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2013-08-25, 02:54 PM
So all you who read my thread thread about the low magic island campaign, with the super controlling dungeon master. Well he is at it again, this time it is aNO MAGIC city campaign, oh and we are not allowed to carry weapons in the city, and we can't leave the city, because of the 40th. cr monsters for 1 lvl. characters. I am playing as a human ranger weapon smuggler. I wont to know how I can bite this dm in the butt. He is the most annoying dm in the world. How should I get at him, I mean biggest cheese (breaking his rules please) that you guys can think of.

2013-08-25, 02:57 PM
How should I get at him.
Leave the game. Start your own campaign. Invite his players. Run opposite of him.

2013-08-25, 02:59 PM
Or simple make a no frills character and let the GM show how this is supposed to be a fun game.

2013-08-25, 03:00 PM
Leave the game. Start your own campaign. Invite his players. Run opposite of him.

I meant in game, but thinks for the idea I don't really feel like dming for his players.

Fax Celestis
2013-08-25, 03:01 PM
Leave the game. Start your own campaign. Invite his players. Run opposite of him.


white text of minimum lengthiness +10

2013-08-25, 03:02 PM
Or simple make a no frills character and let the GM show how this is supposed to be a fun game.

What do you mean no frills, like isn't a lizard folk?

2013-08-25, 03:03 PM
I meant in game, but thinks for the idea I don't really feel like dming for his players.
Then go out and DM for your own players. The solution to most "My game is horrible" threads is to pick up the books and show people how it's done. Maybe next time one of your players will DM for awhile.

2013-08-25, 03:13 PM
Then go out and DM for your own players. The solution to most "My game is horrible" threads is to pick up the books and show people how it's done. Maybe next time one of your players will DM for awhile.

We usually rotate dming, and his campaigns only last a session. Oh and to the guy that said start my own group, I have started a play by post.

2013-08-25, 03:23 PM
We usually rotate dming, and his campaigns only last a session. Oh and to the guy that said start my own group, I have started a play by post.
On this forum, or...?

2013-08-25, 03:32 PM
On this forum, or...?

It is on the playground and it hasn't quite started but wear still waiting for 2 players to finish their characters.

2013-08-25, 03:32 PM
We usually rotate dming, and his campaigns only last a session.
Then I fail to see why this is even a concern. If he's that bad, just skip that one session.

2013-08-25, 03:56 PM
Then I fail to see why this is even a concern. If he's that bad, just skip that one session.

It is at my house every week, and I can't just say don't have it here because my brother is in the group.

2013-08-25, 04:11 PM
It is at my house every week, and I can't just say don't have it here because my brother is in the group.

Let's think outside the box for a minute. You have a problem with another human being. Why not talk to him about it?

"Hey Bob, can I talk to you for a minute? This low-magic thing doesn't really appeal to me, so I'll just skip that one. No offense, it's just not my thing."

Seriously, most posters here are mature adults, and that's probably all you'll get. And you know why? Bcause. It's the best thing to do.

2013-08-25, 04:23 PM
Let's think outside the box for a minute. You have a problem with another human being. Why not talk to him about it?

"Hey Bob, can I talk to you for a minute? This low-magic thing doesn't really appeal to me, so I'll just skip that one. No offense, it's just not my thing."

Seriously, most posters here are mature adults, and that's probably all you'll get. And you know why? Bcause. It's the best thing to do.

You see this dm hates me and I hate him so I want to tick him off so that if I am lucky he will quit coming to dnd and I can return to having fun with dnd.

2013-08-25, 04:28 PM
Leave the game.This right here. Just this.

You know what, I'll ask a question instead. Why does this DM want to run a such a low magic game?

2013-08-25, 04:34 PM
This right here. Just this.

You know what, I'll ask a question instead. Why does this DM want to run a such a low magic game?

He doesn't understand magic, much like everything else in dnd.

2013-08-25, 04:34 PM
You see this hates me and I hate him so I want to tick him off so that if I am lucky he will quit coming to dnd and I can return to having fun with dnd.

How old are you?

Big Fau
2013-08-25, 04:39 PM
You see this dm hates me and I hate him so I want to tick him off so that if I am lucky he will quit coming to dnd and I can return to having fun with dnd.

If the guy has a problem with you, simply leave. Even if the game takes place at your house you always have an option to go somewhere.

Alternatively, give him an ultimatum. If he can't put up with you, he isn't allowed to play D&D under your roof.

2013-08-25, 04:47 PM
He doesn't understand magic, much like everything else in dnd.So... he's trying to learn how to DM, and learn the game better? Why are you against this so much?

2013-08-25, 04:53 PM
So... he's trying to learn how to DM, and learn the game better? Why are you against this so much?

I wouldn't be against it if this was his 1st. to 3rd. he has been dming for a pretty long time. It is not that he is a noob, it is that he doesn't want to learn.

2013-08-25, 04:57 PM
I wouldn't be against it if this was his 1st. to 3rd. he has been dming for a pretty long time. It is not that he is a noob, it is that he doesn't want to learn.

That is a very big problem.
Why do you hat this guy so much? Is he actively antagonistic towards you, or just for reasons like this?

2013-08-25, 04:58 PM
All of these threads are identical. The advice you will receive is leave the game. Annoying DMs isn't a go idea.

Why play with a DM who hates you? If you both have disagreements explain to your group that due to personal issues you would prefer not
to play in the game. As for the magic thing, Maybe he just dislikes it. And anyways magic can be quite complicated and have a lot of bookkeeping. It's his choice whether he learns or uses it. It's all optional.

2013-08-25, 05:06 PM
That is a very big problem.
Why do you hat this guy so much? Is he actively antagonistic towards you, or just for reasons like this?

I hate him because he is super annoying and also listens to everybody else in the group, and to me just shut up ThatGuyOvaThere

2013-08-25, 05:15 PM
You see this dm hates me and I hate him so I want to tick him off so that if I am lucky he will quit coming to dnd and I can return to having fun with dnd.

Passive aggression is very unlikely to make anyone happier. This is far more likely to lead to hurt feelings and escalating tension all around. Have you looked at maybe suggesting a different role playing system that would work better with the concept that this DM has in mind? Are they looking for a gritty noir feel or a Call of Cthulhu horror feel or a World of Darkness social game or just a rules-light collaborative storytelling game or what?

2013-08-25, 05:20 PM
This is the kind of thing you should deal with outside of the table. Using a game to antagonize someone is an awful, spiteful thing to do. Work out your stuff away from the table. If you don't want him at your house, don't invite him. Or try to work out your differences in some other way.

There are no nice names for the guy who goes out his way to give his enemies bloody noses on the dodgeball court, or the pitcher who aims at the crotch.

2013-08-25, 05:22 PM
I wouldn't be against it if this was his 1st. to 3rd. he has been dming for a pretty long time. It is not that he is a noob, it is that he doesn't want to learn.Have you ever suggested that he look at using a different system, when he DMs? One that doesn't assume high magic like D&D?

2013-08-25, 05:27 PM
You aren't going to be able to outfox the DM. You said in your first post that the DM is suggesting CR 40 monsters? At level 1? No good. No, you will NOT be able to beat them. Even if you COULD somehow match their power, which you could only feasibly do using the most TO cheese and involves the use of many characters of much higher level bolstering you for no reason and making your character obsolete in the process, the DM can just say "Nope, you died. Your congenital heart defect kicks in and you die. Nope, no save. Oh, you've made a new character with a similar build? What bad luck, he died too! You know what would probably not die? A Halfling Monk who does what he's told and doesn't rock the boat." You could be Pun-Pun, RAW ruler of the universe, and your DM can just decide to kill you.

So I know that you're trying to get someone to say "Okay, here's what you do, start with Feat 1, find a Build A, and initiate Tippyverse Plan Gamma to gain OVER 9000 LEVELS and win D&D" but you are not going to get told that, and it WILL NOT WORK if you try. You have an OoC problem, deal with that, you can't "outplay" it.

2013-08-25, 05:44 PM
My advice is to play it straight and keep an open mind. If you get over your personal differences, you might find he has a fun story planned.

If you can't make a fun character without magic, you need to grow as a player.

If you are not having fun, stop playing.

That said, I will assume your origional question was meant as: "How can I make a powerful or interesting character with no magic."

Is it a "no magic campaign" or is it "no magic for player characters" or is it "no caster classes" (magic items, etc. are available, but no spells)

what are the rules you have to build by? is it point buy or roll for abilities? What level? What are the multiclassing rules? Starting wealth?

If you want a real answer from people here, you will do better with "these are my guidelines, help me optimize" then with "I play dnd with a jerk dm, help me cheat and/or be more of a jerk"

One will get answers, the other will get lectures.

2013-08-25, 05:46 PM
Or simple make a no frills character and let the GM show how this is supposed to be a fun game.

This. Really this.

If you really want to tick off a bad DM who thinks he's awesome, prove that he is not. Play by his rules, but don't comply. It's the Gandhi approach to gaming. By trying to break the mould, you only reinforce his power-complex. Prove that his gaming style is crappy by playing along with it to the letter. If he doesn't see how bad his game is, then only continue if you think he's worth salvaging. If not, then just don't play with him (and tell him why).

So, in short, my advice is to play a character heavily reliant on weaponry and equipment.

I don't mean abusing alchemical and poison stuff either. Just go for Mr.Mundane; Full-Plate (try to get a guard to confiscate it as a weapon because of the gauntlets!), Sword and Board Fighter. Weapon Focus, Weapon Spec, Shield Focus (if you're playing PF), etc. Be as equipment specific as possible. When GM confiscates everything, just play along attempting Diplomacy checks with your negative Charisma modifier and 0 Ranks, get bolshy with the guards and get into bar-brawls all the time, incurring AoO for unarmed strikes all over the place to slow the pace down, try Combat Maneuvers (Bull Rush, Disarm, etc.) without having the appropriate Feats and generally attempt to be as awkward a player as possible within the parameters of his game. If questioned about why you're being such an ass, claim that, given that your character concept was nerfed so hard by the house rules, you're merely trying to play your character as interestingly and effectively as possible.

2013-08-26, 09:18 PM
Thinks for all the suggestions I left that game and am sitting out of the next couple of sessions. and whoever said the thing about suggesting a new system. I have, but the group that I am in already has three systems going on so they didn't like the idea.

2013-08-26, 11:15 PM
No magic?

No weapons?

*puts up fists*

These are the only weapons I'll ever need.

Unarmed Swordsage, Pugilist-variant fighter, City Brawler Barbarian...

Ask him if you can gestalt Sneak-Attack-variant Fighter (with pugilist possibly, if that's compatible) with standard Rogue (thus making the sneak attack progressions stack). Then play a race with darkvision and ambush those that slighted you while they're walking home at night :smallwink: