View Full Version : D&DNext: Night Robes of the Sun Coast

2013-08-24, 04:18 PM
1st Day of Work, the Month of Growth, 101 N.R.
It is warm along the Sun Coast this year, like every other year in these parts. The light rains that are common this time of year has already begun, even as far east as Port Canyon. This is where you find yourself, standing in front of the Sun Coast's famous inn, The Grumpy Bald Man Inn and Tavern. You open one of the double doors and step inside. The dining room is dimly lit, filled with the aroma of smoke mixed with roasted garlic chicken. The tavern is known as the best first stop after an adventure. Dinner time on a work day, the restaurant is steady, about half full. Most of the patrons are humans, but there is a smattering of dwarves, elves, lycans and gnomes. Straight ahead of you is the bar. You recognize the bartender, a young, but bald, half-elf named Cole Hael. He waves you over, knowing exactly why you are here. He ushers you into a private backroom.

"Bosco prefers to not speak business in the dining room." Cole closes the door behind you.

You find yourself in a room with a fairly large round table, filled with delicious food. Chicken, roasted potatoes, honey beans, choice breads and cheeses litter the table. A young, very cute blond girl arrives behind you. She serves only the finest Padonthia wine, dwarven spirits and house-brewed ales.

"Come in, come in. Sit, eat and I will discuss the business side," says a slightly chubby, middle-aged man. Bosco Trubald IV is known throughout the Sun Coast as a wealthy merchant who owns a lucrative trading company and about half of Port Canyon. He continues, "Pay is 25 gold a piece. The Pickled Pigs Feet Festival is in two months. Since this is the one hundreth anniversary of the festival, I want to make it special. I would like to present to the leaders of the joblins pickled fangtusk boar feet."

He takes a sip of wine and then continues, "You leave from here tomorrow morning. I have horses arranged for you at the stables. Head to the town of Hot Springs, it will take five to six days to get there, but there are villages along the way to stop in. Once in town, deliver this," Bosco sets down a roll of papers sealed with his seal.

"And this," he sets down a coin purse. "To Trista, a bronze dragon that controls the Dragon District. Tell her you need a guide to hunt fangtusk boar, and some spring water. Don't worry, she doesn't bite. The guide should know of a good hunting spot. Get eight to ten fangtusk boars, pickle their feet and bring them to me in Three Rivers. Take your time, I'll be there for a couple of weeks. Any questions? Introduce yourself and ask away."

2013-08-27, 02:21 PM
Saphothere glanced furtively around him as he approached the inn. He was starting to get the hang of these types of meetings, but he never felt comfortable in anything larger than a small village. Too many buildings, too close together. Too many people. Too many sights, sounds, smells. He'd started missing the wilds as soon as he'd stepped through the gate.

Inside the inn was even worse. It was fairly typical, as inns went, but he could never shake the feeling that the walls and ceiling conspired to crush him. As he steadied his breathing, Saphothere tried to focus on the delicious aromas that permeated the air. His stomach growled its acceptance of this strategy. The hot food and dry straw were the only things that made coming into these places worth it. And women.

A bald half-elf gestured him closer. Saph could see several other adventuring types wandering over to the bartender as well. This must be Cole Hael. Not much to look at. Cole ushered them all into a backroom.

"Bosco prefers to not speak business in the dining room." Cole closed the door behind them.

Saphothere found a seat with his back to a corner and began filling his plate almost before the fat man had finished his greeting. He set upon it with enthusiasm. Why can I never find a cheese tree in the wild? Is that so much to ask? Saph listened politely as the man (Bosco Trubald, he calls himself, as if that should matter to me) explained the details of the job.

Once Bosco finished speaking, Saphothere took a loud sip of wine and cleared his throat. "Fangtusk boar, eh? You ever seen one o' them, Bosco? No, I doubt y'have. Bigger 'an you, and not nearly so polite. I once saw an alpha boar rip through a handful o' caravan guards just to get at the horses. These ain't no cuddly kittens yer askin' us to hunt. An' for what? 25 thin coins?"

Saphothere paused and took another sip of wine. "Smart choice, though... if joblins are anythin' like their less civilized cousins, they love pickled boar feet. An' it just so happens that we've already got ourselves one o' the best guides around. Me." Saphothere flashes a smile to everyone around the table (and especially at the serving girl). "I reckon a man who can put on a spread this fine for such a motley bunch can do a bit better 'an 25 yellows. I ain't ever heard o' a Trubald bein' called a miser." Since I've never heard of a Trubald before. Saphothere knew he'd take the job regardless. But it never hurt to push for a little more, and it amused him to get under the skin of city folk.

2013-08-27, 11:34 PM
A human man of normal stature enters the room and sits down at the table. He's wearing a dirty white shirt and a brown jacket on top of it. His pants are dark with grass stains on the knees. He has black eyes and dark wavy hair. He laughs as Seph flashes the girl a smile. He has a kind smile, though his face is dirty. He reaches for the sealed roll of papers that Bosco has offered.

"Do we get paid upfront? My name is Ren, by the way. I'm a hunter."

Ren also accepts the coin purse to present to Trista.

"If we get paid tonight, I'll take my ends and see you all in the morning."

2013-08-28, 12:40 AM
"I'm not a wild man like yourself, Saphothere, but I've killed many types of boars on my hunting trips. My trips, however, are for leisure and have many fine hunters like yourselves in front of me. You make a valid point though, I'll up the ante give you each 30 'yellows'. That extra five should buy you a fun night." He grins widely as the cute blonde drops off another glass of wine. "I'm happy to have you on board."

Bosco looks to Ren, "No sir, I do not pay up front, I believe mine and my families reputation in these parts will allow you to sleep peacefully at night. All lodgings are paid for." He places several more rolled pieces of parchment with his seal on the table. "These will pay for your lodgings, food and drink, within reason that is, along the way. I should have two more folks coming to join you. I will go over things with them, then you young ones can have fun. I'm getting too old to stay up too late. By the way, your horses will have plenty of rations, water and supplies for the trip. I have heard the badlands have been very... uh... well busy of late, so your journey could prove quite entertaining."

Each parchment he places on the table is labeled with a different village.
"Port Weather"
"Hot Springs"
"Hunter's Outpost"
"Three Rivers"

2013-08-28, 04:32 PM
An arcanni a bursts into the room, sweaty and exhausted. Am I late? I herd something about fangtusk boars. Nasty buggers. I'm Darkrain by the way. Proud member of a Druidic clan. Spells and whatnot... He grins as a bea of sweat rolls down his forehead. He holds out his hand to Ren

2013-08-28, 09:22 PM
Cora startled at the arcanni's abrupt entrance and a cantrip came automatically to her lips. Electricity sprung forcefully from her hand, splattering her bowl of honey beans across the table.

"Fragging beans," she cursed by way of apology, and climbed down from her stool to set about cleaning up the mess.

Why was she so on edge? This was a simple job, for generous pay, far from any battlefront...

She took another ale, and did not ask Bosco about the badlands.

2013-08-29, 07:05 PM
A tall, pale elf wearing a black cloak enters the room and sweeps it with his piercing blue eyes.
Chasing after boars is not what I expected for a quest, I would think that this man would simply call for hunters to do that. And asking a DRAGON to help you find them, well, this man must really want to impress the joblins. Something about this quest did not seem right, which was the only reason Urthro even considered taking it.

"I am Urthro. I am not a hunter, but I speak the language of dragons, so I may be of use to this . . . quest in that respect, as well as dealing with unanticpated dangers."

Of which Urthro was certain there would be many.

Dun, dun, dun.

2013-08-29, 08:28 PM
Nodding his head, Ren shakes Darkrain's hand. He pulls a pipe from his jacket, "Do you mind?" and sparks up a match before anyone answers. The weed burns slowly in his pipe before he returns to his thoughts.

"So there are five of us? And the girl, that's six right?" He winks, playing along with the chauvinistic banter.

Ren turns to Bosco.

"Your reputation also tells me you will pay your debt. I trust you will. Thank you for the job, boss."

Ren collects the parchments as a cloud of smoke leaves his lungs. He reaches for the documents and a gold chain peaks out of his jacket sleeve. On his right hand, he wears a bronze ring with the insignia of a human tribe long-lost to battle.

2013-08-29, 08:42 PM
Bosco looks to Ren, "Yes, it appears five is a good number. I was hoping one other would show up, but they must have ran late, perhaps they will show up in the morning. This looks like a good hunting group, either way. I trust I will see you all in Three Rivers by Midfest. They throw a good party. I have had my fill for the night, I will be heading home. I should be around the stables at dawn if you think of any questions, but I can't stay long. I have a boat to catch. See you in the morning." Bosco takes his leave, leaving you to finish up eating and drinking.

The ale flows freely tonight, and you each have comfortable rooms. The inn has all the common amenities of the time period; communal hot showers, separate for male and female, pool tables up stairs, women to be bought, toilet rooms, fire place and clean towels. What you do in your own time, Bosco does not care.

2nd Day of Work, the Month of Growth, 101 N.R.

The stables are just around the corner from the inn, very easy to find. Bosco awaits the group.

Bosco greets you, "Good morning! Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise you better get a move on, you should reach Trutowne before nightfall."

Determine marching order and anything else you might need to do or add before travel begins. I am going to speed through overland travel, get to the good stuff.

Assuming you are still going to play, just assume you met up with Bosco on his way out the inn and meet up with the party at the stables in the morning.

2013-08-29, 08:51 PM
Ren picks out a good horse and begins to fill each saddle bag with stuffed leather bags. He slips the parchments into a long overcoat he is wearing this morning. He whips his coat back to slip something in his back pocket and you see a blade hanging near his hip. He doesn't say a word and climbs on top of the horse and trots the horse out in front of the stable.

2013-08-29, 08:58 PM
Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Darkrain, Arcannis Druid 1, 9 HP
Ren, Human Rogue 1, HP
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP

Still need a character sheet.

2013-08-30, 08:53 AM
When everyone arrives at the stables, a stout, scarred dwarf is standing preparing his own horse, but stands no higher than the horse's back at the top of his helm.

Aye, lads. I 'sume Bosco got to ye as well? I hear we're hunting some piggies! He laughs at his own joke, but grows silent when no one else laughs. A greatsword adorns his back, the hilt bearing an insignia of a dwarven clan. I found the rations! He helps himself to one of the rations provided in his saddlebags. Multiple handaxes cover his belt, including two small stone daggers on small holsters on his ribs; both covered in odd markings. He finishes devouring his treasure and looks back to the group. Name's Tarnal, son of Trashak. I be the brains of this 'ere operation! Another hearty laugh from the bottom of his chest, un-swallowed food flying out of his mouth. Just playing around with ye, I'm the muscle. He flourishes the greatsword in a large arc before letting it settle back into its scabbard on his back; all in one smooth motion. Honored.

2013-08-30, 03:42 PM
The horse is friendly enough and no warhorse, which is fine with Cora.

She fastens her small crossbow where she can reach it easily, and her rune-carved quarterstaff too. A potion is tucked inside her cloak, the rest of her belongings stowed effeciently among Bosco's supplies behind her saddle.

"We got no healer," she notes, "so let's try to stay out of trouble. Saphothere and Darkrain, it couldn't hurt to have a ranger and a druid riding point once we're in the wide open.

"If we do find a fight, I imagine it will be hard to keep Trashak's son anywhere but at the front."

2013-08-30, 03:56 PM
"Do you expect that you will get close enough to wild boars to use a sword or axe, Tarnal of the witless humor?" Urthro asks dryly.

If nothing goes wrong on this stupid "quest", thinks Urthro, then it will not be worth the effort. Still, if this Bosco did not expect something to wrong, he would have simply hired hunters, not adventures.

[OCC Note]Spells Prepared: Mage Armor and Burning Hands

2013-08-30, 04:27 PM
Darkrain strolls up to his horse and pets it. I can probably help with healing, herbs and spells n such. Lighten up Urthro, shouldn't be too much of a problem. We can handle it. he grins before mounting his horse and pulling his hood over his head.

2013-08-31, 07:21 PM
Ren prompts his horse to begin trotting down the path.

Char Sheet Roll:


2013-08-31, 09:22 PM
The smile fades from Tarnal's face. He swings himself up on to his horse as gracefully as he can. You shall see the true power of the dwarves soon enough. Boars are no match for the likes of me or my clan. He moves his custom-made, adorned scabbard to the side of the horse, in a position to easily reach his hilt. His horse slowly trots down the way after Ren.

2013-09-01, 02:35 AM
The horses are well fed, and it's easy enough to get on the road. Heading north from Port Canyon, you pass through a small village before entering the dangerous badlands. You travel throughout the day, and it is fairly uneventful. The badlands are hot, but you travel next to a river so the going is mostly easy until Saphothere realizes you are being followed. You realize you are surrounded by a group of bandits, all humans. There are six of them total. Thanks to Saphothere's knowledge of the wild, you easily spot them.

Initiative: I put this in the recruiting thread, but I'll repost it; I don't think it's needed in pbp. Ya'll get initiative.

There are six humans.
Hit Points: 4
Armor Class: 10
Everyone post their rounds, all enemies are within feet. Post what kind of attack/damage you do. I don't think we need a combat map for this.

2013-09-01, 08:13 AM
After a blur of motion Urthro has a bow in had. He fires it
slightly to quickly, the arrow passes inches above one of the bandits heads.

2013-09-01, 11:30 AM
Tarnal sweeps off his horse, whipping his greatsword from its scabbard and wrenching it in a downward arc on the closest enemy. Swinging the weapon as widely as possible he shouts the name of his clan.

Damage: [roll1]

The haste with which he attacks and his zeal for combat caused Tarnal to try to hit two targets with his arc, causing him to miss both.

2013-09-01, 12:13 PM
Ren turns the horse about-face and swings a light crossbow out from under his overcoat. With a smooth motion, he loads an arrow and pulls it back while he aims. Then he releases the bolt.

He releases the bolt.

This doesn't seem to be working on mobile. My Internet is out so I'm making do. That's why I can't email my char sheet. AC 15 HP 8

2013-09-02, 12:42 AM
Here is a map, orange are tall plateaus.

Also, I give at least 2 full days before post a round. Any character that has not taken action, I will take it for them. If this happens three rounds in a row, I will assume you have dropped the game, and your character will disappear when appropriate. Feel free to place your characters differently with a move action.



2013-09-02, 09:25 PM
Trying not to miss a beat, Ren loads another bolt into his crossbow and lets loose.

Let's try this again.

Ren's horse bucks back during the shot, sending the arrow far off-target.

2013-09-02, 11:39 PM
Cora drops from her horse, hoping it will have the good sense to remain with the other horses, and follows Tarnal into battle.

Fingers splayed outward, she chants a spell and flames fan out at the attackers. With luck, they won't survive to counterstrike.

Moved to I-10 or thereabouts. Burning Hands: bandits in 15' cone (beginning with Tarnal's target and catching as many others as possible) take 3d6 dmg or half that with a Dex save vs DC 11.

If Saphothere's warning gave her time, she first cast Mage Armor - DM's decision, she's not delaying her attack for that if she didn't have time.

2013-09-03, 07:40 AM
Tarnal makes lifts his greatsword back off the ground, taunting the closest humanoids in earshot. C'mon then, women. (assuming they're men) Fight me if ye dare. The Stoneblood Clan does not back down! He swings his greatsword again, this time trying to swing it through the mud and up between the legs of the closest humanoid.

Damage: [roll1]

As the sword connects with his opponent, Tarnal lifts the man off his feet with the sword's momentum and slams him into the mud.

2013-09-03, 01:31 PM
Saphothere stabs one of the humans, killing it. The druid misses with his attack. Saphothere the only success on round one. Cora's burning hands drops three of the pesky bandits.

Combat Round 2: Everyone Post Rounds (Except CryWolf)

Just before being cut down by the dwarf, the human slices into him with his longsword. The final bandit, seeing the dwarf kill his final companion, drops his sword and yelps, "Please don't kill me!" He drops to his knees.

You take 6. From now on, please wait until I request the second round of combat.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Darkrain, Arcannis Druid 1, 9 HP
Ren, Human Rogue 1, 8 HP
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP, 6 Taken

Bandits (1 left)

Hit Points: 4
Armor Class: 10

2013-09-03, 04:00 PM
"Well, that was quick. Let's make a search of these men."
Urthro is off his horse in one smooth motion and begins his search
Search check if necessary: [roll0]

2013-09-03, 10:41 PM
Ren asks, "What are we to do with the last one?" He collects his arrows and returns to his horse's back.

2013-09-04, 12:03 AM
Tarnal steps up to the man. Let him go. Let 'im spread the word of the Stone'earts. Of our power and dominance... but also of our mercy. He spits on the ground behind the man and wipes the blood from his sword, replacing it within the scabbard. He rifles through the belongings of the others.

2013-09-04, 02:18 AM
Other than basic clothes, and cheap weapons, you find between them that they have 16 gold pieces and 7 silver pieces.

"It wasn't my idea to attack yas!" The middled aged, probably half drunk, man yelps. "I promisses its won't happen agains!"

Since this is a play test of new rules, here goes the first house rule thanks to playing. Screw electrum pieces. Those should have stayed gone. Anyone disagree? I'll highlight pieces of value (ie treasure) in 'sandy brown'. This will indicated a knowledge, search, etc check that it is only worth is in gold pieces, not magical. As we go along we can add other colors for magical or whatever. That way you can see the passive checks that I make for noticing things. Is anyone color blind by chance that that is a problem? Just trying to make pbp faster for everyone. Feel free to post suggestions in a spoiler.

2013-09-04, 10:44 AM
"Are there more of your kin around? More ambushes?" she demands of the surviving bandit. She mumbles a cantrip and holds her hand in front of his face, threatening him with deathly, bitterly cold energy.

(Chill Touch cantrip, but not actually attacking)

2013-09-04, 12:56 PM
The man starts to tremble as you approach. "No! There's no ot..." his eyes roll back in his head as he passes out, terrified of your chill touch.

2013-09-04, 01:09 PM
Smooth. Now look what ye've done. Tarnal mutters. He straddles his horse again after taking his share of the gold. He leaves the unconscious man on the ground and begins to ride off.

2013-09-04, 03:47 PM
Urthro retrieves his arrow. "We can take two gold and one silver apiece and divide the rest once we get into town" he says as he takes his share.

"Hold up there, Tarnal. I want to check on something."

Urthro walks over to the unconscientous bandit and tries to shake him awake.

Assuming he succeeds "Whose idea was it to attack us?"

2013-09-05, 02:33 AM
You shake the man awake. In a shaky voice, he says, "Him." He points to one of the dead. A younger, mid twenties guy.

2013-09-05, 07:52 AM
Tarnal brings his horse around. Swinging one leg over, he rests sitting on the edge of the horse, watching the lone survivor closely. One wrong word, he thought. And this guy is 'istory. Why would anyone want to attack us, anyway? We're nobodies. He looks from each member of the party to the next and then back to the man. Hell, I don't even know these strangers. I'm 'ere to further m'clan, but what could THEY be 'ere for? In a split second, a revelation causes him to move the horse over to Ren, who is far enough off to the side to hold a private conversation.

'Ey. 'Ow well do you know this Bosco character? Could it be he's behind this? He asks in a hushed tone, never taking his eyes off the prisoner. His fingers move uneasily over the hilt of his sword.

2013-09-05, 12:35 PM
First off, sorry for the absence. Forgot about the long weekend and I've been at camp with no internets. Back now. :smallsmile:

Saphothere sighed and cleaned his blade as the last bandit pleaded for his life. Bandits were just another hazard out here in the wild. A distant part of his mind was concerned at his lack of fear or remorse.

"There'll be more o' them 'fore we're through, I reckon. And the next bunch might be real bandits, not these half-drunk lay-abouts. I think we raised some eyebrows at that last village. Best keep our eyes open."

He paused and gestured at the last bandit. "This one's nothin' to fear." That same distant part of his mind found it worrying that his mercy was more reflexive than sincere.

2013-09-05, 02:52 PM
"Had he been in contact with anyone recently, someone who might have influenced his desicion?"

2013-09-05, 05:10 PM
"Well.." he stutters a bit, "There was a guy, one of those Night Robes. I... I don't knows what they talked 'bout but I know I hear 'em say they headin' west, to Three Rivers. This was 'bout a week or so ago. I just do this 'cause I need coin, ain't got no land, lost my family to a group o' bugbears, they took all my money, my horse, 'erything. Just please let me go." He continues to beg.

Night Robes
You have heard of this group only in rumors. It is said they worship the God of Night, Nox. They are extremely rare to be openly scene in these parts.

Cora and Urtho
You know that the Night Robes are followers of Nox. They are mostly mages and rogues and work for vampires. They come from an island far, far to the east that they call the Isle of Night.

2013-09-05, 07:36 PM
"Let 'im go. 'E's clearly had enough 'ardship. These Night Robes are only rumors anyhow. 'E's clearly delusional." He scoffs and spits again. "C'mon. We really need to be movin' along now." Still extremely skeptical of the others and especially of these rumored Night Robes, he kicks his horse again and begins moving down the path once more.

2013-09-06, 11:59 AM
"Night Robes aren't rumors, but they're not common around here either. Fragging vampires at the top of their organization. We don't want nothing to do with them."

Cora pulls her horse around to approach the man for one last bit of information, tossing a silver at his feet.

"Were you waiting specifically for our group? Who was your target?"

2013-09-06, 03:04 PM
"The Night Robes are no rumor, Tarnal the Skeptic, but a cult of Nox. There defeat was needed for Port Canyon to form." Urthro gracefully mounts his horse.

After the bandit answers Cora"If the Night Robes say they are heading west, I suggest you head east and change your profession, I'd bet you will last about a month more in this one. [pause] And one last thing: tell NO ONE that you have told us what you have told us.

After the bandit leaves"Alright everyone, we are going to have to forget the thrice-cursed boars. The Night Robes are heading to Three Rivers, where Bosco is staying. It stands to reason he is their target, or they want to disrupt relations between Port Canyon and the Joblins. The Night Robes are likely very mobile, and will already have a head start. We must make for Three Rivers with all possible speed if we are to stand against them." Even thought Bosco may well already suspect some of this, Urthro thinks. That would explain much.

2013-09-06, 05:23 PM
The bandit looks to Cora, "We were looking for easy targets. We were mistaken, we needed coin."

He looks over at Urthro, "Y..yes sir." He grabs the coin at his feet and hustles off.

Three Rivers
If you should decide to change course, the direction you are heading is just as quick as the turning south.

2013-09-07, 11:33 AM
Ren replies to Tarnal, "Bosco is a well respected merchant across the Sun Coast...most known for the safest caravans from town to town. I don't think he would ever waste his time with these two-bit bandits.."

Ren dismounts and collects his arrows. Cleaning them, he listens to the bandit negotiate for mercy. Ren smirks as he hears the excitement about the Night Robes.

"That fool doesn't know anything." He climbs back on top of his horse and follows Tarnal down the path.

2013-09-07, 04:19 PM
Tarnal slows his horse.

"On second thought... We should go back to Bosco. If what you say is true and these 'Night Robes' are more than myth, I would love to be the one to fight them. For the Stoneheart clan."

He rides back to the side of the others.

2013-09-07, 07:10 PM
"I don't know much 'bout these Night Robes, but if they got a bone to pick with Bosco, then it was mighty foolish o' them to hire this rabble to get in our way. 'Specially since we didn't even know they was in the area, and since we were actually travellin' farther away from bein' able to assist him... Just doesn't add up to me. No, I'd say they was tryin' to either kill us or slow us down. Which means we stay to our course and pick up the pace. That's my vote, anyhow. 'Course, we should mention this to Bosco's dragon friend once we arrive. They're prob'ly in a better position to help him anyway."

2013-09-07, 09:05 PM
"Don't forget, Bosco was heading to Three Rivers. I expect they intend to make their move there. I think we should pick up the pace and head there. It was our eventual destination in any case, we just skip the wild boar chase."

2013-09-07, 09:58 PM
"Bosco is paying us to kill boar." Ren pulls his pipe out and sparks a match.

"A good amount, considering the task." He draws a large puff on his pipe.

"Don't you think the 'word' of a couple of bandits would be a poor excuse to break our agreement with him? What if we get there and there's nothing wrong, how foolish are we then?"

He puffs on his pipe and looks up at the sky. He returns his gaze to the group and shakes his head.

"Plus, I want to meet a dragon. Trista is probably much more than just a travel guide, and I'm not sure what these parchments Bosco gave us mean, but it could explain why he's paying us so handsomely."

He draws from his pipe again, burning out the last of what his match lit.

"Remember that he has not yet paid us. I am in this to get paid. I grew up poor...in a broken world left over from other races and gods. I'm not anybody's protector. If he paid me to be his bodyguard I would try my best to do that. But he didn't, so I'm going to kill some ****ing boar and get my gold."

The dark-haired man reaches to his hip, moving his overcoat back, and finds another match. He pulls it out and strikes it against the saddle leather. Pulling again on his wooden pipe, he burns whats left in the bowl. Exhaling smoke from his nostrils, he closes his eyes for a moment and speaks.

"Sun is moving across the sky." He opens his eyes and puts his wooden pipe in his pocket. "Let's make haste."

2013-09-08, 08:45 AM
"Well, all of our options have us heading in the same direction, at least at this point. I suggest we make haste and decide on the way. We may learn more as we travel. I will point out that dead men pay no coin." Urthro then starts his horse down the road.

2013-09-08, 11:20 AM
Tarnal speaks up as he rides by the wizard. "I be not in this for mere coin or the protection of a man. I be in this little escapade to earn notoriety of my clan. I don't know if there are any left...but soon all will know the name Tarnal Stoneheart if from nothing more than the one who defeated these Night Robes. Then, maybe I will know family." he makes a small hand gesture across his heart to his right shoulder and touches his fingertips to his lips. A grave look crosses his face and he does not speak again.

2013-09-08, 01:19 PM
Ren laughs incredulously.

2013-09-08, 04:26 PM
You easily make the small village of Trutowne by nightfall. It is your typical small, wooden walled village. Fields of various crops such as wheat and corn spread out around it for a couple of miles. There is one small inn that your travel parchments pay for.

If you would like to look for information in the village, I'll give until tomorrow night to post before moving on. Please roll the appropriate check, what type of person you are looking for, and information you are looking for.

2013-09-08, 07:10 PM
Ren settles in for the night.

I'm looking for a long-legged blonde to join me in my room. I rolled the appropriate check and got a critical hit.

2013-09-09, 12:22 AM
Ren, the local long legged blonde is a drunken whore, fortunately for you. Since you got a critical hit, the cow bladder condom you were using breaks.

Your first born, a male (yes I rolled), will be born on the 1st Day of Festival, the Month of Rain, 102 N.R.. However, your character, of course, may or may not find out about this one day. :smallbiggrin:

2013-09-09, 08:12 AM
Tarnal goes to sleep when he arrives.

2013-09-09, 03:22 PM
Urthro checks for rumors about bandits, cults, undead, or anything out of the ordinary.[roll0]

2013-09-10, 02:20 PM
The locals you speak to have seen many travelers, this being a trade route, but none have stayed more than a night. They have noticed an increase in goblinoid activity. No one has seen any activity that matches with the Night Robes.

3rd Day of Work, the Month of Growth, 101 N.R.
You set off for Lakeside. The first part of the day goes by smoothly, until just after your midday break. Rounding a corner, you spot a small group of bugbears. They have not seen you. They are by the river refilling their waterskins, arguing among themselves about what they are going to eat for dinner. All four of them are within close range distance, about 40 feet.

You have a surprise round if you wish to attack, they will spot you momentarily.

HP: 22
AC: 15

I will post a map when I know where and how your characters approach them if needed.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Darkrain, Arcannis Druid 1, 9 HP
Ren, Human Rogue 1, 8 HP
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

2013-09-10, 02:35 PM
Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Darkrain, Arcannis Druid 1, 9 HP
Ren, Human Rogue 1, 8 HP
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP

Where am I?

2013-09-10, 02:59 PM
Those could do some real damage, Urthro thinks. I guess now is as good a time as any to reveal my powers. Our group needs to be large enough to discourge them from attacking.

Urthro waves his hand, the is a brief distortion to the side of the group, and then four fully armored knights armed with bastard swords and shields appear beside the group.

"Hail," he calls out, "no need for concern, we are simply passing by."I cast minor illusion. By the way, none of you actually knew I was a mage before now.

He then motions for the group to procceed foward and has the knights match the groups pace.

2013-09-10, 03:44 PM
Cora blinks in surprise, then realizes what is happening and casts a spell of her own in the direction of Urthro's illusory knights. The sounds of heavy boots and clinking metal armor add to the illusion.

She also checks that her crossbow and bolts are within easy reach.

What?!? The tall elf in the cloak is a mage? ;)

2013-09-11, 08:09 AM
Saph is startled by the sudden appearance of the knights. Under his breath, he mutters "Guess sneakin' past is out o' the question... Hope this works." Slightly louder, but still low enough that the bugbears would have difficulty hearing, he adds "The sound is a nice touch. Let's hope they don't notice their lack o' scent. Bugbears have keen noses."

Saph will draw his bow, resting it across his lap. He will try to casually follow the illusory knights, but is preparing himself for a fight. Saphothere doesn't put much faith in these arcane shenanigans. :smallbiggrin:

2013-09-11, 04:16 PM
The bugbears are easily fooled by the illusion. They make sure to keep a good distance from the group as you pass by them. One even smiles at the group, as if admiring the shiny armor of the knights. The rest of the day goes by uneventful. You find yourself in a small village called Lakeside. There is a large lake that sits at the base of the mountain pass you are fixing to take. The village is quiet and the inn is nothing more than a tavern with a few beds to pass out in. The night goes by uneventful.

4th Day of Work, the Month of Growth, 101 N.R.
Today's travel is a little slower, due to the geography of the mountain pass. Getting to Port Weather is simple enough. Port Weather is the gnomes trading town. They mine stones and gems in the mountains and ship it down stream to Padonthia City. You pass through the fields surrounding the village when you begin to hear fighting. A moment later you see the source of the fighting. A gnome guard patrol is being attacked by a large group of goblins. Just as they come into view you see a goblin hack down one of the gnomes. A pair of gnomes lie dead already, as do several goblins. The gnomes are trying to retreat, but being so overwhelmed it is difficult and they will surely perish.


Sorry for leaving you out Tarnal, was not intentional. The info gained in this village would be similar to the previous, so no point in loitering there. You have surprise on the goblins who are focused on the gnomes. Post combat round if you wish to engage. Assume you are just off the map.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Darkrain, Arcannis Druid 1, 9 HP
Ren, Human Rogue 1, 8 HP
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

Goblins (G1-14)
AC: 13
HP: 3

Goblin Leaders (L1-L3)
AC: 14
HP: 18

Gnome Guards (N1-3)
AC: 15
HP: 12

2013-09-11, 06:02 PM
Urthro brings his horse rapidly foward while chanting in a deep resonating tone. Fire bursts from his hands and explodes through the goblins in a wave. . . Moving to J10 and using the upper left corner as a starting point for bunring hands. I recall that 5E has damage rolled separatly for each target. They get reflex half.
L3 [roll0]
G5 [roll1]
G8 [roll2]
G9 [roll3]

The fire burns bright blue as it is released, all of the goblins exept one are instantly turned into barely-recognizable charred masses.

"Turn and stand with us gnome patrol. A united front will be enough to end this."

2013-09-12, 07:53 AM
Tarnal takes his horse forward, attempting to get it between the gnomes and the goblins. He attempts to get as close as possible, then leaps from his horse onto a goblin who appeared to be a leader, pulling his sword as he comes down. "Ye shall know the Stone'eart clan!"

Move to H-10
Attack L3: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The brutality of his strike slips between the armor pieces at the Goblin Leader's shoulder, leaving a deep gash across its chest and abdomen. He turns to the rest of the goblins and shouts "I shall cut ye down if ye don't abandon this fight!" He whirls his greatsword around his head in a wicked arc, spattering the goblin's blood across those closest to him.

2013-09-12, 12:53 PM
Cora takes time to cast a defensive spell as soon as she sees the mess of goblins. Then she forces her horse closer to the fray.


2013-09-12, 02:31 PM
Goblins... I hoped I'd seen the last of these vermin when I left the mountains.

Saphothere levels his bow at the injured goblin leader. Take off the head, kill the snake.

No move, assuming within range. If not, move to get within range.
EDIT: Trying to do 2d20b1 to represent Advantage, but the roller doesn't seem to like it. I'll just roll it twice.
EDIT#2: Won't let me add another Roll now that the damage is locked in. :-( Attack roll in next post.

Damage: [roll0]

Kazun's arrow flies true and buries itself in the goblin leader's neck, who drops to the ground with a loud gargling sound.

2013-09-12, 02:36 PM
Attack roll for above action.

EDIT: akosjdaskldjasd. the roller: it hates me. Feel free to roll the attack for me, or assume I miss. Either way.

2013-09-13, 02:31 PM
Kazun, I rolled the old school way, its a hit. I'll give the other 2 until about 1 est tomorrow to post and then I'll post round 2.

2013-09-14, 02:17 PM
Darkrain misses, but Ren moves into the fray and kills one of the goblins. The goblins retaliate, surrounding the group, pummeling those that charged in.


Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Darkrain, Arcannis Druid 1, 9 HP
Ren, Human Rogue 1, 8 HP, 5 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP, 3 Taken
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP, 3 Taken
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP, 7 Taken

Goblins (G1-14)
AC: 13
HP: 3

Goblin Leaders (L1-L3)
AC: 14
L1 HP: 18
L2 HP: 10

Gnome Guards (N1-3)
AC: 15
HP: 12

2013-09-14, 03:38 PM
Urthro reacts to a blow by striking out with a bolt of elemental energy. In a flash he holds open his hand and gathers cold energy, and then snaps his hand and points with two fingers at the nearest goblin . . .
Ray of Frost on G7.
[roll1] The goblin is caught hard in the face, blasted backward, partially frozen, and killed.

2013-09-15, 10:43 PM
Ren attacks G6 with his rapier.


2013-09-16, 09:32 PM
Cora grimaces, wishing she could have avoided that goblin's strike.

Nothing to do but lean in and not give them opportunity to do worse. From horseback, she casts a spell and prays that the horse doesn't bolt and throw her off.

Burning Hands attack against G3, G4 and G7. (Or if G7 is already down, move up and include L1!)

2013-09-17, 02:59 AM
Sorry I did not post the new round today. Internet was down when I got off work and posting from a phone is difficult. Will post the new round tomorrow evening. Hopefully the rest of the players will post by then.

2013-09-17, 08:55 AM
Saphothere draws another arrow and takes aim at one of the larger goblins.Shooting at goblin L2 (in square I13):

EDIT: No idea why I'm failing at the forum roller. Does it mess it up if you preview your post? Anyway, see below post for rolls.

2013-09-17, 09:25 AM
Tarnal parries what he can from the Goblins, looking to the gnome guards and then to his party. Suddenly, a wild swing cuts deep into his shoulder. "Gah!" he whips around, searching for the source of the attack. When he cannot distinguish which damned filth had delivered the blow, he brings his greatsword down on the closest enemy to him. "You'll pay fer that one!" he roars as his blade descends.

Attack G3: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Edit: The dice gods hate me, I can't even land an attack against a Goblin.

2013-09-17, 09:27 AM
EDIT: No idea why I'm failing at the forum roller. Does it mess it up if you preview your post? Anyway, see below post for rolls.
Yes, previewing the post messes up the rolls because if you don't like them you can edit it. The same way editing the post will revert the rolls to [roll0] because they don't want you to keep editing it and rerolling until you get what you want.

2013-09-17, 09:37 AM

2013-09-17, 09:40 AM
Yes, previewing the post messes up the rolls because if you don't like them you can edit it. The same way editing the post will revert the rolls to [roll0] because they don't want you to keep editing it and rerolling until you get what you want.

That makes sense, except if I don't like the roll I could just attempt to edit it to break the roller and claim it didn't work. And you can't even see the dice results in the preview, so you wouldn't know if you wanted to change it... But regardless, thanks for confirming my suspicions! I will refrain from previewing/editing posts that have a dice roll in them.

2013-09-18, 03:17 AM
One of the goblin leaders slices through a gnome guard. The two goblins close in to him and take advantage. The gnome screams as he falls to the ground dead by the goblins strikes. The four other goblins move in on Tarnal and Ren. Two finding their targets, nearly taking out the two.

Ren, not sure what happened to your die roll but you succeeded and killed G6, rolled for you. I am assuming Darkrain has disappeared on us, we will leave the druid behind at the next appropriate point. Please post next round.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Darkrain, Arcannis Druid 1, 9 HP
Ren, Human Rogue 1, 8 HP, 7 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP, 3 Taken
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP, 3 Taken
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP, 12 Taken

Goblins (G1-14)
AC: 13
HP: 3

Goblin Leaders (L1-L2)
AC: 14
L1 HP: 15
L2 HP: 10

Gnome Guards (N1/3)
AC: 15
HP: 12

Round 3: Post Rounds


2013-09-18, 09:21 AM
As his previous shot went wide, Saph cursed to himself. This would be easier if I didn't care about hitting the gnomes. Guess it's a little harder than hunting snarlers back home. Saph lets a third arrow fly at the goblin leader.

Shooting at L2 (in square I13)

2013-09-18, 09:27 AM
Guess it's not that much harder, Saph thought as his arrow struck true.

Despite his archery, the goblins continued to land wounding blows against his companions.

"Might be we should fall back a bit. Better to leave the gnomes than join 'em."

2013-09-18, 10:19 AM
Turning back at Saph's comment, Tarnal yells "A damned heal would be nice, but I won't abandon a fight! These Goblins deserve what they get!" As he watches Saph's arrow fly true to its mark, he turns and runs to attack the Goblin leader standing distracted by the arrow in its chest. He swings his sword in his signature arc, behind him arcing up through the mud towards the Goblin leader's genitals.

Move to J13.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

You can take the turn for the druid and shoot me a heal if you want, Niks.
Edit: Sorry if you got a lot of spam emails from me. My roller kept giving me that little red error message saying it wasn't working, and I was trying to fix it.

2013-09-18, 04:06 PM
Urthro takes a shot at a goblin while manuvering his horseRay of Frost on G1 and moves to K9.
It suffers severe frost bite.

2013-09-20, 01:06 PM
Cora circles around the battlefield to join ranks with Tarnal. Brilliant light sparks and crackles from her hand, arcing toward a stinking goblin.

Move to I-14 and attack L2 if he's still up, otherwise G2.
Shocking Grasp attack:[roll0]
Damage:[roll1] and the goblin can't take reactions until its next turn (but that would be now anyway?)

...and she falls off her horse, barely managing to land on her feet. She and the goblin are about the same height. "Run from us, dog," she growls at him.

Didn't specifically say earlier that the defensive spell she cast was Mage Armor, so AC is 14. Though I'm sure Tarnal is a more tempting target?

2013-09-20, 01:35 PM

I'm sure Tarnal is a more tempting target? Considering I'm bloodied, badly, probably :smalltongue:

2013-09-20, 02:23 PM
Ren swings, slicing one of the goblins down, but not without consequence. The goblin leader lands a perfectly aimed hit on Ren, dropping the human. Another goblin stabs his spear into Ren, finishing the rogue off. Darkrain rushes over and casts a cure minor wounds spell, healing Tarnal. One of the gnomes slices into the remaining goblin leader, the other cuts down one of the other goblins. Realizing they are out numbered, the goblin leader takes off running, the other two close on his heals. The group can easily stop their escape. The gnomes are just happy they survived. One drops next to the corpse of a fallen comrade, caressing him, sobbing "brother."

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Darkrain, Arcannis Druid 1, 9 HP
Ren, Human Rogue 1, 8 HP, 19 Taken DEAD
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP, 3 Taken
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP, 3 Taken
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

Goblins (G11 & 12)
AC: 13
HP: 3

Goblin Leaders (L1)
AC: 14
L1 HP: 10

Gnome Guards (N1/3)
AC: 15
HP: 12

Ren has bowed out of the game. Darkrain seems to have disappeared so we will leave the druid at the next town. I think four is a better group anyone, should keep pace better.

2013-09-20, 03:25 PM
"That's right, run!"

Grinning fiercely, Cora jogs after the goblins, loosing a few bolts from her crossbow.

If it's okay to keep attacking, just a couple rounds while they're still in range. First at the leader, and if he goes down then another - and hopefully they don't turn around and come back!
attack 1 [roll0], damage [roll1]
attack 2 [roll2], damage [roll3]

2013-09-20, 04:01 PM
"We would be well advised to use this opportunity to search the goblins and load our dead onto Ren's horse. Then we can return to the village in case the goblins wish to try again." He gingerly dismounts his horse, mindfull of his injured leg, and procceeds to search the goblins. "Perhaps there are some clues as to what is driving them to increase their activity in these parts."

Searching for clues and loot:[roll0]

2013-09-22, 07:03 AM
Cora easily rides down the goblins and picks them off one by one as they flee. The goblins have nothing of value, save for 40 gold pieces between them. One of the goblin leaders has an emblem of the Night Robes buried in his pocket.

2013-09-22, 11:09 AM
"CORA!" Urthro shouts, motioning for her to return. He holds up the emblem to all the members of the group. "We now have confirmation. The Night Robes are behind this."

2013-09-23, 08:36 AM
"I am still not convinced of this. It could be a hoax. All I know of these "Night Robes" are the bedtime stories to scare the general public." Tarnal wipes his blade and offers a hand to the gnome sobbing before him. "Besides, what kind of organization can't spare the coin to hire a better assassin than some goblins?" He helps to load some of the bodies onto Ren's horse, muttering a short prayer with each one. He re-sheaths his sword on his own horse and climbs on. "However, I strongly agree with ye on the notion to head back to the village. Goblins or not, I took quite a beating out there and would prefer to rest before taking another." He ties Ren's horse's reins to his horse's saddle and offers one of the gnomes a seat behind him.

2013-09-23, 11:26 AM
Saphothere coaxes his horse up to the others. The ground is stained red and littered with bodies. One of the remaining gnomes holds a corpse in his arms, weeping. I should say something, Saph thought. I should be sad right now. We've lost a travelling companion, and this gnome lost more than that. Why don't I care? Saphothere sighed and looked away from the bodies. He'd been noticing a strange sense of detachment lately. It had alarmed him at first, but even that was starting to fade.

"Aye, we'd best be headin' back to town. If there's only one thing in this world that's worth callin' true, it's that there's always more goblins."
Now that combat is over, I'd like to use my Cultural Lore to see if there's anything out of place about this particular band of goblins. Is this a strange time of day for them to be raiding? Are they uncommon in this area? etc etc

2013-09-23, 01:35 PM
Now that combat is over and the two remaining gnomes have calmed, one speaks to the group. "I thank you. I am Commander Snevlin. I don't think we would have survived if it weren't for you showing up. We mourn the loss of your friend, as we do ours."

He looks to Tarnal, "You are right, we should get to Port Weather with our dead. I will send a team out to burn the bodies of the goblins. What brings you adventurers through the pass?"

For them to be raiding at this time of day is not common, but not that rare either. Most of the time raids happen later in the evening, it is early evening, the sun is just starting to set.

You are just coming out of a mountain pass, just into the gnome's fields so this area is ripe for goblin raids as it is a major trade route that isn't heavily guarded. For them to have to attack a gnome patrol, is more than likely just bad timing on the goblins part.

2013-09-24, 02:57 PM
"We are eventually headed to Three Rivers, although the directness of the route must be revisisted. Let's be off."

2013-09-25, 02:38 AM
Commander Snevlin says, "Yes, lets be off."

It only takes a few miles to get to Port Weather. Upon arriving with dead bodies, it causes a bit of a stir. It is a small walled town, most of the buildings are stone structures. The gnomes eagerly look at the group with their town commander. Snevlin makes sure your accommodations, food and drink are properly taken care of... even better than what Bosco had prepared for you.

You may take this time to speak to locals, or whatever you may come up with.

I will give up to 48 hours for you to post what you would like to do while in Port Weather before moving things along to Hot Springs, the next town on your agenda where you are to meet with Trista, the bronze dragon.

2013-09-25, 01:58 PM
"Tarnal, the Night Robes aren't nothing. If they're suddenly more active in these parts, we can expect more trouble.

"It's at least worth mentioning to the dragon when we see her."

Cora stays close to the group as they travel, but once in Port Weather she remains at the inn and rooms alone as usual.

Should we update our characters and start using the latest (last) playtest packet? I'll be doing it anyway just to see what is different...

2013-09-25, 02:00 PM
So I count four active PCs and there was 40gp on the goblins, so adding 10gp to my equipment - is that right?

Cora wouldn't suggest giving any of it to the gnomes or their dead members' families but she'd probably go along with some minor generosity if someone else did.

2013-09-25, 05:20 PM
OOCSo the dragon is on the way whether we chose to go after boars or Three Rivers, right?

2013-09-26, 10:43 AM
Yes, you can update to the new package. It is no rush though. Doesn't look like much is different.

Yes, 4 active PCs.

Yes, the dragon is in Hot Springs, which is the next town, about a days travel southwest.

2013-09-26, 03:27 PM
Urthro decides to speak with the Commander. "Have you been having more goblin activity that usual?"

2013-09-26, 06:00 PM
The gnome commander speaks with Urthro. "Ever since the onyx mines opened to the far west a few years ago, the mountain pass is used less and less. The fewer caravans, the less the goblins have a chance to raid. They have become braver and braver, but nothing we couldn't handle. I question if it was even a raiding party, they looked like they were traveling west through the mountains and we crossed paths at the wrong time."

Darkrain bids the group fair well, "I believe my calling is not here, my friends. All this talk of Night Robes, staying in towns every night. I may catch up with you at some point, but I am going to do my own investigations. I will travel west in the morning. I can travel easy enough alone in forests. Good luck. I will warn Bosco should I make it to Three Rivers before you do."

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

I think four characters is the perfect number, should keep things moving faster.

2013-09-26, 06:58 PM
"Hmm. These onyx mines, do they happen to have any connection to either joblins or the family Trubald?"

2013-09-27, 06:29 PM
Cora adds a question of her own to their conversation with the Snevlin: "Our next objective is Hot Springs. Any of your people headed that way?"

2013-09-28, 02:39 PM
"Bosco just runs caravans to the mines, he's got no stake in them. We might have a dracos group heading back to Hot Springs tomorrow if you want to set out with them," the gnome commander says.

2013-09-28, 03:54 PM
"Who does own the mines?"

OOC:I updated my character. I have more languages and knowledge, that is about it.

2013-09-29, 04:21 PM
The gnome replies, "Same ones who own all the meteor mines, the leaders of Padonthia City. The Trubalds have had the shipping contract since the cataclysm."

2013-09-30, 06:36 PM
"I think it would make sense to travel in a larger group, at least to Hot Springs," says Cora.

2013-10-01, 12:54 PM
Saphothere doesn't interact much with the group or the locals. He will chime in when the topic of the mines' ownership comes up.

"Buncha greedy, heartless demonspawn, that's who owns the mines. No better than slavers. And aye, travellin' in a group may be a good idea. I'd rather not end up like..." Saph lets his sentence trail off. He nods apologetically to the gnome. "Sorry."

2013-10-01, 01:28 PM
Tarnal scoffs. "Numbers carry danger just as much as isolation does. We should be more warry of the attention we attract, if this is the work of the Night Robes." He crosses his arms and sighs heavily. "Still... I am not one to turn down security for pride."

2013-10-01, 02:21 PM
The gnome commander is taken aback by the talk of the Lords of Padonthia City and the death of his guard. "Maybe I have misjudged you, but none the less I am in your debt. I will make sure you can travel with anyone leaving in the morning. I bid you a good night."

The gnome commander departs the inn, without speaking further.

If no other preparations are needed we will depart for Hot Springs tomorrow.

2013-10-03, 03:02 PM
(Once the commander leaves)"What is your quarrel with the leaders of Padonthia City, Saphothere?"

Before we leave, Urthro will purchase a staff (the focus kind).

2013-10-03, 03:37 PM
A small group of draccos is set to depart and eagerly await your company. The leader of the group, Thorak, explains that they bring logs down from the jungles to the north of Hot Springs and take back stone in return.

The days travel is easy, mostly travel through fields and small villages. Towards the end of the day you get into the dragon's territory. You start to see kobolds working in fields, and draccos guards making their rounds, making sure nothing from the jungles of the north has wandered out for snack.

A staff is easily found and purchased before leaving. I'll give up to two more days for discussion during travel, then we will move things along to meeting the dragon in Hot Springs.

2013-10-05, 04:43 PM
The caravan easily makes it to Hot Springs. A draccos guard takes your travel papers from you. He motions for another guard, and informs you to follow the guard so you may meet with Trista. As you walk through the town for draccos, kobolds and the occassional human and gnome, you realize why it got its name. Natural hot springs dot the town, and in one area, completely dominates the land. The guard leads you through a winding path around several springs, past a large, underground, smoking chasm. Above the chasm sits one of the few stone structures in the town. A large, square keep that towers over anything else in town. Inside the keep is fairly plain, and practical. He leads you to a meeting room with a round table. He directs you to sit and Trista will be with you when she is available.

It doesn't take long before a beautiful elven woman, dressed in black leather, walks in the room. She wears various pieces of jewelry, all made of prized meteor ore and adorned with emeralds.

"If Bosco sent you, this will be worth my time, but I have much business to tend to, so we will have to make this quick, what's your business?" the elf states.

2013-10-05, 07:45 PM
Urthro stands and bows as she enters. [Draconic] "Fekiikiri usjalil Trista. Yth jahen orially hied ekess maulk fangtusk celaetrili ihk Bosco, vur yth jahen ekess tor wux zahae ehtahir vi soves ekess wer celaetrili vur itrewicir creol spripab.""Greetings Lady Trista. We were originally hired to hunt fangtusk boars for Bosco, and we were to ask you about finding a guide to the boars and getting some springwater. " He places the papers and coin purse on the table. "Yth jahen tol ekess majak wux nomenoi. Riluoh, yth tepoha uered creol tling dments shafaer wer idol tenpiswo batobot si siofme wux jalla qe bafoidrih di. Yth gjahalla vi svih di drehlniki, vur dijalftow ekess ir di asta kurjh, astahii jahen ecilly taeting udoka vur jahen drekim couned ini creolna de wer Thurkear Roes Gavir. Yth gjahalla vi anqu raiig pryt persvek vin aea svaklar wer anqui tepohada coanwor iasing asta ctvit di ae. Ir di astahi carried nomeno.""We were told to give you these. However, we have uncovered some troubling developments on the way here that I think you should be aware of. We defeated a group of bandits, and according to one of their own, they were specifically targeting us and were being counseled by someone from the Night Robes Order. Later, we defeated a goblin raiding party in an area where the goblins had been increasing their activity of late. One of them carried this." He pulls out the emblem and hands it to her.

OOC What about XP for the encounters we defeated (and circumvented):smalltongue:?

2013-10-07, 10:45 AM
Could Bosco be using us for something else? Did we just unknowingly deliver some secret message? Cora watches Trista carefully during the conversation, looking for any subtext or signs of duplicity.

Wisdom check: 1d20+1

2013-10-07, 12:46 PM
Tarnal cannot understand what the mage is saying, but he keeps watch over his friends, hand on his hilt. His steadfast attention gazes over their surroundings, waiting for trouble just in case.

Wisdom: [roll0]

2013-10-07, 02:26 PM
She picks up the papers and the coin purse. "Springwater?" She smiles and you think she may even be giggling. She pulls two small potions out of a bag that ahngs from her emerald inlaid belt. "Potions of healing," she says matter of factly.

"The Night Robes have long been trying to secretly gain a foot hold along the Sun Coast. I will send a few messengers out, get a feel for things. My daughter is down near Three Rivers. Go after the boars, I'll send for a guide to meet you here. Also, if you see any, grab me some black snapdragon flowers. I'll throw in some more of that springwater."

The elf turns without waiting for a response and walks out the room, shutting the door behind her.

Wisdom checks:
You catch nothing that suggests she is lying or not forth coming.

Experience wise, you are very close to level 2, just a few more encounters.

2013-10-09, 01:54 PM
(Once the commander leaves)"What is your quarrel with the leaders of Padonthia City, Saphothere?"

"Their precious mines swallow men whole. But they don't seem to care about that, so long as the coins keeps flowing."

Saph broods silently for the majority of their trip to Hot Springs, however his curiousity is piqued by the unusual terrain features of the town. "I read about these, but never seen 'em. Always thought it was some sort o' sorcery."

The majority of the meeting with Lady Trista goes over his head (most notably the parts in draconic), but he perks up at the mention of the black snapdragon flowers.

"Black snapdragons, eh? How many ya lookin' for?"

Nature Lore regarding black snapdragon flowers:

2013-10-09, 04:01 PM
Black Snapdragon Flowers
These small flowers normally grow in bunches. They are a popular material component for healing potions. She will most likely want as many as can be had.

2013-10-10, 04:47 PM
After a short wait, a kobold comes in, dressed in a common adventuring attire, brown tunic and pants, a small mace at his side. "Yous be the ones lookin for dem boars. K. Lets do this, you hustle we make it to Outpost by nightfall, be helpin ya kill dem beford ta mornin. Me name be Kelder."

2013-10-11, 08:06 AM
"Well met, Kelder. Let's move out." Tarnal's hand is itching to use his sword again. Before the fight with those goblins, it had been weeks since he had been able to fight something that truly fought back. He had dueled others, and practiced every day, but there was nothing quite like the thrill of the kill. The hunt that sought after blood for the sake of blood, and he is ready to earn his share of Bosco's wealth and continue making a name for himself.

2013-10-12, 10:05 AM
Urthro nods and starts for the door, thinking that the remaining pieces to the puzzel of this so called quest would reveal themselves soon.

2013-10-13, 02:27 AM
Kelder leads over to the stables, and takes you out of the town. "Des boars, dey come out at the night, it shall bes a long un, the jungle be dangerous at the night."

He leads you along a small path into the dark jungles that you have heard tales of the dangers inside. Controlled by green dragons, few that are not draccos or kobolds have ever even claimed to have entered them. The path leads through a valley, and eventually you make it to a small hunting outpost. "We be traveling at the night, now. Des be dangerous."

It is nearly midnight when something fades out of know where and screams as it attacks the ranger. The withering grasp of the creature echoes throughout Saphothere's body.

"A hag!" Kelder screams.

You take 8 damage, please make a constitution saving through of 9. A failed throw and you have disadvantage on attack rolls made against you.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP, 8 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

Green Hag
AC: 14
HP: 36


2013-10-13, 10:41 AM
Urthro advances and blasts the hag.
Move to K10.
DC13 ref save half.

2013-10-14, 08:30 AM
Tarnal jumps from his horse, whipping the greatsword from it's sheath. He leaps forward, and brings his sword down through the darkness towards the hag.
Move to I-11.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
As the sword misses and connects with the mud, Tarnal staggers slightly. "Step away, heathen, before you're slain!"

2013-10-14, 10:45 PM
Cora curses herself for not being ready for an attack. Seeing Saphothere's precarious position, she leaps to join Tarnal's melee assault on the creature. With some luck, the ranger will be able to get behind them and bring his bow into play.

She wonders if there might be more of these hags out in the dark waiting to attack, so holds back on her area-affect spells and instead whispers words of magic that send electricity crackling violently from her upheld palm.

"Get back!" she shouts at Saphothere.


Shocking Grasp: Save vs Dex (DC 10) or 1d8 damage and cannot take reactions until its next turn

Also... Cora might have cast Mage Armor at the end of the day, if it's possible to sleep in spectral magicky armor... She would have had occasion to cast it since she prepared spells that morning and hadn't used any. But I didn't say she did, so I'll wait for DM ruling on that :)

2013-10-15, 02:18 PM
The kobold rushes up and swings his mace, striking the hag. The hag continues to slash her claws at the ranger, drawing blood, dropping him to the ground.

You take 5.

No mage armor, because you didn't sleep for one. If you want mage armor, post you are casting mage armor when travel begins. I pushed things along because of poor posting from the group..

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP, 13 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

Green Hag
AC: 14
HP: 17


2013-10-15, 02:27 PM
Urthro swiftly rides to give himself a better angle, then unleashes as blue-white beam of energy.
Move to J13
Ray of Frost: [roll0] [roll1]
The blast strikes deep into the hags side.

2013-10-15, 03:17 PM
If I am allowed, I'll use my move action to move to H10 and push Saph out of range using what is left of my movement. If not, I'll just stay where I am.

Tarnal roars as Saph is clawed again, swinging his greatsword once more.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The sword glides by the hag as he steps into it, but he struts back, ready for another attack.

2013-10-16, 05:09 PM
Cora casts her cantrip again, hoping to end the hag so they can tend to the ranger.

Dex save DC10 or 1d8 damage: [roll0]

2013-10-18, 05:08 PM
OOCKazun's profile indicates he has not posted anywhere in 8 days. I suggest it is time to temporarily NPC him.

2013-10-19, 02:14 PM
The kobold sends a well aimed blow at the hag, it withers and screams as it collapses to the ground. The kobold quickly scurries over to the ranger, stabilizing Saphothere. The kobold mutters a quick prayer and a healing light shines over the ranger. Saphothere awakes, shaking his head, "Close one there."

I agree on Kazun. Does anyone have objections to running with three characters or know of anyone who would like to join? I apologize for the late post, it has been a very long work week.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP, 2 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

2013-10-19, 08:23 PM
"Too close. How common are hags in these parts?" Urthro searches the hag.

Skill Checks
Search [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature, History, Arcana) [roll1],[roll2],[roll3] What do I know about the area?

I think 3 people and no healer would be suicidal.

2013-10-21, 07:57 AM
Tarnal sheaths his sword, disappointed in his fighting at this time of night. Perhaps he was too tired for all of this.

I am not opposed to running with 3. If you'd like to give us a level, I can multi-class. One of my characters for a tabletop game is a multiclass of War Cleric/Fighter. As long as you give me the level of Cleric for my first level so I can continue my fighter progression (my tabletop took 3 levels of fighter and then began going War Cleric, I am playtesting the fighter in this thread). But then we'd at least have some heals.

On the other hand, I know of 2 players who would almost certainly join. Friends of mine in real life.

2013-10-21, 02:09 PM
Kelder replies, "Pretty commons, but de b terreistrials (read territorial) so der should only bes one in des parts."

A search of the hag turns up 46 gold that she must have taken off someone else.
Nature: This is an extremely large, easily the size of Texas, rain forest. It is considered dragon territory, with mainly green dragons, dragonborn (draccos) tribes, gnolls and many other foul beasts.
History: This jungle has been here since before the cataclysm. Its uncivilized nature avoided even the Gods hatred.
Arcana: Far to the northeast in the jungle, it is believed that the pearl meteor, as it has been called, crashed into the jungle, freezing it for miles around. Now this part sits as a frozen jungle.

You are one combat away from level 2. I would love it if your friends want to join. Have them roll up level 2 characters and they can join once you get back to town. Kelder is a cleric, btw (case ya didn't notice).

2013-10-21, 03:42 PM
My apologies, all! I am still here (though it looks like I was almost hag-food!). Crazy week at work last week.

Do I become conscious once stabilized?

2013-10-21, 08:13 PM
Cora remains alert, fingers twitching with residual adrenaline (or electricity). "This hunt better be worth it," she mutters, scanning the dark.

[roll0] Wis check or [roll1] Int check, looking for any sign of attackers or where the hag came from

2013-10-22, 02:11 PM
Kelder speaks, "We should goes now. Close to boar killin times."

The kobold moves forward through the thick jungle.

I'll give one more day for conversation, then move things along. Kazun, yes you are conscience and fully healed by Kelder's spell.

2013-10-22, 03:47 PM
"What condition do the boars have to be in when we deliver them?" Cora wonders aloud. "I'm not planning on using any spells that would cook them prematurely, but if things go south and it's kill or be killed..."

2013-10-23, 02:24 PM
"Meat preserves longer when it is colder. I have a spell that can cause it so be so.

2013-10-23, 04:09 PM
"Trust me not?" The kobold questions. "Iz have everytin we be needs for picklin. De spell will help preserve de rest of de boars till we get to de outpost."

The kobold leads you through the jungle when he suddenly stops. "Look, fresh boar track. Dey be in dis valley. I can goes round and flush them dis way. Yes?"

2013-10-24, 07:39 AM
"Yes. Flush 'em into an ambush, but do it slowly. I'm confident in our ability to defeat a pack o' boars... but I'd rather not be trampled by a stampede of 'em." Tarnal pulls his sword and cleans the blade. "I'm ready when ye are."

2013-10-24, 04:43 PM
Cora casts a defensive spell and spectral armor appears outside her cloak. Loading her crossbow, she steps back into the foliage and waits, her eyes on what she hopes is the trail the boar - or boars - will take.

2013-10-24, 05:49 PM
Kelder slips way into the darkness. In a matter of a few minutes you hear the trampling of the giant boars. A tree crashes and the alpha male is leading the retreat right at you.

Kelder yells, "Sorry, no flushin' dem slow."

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP, 2 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

HP: 7
AC: 16


2013-10-25, 08:00 AM
I assume the alpha male does not have any increased stats then? Tarnal lunges forward, sword in hand, at the alpha male. Sidestepping to avoid the first boar's charge, he yells "Time to fall, beast! Know mine power!" He swings with all his might at the boar as it runs by him.
Move to K9
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
His sword swings true, gliding deftly through the boar's hide, felling it. He whips the sword back around, ready for the next one. "One down, lads! This is easy!" Renewed by finally having a chance to show off his combatives, Tarnal stands tall and awaits the oncoming herd.

2013-10-25, 03:58 PM
In the old days I would have just . . . Enough, this is not the old days, and if you want any chance of ever returning to that state you had best focus on your task. These are the thoughts that Urthro briefly entertains as he move to the side of the stampedes and takes aim with his bow. Move to M16 and firing bow
The deadly missile flys well above the charging heard. This is almost a relief to Urthro, who does not enjoy hunting. It is still irritating.

2013-10-25, 04:27 PM
Cora realizes her crossbow will probably not bring a boar down with just one shot, so she leaves the frontmost boars and aims a little farther back - then scrambles to load again, hoping to get a second shot before it passes them by.

Targeting B4: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage

2013-10-28, 01:15 PM
Saphothere shoots his bow following Cora's lead, and takes out the boar. Kelder yells, "Lets get dem!" and swings, smashing a boar on its back, cracking its spine.

The boars rush forward, attempting to gore anyone in their path. Cora and Tarnal are hit hard by the onslaught.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP, 2 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP, 5 Taken
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP, 7 Taken

HP: 7
AC: 16

Well the alpha male did have some, but those are no longer necessary :(.


2013-10-28, 03:09 PM
You forgot to move my character. I moved to M16.

Glad he managed to evade the stamede, Urthro attempts to defend those who did not with a more reliable method.

Ray of Frost (target B9)

And makes a small spot of frost on the ground somewhere.

2013-10-29, 12:55 PM
Cora blasts the nearest boars, hoping to get free of the oncoming rush.

If Dex saves ([roll0] +dex bonus for B9 and [roll1]+dex bonus for B7) beat Dex DC11, they take [roll2] damage...If B9 goes down, Cora doesn't have to worry about an opportunity reaction and moves to K5, hopefully out of the way of the stampede.

... As the boars sizzle on the ground, Cora smiles grimly and steps to the side, readying her crossbow.

2013-10-29, 03:22 PM
Tarnal grunts as the stampede knocks him backwards. He digs the balls of his feet into the ground and drives back at the boar horde.

Attack on B2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Felling yet another boar, he roars in triumph and steps up onto its carcass. "Kelder! A spell to tend m'wounds would be mighty 'elpful so I can survive the rest of this 'ere 'orde of boars!"

2013-10-30, 04:17 PM
Saphothere moves up to fight next to Tarnal, felling one of the fowl beasts.

Kelder yells, "I'm not gonna be able to make it to you, Tarnal. Who has healing potions?" Kelder chucks a javelin at one of the boars, but it sails high.

Only 5 boars remain, but they are not giving up yet, the sharp tusks attempting to dig into their target. Two of them are successful. Tarnal's and Saphothere's flesh is ripped into.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP, 7 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP, 5 Taken
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP, 9 Taken

HP: 7
AC: 16


2013-10-30, 07:26 PM
They aren't going to make it. Urthro thinks before quickly acting. He runs with flames trailing from his hands, and unleashes it.
I move to M12 and cast burning hands. I believe from there I can hit B3,5,8 without hiting S. If not I will cast from somewhere else. Ref DC 13 half.

Who has the potions?

2013-10-30, 08:01 PM
3 & 5 die. 2 damage to 8.

2013-10-31, 08:07 AM
Tarnal grunts but figures he has enough to continue, and moves around the now toasty corpses of the two boars that were next to him, leaping onto the third boar who had hid behind the other two from the fires. "That's fine, these things are falling flies!"

Attack B5 from J11: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-10-31, 09:51 AM
Sorry guys, Saphothere will be bowing out. It's not fair to hold the thread back with my inconsistent/slow posting. No hard feelings I hope, and happy hunting!

2013-10-31, 10:26 PM
Sensing the tide is turning, Cora focuses on the nearest remaining boar, hoping to bring it down before it tries to gore Tarnal - or charges her.
Targeting boar#10: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage

2013-11-01, 01:27 PM
Kelder moves in and swings his mace, finishing off the flaming boar. Only one boar remains, and it fights with a renewed tenacity, digging its tusks into Tarnal's leg.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP, 7 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP, 5 Taken
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP, 13 Taken

HP: 7
AC: 16

I don't think a map is necessary for one boar. Please update your characters to level 2.

B5 was already dead, so I used your roll against B12 instead and left you where you were. What ever happened to your friends who wanted to join?

2013-11-01, 03:00 PM
Urthro targets the remaining boar with and arrow.

It is a perfect shot through the head, the boar dies instantly.

OOC QuestionAre there crit rules in this version?

2013-11-01, 04:35 PM
OOC Answer

Are there crit rules in this version?
Yep! Max damage (max on all dice), plus roll the weapon die one more time.

2013-11-01, 06:10 PM
OOC Answer
Yep! Max damage (max on all dice), plus roll the weapon die one more time.

In that case:

2013-11-02, 12:54 PM
Kelder moves over to Tarnal and mutters a prayer, healing his wounds. "That all I gots for today." He looks around at all the boars, "looks like we killed dem more den we can carry. Lets be gettin' ta picklin'."

Kelder proceeds to grab jars from the horses and pony and begins chopping off the boar hooves. "Des are gonna bes tasty." The kobold licks his lips thinking of pickled pigs feet.

Saphothere says, "Let me get one of those healing potions, I will go search for some snapdragons while you all pickle these boars."

You are now level 2. Please update your character sheets and get them to me. Max HP. Since Saphothere is gone, I will keep Kelder around as the cleric until we get other players.

Current Cast of Characters:
Saphothere, Human Ranger 1, 13 HP, 7 Taken
Cora, Halfling Mage 1, 9 HP, 5 Taken
Urthro, Elf Mage 1, 7 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 1, 14 HP

2013-11-03, 08:46 AM
OOCUpdated character sent. I also went through the thread and added up all the gold. Divided three ways it comes to 34gp, 2sp, 3cp each. And there was one copper left over:smalleek:.

2013-11-04, 08:10 PM
Cora helps the kobold as much as she can.

"The sooner we get out of here the better," she says, but she doesn't feel particularly worried. Something about this time in the jungle is changing her, she realizes.

Sorry to take a while to post and get leveled. I can go to mage level two, but I'm seriously thinking of multiclassing. Is that something you'd allow, niks? Based on the optional rules, my stats would allow ranger or monk, and I'm thinking monk. It's a weird direction for Cora to move in, but I'm thinking a quick little monk bolstered by area attacks and battlefield control spells will be fun if not at all optimized...

2013-11-05, 03:33 PM
Feel free to multiclass. Once I get all three character sheets we can move on.

2013-11-05, 09:09 PM
OOCA halfing wizard monk would be hilarious:smallbiggrin:. Normally I would think of that as a disciplined person who changed reality with their disciplined mind. . .

2013-11-05, 11:22 PM
Yeah, I was imagining her making the jump from memorizing spells to some kind of supernatural meditation. But instead I'm multiclassing with ranger - I think it fits her background as a(n ex-)soldier better. Of course first level basically only gives me hit points and tracking, and weapon/armor proficiencies...

2013-11-06, 06:51 PM
Just waiting on one sheet. What is your characters plans now that the feet have been pickled?

2013-11-06, 07:58 PM
OOC I figure we will deliver them and then decide something to do about the Night Robes.

2013-11-08, 09:38 AM

OOC I figure we will deliver them and then decide something to do about the Night Robes.
Yup. I'm trying to think of a good "Let's hunt some orc!" line but I got nothing.

2013-11-08, 02:46 PM
Saphothere retrieves a healing potion, uses it and states, "I'll be back with some snap dragons, then we can head back to Hot Springs."

Within minutes you hear a loud screech. Kelder says, "Wyverns, we needs ta move as soon as Saphothere gets back der."

A few seconds later you hear another, louder screech. Then the death screams of Saphothere. "Now wes move!" Kelder screams, "We cannot beat dis enemy." He hopes on his mount. "Hurry!"

Everyone roll dex, con and int checks.

2013-11-09, 08:48 AM
Urthro quickly follows Kelder's example, thinking he seems to know what he is doing even if he is a cleric.
If these are saves, I get some kind of class bonus on int saves, but I can't find how much that is.

Knowledge Checks for Wyverns:
arcana [roll3]
nature [roll4]
history [roll5](any techniques that worked against them in the past)

2013-11-10, 01:32 AM
Cora runs for her horse. Saphothere is gone, and there's no point going down with him.

Saving throws:
Dex: [roll0]
Int: [roll1]
Con: [roll2]

2013-11-11, 08:36 AM
Tarnal makes a break for his horse, knowing that he is no match for a Wyvern.

Saving throws:
Dex: [roll0]
Con: [roll1]
Int: [roll2]

2013-11-11, 04:52 PM
Urthro stops short."Wait. Everyone, into the bushes. I will cover us with an illusion. Quickly now."

2013-11-12, 03:30 PM
The illusion works. The wyverns crash through the jungle right by you, not even giving a second glance. It only takes a few more hours to get back to the Hunter's Outpost.

Kelder says, "We should rest here, then move on to the Hot Springs. Agreed?"

2013-11-12, 03:44 PM
"Agreed. Those last few battles were closer than I prefer."

Urthro prepares Burning Hands, Magic Missile, and Mage Armor. Casts Mages Armor upon rousing.

2013-11-13, 09:09 PM
3rd Day of Close, The Month of Growth, 101 N.R.
It is a sweltering morning. It is only 13 miles from the Hunter's Outpost to Hot Springs. The first part of the morning takes you through a dense jungle trail. There is a slight rain, and the jungle is alive with noise. The singing of birds, the buzz of insects, the crush of leaves from small critters rushing about. From off of a ridge you hear a loud roar as a giant tiger comes crashing down onto Tarnal. The tiger sinks its teeth into Tarnal's shoulder, viciously wounding him.

Giant Tiger
AC: 12
Dex: 15
HP: 37

Current Cast of Characters:

Cora, Halfling Mage 1/Ranger 1, 18 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 2, 13 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 2, 24 HP, 12 Taken
Kelder, Kobold Cleric 2, 18 HP


2013-11-14, 04:02 PM
OOC:Am I prone?

2013-11-14, 05:44 PM
No, you are not prone.

2013-11-14, 05:59 PM
Cora's first reaction to the tiger's attack is an obscure and vile halfling curse, followed by words of magic that launch flames at the creature. It won't be enough to take the beast down. She steps back and prepares to cast a protective spell.

[roll0] damage or half that if tiger makes its save: [roll1]+dex...

2013-11-14, 07:06 PM
This will likely be tame compared to what we have already dealt with Urthor thinks , but that is not enough to ensure it will not be deadly. Then a bow is in his hand and an arrow is launched.
[roll1] Oops. I meant this one to be a d6 for damage.
The arrow flies a few inches above the tiger.

2013-11-16, 04:34 PM
I'll give crywulf until tonight to post, otherwise I'll go for him.

2013-11-17, 05:33 AM
Tarnal swings at the great beast, but it is to close for his swing and he swings inches from the tigers head. Kelder rushes forward, healing Tarnal, and not a moment too soon. The tiger's claws rip into Tarnal.

Giant Tiger
AC: 12
Dex: 15
HP: 27

Current Cast of Characters:

Cora, Halfling Mage 1/Ranger 1, 18 HP
Urthro, Elf Mage 2, 13 HP
Tarnal, Dwarf Fighter 2, 24 HP, 11 Taken
Kelder, Kobold Cleric 2, 18 HP

Don't think a new map is needed.

I posted his dex so you could figure out the modifier, figured you would be able to tell that way. Its his dex mod+roll vs your spell, or am I not understanding it correctly? I am still a novice to these rules, and I learn better by doing... reading makes them slip my mind and I don't have them handy at this instant.

2013-11-17, 11:33 AM
Urthro fires another arrow.
This one sticks in its leg.

2013-11-18, 09:10 AM
Tarnal swings at the great beast, but it is to close for his swing and he swings inches from the tigers head. Kelder rushes forward, healing Tarnal, and not a moment too soon. The tiger's claws rip into Tarnal.

Giant Tiger
AC: 12
Dex: 15
HP: 27

OOC: Thanks, I had some issues this past week with my company. I am ready to post when it is my turn again.

2013-11-18, 03:10 PM
OOC: Thanks, I had some issues this past week with my company. I am ready to post when it is my turn again.

Its all good. Your up now.

2013-11-18, 03:17 PM
Tarnal grunts and furiously swins his greatsword twice at the tiger. His rage keeps him ignorant of the healing he receives as his bloodlust heightens."Yer pelt will make a fine cloak, beast!"

Attack: [roll0]
Action Surge: [roll1]
1Damage: [roll2]
2Damage: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Great Weapon Fighting for Action Surge: 3 damage for 16 total.

The first swing rings true, dicing through the tiger's tough shoulder. The second swing however, aimed at the other shoulder only nicked it's hide, drawing blood but not doing any significant damage.

2013-11-19, 05:11 PM
Seeing the dwarf taking the brunt of the attack, Cora forgoes her defensive spell to fire her crossbow.

[roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage

2013-11-21, 05:43 AM
The giant tiger dies as it is hit with the arrow from Cora's crossbow. Hot Springs is only a few miles out from the site of the tiger attack, and it will only take a matter of hours to safely make it there, and meet back at the dragon's town before heading south to Three Rivers.

Any preparations before we need to move on? (give one day)

2013-11-21, 09:00 AM
OOC:Tarnal will skin it if allowed but I'm not sure if there is a check for that.

2013-11-22, 12:47 AM
After the tiger falls, Cora immediately casts Mage Armor. Not that another encounter with a predator is likely, but she feels better with the extra protection.

2013-11-22, 03:05 PM
Skinning it is easy enough. The rest of the trip back to Hot Springs is easy enough. Kelder sets you up in lodgings for the night. "I supposed since de ranger never came back wit them der snapdragons, we don't need to be seein' de dragon. I'm going ta visit wit her and see if it be okay if I can der accompany the three ofs ya south ta Three Rivers. Make preperations, we leave in de morning if it be okay wit everyone."

2013-11-22, 04:13 PM
"Agreed." Urthro says.

2013-11-24, 06:10 PM
4th Day of Close, The Month of Growth, 101 N.R.
The day is hot and sunny. Travel south is known to be a bit dangerous due to the wilds of the savanna. You travel for Westford, your overnight stopover before reaching Three Rivers and your meetup with Bosco. The day is quiet, only seeing some herd animals until you spot a group of wemics in the distance. It is hard to make out exactly how many from this distance.

2013-11-25, 02:08 PM
Tarnal holds up his hand to slow. "We best be wary now. Wemics are nothing to trifle with." He unclasps the strap of leather securing his greatword in the sheath on his horse's side.

2013-11-25, 04:21 PM
Urthro looks at Cora and says "Let's use the hobgoblin maneuver." With that, he call up the same illusion he used to ensure safe passage past the hobgoblins days ago.

2013-11-26, 02:09 PM
The illusion does not trick the wemics, but does not provoke them either. They follow from a distance as you travel, keeping pace, stopping if you stop.

2013-11-26, 08:40 PM
"It was worth a try," says Cora. "Let's just watch for more of them - it might be an ambush." Cora pulls her horse ahead of the others and scans the ground, looking for any sign of more wemics - or anything else.

Using ranger tracking ability, plus wisdom check for general perception: [roll0]

2013-11-28, 10:17 PM
The wemics continue to follow you until you reach the out skirts of the fields around Westford. It is early evening and easy enough to find the inn.

If supplies are needed or anything to be purchased, speak now, otherwise I'll move us along to the next day and travel to Three Rivers. Happy Thanksgiving!

No other signs of wemics.

2013-12-01, 04:48 PM
5th Day of Work, the Month of Growth, 101 N.R.
The trip from Westford to Three Rivers is easy enough. No wemics bother you today. Though the savanna is churning with wildlife, antelope, lions, prairie dogs, giraffes and the like, nothing of major concern approaches you. Once there, your final travel papers are for the Flaming Unicorn Horn Inn. The inn is the heart of the town. Three Rivers is a boom town. Ever since the dwarves of Rangrim expanded their tunnels to break through the mountains and a trade agreement was reached, Three Rivers has exploded as a crossroads from the the dwarves, Padonthia City, the dragon and gnome lands you just came from in the north, the halflings of the marsh to the south and the mines of the onyx meteor far to the west.

Once at the inn and you have made yourself comfortable, a friendly face arrives. Bosco enters the room, "Please, please don't stand my friends." He looks at the group, "My, my, how the faces have changed. You look like you went to the abyss and back. I see Kelder has joined you. I heard about Ren from Darkrain. He arrived a few days ago. A local estate was attacked a few days ago, thanks to Darkrain telling us of the Night Robes, we found one. Vikar Tolst, a wizard, hired some muscle from Ironskull Hall, a nearby orc-dwarf stronghold, to attack the estate. There is to be a public hanging on the 3rd Day of Midfest. That gives you six days to relax here in Three Rivers on my dime. The local authorities want added security for the hanging of the wizard. We would like you four to be on hand for the event. I have three questions for you; Where is Saphothere? Will you help guard the hanging? And of course, do you have my pickled pigs feet?"

2013-12-02, 06:49 PM
"Your questions are best answered out of order. To the last question, we have the feet. To the first question, Saphothere was slain by wyrvens, a fate the rest of us narrowly escaped. To the second, while I cannot speak definitively for the others, I am willing to help guard it. However, I think we might consider that the death of this wizard would be of little value compared to the information we might gain from him if we trade him his life for it. If we can unmask their plans, we stand a fair chance of stopping them. Otherwise, I doubt our ability to do."

2013-12-03, 10:17 AM
"I be agree'n with 'im. The wizard might know sum'thin we need. If we have 6 days, that should b'more tha'nough time to... persuade him to talk to us." A grin spread across Tarnal's face. This would be fun for him.

2013-12-03, 07:49 PM
"What's the pay?" asks Cora, about the new job offer. "And if we do this, we're not loitering about town like hired thugs. Wizard will need veteran soldiers keeping eyes on him all the time, but especially night before the hanging. And we need to scout about, inside and outside town, for any allies he might be counting on to save his ass."

"On the other hand, you might take Urthro's advice and let the wizard spill secrets to save himself... It would be a good thing to learn more about the Night Robes' plots."

2013-12-04, 02:41 PM
"Excellent about the feet, I hope you will be able to attend the Pickled Pigs Feet Festival in a few months, it shall be one to remember. It is too bad about Saphothere, but I think everyone knew the dangers. I cannot help the death of the wizard, the law states, if you kill, you die. I am sure I can arrange a meeting with the wizard if you would like. As for pay, I'm willing to pay for all your basic needs while in town. I am willing to bet Mayor Istan would be willing to throw in a few coins. I could arrange a meeting with him and then he can point you to the dungeon where Vikar is being held."

He plops down the promised 25 gold to each of you for the pickled pigs feet, including Kelder. "Shall I fetch the mayor?"

2013-12-04, 04:42 PM
Urthro takes his share of the money and nods ascent to the fetching of the mayor.

2013-12-06, 03:43 PM
Bosco waits for any more response, then departs. After a few more rounds of drinks, Mayor Istan enters. "Hello, hello. I am Mayor Istan. I have heard good things about the four of you from Bosco. I hear you are interested in speaking with the wizard?"

2013-12-08, 12:29 PM
"That is correct. Bosco tells us that there is no possibility of allowing him to live in exchange for information. Is there any way that you could think of to accomplish this?"

Knowledge History: Any legal rule or precedent that would be helpful in this?

2013-12-09, 10:34 PM
Cora also asks, "Have you already learned anything from him about the Night Robes? Seems like they are moving from being just another rumor to a real threat to the area."

2013-12-10, 03:41 PM
"He hired thugs to kill and steal. He dies, it will set a precedence. He got some sort of key from an altar, but he did not have it on him. That means more Night Robes are some where. We do not extract information through torture, nor do we trade his life for more lives. We are not that kind of people. If you would like time with him, you may have some, but I warn you, there better not be a mark on him." The mayor states this very sternly.

What you know of local law, his statement is true.

2013-12-10, 04:38 PM
"Understood. If he didn't have the key, then how do we know about it?"

2013-12-11, 05:20 PM
"The owner knew it was inside the altar, but the owner did not know what it, or the altar was for. It was in the estate when he purchased it. Evidently it is important for the Night Robes, or at least for Vikar."

2013-12-15, 07:38 PM
"Interesting. May we speak with him now?"

2013-12-17, 04:40 AM
Since the game has pretty much became stagnate and took 4 days for anyone to post, I'm going to suspend it. After Christmas when I have time to find additional players I will PM everyone if you'd like to join in on the new game. I will continue this game if everyone would like to start posting on a regular basis.

2013-12-19, 07:59 PM
OOCUnderstood. Looking forward to a boost after Christmas.