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2013-08-25, 11:01 PM
Empty Heavens- Campaign Opening

A thousand years have passed since the wall between the material and reflective realms cracked. Deamons poured through by the thousands, all of them seeking power and substance in the Real plane of Privus.

Even the ancient pantheon of Gods were threatened, as the Daemon King and his Princes joined their assault in the Heavens. Twelve of the original twenty Gods fell in just the first year of the Siege. Some died to sneak attacks from the more devious Princes, others to poisons made from a mixture of the fallen Gods blood mixed with the Daemon's. St. Cuthbert was slain in single combat with the King himself, and began the final stage of the conflict.

Finally, in a desperate bid to at least preserve the people who still worshipped them in these darkest of hours, the remaining eight Dieties banded together to perform a ritual led by Astheron: the God of Planning and Foresight. The ritual consumed their lives and powers in the process, but banished every Daemon back to the mirror plane and sealing the rift forever.

The world of Privus has slowly recovered from the loss of their Gods and the Siege of daemonic forces. A decimated people slowly grew to their former numbers, and the horrors of the past have been forgotten to all but the most dedicated scholars. A new age of technology has awoken in response to the questions once answered by clerics and druids. Clever crafters have learned the sciences behind divine magic, and have risen to provide valuable medical services of the populace. Their reach extends into every village that can rub two gold pieces together, for better or worse.

Our story opens in the tiny farming village of Greendale, which is currently having problems with incoming trade. Bands of blood-thirsty goblins have been raiding any merchant caravans for the last three weeks. Their fragile economy cannot afford to lose what little goods come to the town, especially after the last harsh winter. Messengers have been sent to the town of Marin, which lies just a few days journey north but no response has yet returned. The frantic mayor has put up notices in both the tavern and both inns, hoping anyone will answer their pleas for aid.

A single, well worn dirt road runs north to south through the center of the village. Thatched roof houses make up most of the structures, with the sole exceptions being the Town hall, an Artificer's Workshop, both Inn's, a Tavern and a smithy. The Town Hall is situated squarely in the middle of town on the west side of the road, the with Workshop directly across from it. Both Inns are a along the east side of the road, with the Slaughtered Bull to the north and the the Vagrant Pauper to the south of the Workshop. The Tavern and smithy sit opposite them as well, all nestled between some twenty to thirty houses on either side.

2013-08-25, 11:37 PM
Dardon Caethan casually strolled down the main road into the tiny village of Greendale. Even the moderately sized city of Marin had proven too small for a personality of his grandeur. Still, with his current run of luck he had been unable to find even a single inn or tavern that would put him up for a night; Apparently, his reputation had proceeded him. It's a tough life, being a widely known vagrant and scoundrel.
The heavy wooden doors of the hamlet's finest hospice beckoned him enter, but not before a large poster written in barely legible common caught his eye. "REWARD: 3000 Gold TO ANY MAN/GROUP WHO CAN VANQUISH THE GOBLIN MENACE! INQUIRE WITH MCGRATH OF THE WATCH!"

Caleb Doyle sat despondently in his tiny, sparsely furnished room on the 2nd floor of the Vagrant Pauper. He had a few coins left over from the raid, even a few of gold. It would likely be enough to put him up for a few months, but the last two weeks had proven difficult. The little village didn't have much in the way of work, nothing that would provide the kind of coin needed to raise an adventuring party. The reward was tempting, but there was no way he would stand a chance against a band of goblins without two, maybe three other strong fighters.
Worse, it's not like there was any kind of muscle to be found in Greendale, of all places. With the sole exception of the hunters who made up the Watch, the lot of them were farmers, through and through. Maybe today would be different, though. Perhaps someone else had arrived? One could only hope.

2013-08-25, 11:58 PM
Nothing quite like getting a warm bed and hot bath after three solid weeks in the wild. Sore feet ached in his worn leather boots, quietly protesting further use. Despite this, Fabrin grinned as he led Thunder back up the southern path into Greendale. The last few weeks had yielded great returns; in record time, he had been able to produce enough animal skins to pay his way through the winter in comfort. Not just a simple room, either! With this many skins, he might just be able to pay for the Slaughtered Bull's best room for four straight months!

The coals in the forge sizzled quietly, vainly trying to comfort Silvis. The smithy had never seemed as empty as it had the last few weeks. Ever since his father had disappeared the cold metal tools hung just a little bit more silent, as if they mourned the loss of their master. While he had managed to keep the day to day work of the smithy under control (a simple task for a mindful son), he had been growing more restless each day. Surely something more could be done. He had argued with McGrath every two or three days, hoping to convince the grizzled ranger it would be worth sending just one or two of the Watch to help search for signs of the goblin's hideout. His latest inquiry had been met with yet another denial...
"It's too dangerous, lad! These fiends have become more bold by the week, and I'm not entirely sure they won't move on from the caravans and start attacking us in force! I know you miss your father, but I can't put everyone's lives in jeopardy for such a risky mission."
...But travelers had to come through eventually. Anyone who survived the trip in would be made of sterner stuff, as well. He nodded to himself, suddenly feeling more decisive. Time to check the inns....again.

2013-08-26, 12:24 AM

Benjamin Trent, Master Artificer carefully peeked into an exposed opening in the side of a shining metal construct.
His voice echoed through the smoky atmosphere of the workshop. Currently, he held onto the end of a small metal tool; manipulating the inner workings of a small metal sphere no larger than an apple.
"Quickly, Girl! Get over here and lend me a hand!"
He bit his lip in concentration while he carefully twisted the miniscule tool to the right, moving slowly and with infinite patience.
His teenage apprentice stumbled into the room, panting softly. She opened her mouth to speak...

For all players, go ahead and either respond or detail your actions following the prompts. We'll work out a bit of RP/Group bonding, then move on to the goblin-slaying in due time.

2013-08-26, 01:15 AM
Caleb- The Vagrant Pauper, Caleb's room
"Come on Caleb, enough sitting about feeling miserable, time to get up and do something...."

"perhaps today there will be a few more adventurous souls in this tiny town, maybe.... Aaargh, I have to do something, Grandfathers sword must be returned, least its sealed evil break free and overwhelm the world.... And I must stop talking to myself before I go completely mad."

Caleb checked his appearance, then left his room.

"Good morning good innkeeper, might I trouble you for breakfast?"

2013-08-26, 06:09 AM
Reading over the poster, a smile passes by Dardon's lips, 3,000 gold eh? And I'm certainly worth a whole mangroup, if not two!

Running a hand through his magnificent blonde hair, he casually strolls inside, taking a glance at his surroundings.... a bit dingy, but it will have to do. Dardon passes from table to table, acting as if he knows everyone, laughing at jokes he doesn't get, getting in the middle of a heated argument, and otherwise involving himself in places he doesn't belong.

All the while he asks for this McGrath fellow, pretending he's an old friend.

2013-08-26, 11:46 AM
Fabrin's good mood persisted as he walked towards the inns, thinking to ask after the Bull's best room.

Assuming he sees the sign; if not, ignore the following:

As Fabrin approached the inns, he noticed the large poster. As he read, his thoughts grew more somber. I didn't realize they'd grown so bold. 3000 gold is a lot. I suppose I could try to hunt them from the shadows, but if I'm going to take the fight to them, I'll need fellow hunters. The thought did not displease him; he would be happy to have companions. He relied on the people of Greendale, just as they relied on him, and he'd come to think of them as a kind of greater pack, to be defended in times of trouble, even if they weren't terribly close. The Bull can wait. Time to find McGrath. The goblins will find us no easy meat.

Fabrin opened the doors to the nearby inn, and strode inside.

As Fabrin's entering the inn closest to the sign, I'm assuming he's in the same room as Dardon. Which inn is this?

2013-08-26, 01:21 PM
"Come on Caleb, enough sitting about feeling miserable, time to get up and do something...."

"perhaps today there will be a few more adventurous souls in this tiny town today, maybe McGrath will have had some other people approach him, maybe.... Aaargh, I have to do something, Grandfathers sword must be returned, least its sealed evil break free and overwhelm the world.... And I must stop talking to myself before I go completely mad."

Caleb checked his appearance, then left his room.

"Good morning good innkeeper, might I trouble you for breakfast?"

Caleb - The Vagrant Pauper
Exiting the room via the flimsy pine door, you exit into the dimly lit upper hallway. A staircase leads down to the commons room, and five other doors lead to the only other rooms in the Inn. A threadbare rug with a faded geometric pattern runs the length of the hall, giving the place a feeling of once having at least a bit more status. You easily descend the rickety wooden stairs to see the commons room in the middle of breakfast; two other diners sit in the corner talking amongst themselves.
Darla Sweetwater, the sole proprietor of the lodge, is already busy with the making of breakfast. The smells and sounds of cooking bacon, butter and eggs fill the air. The "stove" she is cooking on is a new invention from the Guild- a large black metal box that rises to waist level, with two cast-iron plates set in the top of it. Two switches are seated on the side of the contraption, and control the arcane forces within. She smiles in response to your inquiry and points to a nearby seat, while brushing a errant strand of greying brown hair from her face.
"Just a moment, sweetie. We'll all have some hot food pretty soon."
Profession: Cooking (Taking 10)+(7 Ranks+Skill Focus:Cooking =10)=20

Darla has the practiced skills of a mother and housewife, and manages the contraption with the skill of an artist. Just a few minutes later, you're enjoying the best food the village has to offer. She shares a table with you after pouring you a frothing mug of chilled milk; After a few moments of pleasant silence, she asks,
"So what kind of plans do you have, Caleb? You never even told me what brought you here!"

2013-08-26, 01:45 PM
Reading over the poster, a smile passes by Dardon's lips, 3,000 gold eh? And I'm certainly worth a whole mangroup, if not two!

Running a hand through his magnificent blonde hair, he casually strolls inside, taking a glance at his surroundings.... a bit dingy, but it will have to do. Dardon passes from table to table, acting as if he knows everyone, laughing at jokes he doesn't get, getting in the middle of a heated argument, and otherwise involving himself in places he doesn't belong.

All the while he asks for this McGrath fellow, pretending he's an old friend.

Dardon- The Slaughtered Bull
The inside of the Inn is nearly as brightly lit as the outside thanks several large windows set into the face of the building. Several patrons of of the establishment are sitting at well-crafted heavy oak tables, relaxing and talking loudly to one another. The smell of tabac mixes the the various food smells and pervades the entire building.
You easily pass among the varied occupants, and manage to learn that McGrath is one of the best hunters Greendale has seen in the last generation, and that he took over responsibility for the watch when his son died in one of the goblin raids. He can usually be found along the south side of town in the mornings. The burly innkeeper introduces himself as Benedict, and offers you lodging for only 2 Gold a day, meals included. He notes your dirty boots and road-worn appearance, appearing doubtful you could afford it.

2013-08-26, 01:48 PM
Caleb- The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

"ah Darla, an excellent breakfast yet again."

"Have I really not yet told you? Perhaps it was the strain of my journey so far..."

"I hired on as a caravan guard, travelling between Towns. unfortunately we were attacked, about 3 miles outside of Greendale. I was knocked out during the fight and I woke up under the corpse of the merchant I had been travelling with. Poor Arriy, I was supposed to be defending him but it seems like he saved my life, at the cost of his own."

"Breya (the donkey) seems to have given the goblins the best fight, she was standing alone in a trampled patch of ground near the remains of the wagon."

"So my plans now are to find a group of brave souls and get some revenge on those goblins."

Profession: Cooking (Taking 10)+(7 Ranks+Skill Focus:Cooking =10)=20
MW breakfast, yum

2013-08-26, 02:07 PM
Fabrin's good mood persisted as he walked towards the inns, thinking to ask after the Bull's best room.

Assuming he sees the sign; if not, ignore the following:

As Fabrin approached the inns, he noticed the large poster. As he read, his thoughts grew more somber. I didn't realize they'd grown so bold. 3000 gold is a lot. I suppose I could try to hunt them from the shadows, but if I'm going to take the fight to them, I'll need fellow hunters. The thought did not displease him; he would be happy to have companions. He relied on the people of Greendale, just as they relied on him, and he'd come to think of them as a kind of greater pack, to be defended in times of trouble, even if they weren't terribly close. The Bull can wait. Time to find McGrath. The goblins will find us no easy meat.

Fabrin opened the doors to the nearby inn, and strode inside.

As Fabrin's entering the inn closest to the sign, I'm assuming he's in the same room as Dardon. Which inn is this?
Fabrin-The Slaughtered Bull
Benedict greets you as a old friend, immediately offering you a hot buttered roll and shouting for his barmaid to bring you a plate.
"How did your hunting go this time? Well enough, I hope! To be honest, I almost didn't expect to see you again, given all the attacks on the caravans these days. Take a seat, rest your legs..."
Assuming we're not in combat...SPOT Check:10+6=16
As you catch your bearings, you notice a few additions to the regular inhabitants of the Inn. Three are traveling merchants, and Gerald the Town Elder is taking breakfast with one in a corner of the room. Another traveler, clearly fresh from the road, is hovering about them asking questions and generally upsetting the merchant. Gerald is eyeing him warily; he always has his guard up when new travelers come around.

2013-08-26, 02:32 PM
"ah Darla, an excellent breakfast yet again."

"Have I really not yet told you? Perhaps it was the strain of my journey so far..."

"I hired on as a caravan guard, travelling between Towns. unfortunately we were attacked, about 3 miles outside of Greendale. I was knocked out during the fight and I woke up under the corpse of the merchant I had been travelling with. Poor Arriy, I was supposed to be defending him but it seems like he saved my life, at the cost of his own."

"Breya (the donkey) seems to have given the goblins the best fight, she was standing alone in a trampled patch of ground near the remains of the wagon."

"So my plans now are to find a group of brave souls and get some revenge on those goblins."

MW breakfast, yum

Caleb- The Vagrant Pauper, Commons
Darla's eyes get bigger and bigger, with tears welling up in them as you describe your unlikely survival of the raid.
"That sounds awful! I had no idea, you poor sweet thing! If it were me, I'd find a nice place to settle down away from all this violence...suppose even that can't be done, if you're getting attacked on the way here.
If you insist on revenge, though, you should talk to McGrath. He's the captain of the watch here, and I'm sure he would be willing to help you do something to strike back at them. He only became the captain of the Watch after his son died in another raid, after all.

She smiles sadly at you.
"Please be careful. I'd hate to hear of anything terrible happening to you.

2013-08-26, 02:46 PM
Done with his day's work, Silvis sighs, stretches, and gets up from the forge, and he starts towards the Slaughtered bull, where he knows travelers visit first, fooled by the building into thinking it has better food. "Who knows, maybe someone who isn't afraid of their own shadow came to town. And if nobody new is there, I'll check the vagrant pauper next." Then Silvis smells food from the Vagrant Pauper on his way there. "... or I could check the Vagrant first. Yeah, I'll do that.

2013-08-26, 02:54 PM
I forgot to mention it, but Thunder is tied outside. I can take 10 on handle animal (for 13 total), if it's needed.

Fabrin nodded slowly. "Thank you for the food. And the concern. Hunting went quite well actually...I see McGrath is looking for people to help hunt down the goblins. I mean to speak to him. We should teach these goblins that some prey has teeth and claws. Has he had any other takers? I dislike the idea of facing them all alone."

2013-08-26, 03:11 PM
Done with his day's work, Silvis sighs, stretches, and gets up from the forge, and he starts towards the Slaughtered bull, where he knows travelers visit first, fooled by the building into thinking it has better food. "Who knows, maybe someone who isn't afraid of their own shadow came to town. And if nobody new is there, I'll check the vagrant pauper next." Then Silvis smells food from the Vagrant Pauper on his way there. "... or I could check the Vagrant first. Yeah, I'll do that.

Silva-The Vagrant Pauper
You walk across the road, mouth watering at the thought of Darla's best eggs and fresh bread. Once inside, she gives you a knowing smile and bustles off to the kitchen to make you a plate.
Spot Check: 10+0=10
She had been sitting with young man with blonde hair, someone who had been staying there for at least a week now. You haven't caught his name, yet.
Sitting in the corner is Matt Sweetwater, Darla's son, and his friend Garrett. They nod to you in greeting.

2013-08-26, 03:19 PM

Una had been sitting in the front room of the shop gazing into a polished steel mirror slowly changing her hair colour.
Una slid off the spindly chair and started move through the building to the small workroom. When she got there she heard her master shout again.
"Quickly, Girl! Get over here and lend me a hand!"

Una rolled her eyes she was right there.
I'm here she says impatiently What am I to do?

2013-08-26, 03:20 PM
I forgot to mention it, but Thunder is tied outside. I can take 10 on handle animal (for 13 total), if it's needed.

Fabrin nodded slowly. "Thank you for the food. And the concern. Hunting went quite well actually...I see McGrath is looking for people to help hunt down the goblins. I mean to speak to him. We should teach these goblins that some prey has teeth and claws. Has he had any other takers? I dislike the idea of facing them all alone."
Fabrin- The Slaughtered Bull

"Glad to hear it! As far as those goblins...Risky business. Stick close to McGrath if you actually get involved, we don't need any other good people getting hurt. I've heard that Landow's son has been pestering him to go out and do something about it, but that old hunter won't budge until he's got at least another four trained warriors."
He glances over at Gerald and frowns slightly.
"Gerald is pretty upset that we haven't found anyone yet. We can't afford to lose much more trade, to be perfectly honest."

Character Knowledge: Jonas Landow is the Blacksmith- Silvis's dad. Gerald is the Town Elder. As far as tying your donkey, this would be a use rope check, DC 5. You can hit that taking 10, no problem.

2013-08-26, 03:29 PM

Una had been sitting in the front room of the shop gazing into a polished steel mirror slowly changing her hair colour.
Una slid off the spindly chair and started move through the building to the small workroom. When she got there she heard her master shout again.
"Quickly, Girl! Get over here and lend me a hand!"

Una rolled her eyes she was right there.
I'm here she says impatiently What am I to do?
Una- Benjamin's Workshop

"Quickly! Come over here and hold this spring in place. I need you to keep it wound while I prepare a spell."
Benjamin moves over from his seat, still holding the tool in place.
"If it shifts, just give it enough tension to keep it tight."

You need to make a UMD check to hold the tension on the spring properly. You choice to either take 10 or roll normally.

2013-08-26, 04:46 PM
Caleb- The Vagrant Pauper, Commons
Darla's eyes get bigger and bigger, with tears welling up in them as you describe your unlikely survival of the raid.
"That sounds awful! I had no idea, you poor sweet thing! If it were me, I'd find a nice place to settle down away from all this violence...suppose even that can't be done, if you're getting attacked on the way here.
If you insist on revenge, though, you should talk to McGrath. He's the captain of the watch here, and I'm sure he would be willing to help you do something to strike back at them. He only became the captain of the Watch after his son died in another raid, after all.

She smiles sadly at you.
"Please be careful. I'd hate to hear of anything terrible happening to you.

Caleb- The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

"Thank you Darla, unfortunately I'm not ready to settle down yet, even if the roads were safe to travel."

Caleb watches Darla bustle off and fetch another breakfast for a customer who had just walked in, one the other man is served he continues...

"No, I'm afraid l'll be taking your other advice and looking up Captain McGrath, hopefully he'll have a way for me to help with the local goblin problem."

2013-08-26, 05:16 PM
Caleb/Silva- The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

"Thank you Darla, unfortunately I'm not ready to settle down yet, even if the roads were safe to travel."

Caleb watches Darla bustle off and fetch another breakfast for a customer who had just walked in, one the other man is served he continues...

"No, I'm afraid l'll be taking your other advice and looking up Captain McGrath, hopefully he'll have a way for me to help with the local goblin problem."

Caleb, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

Darla returned from the kitchen with an enormous plate of food, loaded with freshly made herb bread, three eggs and several thick slabs of bacon. She sets it down at the same table with Caleb, and beckoned Silva to join them.

Well, he's certainly a wily one. I've heard some stories about hunts from his younger days...He's a bad enemy to have. He's usually doing rounds about this time. You could probably find him along the southern edge of the village.

She blinks for a second, then pulls a crude fork out of her apron and hands it to Silva before sitting down.

2013-08-26, 05:39 PM
Dardon- The Slaughtered Bull
The inside of the Inn is nearly as brightly lit as the outside thanks several large windows set into the face of the building. Several patrons of of the establishment are sitting at well-crafted heavy oak tables, relaxing and talking loudly to one another. The smell of tabac mixes the the various food smells and pervades the entire building.
You easily pass among the varied occupants, and manage to learn that McGrath is one of the best hunters Greendale has seen in the last generation, and that he took over responsibility for the watch when his son died in one of the goblin raids. He can usually be found along the south side of town in the mornings. The burly innkeeper introduces himself as Benedict, and offers you lodging for only 2 Gold a day, meals included. He notes your dirty boots and road-worn appearance, appearing doubtful you could afford it.

Dardon gives an overly-polite bow and says to Benedict, "I do thank you, kind Sir Benedict, and perhaps I will rent your room for the night, but first I must off to McGrath! Oh... and don't worry about a lock for the room, I keep my door open at night. :smallamused:" Dardon looks around the room for an attractive female to wink at, but seeing none available he nearly trips over himself heading for the door. Anything to get out of this dirt hole...

Dardon leaves the Bull and heads for the South Side, the lust of gold in his eyes and the smell of adventure in his nostrils!

2013-08-26, 06:59 PM
Dardon gives an overly-polite bow and says to Benedict, "I do thank you, kind Sir Benedict, and perhaps I will rent your room for the night, but first I must off to McGrath! Oh... and don't worry about a lock for the room, I keep my door open at night. :smallamused:" Dardon looks around the room for an attractive female to wink at, but seeing none available he nearly trips over himself heading for the door. Anything to get out of this dirt hole...

Dardon leaves the Bull and heads for the South Side, the lust of gold in his eyes and the smell of adventure in his nostrils!

Dardon - The Slaughtered Bull

Benedict watches your bow with an amused smile, and turns back to helping Gerald with a small shake of his head. Gerald sips his tea contentedly, now convinced you are, at worst, a harmless buffoon. You pass a lithe elf with long brown on your way out, but he fails to attract your eye.


You return to the outdoors and are greeted by the crisp, cool morning air. The village is already busy with peasants and their children going about their daily chores. It's only about a mile walk before you come across a small guard tower about twenty feet tall sitting just off the path. A single figure stands on the raised platform, with a the fletching of a bundle of arrows clearly visible, even from this distance.

2013-08-26, 07:12 PM
My Characters name is SilvIS, not Silva... :smalltongue:
"So... Caleb was it?" Silvis says between bites.
"You truly wish to go after the goblins? If so, I'm with you... and if we can find three more to come with us, Mcgrath will go as well, and there is a chance of a member or two of the watch, if we do."

2013-08-27, 01:18 AM
Fabrin- The Slaughtered Bull

"Glad to hear it! As far as those goblins...Risky business. Stick close to McGrath if you actually get involved, we don't need any other good people getting hurt. I've heard that Landow's son has been pestering him to go out and do something about it, but that old hunter won't budge until he's got at least another four trained warriors."
He glances over at Gerald and frowns slightly.
"Gerald is pretty upset that we haven't found anyone yet. We can't afford to lose much more trade, to be perfectly honest."

Character Knowledge: Jonas Landow is the Blacksmith- Silvis's dad. Gerald is the Town Elder. As far as tying your donkey, this would be a use rope check, DC 5. You can hit that taking 10, no problem.

"Guess I'd better put his fears to rest then." After he finished eating, Fabrin walked over to Gerald. "I hear McGrath is looking for people to fight back against these goblins. I mean to assist him. Do you know where he is right now?

2013-08-27, 02:26 AM
"So... Caleb was it?" Silvis says between bites.
"You truly wish to go after the goblins? If so, I'm with you... and if we can find three more to come with us, Mcgrath will go as well, and there is a chance of a member or two of the watch, if we do."

Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

"Yes, Caleb, Caleb Doyle. Master of Melee and Magik" Caleb says, whilst obviously still enjoying his breakfast."....Well, apprentice anyway, but perhaps one day I will be able to truly claim such mastery."

"I'm definately going after the goblins, but we will need more than just the two of us, I've already had a run in with them and they are not to be underestimated."
Caleb smiles and nods at his new companion, "being small doesn't stop them from being dangerous."

"I was lucky that they thought me already dead, or I would not likely have survived my first meeting with them."

"But this is not talk for the breakfast table. Tell me, what is your name and what skills do you bring to the battlefield?"

2013-08-27, 02:43 AM
"Guess I'd better put his fears to rest then." After he finished eating, Fabrin walked over to Gerald. "I hear McGrath is looking for people to fight back against these goblins. I mean to assist him. Do you know where he is right now?

Fabrin- The Slaughtered Bull
Gerald's eyes soften in relief as he sees you approach. He's always had a soft spot for you, as he knows you don't have much in the way of blood relatives. He nods as you finish your sentence.

"Shoulda known you would want to help get rid of them, considering. If you feel up to it, Mcgrath is doing rounds along the southern tower right now. Might just catch him, if you hurry."

2013-08-27, 07:17 AM
"My name is Sivis, and I'm okay with my crossbow here. And, according to my father before he...." at this, Silvis chokes up. With a growl, he wipes away the tears with one hand. "I'm learing to be a psion." he says shortly.

2013-08-27, 07:48 AM
"My name is Sivis, and I'm okay with my crossbow here. And, according to my father before he...." at this, Silvis chokes up. With a growl, he wipes away the tears with one hand. "I'm learing to be a psion." he says shortly.

Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

Caleb looks uncomfortable at Silvis's display of emotion, "A Scion?"

"....I didn't know that you could learn to become a member of a noble house..."

2013-08-27, 07:52 AM
Sivis's forehand hits his thankfully empty plate. "Thats not- Arg. Wrong word. I can do stuff similar to magic with my mind."

2013-08-27, 08:06 AM
Sivis's forehand hits his thankfully empty plate. "Thats not- Arg. Wrong word. I can do stuff similar to magic with my mind."

Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

"Oh, mind magic, that sounds cool."

"Anyway I guess we'd need to find more people, two of us isn't going to be enough against the goblin hordes."

"We should look up Captain McGrath and see if anyone else is interested in joining us."

2013-08-27, 08:16 AM
Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons
"All right, I suppose it has been a few days since I last bugged him about it."

2013-08-27, 09:52 AM
Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

Finishing his breakfast Caleb responds to the hesitant agreement, "OK then, lets go find him, do you know where he might be?"

Caleb turns to his hostess, "Thank you again for the excellent breakfast."

2013-08-27, 10:05 AM
Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons
"Didn't you hear Darla a few minutes ago? He generally is at the southern edge of the village."
Standing, Silvis also turns to Darla. "And thank you for the best food in town. I pity those who go to the Slaughtered Bull."

2013-08-27, 10:40 AM
Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons

"oh, but I have a terrible sense of direction, I can never tell which way south is..."

"I'll follow you."

Or I was so busy ignoring my OOC knowledge of where he was that I forgot that I had IC knowledge...


2013-08-27, 11:29 AM
Dardon - The Slaughtered Bull

Benedict watches your bow with an amused smile, and turns back to helping Gerald with a small shake of his head. Gerald sips his tea contentedly, now convinced you are, at worst, a harmless buffoon. You pass a lithe elf with long brown on your way out, but he fails to attract your eye.


You return to the outdoors and are greeted by the crisp, cool morning air. The village is already busy with peasants and their children going about their daily chores. It's only about a mile walk before you come across a small guard tower about twenty feet tall sitting just off the path. A single figure stands on the raised platform, with a the fletching of a bundle of arrows clearly visible, even from this distance.[/QUOTE]

Still a ways off, Dardon yells to the figure in the tower, "Sir McGrath! I come bearing happy news for you! Your troubles are over, my friend! I am the answer to your bandit woes! I am, indeed, the one-and-only Dardon Caethan!" He stretches out his arms wide, expecting applause.

2013-08-27, 11:29 AM
Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons
Silvis shrugs and starts to lead him out.

2013-08-27, 11:35 AM
Caleb & Silvis, The Vagrant Pauper, Commons
"Didn't you hear Darla a few minutes ago? He generally is at the southern edge of the village."
Standing, Silvis also turns to Darla. "And thank you for the best food in town. I pity those who go to the Slaughtered Bull."

Caleb and Silvis- The Vagrant Pauper

Darla smiles sweetly at your kind words. She's worked hard to learn how to be a fine cook, and loves it when people compliment on her hard-earned skills.

"Have a good day, sweetie-pie!"

She turns, wanders over to her son and begins talking softly about certain repairs that need doing. She still has a huge smile on her face.

2013-08-27, 11:43 AM
Dardon - The Slaughtered Bull

Benedict watches your bow with an amused smile, and turns back to helping Gerald with a small shake of his head. Gerald sips his tea contentedly, now convinced you are, at worst, a harmless buffoon. You pass a lithe elf with long brown on your way out, but he fails to attract your eye.


You return to the outdoors and are greeted by the crisp, cool morning air. The village is already busy with peasants and their children going about their daily chores. It's only about a mile walk before you come across a small guard tower about twenty feet tall sitting just off the path. A single figure stands on the raised platform, with a the fletching of a bundle of arrows clearly visible, even from this distance.

Still a ways off, Dardon yells to the figure in the tower, "Sir McGrath! I come bearing happy news for you! Your troubles are over, my friend! I am the answer to your bandit woes! I am, indeed, the one-and-only Dardon Caethan!" He stretches out his arms wide, expecting applause.[/QUOTE]

Dardon- Outside, Southern Edge of Greendale

The figure's gaze snaps to you as you shout, rapidly sizing you up. He responds with a deep, rough voice,
"You've come calling for the reward? Any port in a storm, I suppose. Come on up, I'll let you know more about what you can expect."
He gestures toward a sturdy oak ladder leading up into the tower and resumes his vigil.

2013-08-27, 11:43 AM
Fabrin- The Slaughtered Bull
Gerald's eyes soften in relief as he sees you approach. He's always had a soft spot for you, as he knows you don't have much in the way of blood relatives. He nods as you finish your sentence.

"Shoulda known you would want to help get rid of them, considering. If you feel up to it, Mcgrath is doing rounds along the southern tower right now. Might just catch him, if you hurry."

Fabrin smiled at the man. "I'd best do that then. I'd have gone to him sooner, but I've been hunting, and hadn't heard. Thank you."

Fabrin left the inn, untied Thunder, and led him toward the Southern tower.

If I need Use Rope or Handle Animal, I'll take 10 for 16 and 13 respectively.

2013-08-27, 04:26 PM
Silvis & Caleb - Outside / Southern tower

Caleb follows Silvis about a mile south, chatting as they go, Caleb sharing some of his grandfathers old adventuring stories white they walk, "so there he was, surrounded by corpses that were rising again and the necromancer was monologuing..."
".... Oh, are we here?", Caleb looks up at the tower, seeing two figures at the top, obviously conversing, "looks like he's busy, should we wait?"

2013-08-27, 06:50 PM
Dardon- Outside, Southern Edge of Greendale

The figure's gaze snaps to you as you shout, rapidly sizing you up. He responds with a deep, rough voice,
"You've come calling for the reward? Any port in a storm, I suppose. Come on up, I'll let you know more about what you can expect."
He gestures toward a sturdy oak ladder leading up into the tower and resumes his vigil.

"Why thank you good man!" Dardon calls up as he scales the ladder, paying no heed to those who may be coming up behind him.

Climb Check:

EDIT: Do I fall? :smalltongue:

2013-08-27, 07:57 PM
"Why thank you good man!" Dardon calls up as he scales the ladder, paying no heed to those who may be coming up behind him.

Climb Check:

EDIT: Do I fall? :smalltongue:

Dardon- Southern Guard Tower

You climb the ladder with enthusiasm: perhaps just a bit too much. In your haste, both hands come free from the ladder and you tilt back for a moment....
...but manage to catch yourself before any harm befalls you.

McGrath takes your hand as you crest the top of the ladder and helps you up.
"Glad to see people are starting to respond. You're the first to actually take me up on the Elder's offer. Once we have a few more sharp swords, I have a plan to make those goblins pay."
His eyes glance northwards for a moment. You follow his gaze, and notice 2 men walking towards you as well, with another lagging a few hundred yards behind. The man in the rear is also leading a donkey by the bit.

2013-08-27, 08:09 PM
Fabrin smiled at the man. "I'd best do that then. I'd have gone to him sooner, but I've been hunting, and hadn't heard. Thank you."

Fabrin left the inn, untied Thunder, and led him toward the Southern tower.

If I need Use Rope or Handle Animal, I'll take 10 for 16 and 13 respectively.

Fabrin, Silva, Caleb - Outside, Heading South

You easily lead Thunder along with the practiced hold of an animal handler. As you walk, you notice a pair of men a few hundred yards ahead of you. They appear to be engaged in conversation, but a sudden breeze from the north carries their words away from you. A little further on you notice a watchtower rising out of the farmland, with two men conversing atop it.
You catch up to them at the base of the watchtower, and just overhear the taller one asking the other if they should wait.
McGrath Listen Check: (10)+7 ranks = 17
Hearing their words, A grizzled old man sticks his head out over the guardrail and chuckles at the sight of the group.
"Oh ho, yes! I knew putting up the reward was a good idea! One day in and we've already got a handful of new help!"
His wolfish grin is genuine, but tinted with just a hint of malice.

2013-08-27, 08:28 PM
Una- Benjamin's Workshop

"Quickly! Come over here and hold this spring in place. I need you to keep it wound while I prepare a spell."
Benjamin moves over from his seat, still holding the tool in place.
"If it shifts, just give it enough tension to keep it tight."

You need to make a UMD check to hold the tension on the spring properly. You choice to either take 10 or roll normally.

Una- Benjamin's Workshop

You take your teacher's place at the table and grasp the thin rod he was using. Once he is satisfied you have a sold grip, he steps into a pentagram carved into the floor at the center of the room. After a moment, he begins chanting in celestial while digging through a spell component pouch.

Peering inside the device, you notice a tiny copy of the same pentagram inscribed along the inner surface. The tool you're holding keeps a small metal pin in place, which keeps a tiny scrap of ginseng flush against the pentagram. You carefully shift the tool to better hold the pin down, but it seems to be slipping.

Make another UMD check, please.

2013-08-28, 04:13 AM
"Reward?", Caleb looks suprised, "Is that for dealing with the goblins?"

"I hadn't heard about the reward yet, but I'd want more than two or three of us to take on the Goblin Hordes."

2013-08-28, 11:51 AM
"Huh. The reward is new." Silvis says. He calls up to Mcgareth "So the elder finally agreed to post a reward? Took him long enough. Still... I'm surprised it is so generous. How'd you get him to agree to so much?"
EDIT:I may have swordsage'd part of his post but he brought up a good point. wasn't your name Caleb?

2013-08-28, 11:56 AM

"3000 gold may be a high cost, but not as high as the cost of no caravans getting in. I only just got back in town today; simply happenstance that it's the same day the reward went up."

He looked at the two men at the base of the tower. "Silvis Landow." Fabrin nodded. "Benedict said you wanted to go hunting". He turned to the other. "Are you new here? I don't think we've met. I'm Fabrin Luriel."

Edited because Alanek ninja'd me.

2013-08-28, 02:57 PM
dunno what happened, been a long day is my only excuse.

"Hi Fabrin, nice to meet you, I'm Caleb."

"I've been in town for a couple of weeks now, I was travelling with a merchant and we got ambushed... Well, you can probably guess the rest."

2013-08-28, 03:24 PM
Fabrin nodded. "Goblins? Is that why you're here?"

2013-08-28, 05:06 PM
Caleb nods once, savagely "yes, I have some vengence to exact upon them, they will be paying a blood tithe for taking the life of the merchant that i was escorting..."

"and there's also the small matter of my grandfather's rapier, stolen during the battle...."

2013-08-28, 05:27 PM
"Fabrin." Aktoz says quietly. "My father was in the first caravan to disappear."

2013-08-29, 12:21 AM
Fabrin looked to Silvis. "I'm sorry to hear that. You've had no word since?"

2013-08-29, 01:15 AM
Una carefully applies more pressure on the pin.

UMD [roll0]

2013-08-29, 02:04 AM
Una carefully applies more pressure on the pin.

UMD [roll0]

Una, The Workshop

You easily hold the slippery pin in place for a few more seconds. Your master's voice builds and reverberates around the room until you can feel it in your very bones. Sparks are beginning to come off the edges of his pentagram, as well as the tiny one inside the silvery construct. The ginseng catches fire and begins to burn...
One last check. Good luck.

2013-08-29, 10:49 AM
Una re-positions her grip on the metal rod to avoid the sparks and continues holding the pin in place.

UMD: [roll0]

2013-08-29, 11:34 AM
From his high perch, Dardon takes in the conversation, his grin growing ever-wider. Suddenly he shouts, "Perfect! Just as I was expecting! Sir McGrath, if I may present... MY TEAM!" He makes a wide sweeping motion with his arms to indicate the three men below.

Dardon is trying to bluff McGrath (and the rest of the party) in to thinking that he is the leader of this merry band of adventurers.

Bluff check:

EDIT: :elan: I ROLLED A 1!

"I assure you, there are no finer warriors around these parts, and I can tell you such stories of their bravery and valor! And I, their fearless leader, am the one to lead them against these goblins and take back what is ours! Isn't that right, gang??" Dardon gives an overt wink at the men below. :smallwink:

"So McGrath, when do we get started?" :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-29, 12:16 PM
"None. It just.. vanished." Silvis says to Fabrin misery clear in his voice.

He looks up at the strangers declaration. "Does he think Mcgareth is stupid?

2013-08-29, 01:58 PM
Fabrin glanced up, "Aye, most likely. He might have done better to consult with us beforehand. Although I don't mind letting him lead. After all, the goblins may have set snares." Fabrin grinned wolfishly.

2013-08-29, 02:07 PM
"Interesting Idea... want to propose that to him? From what I've seen, hes likely to accept." Silvis's grin comes out more foxish than wolfish.
Apologies Zhalem, but while staying in character for him, it was a very silly thing to do. Even if he doesn't know that we are natives.

2013-08-29, 02:22 PM
Caleb thinks for a second,"Hmmm, if we let the fool think he is our leader now then he may ruin negotiations in the next town we come to...", Called grin appears, matching Silvis's, "then again, if we wait for him to offend someone and then put him in his proper place it might give them a better rapport with us."

2013-08-29, 02:54 PM
Fabrin smiled at the two men's suggestions.

"Perhaps, perhaps. I'm willing to forgive him bravado, if he means to fight the goblins, but once we've started hunting, it's a different matter. I suspect McGrath will figure him for a liar without our assistance anyway."

2013-08-29, 06:34 PM
Apologies Zhalem, but while staying in character for him, it was a very silly thing to do. Even if he doesn't know that we are natives.
Ha, no worries. Dardon will make a fool out of himself on a regular basis, just wait and see.

Dardon nods along eagerly, not really grasping what the men are saying. He pats McGrath on the shoulder, "So my good man, do we have a deal? Oh, and I may have forgotten to mention that our expertise doesn't come cheap! Oh no sir! We are legendary heroes, after all, so I do believe 5,000 gold would suffice." :smallbiggrin:

Diplomacy check to convince McGrath to give us 5,000:

2013-08-30, 10:04 AM
Una re-positions her grip on the metal rod to avoid the sparks and continues holding the pin in place.

UMD: [roll0]
Una, The Workshop

You hold your breath as the ginseng starts to catch and blow out the tiny flame with a quick puff of air. Just a few seconds later, the pin forms into the rest of the setting and the entire construct contracts, gradually folding in on itself until it resembles a tiny silver heart.

Brent grins widely and speaks,
Great job, Apprentice. This was your last test before graduating to Journeyman and getting some real world experience. That tiny artifact is yours, and is one of our Guilds best kept secrets. You can use it to channel a small amount of healing magic every day, and as your skill with our trade increases you'll be draw more power from it."
He chuckles for a moment-
"Had you failed, you would have had to earn the cost of materials yourself before even being able to try again- Count yourself lucky. 2000 gold is hard to come by as a simple apprentice. In any case, I hear there may be some work available even in this tiny place. Go talk to McGrath down south, and try not to get yourself killed. I'm growing rather fond of you, after all.

Brent lingers for another moment, then walks out of the room. You think you hear a faint sniffle, but you can't be sure.
Artificer's Heart - Allows the wearer to cast Cure Minor Wounds 5 times daily with no UMD check. Can only be used by someone who participated in its construction. A small silver chain is used to hang this around your neck like a locket.

2013-08-30, 11:40 AM
From his high perch, Dardon takes in the conversation, his grin growing ever-wider. Suddenly he shouts, "Perfect! Just as I was expecting! Sir McGrath, if I may present... MY TEAM!" He makes a wide sweeping motion with his arms to indicate the three men below.

Dardon is trying to bluff McGrath (and the rest of the party) in to thinking that he is the leader of this merry band of adventurers.

Bluff check:

EDIT: :elan: I ROLLED A 1!

"I assure you, there are no finer warriors around these parts, and I can tell you such stories of their bravery and valor! And I, their fearless leader, am the one to lead them against these goblins and take back what is ours! Isn't that right, gang??" Dardon gives an overt wink at the men below. :smallwink:

"So McGrath, when do we get started?" :smallbiggrin:

Guard Tower, 2nd story

Mcgrath : Sense motive [roll0]
EDIT: I'm astonished.

Mcgrath takes your introduction in stride, seeming pleased to have such a widely known group of heroes to help save them.
He bristles at your attempt to negotiate a higher reward, though.
"This is naught but a farming village! Frankly, you're lucky we're offering Three thousand- I was sure fifteen hundred would suffice! Gerald was insistent on resolving the issue as soon as possible, but do not push our goodwill."
Mood- Friendly shifted to neutral

2013-08-30, 05:01 PM
Una snatches up the tiny locket and secures it around her neck. She then hurries off to her room with out a word of thanks. Upon arriving in her room she snatches up a backpack filled with her belongings. Before leaving the room she stops for a few seconds in front of a miror and changes her appearance.

Hurrying to the south of town Una quickly arrives at the watchtower. She enters the tower and says Hello, I heard there was work available here?

2013-08-30, 09:55 PM
Fabrin looked at the newcomer, and then at the two men he'd been speaking with. "Indeed. We plan to hunt the goblins who have made us their prey. Shall we go up?" Without waiting for a reply, he climbed up the tower to join McGrath and Dardon.

2013-08-30, 10:43 PM
Una snatches up the tiny locket and secures it around her neck. She then hurries off to her room with out a word of thanks. Upon arriving in her room she snatches up a backpack filled with her belongings. Before leaving the room she stops for a few seconds in front of a miror and changes her appearance.

Hurrying to the south of town Una quickly arrives at the watchtower. She enters the tower and says Hello, I heard there was work available here?

http://www.dandwiki.com/w/images/thumb/f/f8/Pirate_by_rezi_-_scaled.jpg/270px-Pirate_by_rezi_-_scaled.jpg This is how Una now looks more for me than any thing but she's now masquerading as human.

Una arriving, Group present- Watch Tower

McGrath breathes a sigh of relief as you arrive. He climbs down to join the group at ground level and speaks,
"I'm glad to see you passed your trial! Brent had told me he had some concerns...but that doesn't matter now. If you're here to help, we may just have enough to do the job."

He produces a tiny silver whistle, which he blows into furiously. Odd; It doesn't seem to make a sound. Moments later, though, you can hear the baying of a pair of hunting hounds, and you can see a lanky man with a quarterstaff in hand running with the two dogs straight towards you. As he gets closer, you recognize him as Martin, Mcgrath's deputy. He raises a his right hand in a kind of salute, then takes his place in the guardpost.

McGrath walks over to a dusty patch of dirt, snatching up a stick on the way. His steady hand draws a crude map of the village and the roads leading into it from both the north and the southeast. Marks are placed where each of the attacks have occurred. So far, no less than 9 caravans have been raided, with two on the southern road and seven to the north.

"So, as you can see, most of the attacks have taken place along the North road. Very few merchants have gotten through without being assaulted, and the only two that did made a big show of how many warriors they had brought. My plan is to have a small caravan of our own go north, with you all and myself serving as the travelers. We will take care to look innocent enough...until we turn the ambush into a deathtrap. What do you all think?"

2013-08-31, 02:18 AM
"It sounds reasonable." Silvis starts. "Though they'll try to start it on their terms, we might be able to turn it around, and it presents an opportunity to lower their number, before we find the main camp."

2013-08-31, 04:14 AM
"I agree, it sounds like a fine plan."

"The goblins will be expecting travellers to be wary by now, so they shouldn't be too perturbed if or when we spot their ambush site, but we probably shouldn't have obvious scouts out.", Caleb looks up at the man still standing in the tower, "Who's the buffoon? what role should he play in our little scheme?" '

2013-08-31, 05:20 AM
Fabrin followed McGrath back to the group. He frowned at the suggestion though, "Can we be confidant that we can turn the trap on them? If we go to the site of the most recent attack, I may be able to track the goblins back to their hideout."

2013-08-31, 06:55 AM
Una snatches up the tiny locket and secures it around her neck. She then hurries off to her room with out a word of thanks. Upon arriving in her room she snatches up a backpack filled with her belongings. Before leaving the room she stops for a few seconds in front of a miror and changes her appearance.

Hurrying to the south of town Una quickly arrives at the watchtower. She enters the tower and says Hello, I heard there was work available here?

Fabrin followed McGrath back to the group. He frowned at the suggestion though, "Can we be confidant that we can turn the trap on them? If we go to the site of the most recent attack, I may be able to track the goblins back to their hideout."

South of Greendale, Near the Watch Tower

A grimace spreads across McGrath's rugged face.
"Heavy storm came through here two nights back. It knocked out all trails from the northern road, at least. Managed to follow it for about a quarter of a mile, but it was just wandering through those damn hills...blast. You're on the right track, lad, but we've just caught no breaks lately."

2013-08-31, 07:26 AM
Fabrin nodded; he remembered the storm. Should have realized what it'd mean for tracking.

"Well then, I'm all in favor of trapping." Fabrin smiled.

2013-08-31, 01:08 PM
"I agree, it sounds like a fine plan."

"The goblins will be expecting travellers to be wary by now, so they shouldn't be too perturbed if or when we spot their ambush site, but we probably shouldn't have obvious scouts out.", Caleb looks up at the man still standing in the tower, "Who's the buffoon? what role should he play in our little scheme?" '

South Side of Greendale

" You mean your leader? I was under the impression you were with him. .."

He frowns, slightly confused.

2013-08-31, 04:14 PM
Caleb looks his voice to a conspiratorial level, "well, today will be the first day and he's not made a favorable impression on me yet, so the term leader is probably to strong...."

" but if they can help me to take out the goblins", Caleb turns his head to the shoe and spits on the ground, as if the very word goblin was distasteful to him, "then i'm willing to travel with anyone."

Caleb's expression turns quizzical,
"Silvis and Fabrin assured more that you would see through his ruse, else we would of spoken up when the stranger claimed dominance over us."

2013-08-31, 04:22 PM
"Mcgareth! Are your eyes going in your old age? Don't you recognize us?" Silvis says, disbelief evident in his voice..

2013-08-31, 05:24 PM
Caleb looks his voice to a conspiratorial level, "well, today will be the first day and he's not made a favorable impression on me yet, so the term leader is probably to strong...."

" but if they can help me to take out the goblins", Caleb turns his head to the shoe and spits on the ground, as if the very word goblin was distasteful to him, "then i'm willing to travel with anyone."

Caleb's expression turns quizzical,
"Silvis and Fabrin assured more that you would see through his ruse, else we would of spoken up when the stranger claimed dominance over us."

South Side of Greendale

McGrath shrugs sheepishly and speaks directly to Caleb,
"Frankly, with as restless as Silvis has been, I wouldn't have been surprised if he was. If you're not particularly attached to the greedy one, he can always drive one of the wagons."
The barest hint of a smirk itched along the left side of his mouth.

2013-09-01, 02:23 AM
"That certainly works for me, hard to have an attachment to someone I've never even spoken to..."

2013-09-01, 07:54 AM
"Although I have no special fondness for the man, if we take him into our hunting pack, we should treat him as one of our hunters" He paused, then glanced at Silvis and Caleb. "The earlier comment about snares was not serious".

2013-09-01, 09:18 AM
Well I'm not against giving him a load of pots, pans and bells and then us him as bait. Una laughs.

2013-09-01, 10:08 AM
Dardon listened to the entire conversation much like a child would, simply not comprehending how someone would not instantly fall in love with him, so he assumed that everything they were saying was a joke, and secretly they admired and adored him. These country folk have strange ways. Pots and pans? Driving wagons? Must mean they consider me of some great status to give me these responsibilities!

This is what an 8 in Wisdom looks like people! :smalltongue:

Clambering down the ladder, Dardon jumps in amongst the group, "Perfect! We should set off for the north immediately, and bag these green little buggers right where it hurts them most! Sir McGrath, if we could employ you to arrange the ambush and use your tracking skills to find any trace of these creatures, my team would be most appreciative!"

Dardon seems to notice Uma for the first time, and puffs his chest out ever so slightly. I must be ESPECIALLY impressive to this one! :smallwink:

2013-09-01, 11:30 AM
Fabrin laughed when Dardon said "perfect", a throaty, unpleasant sound. How could this peacock have fooled McGrath. The stress must be getting to him.

"Aye, McGrath, we should set out as soon as possible".

2013-09-01, 11:56 AM
Caleb shot a disgusted look at the buffoon
his team, who did this clown think he was fooling

"I have one of two items at town to collect but I imagine our caravan will need to set out from there anyway?", Caleb looks to McGrath for confirmation, "I have a pack donkey, loaded with the few supplies I could salvage from the trading wagon I was travelling with, nothing major but it should fit in with a caravan nicely."

2013-09-01, 01:19 PM
I've never met him before, and he calls me part of his team? It seems everybody but him understands it is false though...
"I have been packed and ready for weeks. I just need to pick it up from the forge." Silvis says, looking at Dardon as if he grew a second head. He then turns, and starts walking to town.

2013-09-01, 02:49 PM
Caleb starts walking back with Silvis.

2013-09-01, 03:41 PM
Fabrin watched Silvis and Caleb leave. "I already have all my things with me. I don't need to go anywhere before we set out."

2013-09-02, 09:19 AM
Silvis returns to the southern edge, and begins waiting for Caleb.

2013-09-02, 10:30 AM
Caleb returns to the stable where he had left Breya and his supplies, "Well girl, looks like we'll be getting even with those goblins sooner than we thought, lets get you loaded up and head out."

Caleb takes his time fitting the pack saddle and loading his supplies, his unfamiliarity with the task showing in his hesitant movements and cautious double checking of every fitting.

Caleb then heads out to rejoin the others, meeting them in the town centre as they wait for the wagons to be prepaired.

2013-09-02, 11:03 AM
South Side of Greendale

McGrath groans a bit as he stands up. Seems like his old age is finally starting to wear on him. He leaves the rest of his watch to Martin and walks with those of you that remain back to the Slaughtered Bull.

A few short words with Gerald and a pair of covered wagons with a pair of horses each are ready just a few minutes.

He stows a spear and his longbow just behind the seat of the first wagon, and settles down to wait for you.

"You'll want to get any last minute supplies before we go. The job is to kill them all, so this ambush will be the easy part. From there, we'll still need to find where they are raiding from, and wipe them out as well. I'm expecting it to take at least three or four days...longer depending on how obvious the trail is. We can leave as soon as you're all ready."

2013-09-02, 12:01 PM
Caleb emerges from the stable leading Breya, arriving just in time to hear McGrath's speech.

"I'm ready now, everything I need is here."

2013-09-02, 12:14 PM
Fabrin nodded. "Best purchase some more food and feed then." He departed to make his purchase.

Assuming there's no difficulty here, I'll just assume Fabrin's back after everyone else buys whatever they might need.

2013-09-02, 12:49 PM
"Mcgareth, I forget. Is there a river or another source of water along the path? If not, I'll need to go buy more waterskins. Otherwise, I am ready." Silvis manages without taking a breath, excitement clear in his eyes.
If there is water along the trail, I'm good. If not, I go buy three waterskins, and load them onto the wagons.

2013-09-02, 04:26 PM
"Mcgareth, I forget. Is there a river or another source of water along the path? If not, I'll need to go buy more waterskins. Otherwise, I am ready." Silvis manages without taking a breath, excitement clear in his eyes.
If there is water along the trail, I'm good. If not, I go buy three waterskins, and load them onto the wagons.

Greendale, The Slaughtered Bull's Stables

"No, lad. The closest stream is about eight miles to the south-east, just inside the outskirts of the Immortal Wood. You'll be wanting at least a waterskin for the road."

2013-09-03, 12:50 AM
"I have but one waterskin, should i get extra?"
"Should we take a barrel of fresh water to refill the waterskins from?"

2013-09-03, 08:59 AM
Silvis facepalms. "Why didn't I think of that? yes, lets please bring a barrel of freshwater. I have a barrel in the forge, but I'll need help to roll it here after."
Subtracting price from my remaining gold, and going for water. can we assume it gets done?

2013-09-03, 10:33 AM
"I'll help you Silvis", says Caleb, "But will we have enough water if we have to abandon the carts to chase the Goblins off the roads?

"Perhaps we should get a few more waterskins each anyway?"

I'm not trying to be awkward, sorry, I just spotted a potential problem.

I'll buy another two waterskins too.

2013-09-03, 10:49 AM
"Erg, I suppose... but it will be hard to carry."Nuuu, my Gp! I also get 2 more waterskins for myelf.

2013-09-03, 04:43 PM
Dardon, coming late to the caravan, hops in to the driver's seat and looks around at the others, slaving away at their preparations.

"Best get hidden my friends! Wouldn't want the gobbies catching on to our clever ruse! Of course, I will be playing the role of the poor, defenseless old wagon-driver," Dardon puts a hood up over his head, hiding most of his face, then in a creaky, old man voice he adds, "So helpless... so prone to attack... oh woe is me!" :smalleek:

Dardon takes his hood off for a quick wink :smallwink:, before putting it back on and settling in.

2013-09-03, 05:41 PM
Silvis shrugs and enters the wagon, sitting near the back.

2013-09-03, 07:27 PM
Una glances towards her other mostly sane companions before saying to them
"I'll deal with dung for brains" She then walks up to the seat nearest the drivers seat and chanes her appearance to that of an old lady so as to fit the act.

Una's new look

2013-09-04, 12:24 AM
Caleb ties Breya to the back of the wagon via a long lead, then climbs in himself.

2013-09-04, 11:08 AM
Fabrin addresses Una and Dardon, "Una. Um fellow. I've spent a good amount of time in the wilderness near these goblins, and I've learned some of their ways; we might be well served if I were in a position to keep an eye and an ear out for them. I know I'm not exactly inconspicuous, but the goblins have attacked better guarded caravans." He shrugged. "Or I can hide in the back."

If one of them offers him a seat in front he takes it; if they suggest he get in back, he'll do that. Either way, he'll tie Thunder to the back (Use Rope: 16)

2013-09-04, 01:17 PM
"I say you should be in front." Silvis calls down. "Who ever saw a caravan with only a elderly couple? You should act the part of their child, wearing the bow openly."

2013-09-04, 06:48 PM
Stables of Greendale

With everyone ready, McGrath cracks his reins and starts leading the caravan out of down. The sun stands a few hours shy of midday as you set out, but the day is quite cool. Thankfully, the fall has come a bit early this year, so the heat that is normally quite a bother is tame enough you barely notice.

You travel along for close the 3 hours with the rolling Barren Hills to your west and the ancient trees of the Immortal Wood growing steadily closer to the path as you head further and further north.

We're right on top of the first encounter, so please declare your current positions between the two wagons. Each one can support two people on both the front bench/driving area, as well as four people in the rear.

Here are our relevant rolls for the next post...
Alanek [roll0]
Gamespawn [roll1]
Only1Doug [roll2]
Zhalem [roll3]
Freya [roll4]

Alanek [roll5]
Gamespawn [roll6]
Only1Doug [roll7]
Zhalem [roll8]
Freya [roll9]

Alanek [roll10]
Gamespawn [roll11]
Only1Doug [roll12]
Zhalem [roll13]
Freya [roll14]

2013-09-05, 11:43 PM
On the Road North...

After a few hours you start to get an uneasy feeling. The normal sounds of the plains have dropped off and now just an uncomfortable quiet has descended on your troop. These suspicions come to a head as you pass a particularly dense copse of trees...
Una, Caleb and McGrath all catch a few tiny twitches of movement behind a few trees, and spring into action immediately!

McGrath heaves on his reins to stop the wagon, then snatches up his finely carved longbow. He stands perched on the bench, using the height as a vantage point to properly view the unfolding ambush..

McGrath's move
McGrath makes a handle animal check DC 10= 12+4 to stop the first wagon, grabs his bow with a move action and stands up from sitting as his 5-foot step.
I'm aware standing up from prone is a move action...Doesn't seem quite right to treat it the same from sitting, though. Feel free to stand up from sitting in the same way.

OOC Party Info

Goblins are hidden with a collective Hide check of 11 (rolled off-site for my sanity, along with a 20 spot check from McGrath), and combat will begin with the following initiative.
Based on the previous spot checks only Una and Caleb are aware of the goblins to start, but their actions may reveal a few before the goblins actually act for those of you who cannot already see them.
For the sake of narration, lets have everyone prior to the goblins post in the first round, I'll resolve what happens in one bulk post, then we can carry on from there.

Map for the encounter: Roadside Ambush Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkVNes6nEfh6dDFLSXhNWllRMHliZWNWM2dHQkZXa Hc#gid=5)

Una|22| Aware
Caleb|15| Aware
Silvis|11| Unaware
Fabrin|9| Unaware
Goblins|8| Aware
Dardon|1| Unaware

2013-09-06, 12:47 AM
"Goblin Ambush!", Shouts Caleb, launching a small meteor of burning stone at the most prominant goblin before climbing out of the wagon and drawing his sword.

Standard action to cast Kelgores fire bolt, move action to move to 36Y. (to clear the rear of the Wagon for others to get out). With a +1 BAB drawing a weapon is possible as part of a move action.

2013-09-06, 12:18 PM
When he hears Caleb's shout, Fabrin stands up and draws. He then scans about for the goblins, preparing to shoot the first one he sees.

Standing up and drawing as McGrath. Readying an action to shoot any goblin that moves, attacks, or otherwise presents itself. If a goblin becomes obvious to Fabrin before his initiative, and isn't dead, he can just shoot it, instead of readying an action.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll, if I hit: [roll1] (favored enemy)

In case you need them: HP: 10, AC: 17

2013-09-06, 02:23 PM
Silvis stands, as his five foot, uses his move to draw/pickup his crossbow, and readies an attack while shouting "Point one out!"
Are these covered wagons?

2013-09-06, 10:03 PM
Even with the commotion about and the obvious threat of goblins, Dardon continues to stick to the old-man bluff, "Woah bessy! These old bones aren't used to sudden movements! Guess I best stop this wagon!" He pulls hard on the reigns to bring the back wagon to a stop. Then, from under his hood, he winks at Una and slowly draws his sword.

Handle Animal check to stop the wagon:

Movement to stand and draw longsword.

2013-09-07, 01:10 PM
Una glares at Dardon "Listen we've got to stop these goblins I don't know if you can see them but some are there" she says pointing out the nearest goblins. She gets up from her seat and fires her crossbow at the nearest goblin.

whoop a crit!

2013-09-07, 10:11 PM
The Road North, Goblin Ambush

All is oppressive silence as the pair of wagons travel along, broken only by the creaking of wagon wheels and the crunching sound of horse-hooves hitting dirt. Una perks up a bit as you pass a particularly dense copse of trees, suddenly leaping to her feet balanced on the driver's seat of the rear wagon. She fires in one smooth motion, with the resulting bolt delivering judgement straight into a dumbfounded goblin's right eye, knocking him off his legs and a few paces backwards.

Caleb was next to respond, leaping from the back of the wagon and hurling a fist-sized lump of flaming rock at another startled goblin. The small meteor glanced off its right shoulder, leaving a smoldering patch of leather in its wake.

McGrath heaved on his reins, calling "WHOAAA!!" to the two horses before him. The team obeyed his practiced motion with little delay and the first wagon ground to a halt. The old man swept up his prized bow in one single motion and rose with death in his eyes, scanning the area for his prey.

Silvis jumps to his feet fueled by distilled vengeance. His deft hands guide his own crossbow into position and fire a lethal shaft into the neck of the same goblin that had been knocked from its hiding place by the magical swordsman. The pathetic creature barely had time to screech in a burbling voice before growing still.

Fabrin followed McGrath's example and stood with an arrow already knocked and ready to deliver instant pain to anything foolish enough to present a target.

Warcries rose from the road to the east as the remaining goblins unleashed their response; a volley of javelins soared towards the wary passengers of the caravan. One missile put a horizontal gash along his right cheek while the one directed at McGrath went wide, flying well clear of the caravan. Fabrin found his target in his attacker, sending a deadly sting to bury itself deeply through the bloodthirsty goblinoid's heart.

Yet another attack landed in the flank of one of McGrath's horses, causing the pair to scream in dismay and immediately leap forward! The wagon rolled under the two rangers feet, sending them both sprawling to the ground on either side of the road. It lurched forward for another thirty feet before coming to a stop as the wounded horse's leg gave out beneath it...

The last two small spears struck both Caleb and Una, causing them both to reel back from the assault. Clearly, these goblins are no easy prey.

3)[roll0] [roll1] ->Target Fabrin
4)[roll2] [roll3] ->Target McGrath
5)[roll4] [roll5] ->Target McGrath's Horse
6)[roll6] [roll7] ->Target Caleb
7)[roll8] [roll9] ->Target Una

Balance Check Tumble check, McGrath [roll10]

@ Fabrin We'll need a balance check Tumble check for you as well.
@ Silvis

Dardon draws back the reins of his wagon as well, just managing to halt the suddenly skittish horses before him. He draws his blade in one fluid motion; The gleam of his sword's blade as it clears his sheath shines almost as brightly as the sparkle of his teeth in the midday sun.

Una|22| Aware
Caleb|15| Aware
Silvis|11| Unaware
Fabrin|9| Unaware
Goblins|8| Aware
Dardon|1| Unaware

Player's Turn!

2013-09-07, 10:55 PM
On his turn, Silvis will reload, and prepares to shoot he next visible goblin. He is worried abut Mcgareth, but the only way he can help him now is to kill the goblins.

2013-09-08, 03:07 AM
"Uggh, You'll pay for that, Scum!", Caleb charges at the goblin, swinging wildly with his shortsword.

charge to AC28, attacking goblin 6 in square AD28.
charge = +2 attack, -2 AC

Caleb's AC is 14 until next round

you don't have a goblin 1, but two goblin 2's have been killed....

2013-09-08, 03:33 AM
"Grrr" Fabrin snarls as he sees the talons find flesh. He grunts as he falls from the wagon. He lands on his feet and looses another shaft.

Ok, if goblin 5 is still up and fighting by his turn, Fabrin shoots goblin 5.

If goblin 5 is down, but 4 is still up, Fabrin shoots 4 instead.

If he doesn't need his move action to stand up, he'll move to 21 or 23 AB and draw his rapier (as one move action) after he attacks (if he kills 4, he'll move to 23 AB). After shooting, Fabrin moves to 23 AC if 5 is still alive or if both are dead. Otherwise, he'll move to 21 AC instead. Either way, he draws his rapier as part of the move.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

If something else happens that makes this inappropriate action (e.g. both dying, or an ally engaging them in melee), I'll deal with it then; I can only post out of order so much.

EDIT: Edited to account for information in OoC thread.

HP 8, AC 17

2013-09-08, 07:19 AM
Dardon quickly straps on his shield, flipping his hood back in the process, realizing the jig is up. As he stands majestically on the second wagon, he begins to sing, and although you have known him for a fool before, your heart melts at the sound of his voice, and suddenly you find the hidden power locked deep in your heart!

"O come to me through florid hills
And I will be here waiting still
I am the lark, I am the bee
I am the lover who waits for thee

Though I a rogue, and you a maid
A foul word to you I've never said
Will you, my love, come marry me?
I am the lover who waits for thee"

Move action to strap on my shield, then Standard action to start my bardic music to Inspire Courage. +1 morale to attack and damage!

Also, lest I be mistaken, I can keep singing as a free action, correct? Don't think that Inspire Courage requires concentration.

2013-09-08, 08:18 AM
Providing A different post, recognizing that the map was updated.
Silvis loads his crossbow, and looses a shaft at the goblin attacking Mcgareth. (AF 19)
Attack roll: [roll0]
damage roll: [roll1]

2013-09-09, 01:20 PM
"Argh" una cries out in pain as the spear hits her but she doesn't let it affect her ballance as she reloads her crossbow and lets loose another bolt within seconds.


2013-09-09, 10:22 PM
The Road North, Goblin Ambush

Una's shaky hands scrabbled against her leather crossbow bolt case searching for another round. The sharpened steel bolt slid smoothly into place, but was soon lost as a whistling blur that shot wide of her next target.

Next, Caleb reckless charged towards another of his ambushers. His shortsword swept in a wide arc that would have taken the head off of a human, but missed the smaller creature by several inches.

McGrath groaned as he rose from his unexpected fall. The ranger now cradled his right hand to his side, but drew a dagger from his belt and hurled it at the nearest goblin, felling it instantly.


Attack Roll on Goblin 4 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Critical confirmation if needed [roll2]

Silvis squeezed the trigger on his own crossbow, sending another feathered missile at the Ranger's other threat. This shot was true, but the craft goblin leaned out of the way at the last moment. Unfortunately for this goblin, this also left him unaware of the next attack coming from Fabrin's ash shortbow. The arrow caught him in the stomach and elicited a panicked screech at this unexpected injury. The younger woodsman quickly rushed forward to protect his elder with his rapier flying to his hand.

4) Morningstar [roll3] Damage [roll4]
CritConfirm [roll5] DEAD
5) Morningstar [roll6] Damage [roll7] - Wounded (4)
CritConfirm [roll8]
6) Morningstar [roll9] Damage [roll10]
CritConfirm [roll11]
7) Morningstar [roll12] Damage [roll13]
CritConfirm [roll14]

The remaining goblins drew their morningstars as one and rushed the party members with a collective warcry! One rushed at McGrath, just barely staying outside of the range of Fabrin's swordpoint. The jagged spikes of its morningstar nearly struck the older man in the knee, but McGrath knocked the weapon away with a glancing kick to the goblin's wrist.
Nearby another green menace leapt towards Caleb brandishing a similar weapon. This attack struck the young swordsman in the shoulder, drawing a thin stream of blood down his arm.
The last attacker rushed at Dardon and swung his morningstar down in a cruel blow, digging its spikes into the muscles just below his knee.

The wounded bard rapidly finished lashing his shield to his arm and began a song that fills your hearts with valor!

Una|22| Aware
Caleb|15| Aware
Silvis|11| Aware
Fabrin|9| Aware
Goblins|8| Aware
Dardon|1| Aware

Player's Turn!

2013-09-10, 12:20 AM
Fabrin growls at the next goblin. He hears the Dardon's song, and lets it fill him with courage as he strikes with his rapier.

If goblin 5 is alive by his turn:
Attack: [roll0] (including +1 Bardic Music)
Damage: [roll1] (including +1 Bardic Music)
If his attack kills goblin 5, he moves to 27AB.

If 5 is dead, he charges number 7, or number 6 if he can't get to 7, or it's dead, in which case his attack roll gets another +2.

EDIT: Changed this to make 7 my primary target if 5 is dead; by my reading of the charge rules, this is arguably legal. If you don't think it's a viable move, I understand.

Hp 8, AC 17

2013-09-10, 12:22 AM
Crit confirmation: [roll0]
Extra Damage: [roll1]

2013-09-10, 02:10 AM
"Arrgh, hold still and die!", Caleb swings wildly at the goblin with his shortsword, watching its every move.

Attack [roll0] (includes bard song)
Damage [roll1] (includes bard song)

Dodge declared, AC17 vs Goblin 6, AC 16 vs anything else.

2013-09-10, 06:55 AM
I don't care if you hold still or not, but die anyways!
Silvis reloads, steps to Z 17, And launches a bolt at Goblin six.
to hit: [roll0]

2013-09-12, 02:48 PM
Una drops her crossbow and draws her scythe. DIE!!!!! she screams bringing her crashing down. Before sidestepping into the wagon.


2013-09-13, 06:11 AM
Dardon screams as the goblin smacks him, forcing him to stop singing, "AAAAAHHHHH!" Desperately he tries to stab with his sword to kill the beastly goblin, trying to get it either far away from him or, preferably, dead.

Stopped singing, so 5 rounds until bonus runs out.

Attack with longsword: [roll0]
Crit confirm (if needed): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Can I take a 5-foot step back in to the wagon? Like to Z33? If not I'll stay put.

EDIT: 19 is a crit on a longsword! So I do a whopping 4 points of damage! Woo!

2013-09-13, 11:23 PM
The Road North, Goblin Ambush

A crossbow clattered loudly against the floor of the wagon as Una threw her crossbow aside in frustration. She drew the wicked-looking scythe from across her back and swing it savagely at the green menace that had nearly killed her comrade. Her zeal carried her slightly off balance and interfered with her own attack.. which swung wide of her target.

Just a few paces away, Caleb squared off with a slightly larger goblin who wore a necklace decorated with human ears. The bandit had a slightly manic look in its eyes, as if it thought this pair would make an excellent addition to his collection. Caleb's sword flashed out at his opponent, but only succeeded in keeping the goblin on his guard.

Mcgrath stumbled back from his foe and pulled yet another dagger from his cloak. This blade flew true as well, catching the goblin in the chest as it clawed at the wound and fell to the ground. With his attack completed, the older man exhaled heavily and seemed to deflate with the breath. Clearly the fall took a greater toll on him than he first let show.

Silvis leapt from the back of the wagon and began to close with the rest of the melee. Another bolt zipped from his weapon, but only glanced off the the shield of Caleb's assailant.

A bestial roar shook the battlefield as something primal awoke within Fabrin. Whether it was seeing members of his pack be wounded, his mentor weakening or the cruel sneer on the goblin leader's face..it matters not. His feet pounded down the hard packed earth and ate up the distance between him and his unprepared victim.
A goblin shield rose to block his fierce thrust, but only succeeded in slowing the blow by a fraction. The fine point of Fabrin's rapier ripped through the seasoned wood of the shield and forced its way through armor and skin alike. As the captain fell, the rapier was wrenched free of its fleshy scabbard and another piercing howl rang out across the grasslands. A new predator has awoken.

The final goblin emitted a moan of disbelief and terror as he witnessed Fabrin's "example". He rapidly turned to flee, but was caught in the back by a sudden stroke by Dardon. Even weakened, the bard managed to make this swing count and felled this last combatant in that single deft swing.

Just like that, all is quiet again. Only the braying of the wounded horse breaks the silence in the aftermath of the battle.

McGrath Attack ------> [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
CritConfirm ---->[roll2]

G5 Attack ------> [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
CritConfirm ---->[roll5] DEAD

G6 Attack ------> [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
CritConfirm ---->[roll8] DEAD

G7 Attack ------> [roll9]
Damage [roll10]
CritConfirm ---->[roll11] DEMORALIZED

Great job, guys. Search checks for loot (if you feel like it), then your call if you want to make camp, track them, etc...

2013-09-14, 04:23 AM
"My thanks Fabrin"

"I feared for a moment there that the beast would have me.", Caleb swiftly checks that the goblin is really dead, his sword flashing through its throat in case it was merely pretending.
Coup de gras, just in case.

2013-09-14, 07:15 AM
Fabrin takes a moment to let his ferocity fade and let his pulse return to normal. When he hears Caleb speak, he jerks his head up. "You're welcome." He laughs softly as Caleb cuts apart the body.

He glances about, at McGrath, and his other companions, "Is everyone alright?"

2013-09-14, 08:25 AM
Caleb kneels over the corpse and starts searching for anything of value. once finished he mutters a brief incantation and looks again, letting his magesight spot anything he had missed.

Maintaining the magesight he walks to each of the other corpses, spending long enough at each to ensure nothing has been overlooked.

2013-09-14, 01:55 PM
With combat over, Silvis moves quickly to Macgareth. Macgareth! Caleb! Una! and Dardon... Are you all all right?"
Silvis says, directly before realizing that Fabrin had just said the same thing.

2013-09-16, 04:46 AM
I ought to roll the search check really:
"I'm a bit bruised and battered, but I'll live"

2013-09-16, 11:01 AM
The Road North, Aftermath of the Ambush

Caleb kneels over the corpse and starts searching for anything of value. once finished he mutters a brief incantation and looks again, letting his magesight spot anything he had missed.

Maintaining the magesight he walks to each of the other corpses, spending long enough at each to ensure nothing has been overlooked.

Your magical search seems to lead you to a faint aura on the leader's body. After some searching you locate and retreive a small potion from his belt pouch. Nothing else seems to trigger your divinations.

McGrath walked to the back of the wagon that charged off, and is carefully shifted his weight until he was sitting on its deck. His eyes are shut, wincing against the pain from his right arm.

2013-09-16, 01:15 PM
Silvis stare at McGrath for a moment, then sighs.

"McGrath, I know you don't want to hear this, but you can't continue with us. As it is, your arm will make you a liablity in battle, getting you or us killed. I'm not sure if magical healing at town will help fix it or not, that's not what I learned. But we need to leave soon before the trail grows colder." He says in a soft tone that belies his cold words.

2013-09-16, 01:21 PM
Fabrin follows McGrath, as well. "If you think he's right, I should be able to find the tracks by myself." Fabrin looks to the wounded horse, "Perhaps you could lead these horses back as well."

2013-09-16, 02:41 PM
Silvis stare at McGrath for a moment, then sighs.

"McGrath, I know you don't want to hear this, but you can't continue with us. As it is, your arm will make you a liablity in battle, getting you or us killed. I'm not sure if magical healing at town will help fix it or not, that's not what I learned. But we need to leave soon before the trail grows colder." He says in a soft tone that belies his cold words.

The Road North, Aftermath of the Ambush

"Aye, lad." McGrath speaks in a strained voice, but meets Silvis' gaze.

"As much as I hate to say it, this old body just doesn't bounce back like it used to. I'll take the horses back to town and even take the wagon, too, if you don't need it. Poor Plodder here deserves a bit of mercy, though. Can I have one of you help move Abacus to the other wagon?"

2013-09-16, 03:15 PM
Fabrin nods, "Aye McGrath, I'll help you out". He moves to do so.

Taking 10 on Handle Animal for 13. Assuming this is uneventful:

Once he's finished with the horses, Fabrin begins looking for tracks.

[roll0] to follow them.

2013-09-16, 03:36 PM
"Sorry that you'll be out of the fight Captain McGrath, we'll get some more goblins for you."
"i haven't found much in the way of clues on the corpses, the bigger one had this portion, I couldn't see any magic auras coming from any of the others."

"Its marked as a healing potion, i'm going to double check though."

which school of magic does the potions aura indicate?

2013-09-16, 05:41 PM
Dardon had been rocking back and forth for some time, holding the injury below his knee. Upon seeing that McGrath was headed home, the bard quickly hobbled over on one knee. "Your uh, *cough*, bold and fearless leader also seems to have been... um... grievously wounded on the field of battle! Yes. So perhaps I could accompany McGrath back to recoup and make another foray to join you later? I mean, I, as your leader, think that would be the best course of action, seeing as I am *ow*... grievously wounded."

Dardon winces from the pain at what appears to be a particularly nasty wound.

2013-09-17, 04:10 AM
Caleb seems unmoved by Dardon's grevious wounds, he replies with a shrug, "yeah, if you like, more gold per share for the rest of us I guess."

2013-09-17, 01:43 PM
"I'm okay" Una calls and walks towards the rest of the group wincing slightly as she looks a where the spear hit.I have something that can heal us all up she says pulling out her new locket and changes her appearance back.

2013-09-19, 08:09 AM
"I'm a bit bruised from the fight, I could drink this healing potion or we could save it for an emergency?", Caleb still seems confident of his ability to continue the hunt for the goblins.

2013-09-20, 12:06 AM
"Drink it now, I say. You don't want to be wishing you had come the next fight".

2013-09-20, 02:18 AM
"Perhaps you are right.", Stivan unstoppers the potion and drinks it without hesitation.

2013-09-20, 02:31 AM
Silvis Waits patiently for those that somehow (:P) managed to get hurt against the goblins, crossbow loaded and ready in case of a second ambush.
"Whatever you can do Una, please do it quickly. We got attacked here once, they might send more if we take too long."

2013-09-22, 09:17 PM
The Road North, Scene of the Ambush

At McGrath's request, Fabrin unhitches the unharmed horse and ties it to the second wagon. McGrath unhitches Plodder and walks him well away from the main road until they both stood in the shade of a huge elm. Both of them limped along from their respective injuries.

The old ranger holds the wounded horse's head to his chest and strokes it for a few minutes, helping to calm the beast until he relaxed enough to stand without stamping his feet. The stroke was swift, blurring the dagger across Plodder's neck and tracing a deadly line straight through. McGrath stayed with him as he coughed and kicked before finally becoming still.

For those of you who knew him, more lines seemed to accent the hunter's eyes than you've ever seen before. He left with the wagon, heading south at a good clip after a quick embrace with Fabrin, and a curt nod to the rest of you.

The young heroes are now on their own for the very first time. What perils will they face now that they have no friends to fall back on? Only time will tell...

2013-09-23, 02:57 AM
"Well, here we are then...", Caleb looks around a bit unsure, "I guess we should follow you Fabrin, if you can find the goblin trail?"

"Una, you mentioned being able to heal? Perhaps you could tend to Dardon and yourself while we travel?"

2013-09-23, 11:52 AM
While looking sad about the horse, Silvis grins nevertheless. "Fabrin is the best tracker in town, even more so than Mcgrath. If anyone can find the goblins, its him."

2013-09-24, 02:34 PM
The Road North, Aftermath

Previous Tracking Check: 25 (I think?)

Fabrin's keen eyes pick out the trail of goblin tracks leading off to the west. They seem to lead towards the Barren Hills, but you're not sure how far they may go.

However you like to use the potion, feel free. In the case of a conflict in player's decisions, I'll default to the person actually holding the item in the future, fyi.

Also, in terms of story progression...Should I just assume you're actively bringing the group along? I'm leery of railroading, but I also want to keep this moving along at a good pace.

Last point: I am actually tracking XP currently, but would you all prefer a running XP total or levelling as a group when appropriate?

2013-09-24, 03:05 PM
Fabrin shrugs at Silvis's praise. "Well, I don't know about all that, but I found the tracks. This way. Let's get going". He gestures toward the Barren Hills.

2013-09-24, 03:14 PM
"right oh", Caleb collects Breya's lead line and gets ready to follow behind Fabrin.

"If anyone has an heavy pack, Breya has a strong back, she can carry your equipment alongside mine."

2013-09-24, 03:44 PM
On the Trail...

As you follow the tracks along, you begin to notice several other sets of trails leading back into this one. It would seem as if this was one of many paths used to set ambushes for unwary travelers.

As the sun begins to set, Silvis's keen eyes pick out a stone structure in the distance. It is built into the base of one of the rolling hills with a large set of double-doors to bar the entrance. There don't appear to be any guards keeping watch.

Alanek [roll0]
Gamespawn [roll1]
Only1Doug [roll2]
Zhalem [roll3]
Freya [roll4]

2013-09-24, 05:59 PM
Quietly, Silvis taps Fabrin on the Shoulder, Pointing it out.

2013-09-25, 01:40 PM
When Silvis taps him on the shoulder, Fabrin stops, looks up and nods.

[roll0] to look again. Can I see it? If not, I think it's reasonable to assume Silvis will say what he's trying to point out.

"Well, think this might be their base then?" Fabrin asks the group. "We should probably try to get closer without being noticed."

2013-09-25, 03:48 PM
Caleb has the grace to look embarrassed, "Ahh, umm, Well, the thing is, Breya and I..."

"...well, we're neither of us much good at the sneaking side of things, sorry..."

2013-09-25, 04:36 PM
Silvis Grimaces. "I am decent at sneaking(+4 and +6), but they are still likely to notice me."

2013-09-26, 12:19 PM
Una, who on the way up had healed both her self and Dardon up to 5 hit points and imbuing both their amours with Magic Vestment, hears the others discussing entry tactics and adds
"I could shift into a goblin form and get in that way. Also if any one has some rope I could tie you up to sneak you in pretending you are prisoners?"

2013-09-26, 12:43 PM
Fabrin nods after Una finishes speaking. "That sounds like a good plan to me. I have rope."

2013-09-27, 03:56 PM
"wait!" Silvis whispers. "If we go in now, some could return and hit us from behind. Lets go back and follow the other trails we found, and ambush them."

2013-09-28, 03:11 AM
"Sounds good to me", replies Caleb in a matching whisper, "but why are we whispering, the goblin fort looks to be miles away?"

2013-09-28, 06:10 AM
"Very well," Fabrin replies. "Do we want to try each different trail or do we have a plan to figure out which one makes most sense to follow?"

2013-09-28, 01:03 PM
"I vote we do try each path... we need to get them all. Unless Fabrin can tell if the most recent was coming here, and not leaving." Silvis whispers, glancing at Fabrin.
"And I whisper because we're following a used path... There may be a goblin nearby, or approaching since we stopped on the trail."

2013-09-29, 12:59 PM
On the Trail

After a cursory search, it seems evident to Fabrin that only one other group of goblins is currently outside the base. The tracks indicate this would be another party of 5 to 7 members, gone within the last 5 hours.

2013-09-29, 01:16 PM
Dardon had been unusually quiet since the others began analyzing their plan of attack. He was definitely out of his element, out alone in the woods looking for trails and such. He seemed to stir at the mention of a possible ruse to fool the gobbos, but when that plan was shut down he quietly lamented an excellent use of his skills. What he wouldn't do for a good brothel right about now!:smallfrown:

"My valiant companions, it seems this is not one of my numerous areas of expertise, but I believe if the fort is abandoned at the moment, our best bet is to rush in and make a daring show of it! We clean up inside, then boldly make our quick escape, all before the other patrol returns. What do you say?"

2013-09-29, 03:29 PM
Fabrin thinks for a moment about what Dardon said. "We know there's one group still out there. Do we have some idea how many are still in their lair? I think there are probably more inside than out."

2013-09-30, 02:48 AM
Caleb's face shows a trace of impatience, which is matched in his voice,"Lets find and kill that 2nd group of Goblins!"

"Then maybe we could look for good ambush points to attack any that come out looking for their friends."

2013-10-01, 01:58 PM
Fabrin glances about at the pack. "I can lead us to the trail, if that sounds like a good plan to people".

2013-10-01, 02:37 PM
"That sounds good. Lead the way." Silvis says.

2013-10-01, 03:12 PM
"yes, lead on", agreed Caleb.

2013-10-01, 04:01 PM
On the Trail (Part 2)

The young group of heroes press on along the second trail, hunting for another band of marauding goblins. The trail goes cold after passing over a small creek, but Fabrin again picks up the trail just a few hundred feet down the stream.

The goblin tracks lead you into a small wooded area which rapidly becomes extremely dense...

Spot check...DC 20

Alanek [roll0]
Gamespawn [roll1]
Only1Doug [roll2]
Zhalem [roll3]
Freya [roll4]

Intent on following the trail, Fabrin leads the way through another stand of trees. As he sweeps back a branch, you suddenly spot a trio of goblins sitting around a campfire. Both parties stare dumbfounded for a moment before drawing their weapons!

2013-10-01, 04:11 PM
Battle in the Woods!

Dead silence hung for a bare moment then was suddenly broken by Fabrin stalking forward and planted the tip of his rapier through the first goblin's chest. The vicious blow felled the still stunned goblin in a heartbeat.

Una pushes her way past the heavy branches, drops into a fighting stance and slowly approaches the remaining two goblins. Her pale eyes sparkle with menace as she takes the last few steps forward...

Caleb follows close behind with rapier at the ready. Leaves crunch underfoot as he carefully closes the distance to his next foe. Just as he prepares to strike, a crossbow bolt whistles by just inches from his cheek before slamming into a nearby tree trunk. Its sudden flight throws the fencer off balance enough to disrupt the attack, but not cause any injury.

Silvis' face changes from a mask of rage to embarrassment at the wayward shot, but reloads his crossbow just the same.

The remaining two goblins rapidly launched their counterattack. Their attention is divided between both Fabrin and Una, with a morningstar catching Fabrin in the ribs and Una in her right knee. Both chortle with glee at their fighting prowess, but eye Fabrin warily.

Can't quite charge here, guys. From the working marching order I had Fabrin would have been in the lead. The branches would constitute difficult terrain, so you won't be able to close on the first round. You can amend your action, though- Just post in OOC if you would prefer to cast a spell instead of taking a double move to melee.

I'll update this with the actual action as people post.

Action goes to:
And as usual Zhalem

Alanek [roll0]
Gamespawn [roll1]
Only1Doug [roll2]
Zhalem [roll3]
Freya [roll4]

Goblins [roll5]

Attacks if needed
G1 [roll6]
Crit Confirm: [roll8]
G2 [roll9]
Crit Confirm: [roll11]
G3 [roll12]
Crit Confirm: [roll14]

2013-10-03, 09:53 AM
Barely restraining the urge to yell, Caleb rushes into combat with the goblins.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2013-10-03, 11:09 AM
As soon as he sees the goblins, Fabrin rushes them with a low growl, stabbing at the closest one.

Attack Roll (rapier): [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

2013-10-03, 11:18 AM
And with anger clear on his face, Silvis fires a bolt at the farthest goblin!

Damage: [roll1]

He feels slightly silly, as he missed the goblin by a large margin, then reloads.

2013-10-07, 03:07 PM
Una rushes forward trying to attack the nearest goblin.


2013-10-10, 06:20 AM
Dardon steps out from the brush and begins to siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiing!

"The fox is sleeping, bite his tail!
The bear is dreaming, make him wail!
The thrush in nesting, take her eggs!
Kill them quickly, they'll be dead!"

Move 4 spaces due south into the clearing and begin to Inspire Courage (+1 attack and damage).

2013-10-10, 07:10 AM
Caleb circles warily seeking the best opportunity to strike.

moving 5' to N13
attack [roll0] (includes bardsong) with shortsword
damage [roll1] (includes bardsong)

Caleb's grandfathers Rapier was stolen, he's using a shortsword at the moment.

2013-10-15, 10:10 AM
Silvis steps to the side for a slightly better shot, and launches a bolt at a goblin!
Move to N5, attack gob2.
Thank you inspire courage, for the +1.

2013-10-15, 12:08 PM
Fabrin steps around the fire and strikes at the next goblin, tooth in hand.

5-ft. step to Q13: Attack Goblin 3 with Rapier:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2013-10-15, 06:48 PM
Forest Ambush

Fabrin continues to press his advantage, leaping over the still twitching body of the first goblin and slashing at his new prey. He casually bats aside the goblin's pathetic guard and runs him through.

The next goblin howls in pain as Una's sickle catches him in the shoulder, cleaving deep and nearly killing him in a single swing. Blood drips from the wound, leaving the goblin weakened and shaky.

Caleb's next brutal swing finishes off the weakened goblin, cutting deep into his side and leaving the final combatant a bloody mess.

In the space of just a few seconds, the young group has subdued yet another group of murderous goblins. Silence again fills the small glade, broken only by the soft crackle of the campfire. Evening is falling, and darkness has begun to creep across the sky.

That was over much more quickly than I expected! Good job, guys.
Feel free to talk over plans...and you've already got a campfire if you want to make camp.

2013-10-16, 02:21 AM
Caleb starts checking the Goblins possessions, to see if they have anything of value.

"you never know, they might have another potion on them", He explains, "We could camp here, but should drag the corpses away from our campsite if we do."

using another detect magic.

2013-10-16, 01:31 PM
Fabrin nods. "We'd best take them out in the woods, in case something comes looking for meat. We'll probably be alright for one night here." He bends down to help Caleb search the corpses.

Search (possibly assist other?): [roll0]

2013-10-16, 02:08 PM
Forest Ambush, Aftermath

Caleb's divination spell draws his gaze to a small pouch on the last goblin. The pouch contains an iron ring that seems oddly twisted. Your eyes can't quite follow it around its circumference.
Spellcraft DC 16 to identify school of magic.

The pouch also contains 3 gold, 7 silver and 3 copper pieces.

Further searching reveals some very average small sized leather armors and light wooden shields, along with a javelin and morningstar each (also small).

Near the campfire lies a small hatchet , along with a set of flint and steel.

2013-10-16, 05:21 PM
"This ring shows an abjuration aura", says Caleb, "but there must be a reason that the goblin wasn't wearing it."

"there's some money here too, should we put it all together into a common fund?"

"we can split it up later, when we've finished off the goblin threat."

"Anyway, lets get these corpses moved, deep into the woods seems a accessible plan, as you said Fabrin.", Caleb matches action to words, lifting one of the goblins and walking deep into the woods with it.

2013-10-17, 12:10 AM
Fabrin shrugs, "Abjuration means protection, right? Perhaps the goblin didn't know what it was." He moves to help Caleb with the bodies.

2013-10-17, 12:29 AM
Yes, abjuration is defensive spells. For magic rings its most common use is protection, making it harder for others to hit the wearer.

Spellcraft [roll0]
knowledge Arcana [roll1]

2013-10-17, 09:05 AM
Forest Camp

Caleb and Fabrin move the bodies deeper into the woods without incident.
You return to camp having spent less than an hour on the task. It is now very dark.

2013-10-17, 09:30 AM
"Una, you are an artificer are you not?"

"what do you make of this ring?"

"Regardless we should rest, who wants which watch?"

2013-10-17, 11:50 AM
"I'll take first watch" Silvis says as he sits 15ft from the fire.

2013-10-17, 02:37 PM
"I can take second watch".

2013-10-18, 09:43 AM
"I'll take third watch then", says Caleb, "Dardon could take fourth watch and Una last watch, only 2 hours to do each."

2013-10-22, 01:11 PM
Forest Camp, Night Watch

Silvis sits alone, dutifully keeping watch over his slumbering comrades. All is quiet for most of your shift, but just as you start to feel drowsy movement catches your eye at the edge of your vision. A single goblin seems to be sneaking up on your camp...

Alanek [roll0]
Gamespawn [roll1]
Only1Doug [roll2]
Zhalem [roll3]
Freya [roll4]

Alanek [roll5]
Gamespawn [roll6]
Only1Doug [roll7]
Zhalem [roll8]
Freya [roll9]

Goblins Hide/Move Silently

Goblin 1
Hide [roll10]
Move Silently [roll11]

Goblin 2
Hide [roll12]
Move Silently [roll13]

Watch they arrive at [roll14]

2013-10-22, 02:50 PM
Silvis turns, and Launches an entangling ectoplasm at the goblin, while Yelling "AMBUSH!"

Activating Entangling ectoplasm, rolling ranged touch.

Edit: So was my action surprise round?

2013-10-22, 02:55 PM
Forest Camp, Night Watch

Silvis' attack flies true, catching the goblin in the chest; the Power binds his arms and legs with a stretchy goo.
The goblin turns and stumbles into the forest while yelling curses in goblin.

Order of Initiative:

Alanek [roll0]
Gamespawn [roll1]
Only1Doug [roll2]
Zhalem [roll3]
Freya [roll4]

Goblin1 [roll5]
Goblin2 [roll6]

Party to act-

2013-10-22, 04:41 PM
Fabrin breaks out of his trance, pulling out his bow and chasing after the goblin.

It's not entirely clear to me if elves need to lie down during trance, but I'm assuming a move action to break out, plus another move action to draw. Since I can draw and move, I'll move to R8 (assuming the woods are difficult terrain).

2013-10-22, 05:00 PM
Caleb gets out of his bedroll and grabs his sword, moving toward the goblin.

2013-10-23, 09:25 PM
Silvis then launches a bolt from his crossbow at the fleeing goblin, and moves closer while reloading.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Concealment, Trying to roll above. [roll2]
Moving to O 8

2013-10-29, 01:06 PM
Forest Camp, Nighttime

For getting up, I won't give you a hard time for actually waking up. You do, however, need to stand.

Fabrin leaps to his feet and runs after the encroaching threat.

Silvis' shot seems to fly true as it draws a yelp from the far trees...but evidently not enough to silence the goblin. Curses still echo through the forest, but from a greater distance.

Dardon leaps to his feet and immediately begins singing!
There's not a woman for five hundred miles
Who wouldn't fall swiftly to my cunning wiles!

Caleb immediately leaps to his feet and follows after Fabrin.

Una rises and unleashes a bolt from her crossbow, but it sails harmlessly into the forest.

2013-10-29, 03:57 PM
Fabrin rushes through the woods after the goblin. When he breaks out into the clearing, he looses the talon.

Move to P4; if I'm reading the map right, I've got a clear shot to the goblin.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm, if needed: [roll2]

2013-10-29, 04:22 PM
Silvis Looses a bolt at the fleeing goblin, then rushes forward while reloading.

Attack: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

2013-10-30, 03:32 AM
Caleb moves up and launches a bolt of fiery rock at the exposed goblin.

Move to Q5 and if a live goblin is visible launch a Kelgore's fire bolt
[roll0] damage, DC14 reflex save for 1/2 damage.

2013-10-31, 01:42 PM
Forest Camp, Nighttime Ambush

Fabrin bursts into the clearing just in time to see the goblin fleeing for more cover. Just before he looses an arrow, a goblin bursts out from cover and attempt to take off his head!

The cowardly attack staggers the unsuspecting elf, sending him stumbling to the side. Despite the lethal attack, the hunter still has enough fortitude to keep his arms straight and steady. The arrow flies true and finishes off the running goblin.

Silvis breaks through the trees just behind Fabrin, and lets loose a howl of rage at the craven attack. The resulting crossbow bolt pins the second goblin to a tree, killing him instantly.

The rest of the group breaks into the clearing a few seconds after, just in time to survey the aftermath. Nothing else moves in the clearing, and the night is again still.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirmation [roll2]


2013-10-31, 02:02 PM
Fabrin snarls and turns to engage the next goblin, before realizing it's already dead. He scans about the woods with his bow drawn, searching for more goblins.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2013-10-31, 02:13 PM
Forest Camp, Aftermath

The waxing moon provides just enough light for his delicate elven eyes as they catch every disturbed blade of grass and swaying branch. The clearing is definitely devoid of any other threats.

2013-10-31, 02:35 PM
Satisfied that there aren't any more goblins, Fabrin turns to his companions, "I don't see any more of them. Help me search these bodies. Maybe one will have something else useful."

Search [roll0]

2013-10-31, 03:58 PM
Forest Camp, Aftermath

Searching the goblin's bodies, you find 7 gold between them, as well as 3 small javelins, 2 small studded leather armors, 2 small light shields, and 2 small morningstars.

2013-11-01, 03:30 AM
Tyrena ties her pony to a tree on the edge of their camp, and if they have a fire, sits on her backpack in front of it as she opens and begins eating one of her trail rations, and drinking her water as she waits.

2013-11-01, 05:00 AM
Caleb helps Fabrin search, "well that's twelve goblins so far, I wonder how many more are based in their fortress?"

2013-11-01, 07:37 AM
Tyrena finishes eating, stows her things on her pony, and climbs into a bedroll.

2013-11-01, 08:38 AM
"well, I suppose we should dump these away from our camp again, we don't want to attract any nasties..."

2013-11-01, 11:27 AM
"Sounds like a good idea. I found some coins, on them, by the way. Did Una ever figure anything out about that ring? That last goblin hit pretty hard."

2013-11-02, 01:03 PM

Una frowns at Fabrin's question.

"It involves abjuration. Clearly it's some kind of defensive charm. Just wear it..whats the worst that can happen?"

She does not seem to be malicious- more like she doesn't really believe a magic item could hurt you.

The Changeling wanders off and finds a few pinecones, then settles down under a tree before drawing a circle in the dirt. After a short whispered conversation with Dardon, she begins whispering and waving her hands over the pinecones.

Casting Spell-Storing Item 3xs- Lesser Vigor.
DC 23 UMD Check, costing 3 xp

UMD: [roll0]
UMD: [roll1]
UMD: [roll2]

She seems more upset than ever, muttering about "Only one??" after the ritual. She does pick up a single pinecone, though, and holds it up against Fabrin's chest. Healing magic surges through the wounded hunter and restores him to full vigor.


The bard droops as he walks back to his bed, clearly exhausted by the days events. He walks by the other bedrolls and climbs into his with an exhausted groan. That is, until he realizes he isn't alone.

"Aaiieeeee!!!" - His startled shriek echoes through the woods!

2013-11-02, 05:59 PM
Tyrena somehow manages to tumble out of the bedroll, and onto her feet, a throwing knife in each hand as she glances about for threats.

The knives vanish as quickly as they appeared. She walks back over, and climbs back in.

2013-11-02, 07:34 PM
Fabrin feels Una's magic rush through him, "I...thank you." He glances at the artificer again, then turns to the ring. "Alright, if you think it's a good idea."

If everyone else goes along with it, Fabrin will put on the ring. Assuming it doesn't incapacitate him, he'll do the following:

Dardon's scream draws Fabrin to his side, tooth in hand. He looks about for some enemy. He says, "What's this now?" when he doesn't see one.

2013-11-03, 12:31 PM
hearing Dardon's cry Caleb rushes over, ready for another threat.

the sight of a stranger brandishing weaponry causes him concern, which swiftly turns to bemusement as she sheathes her weapons and climbs into Dardon's bedroll.

"Where did you come from lass?", Caleb tries for a masterful calm tone but achieves only a slightly panicked squeal.

diplomacy [roll0]

squeal would have been deleted if roll was high.

2013-11-03, 01:15 PM

Dardon stares at the newcomer with with wide eyes for a few seconds before deciding his life is not in immediate danger.

Crisis averted, he resolutely rolls over and covers his head with the pillow; Faint snoresmanages to from underneath it.

Feel free to rp / greet/ sleep.

As long as someone finishes the watch, I don't plan on anything else happening.

2013-11-03, 05:29 PM
Fabrin glances at Caleb, and then addresses the stranger "More importantly, what are you doing here now?"

2013-11-03, 06:11 PM
"Trying to sleep. You killed the things that robbed me before I could."

2013-11-03, 08:41 PM
As the newcomer arrives, Silvis shrugs and heads to his bedroll.
"While I would like to deal with this, my shift just ended, I'm going to sleep. I've dealt with enough without sleep. Yell if stuff happens."
He then climbs in, and resolves to ignore anything less than a yell. He's gone long enough without sleep, and needs his strength for more goblins.

2013-11-04, 03:36 AM
"Sleep sounds good actually", Caleb Yawns, "if we are to take out the goblin stronghold tomorrow we will need our rest."

"Wake me up for my watch when yours ends please Fabrin",

2013-11-04, 01:34 PM
"Of course, Caleb."

Fabrin spares the new woman one last glance, deciding she probably isn't much of a threat while asleep. Nonetheless, he decides to watch her along with the surrounding woods. Fabrin draws his shortbow with one hand, his handaxe with the other, and begins his watch.

Spot and Listen are +8 against goblinoids, +6 otherwise.

2013-11-05, 03:49 AM
"Well miss, it's very kind of you to warm up my bedroll, but I'll be needing it now please...", Caleb's voice is kept low to avoid awaking those who have already returned to sleep.

diplomacy [roll0]
which doesn't have any effect on PC's but lets us know how calmly the young man responds to a strange lady in his bedroll. a good roll is a calm tone, a bad roll and he's flustered and slightly panicked.

10 = average, he's managed not to embarrass himself again.

2013-11-05, 03:52 AM
She takes his pillow and covers her head with it. "I need sleep too, so shut it meat bag."

2013-11-05, 04:05 AM
"Excuse me miss, But if you are insistent on taking my bedroll can I at least have my spare underwear back?"

Caleb waits with eager anticipation for the strange woman to realise what it is that she is burying her head under.

2013-11-05, 04:06 AM
"If you're going to get in, get in. If not, then shut up and go away."

2013-11-05, 04:40 AM
"normally I prefer to be introduced to a lady before I get her between my blankets...", Caleb nervously climbs into his bedroll, facing the opposite direction as the strange woman.

2013-11-05, 04:45 AM
Tyrena shrugs as best she can on her side, and pushes his things back over, pulling a leather pillow from her pack, and putting her head on it. "Tyrena."

2013-11-05, 04:57 AM
"Nice to meet you Tyrena, I am Caleb."

"Fabrin is on watch, our other companions are Silvis, Dardon and Una and we can do introductions in the morning."

Caleb tries his best to sleep, but is restless, ever conscious of the woman sharing his bedroll.

2013-11-05, 04:58 AM
Tyrena decides to have some fun upon noticing his discomfiture and snuggles into his back.

2013-11-05, 05:11 AM
Caleb lies awake, unmoving but very aware of the warm presence next to him, feeling embarrassed about how much attention he is focusing on the pressure against his body.

Caleb tremulously awaits the blessed relief that will come when Fabrin tells him that it is his turn on watch and he will be able to remove himself from the situation for awhile.

2013-11-05, 10:02 AM
Forest Camp, Night Watch Redux

The rest of the watch passes uneventfully. Nothing more than a few errant bugs and the occasional owl disturb the quiet. The other shifts pass in a similarly calm manner- and the last watch shows the sun spreading a warm glow across the horizon.

Everyone handle your prep/food and lets get going.

Lol....Why are are the girls filled with such fury?
Anyone else notice that yet?

2013-11-05, 11:07 AM
Tyrena gets up, and feed her horse, along with herself (the other half of her rations).

"So, goblins to kill, yes?"

2013-11-05, 02:50 PM
Fabrin smiles in response to Tyrena's query, "Oh yes."

He goes about the business of eating, and feeding Thunder quietly, taking a drink and refilling his quiver.

2013-11-05, 03:18 PM
Silvis grins feraly. "Today we hit their stronghold." He says calmly, though if you look at him, you can see the anger in his face.

(Anger issues, but his father was killed by them.)

2013-11-05, 05:23 PM
"Silvis found the goblins trail, It lead to a structure built into the hills that way a bit."

"we decided to thin out their numbers by hitting their other ambush patrols before we hit their base..."

"I guess today would be a good day to hit their base."

Caleb keeps his voice calm and almost completely emotionless, not revealing his underlying feelings about the goblins that left him for dead and killed the merchant who was under his protection.

2013-11-05, 05:32 PM
"You might want to make certain they've not sent out more patrols to flank you first. I'm surprised you've survived this long. When you die, can I have your things?"

2013-11-06, 01:21 AM
Fabrin interjects, "Actually, Caleb misspoke; it was I who found the trail. We've followed all the fresh trails that lead away from their base, but if you've got a suggestion for a better way to make sure there are no other raiding packs, then no one's stopping you from suggesting it". He smiles wolfishly. "Maybe they have some bedrolls we can sneak into."

Just FYI, I'm still ok with you skipping ahead. I guess it would be a good idea to check to see if there are any new, fresher trails when we head back to the stronghold, though: Survival: [roll0]

2013-11-06, 04:03 AM
"I was saying... They may have sent out more patrols while you were sleeping. Nope, doesn't matter, let's go attack this fort of theirs."

She walks over climbs onto her pony, and walks it over. "Since I was able to 'sneak into your camp' on a big white pony I'm sure nothing else could possibly have escaped your notice." She rolls her eyes for good measure. "But I'm staying up here, since my mount is faster than me. When they attack, I'll return for your corpses later. Can't promise you'll have any possessions left when you come back though."

2013-11-06, 12:41 PM
Following the Trail

Getting back to the base is a trivial matter, between both your own tracks and the goblins. As you return to the previous cluster of trails in front of the base, you also seen slight sights of another pair of goblins; Likely the same pair that attacked in the night.

No other trails seem to be apparent.

The entrance to the fort is a few hundred feet away, with an enormous set of wooden double doors spanning the passage. Stone makes up the rest of the construction, with both sides ending flush with the rest of the rock face. The hill becomes more of a mountain above it, with exposed rock peeking out from the earth more and more brazenly as you approach the portal. It seems to be an exceedingly secure structure.

2013-11-06, 02:10 PM
"Doesn't seem that any more have gone out, beyond the two that attacked us in the night. Still, if they sent hunters for us, they know we're coming. If not, they still might suspect an attack, if they expected the hunters to be back by now. Still, we shouldn't have to deal with a rear attack, unless they've gotten better at hiding their tracks, or have another exit somewhere." He shrugs.

2013-11-06, 02:11 PM
"Wooden doors? On a Fortress? Do any of you have a reaeily available form of fire?"

2013-11-06, 02:15 PM
"...yes?" Silvis says. "But in the time it would take for the doors to burn, they could prepare for us to enter. I don't want to face a line of goblins throwing javelins."

2013-11-06, 02:17 PM
Tyrena tries to get a better idea of the area surrounding the gates, walls(climbable?), cliffs(?), ground, cover.

2013-11-06, 03:42 PM
Fabrin frowns at Tyrena's and Silvis's comments, "There's a fair chance they know already. I'm more concerned that they'd be able to attack us while we tried to start the fire. Still, no reason to alert them if we have another option." He looks at the stronghold trying to see if there are any places for the goblins to attack out of.

Spot: [roll0] (or +8, if you're willing to consider this "against" goblinoids for Favored Enemy).

2013-11-06, 03:45 PM
"Is there another way in? You could start a fire to act as a distraction."

2013-11-06, 04:30 PM
Tyrena tries to get a better idea of the area surrounding the gates, walls(climbable?), cliffs(?), ground, cover.

Outside the Fort

The surrounding area is a rather desolate expanse of dirt with the occasional bush and scrub grass. The cliff face the entrance is set curves around out of sight to both the north and south. A cursory search reveals no secret passages in your immediate vicinity.

2013-11-07, 01:22 AM
"We don't know of any other ways in. We'd have to go closer to do a thorough search though".

2013-11-07, 03:29 AM
"I'd be surprised if the goblins didn't have a hidden backdoor, checking the mountain for a cave leading to their rear entrance would probably be better than a frontal assault by the few of us."

"we can circle around the hill checking for caves without exposing ourselves to view from the stronghold, we should probably do that first."

"If we don't find a cave we can always try the frontal assault later of course."

Caleb waits for his colleagues thoughts of his plan before taking any action.

2013-11-07, 02:07 PM
Fabrin nods, "We might as well look. It seems unlikely we're going to draw more attention to ourselves than if we simply pounced."

2013-11-07, 04:31 PM
"I don't know about any secret entrances but if we light a fire it should be a big one at the entrance, smoke 'em out!" Una contributes in response to Tyrena's earlier statment.

2013-11-07, 09:19 PM
"Unfortunately, smoking people out only works with enclosed spaces, such as a temple."

2013-11-08, 04:28 AM
"If we can't find another entrance then we could attempt to draw out a few more..."

"we could dress someone small up as a goblin", Caleb looks at Tyrena speculatively, "and have them collapse in the open, clearly trying to return to the fortress but unable to make it back."

"perhaps they would send out another investigative party to check, and we could ambush that group as well."

2013-11-08, 08:29 PM
"Before discussing what if we can't, lets see if we can find the entrance first, As I believe nobody's spoken against it. planning is good, but not if you don't do anything in that time, sitting around all day in front of the enemy." Silvis says, all in one breath. Somehow. He then begins to slowly move to the side in order to search for any entrances. "Fabrin?" he asks, hoping he'll come along.