cheek a few times. "Now would be a good time to wake up."

Back in the real world the cops were pushing Thomas to the ground and handcuffing him. "No sign of the others. They must have ditched the car before we got here..."

2013-10-18, 10:15 AM
"Ditched the car! That's impossible we were right on them up until the crash." A thought came to Manny and he did not like it, not at all. In fact, he did not like this night at all it had all gone to **** soo fast. Manny took a look around the scene and decided to order all the beat cops to search the area. "Listen up people let's call an ambulance and secure the scene. In the mean time I want you guys over there to search the area. Search the coffee shop for any signs of force entry. They couldn't have gone far people c'mon let's do this." said Manny clapping his hands together. He then turned to Kucharski and spoke in a low voice "Hey buddy I'm going to take a closer look at the car can you see if this intersection has a street cam. Maybe we can catch something and would you mind running the plates on the GTO."

My Leadership roll of 3 is for ordering the beat cops to search the area but I do have the aspect Sometimes the dirt doesn't wash off since Manny is perceived as a dirty cop by some. Sooo in case you want to compel that. wink wink Or not I got plenty of FP.

After talking to Kucharski, Manny approached the vehicle writing down the plate numbers for future reference. He then opened the passenger car door and looked around the damaged GTO. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for what he was about to do. Manny placed his hand on the rear view mirror and stretched out his senses. He knew mirrors where easier conducts for him since it was simpler to concentrate on a mirror, tricking himself into thinking mirrors had eyes. Manny struggled with his talent catching glimpses of the past trying to concentrate on narrowing down on what had happened a few minutes ago. His head started throb and sweat dripped down his nose. His Psychometry was not perfect and was often times hard to handle but if he pushed hard enough he could get it to work.

My Investigation roll is a 6 for my Psychometry. Now I do have a question for you I have the Stunt Scene of the Crime (+1 to your Investigation roll and arrive at your findings one step faster than usual on the time table)

Now do those stack together or not. I wasn't sure since Psychometry is a Supernatural talent. If you roll against I wouldn't be heart-broken but I just though of it so I figured I mention it.

Jack Arken
2013-10-25, 09:18 PM
In the rearview mirror he saw the faces of three men. One being tossed into the backseat. Then it was just the two in front that he had seen. It seemed to be happening in fast forward as the vision in the mirror showed the collision, glass flying through the car and the men in front moving jerkily before everything came to a stop. Eventually the one in the passenger seat with the dark hair stirred and gathered up the others, all of them looked out of it. He dragged them into the back seat and then... the vision stopped.

2013-10-30, 11:22 PM
Thomas groans from his belly, his hands cuffed behind his back. "Awww crap..." he mutters, achingly. This was bad, really bad. He struggled to pull his wits together to look for an opportunity to get out of this.

2013-10-31, 12:42 PM
"God that is always disorienting" said Manny pulling his hand back from the rear-view mirror. He gathered his thoughts and started wondering how the other two in the vehicle could have possibly escaped. He looked over to the perp on the ground and walked over to him. He told a police officer to lift him off the floor. He approached him and said in a friendly voice "Okay pal if you tell us where your buddies went we might be able to cut you some slack, maybe I can get you something to eat. Do you like Burger King?" after a brief pause Manny continued "If not we will have to take you downtown put you in a cell for a few hours, god knows when you might get a meal. There is no reason to not be honest with us, I mean your friends pretty much deserted you here."

Jack Arken
2013-11-01, 01:16 AM
By now an ambulance had pulled up and the EMT's were pulling out stretchers. Kucharski jogged up to Manny and interrupted. "Pair in the other car are okay, just a few cuts and bruises. EMT's want to take a look at this guy too. Watcha want to do?" He said, looking the dazed perp over. "Ehh, he looks fine to me."

One of the beat cops lifted his head out of the backseat, flashlight in hand. "Detective I found some kind of liquid back here. Real sticky stuff..." He turned to look back inside and stopped midsentence. "Uh... never mind must be seeing things." He said closing the car door.

2013-11-01, 02:31 PM
Thomas nods his head very dociley. "I can't remember what happened after the crash. I think I heard them shouting to get out, but I just... couldn't. My head really hurts!" He puts his head down between his legs to help sell it.

2013-11-04, 03:45 PM
Manny couldn't tell if this guy was pulling his leg or not but he couldn't risk taking him into interrogation if he was going to pass out due to some unseen wound. He weighed his options and decided it might be best if he went on to the morgue. He approached Kucharski and spoke to him quietly. "Do me a favor keep an eye in this guy ride in the ambulance with him and if the Hospital says his all clear cuff him and take him in. Call me immediately so we can interrogate him. I'm headed to the morgue. I'll check the scene there and hopefully get lead on our 'The Hanged Men.' Do this for me and the next few rounds of brewskis are on me."

2013-11-05, 01:02 AM
Arthur gasped loudly as something struck him. He had felt something earlier, but couldn't quite reach out of the darkness to see what had happened. Opening one eye carefully, he noticed a whiteness all around him. It was also much colder than it had been a few moments ago. Following the pair of legs in front of him, he looked up to see Heck standing there, but there was no sign of Thomas.

Rolling over onto his back elicited a groan as he remembered what had knocked him out in the first place, but slowly made his way to his feet with the help of his cane.

Gazing around, he says, "Well, that's different."

Jack Arken
2013-11-06, 11:38 PM
Kucharski nodded. "The good stuff too! None of that cheap imported stuff." He said grabbing Thomas under his arm and hauling him up and over to the ambulance. An EMT in a light blue shirt and black pants approached, pulling up Thomas' eyelid and shining a blinding light in his face. "Alright need some help getting him in." He said helping Thomas into the back of the Ambulance where the Detective joins him before they close the doors and hurry off. The Siren faded away, but Thomas was far from out yet.

Neither did the other pair find themselves home free. "About time you got up." Heck said, lighting up a cigarette. "God damn its cold." He said, turning to their new guide. He stood on the snowy path with an eerie smile on his face. "This is uh... I don't think we got your name?" He said cautiously. The tall pale man bowed, "You may call me Ferrum, and you are?" Heck was smart enough not to go with the full name. Names have power afterall. "Heck." He said simply, shoving his hands in his pockets. He really wasn't dressed for this.