View Full Version : [3.5] Utilizing jump

2013-08-24, 06:07 PM
Got a new player to d&d and he's playing an extremely low op sword/board fighter. He's been putting a lot of skill points into the jump skill and so far he's yet to use it. I'm looking for ideas of situations that would utilize that skill and let him feel a bit more useful.

2013-08-24, 07:48 PM
Outside of introducing him to leap attack, and the Tiger Claw Maneuvres from Tome of Battle;

There's a ship setting sail/pushing off and the party need to get onto it; the party fighter leaps aboard and starts attacking the oarsmen/tillermen.

You need to traverse a cliff that's buried deep in a null magic zone (the inner sanctums, accessible only via a trap door at the top); part way up the cliff, there's a chimney. The fighter is the only one who is capable of using his strength to Jump the chasm, and then pull up the other party members on the rope.

2013-08-24, 11:35 PM
Got a new player to d&d and he's playing an extremely low op sword/board fighter. He's been putting a lot of skill points into the jump skill and so far he's yet to use it. I'm looking for ideas of situations that would utilize that skill and let him feel a bit more useful.

Battle Jump is a classic feat that doubles your damage if you drop down a height of 5 feet or more onto your opponent. Normally getting the necessary height requires minmaxing your move speed for bonuses, but if he has something to jump off of, he'll be able to do it. If he likes the feat, you can jump make sure he's always got something to scrabble up on.

2013-08-24, 11:39 PM
You could give him a special magic item that allows him to jump as high as he could normally jump far (I guess it would be effectively quadrupling his Jump checks for purposes of vertical movement.) With that, I guarantee he would find uses for Jump. He'd be like "dash dash dash JUMP 25 INTO THE SKY" and he'd be very happy with it.