View Full Version : The Fatal Awakening

2013-08-27, 04:33 PM
By dimensions and aeons, lost through warps in space and anti-space, knowledge flutters and streams endlessly through the shadows cast by the lurker on the mountains. Horrors and malevolent beings lie and wait until the awakening of the old. Hordes of sinister beasts sunder the earth. Purging it of the elements it held so richly in its roots. Through dark sacraments, and curses in tongues of old, the shaman-kings bring forth vulgar monstrosities. Hideously deformed constructs now festering the very world.

Uniting to become one stand against this heinous legion, the the rolling flat-lands of Korvestra, the great forest of Vilfirdia, the cold mountains of Ghardr, and the golden-prairies of Antyk, have banded together for the greater fate of the world. Great Wizards mark days yet to come. With an awakening of Titans to lead the army, and the awakening of the old ones, on the edge of its slumber.

The Final Contract is to be made by their gods. Uniting two figure-heads together in order to symbolize the combining of forces. Political movement and civilized rituals are in order to bring to together people of each race. This day is a day of celebration and often known as a wedding.

The King and Queen of Korvestra, and the King and Queen of Vilfiridia have brought their single offspring to wed, and create a bond between Elves and Humans once more. To make this day perfect for his daughter, the King has hired performers, magical advisers, caterers, scouts, muscle, and many other experienced adventurers around the area to ensure maximum protection.

Monika Korvestra will birth the offspring of a titan of courage. The new leader of the good. The last hope of the creatures making a stand against the vile.

Chatter and music played serenely through the courtyard, as nobles and royals ate and drank with guards. A royal blue carpet ran down the middle of the courtyard and upon the steps leading up to a fine stage with an intricate white arch. Vines with bright colorful blossoms enmeshed a beautiful filigree threaded through the white arch. the small was placed in front of a view of the garden just past a railing of white. the railing ran both left and right to accompany two symmetrical sets of stairs on either side.

2013-08-27, 05:26 PM
Between a hat to hide his ancestry and an intimidating glare, Tycho found it a simple task to get anywhere that he pleased. Making the best soups and stews in the city certainly didn't hurt either, so he was a hot commodity when it came to catering a royal affair.

A means to an end, he thought to himself over a cauldron full of simmering broth. More money, more power. More power, more dead Orcs.

He muttered a few goodwishes upon the bride and groom, not wanting anything to spoil his payday, and observed the proceedings with interest.

2013-08-27, 07:11 PM

Standing a good head above most of the other lady's present, Skarl cut a curious figure as she leaned against one of the walls and observed the congregation while munching on an apple.

Weddings for her were usually more jubilant and lively affairs whose beginning was typically announced with a communal hunt for some great animal. The touch of civilisation provided a near limitless vicissitude of fascination for the North-woman, with its customs and culture so far removed from her own.

Finishing her piece of fruit, Skarl pushed herself away from the wall and found a place to safely deposit the leftovers. Carrying her hefty blade nestled between her shoulders beneath the dark purple cape the King had instructed her to wear, Skarl rubbed the golden brooch upon her right shoulder and clung to the outskirts of the wedding - offering 'polite' and 'reassuring' smiles to those whom looked in her direction.

2013-08-27, 07:13 PM
Relius Valani was having a wonderful time. He swaggered exultantly through the courtyard, taking his fill of the high class atmosphere. The young Psion had managed to garner some minor celebrity lately, by disposing of a notorious local monster: And now he was milking his 15 minutes of fame for all it was worth. Grabbing a drink from a passing tray, he attempted to slip into conversation with someone important. Hopefully he'd be able to make a few contacts before this day ended.

2013-08-27, 08:41 PM

Even in his best cloths Sargov was an ugly homunculus, but today it didn't seem to matter. Everyone was too focused on the festivities to notice him. He made his way through the crowd, grabbed a bear from one of the many buxom serving girls.

His nose caught a sent and he meandered towards it source. Sargov spotted a figure over a cauldron. The large hat didn't hide his identity. Walking up close and said to Tycho, "So did you put any children in it or do you want me fetch you some. I'm sure I can find a nice plump one, you know... nicely marbled..."

Chained Birds
2013-08-27, 08:51 PM

A woman in crimson and sienna garb sits to the right of an Elven noble. She speaks to him in fluent Elvish about how days like these are still days where one must fret over even the most minor of details. She goes on to cant about several disasters that may occur, from the more probable Assassination Attempt by a Jealous Former Lover, to the more unlikely Giant Insect Breaking Through the Stained Glass Windows and Consuming the Prince Where he Stands.

She pauses to adjust the staff leaning against her shoulder, before continuing her monologue with the Elvish Lord ignoring her ramblings by diverted his attention to a woman sitting to his left:

"It is all a matter of prospective. You and I may see this as a great day for our kind, but others might find such an alliance deplorable. So one cannot disperse the thoughts of Misfortune from entering their unconscious or conscious mind.
When one simply believes that only the best scenario will occur, one is only setting themselves up for disappointment. "

She pauses and looks towards the gem glimmering at the top of her staff. After a few seconds of staring at the gem, the woman sighs and fiddles around with the bangs in front of her eyes.

"One can only hope that hope exists."

Padding herself off, she gets up and wanders over to an middle-aged human. The man taps his foot in anticipation as he gives her a stern look.

"What were you doing having a conversation like that near an Elvish Lord, in Elvish no less?! You want to look like a crazy or something?!
If everything goes well, you can become the Head Doctor to this new family and finally put our village back on the map."

"Carbuncle, you should use your "inside voice" if you wish to speak to me in such a harsh tone. Others might find your words...disconcerting."

The man grunts and gives the woman several odd looks as though he is miming out emotions of anger and worry. It is as though he is speaking to her without saying a single word.
She, in turn, simple smiles at the man's behavior and pats him on the shoulder.

-- End Scene -- :smallsmile:

2013-08-27, 09:52 PM

Barely managing to secure a spot on the guest list Thormen was delighted to be able to witness such history. Sure he had to trade in one of his best favors to be taken on as a plus one, but it was well worth it. Wearing traditional clothing from his homeland he looked the part. Fine clothes and the jewels to match he looked proper amongst the wealthier folk. For the past while he had been entertaining himself by ease dropping on gossip and story swapping. His golden pets playing on top of the table attracting attention to the curious sight of the three miniature dragons, that were toying with silverware. He drew another, a small torus shaped device with a sphere of onyx at the center with insect like wings and six needle thin legs, “Go, stick to the bride and alarm me if she’s in danger”. Thormen put a slip of paper underneath its legs. The fine construct grabbed the paper, its wings turning into blurs, as it disappeared in front of him and presumably flew off. "Nippy." he called. On Thormen's back a glass lid swung open and a bird’s head appeared. "Do the same please, go make some bird friends and convince these new friends there's a treat in it for them, if they warn you of trouble." The lid popped up as the bird flew out and the lid closed behind it. "Get back soon, I don't want you to get into any trouble again."

His excusable rudeness of ease dropping bearing fruit, he rose out of his chair and approached two older gentlemen trading stories about the day of yore. Pausing in front of them, they stopped their stories, waiting for the younger man that appeared in front of them. Thormen offered his hand to each of them in succession as they greeted him back, “Greetings friends. I just happened to hear some of your stories. I’d love to hear more.” The trio exchanged further pleasantries and invoked on further ramblings with the stories becoming ever grander and ever falser as embellishment turned to exaggeration. His pets moving from the tabletop onto him as busboys drove them away. “Very impressive”, he complimented the older gentlemen on his story. “I’ve got a fish story of my own .”

“Years ago when I was just a lad without a clue aboard a mighty sailing vessel, my captain was hired to hunt down an aquatic Fey. A tricky fish if there ever was one. It had stolen the voice of merchant’s son and was fleeing. For days we followed it through the sea with it trying to lose us at every turn, luring us into spiky coast lines and underwater reeds that would have marooned lesser ships. The crew’s songs only growing louder as our pursuits grew closer. It was said that our chants could be heard back at shore. Finally, after months at sea we spotted her, but the fight wasn’t over yet. She threw a siren’s song towards us; her words still ring in my ears today, which commanded the crew to throw themselves into the sea. Half the crew was overboard before the rest of us had even recovered from the screech, the captain included. We showed her a little siren song of our own as our singing turned into jeers. With the captain overboard, every man was fighting for himself. I picked up one of the tethered harpoons, cast a simple spell, and threw the thing over eighty yards. Hit her right in a fin. The crew saw the hit and started helping drag her out. Before long she was flopping on the deck with our captain. We spilled harsh words at her, demanding the boy’s voice. You wouldn’t believe what happened next. Fearing for her life, she released his voice. Dumbstruck. It was the boy’s confession of love. Turns out he had confessed to the sea creature, and it was so moved,the Fey took his voice so that it could treasure it. We had been a part of a love story the entire time.” He lets out a laugh at the absurdity of it. “And you wouldn’t believe what happened on the way back.” He continues on with a tale few would believe.

A bit of a mess. There was a lot of much ground I wanted to cover but couldn't since it'd just inflate the post too much.

2013-08-28, 06:41 AM
Drazen Taikahn
Clad in a disguise that he hadn't used for decades, Drazen approached what may be the tallest woman he had ever seen. He had attracted some wary looks, but his guise of a somewhat deformed Oread had held up so far. The dark grey colouring that he had used on his skin was thick enough to hide most of his obviously goblinoid features and the heavy black clothes covered the rest. Zeron was perching on the back of his hat, happily watching the crowd that surrounded them. When Drazen reached the human woman he cleared his throat and spoke.
"Excuse me for interrupting you madame," He began, keeping his voice low and deep. "But I am searching for a Duergar of old acquaintance, who commonly goes by the name of Blade. I don't suppose you have seen him over the past few days?"

2013-08-28, 07:08 AM
Skarl Nyhus

Her arms folded over her flat, strong stomach, Skarl was watching several conversing elves and humans before a small voice caught her attention from behind. Turning her head to peer over her shoulders, her top-knot of orange hair swaying past her her back as she did so, her bright green eyes settled upon a dusky-skinned human that was shorter than her by almost a foot.

Turning around to face the man, her expression remained passive until he mentioned the word 'duegar', at which point she raised an orange eyebrow.

"For your sake I hope that this Duegar is not lurking about," she said. Her voice was strong and warm -someone could fall alseep in it.

"Lest I hurl him from the castle walls in the hope that the evil creature may crash back into the Underdark from which it slithered."

2013-08-28, 10:06 AM
"So did you put any children in it or do you want me fetch you some. I'm sure I can find a nice plump one, you know... nicely marbled..."

Tycho does his best not to get too angry at the rude man in front of him.
I don't know what the customs are where you're from, but the nobles here prefer beef and venison to children. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm busy working.

He adjusts the hat on his head, keeping the bright sun from his eyes, and continues his work behind the catering table, loading up the servants' trays when they come by, making sure that everyone is fed, and staying friendly in hopes that the odd coin will make it into his tip jar.

2013-08-28, 10:18 AM
Garbed in colors of grey and blue, an elegant man stood tall and slender. His armor trimmed nearly and fashionably. His quaffed blond hair shined by sunlight, and his grin imposed charm o the highest degree. His lavish cloak dragged behind him along the carpet of blue. Like a waterfall from his back, blue satin crashed and carried on to he center of the courtyard. Things began to quiet down as the Prince had made his appearance.

"So lovely it is to be in the presence of each of you. The vineyard nobles, house of Salvirith, house of Xyrik, and even the few commoners who are lucky enough to come. We are among great heroes and fames here. This human tradition of marriage during such occasion may seem unwittingly wasteful of money and time. I see there are many minds on this topic." He picks up a goblet of wine from a server. "These pressing times are strong to the breaking point. Terror dwell in our minds and cause the tantrum to ensue. We must calm the rage and anger in us. The primitive entities that plague these lands are merely the same humans, elves, and dwarves and the like. They have lost wheat hey plan to take away from us. What it means to be a creature of the loving gods and goddesses that protected us from such destruction back in the reformation of this earth. May we now have celebration to thwart our troubles. May we have peace for a moment. This bright ritual of seemingly meanifless time, presents a hope for others amongst our kingdom. Alhough appearing to be impractical, there is a type of function that must bring a new power into existence."

The crowed remains silent, and whispers among the folk begin to reach another silence. In observation, some nobles bite there lip, royals remain impatient on the climax. The court wizard remains unimpressed. The guards remain in confusion. The players of music begin to tremble with the prince's speech.

"We may know Destriar is planning to contact the Old ones. We know he has the powers of cousin-gods and goddesses. However far from the knowledge of Old we may seem. We are closer to the origin of the creation. Yes. Creations of Gods. Here. Today. Caodoin, Haithyin 25th, 9th year of the Titan. We conjoin two god powers to bring forth another grand power. We have prepared the human bishop and the elven grandmaster to perform the ceremony here for us. We will birth a king of our realm. A champion to lead us into battle and fight the Old ones. He will call the Fatal Awakening to earh. Join us, as we perform the Bright Sacred Bringing!"

He bows and takes his victory sip. In observation, everyone begins to clap. The court wizard smirks, and they begin to cheer. He motions for he music to begin to play.

2013-08-28, 10:37 AM

Sargov turns away from the ill tempered cook. "Musta used up ya sense of humor in the stew," he mumbles. "Tycho, it's me, Sargov you git... There's only one person I know that makes a stew that smells that good."

He listens to the speech then claps as if finishes. It wasn't too much of his concern. He was here for the food and drink, although he did wonder what the 'Bright Sacred Bringing' was.

Chained Birds
2013-08-28, 10:44 AM

After listening to what the prince had to say, and imitating the joy of those around her,

"Seems like everything is proceeding without fault... How concerning..."

"Only you would say such a thing."

"I best check on a few things. I sensed something similar enter the courtyard not too long ago. Best identify its purpose."

"Be careful Z. Both health-wise and "not screwing things up for us"-wise"

The woman smiles as she leaves the man and seems to follow a path. She closes her eyes and senses something familiar in the area, only to eventually arrive at a conversation about a Duergar.
She then points at Drazen,

"You there, I sense something in you. Are you and I of the same power?"

2013-08-28, 11:01 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl Nyhus

Before the shorter humanoid could answer Skarls proclomation, another woman came along and interjected herself into the conversation. She spouted off something about about kinship and demanded her partners attention before he could finish addressing her. How rude.

Turning her head to look at the woman, Skarl regarded her, her voice calm, "Excuse me, we were having a discussion, do allow us to finish it."

2013-08-28, 12:45 PM
Suddenly, a cloud of purple smoke appears with a loud POP. As it dissipates, two figures walk forward, one with a wand and one with a tiny dragon on his shoulder. As the last wisps clear, their faces become visible. The one with the wand steps forward dramatically and exclaims
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Jim Darkmagic Magic!"
Doves fly out from his outstretched arms.

He follows the other up to the place where the Royals and some nobles stand, and they congratulate the couple and begin to make small talk.

The one with the familiar speaks to the king:
"Hello, I am the son of Benn Saram Riddell, James Arvan Riddell. He sends his greatest apologies as he can not make it to the ceremony today. However, Mother may be coming later. In the meantime, they have sent me and my acquaintance, James Darkmagic, in their temporary stead."

Chained Birds
2013-08-28, 01:10 PM

Z gives the larger woman a hollow smile.

"Conversations are always meant to be interrupted at some point. It is of some importance that my question be answered post haste. If he shares my powers, then he could be a danger."

She shifts her gaze to the man, a slight menace in her eyes, though her smile remains.

She also seems unfazed by the sudden appearance of the boisterous man.

2013-08-28, 02:06 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

Skarl didn't look impressed.

When the interrupting woman gave her a dung-eating grin and shrugged off her request, then continued to interject herself, Skarl furrowed her brow.

"Ignore this rude little girl with the manners of a goat." Skarl said to Drazen.

To emphasise her point she took a step forward, placing her frame squarely between Drazen and Z, obsfucating him entirely from her view.

"As you were saying..." she said to the man.

Chained Birds
2013-08-28, 02:12 PM

The woman continues to smile as she addresses the large woman's behavior.

"It may be dangerous to continue without knowing, but I accept your resolve.

May further hardships not befall you today."

She bows and takes her leave. She does sense another close by, though she must find this person first.

2013-08-28, 11:49 PM
Drazen Taikahn
Drazen raises an eyebrow amused by the exchange. "My friend belongs to a different tribe than the one you are familiar with." He began. "Long ago a tribe of dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. They discovered a nightmarish being, one of the old gods. Most were driven mad by their discovery, with those that descended from them becoming the Duergar that most are familiar with, due to their attempts to awaken the beings of nightmares. But some retained their sanity and began a great work, constructing walls and mastering their minds. For generations they worked, doing all they could to ensure that the slumbering things stayed asleep, so that those on the surface could remain safe and ignorant. Eventually they sent some of their number to the surface, to seek out any other old gods and seal them away as well. My friend was one of them. But if he is not here, then I must fear the worst." He explained, frowning.

As he did so, he reached out mentally to the crimson garbed woman.
"Yes I am a wielder of psionic power, much as you are. My apologies, but this woman is somewhat hostile due to my poor choice of words and I do not wish to cause trouble here."

Chained Birds
2013-08-29, 12:11 AM

I suppose we can hold a conversation later. Be warned, I am very observant and don't take kindly to those who ruin opportunities.

Z cuts off the mental connection for now as she continues her quest.

2013-08-29, 02:14 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

The north-woman looked rather amused by the tale she had just heard.

"Have you ever beheld this 'great work' for yourself?" she asked, her smile rather skeptical.

"Or do you believe this story becuase he says so?"

2013-08-29, 04:46 AM
Drazen Taikahn
'I assure you madame, when you are capable of reading the thoughts of others, such doubts rarely last long before curiosity gets the better of you. He believed it, and I believe it in turn. I doubted that it could ever awaken, but the recent troubles may have proved me wrong.' Drazen responded, speaking directly into her mind.

2013-08-29, 05:10 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

The womans amused, friendly demeanor changed immediately: her eyes narrowed and her face hardened as her hand shot up form her side to close around Drazens throat with encircling, powerful fingers. Her reach was a long as it was firm.

"Do not enter my head again."

With that, she let go and pushed past him, looking for company that was neither rude nor disrespectful of her privacy.

2013-08-29, 05:22 AM
Relius clapped and cheered along with the other guests. Even someone like him could appreciate the significance of this occasion. As a lifelong inhabitant of the world, he was very much in favour of keeping it around. Once the music started, he began to circulate again. Perhaps he'd find some notable dignitary who was eager to dance.

2013-08-29, 11:31 AM
The King, without impression, a stern and harsh look cast upon his face. His focus was elsewhere and concentration at the entrance arch to the courtyard. Heavily littered guards in and around. His demeanor fell short of an absent minded mute, however this attitude soon subsided as he took a deep breath. His queen reminds him to calm down. He peers off to the enjoyment and cracks a smile.

The prince, wrapped up in a conversation with a commoner about some tournament they have in the higher regions, when he sensed something change in the air. He excused himself and searched through the crowds from the center of the courtyard.

Two pair of green enchanted eyes, they were set in a soft complexion, and complemented by long mahogany locks of hair. A series of complex braids that stretched ever so long past her chest. In her ever flowing gown of pure white lace and tulle. The prettiest in the Kingdom, and the nicest of the princesses beyond Korvestra. This made marrying Monika a lot easier for the Elven Prince, Delrith, who fell in love with her.

She walked down the isle, as everyone quieted down almost immediately. The guards knelt before her, bowing their heads. Her peaceful aura calmed across the courtyard. Her blushing, as she looked at Delrith. He stood there in the middle of the isle, completely lost and in some sort of trance. A royal elf stepped out from the row of guards.

"I believe this is the part where you should be at the alter. It is customary for your wife-to-be to be escorted by one of her choosing." Delrith snapping out of confusion, he steps upon the alter. The sound of a folksy medley played as she walked down with her father.

The two stood upon a stage, with a series of groomed elves off the stage to the side. The other side had a series of women of different races.

"The Ceremony will begin" the Bishop states, as everyone stands. Next to him is an elf of incredible age. The two begin switching off on reading verses in common speech.

"By that creator that watches over us, by those gods we all adore, I pronounce you two to live together, forever more." Indeed how quaint that the verse of rhyme would be words chosen by the Grandmaster Elf, Elathir. How odd the elvish contexts translate into common. But nonetheless, the two are married, and thus, shall create a path for the Titan to enter the world.
The still and quiet moment is broken by the rumbling of thunder. The sky is cloudless. The an eerie silence distills the courtyard

From out of the sky comes glistening blades of black lightning! It surges straight through Delrith. His head erupts in an explosion of blood, skull and brain matter! It spatters across his newly wed wife's face. The skull shards pierce through many close by royals and performers. His body convulses and twitches as he down the stage. The royal blue carpet is stained purple...You begin to hear more rumbling from the skies. More surges of black lightning branch down to many other guards, and beyond the courtyard, their skull fragments pierce through others attempting to run...

((DM: Everyone make a reflex save ))

Chained Birds
2013-08-29, 11:38 AM

Reflex: [roll0]

As the blades of lightning splash throughout the area, The mysterious woman with the staff simply smiles at the incoming damage. Not even making the effort to dodge.

If she is still standing, she will move towards the princess's general area, avoiding the crowds of fleeing civilians.

2013-08-29, 11:44 AM

Tycho attempt to shield himself behind his coffin, but is too distracted by the fleeing masses to react quickly enough. Without thinking, he reaches out to anyone he can touch, brushing a hand over their wounds and pulling out the slivers of bone while healing the punctures.

Use healing hex on anyone in reach, will move each round as necessary to hit new targets. Can target each person once for a cure moderate effect (2d8+8)

2013-08-29, 11:46 AM
Z, a shard of skull creates a gash in your leg, take [roll0] damage. You Come upon the princess. Her body is lifeless, yet standing, and in some sort of horrific trance. Her dress, and face dripping with blood, and seemingly untouched body.

2013-08-29, 11:52 AM
Tycho, a shard of skull hits your foot, and nearly takes off a toe, take [roll0] damage. You attempt to reach out to a nearby guard who attempts to call out, but his lunges are punctured and is bleeding profusely. He dies immediately.

2013-08-29, 12:41 PM
Riddell: [roll0]
Darkmagic: [roll1]

2013-08-29, 12:54 PM
Oops, forgot to add the Cloak of Resistance bonus. Add 2.


Both cast Resistance

2013-08-29, 01:13 PM
Riddell, the shard of skull bounces off of the cloak, and leaves you unharmed.
Darkmagic, A shard bounces off the ground and hits you for 2d4 damage.

Skarl, you somersault through many skull shards gracefully as if second nature to know the trajectories of skull and brain bits...

2013-08-29, 01:18 PM
Riddell, the shard of skull bounces off of the cloak, and leaves you unharmed.

Skarl, you somersault through many skull shards gracefully as if second nature to know the trajectories of skull and brain bits...

((something is really seriously wrong with the editing of posts and adding rolls))

2013-08-29, 01:19 PM
((yep, it's a dreaded triple DM post.))
Darkmagic, A shard bounces off the ground and hits you for [roll0] damage.

((Just take 3 damage, I rolled at my computer desk.))

2013-08-29, 01:44 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

Having left the presence of the shorter humanoid from earlier, Skarl's eyes were drawn up to the sky as lightning surged across the heavens as a web of crackling energy.

Her green eyes widen before her face hardened with resolve - her instincts telling her that this was no normal storm...her suspicions confirmed when the Elven prince was shattered into mutliple bloody stumps by arcs of lighting.

As fragments of bone scattered through the crowd like shrapnel, Skarl could see the human Princess standing there as if she had been entranced.

Putting aside all thought, the Norsewoman surged forward, her figure putting ballerina's across the world to shame as she ducked, weaved and spun mid-sprint and landed by the Princesses aside with nay a scratch to her impressive frame.

Looking the princess once over, believing she was held captivated by some magics that were beyond her understanding, Skarl knew onyl one thing: that she had to get the girl inside and out of this storm.

Ducking her body forward, Skarl grabbed and hoisted the princesses body effortlessly over one shoulder and made for cover.

I doubt I need to roll a grapple to pick the princess up at the moment.

Skarl can lift and carry 233 lbs as a light load. Unless the princess has been clanging and banging in the gym recently, she shouldn't be anywhere near that much, so Skarl picks her up and runs to the nearest door that'll take her inside the building, traveling 80 feet a round.

2013-08-29, 02:14 PM

The ugly man watched with feigned disinterest. He had been to a few weddings before but if pressed he would admit that this ceremony was the most majestic he'd witnessed.

The black bolt took him by surprise. However, once the danger was realized he moved immediately to the royal families. They needed to get to cover.


He spotted a large woman approaching the princess and instinctively nocked an arrow. The grace at which she moved was surprising for someone her size. Sargov was about to release the arrow but stopped when he saw the woman of amazonian proportions pause to check the princess' condition.

While the large woman took care of the princess Sargov ushered the rest of the royal family.

2013-08-29, 03:11 PM
Reflex save: [roll0]

Relius was too shocked to even protect himself from the debris. He just stood there with mouth agape; Wine glass frozen in mid-sip. After a few long seconds, he finally recovered enough to dive under a table. Once safely (?) behind cover, he'd encase himself in a suit of translucent armour.

Relius moves under the best table within 30 feet; Drops prone; And manifests a fully augmented 'Inertial Armor'.

2013-08-29, 03:30 PM
Sargov manages to dodge the bullet skull fragments.

Relius is struck just before ducking under a table. He takes [roll0] damage. You are now considered safe, and may use your Inertial Armor.

Skarl travels through the crowed with great finesse. She enters beyond the gate. In observation you notice much farther out of the courtyard, there are exiting people, and littering the ground are dead bodies, with blood spatter in nearly ever direction. Some corpses have no skulls, but many were shot with the spray of skull.

Things begin to settle down quickly. The King in his nervos state, the queen grasping his hand, both keep low. Many people are dead, and whoever wasn't dead has already coward away. A moment passes where everything becomes silent, and breaking the horrific peace, is rumbling form the clear skies.

Skarl and Sargov, you both begin to feel a static in the air around you.

2013-08-29, 03:38 PM
After the explosion the two start running for cover. As the big woman carries the princess to safety, they split. Jim Darkmagic heads towards the princess to assist with the clearly-magical emergency, while Riddell attempts to save more people.

"You've got to help the princess. I'll stay out here and try to find out what is going on."

So, Know (arcana), Know (Religion), What do I roll to find out what is happening in the sky?

Chained Birds
2013-08-29, 04:38 PM

The crimson garbed woman concentrates for a second as Skarl takes the princess away.

I'm sending you some energy, use it to save some people.
Damn, why'd things have to go bad again! You keep an eye on that princess!

Z and Carbuncle have a mental conversation as the older man carries out a few shocked and unconscious people out of the area to safety. Z, in turn, follows behind Skarl, eying the bodies on the ground.

Standard Action: Manifesting Animal Affinity on Carbuncle (3pp)
- Effect: +4 Strength
- Duration: 8 Minutes
Move Action: Follow Skarl

2013-08-29, 05:57 PM
Relius further reinforced himself, by establishing a pain buffer with his psicrystal. Only then did he start looking for people to save. As usual, his own wellbeing came before that of anyone else.

Relius manifests 'Share Pain' on himself and his psicrystal.

2013-08-29, 06:17 PM
Tycho continues to wander through the crowd, surreptitiously healing those that are still clinging to life and relieving the dead of valuables if they are easily found as payment for his work. The lightning seems to have stopped, but he is alert for other sudden changes in the weather, or enemies that may seek to take advantage of the situation.

2013-08-29, 06:24 PM
Drazen Taikahn
Drazen ducked into an alley as silence fell. His link with Zeron showed the prince's death in gruesome detail so he focused, suffusing him and Zeron in psionic power as the surrounding walls became coated in ectoplasm.
Manifesting Vigor with a 2 pp augment for 15 temp hp each lasting 8 minutes

2013-08-29, 07:02 PM

"Is everyone alright," he asks as a formality. Peering out from cover he looks at the sky to see if it is clear.

His ears begin to perk and quickly turns to the statuesque woman, "Do you feel that? I think we should go..."

2013-08-29, 07:31 PM
After getting some others under cover, Riddell skirts around and sprints to the princess and the royal families.
"Now, let's see what's wrong with her, shall we?"
"Detect Magic"

Chained Birds
2013-08-29, 07:57 PM

"She is possibly suffering from shock due to witnessing such a gruesome even. Best leave her with those she trusts most."

Z exposits.

2013-08-29, 11:35 PM
"That's not good. Are you a doctor? Or a cleric?"
Jim and Jim are looking up at the sky with their Detect Magics.

2013-08-30, 12:26 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

Effortlessly holding the princess over her shoulder, Skarl stole a glance back to where they had been - the clouds still roiling with elemental fury that rolled down as a thunderclap. In some ways it was even beautiful for her to behold, allowing her a brief reminiscence of sitting upon her fields within the mountains as storms gathered overhead.

"I believe you're right." she said in response to Sargov, her green eyes still focusing on outside.

Turning, she looked at one of the metal-wooden doors that would take them deeper into the castle and out of the eye of the storm.

"We should move out of its gaze." she said, pointing a finger at the door and moving to open it.

Unless anyone will object or give a different idea, Skarl will open/kick the door down and proceed into the castle itself, princess still over her shoulder.

2013-08-30, 10:59 AM
Skarl and Sargov, the door closest to you both is the barrack door. Upon Inspection, the door seems to be held shut, but without any effort. If Sargov or Skarl wants to kick it down, or bust through, or push through it he must make a check for it. The rumbling seems to be fiercer, and the static encompassing you two grows thicker and begins to affect Z, Riddel, and much farthur away Tycho.

Z, you feel an odd fluttering sensation, almost euphoric, much different from the static that just was. Roll for Will save.

Riddel, if you so chose to inspect the sky, You begin to study the surrounding area and the sky for magic. You detect that there is obviously something odd going on.

Tycho, you see no living soul except for a few royals unharmed, and other hired guards running to safety. You begin to sense a tingling sensation. Something uncomfortable and slightly hateful.

Chained Birds
2013-08-30, 11:27 AM

"I have no title as of yet."

She answers, though this is a sensation in the air she can't quite understand.

Will Save: [roll0]

2013-08-30, 11:31 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

Narrowing her eyes at the door, she holds the Princess out to Sargov.

"Hold her." she says, as she draws her greatsword from the scabbard upon her back.

Turning back to the door, she draws the weapon back and strikes it against the wood-and-metal framing. She even scraped at it with her claws, her lock-gauntlet holding her greatsword, and even putting the boot in it if that failed.

Using Strength Surge to kick the (I'm assuming) strong door down, should be DC 23.

1d20+15=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4198378/)

...****ing typical.

Attacking it with her greatsword, using Power Attack. Because I calculated something wrong, it should only be +14 to hit, not +17, so she only got 21 to hit.
To hit: 1d20+17=24 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4198340/) - It's an unmoving door, so I assume that'll hit.

Damage: 2d6+21=30 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4198347/)

Her 2 claw attacks, using power attack:

Attack 1 and 2: 1d20+12=14, 1d20+12=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4198368/)

....you've gotta be ****ing kidding me.


1d6+15=18, 1d6+15=18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4198384/)

Wow, what a ****ty round of rolling.

The door takes 66 damage.

2013-08-30, 11:50 AM
Z passes the Will save and the feeling subsides, but a feint aura seems to stay. It doesn't grow, but doesn't leave. A momentary flashback to a war flashes before your eyes. You appear to be in armor with a shield and sword, and a large behemoth with a club swings at you. Before the monster hits you, the flashback recedes.

Skarl, the door was never really hinged. The kick budges the door out but it slams back. You strike with your sword and it impales through the door, and runs down. You hear it sink into something that reminds you of kills from your past life. As you open through the door with your claws, you notice a pile of dead bodies in armor. Guards that seemed to have been piled by something or someone in a neatly fashioned order. There is enough room to pass medium sized creatures through it.

2013-08-30, 11:54 AM
Tycho knows enough about Evil Eyes to understand when one is about to focus its attention on him. He shouts to the royals to get inside, throws a few healing hexes at the guards, and runs towards the door that is in the process of being kicked open by the warrior woman.

2013-08-30, 12:00 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

Carefully, Skarl retracts her blade and pulls the door open. She carries a grim, stoic look upon her features as she takes one step inside.

"Keep the Princess close - I'll make sure it's clear..." she utters over her shoulder to the other two, before she enters into the room.


Perception check:
1d20+12=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4198394/)

Oh for the love of....

Chained Birds
2013-08-30, 12:13 PM

"It appears someone or something is trying to influence my mind. Hmm, a vision of a battle I have never seen. I wonder what it all means?"

Z muses, though she is attentive enough to see Skarl go off into a potentially dangerous place.

"If you ever need assistance, just let me know. I'll be waiting with the princess for now."

2013-08-30, 12:20 PM
"I feel it only proper to accompany you inside, Madam!"

So spoke Relius Valani, as he valiantly rushed towards the doorway. His decision to follow Skarl was (of course) motivated entirely by altruism; And had absolutely nothing to do with the ominous storm of mind and magic which was gathering outside.

2013-08-30, 02:40 PM
Skarl, as you enter the barracks, you notice a trail of guards leading upward to the second level of the barracks. In observation of your surroundings, you hear clanking of armor, and shuffling of bodies just beyond the staircase. From the sunlight intruding through the archways upon the barrack walls, there are shadows. Not a second too soon, and you see feet descending from the staircase. A pair of soldiers. their skin looked as though it was melting off their body. Through the armor, the medley of skin and blood spurted and poured out. It ran down their armor and plopped onto the stairs as they had convulsed and twitched as if having an episode, down the stairs. Their eyes gone completely black. Teeth pouring down form blackened blood. Black and grey static bounced and danced around them as they got closer. The putrid stench of iron, sulfur, and burning magnesium throttled the senses. The animated corpses began to elongate their jaws. They begin to let out a horrific scream, as if great pain became of them.

Tycho, as you scramble to where most of the adventurers are, you hear a hoarse yelp. Like gurgled screams. You begin to notice the corpses with their head still intact, begin to scream. An unholy scream that brings tears to the eyes. The screaming bodies began to slump and move up.

((everyone make Will saves))

2013-08-30, 02:44 PM
Will save: [roll0]

2013-08-30, 02:46 PM
Will Save

2013-08-30, 02:51 PM
Well, that's annoying... The screaming corpses are disturbing, but not particularly scary. Tycho looks back over his shoulder and screams back at them while he's attempting to rendezvous with the other capable looking people.

In the wake of his voice, the wine glasses and ice sculptures shatter, and the vibrations tear through the nearest corpses.

Cast shout back at the screaming corpses.
30 foot cone
[roll0] damage
they are also deafened, if it matters, for [roll1] rounds.

2013-08-30, 02:59 PM
1d20+11=20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4198545/)

2013-08-30, 06:07 PM

Celebrating just as much as everyone else, he was happily watching along noticing the oddness of the language barrier being broken. As he started to think back to the older elven rituals thunder and lightening drew his attention. Delrith's head exploding was certainly unexpected. The construct bug he had sent out earlier starts making an annoying pitched sound next to the princess, following her as Skarl grabbed her. Thormen's head shifts from it's upward glance down back to himself. He notices a few skeletal fragments that had pierced his flesh. He gives them a quick tug, the holes in his flesh quickly regrowing. He takes notice of the princess and royalty entering the castle.

With hysteria breaking loose Thormen was more curious about the bolts from the sky. He makes his way through the mostly evacuated area. Picking up Delrith's corpse as well as a few of his skull pieces. Still fascinated he kept his eye on the sky waving his fingers, trying to trace the magics in the air. Checking out the sky and the area were Elathir once stood. He makes his way inside the castle, where the princess was taken, still peering his head outside. Hearing a scream from inside.

Will Save [roll0]
Detect Magic is on if it makes a difference.
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll2]
Knowledge (Engineering) [roll3]
Knowledge (Geography) [roll4]
Knowledge (History) [roll5]
Knowledge (Local) [roll6]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll7]
Knowledge (Nobility) [roll8]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll9]
Knowledge (Psionics) [roll10]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll11]
Spellcraft [roll12]

2013-08-30, 08:26 PM
Riddell tries to discern the nature of the dark lightning, and then follows the large woman, the small woman, and the incapacitated princess.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

Will Save: [roll1]

2013-08-30, 08:38 PM
Jim Darkmagic:
Will Save: [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]

Jim Darkmagic stays at the doorway, waiting for Riddell. After he gets there, the few exchange words and Riddell follows the barbarian inside. Jim stays with the princess.

2013-08-30, 11:22 PM
((The Lore-Bringer, Thormen))


Celebrating just as much as everyone else, he was happily watching along noticing the oddness of the language barrier being broken. As he started to think back to the older elven rituals thunder and lightening drew his attention. Delrith's head exploding was certainly unexpected. The construct bug he had sent out earlier starts making an annoying pitched sound next to the princess, following her as Skarl grabbed her. Thormen's head shifts from it's upward glance down back to himself. He notices a few skeletal fragments that had pierced his flesh. He gives them a quick tug, the holes in his flesh quickly regrowing. He takes notice of the princess and royalty entering the castle.

With hysteria breaking loose Thormen was more curious about the bolts from the sky. He makes his way through the mostly evacuated area. Picking up Delrith's corpse as well as a few of his skull pieces. Still fascinated he kept his eye on the sky waving his fingers, trying to trace the magics in the air. Checking out the sky and the area were Elathir once stood. He makes his way inside the castle, where the princess was taken, still peering his head outside. Hearing a scream from inside.

Will Save [roll0]
Detect Magic is on if it makes a difference.
Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [roll2]
Knowledge (Engineering) [roll3]
Knowledge (Geography) [roll4]
Knowledge (History) [roll5]
Knowledge (Local) [roll6]
Knowledge (Nature) [roll7]
Knowledge (Nobility) [roll8]
Knowledge (Planes) [roll9]
Knowledge (Psionics) [roll10]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll11]
Spellcraft [roll12]

Thormen((, aka, the Recap :P))

((I'm allowing a catch-up roll :P ))
Arcana: You note the Black Lightning isn't normal lightning, in fact it is Necrotic. You know this spell to require gems of old. There is a deep resonance of Evil material at work. The necrotic lightning overrides targets. Their body becomes a living plague and whosoever should be struck by the tainted part that should come into contact with their blood shall become revived by necrotic static. The Necrotic Static activates id reflexes and impulses. The self harm from the necrotic static activates survival instincts and sensory parts within the body and brain(if it has one intact). It's thoughts go completely savage and evil in nature.

History: You recall lore from an ancient compendium you took a flip through. You call an incident known as The Beckoning, and similar happenings appeared in the book. It's cause was still unknown, and is blamed on Destriar for the mere fact that he is the root of all Necrotic happenings. Upon thinking about the necrotic lightning, you recall a small bit forgotten lore, the mentioning of Xchyzyk, and his description of an old ghost that happened to create the very arbitrary belief that there were sleeping gods within the earth, creations both non-existant and existing within and outside of the Material realm. You remember it in detail, as if sitting in a library you have never seen, but know everything inside it. You feel you have a long thin beard, and garbed in long robes of maroon. There is something in the library with you...everything is a blur from there, and you exit a flashback.

Local: You remember researching about Korvestra's city, Kordera. Normal history of rulers and normal settlement issues and such. A particular hysterical local rumor is that a cult has risen again from the caves beneath Kordera. They worship a being named Tyridius. Whose creation or governing is a mystery beyond the cult.

Planes: You know you are in the Material World.

Psionics: You feel an odd sensation, like that of someone watching you. The psionic pulse of some sort of horror lurking between consciousness and super-consciousness. It slips and slithers between false and truth, and it flies, it descends into an eerie sensation like something is about to crash into you, but there remains nothing around you. The senses around you take you to a grey land. It's sand is a pale grey, the sky is grey, and a black smoke gently caresses the surface. You warp out of the sight and feel, and notice you are on the floor, with Delrith next to you. There is a message not yet clear to you. Like you're reading it now, however there is nothing being read. You can speak it in your mind, but you do not understand the language or context.

Remember: In your own words, you may repeat any of this if it deems necessary to repeat so.

Jim , you fail the will save, and you drop to ground and begin screaming. You do However know what Thormen knows now, but are unable to explain what you know.

Tycho, your scream lacerates one of the animating corpses. Two near by you attempt to charge you.

2013-08-31, 12:09 AM
Tycho levitates out of reach of the charging corpses, flying over to where the others are and joining them as they run into the barracks.

He stops to help Jim into the barracks as well.

Activate flight hex

2013-08-31, 12:22 AM

He tried to look past Skarl when she entered the room but it really wasn't necessary. The stench was powerful and unmistakable to him, dead bodies. He reached for another arrow and kept close to the princess.


2013-08-31, 03:22 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

Skarl's eyes narrowed at the abominations that lumbered down the stairs, thair clamy, pestiforated flesh assaulting her nostrils and sickening her stomach.

The barbarians lungs heaved as they snorted powerfully through her nostrils - something angry and furious. Surging forward, greatsword raised to her side, Skarl uttered a savage grunt as she swung her weapon at the two monstrosities.

Using a swift action to enter a Rage.

She gains +24 hit points, and +5 to hit (+3 from strength and +2 more from her furious greatsword) and her AC is -2, so 23.

Taking a Power Attack swing at the nearest zombie/skeleton man. She's also using Reckless Abandon to take -3 to AC and add those bonuses to hit:

1d20+22=29 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4199453/)

Hooray, a 7. That makes what....5 rolls and nothing above an 8? Goddamnit.

Damage: 2d6+26=30 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4199455/)

...oh for god sake, come'on Invinsible Castle, i ****ing defended you over the forum roller.

She's using Boots of Speed to get another attack. Same deal as before.

If that damage is enough to take down one of the zombie men, then this attack will go to the next one. If, however, the zombie she just attacked is still standing, she'll attack him again:

1d20+17=21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4199457/)

....a ****ing 4...come'on....

That'll miss. Just in case it doesn't:

2d6+26=28 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4199459/)

**** you Invisible Castle. **** you.

And it's still ambiguous as to whether Skarl can "drop" her weapon, have it retained by her gauntlet, and attack with her free hand. A couple of players saying it can't, but the GM seems to imply that he's okay with it? I dunno - but an answer soon would be cool. If she can, then:

1d20+12=17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4199462/)

O.M.F.G this is ridiculous.

If, by some miracle, that attack hits: 1d6+17=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4199463/) damage.

Excuse me while I go and punch a cat.

2013-08-31, 03:52 AM

The stone floor beneath him offers him a continued cool existent, ignoring the compulsion to lay down Thormen starts to raise to his feet, regaining his senses after his whirlwind adventurer through both body and location as he shifted through whatever that was. On the way up he draws a necklaced whistle from his noteworthy cloths and gives it a controlled blow. Picking at his sleeves he pulls at the seemed dressed, it's tearing an illusion, and his nobles clothing reverts to a highly polished golden trimmed full plate. Covered in steel, weapon secured on his belt, and a mishmash of backpack entirely too large for a humanoid with a mass of pockets and openings sets on his back. Nippy comes down soon after the whistle was blown. Slightly relieved, "Good your safe."

"Seaty, Come out." Without a touch Thormen's bag begins to shake and the lip presses open as a cottoned force pushes it from below. Twisty and squirming a chair climbs out of his magical backpack, climbs onto Thormen's shoulders then down it next to his side. "You three", he points at the dragons covering him, "Inside." And, with that all three crawl into where the chair left.

"No, problem sir!", Nippy replies.

"Looks like your friends aren't getting payed. Not that I had much anyway."

"You alright? We should get out of here."

"I'd rather stay and watch for a while longer, but losing consciences is probably just the start."

Thormen starts to pull large masses of rope out of his armor, "I'm sorry your majesty." He picks up Delrith and places him on the certainly comfortable chair, but by no means exorbitant comfort. "I'm sure this isn't the chair you wanted after your wedding. But, I've seen things with less pieces than you come back and I'd rather not have to deal with an unintelligent creature. If you do manage to live I hope you take no offense to my current actions." He finishes tying him up and starts towards the sirens farther in the castle.

Nippy, "Hey, do you have any salve left?"

"No, I used the last of it on the orphen child. The one that got ran over by the cart."


"Yeah, I shouldn't of wasted it. Could of helped a prince instead. It's probably for the best though. His wife wouldn't want to spend her honeymoon with a bugbear."

As the conversation drops Nippy lifts his glass hatch and crawls in before gravity brings it down and Thormen pulls up his sleeves. His flashy steel replaced with the full suit of a plague doctor and over sized backpack. Sure, he knew it most likely wouldn't help in the least, but it was a comfort. A plague doctor followed by a headless prince tied to a walking chair make their way through the castle.

So. Like two or 5/2 rounds getting ready and the rest moving towards Skarl. Possibly a wasted turn. :smallredface: I'm probably in the current timeline if I wasn't already.

2013-08-31, 05:09 AM
Drazen winced as a bone shard cut into his arm. He paused and looked up at the sky, pausing to gather his will.

Chained Birds
2013-08-31, 09:39 AM

Z patiently waits, continuing her resistance of outside forces. She yawns briefly, as she looks around at the carnage, before giving Sargov a passing glance.

"So archer? I do not know your name, but do you wish to form a bond?"

She outstretches a hand towards the man.

2013-08-31, 10:31 AM
Relius will continue to chase after Skarl. When he comes within sight of the creatures she's fighting, he'll stop to gape at them.

"What exactly is going on around here?!"

Knowledge (all) roll to identify creatures: [roll0]

2013-08-31, 09:17 PM
Drazen successfully pulls through the odd mental strain.

Skarl, you swing straight through all of them in a heap of rage and swift anger. You can hear screams of pain from outside.

Tycho, you are safe and with the group now.

Relius, you know these monstrosities to be of the Zombie family. Their demeanor, and how they are created are basically similar. Merely melting animated corpses. They are weak to all elements, and could be destroyed by necrotic damage.

Thormen, You begin to feel an evil gaze that follows you...Like something that isn't there. Something that is completely existent, however, impedes your understanding of evil. A deceptive uncomfortable gaze makes it hard for you to concentrate. the contradiction of falsehood, and truth bombard your brain with thrashing dark memories. ((Roll for Will Save))

2013-08-31, 11:19 PM
Thormen's run pauses as he feels a prickly itch reminiscence of a spider brushing across his back. His stride slowing as he searches for something that doesn't exist; his face grimaces as if he was in pain.

Nippy's head pops up below the satchel’s small glass with a worrisome disposition as he feels a fraction of his master’s strain. "Hey. Are you ok?" Thormen's attention otherwise occupied Nippy starts to act on his own. A glimmer of thought sends Nippy out of his satchel. He hops his way up Thormen’s back and sticks his claw inside one of the backpacks lips pulling out a scroll of protection from evil and starts trying to thrust it in his master’s hands.

Thormen’s and the chair’s running slow to a walk as they continue their way through the moment.

Will Save:

2013-08-31, 11:41 PM
Thormen, the itch you feel crawls across your body. Your body begins to chill, as your mind slowly fades away from intellectual thoughts. Basic vocabulary seems to confuse you. Words and meanings displace each other. Images of names and words as if befuddled by acute dyslexia. Lore, and wisdom once running as truths become lost in a sea of madness. Your confusion leaves you wondering what is going on. When you speak, you exclaim in an odd language. When you think of assist, a word from your memory is "Xchyk" The root word to all things helping.

All knowledge checks take a -17, you are unable to talk in any other language other than Aluexch, other words seep past your knowledge, and your Will saves take a -5 penalty when trying to remember. Your spells read and cast normal according to you. A successful Will-save within another 2 hours will grant you all your knowledge back. If you fail again, you must wait another 2 hours.

2013-09-01, 12:24 AM
At Drazen's silent command, Zeron sprouted six crystalline legs, leaping from his perch on Drazen to a nearby barrel. Once there he settled down turned his focus towards the sky, examining it and relaying all that discovered to Drazen.

Knowledges in order of rolling:
Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge Psionics: [roll1]
Knowledge Nature: [roll2]
Knowledge Planes: [roll3]
Knowledge Religion: [roll4]
Knowledge Dungeoneering: [roll5]
Knowledge Geography: [roll6]
Knowledge History: [roll7]
Knowledge Local: [roll8]
Knowledge Nobility: [roll9]
Knowledge Engineering: [roll10]

Drazen Taikahn:
Drazen again manifests his psionic abilities on him and Zeron, forging a sympathetic physical link. He then moved forwards, trusting his constant companion and moving into the barracks that the others were in. He reached out to the minds of the giant woman and the psionic woman.
'Are you alright? Nothing new seems to be occurring outside.'

Chained Birds
2013-09-01, 12:29 AM

Nothing new, except for some annoying person trying to get into my head.

Oh, not you though. Another annoying person. How far away are you?

2013-09-01, 12:43 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

The two undead...things, fell beneath sweeps of her blade - their destuction causing Skarl to come down from the mental elevations her anger had propelled her.

Snorting lightly, grasping her weapon with white-knuckled fists, she spun on the spot and faced the others that had entered the barracks with her.

"I do not know," she uttered to Relius to answer his question, her voice echoing off the walls. "But I do know we should find some place secure for the remaining royals until we can figure out what foul magics are afoot."

The barbarian said this as she descended back down the stairs and towards the entrance she had used to get inside. If anyone needed assistance, Tycho, Relius, Riddel etc, she helps them to their feet.

Reaching the door, she peers outside at the others, "Inside should be safe for now - bring in the Princess and we'll continue on."

2013-09-01, 06:02 AM
Drazen Taikahn
'I remain in the courtyard. Most have perished or scattered. Do you require assistance?'

2013-09-01, 10:26 AM


"So archer? I do not know your name, but do you wish to form a bond?"

She outstretches a hand towards the man.

It was a strange question, but the ugly man knew the value of friendship. He unhanded his arrow from its string and met the stretched hand with his. "Sargov and you?"

2013-09-01, 12:27 PM
Sargov, the moment your hand comes into contact with Z. you are immediately overpowered by an unknown force of havoc occurring in your body.Flashing before your eyes, there is a vision of great awful happenings. You can see Z in the past. It is not, however, one of her crowning achievements. You appear in black robes, and you stand next to Z, who is chanting in some unknown language. She raises her arms, and a woman before you inside a circle of off geometric shapes, and mystical auras. They begin to flash and the body of this woman begins to dissipate. You understand why, but all the same, do not understand. Z's small glimpse of a vision, is that of her raising her arms and condemning a woman to a now forgotten name.

Walking towards Drazen, there are about four animated corpses, and more begin to rise. The ones after Tycho are moving toward the wall Skarl busted through.

The princess begins to murmur, as if troubled by something. As if she were asleep and having a nightmare. She speaks a single word, "up. Her body shivers slightly and goes back to her trance-like state.

Chained Birds
2013-09-01, 02:26 PM

"Odd visions again. I wonder why I'm shown them? Hmm..."

Recovering from the odd vision,

"My true name is lost, though you may call me "Z" like everyone else. Thank you for accepting the bond. If you ever need assistance, just think of me."

She gives him a smile, before focusing her attention on the Princess.

"Seems as though her grace wishes to go up. Or perhaps she is warning us of something up ahead.


2013-09-01, 03:06 PM
Thormen pushes against the scroll's edge with the palm of his hand, trying to say he's in better condition than he really is. Instead of comforting himself and Nippy his inability to speak anything intellectual only causes more feathers to ruffle. In a worried panic Thormen quickly pushes together a bit of his mind, enough to cast one of the simplest spells. Hands about and a few magic syllables parting from his lips Thormen's intended effect goes through and his blood covered chair starts to clean at a rapid pace, the prince's blood quickly fading into nothing as magic sweeps over the chair. He gives a sigh of release knowing that things could have gotten a lot worse. Nippy in that same while hops back away from his hand and exchanges his scroll.

Experimenting, Thormen repeats the same word twice and is glad that both vocalizations are the same. His head more than foggy he tries to find the structure behind his words. To the best of his current ability he tries to go through and find the roots of the words, the alphabet. Imagining what he believes to be its written word while speaking out loud.

Nippy's pecks at Thormen's shoulder to gather his attention and hands off the scroll. Thormen's ears finally guiding him nearer to his target he spots the barrack with a group of walking corpses between him and his destination. With a long face he does something he rather not. He plops down onto the prince's lap, his back and legs across the chair's arms. Sitting down he reads from his scroll touching Nippy as he finishes. He gives Nippy a command and with understanding Nippy relays it to Seaty. The chair changes course, still moving forward full force it starts to shift next to the wall. The chairs legs start to snap to the left, its legs defying gravity as it does the impossible and starts to move up. At first its legs attach to the wall, but as it reaches the arches above its legs swing above the chair. More reminiscent to a swing now the group moves along the ceiling towards the open door. Sitting on his corpse pillow the chair climbs along the ceiling while its owner speaks to his familiar in an odd language explaining to him what's going on.

Used a Scroll of Comprehend Language on Nippy. For the next ten minutes he should be able to understand Thormen.

2013-09-04, 07:19 PM
((I believe your rolls got messed up))

At Drazen's silent command, Zeron sprouted six crystalline legs, leaping from his perch on Drazen to a nearby barrel. Once there he settled down turned his focus towards the sky, examining it and relaying all that discovered to Drazen.

Knowledges in order of rolling:
Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge Psionics: [roll1]
Knowledge Nature: [roll2]
Knowledge Planes: [roll3]
Knowledge Religion: [roll4]
Knowledge Dungeoneering: [roll5]
Knowledge Geography: [roll6]
Knowledge History: [roll7]
Knowledge Local: [roll8]
Knowledge Nobility: [roll9]
Knowledge Engineering: [roll10]

Drazen Taikahn:
Drazen again manifests his psionic abilities on him and Zeron, forging a sympathetic physical link. He then moved forwards, trusting his constant companion and moving into the barracks that the others were in. He reached out to the minds of the giant woman and the psionic woman.
'Are you alright? Nothing new seems to be occurring outside.'

Thormen, directly behind you there is a feeling of static. It zaps you from the seat. Take [roll0] damage. You are shot from the ceiling and take fall damage, that of [roll1]. In observation, there are shards of black revolving around the prince's corpse who is bound to a chair. The blackened shards realign and reconstruct what seems to be his skull. It bares a crown of horns and contains a white glow life that feels like death. The cadaver, now animated, resurrects and bursts through the rope, and levitates down from the chair.

He appears in a supperior stance. Given strength of the dead, and an aura of death, he begins to walk towards Thormen. The rest of the gang hears this on down the corridor, where Thormen is.

Roll for Initiative

2013-09-04, 08:59 PM

He shook his head to clear his mind of the vision. Taking a step back she moaned, "What the hell was that..."

The ugly man looked at the princess as she whispered her words. He looked at the mysterious Z, "I think she's warning us."

[roll0] init

Chained Birds
2013-09-04, 10:14 PM

"Seems like we'll be entering combat soon? Do you want a boon to increase your survivability?"

2013-09-04, 10:57 PM

His mind was still reeling from the last time he touched her. "Will it feel like the last time you touched me?" blurted out then quickly changed his mind, "Naw just do what ever it is you do."

2013-09-05, 05:29 PM
Relius really didn't like the sound of whatever was in that corridor. He seriously considered fleeing in the opposite direction without even checking it out. But no, he'd never build a reputation with that sort of attitude. At the very least, he needed to take a look. With some trepidation, he started running towards the ominous noises.

2013-09-06, 01:03 AM
Thormen clenches as a electric pain sears through his back knocking him to the ground. With a heavy hit he does a half spin in the air, turning to face his attacker and gracefully lands on his feet. Now pincered between the prince and a pack of what he presumed where the creations of the black lightening storm. A wash of death pressing on him as he looks upon the approaching prince. With a bitter pain-filled voice he speaks as if he was verbally accused of something, "Woah, friend.". Then his tone returns to what he'd use for a normal conversation, "I think we might have started off on the wrong foot. My mind is more than a bit impeded by the current events so do try to recognize that. I'm just a guest at this party and have little investment in the outcome. I have no quarrel here. A curious witness if you will, very curious in fact." He looks the prince over once more, "And, you seem interesting to say the least."

Not sure who's initiative we're missing and it's been a while since I posted so just going to do some out of turn talking while everyone is getting ready for combat. Might want to consider using group initiative if it takes a day or two just to prep for combat. :smallwink: It might help the pacing.

Chained Birds
2013-09-06, 01:44 AM

"Prepare your mind, body, and soul for this incredible boon you are about to receive."

Z twirls her staff and slams it on the ground in an overdramatic fashion.

Standard Action: Manifest Vigor on Sargov (1pp)
- Effect: 5!!! Temp HP
- Duration: 8 Minutes

She then smiles blankly at him.

"Conservation is key."

2013-09-06, 02:29 AM
I'll wait until initiative order is taken up and round started until posting an action for Skarl.

2013-09-06, 11:01 PM
I'll wait until initiative order is taken up and round started until posting an action for Skarl.

((It goes,
Anyr, Prince, Quakes, Banana, Elbeyon, Shepsquared, Chained))

Arcana: You note the Black Lightning isn't normal lightning, in fact it is Necrotic. You know this spell to require gems of old. There is a deep resonance of Evil material at work. The necrotic lightning overrides targets. Their body becomes a living plague and whosoever should be struck by the tainted part that should come into contact with their blood shall become revived by necrotic static. The Necrotic Static activates id reflexes and impulses. The self harm from the necrotic static activates survival instincts and sensory parts within the body and brain(if it has one intact). It's thoughts go completely savage and evil in nature.

History: You recall lore from an ancient compendium you took a flip through. You call an incident known as The Beckoning, and similar happenings appeared in the book. It's cause was still unknown, and is blamed on Destriar for the mere fact that he is the root of all Necrotic happenings.

Planes: You know you are in the Material World

Psionics: You feel an odd sensation, like that of someone watching you. The psionic pulse of some sort of horror lurking between consciousness and super-consciousness. It slips and slithers between false and truth, and it flies, it descends into an eerie sensation like something is about to crash into you, but there remains nothing around you. The senses around you take you to a grey land. It's sand is a pale grey, the sky is grey, and a black smoke gently caresses the surface. You warp out of the sight and feel, and notice you are on the floor, with Delrith next to you. There is a message not yet clear to you. Like you're reading it now, however there is nothing being read. You can speak it in your mind, but you do not understand the language or context.

Religion: You remember a cult that use to conjure the dead and have them walk amongst posh parties and political meetings to ruin them. Minor damage was caused, but the cult, Order of Lebenshroud, eventually stopped and worked for Destriar upon being bought out by him. Their special pact with the Nexus God, Abendroth, gave them special abilities to create dead soldiers and control them. They have a mental link that supposedly doesn't exist in the Material world but in an older plane, that allows them to communicate with the dead. No one knows for certain just how they communicate.

Thormen, he appears to understand you. The grim feeling becomes heavier, as you begin to feel a thread flow through you. "You shall fall, like a burning star"
Thormen's knowledge of the prince is merely his historical written upbringing from books he read before attending the wedding. The Local knowledge becomes lost in twists of memories and changing of memories. His spastic movements are that of a plane now known to you, that was originally unknown. A Plane that exists everywhere, but doesn't manifest ever. You feel it, however, seeping through. You understand the reasons, but they soon drone out of thought. The spell is known to you in the language you now know, Aluexch. In root words and prefixes and suffixes that form and remodel themselves appear in the most primary meaning of "Old Mind".

2013-09-10, 11:34 AM
The Prince lets out a maniacal screech. It begins to weave together a spell of static in either hand. The static reveals bones under the muck that is his skin. He then slams his hands together and a surge of black lightning instantly heads straight for Thormen. The surrounding area is obliterated. The barrack wall expels it's white brick outward creating a large hole to the courtyard.

Necrotic Lightning Bolt [roll0]

2013-09-10, 01:21 PM
Hoping to hinder the vision of the creature in the prince's body, Tycho conjures a deluge of molten rock from the ceiling directly above him.

Cast Volcanic Storm
Bludgeoning Damage
Fire Damage

A 20 foot area around the prince is now raining with ash clouds, hampering his vision and choking him with debris, though he may not need to breathe as he is.

-4 to perception checks

Difficult terrain
Each square of difficult terrain counts as 2 squares of movement. Each diagonal move into a difficult terrain square counts as 3 squares. You can't run or charge across difficult terrain.

2013-09-10, 11:28 PM

He did feel better from Z's touch but the ugly man couldn't dwell on it much. Instead he looked around for that large sword wielding woman. He grumbles as she scoops up the princess and moves into the smelly room.

How much does the princess weigh, and what is the penalty for shooting a bow with her slung over his shoulders.

2013-09-11, 11:13 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

Hearing the commotion from outside, Skarl moved her towering figure over to the door where she spotted the necrotic form of the prince and his black magics.

Moving outside, she set herself to cover the archer in his attempt to retrieve the princess inside - that was the main priority.

I believe that Skarl is out of charge range or anything, so she'll move and place herself between the Prince and the princess/surgov human hybrid combo.

2013-09-11, 12:14 PM
After another impact with lighting bits of burning cloth falls to the ground reveling Thormen's flesh. Where there was scorched and bleeding flesh new skin arises, "Interesting. Not much of a conversation person it seems", he pauses in pain, "Maybe another time then." Thormen motions to Nippy, it and the chair jump down from the ceiling back behind Thormen and he collapses onto his seat. "Later, Friend.", With great haste they turn around and zip away from the prince, molten and ash in the air.

Nippy's eye's light up when he see's Skarl, "Skarl! It's Thormen. He can't talk to you right now. I'll explain later." The chair jumps over head and into the barracks where everyone else sits. "He can't understand us either." Thormen starts to speak in some unknown tongue. "I'm paraphrasing here. He says that's the prince. Watch out. Monsters are infectious. Like ghouls. Like Wraiths. Don't die. City is most likely lost. Oh, and he's Injured."

Behind a couple able bodies, Thormen gives a light whistle. The annoying sound that's been following the princess the entire time stops and a little bug appears out of nowhere and moves to Thormen, disappearing into his backpack. In the meantime from a seated position Thormen weaves a spell and a solid wall of ice appears between the room and the prince and folds back in on itself making it two layers thick. Nippy squeezes in a few more words. "That won't hold. We need to get the Royalty away from the Prince or they will be caught in the cross fire."

Double move for the chair.
Standard action for Thormen to cast Wall of Ice. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/wall-of-ice)
Full round of Nippy talking.

2013-09-11, 03:01 PM

"Come on let's git," he says as he moves away from the fighting.

He's at a medium load, so move him 40 feet (two move actions) into the room

2013-09-12, 02:37 AM
Drazen Taikahn
'Nevermind, I have encountered trouble of my own' Drazen sent as he backed away from the zombies. He stopped and frowned, drawing on his focus. A deep bass hum filled the air as an opaque ring of blue energy appeared around him. As the hum faded the ring pulsed, sending a wave of icy energy outwards, towards the zombies.


Using Energy Wall (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/e/energy-wall), cold damage. So it's a dc 22 fort save vs the damage, the wall is 2ft high and it has a max radius of 20ft. The radius is as large as it can whilst keeping all the zombies on the other side.

Chained Birds
2013-09-12, 07:42 AM

Z will follow Sargov. If she wants her business to get started, she will need her potential client to still be among the living.

"So, Sargov? What's your take on everything?"

Move Action(s): Keep up with Sargov (Up to 60ft per round)

2013-09-12, 04:17 PM
Relius stepped aside to allow Z and Sargov to pass. The Psion voiced no objection to this tactical retreat; Quite the contrary. Spinning on one heel, he turned to follow the two fighters.

"Mind if I join you? This place has suddenly lost its appeal."

Chained Birds
2013-09-13, 12:33 AM

"Escape is best. Also, do you want to form a bond?"

She offhandedly asks Relius.

2013-09-13, 08:21 AM
"...Yes. Yes I do."

It was a good thing that Contract Devils weren't female. If they were, Relius might well have sold his soul to one by now.

Chained Birds
2013-09-13, 09:30 AM

"The bond is made, welcome to the collective. You will not receive benefits until a dangerous situation is occurring. Have a nice day."

Current Members of the Collective (6/10):
- Z
- Z's Psicrystal
- Sargov
- Relius
- Carbuncle (Z's Friend)
- Princess

2013-09-13, 11:32 AM
The Prince levitates from the second hole made from his blast and out into the courtyard. He cackles that demonic screech and moves over to a window and blasts it with a surge of necrotic energy. He glares deeply into Skarl's eyes the room. He draws his sword and awaits a combatant.

2013-09-13, 01:26 PM
The Prince might have a long wait. From the looks of things, nobody in the area felt inclined to engage him. Relius continued to run along with everyone else, while glancing sideways at Z. As soon as she'd added him to her collective, he'd recognised the technique. He addressed her over the newly formed telepathic link.

[Oh, you're a Vitalist? Excellent. Our psionic abilities should compliment one another nicely.]

Chained Birds
2013-09-13, 02:11 PM

Just a bit of information. It is harder to remove yourself from my collective, so try not to do anything troublesome.

2013-09-13, 02:43 PM
[You need have no fear of that, my dear. I'm sure we'll get along famously.]

Relius flashed her one his (supposedly) winning smiles.

2013-09-14, 01:33 AM
Seeing that he has no support in fighting the reanimated Prince, Tycho gets ready to get himself out of the situation. Though he will turn back if the fighting starts up...

seems like everyone is running. move action to flee to group, hold action to cast a spell at the prince is it looks like someone is going to engage.

2013-09-25, 11:45 AM
In a storm of deranged fury, the Prince screeches one last time before a beam of necrotic lightning shoots down and encompasses him. As if the tyrant wasn't even there, no mark or evidence suggested he was even there.

"u...up" the princess states. Slowly breaking through her muted state. Her eyes glanced over to the stair that where oozing with a waterfall of flesh.

2013-09-25, 01:08 PM

"I think she wants to go up... which may not be a bad idea. We could see what carnage has befallen us," suggests the ugly man holding the princess.

Chained Birds
2013-09-25, 04:26 PM

"Doesn't seem like the best course of action, but who am I to doubt the cryptic calls of a mentally unstable woman of Royal status."

Z seems to agree to this.

2013-09-25, 10:43 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

The barbarian watched with skeptical eyes as the prince screeched before the lightning strike claimed him.

Pursing her lips, continuing to step backwards as part of the rear-guard, she soon turned and entered the guard-house fully in time to hear the princesses directions.

Skarl, however, wasn't so sure.

"Whatever possessed the prince could be speaking through her to lure us into a trap." she uttered, her eyes narrowed into suspicious slits.

But she soon relieved Sargov of his burden - taking the princess effortlessly over one of her shoulders.

"But there's nowhere else to escape through in this place, so let's get moving."

With that she headed towards the stairs and, if unmolested, up them.

2013-09-26, 06:01 PM
As you step up through the muck of sludgy flesh. You see something crawling in the distance. A shadow cast upon the wall, accompanied with grunts and groans. The hoarse voice of cold valor echoed down the staircase.

"Have at me, atrocity..." A fairly decorated guard with medals and more mortal wounds than one human could bare. A spear reaches out slowly out slowly and shaky.

Chained Birds
2013-09-26, 06:09 PM

"Excuse me sir, but should we bring the Princess upstairs to you?"

Z shouts towards the voice.

2013-09-26, 09:20 PM
"P-Princess..." He says with slight crackle in the voice, as a flood of blood exits his mouth. His eyes teared up and he pulled a golden necklace from his neck. The blood left this necklace in an instant. All that was a blemish was resolved as if the necklace expelled it by a command from its beauty. Hanging form this necklace of golden chains was a medallion. It bore the insignia of some bird creature.

She looks into Sargov's eyes. "Only you may ascend" the princess orders Sargov with strong royal eyes. "She may not peer" She stares at Skarl, who is about to journey up the stairs.

2013-09-27, 02:10 AM

He looks at the large woman and just shrugs. Taking the princess he ascends the stairs carefully knowing the importance of what he held.

2013-09-27, 01:38 PM
You notice the decorated guard spitting blood over the stone floor. A bold glowing golden medallion held by a golden chain in a bloody hand.

"Au-Autumn Vale" He rests his head one final time. The princess immediately steps onto the stone floor. She kneels down to the pendant. She swipes it up and hides it in her bodice. Making sure no other part is seen. "The Autumn Vale? The fable?" She turns to you with confusion. "Know you the Autumn Vale? I know only of the fable"

2013-09-27, 02:10 PM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

The barbarian watched suspiciously as she was requested to hand the princess over to Sargov...the request coming from the princess.

Well fine then, I didn't want you bogging my sword arm down anyway, she thought sharply to herself - her face remaining impassive.

Seems as she had been delegated to rear-guard duty, Skarl brought up the back and kept an eye on anything that might threaten the back of the group.

2013-09-27, 06:15 PM

THe ugly man kneels as the princess does and stands as she does. When asked the question he thinks; not being a man of letters he does his best to answer.

what does he know about Autumn Vale
[roll0] knowledge local +14 Or Knowledge Dungeoneering +11

2013-09-27, 09:21 PM
Skarl's Knowledge of the Autumn Vale
You can recall very little of the Autumn Vale Fable. You remember that a group of huntsmen, civilians and maybe a sorcerer left society to be secluded in a forest where it's always fall or spring. Never winter or summer. They were lured in by a witch who cursed their land to be in forever seclusion. No one could leave, and no one could get out. The rhyme she enchants the forest with is a bit sketchy to remember all the way. Kids sing it as a nursery rhyme, but it is currently forgotten.

2013-09-28, 12:20 AM

"Only vaguely your highness," he answers the princess.

2013-09-28, 03:13 AM
"Do you think you and your friends can track it?" she looks upon his eyes with hers.

2013-09-29, 08:11 PM

"I don't know what you mean? Find the witch or find Autumn Vale?" he asks.

2013-09-29, 08:24 PM
"I don't know. He mentioned the Autumn Vale." she begins to bite her lip and tremble. "He was a good man. Caught up in the wrong fight" She sighs and shakes her head. "I don't know what's going on here, but I believe the answer lies there, in the Autumn Vale. Fiction, or real." She grabs the decorated guard's spear. It was taller than her, the tip was of a steel bladed filigree, decorated with a rope of royal blue. "If you wish not to track a fable, at least take me to Coldbrooke. There are friends there"

The next town over. One day travel on foot.

2013-09-29, 11:13 PM

"I'll do what you ask to the best of my ability you highness. Although we still should get you to safety first. So it's Coldbrooke then."

2013-09-30, 06:11 AM
Drazen Taikahn
Drazen let his wall fall, easily aware of the fate of the zombies thanks to Zeron's constant commentary. He reached out to the women he had spoken to earlier (Skarl and Z)
'Can you hear me? Are you alive? I just took care of a sizable group of zombies in the courtyard, do you require assistance?'

Chained Birds
2013-09-30, 08:38 AM

The princess is conversing with one of our allies for now. More on what is happening when he decides to relay the information to us.

2013-10-01, 10:44 AM

The ugly little man returns with the princess. Addressing the others he says, "We get her to Coldbrooke. Her highness believes she'll be safe there." Sargov decides to hold off the other information until they are on they way.

2013-10-01, 06:13 PM
A slight smile with great reluctance towards happiness. She peers over the group as she descends the staircase. "I will be eternally grateful to each of you if you can get me there." She holds a spear strong in her hand, her head up, and hope glistening in her eye.

2013-10-02, 11:42 AM
http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh483/tempestII/E4_zpse6cefcf1.jpg Skarl

"You know this place better than any of us," Skarl started, her blade still out in her hands, "show us any hidden exits that will allow us to sneak by whatever may be crawling through this keep."

2013-10-03, 06:14 AM
The intensity of Relius' smile went up two notches. He gave the princess an elaborate bow.

"Have no fear, my lady. I, Relius Valani, shall ensure that no harm comes to you."

Chained Birds
2013-10-03, 09:15 AM

"I too shall assist you, though I have a condition. Once everything has resolved, I wish to be hired as your royal doctor."

2013-10-03, 10:46 PM
"You may, madam" She bows back slightly. Honor seems to be diminishing from heavily present and elegant, to lacking and sloppy. "I know every exit and entrance through these walls better than the guards. As a child wasn't raised as a kept woman or put upon a pedestal and pampered all my life." She bites her lip. "Around here, there is a falling door" She motions with her hands. "I'm not sure what it is called in Common"

There are fewer screams outside the barracks. It becomes quiet now. The sun, still shining illustrates a a positive grim afternoon.

unlimited Free moves. Search, ask questions, etc.

Chained Birds
2013-10-03, 10:56 PM

Still alive?...

Must have gone out of range... I guess that means I can establish a new bond with someone. Z thinks to herself.

"I wonder what catastrophes lie beyond this "falling door"? Most likely something unexpected."

Z seems to signal to one of the others to open the door using her staff as a pointer. Z has no desire to be the first one to advance.

2013-10-03, 11:04 PM
"The falling door is deliberate. It is as if a wall on the floor hidden by common items." She walks over to the stack of barrels and crates in order to look for this deliberate floor door she speaks of.

Chained Birds
2013-10-04, 01:20 AM

"No need to exert yourself princess. Relius Valani will open the passage and take the first dangerous steps inside.

Isn't that right?"

2013-10-04, 02:32 AM
Drazen Taikahn
Upon seeing the others emerge Drazen moves over to them.
"I trust that you are all well." He said, before frowning. "I am Drazen of course."

2013-10-04, 09:56 AM

"I will take point," he announces and move to the princess. The ugly man begins to remove some of the crates and barrels and looks for some door.

[roll0] perception

2013-10-04, 05:20 PM

"I will take point," he announces and move to the princess. The ugly man begins to remove some of the crates and barrels and looks for some door.

[roll0] perception

Sargov finds a familiar looking hatch beneath all the crates and barrels. He notices a padlock attached to the latch.

2013-10-04, 06:08 PM

"Is this it, you highness?" he asks and begins to pick the lock.

take 10 on disable device for a 27.

2013-10-04, 07:13 PM
"I believe so." She looks at the now unlocked trap door. She squeezes through a narrow gap of barrels. She kneels down to put both of her hands flat on the door. she budges it a couple times. She smiles as on the fourth time she presses down on it, there is a clicking sound. "These old falling doors have small traps used to hinder those not of the Guard Watch" She opens the door like a large book title and there reveals a ladder to the darkness. "The exit"

2013-10-05, 12:54 PM

"No need to exert yourself princess. Relius Valani will open the passage and take the first dangerous steps inside.

Isn't that right?"

Relius shot Z a dirty look. He'd have to keep an eye on this one...

Chained Birds
2013-10-05, 02:24 PM

Relius shot Z a dirty look. He'd have to keep an eye on this one...

Z simply smiles.

2013-10-06, 10:36 PM
"Before we descend, or go any further. There are no lights down there. is there anyone with a light?" She smiles and looks at the group for someone with a light. Her sight instead fixes on an unlit torch hanging on the hall, halted in steel, but merely held loosely. She picks it up with her free hand and and looks toward Thormen. She makes a smile and waits.

2013-10-06, 11:20 PM
Nippy gives a tap on Thormen's shoulder once he notices the princess smile. He looks up, distracted from his note taking. With no understanding of what anyone is saying he had changed his focus to a more pressing matter than watching everyone speak gibberish. Taking notes. With the group having been huddled around a trap door for a while and Nippy's signal he figured it was time to go. He gave his papers a bit of a pampering for his writing wouldn't smear then packed them away.

He and Nippy share a few words then Nippy speaks up, "Something, something. The magic that allows us to communicate is fading. Lots of boring stuff. Oh, and um ... ". Thormen pulls out the needle bug that was giving off that annoying screeching earlier and a knife from his hip. He gives an anguished look and slides the blade in between his fingers and starts to cut/saw them off. Obvious pain showing on his face. Breathing heavy he wraps all three objects in a cloth. Surprising enough little blood is shed. "Thormen says he might retreat for now and regroup with you guys later. He's of little use and you guys are interrupting his note taking. He might leave in a hurry, so if you leave this little construct in the open he'll be able to see through it and follow you guys. If you need to contact him .... well that's what the fingers are for ... just in case." The seated man hands them over to his bird who is ready to distribute them, and those with a keen eye took notice during the trade that bone had started to protrude out of his nubs. Flesh and muscles forming over them, obviously magic is at work.

My character is unable to communicate at this point. Yay, one way communication! So I didn't have a lot to add to all the talking. :smalltongue: ... How did you know I was typing a post though!?! Thormen is still continuing with the group as of now, but he's made it known that he might retreat without much notice.

2013-10-06, 11:28 PM
My character is unable to communicate at this point. Yay, one way communication! So I didn't have a lot to add to all the talking. :smalltongue: ... How did you know I was typing a post though!?! Thormen is still continuing with the group as of now, but he's made it known that he might retreat without much notice.

The stars where right. They notified me.

The Princess contemplates the lack of communication. She presents her though,
"Could you, at the very least, give the light? She points to the tip of the unlit torch.

2013-10-06, 11:40 PM
Thormen takes notice of the gesture and gibberish throw his way.

Nippy, "He can't understand you."

Unknown to Nippy the general idea still pieced together and Thormen begins to shuffle through his backpack. He takes out five finely crafted lanterns, normal enough looking except instead of a wick and oil there is a glowing crystal suspended by several pieces of thick twine in the middle of them. He puts one aside for himself and offers up the rest alongside the bag with his fingers in it.

My guy can't see in the dark so he does in fact carry light sources better than standard torches ... Yay, lanterns with glowing stones in the middle!

Chained Birds
2013-10-06, 11:48 PM

"If you create a bond with me, you'll be given many benefits. One of these is the ability to speak telepathically with anyone within my collective; Princess included. Although she can tune you out if you become annoying."

2013-10-07, 12:01 AM
Nippy, "Are you talking to me?" He asks with a hop on his satchel. "That sounds like a good idea to me. I'm about to lose my ability to communicate with Thormen so having another person to talk to would be great. He kinda drags on anyway. Well, sometimes. He talks in bursts, I guess. He normally works quietly until he's finished and then yaks my ears off for hours on end. My name is Nippy by the way. It's nice to meet you."

Chained Birds
2013-10-07, 12:15 AM

"Both the people I hate, and the people I love! call me Z. Welcome to... The Collective."

Z twirls her staff and taps the ground. Both actions are unnecessary, but it does entertain.

2013-10-07, 12:25 AM
Nippy "Hello, everyone, again. It's nice to meet you. Z, if you'd take my master's bag that'd be great. He only has four extra Ioun Lanterns though so I think we'll have to share. With no real need to be outside anymore he lifts the glass lid to his satchel and moves inside, letting the lid come down with a light tink. I don't like being hit with random fireballs, he tries to explain.

2013-10-07, 12:27 AM
The telepathy works. Everyone is shown a glimpse of lexical errors that befalls them all. Everyone seems fine now though.

"It pleases me!" The Monika's broken common is almost direct translation to her first language. She inspects the lantern. The magic of any item seems to catch the attention of her highness. No matter the quality or effect of the magic, it remains a glisten in her eye, the ability to do things most cannot.

"Magic is quite fantastic" She looks at Z. "Telepathically?"

2013-10-07, 04:10 AM
Thormen's brow slightly furrows whenever Nippy speaks to everyone telepathically.

There's a moment of silence before Nippy starts to talk again, "What? I got everything right. I told them the important parts!"

Thormen wipes his own blood off his blade and sheaths it. For the first time he addresses the group, "Hello, Friends. I apologize for the peril I have placed you in. My familiar was suppose to relay the fact that during my research into the events my mind was assaulted, it continues to be, and was damaged. He was suppose to communicate that a touching of the minds was dangerous, it still is. I can barely keep a straight thought, it's becoming even more difficult as my mind is dragged farther into the realms of madness. Nonetheless it seems that the side effects of communication so far haven't been all that bad.

I have the good fortune of knowing Skarl from previous occasions. To the rest of you it's a pleasure to meet your good acquaintances. My mind might be a mess, but since we can understand each other, even in this limited fashion, I can be of use. And, I might just learn some more interesting things If I stick around. What have I missed while I was unable to understand? He takes note of the princess' curious inspection and points at her lantern with half his fingers regrown, "That lantern only produces light. You could place it on a belt and fear not oil or hot wick for it produces no heat. Handy for when you need your hands free."

Unimportant roll

2013-10-07, 10:39 AM

"Let me," says the archer and takes the lantern, to place it on his belt. "I'll go first."

Sargov lead the way down.

2013-10-07, 09:13 PM
((initiating everyone to exit))

You each descend down the trap door. Sargov leads the party and before him is Drazen then Monika, then Skarl, then Z, Thormen's fingers, Then Anyr, Then Tycho. "thank you again for escorting me to Coldbrooke" Shadows cast along the old walls of the secret corridor below the city. Up ahead, you can hear water trickling down and running slowly.

2013-10-07, 09:43 PM
"Coldbrooke. Why are we heading to Coldbrooke?", Thormen asks inquisitively.

2013-10-08, 12:57 AM
"I am from Coldbrooke. My people there will hide me until outer help can arrive" She takes a deep breath. With the signal from Captain Abendroth I hold on me, we will be granted safety until you leave." She puts her hand on the medallion which is completely covered from any glimpse to see it.

2013-10-08, 03:43 AM
Drazen Taikahn
Drazen reaches out to Z with his own telepathy, his inquisitive side showing.
'What exactly occurred whilst I was outside. I seem to have missed a lot.'

2013-10-08, 06:37 AM

"Let me," says the archer and takes the lantern, to place it on his belt. "I'll go first."

Sargov lead the way down.

"If you insist."

Relius 'reluctantly' allowed Sargov to take the lead. Inwardly, he breathed a sigh of relief. Now he was free to take the position he most desired: Right next to the princess. With a flick of his wrist, he released an Ioun Torch into the air.

"Allow me to light your way as well, highness."

Chained Birds
2013-10-08, 09:44 AM

"I do not know the details. Though it better to leave this place and ensure the safety of the princess."

2013-10-08, 10:17 AM

The ugly man made his way in a crouch with his bow ready. The catter in his brain was annoying. The clear solitude and peace of his own actions and intent were broken with the others thoughts.

He moved ahead further down, away from the others, hoping that the telepathy had a range limit.

[roll0] perception
[roll1] stealth

2013-10-10, 12:51 AM
Sargov, you continue through the corridor and you begin to smell a foul odour. You hear low whispers from the pitch of the 's'. You are completely hidden from any prying eyes.

2013-10-15, 11:41 PM
As you each move closer there is an abrupt flash of light from the end of the tunnel. Sargov, Drazen, and Monika can see ahead into the room and notice that there is a circular hole about 3 ft emptying dark sludge into a stream of dark liquid. You see shadows cast against the wall of perhaps three medium sized creatures. You hear chatter and whisper.

You begin to hear whispers you know them. The general idea goes as follows, [Aluexch]City must purge by destruction. Fire from beneath.

2013-10-16, 12:52 AM
Unsure of what's in his head and what's real Thormen thrusts the possible danger ahead with the explanation coming latter. "These tongue cursed whispers speak of destroying the city. Can you fellows hear that? Foreign thoughts have been whispering to me for a while now, but these sound external ... I think. It's hard to tell. And, they speak in the same cursed tongue as our teleporting friend and I. Mentions of destroying the town with fire from underneath. I wouldn't expect a friendly reception if they see us." Thormen covers his lamps not expecting any of the others to mimic his actions. He doesn't want to be giving off any light.

With an unconstrained view and low light the vision range should be about 120 feet. (Both light ranges doubled to sixty). A lot of people in the way tend to block views though ...

Chained Birds
2013-10-16, 01:19 AM

Telepathically onto everyone,

Something precarious? Well, you all know your favored positions when encountering a potential threat.

2013-10-16, 09:41 AM

The possible approach of danger lead the ugly man to do relent and use the thought speak, Quiet, there something up front

Please NPC my character as best as possible. I don't want to hold up the game.

2013-10-18, 06:12 PM
It's all good, my posting has been sketchy ever since the first family emergency, now another one has risen

Immediately there is a flash of light. The room is lit up by flickering light. Two robed figures hold an orb with a flame encased inside.

Thormen is given the knowledge of the spell they used to conjure the flame, and a general knowledge of what these robed men are saying as they walk over to the darkened sludge. 'we are the sticks. Lyrxch is the Fire, this is the spark'.

2013-10-28, 11:44 PM

Seeing that stealth wasn't an option he aimed his bow at them and asked, "Who are you?"