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2013-08-26, 10:59 AM
Hello :)

Our heroes have a one way ticket to mars (population: ~60, year: 2037) and may take 20kg (45 lbs.) of items with them. Simple clothing, food, medicine, weapons and stuff needed for work & surival will be provided. Apart from "as many music and e-books as I can afford", what interesting personal possessions should they take with them? What would those possessions tell about their owner?

2013-08-27, 12:51 AM
As many video games as possible?

2013-08-27, 01:31 AM
Flag of Texas?

Mr Beer
2013-08-27, 01:57 AM
"Weapons"? What for?

Anyway, luxury food and drink would be one choice. Super high end scotches/brandies, tins of caviar, belgian truffles and so on.

2013-08-27, 02:08 AM
A camcorder. This is so that as they step onto Mars, they can say "Praise the Omnissiah" before uploading it to GoogleTube (an unholy fusion of Google and YouTube that first went live in 2019).

Akodo Makama
2013-08-27, 02:27 AM
A camcorder. This is so that as they step onto Mars, they can say "Praise the Omnissiah" before uploading it to GoogleTube (an unholy fusion of Google and YouTube that first went live in 20192006).

Fixed that for you.

2013-08-27, 03:21 AM
So there's a few general categories, with some overlap.

These items aren't particularly desirable for themselves, but for an association they represent. Wedding rings, old baseball gloves, stuffed animals, and letters from loved ones are some of the more traditional. Such things may indicate a desire to remain connected with Earth. Alternatively, they may be a reminder of why our hero left, whether as inspiration or as a vestige of a painful memory that our hero can't quite bear to throw away. Note that any object can be put in this category, and you can be sure the person lugging around a burnt-out light bulb has a good story about it. Some individuals have fond memories of specific food or drinks, and will bring a limited supply for special occasions(wine, coffee, and chocolate are common choices).

Items to keep the hero occupied during down-time. Devoting a lot of space to such things tends to indicate either a personality that highly values fun or a personality obsessive about one interest. Choice of entertainment can also be indicative; someone who spends space on physical books probably values alone time, while someone who brings board games probably values time with people. Also remember that gravity is lower on Mars, so some sporting equipment may take on new allure: golf gear, baseballs, vaulting poles, what have you.

These items are intended to make the work easier or more effective. Someone with strong opinions and a perfectionist streak may bring substitutes for some of the standard gear(which our hero believes is just not up to par), while someone for whom efficiency is paramount or who is simply a technophile might bring a fancy machine that can do the work faster, but is too expensive for the benefactors to shell out for it(or too fragile for them to be willing to hire a full-time repairman).

2013-08-27, 05:01 AM
Why do you ask?

Well, pens, paper, dice, PHB, DMG, MM, because none of them can truly be replaced by their digital versions! And pizza of course (what's your minimum order value for Syrtis Major?)

Some might take other drugs but I would probably just take 20l of good alcohol (preferring Single Malt over wine because of the better booze-weight ratio), chocolate, and a USB stick. Or several USB hard drives. (Typical available data rates to Mars might be very limited.)

"As many music and e-books as I can afford"? That would be a lot more than I could read or listen to in a lifetime.

2013-08-27, 07:40 AM
There's always the classic~ A golfclub and ball so you can set a few records on the green red.

2013-08-27, 07:50 AM
20kg of climbing gear. Olympus Mons awaits! :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-28, 02:15 PM
Thank you very much! :smallsmile:

"Weapons"? What for?
Fear of sabotage teams sent by the asian mars colony.

"As many music and e-books as I can afford"? That would be a lot more than I could read or listen to in a lifetime.
Lucky you. :smallwink:

I can't believe I did not think of board games and luxury food. Especially since there are no steaks on mars, only tofu.

My indian-british drone technician went with a large poster of the prewar london skyline, three bowls of japanese earth and bonsai seeds, her tame zebra finches, two saris, an antique talwar, jewelry and make-up for special occasions and forgot to bring chocolate.:smallconfused: