View Full Version : Hope Springs Eternal-Reboot

2013-08-25, 11:33 AM
After your very successful first mission (and a few days of rest, thanks to Simona) you are now ready to become a full-fledged operatives. You feel a little nervous, there will be no instructors to hold your hand this time, it is all up to you. Lost in your thoughts you barely notice that a Nu Mou starts to address the group. Some of you remember her as their instructor on their trial mission. Others only remember her as the one who gave you some time to recover before your next mission.

"I see that you have used the few days we gave you to rest and prepare for your next mission. This time we have two missions for you. Both are simple and straightforward. One is a combat challenge, issued by another academy. Victory would be very beneficial for our academy's moral, and it would be great practice. The other mission is a transportation mission. This one is not as glamorous, but it is might provide to be more challenging, since you will be going to the wilderness. As long as you can come to an agreement we will allow to pick your own mission. And before you go, do not forget about your reward."With the last sentence Simona points to a table with the spoils from your previous mission.

2013-08-26, 09:52 AM
Mod scratches an itch behind his ear, and rests on top of his Automaton. He looks around at the group and says, "I'm up for anything, kupo! Although I think the idea of beating a rival academy sounds like fun."

2013-08-26, 11:00 AM
Huckle looks around nervously, pushing the brim of his ill-fitting tophat over his forehead.
Huckle was excited to see some other Moogles on the team - the larger races were kinda scary... Although this moogle was riding on some terrifying machine.
Huckle realized that some of his teammates weren't in the room, and some people he didn't recognize were there as well.
"Uhh... Hi, kupo. I'm Huckle... Um. I'm the healer of the group... Uh, I mean, I'm a white mage, ya know..."
Huckle spit out, quiet and looking to the floor.
"Ah, I don't recognize some of you guys... Can we introduce ourselves? If you don't mind, kupo?

2013-08-26, 11:09 AM
Mod blinks in surprise, then quickly recovers and stands on the back of his automaton. "I completely forgot to introduce myself! Sorry about that." The little Moogle snaps a salute, made more comical by the fine yet ill-fitting military uniform he wears. The tassles of his epaulettes sway back and forth as he says, "Engineer Mod, reporting for duty, kupo!" He ends his salute and stamps a foot on the quadrupedal Automaton beneath him. "And this is Stalker 00." The mechanical construct consists of a disk shaped central body, with four spindly legs propelling it along. Two large zeroes are painted on the side of the upper portion of the disk shaped body. It rattles and clanks when Mod stamps his foot on it.

2013-08-26, 10:20 PM
Arianna had picked up a sword on the last mission, which was now sitting on the spoils table. Sure, it was a good sword, but she had what she wanted already. Besides, a greatsword was just a little bit too big for her liking.

Upon hearing the first challenge, a grin stretches across Arianna's face. A battle with another school, eh? That was right up her alley.

I'll take the first one, then.

Meanwhile, an Aegyl is off to the side a little, watching the room. Her expression is neutral, not showing any kind of emotion at all. She stays quiet for a moment before choosing a mission.

I think I shall join the transportation mission.

2013-08-28, 12:50 AM
"I'll take the escort mission, ma'am." Vane says, glancing at the bow resting on the table. "More chance for my specialty to come into play, after all, and I'm almost useless elsewhere."

Stretching idly, he eyes the rest of the spoils on the table...

2013-08-28, 10:18 PM
Keeping to one side and holding a Chocobo's reins, Ida keeps quiet for some time while some of the others declare their mission choice. She doesn't recognise some of those there, but decides it may not be the best time for introductions.

After Vane declares his choice, she steps up, releasing the Chocobo.

"So... transportation or fighting, huh?" She looks back at the Chocobo. "I guess Stern here'll be more useful for the former, right?", not quite answering as she leaves the sentence open for comments.

2013-08-30, 05:20 PM
Kimi came through the door to the Dean of Sandias Academy as ordered upon completion of his most recent mission. He snapped to a salute in front of the dean, inadvertently letting a "kupo" escape from his lips. It was a trait he exhibited when nervous as he wasn't sure what this meeting was about.

Across from the desk sat a Nu Mou with dark fur, braids, and reading glasses. Books of various sorts were behind him on copious topics. The Dean eyed Kimi seemingly with mild interest. His words sounded elongated as he spoke.

"At ease, young Kimi. Please take a seat."

The Dean reached into his desk pulling out two separate files, one thick and heavy, the other much thinner and looked fairly new. Kimi noticed that both of them had his name on them as he hopped up onto the tall chair and took a seat.

"Word has reached me of your most recent mission. You and your squad are to be commended, but that is not why you are here today."

Kimi cocked his head to one side, obviously looking perplexed. "Kupo? May I ask the reason then?"

The Dean placed his hands onto the two separate files while looking straight at Kimi. "Kimi, these are your personal records. One from us, the other from your former Academy. I have orders to destroy one of these records today, although it wasn't specified which one I should destroy. Fira."

Before Kimi could even have a say in the matter or react with a "kupo!" in surprise, the larger of the two files went up in intense flames. Not even ashes were left behind, yet amazingly, nothing else was burned. Kimi now knew that the Dean was highly skilled in the Black Arts.

"I have just destroyed your transfer records from your former academy. I came to this decision based on your time here in the Academy and your performance out in the field. Also, it didn't hurt that you have friends at your former academy who were very determined to clear your name."

Kimi's heart swelled with joy, but the best news was just coming.

"On behalf of both academies, I offer our most sincere apologies. It has always been our duty to stand behind our Academy Officers."

"Kupo, you don't mean...?"

The Dean had a noticeable grin bearing on those long lips of his as he reached into his desk once more and pulled out a sealed manila envelope. The Dean then rose from his desk, prompting Kimi to do the same from his seat.

"Kimi Stoutheart. On this day, Fall's Breeze on the 27th day, I hereby promote you to the rank of Sergeant with all the pride and responsibilities your rank brings. Congratulations Kimi. I know you will continue to serve the Academy proud.

Furthermore, you are hereby ordered to return to your former academy for an abbreviated instruction in Officer's School. It seems that your "friends" deemed fit that all your time going through training and your measure of integrity deemed fit to some day be in command of your own tactical strike force, pending completion of Officer's School, of course."

The Dean handed Kimi his new orders, who was simply baffled at what to say. It was everything the Dean could do to keep from breaking his demeanor as Kimi futility fought back tears. The Dean had read through all of Kimi's former records and came to the same conclusion that his friends did. Kimi was too exemplary of a student to be labeled a coward, but he suspected something bigger going on. People just don't blackball subordinates without reason. It was that reason that the Dean didn't like letting Kimi go back home. Still, this was a happy moment for him. He was willing to overlook his lack of discipline...this time.

OOC: Goodbye Kimi... :smallfrown:

************************************************** ********

For your enjoyment... :smallwink: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqZdtuKvFIc)

It felt good to be out of that hellish desert finally and back into more reasonable climate. Veronica happily gorged herself on water oriented activities upon her return. It took forever to clean all the irritating sand out from her armor.

It was a good mission though. Not only did she isolate the location of the bandit camp, she managed to single-handedly sabotage their operations within the region. While impressive, she was certain that the main target managed to escape, which ultimately drew the ire of her instructors from her actions.

Now in the briefing room, it was made very clear to her that she wouldn't be running around alone during a mission for quite awhile. Once again however, she was presented a choice of mission. Veronica sighed at her choices. Both smelled of battle regardless.

Plug me wherever. I can't really imagine one being more exciting than the other.

Not really wanting to strike up much in conversation with her new squadmates, her gaze turned towards all the items sitting on the table...

2013-08-30, 11:10 PM
Huckle paled a little bit... Did people not hear him? No one introduced themselves. Huckle was very glad to see Veronica was alright though- he was worried about her when she left him.

"Uummm... What kinds of trouble could we expect from the transport?... Eh, of its dangerous I'd better go; I, you know, heal. I'm Huckle, by the way, kupo." He added, in case people really hadn't heard him.

Huckle was very intrigued about the loot, but didn't want to appear too eager.

2013-09-04, 04:41 AM
"Well, we are not quite sure what you can expect from the escort mission. The trip should not be dangerous, but once you reach the wilderness anything is possible.
Mod, Arianna, Veronica and Huckle, you will take the challenge. I will be coming with you, you should be ready to leave in two hours. I believe that gives you enough time to prepare.
That leaves Elza, Vane and Ida for the escort mission. Once you reach the wilderness you will find a guide that will lead you for the rest of the way. Be careful when dealing with her, she is an associate, but she is not a member of the Academy. Be on your best behavior there. The caravan will be here tonight, so you leave first thing in the morning, so I suggest you get some sleep tonight."

2013-09-04, 09:38 AM
"Mod, Arianna, Veronica and Huckle, you will take the challenge. I will be coming with you, you should be ready to leave in two hours. I believe that gives you enough time to prepare.

Mod nods and salutes once more, "Yes ma'am!"

He heads over to the table to peruse the gear, looking for something that will be useful in the coming challenge. After selecting something he heads over to Huckle and grins. "It's great to see another Moogle here, kupo! We're everywhere here! Have you met Kimi yet? He's a knight, kupo!" Mod flutters down from Stalker 00 to stand in front of the Moogle White Mage. "I don't know if you heard me earlier, but I'm Mod. It's a pleasure to meet you, kupo!"

2013-09-04, 10:26 PM
Huckle gives a beaming grin. "Hi Mod! My name is Huckle! That's quite a... Thing you've got there. I'm a farmers boy, never been too good with machines myself, kupo."
Huckle eyes Stalker 00 with an air of mistrust- as though he expects it to snap up and bite him at any second.

"I'm sure that thing'll be really helpful in a fight, though! I wonder if I can heal it?..." Huckles voice trails off as he thinks.

Truth be told, Huckle would have preferred going on the travel mission- he was never a Moogle for gratuitous violence. Mod seemed nice though, and he got to adventure with Veronica again, which made him very happy.

Huckle pushes up his top hat and eyes the table, standing on his tiptoes to see.
After a moment, he speaks, much more quietly than just a second before.
"Um, if no one else wants it, I could use that robe, kupo.... I don't really need anything else though."

Ma always said, "A life lived humbly is a life well lived...

2013-09-05, 02:10 AM
"Mod, Arianna, Veronica and Huckle, you will take the challenge. I will be coming with you, you should be ready to leave in two hours. I believe that gives you enough time to prepare."

Veronica came to a salute, accepting of the decision. She noticed from the corner of her eye an unfamiliar moogle's dedication to dislipline. She thought to herself that there was perhaps hope yet for capable moogles in the academy.

Veronica listened in onto the two moogles speaking as she claimed a suit of crimson plated armor from the table. The weight initially surprised her as she picked it up. As she continued to listen, she began to understand her admonishment. She would be forced into working together with others. That meant losing her fighting prowess because she would have to protect Huckle.

Veronica sighed quietly to herself. Given what she knew about Huckle, she doubted he would be able to hold composure in an array of violence. Only one true way to find out. With her newly acquired armor in her arms, she made way to join her moogle teammates. She wondered who Arianna was as she went.

"Huckle, about last time... I'm not the most patient of gria. Sorry. I just didn't want to stand around all day arguing over details when I had a pretty good idea of where to go."

"There. Made nice nice on teamwork. Objective complete."

2013-09-05, 08:45 PM
The blonde Hume nods after the Nu Mou speaks again, then turns her eyes to find her two new companions. When she spots them, she pulls on Stern's reins and moves closer, even as she eyes the Lance lying on the table, wondering whether anyone else might make a move to claim it.

"Vane and... Elza, is it?""], she says in a good-natured tone as she gets closer to them both, a slight drawl on her words hinting at country origins . "I don't remember seeing you two before", she continues, smiling. "New operatives as well, I'll wager?", she says, her question clearly more rhetorical than actually meant. "Well, I'd speak about my abilities and what I can bring to the mission, but I guess it's obvious enough, right", she remarks, grinning as her head tilts towards the yellow bird.

2013-09-06, 01:20 AM
At the table, Vane picks up the spear.

His was getting worn anyway, after all.

Turning to face the knight, he grins.

"I'm a cook, specializing in rare and exotic meats." He says, watching for a reaction. "I hear chocobo is supposed to be very supple, and qu-"

He stops, seeing the reaction he's getting.

"I jest, I jest. I'm a practitioner of Blue magic. I cast the spells that the monsters do." He says, raising his hands in a calming motion. "Though I admit, I do have a tendency to cook that which I claim the abilities of."

2013-09-06, 10:55 PM
Ida's eyes show some puzzlement at Vane's first sentence, although she doesn't quite show any outward signs of annoyance at his witty remark. Vane may feel that the Chocobo itself seems to stare at him for a moment, however... but it's likely just a trick of the light... right?

After Vane continues, Ida answers him with a simple, seemingly genuine smile.

"Oh, that is interesting. I think I have heard a couple stories about those of your calling". She grins as she stops mid-sentence. "As a Blue mage, I mean, not a cook!" She sends out a quick laugh, then shrugs. "Not that THAT skill can't prove to be useful, huh?"

She then turns her eyes to the quiet Aegyl, as if expecting her to say something in turn.

2013-09-08, 07:04 PM
Arianna heads over to the table to look things over. She may not have wanted that greatsword, but the longsword was catching her eye. She pulls out her own and holds the two up for a moment, looking them over. Finally, with a grin, she nods to herself and takes the new one. She looks for her other group members. She recognized Mod from her last mission, so she heads over to him.

Hey, buddy! Looks like we're paired up again, huh? So...who's Huckle and Veronica?


Elza skims the table. After a few moments, she picks up the longbow. She takes some time to test its weight and the strength of it. After a few moments, she seems satisfied, and takes it.

She returns to her group, where it seems they are waiting for her to describe her abilities.

I am a Fighter. My skills are in the areas of battle.

She doesn't seem to keen on providing any more information. If Ida and Vane want to know more, they'll have to ask. Not that doing so will guarantee an answer.

2013-09-08, 11:55 PM
Arianna heads over to the table to look things over. She may not have wanted that greatsword, but the longsword was catching her eye. She pulls out her own and holds the two up for a moment, looking them over. Finally, with a grin, she nods to herself and takes the new one. She looks for her other group members. She recognized Mod from her last mission, so she heads over to him.

Hey, buddy! Looks like we're paired up again, huh? So...who's Huckle and Veronica?

Right on que...

Veronica gave Arianna an appraising glance. She wasn't expecting another gria and certainly not a gria of this caliber. This academy is always full of surprises.

"'Cute but deadly' seems to be the model for this team," Veronica quipped about the group composition.

She shrugged her shoulders as she kept her arms crossed and holding her new suit of armor.

"I am Veronica," she pointed downward to the robed moogle, "and that one is Huckle. By process of deduction, you must be Arianna. It will be... a pleasure working with you on this mission.

Veronica felt herself cringe a little internally from her own guilt. No doubt about it now, she would have to work as a teammate this time.

2013-09-09, 09:27 AM
Mod waves enthusiastically at Arianna, "Hi Arianna! It's great to see you again, kupo!" He's about to introduce Huckle, but sees he and Veronica talking and doesn't want to interrupt. A small, hollow, clank draws his attention to his automaton. He grabs the heavy crossbow from the loot table as he goes over to check Stalker 00 and stow his new gear. He rejoins the conversation as Veronica introduces Huckle and herself.

"Nice to meet you Veronica! Cute but deadly, eh? I like it, kupo! Those rival academy soldiers won't know what hit them!"

2013-09-10, 09:36 PM
Huckle blushes and shuffles his feet, looking to the floor.
"You... Uh, you think I'm cute, kupo?"

Huckle was incredibly happy Veronica apologized- she didn't have to, but he was so thankful she saw how concerned he had been.

"I don't know how deadly I can be, but I can make sure you guys are!"

Huckle grabs the robe, since no one else seemed to want it, and smiles at Arianna. "Hi there, I'm Huckle! I'm a white mage, kupo. It's kinda funny- we have two moogles here, and two... Umm..."

Huckle trailed off. "Um... So sorry kupo! I don't know the name of your race! I'm sorry, I'm just a farmers boy, I don't know that much about the world..." Huckle stood forlorn looking down in apology.

2013-09-15, 08:27 PM
Arianna grins a little at Huckle. She waves her hand a little. Bah, don't worry about it. She goes to put an arm around Veronica's shoulders and pull the other Gria in close so their face are right up against each other. We're Gria! She seems excited to share that fact.

She'll let go of Veronica. Okay, so let's see here, we got ourselves a White Mage... She points to Huckle. A Red Mage... She points to herself. An Engineer... She points to Mod. Annnd... She points to Veronica, hesitating a moment. Okay, I'm drawing a blank here.

2013-09-16, 03:53 AM
Arianna grins a little at Huckle. She waves her hand a little. Bah, don't worry about it. She goes to put an arm around Veronica's shoulders and pull the other Gria in close so their face are right up against each other. We're Gria! She seems excited to share that fact.

Instinctively, Veronica reached for her blade as her temper flashed to the surface. Then like a light switch being flipped, she no longer was there.

Oh no! Not here! We mustn't hurt anyone here!

But she's...! No, you're right... I can't...

It's OK, sweetie. Let me take over. I'll handle this.


Veronica let her sword arm casually return to its normal resting position.

She'll let go of Veronica. Okay, so let's see here, we got ourselves a White Mage... She points to Huckle. A Red Mage... She points to herself. An Engineer... She points to Mod. Annnd... She points to Veronica, hesitating a moment. Okay, I'm drawing a blank here.

A nonchalant grin came over Veronica's face.

I've gone by many titles... A Questor of Love, A Harbinger of Hearth, even a Dervish of Death. Perhaps the most appropriate for out task at hand is an Assailing Angel of Anguish. I am someone whose blade should not be crossed. Lucky for us, I'm on the winning side of this skirmish.

Veronica giggled mildly to herself, widening her smile even more. The look on her face was different. It was cheerful.

I'd love to keep gabbing on, but I must get to the quartermaster to have this new suit fitted to my physique. No sense in not being fully prepared!

Veronica gave a wink with her left eye while continuing to flash her winning smile. Content with the statement, Veronica turned away from the group. As she walked out of the room, she called back over her shoulder, Lets do our very best everyone!

Veronica walked at a brisk pace down the hallway, through another corridor, and back outside onto the academy streets. She found a nearby information kiosk that pointed the way to the QM's Supply Office. Without hesitation, she made her way forward.

*retching sounds*

Oh hush. It wasn't *that* bad.

Says 'Miss Holier-Than-Thou'.

Quit complaining. We'll soon have plenty of reasons to vent.

Just as long as nobody gets in our way.

After a 10 minute walk, Veronica arrived at the Supply Office. She stepped inside and found a Hume behind the desk. She plopped down her new suit of armor onto the desk in front of the Hume.

I need this fitted to my physique. It was just acquired for an important mission on behalf of Sandius Academy. I leave in 90 minutes.

The clerk gave a look that said 'You got to be %^&$ kidding me" as he stared at the suit and back at Veronica.

"Look, even if we skipped the paperwork, it will still take a day to--"

Veronica cut him off, "Then perhaps you want to explain to Instructor Simona why one of her Academy Gladiators won't be ready for combat." Veronica was back to her usual cold, threatening demeanor.

The Hume gritted his teeth in angst. "Very well... We need to hurry and hope like hell you don't need any blacksmith work."

An hour later, Veronica was form fitted with a crimson-colored plate suit of armor that offered superior protection to her old darkened chainlink armor. She liked the color as it would do her well to mask all the blood that would spill upon her.

2013-09-16, 07:46 AM
As Veronica left, Huckles eyes were popped out and his mouth agape.
Huckle is speechless- that's all I've got to say. ;p

2013-09-17, 12:00 AM
Arianna watched Veronica leave the room, an amused look on her face. The she chuckled.

Okay, that girl knows how to make an impression. She turns to the pair of moogles. We need to make her some kinda big scary helmet for the fight, or something. I think she could scare the other guys into letting us win. That, and it'd be hilarious to see her wearing it.

2013-09-19, 09:23 AM
Mod blinks and stares after Veronica. At Arianna's suggestion, he shakes his head and chuckles. "I might be able to whip something up, but I don't think we have the time, kupo."

He flutters back up to stand on top of his automaton, checks his gear, and sits down. "Do we tell Simona when we're ready, kupo?"

2013-09-19, 08:44 PM
Elza skims the table. After a few moments, she picks up the longbow. She takes some time to test its weight and the strength of it. After a few moments, she seems satisfied, and takes it.

She returns to her group, where it seems they are waiting for her to describe her abilities.

I am a Fighter. My skills are in the areas of battle.

She doesn't seem to keen on providing any more information. If Ida and Vane want to know more, they'll have to ask. Not that doing so will guarantee an answer.

"Eh. Whatever you say. Just so long as you use those weapons and don't aim 'em at me, it doesn't matter what you call yourself or how you use 'em." Vane says, shrugging. "If it ends with our foes lain out before us, I'm happy with it."

2013-09-23, 12:34 AM
Ida nods at Vane's words, holding back from much further commenting since Elza somehow does not seem too comfortable with conversation on personal matters.

"Indeed. Although I'd be even happier if we don't even have to look our foes in the eye before we finish our assignment. Unlikely as that may be..."

She eyes the lance on the table again as she finishes speaking, then asks the others for a moment and goes forward to claim it, grasping the handle and testing its weight and feel in her hands for some time until she finally seems content with it and exchanges it with the one she carried strapped on Stern.

2013-09-26, 01:36 PM
Huckle finally closes his gaping mouth and composes himself. He takes off his Tophat, scratching his pompom curiously. Is everything all right with Veronica...?
"Oh, please don't try to make her scarier then she already is... I don't know if I could handle that, kupo!

Looking towards Mod, Huckle agrees that they're probably ready.