View Full Version : Tarquin, Elan's new evil opposite

2013-08-27, 12:28 AM
While Nale is the one who spawned the evil opposites theme, Tarquin seems to have accidentally/on purpose taken up the mantle, although in a much deeper sense. Instead of superficial differences, the dichotomy is in character.

Consider their shared, borderline game-breaking genre-savviness and how it impacts their characters as a whole:

For Elan, the dramatic perspective (sporadically hereafter referred to as The Story) is his specialty and how he often understands what goes on around him. He seems to have adopted this mode primarily because it is harmlessly fun and is even helpful at times (for those who take heed (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0556.html), at least). But when it's time to get serious, he immediately defenestrates any notion of rule-of-drama. He is no slave to the story, but rather innocently revels in it, and will abandon it without hesitation if it means people could (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0670.html)/did (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0914.html) get hurt.

Tarquin, on the other hand, sees the rules and tropes of drama almost as natural laws, which are reliable and can be exploited to produce particular results. This is the foundation for his scheme (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0763.html) (I am assuming that his reveal to Elan was for the most part truthful). He doesn't latch on to 'The Story' to enjoy the ride like Elan, but instead to milk it for everything it can get him. He also uses dramatic conventions to justify the horrible things he does.

This is where I think the differences between these two really shine and expresses their alignments brilliantly. Elan enthusiastically throws himself into The Story to become a part of it and to enjoy the ride. Tarquin uses The Story and loop-holes his way into power. Elan wants to participate, Tarquin wants to dominate.

Side opposite:
For Elan and Haley, their relationship is the only romantic one involving either one that is explored in the comic (bard camp stories and cryptogramed confessions notwithstanding). While they aren't officially married, they might as well be, and in the best way possible. They are committed to each other (probably irrevocably so), bring out each others' strengths, and help each other get through their problems.

Tarquin has had 9 marriages. This fact pretty much explains itself.

Ron Miel
2013-08-27, 12:45 AM
No, he's Elan's evil pop-osite.


2013-08-27, 12:58 AM
When you think about it, Tarquin is also the evil opposite of the person Elan respects most on the world: Roy.

Consider, Roy tells Thog that his Evil Opposite would need to be very similar to him with a few huge differences.

Leader :: Leader
Fighter :: Fighter
Intelligent strategist :: Intelligent Strategist
Combat Pragmatist :: Combat Pragmatist
Sometimes a jerk, but a good guy :: Charming, but evil to the core
Has learned to lead honestly and earns respect :: Leads by manipulation, demands respect
Enjoys beating his enemies a little too much, but usually spares them :: Dispassionately kills his enemies.

As Tarquin remarked, an interesting matchup.

2013-08-27, 11:36 AM
Consider their shared, borderline game-breaking genre-savviness...
Which game is this, now? OOTS is a story, not a game. The story lampoons and only occasionally acknowledges the game that inspired it, but it is not a game in any sense, and Tarquin's genre-savvy cannot overrule the plot as written by Rich. There is no game.

That said: Tarquin exists to provide interesting conflict and explicatory power to the development of Nale. I don't think it's a good idea to invest too much thought into "evil opposites." Whose evil opposite of the psion? Nobody, that's who.

Gift Jeraff
2013-08-27, 11:45 AM
Tarquin thinking that Nale and Malack would just get along after capturing the Gate mirrors Elan's naive fantasy that Nale and Tarquin would just magically get along, duh.

2013-08-27, 11:56 AM
When you think about it, Tarquin is also the evil opposite of the person Elan respects most on the world: Roy.

Yes, Tarquin is an evil and better prepared (read: older and more experienced) version of Roy. The two are very similar (mostly pure fighters, working with their intelligence, relying on a team, being pretty lawful).

Tarquin is no opposite of Elan - he is more most of what Elan despises in this world.

2013-08-27, 12:51 PM
Which game is this, now? OOTS is a story, not a game. The story lampoons and only occasionally acknowledges the game that inspired it, but it is not a game in any sense, and Tarquin's genre-savvy cannot overrule the plot as written by Rich. There is no game.

"Game-breaking" is also an idiom for "overpowered". Although I don't think Elan and Tarquin's genre-savvy is that; if anything it's going to help cause the latter's downfall.

2013-08-27, 02:45 PM
Whose evil opposite of the psion? Nobody, that's who.

Vaarsuvius (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0595.html), that's who.

2013-08-27, 02:51 PM
The use of dramatic elements by Elan and Tarquin, as described by the OP, also remind me of the difference between a good rules lawyer and and bad one. :smallbiggrin:

Bulldog Psion
2013-08-27, 02:58 PM
Actually, I think the OP has a pretty good insight into the pair here. Tarquin and Elan both use their genre-savviness pretty much constantly. It's just that Elan tries to use it for good, and Tarquin for evil. There are a lot of similarities between them, just as there are glaring differences. That sounds a lot like an evil opposite to me.

In fact, I was about to post a thread like this when I saw it already existed. :smallbiggrin: