View Full Version : QUESTION! Spellstoring, counter spelling?

2013-08-25, 02:46 AM
So lets say, in my fantasy of d&d fantasy. That rules make no logic, so we get to break them.

Spellstoring items work by, a magical person, putting a spell or casting a spell into an item.

Now let us say, that we gave shield ( it counts as a weapon and all, it has STATS! ) spellstoring, and used a tower shield version just for fun!

Now lets say someone cast a ray of whatever at little ole test dummy.

Could I use my shield aimed at the ray, to store the spell that hits the shield, instead of having it affect me or it at all?

2013-08-25, 03:17 AM
tower shields can't be used to bash and has to damage stats, so it is ineligible for spell storing.

As for absorbing a spell, no. A spell is simply stored into the weapon, not cast on it.

2013-08-25, 03:18 AM
You're asking a RAW question when you've specifically stated that there is no rules, basically?

Using 3.5 as the RAW however, no. That cannot happen. You cast it into the Shield (or the shield spikes, to make it more clear cut), but it's not the shield that is the target of the ray, but you.