View Full Version : Comments on Nale, Tarquin and some Xykon

2013-08-25, 04:33 PM
Strip 913 got a lot of attention, I just wanted to share my thoughts on these three adversaries that work/worked against the OotS.

Let us start with Nale. One thing I do not understand is the existence of so much hate and despite towards Nale. Honestly I did not like him, neither the Linear Guild because I found the idea of the existence of an opposite of OotS kind of lame (no offense to Rich, I just personally found it a little lame), in fact anytime the Linear Guild showed up I was like:

:xykon: "Oh crap, not these guys again!"

Nale might have been a sloppy leader, might have had extremely complicated plans that did not work out, however their assault on OotS in Tarquin's Kingdom, and the last trick he pulled out with Z against Malack were remarkable. In fact Nale and Z did not even exchange words, as soon as Nale threw Malack's staff away Z knew what to do (and the smile on Z's face tells a lot on that strip).

I believe these guys were just developing, but as the last bunch of stirps show, I believe Rich used them for a purpose and it was time Linear Guild was to be disposed off. Tarquin (and friends) is a more cunning and more challenging adversary. I actually pity Nale, because he had to live with an abusive manipulative father without absolutely no freedom and thus developed this inferiority complex, delusions of grandeur and nastiness in his character.

Now Tarquin, I love the guy as a character, but I hate the man. I do not understand all this Tarquin love. I would not trust someone like that even if he was my father, or son, or best friend, he keeps a fake personality shield around himself all the time. No one knows the real Tarquin, which is his greatest defense and which allows him to be so manipulative and plotting. He is a despicable person, everything about him is simply fake and I really wish he dies a deserving death.

I find something very interesting about Tarquin, it is that he thinks he is invincible, he is the king, he is untouchable and he can find a way out of every situation, he does not see anything else except the world he has created around himself. He did not hesitate to explore the dungeon of an epic level illusionist and possibly his clan with his best friend and a couple of clumsy adventurers, that only shows that the man has a huge self esteem.

And I believe that, this is his weakness, which makes me mention Xykon. I see Xykon as a "power player" (as in the pc gaming term) he is all about power and exploits because he knows that nothing can withstand against sheer power, all tricks, intelligence, plots etc is meaningless if one is just powerful enough. An exaggerated example would be an extremely gifted level 5 Wizard with 30 Intelligence, Charisma, Wisdom and all skills maxed out (really exaggerated) against a dumb 21st level fighter. Xykon mentions this in 2 places. One is in his encounter with Darth V, and one is:

SoD Spoiler:

In his encounter with Dorukan, when he exploits and spams energy drain

Most important characters learn a lesson when they die, and I believe that the fitting end for Tarquin would be to be obliterated by Xykon (or even Redcloak) and maybe a final death blow by Elan afterwards.

I believe that this is an end fitting for Tarquin, he knows his own game very well, but also blinded by it, it would be amusing to see him come up with this perfect plan, yet the plan would fail because he does not "KNOW" Xykon, or Redcloak for that matter, they are playing a different game.

Anyway just wanted to mention my thoughts, thanks for reading.