View Full Version : Reign of Winter

2013-08-26, 08:48 PM
Part 1: The Snows of Summer.

The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer which descended upon the forest just days ago.
Heavy snow followed, and a few hunters went missing. Those who returned spoke of an unnatural presence in the woods, and new, dangerous predators.
Old Mother Theodora has been nay-saying and gossip mongering, claiming darker times ahead.

As though in proof of her claims, a badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard for Lady Argentea Malassene.
He sought the attention of the village council, and claimed the noblewoman's escort was attacked by bandits near the edge of the Border Wood.
He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged off into the forest.

The townsfolk have been paranoid and worried all day, wondering what else might be coming out of their once peaceful wood.


{table=head]-|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|2 0|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30
A|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
B|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|H|_|H|H|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
C|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|_|X|H|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
D|_|_|_|_|_|_|1|1|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|_|H|_|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
E|_|_|_|_|_|_|1|1|_|_|H|H|_|_|H|H|_|H|H|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
F|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|X|_|_|H|H|_|H|H|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
G|_|_|H|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|H|_|3|_|4|_|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
H|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|X|H|H|_|_|_|3|3|_|4|4|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
I|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|_|2|2|_|_|_|4|4|4|_|_|H|14 |14|_|_|_|_|_|_
J|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|H|H|14 |14|H|H|_|_|_|_
K|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|H|H|X|X|6|7|_|_|9|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
L|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|X|5|5|_|7|7|_|_|_|10|10|_|H|H| H|H|_|_|_|15|X|_
M|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|X|_|_|_|_|7|7|_|_|11|11|_|H|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
N|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|8|_|_|_|11|_|H|H|_ |_|_|_|_|_|_|_
O|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|8|_|_|12|12|_|_|H| _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
P|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|8|_|_|12|12|13|_|_ |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
Q|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|_|_|_|_|13|13|13|_|_ |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
R|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|H|H|_|_|X|X|X|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_
S|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|_|_|_|H|H|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
T|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|H|_|_|H|H|H|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
1: Armory
2: Smithy
3: General Store
4: Town Hall
5: Apothecary
6: Barber
7: Tavern
8: Stables
9: Statue (The Lady)
10: Mayor's House
11: Temple of Erastil
12: Carpenter
13: Sawmill
14: Butcher Shop
15: Old Mother Theodora's house
H: Housing
_: Clear land
X: Impassable land
Each square=20 feet.

Backstory information:
You have all been residents of Heldren for a short time. More than a week, less than a year. You may live in the town, choosing any H square as your personal home.
You begin play on any square you like. It is early morning.

2013-08-26, 08:56 PM
"Gloin was in his workshop/house in the town. He had arrived a few months ago and worked brewing and creating potions for the village and any passing adventurers. He looked at the massive hammer on his mantel and pulled it down strapping it to his back, he for once was wearing armor today dark tides made him feel better wearing it. he had planned to go hunting for any interesting herbs and was equipped for any trouble already have several mutagens, bombs, and extracts prepared. Set up for his adventure he threw on his backpack and walked out the house to embrace the day"

2013-08-26, 10:14 PM
(Gonna have to re-skin my char's final bits once I get home today. They re-upped the restrictions on what we can and can't do with Gov Comps, including now using Myth-Weavers)

Lox, hands tucked into the pockets of his breeches, walked down the exact center of the street. He wasnt trying to be an obstruction, he justs understood how offputting it was for Lightworlders to see him blur and fade within the embrace of the shadows coming from the buildings. So instead, he walked to the hunters' lodge to inquire about these strange new beasts he'd been hearing so much about. Might make a good vest.

2013-08-27, 12:53 AM
Being two of the only non humans in the city, Lox and Gloin are easy to make out on the busy, yet quiet streets. The other townsfolk look hurried and afraid.

2013-08-27, 03:09 AM
"Gloin blinks, he'd been cooped up in his lab for the past week and he looks at the nearest townmember and tapped him on the hip" Oi! what's got everyone's all riled up like an elf seein a forest fire?

2013-08-28, 10:02 AM
Neu had arrived only three weeks ago. It could be said that the small village was like a vacation for this young adventurer, recovering from an injury. This morning she has a restless and excited feeling when stretching before to put on her Lynks armor.

Of course it was bad news she heard at the tavern yesterday. Bandits were somewhere in the Border Wood.

She checked her boots and smile, and then stepped outside. She was curious for information. Maybe breakfast at the tavern would be helpful?

2013-08-28, 10:25 AM
From the periphery of the village, a dog sled towed by four Blonde Mastiffs approached, the spray of snow in its wake obscuring the identity of the sledder. The dog team came to a stop by the nearest building at the edge of the village, and the sledder stood up even as the spray ceased to fly, revealing...

...a petite young elf girl, not much taller than a halfling, and with the looks of one barely halfway to adulthood. Dressed in the cold weather outfit of the region, the flowing white hair and red eyes marked the girl out as someone unusual, even for these parts. The girl trotted around to the dogs, hugging and rubbing each of them even as she laughed gaily.

"Hahaha, who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? You're a good boy!"

The little elf girl laughed, finally disengaging from the dogs and leaving them be, before trotting her way deeper into the village, glancing left and right as she chirped cheerfully to the villagers.

"Ricia back! Ricia here to stay a while! How everyone?"

2013-08-28, 07:55 PM
Kasanip, Cogsrow, please make a Gather Information check.
Ascaloth, Entaris, Knowledge: Local check.

People seem to be skittish and quiet. Most speech is murmured and short.

2013-08-28, 08:13 PM
Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

2013-08-28, 08:45 PM
gather information

2013-08-28, 08:53 PM
Gather Information: [roll0]

2013-08-29, 11:00 PM
Kasanip: The bar is filled mostly with heresay. "The weather's gone crazy! There's even Snow in the border wood. It's gotta be magic, what if it's some kind of attack?"

Ascaloth: "I hear some hunter named Dryden Kepp saw a giant weasel in the woods. Nobody believed him, so he went off to bring back it's carcass. You seen him on your travels? He hasn't been back in a few days."

People are milling about, and getting them to talk that much was difficult.

Cogsrow: Nobody likes you, you crazy little dwarf.

2013-08-29, 11:13 PM
"Gloin just grunts and shrugs and walks towards the inn to grab a drink, beer would lighten his mood and maybe watching and/or participating in a bar brawl would make him feel better after that sting"

2013-08-29, 11:19 PM
Cogsrow: The inn is full of regulars from town, and an unusual visitor, someone you've seen around town for the last little while, but never for very long. A tall feline woman, who seems to be asking about the woods.

2013-08-29, 11:49 PM

The little elf girl marveled, tilting her head at the passerby in wonder. Slowly, she shook her head.

"Ricia no see hunter out there last few days. There is big weasel out there, really?!"

She suddenly brightened, almost bouncing in excitement as she approached the passerby closer.

"Ricia wants to see! Ricia will ask tavern people who wants to see, too!"

With that, she bounced off and headed towards the tavern, pushing the door open and announcing herself in a loud, high-pitched voice.

"Ricia back! Want breakfast! Is there breakfast?!"

2013-08-29, 11:59 PM
"gloin watches the catgirl raising a bushy brow as he downs another tankard of ale"

2013-08-30, 10:37 AM
"Oh? Is that so?" Neu asked with a curious expression. Her ears twitched thoughtfully as she politely drank with the customers. It was interesting it was snowing. If it was a magical attack, then finding bandits would be interesting challenge.

"Thank you, please enjoy your drinks!" Neu said with a cheerful grin, and moved from the table.

What should I do now? Maybe find some help? She thought. Her tail swayed as she looked around the room. Of course the problem is, I must find strong adventurers. She ruefully thought.
That was when Ricia entered. But Neu felt someone staring at her. She turned to see a dwarf. A sly smile appeared on her face.
Perfect! She came to this dwarf.

"Good morning! You look useful. Do you have any interest in investigating the bandit attack on Lady Argentea?"

2013-08-30, 04:22 PM
"Gloin was not expecting the question" I just be an alchemist I don't have time for goin and fightin and all dat. I only handle such troubles when they be comin for me

2013-08-31, 02:05 AM
Neu's expression maintained cheerful smile, and continued speaking. "That's perfect! We should speak to the mercenary who came with the news! I heard he was injured." She placed hands on hips and turned.

"It's best to go now in the morning! The journey will be long. Isn't that right?" She said, maybe talking to the air and other tavern members.

2013-08-31, 11:39 AM
"the dwarf sighs, he couldn't just not investigate, he was to curious for that. Sides magi creatures usually have bits for good reagants and he looks at the girl" fine I'll help ya, let me finish drinkin though

2013-09-02, 09:28 PM
"Very good!" Neu responds cheerfully. She leaves the dwarf and pats the elf child on the head as she leaves the tavern.
Outside, she looks around.

"I wonder if there are any other interested in this small town." She wonders. Patience is not the weapon of legendary Lynks warriors. She waits outside in a pacing manner.

2013-09-02, 10:12 PM
Turning around to look at the much taller Lynks who had patted her on the head, Claricia trotted after the latter, and tugged on her hand.

"Lynks girl talk of bandit?"

The petite elf girl burbled, tilting her head slightly.

"Lynks girl looking for someone too?"

2013-09-02, 10:45 PM
"Oh?" The Lynks' ears twitched, and she looked back with a toothy smile.
"yes, the bandits who attacked Lady Argentea." She confirmed to the elf child.
"It maybe is just my blood, but I'm very curious." A dark Lynks smile. "Bandits, it seems humans don't worry about them very much. We Lynks never have this problem." She quietly sighs.
"So, I was looking for adventurers for a small adventure. Do you know such a person?" She asked the elf child.

2013-09-02, 11:03 PM
"Adventure? Ricia LOVE adventure!"

The little elf girl suddenly exclaimed, waving both arms in the air and pointing to herself excitedly.

"Ricia want to come! Ricia speak with bandits, maybe bandits know where hunter Kepp and giant weasel is! Ricia ask them!"

2013-09-02, 11:19 PM
Neu laughed with sweat.
"Good! However, I think that maybe you are too young." She tries dissuading. Of course Neu is curious about this, too. "How old are you, Ricia?" It is hard to know elf's age.

2013-09-02, 11:45 PM
At that, Claricia stamped her feet.

"Ricia not too young! Ricia older than Lynks girl!"

The dimiunitive elf fumed, pointing a tiny finger at Neu.

"Ricia more than a hundred..."

But then, she trailed off as a look of uncertainty crossed her face, and she put a finger to her lips in thought, her previous tantrum quite forgotten.

"...Ricia thinks so? It should be so, Ricia thinks..."

2013-09-04, 12:07 AM
When you ask about hte Mercenary, one of the bar patrons looks up.
"The Dwarf? Yuln was his name. He was taken to the Willowbark Apocethary, and in bad shape at that. If you're getting involved with that mess, you'll need some help."

Lox: You get to the Hunter's Lodge. It's occupied by four burly men, skinning an elk. As you enter, they look up at you.
"Hullo, Shadow-man. What brings you here?"

2013-09-04, 12:36 AM
(I completely forgot to subscribe to this thing :/ Anything else I've missed game-wise? VtM or the like?)

Lox strolled over to the men, hands in his pockets easily, "Rumours." He replied, "Rumours...and the prospect of a good hunt." He finished, mischief glinting in his black eyes, "I'm thinking we should go and find these new predators, establish our dominance, and see if we can't make a decent pair of boots in the process." He elaborated, his shadow sliding slightly farther along the wall than it should be given the Shadeling's casual lean.

2013-09-05, 01:19 AM
Entaris: Please make a Diplomacy check, or an intimidate if you're trying to get them to man up.

2013-09-05, 01:22 AM
OKay Diplomacy [roll0]

2013-09-05, 01:24 AM
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. You got any game in mind? How long do you figure to be ranging?"

2013-09-05, 01:31 AM

"Really, looking for anything. A Winter Wolf would be nice, or I've heard tell of some new beasty wandering the forests." Lox replied.

2013-09-05, 12:44 PM
[OOC note. Should I just post?]

2013-09-06, 02:18 AM
"Winter wolves? There's Wolves in there? Huh. Well, sounds more likely than giant weasels, I'll give you that. Sure. We'll get our gear and set out tomorrow morning. You got a map?"

2013-09-06, 02:40 AM
"Actually, no, but that's where I was headed next." Lox replied, "I'll see you here tommorow, yes?" As her turned and wandered back out the door, looking for the cartographer's wagon if he was still in town or the nearby merchants.

2013-09-06, 03:00 AM
At that, Claricia stamped her feet.

"Ricia not too young! Ricia older than Lynks girl!"

The dimiunitive elf fumed, pointing a tiny finger at Neu.

"Ricia more than a hundred..."

But then, she trailed off as a look of uncertainty crossed her face, and she put a finger to her lips in thought, her previous tantrum quite forgotten.

"...Ricia thinks so? It should be so, Ricia thinks..."

Frayed Lynks tail reacts with surprise from the time of this comment. Of course Neu is temporarily busy to fix this.
"Is that so?" She replies to Ricia. "Well, if you are that kind of grandmother, do you have adventurer expertise?" She asked curiously.

When you ask about hte Mercenary, one of the bar patrons looks up.
"The Dwarf? Yuln was his name. He was taken to the Willowbark Apothecary, and in bad shape at that. If you're getting involved with that mess, you'll need some help."

"Oh, I see. I will go talk to him next for more information. Thank you very much." Neu distractedly said to the bar patron. Of course there is an elf child who demands attention.

2013-09-06, 03:38 AM
Frayed Lynks tail reacts with surprise from the time of this comment. Of course Neu is temporarily busy to fix this.
"Is that so?" She replies to Ricia. "Well, if you are that kind of grandmother, do you have adventurer expertise?" She asked curiously.

"Adventure? Ricia LOVES adventure! Ricia just back in town from one!"

The little elf girl exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, waving her arms up and down excitedly.

"Ricia ride with dogs everywhere! Sometimes bring flowers and other things for the people here! They ask Ricia to get it for them!"

"Oh, I see. I will go talk to him next for more information. Thank you very much." Neu distractedly said to the bar patron. Of course there is an elf child who demands attention.

Hearing the other person speak to Neu, Claricia's interest was piqued.

"Dwarf? He show us to bandits? Ricia wanna come!"

2013-09-06, 04:18 AM
"Adventure? Ricia LOVES adventure! Ricia just back in town from one!"

The little elf girl exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, waving her arms up and down excitedly.

"Ricia ride with dogs everywhere! Sometimes bring flowers and other things for the people here! They ask Ricia to get it for them!"

"Well, that is very nice. It sounds like a nice adventure" Neu replied to Ricia. Somehow it seemed the image of adventure was a little different. With a sweat, she tried to think of an answer.

Hearing the other person speak to Neu, Claricia's interest was piqued.

"Dwarf? He show us to bandits? Ricia wanna come!"

Giving up, Neu agrees. It probably isn't too dangerous. Afterall, the Lynks can protect a child. Or grandmother. She affirms. "Yes, let's talk to the dwarf. Then maybe we can go find the bandits."

2013-09-06, 04:42 AM
"Well, that is very nice. It sounds like a nice adventure" Neu replied to Ricia. Somehow it seemed the image of adventure was a little different. With a sweat, she tried to think of an answer.

Giving up, Neu agrees. It probably isn't too dangerous. Afterall, the Lynks can protect a child. Or grandmother. She affirms. "Yes, let's talk to the dwarf. Then maybe we can go find the bandits."


Claricia exclaimed, tugging on Neu's hand.

"Let's go, let's go!"

2013-09-06, 12:34 PM
Albert entered the bar. Sitting at the table with his soon to be group. He pulled out several books and started reading them.

2013-09-07, 02:56 AM
"Gloin watched the very, very, loud pair leave the bar, seems the locals liked them more. Couldn't hurt to follow and find out what happened to a fellow dwarf

2013-09-07, 02:37 PM
Finally comprehending the last of the conversation.

A missing dwarf? Albert thought to himself. A mystery? It was Albert's duty to help anyway he could. Stopping the dwarf just getting up, Albert asked.

Excuse me, Sir.Dwarf? What was going on, about a missing dwarf?

2013-09-07, 05:26 PM
Oi, lady dat be what I'm leavin me second home ta find out

2013-09-07, 06:02 PM
Deciding to let the lady comment go for the sake of the mystery Albert thought for a moment.

Do you mind if I accompany you? I have some talent as a healer.

2013-09-07, 06:13 PM
"the dwarf nods" I won't, be mindin some pretty lass acompanyin me through town.

2013-09-07, 06:53 PM
...I'm a man. Albert replies as he falls into step behind the dwarf.

2013-09-07, 08:19 PM
Sure you are lassy, and I'm a three eyed purple dragon with fuzzy nuts "he heads towards the building the hurt dwarf is in"

2013-09-09, 11:15 PM

Claricia exclaimed, tugging on Neu's hand.

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Yes, yes. Let's go!" Neu agrees, to be pulled by the child to the house. Despite dark mood of the town, she is in a good mood today.

Coming to the Willowbark Apothecary, she knocks politely.

2013-09-11, 01:44 AM
The door opens up and you see there's a elderly woman about to leave. She stops as she sees you approach.
"Oh! Ser Dwarf, it looks like you might have more visitors after all."
There's a groan from further inside, and you see a heavily bandaged, stocky dwarf with long blonde hair and a face that looks like it's seen a sound beating.

2013-09-13, 08:06 PM
Neu smiles a politelarge Lynks smile.
"Good morning." She said while entering. She looks at the heavily bandaged stocky dwarf and continues this smile.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Neu. This is Ricia. I wanted to ask about the bandits. However, first I should ask. Are you feeling better?"

2013-10-04, 06:44 PM
"Never felt worse."
He looks at you with his one non-bandaged eye.
"I'm Yuln. Yuln Oerstag. Those bandits, they weren't much of a problem. Just outlaws that hide like wolves in the forest. No match for a good sword and hard head.
But then came the cold fey of the North. They appeared among us and the battle turned sour.
My people speak of the winter-touched all the time, but I never thought to meet them THIS far south..."