View Full Version : Uncharted IC

2013-08-28, 01:32 PM
The Twilight floats through the water, not a single breeze to propel it along. Vingrit the Kobald paces back and forth, muttering to himself. Sadi watches him from behind the large wheel, eyes narrowed. As Vingrit's pace increases, Sadi pulls his first mate close and whispers in his ear. Another moment and Flen was already on the other side of the boat, hand on the minotaurs back. It let out a roar and Sadi addressed everyone topside. "Everybody, get your sorry little asses below deck now, thats an order." Almost on cue, dark clouds began rolling through the sky and a wave crashed into the side of the deck, rocking the boat violently. Sadi waved his arms violently and shouted again. "Move your asses now."

Everybody make your first roll, a balance check. Also, you can opt to roll profession sailor with dex being the modifier.

2013-08-28, 05:43 PM
First of all, balance [roll0]

A scrawny little figure scampers out from where it had been crouched stacking ropes...well, pretending to be stacking ropes. Izel has the firm opinion that the more work he can avoid doing, the better. What's the hassle for? he has time to think, then he raises his eyes to the sky and loses whatever desire to be a smartass. Crap. Better do as the annoying human says. Goblins don't do well with water. Well, actually, goblins do as well with water as all other species, it's just that Izel himself never learned to swim properly. He'll be caught dead before admitting it in front of a bunch of tallfolks, though.

2013-08-28, 08:40 PM
Mara, who has been gazing out to sea, turns as Sadi shouts her order.

She opens her mouth to shout back a query, then she sees the storm clouds. Her jaw drops and her green eyes widen as she clasps a hand around a wooden carving of a measuring scale.

"Tyr on high, deliver us." she prays.

Mara almost slips as the deck bucks beneath her feet, and she knocks her hip against the rail of the ship.

With her stomach heaving, Mara pushes herself away from the rails and launches herself toward the doorway leading belowdeck, even as the weight of her armor pulls her back and forth between the lilting starboard and port sides.

Balance Check:[roll0]

commander panda
2013-08-28, 09:19 PM
Simmons was waiting out his exile (pardon, waiting out his shift) in the crow's nest when the call went out. in substance it wasn't much different from any of the other Sadi-isms he'd heard as the weeks progressed. the captian always had someone moving their rump. The tone of voice, though? Crraaap
Sim's head snapped up. He hadn't been doing his job. a great black rolling wall had formed between the sea and the sky and he hadn't noticed a thing! Simmons reached his feet just as the ship lurched underneath them.

balance [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2013-08-28, 09:28 PM
Standing on the port side of the ship he and Sim and boarded in the city of Luskan, Davos watched as the shore slowly passed in the distance. He knew they'd be sailing past his homeland, but he didnt think he'd find himself looking back. He leaned against the railing to steady himself against the rocking of the ship, it had been many years since he was last aboard a watercraft and he'd never spent any great length of time on one. It would be a while yet before they reached their destination, and thus far he had put off any unneeded contact with the ship's crew and it's passengers save for Sim and one or two others in passing.

Without warning Sadi roars barks out orders to get below decks and Davos spins on his heels to see whats going on. Knowing better to follow orders than ask to many questions in a situation like this he starts heading to the stairs when suddenly the ship rocks violently.

Balance Roll: [roll0]

2013-08-29, 12:30 AM
Gordan is in his hammock below, reading a book when he hears a commotion on the deck. He gets up to investigate, when suddenly the ship rocks.

Balance: [roll0]

What the..?

Seeing the signs of a storm he scrambles to pack the open book in oilskin to protect it from getting wet.

2013-08-29, 06:38 AM
Chaos breaks out, members of the crew are running in every direction, some trying to control the damage the wind is doing to the sails while others are tying ropes around themselves. The minotaur charges straight at Vingrit, picking him up and moving to gloria, who quickly fills his other arm. He pauses long to look at the other members in order to be certain they are alright. Sadi does some impressive work at the wheel, trying desperately to keep the waves at the bow of the ship to reduce the rocking. The dark clouds begin forming into several funnels, reaching down from the heavens and pulling water to meet them, creating a series of small hurricanes. "Flen!" With the pixies shout, the fact that Flen is nowhere in sight becomes apparent, at some point he had vanished.

You can tell someone is directly behind you by the fact a hand is on your shoulder.

First things last, everyone who failed the dc 13 balance check moves at half speed and has to make another one when running or fall down.
Izel, about fifty feet from the door.
Mara, twenty feet.
Simmins, the crows nest is about thirty feet from the door, but you have to get down the fourty feet first.
Davos, fifty.
Gordan, already below deck.

2013-08-29, 06:58 AM
Gordan works frantically to pack and seal the book. Oilskin pouch, tied with strong tarred string and.. it should be sealed with wax, but that's impossible on a moving deck. Or is it? Gordan takes a piece of wax and presses it onto the pouch, trying hard to concentrate and cast prestidigitation to melt the wax and spread it evenly.

Here's hoping I can waterproof this...


2013-08-29, 07:46 AM
Gordan manages to melt the wax enough to seal the wax evenly over the pouch, he is fairly certain that it will hold so long as it doesn't soak too long in water.

2013-08-29, 05:49 PM
First of all, balance check again, and then I'll describe the result accordingly. DC 13, right?


Izel manages to suppress a very undignified squeal at the boat rocking under him. That isn't good, at all. When he had climbed up with the intent of hitching a free ride, he hadn't thought that he'd end up trying to make his way to a hatch fearing for his life... well, honestly, he hadn't thought at all. Izel is accustomed to do things on a whim, something that has always driven his mother mad. For a second, he half-wishes he'd listen to her advice to think before doing stupid things.

The goblin keeps his eyes fixed on the prize, the small trapdoor that leads below deck, and carefully tries to make his way towards it. He manages three steps before another wave crashes to the side of the boat, sending him flat on his back. He DOES squeal this time, a high pitched "Eek!" of distress.

2013-08-29, 08:48 PM
Mara's insides heave as the storm hurls the ship. The priestess grits her teeth, clutching her stomach with her right hand.

With her left, she leans against her sheathed longsword, using it as an improvised cane.

She turns in response to Izel's squeal, then back at the door.

She takes wide, careful steps toward the portal leading below deck, stabbing her sheath into the floorboards for balance.

"If I can just get to safety I can throw my rope..."

Bounty Hunter
2013-08-29, 08:53 PM
With a quick glance up to Sims, who had been taking his shift in the crow's nest, Davos begins quickly making his way across the deck to the stairs below. Moving quickly but carefully, as he did not want to lose his footing on the deck boards which were now wetter and more slippery than usual. Suddenly another wave rocks the boat and the small goblin he had seen on board earlier doing mundane chores slides by on his back squealing quite loudly. Davos makes a few more determined steps towards the door and sees that Mara, a quiet woman who had kept mostly to herself as well, was almost inside and relying on her long sword for anchorage.

commander panda
2013-08-30, 11:20 AM
Simmons slapped his hand on the bannister and kept his feet nailed to the bottom of his little box in the sky. When the ship stopped heaving he looked below to survey the chaos.
Half the crew had abandoned stations to shove their way below deck, the other half Was trying to roll up sails, and keep their precious bucket afloat. The minitor was carrying the kobolt and Gloria, Flen appeared to have taken his own advice and get below deck and the captain was working the wheel like a madman.
The only one with his senses strait was, predictably, Davos. The cutpurse gave Sim a worried look and Sim gave back a halfhearted wave, then started to swing his leg over the side of the nest.

balance [roll0]

The wind damn near threw sim to an anticlimactic end, and he found himself trying to pull his weight back over the bannister. Failed. Then someone caught him. He stared down on deck for a moment or few, now he knew what it seasickness felt like. Then, aren't we forty feet up? Who- he turned.

i'v got some mixed feelings here. On one hand sim is clearly about to see some dramatic ****. On the other, I'm sensing some purple prose lurking here.
Much better:smallwink:

2013-08-31, 07:20 AM
Clara stuck her head out of the door below deck and took a quick look around. Apparently not seeing what she wanted, she focused on Mara. "Come on, its just a few feet." Focusing on Davos for a moment, she grimaced and opened the door wider.
"What do you weigh?" Simmons hears the soft voice of Flen behind him and before he has a chance to reply or even turn to look at the elf, he felt himself being lifted. "There is no time." Then Simmons felt himself being thrown and next thing he knew, he was a good teen feet closer to the door and an extra few feet up.

Izel sees a hand seem to appear in front of him with a voice following shortly afterwords. "What am I going to do with you." Flen sighed and helped Izel to his feet, a hand on his back for support.

2013-08-31, 12:47 PM
Gordan clutches the book under his right arm, and tries to find something to hold on to with his left.

I hope this is just a squall, and not something more serious.

Bounty Hunter
2013-08-31, 01:37 PM
Glancing up at Sim, and then across the deck at Izel who seems to have made it to his feet; Davos continues his determined stride to the door, moving quickly but not too fast as to lose his footing on the slickened old boards of the ships deck.

2013-08-31, 05:51 PM
He quickly shakes his head to signify he's alright - and he isn't going to thank the elf out loud, not in a million years, he has an image to maintain after all. "What's going on?" he asks. He doesn't know much about boats and sailing, but he can guess that going from dead calm to storm in a few minutes isn't exactly something natural.

commander panda
2013-09-01, 12:07 AM
It took sim a few seconds to process events. He thoughts the elf can fly? and is the flying pixi elf manhandling me :smallfrown:? and of corse DID THAT AS*HOLE JUST THROW HE OUT OF THE CROWS NEST?occurred to him, but he settled with "I'm sure my lithe, smooth, halfling skin must give you sheer chills, sailor boy, but work befor pleasure, eh? it was good natured of corse. Doubtful Flen knew that.

Soon as he found his feet sim moved toward the door.

I think I might switch to the present tense. Better for actions.

2013-09-01, 06:25 AM
"Call me boy again and I'll gut you rather than help you. I caught you when Flen decided to test if halflings can fly, but since I already know that answer, I decided to help, don't make me regret it midget." When Simmons heard the voice, he realized that the person now holding him was not actually Flen, but the Pixie. She carried him close to the door and dropped him squarely on his feet, allowing him to reach the door about the same time as Mara and Davos.

Clara pulled everyone inside and let them sit on the stairs for a moment before ushering them into the hold and out of the way of any other members of the crew. They all see Gordan, holding a book in one hand and a support beam with his other.

Flen looks at Izel with a small smirk, apparently toying with an idea that would likely anger Izel greatly. He shakes his head and grips Izel tightly. "This will be slightly uncomfortable." He warns, taking a step forward, the world darkening around them. They are pulled through what feels like cold water to Izel, freezing him to the bone. With a small hissing sound, the darkness is replaced by the hold of the ship, Flen and Izel appearing between Davos and the others.

"Great, now you can go get the captain." Clara says, glaring at Flen for saving the captain for last.
"Sadly, there is a limit to how many times I can do that, the captain is on his own." A small howl follows his words, surprising everyone, they all turn to see the minotaur in the doorway. Oh, ****

commander panda
2013-09-01, 10:06 AM
the pixie's voice surprises sim, but not so much as his words. damn, i thought fey were supposed to have a sense of humour. he simply grins at him.

Simmons moves next to Davos as the trapdoor shuts. starts to say "Y'ok Davie?" when Horned n'Smelly nearly scares him sh*tless, and the elf adds some colour to his words. Sim throws them a glance that turns into a stare.

@flagistheif I don't mean to rush but maybe you should just move us along, here? it could take all day for everyone to respond "i turn around."

2013-09-01, 12:56 PM
Izel squirms in the elf's grip. "Hands off!" he shouts...well, squeals again, really. He hates that tallfolks seem to assume they can manhandle short races as they were children just because of their height. He startles at the sound of the minotaur howling "What in Magublyet's name is HAPPENING?"

2013-09-01, 03:57 PM
The Minotaur threw his parcels down the stairs and ran back out the door. "You lot are on board a ship with a crew that once had to fight off a group of krakens, lets just say we've done this before. Now, keep your asses down here or our death will have been in vain." Flen sighed again and grabbed Clara, pulling her past the two small-folk still dazed from being thrown and left into the storm.

After a few moments, Vingrit shook away his daze and walked over. Don't worry about him, he's still upset about loosing his god-hood, he thinks he owes the captain some form of debt and is a little more upset that the captain gave him orders to get you guys into the hold before himself. I guess he moved without thinking and used up most of his power.
"Grit, you aren't supposed to tell them that."
"Don't worry about it, what are the chances they will survive to tell anyone else anyway." With that, the whole ship is lifted out of the water and sails for almost a minute before crashing back down and lying still. "That cannot be good."
"Of course it isn't you bloody Kobald."

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-01, 07:09 PM
Still reeling from the entire situation, Davos sits on a wooden crate in the ships hold with the other passengers and crew feeling more and more like a drowning rat. The ship creaks and groans as its tossed about like a plaything on the tumultuous ocean and various items slide and roll across the floor. Standing up, he braces himself against the wall. "Outta the frying pan and into the fire eh Sims...? Well, not fire but .... He trails off and starts paying attention to the conversation between the two crew members when suddenly the ship feels as its been lifted into the air and slammed down again a moment later. "By the nine hells" Davos mutters under his breath.

commander panda
2013-09-01, 08:36 PM
Simmons feels his stomach drop. then, so does the floor. out from under his feet. he pulls himself back up again, rubbing his ass.
dont you worry yourself, Davos. Simmons walks (stumbles) about as he talks. he pulls his rucksack out of a corner, and continues hunting around for something else. "we're in it deep, but only up to here." he gestures to about midway up his neck. i'm no stranger to ship recks myself. did i ever tell you about-" the time when he was a boy, that his caravan (a grouping of his brothers, sisters, parents, grandmother, great grandparents, his aunt and her kids, their children, and the Stonyfoots, who were thrice removed cousins) were on a sinking barge a few miles off the dragon coast?
simmons continues to ransack the hold while he recounts the abridged story of how papa letherfoot taught the whole caravan to tread water as it came up around their ankles, then smashed up the deck with an oar for floatation devices.
he's just explaining how grandpa Billbo used the movements of some nearby turtles to find land-
taking ten (or twenty, if possible) on a search for a barrel of alcohol (+0) when he cuts off and pulls up a smallish barrel, knocking the stopper off with the back of his hatchet. "drink up, Dave, i know you can tread water, so now we just need to make this thing floaty" he fetches up some wooden mugs, not really caring who thinks he's crazy anymore. based on the conversations he's overheard, everyone else is crazy too.

2013-09-01, 10:07 PM
Mara looks between each crewman as they speak in turn. She gapes throughout the entire exchange.

The priestess stumbles and falls to the floor as the ship heaves and lifts before plunging back into the water, at which point she breaks into a cold sweat.

She wobbles back to her feet and retches.

When she sees Simmons hacking off the lid of a barrel, she props herself back up against the side of the hull and begins an objection:

"That's not yours, sir! Unhand that barrel and -"

She stops in her tracks when she hears his plan to use it as a flotation device. She looks down, considering her armor, then begins working at one of the buckles of her mail.

"Protection won't do me any good if we will be swimming soon." She glances up at her fellow shipmates.

"One of you, help me remove this armor." she commands.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-01, 10:35 PM
As Sims motions to his neck in regards to how 'in deep' they all are Davos chuckles slightly (as well as one can in a situation such as this) and quips back at him "Well lucky for the rest of us that wont do much more than wet our knees eh?" He glances around to see if theres much else of use in the hold before stepping over towards Sims and his new "emergency plan".

Suddenly Mara calls out to unhand the barrel, but then seems to quickly change her mind and starts to try and unstrap one of the straps to her mail. After half a second she calls out and asks for help. Davos thinks of a joke or two to be made regarding a barrel full of wine and a woman demanding help with the removal of her garments, but given the severity of the situation he thinks better of it. Working to keep his footing as the vessel continues to heave in every combinations of directions imaginable, Davos steps over to try and assist in the removal of some of the mail.

commander panda
2013-09-01, 11:13 PM
Simmons screws up his face in mock outrage and knocks back half his giant, human sized, mug. He chuckls at the silly woman wearing armour on a boat then looks to the others. "how 'bout you Gobbo? we both know wine tastes better when its not really yours, am i right?" probobly a little bit racist. he'll forgive me

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-01, 11:32 PM
While undoing a strap at the back of Mara's armor: "Ya should go offer a tankard to the Minotaur, Sims..."

commander panda
2013-09-01, 11:49 PM
sim squints at the minotaur, shakes his head. nah, thats overkill. dont want to drain it too quickly." he taps his noggin knowingly. "you gotta learn ta think a'bout these things. its all economics or somthin'" sim is maybe/probobly a little bit inebriated now.

whelp, i'm off to bed.

2013-09-02, 02:24 AM
Sitting in a corner rubbing her wrist gently from her fall earlier out on deck, Mizaca knows it is slightly sprained and curses under her breath from the loss of strength.

Trying to listen to the halflings story, only hearing every few words due to all the commotion around. A womans yell fall short. Watching the others help her off with her armor. Mizaca just absorbs everything around her not knowing what to think for her self in this situation.

Thank you for bringing me along!
I've still got quite a few people staying at my place so won't be posting regularly until wednesday probably.

2013-09-02, 02:57 AM
Gordan stands looking nervous and holding on to a support beam, with the wrapped book under his arm. He starts to move when Mara calls for help with her armor, but realizes he knows nothing of such things and would probably hinder more than help. So he stands and just looks around.

This seems no ordinary storm. Too quick, and to violent.

Muttering a prayer under his breath, he hopes Umberlee is not hungry for their lives today.

2013-09-02, 07:46 AM
Vingrit yelped several times without an apparent reason before he began pacing back and forth.
"Grit, stop pacing, your making me nervous, go help the human with her armor, at least then you can do something and be useful. Someone stop the halfling before he drinks himself unconscious, you don't actually have to empty the barrel for it to be floatable. Heres how we're going to do this, you lot are going to stay put until we know what in the nine hells is going on and then we are going to find a way to take hold of the situation. Grit, I blame you for that by the way. Glennith had apparently gotten it in her mind that as the only sane and awake member of the crew currently in the hold, she was in charge. She floated just above four feet off the ground, letting her look down on everyone, although her attention was mainly focused on Vingrit.
"I didn't even get a wish, blame Voltz for that, he was the one who wanted that fancy spellbook."
"And who made that wish for him."
As she peered down at Vingrit with a fresh scowl, the boat lifted again. She bolted to the wall and grabbed hold as Vingrit grabbed onto Mara's leg, apparently mistaking her for something that floats. Suddenly, the hold shook violently and the wall broke away, revealing shapes moving in the clouds which were much closer than before. Even though they were hundreds of feet in the air, there was no wind and the boat was not rocking, but standing perfectly still. One of the shapes broke from the clouds and landed in the hold. It was a humanoid with large leathery wings wrapped tightly around its body. A tail longer that it with grey clubbing at the end swayed behind its head. It moved lightning fast, across the room before anyone could react and suddenly behind Mara, shouldering her in the small of her back.

Everyone makes a will save vs enchantment if that makes a difference, Mara makes a strength check dc of 23.

2013-09-02, 07:51 AM
Will Save [roll0]

"What the..?"

2013-09-02, 06:02 PM
Izel hadn't even dignified the halfling's request with an answer. That was for two reasons - one, he doesn't really like non-goblin fermented beverages and two...well, two, for how his stomach's churning and the boat's rocking, he's really afraid to be sick all over the place and making a fool of himself.

He startles when he sees the shape plunge down from the sky, hand going instinctively to his crossbow

Will save [roll0]

2013-09-02, 07:21 PM
Mara starts to turn when the creature crashes into her.

Will Save:[roll0]
Also, Mara cannot possibly make that strength check with a +2 modifier. Do you want me to roll anyway?

commander panda
2013-09-02, 08:17 PM
Sim is a bit peeved at the pixie's assumption that he would drink himself to the floor (ok maybe that happens sometimes,) how would he have held the barrel?
he's going to say something but then the hull goes and reveals their height. drain it faster!! than comes the flying thing.

Sim blinks once. Twice.

will save [roll0]

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-02, 08:34 PM
Davos shields his eyes for a moment as the hull is ripped away, peeking out from behind his hand he looks at the creature that had just landed aboard the ship.

[roll0] Will Save

2013-09-03, 02:05 AM
Mizaca calms as the pixie takes charge. But only for a second, the wall just next to the one she was leaning against completley rips of! She stumbles as she tries to get away from the gaping hole and the creature that came with it. All while looking around for that rusty falchion she was given to protect herself.

Will save:[roll0]

2013-09-03, 07:23 AM
Everyone other than Mara and Glennith suddenly freeze in place, unable to move. As they watch Mara get lifted and pushed forward several feet, the whole ship tilts and without being able to collect their footing, each fall out of the hold, more sections of wall disappearing as they near. Glennith dives after the group only to be caught by one of the creatures and tackled back into the hold. As they fall, darkness intrudes on their vision and silence falls, leaving each of them in their own void.

After what feels like hours, each begins to awaken in a field, completely naked. There are no members of crew in sight, not even little Vingrit who was holding so desperately to Mara. Trees line the field on the edge of vision in each direction and a small house lies about halfway to one edge.

2013-09-03, 08:03 AM
Gordan looks around, down at himself, then up. Are the others near him?

Well, if this is a dream, then I'll wake up at some point. If not, where could I be? Questions pop into his head, and he tries to solve each, delving into the books and scrolls that he's read.

Am I somewhere near the Sword Coast?

If not, can I tell what kind of place I'm in by the plants and landforms?

Was I transported by magic?

Am I still on Toril?

Know: Geography[roll0]
Know: Nature[roll1]
Know: Arcane[roll2]
Know: The Planes[roll3]

2013-09-03, 09:03 AM
From the kind of grass below him and the trees nearby, Gordan can be absolutely certain that they are both incredibly common almost everywhere he has been outside of the desert and they could be anywhere. Gordan knows for a fact that they were transported by magic in some way although he is not certain as to where or what spell was used.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-03, 09:14 AM
Davos sits up and cradles his head in his hands, then starts to rub his eyes wearily. "By all that is h...." his words trail off.

He lifts his head from his hands and look around at his surroundings, and then to the others nearby, finding them all naked. "Well... looks like you got that armor off after all." He flops back down on the ground and stares up to the sky for a moment.

Is it daytime or night? If day; Morning or afternoon?

How hot/cold is it... considering nakedness and all...

If daytime I'd like to see if I can acertain which direction the house is in based on the sun.

2013-09-03, 10:33 AM
Aside from the location, everything is the same, about mid-morning, temperate climate. The house is northeast, directly under what looks like the moon, it has a crescent shape, but appears sort of lopsided.

commander panda
2013-09-03, 11:40 AM
Simmons notices things in the following order

headache. he has one.
the sun is shining on his skin
the others are nearby listen [roll0] to see how many are here
he is not wearing pants

he does not open his eyes immediately (the sun would make his hangover worse.)
"ok, how many people have clothes, here?"

2013-09-03, 01:49 PM
Mizaca can hear the others talking and starts to sit up and notices her naked body. If anyone sees her they can clearly see the color of her face dramatically change to bright pink. Covering herself with her hands best she can while stressfully looking around to find her clothes or anything to cover herself up with.


2013-09-03, 02:05 PM
None of us have anything. I wonder where we are? The plants are ubiquitous. Does anyone have an idea? I'm sure that our method of transportation was magical in nature, but I cannot tell where we are, or even whether we're on Toril, another Material plane or even on an Outer Plane.

Gordan speaks with the lilting accent of Calimport. Now that he's not wearing baggy clothing, it'obvious that he keeps in shape. His frame isn't muscular, but it is lean and wiry. And ALL his hair is platinum blonde, creating a sharp contrast with his dark skin.

2013-09-03, 03:37 PM
Izel is probably less bothered about being naked that all those other people are, but goblins are more communal than other races. He is way more bothered about the loss of his weapons, and, most importantly, his tools. He gets up quickly, looking around himself to see if he can spot anything useful anywhere around "Yeah, magic, 'course it was magic" he mumbles. Not that hard to figure out, really


commander panda
2013-09-03, 05:25 PM
Sim hears Gordon's words and accepts them grimly. He's not bothered by nudity Per say (lack of privacy is one thing the army and his families' nomadic caravan has in common,) he's just not looking forward to full disclosed with a goblin.
When his eyes crack open a grone is forced out. Predictably enough, the sun shoots through his head like a needle.

Sim tries to identify the flora/fauna

Knowledge, nature [roll0]

Unfortunately, he finds it as generic as the human. They could indeed be anywhere.

"sorry to halt the big'ol noggin, sandy boy, but I think we should focus on getting clothes befor we worry about where, exactly, we are" he points to the house. "i'd say tat is a pretty good place to start."

just want to make it clear. If sim says something that comes across as confrontational to one of the PCs he probably doesn't mean it. I'm not trying to pick a fight.:smallsmile:

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-03, 07:55 PM
Davos continues to stare at the sky for a moment as he waits for his head to stop spinning. Thoughts echo through his mind.

"No armor for protection...............Great."

"Additionally, no clothes at all........Even better.

"No food, and an empty stomach....Better even still.

"No weapons, tools, or clue where I am to work on any of the above...Talk about luck"

The man sits up and scans the surrounding area once more. He glances about to take note of which of the people aboard the ship he's had the pleasure of being abandoned with here...wherever here is. Standing up looks at the house and squints looking for any signs of life (light, smoke, etc), he glances back to Sim, motions towards the house with a nod of the head, and starts walking without a word. He approaches the house, but doesnt head straight for it, instead he strikes a path in the direction of the woods a few degrees off from the house, and continues to look for signs of life as he draws near.

Spot Check [roll0]

2013-09-03, 08:57 PM
Mara listens in silence to the exchange, noting that the only other woman in the group withdraws from conversation.

The priestess stands, making no attempt to cover herself.

Let them leer. she thinks to herself.

They are as defenseless as I am.

She watches Davos approach the house for a few moments, before she turns and approaches Mizaca. She crouches so that she is at an eye level with the young woman, and speaks to her in slow, soothing tones.

"My lady, I don't think it is safe for us to tarry here, and it might be we can find some clothing and arms in that house up there." She says, gesturing to the house above them.

"My name is Mara. Mara is silent for a moment, considering what to say next, then:

"Do you think you would be able to help us find out where we are?" She asks, and presents her left hand, palm up, toward Micaza.

commander panda
2013-09-03, 10:57 PM
sim waits for the cutpurse to gain a couple of meters before following. he stays more or less behind Davos, but staying on the inside of the clearing, giving him distance from the trees and a clear view up front. he keeps an eye (and ear) out along the way for A) threats and B) fist sized rocks to throw (which he scoops up along the way.)

listen check [roll0]
spot check (for threats and rocks) [roll1]
search check[roll2] (whoops, +1 for class skill)

2013-09-04, 01:48 AM
With Mara crouching infront of her while speaking Mizaca's eyes jump from person to person seeing everyone just for an instant never meeting Mara's gaze. She opens her mouth to say something but only stuttering escapes so she simply shakes her head instead to Mara's question, not reaching out to grab her welcoming hand.

As Mizaca thinks about her naked body, knowing that those who would see her would see an array of old wounds that have long healed. The train of thought makes her subconsciously crouch together more as a way to become even smaller and escape this situation.

2013-09-04, 02:00 AM
"Yes, that house seems the best bet. At the very least it's shelter. Come on everybody, it's better to stick together now."

Gordan heads out after Davos and Sim.

2013-09-04, 03:42 PM
Izel consider the situation for a second. He's without armour, weapons or tools in a place he doesn't know...and besides, he wants to know how they've gotten there as well. He starts to move to follow the others, and then notices the human lady crouched on the ground. "What's wrong, you hurt?" he can't help but asking. Not that he cares about her... or so he tells himself.

2013-09-05, 05:06 AM
Gordan heads straight to the house, and knocks on the door.

2013-09-05, 08:38 AM
Davos and Simmons take note that there is no movement aside from the six of them and the wind, wherever they are, the animals seems to have been scared off by something. The house seems mostly empty as they near is, only a few moth eaten curtains in some of the windows and what looks like shutters in front of the others. Simmons notices that as he walks, there are practically no rocks on the ground and judging by the imprints left behind; someone went around collecting the rocks that were in the field.

When Gordon knocks on the door, there is a crash inside, followed by movement. In response to the crash, a small flock of crows appears from behind the house, flying past the trees and out of sight. A few moments later, one of the shutters flies open and the house returns to silence.

2013-09-05, 11:12 AM
Mizaca angles her head towards the goblin and stutters out a "N nno." clearly not liking the attention she is getting. Deciding that standing up and walking towards the house is a better way to avoid conversation she sits up and starts standing. Her head jecks up and she drops down into a different more alert crouch than before as she hears the sudden noise. Relaxing slightly at the sight of the crows flying past.

commander panda
2013-09-05, 02:30 PM
Simmons is speechless.
him and Davos are making a clear effort at subtlety and the dumb blond walks right the fu*k up and knocks! he is now seriously concerned about their vulnerability in the clearing (after all, five naked humanoids and a goblin don't completely silence an animal population.)

Simmons moves into the treeline so he can work his way around the clearing and behind the house, where he will approach from the back, unseen. along the way he stays wary of danger.

listen check [roll0]
spot check [roll1]
move silently check [roll2]
hide check [roll3]

2013-09-05, 03:08 PM
Izel frowns slightly, looking at the blond woman crouching at the noise - seriously, is she a human or some sort of cat? - but soon decides that the Halfling really has the best idea. He starts mimicking him, but trying to approach the house from the opposite direction.


Bounty Hunter
2013-09-05, 04:58 PM
Davos positions himself to the left hand side of the door. Pressing his back up against the wall of the house and staying out of line-of-sight if the door were to be opened.

He looks at Gordon and motions for him to knock again, wait a moment, then open the door.

2013-09-06, 01:38 AM
Gordan knocks again, looking quizzically at Davos.

Why all this sneaking, I wonder? Do they want to seem like naked burglars?

If there's no answer, Gordan tries the door.

2013-09-06, 08:20 AM
As Simmons and Izel sneak behind the house, they notice nothing peculiar other than a horrid stench and the lack of any more sounds. Approaching the opposite side of the house from the others, the stench gets worse until they see where the crows seem to have come from. Four bodies lie and the grass, torn limb from limb with scratches everywhere. The eyes and most of the organs seem to be missing, probably taken by the crows and eaten.

There is no reply to Gordan's knocking and a small amount of effort later, the door opens with a loud creek, revealing an entry hall that seems to have been deserted for some time.

commander panda
2013-09-06, 09:19 AM
Simmons knew more or less what he would find as soon as the smell came in (it smells like a battlefield the morning after,) but he's still compelled to wrinkle his nose when he sees the extent of the damage.
By now he's relatively sure that nothing is lurking outside the house, so whatever did this must either be long gone or inside. He checks quickly that the goblin saw nothing befor jogging around front to tell the others what he found.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 09:25 AM
Davos shakes his head in response to the baffled look coming from the man at the door. "How can some people be so naive about the ways of the world" he wonders, granted not everyone had the same sort of upbrining that had afforded him caution...but still. Storms beseige a ship out of nowhere, the ship is lifted into the air and boarded by strage creatures, the whole group wakes up naked in a strange land with the crew no where to be found, and now they find themselves at an abandoned looking shack in the middle of strange woods... and he waltzes up to the door like he's asking his neighbor for a cup of flour.

As the door creaks open Davos inches closer and listens into the house for any signs of movement. Hearing nothing he peeks around the corner carefully and looks down the long hallway, seeing nothing of interest immediately he begins to check the area for any signs of inhabitants... but its not looking promising.

Any signs of life in the house? For example, is there dust on the floors of the hall? Is it disturbed or are the footprints in it?

Any signs of tracks near the door on the outside, aside from ours?

2013-09-06, 09:54 AM
Mara approaches behind the others, and her mouth drops in a silent gasp when she sees the bodies.

"Tyr deliver us."she says, her hand reaching up to clasp at a holy symbol that is no longer there. Her fingers scramble for a moment, but then Mara remembers that she is naked, and lowers her arm.

She approaches the bodies, placing each step so as to avoid injuring her foot on sharp debris.

She crouches next to the closest body, waving away the flies and the stench with one hand as she examines the corpse, trying to determine the cause of death.

Heal? [roll0]

2013-09-06, 10:17 AM
I'm just assuming that Simmons has a chance to tell what he found as Mara gets closer to the house, so all who are interested in listening to him shall know. Heal would work in finding out which wound was the lethal one, unless of course, multiple of them are lethal, at which point, you just need more time for study.

Mara finds that the bodies seem to have been killed by a large animal, with teeth the size of swords. Whatever caused the deaths did not seem to have had interest in the actual meat as all of the missing flesh was taken by small birds.

Davos can easily see a thin layer of dust almost everywhere, tracks of a large clawed animal moving about the floor and walls in seemingly random patterns. There are holes in some of the walls, revealing much of the interior structure and creating doorways large enough for a giant to move between the rooms and floors.

2013-09-06, 10:29 AM
Gordan gulps when he hears of the corpses and sees the signs that Davos points out. This is no human dwelling, but the lair of some awful beast. Gordan thinks, trying to remember something that could have caused all this.

Magical beast or dragon? Arcane[roll0]
Animal etc.? Nature [roll1]

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 10:41 AM
As he looks into the house, which has been clearly 'remodeled' to suit something much larger and much less civilized that whoever originally lived here, the rogue points to the claw marks gouged into wooden floorboards, he turns back to Gornan. Widening his eyes a bit as if to emphasize a sarcastic look of shock that seems to say 'Oh well what a suprise', he puts his finger over his mouth to warn the others to be quiet.

The group retreats away from the door of the house at which point Sims redeuvous with them and tells them about the difiguired corpses in the field nearby. "The lot of you can stick around here if you wish, peek in the windows or try you luck inside with whatever's in there... but the risk outweight the gains for me, I'll have none of it.". Davos scans the area closer to see if there is some sort of trail, or path from the house through the woods; surely these people had some contact with the world outside this clearing. Surely they had to go to town for supplies or trade at some point. Still naked, he walks off in eastward towards the edge of the woods.

2013-09-06, 03:03 PM
Izel mutters a curse in goblin to himself when he sees the bodies. This is...definitely not good. He gets nearer to take a closer look, then circles the house following the Halfling again, in time to hear the human proclaim that he's going to go into the woods. He shrugs. "You do what you want. But it's still crossing the woods with no weapons on you." Honestly, Izel would prefer to try his luck in the house.

Search, just in case there's some clue on the bodies [roll0]

commander panda
2013-09-06, 05:35 PM
there really is no good option, and thus Sim is torn. on one hand, the cutpurse is absolutely right, they are nowhere near prepared to take on whatever killed those men, and whatever killed those men is definitly inside. on the other, sim is a woodsman, and if there is one rule all woodsmen follow it's never go into the woods without equipment, especially if you don't know how long you'll be there. the dead men would almost certainly have had equipment, but Sim cant get to it without weapons.
"ok, hypothetically speaking of corse, if each of you could have an easily crafted tool to fight with, what would it be?"
his eyes wander to the woods as he ponders their options.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-06, 06:11 PM
Davos reaches the edge of the woods and begins looking for any sort of improvised weaponry. A fallen limb thats not brittle or perhaps a rock or two; either small enough to throw or large enough to be used as a hammer or club.

Spot : [roll0]

2013-09-07, 12:48 AM
Following Mara around the house, thinking two naked women wandering about would attract less attention than one, still taking note to try and cover herself as much as possible. Relaxing slightly as the group clearly has no interest in her. Watching Mara examin the body's Mizaca asks in a low voice "Wha.. What did this?" clearly having more trouble asking the question than looking at the mutilated bodies.

Hearing the others talk about improvised weapons she looks around to see if there is anything she could use if this monster were to appear. While searching she inches herself over towards the nearest window to have a peak in and see if she can gather any more information than the others at the door.

Spot if she can reach and see through a window 1d20

Hmmm I don't seem to be able to post rolls 1d20

2013-09-07, 11:01 AM
Unfortunately, Gordan cannot quite decide if what made the markings and holes was a magical beast, or a normal one. Izel is much luckier than Gordan, finding that one of the bodies has what looks to be a falchion beneath it, it is fairly rusty and Izel is fairy certain he has seen the same one before, somewhere on the boat.

Peering into one of the windows, Mizaca can see what looks like a small pile of clothing, left inside an old fireplace. Davos' search yields mixed results, he finds plenty of broken limbs, but for the most part they won't be as effective as an actual weapon. As they make their searches, more scuffling occurs, this time coming from the roof and a blue man, wearing blue robes calls out is words made with a long snake like tongue hissing the s's."Well, I'll be damned, a half dozzen critterss wandered into my home. Tell me critterss, what sshall I do with you."

Since it belongs to Mizaca, she can easily identify the falchion as either hers or an exact duplicate. Tree limbs are mostly rotten, -2 to dmg, otherwise counts as a club.

commander panda
2013-09-07, 11:05 AM
as the others break away to search for improvised weapons, sim gos searching for any kind of trail (hopefully leading to some kind of shed, or barn,) along the way he will keep an eye out for big sticks/rocks.

commander panda
2013-09-07, 11:09 AM
tracking, survival[roll0]
spot [roll1]
search [roll2]
didnt realize we were in a confrontation. sorry:smallredface:. disreagard this post and the one above.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-07, 11:17 AM
Picking up a few limbs and testing their merit with a few swings Davos doesnt like what he's finding. Finally settling on a hefty, yet still brittle, branch he continues deeper into the woods

commander panda
2013-09-07, 11:25 AM
Simmons slips into the tree line when the strange man appears on top of the house. he immediately starts searching for clubs or the rocks that were removed from the field.
spot [roll1]
survival? [Roll]1d20+7
hide (i assume the forest broke line of sight)[roll2]
move silently [roll3]

2013-09-07, 01:29 PM
Izel grips the awkwardly-size falchion tight. That's a weapon, at the very least, even if it's obviously made for humans or elves or ridiculously tall people like that. One semi-useless weapon is better than no weapon at all.

He startles and raises the falchion defensively when he hears somebody speak, but it should be evident by the way he's holding it that he has little to none idea of how to use it. "Who are you? Did you bring us here?" he asks, struggling not to make his tone TOO high pitched. He knows from experience that tall folks tend not to take him seriously when his voice goes up like that.

2013-09-07, 03:21 PM
Backing away from the house Mizaca heads towards the goblin, who is awkwardly holding a rusty falchion in his hands and talking to someone. As she gets far enough from the house to see who is speaking, she makes sure not to lose sight of the blue man with the unsetteling speech impediment.

Once she is close enough to the goblin she hesitates to grab her falchion from his hands. Without saying a word, she holds out her hand as to indicate she wants what he has. Knowing she could probably handle it better than most if worse comes to worst.

2013-09-08, 04:56 AM
Gordan backs away from the door so he can see the blue man.

Critters? I call no speaking thing a critter. I am Gordan Makai of Calimport, and I mean no intrusion. I was traveling, and attackers flung myself and my fellows to this field. I am sorry if our prescence offends, and we will leave if it does.


2013-09-08, 05:23 AM
Oh, great, not the cat-human again. Izel has no idea what her problem is, but she surely looks like she has a few screws missing. The goblin considers his options. Let her have the weapons means, of course, remaining unarmed...not that he had a lot of chances to use that awkwardly-sized piece of rusty crap in the first place. On the other hand, it would mean that she would be the most obvious objective, in case of a fight, giving him plenty of time to make a run for it.

Izel makes an half-smile and relinquishes the falchion in the hands of the girl.

2013-09-08, 11:24 AM
Mara keeps the man in blue in her peripheral vision as she looks around for an improvised weapon.


As she looks around she addresses the figure in blue:

"We are indeed travellers," she says, nodding to Gordan.

"and we were brought here against our will. I swear upon the faith that I serve that we meant no intrusion. If you can tell us where we may find the closest settlement, we will leave you in peace.

Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-09-09, 10:54 AM
The man offered a hiss and smashed his way through the roof, Mara able to see a sort of noose tied around his neck just before he disappeared into the house. As Simmons finds a few good rocks just inside the woods, he notices what looks like a long feathered tail hanging down from one of the trees. It is about four feet in length and attached to some kind of large blue feathered cat, sitting up in the tree, apparently not aware on him. It watches Davos closely as he trudges through the woods, apparently not aware of it.

Simmon is the only one with eyes on the cat, the blue man is not visible to anyone.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-09, 11:15 AM
If Davos Was Close Enough To Hear The Crash:
Hearing a noise behind him, the man in the woods turns over his right shoulder for a moment and looks back in the direction of the house. Quite a ways into the woods by this time he can barely make out the tiny shapes of the people from the ship near the old abandoned house. Seeing nothing of merit he turns back and continues into the woods, ever watchful for something that would suit him better than this accursed rotten stick.

If Davos Was Too Far Away To Hear The Crash:
Oblivious to the crashing of the roof behind him, the man in the woods continues on, deeper into the forest. His mind races to put recreate the events that led to this juncture. Who would have brought them all here, why were they still alive, and why would they have stripped both weapon and clothing alike from the passengers. Where was the ships crew? Did they have something to do with this? He continues into the woods, ever watchful for something that would suit him better than this accursed rotten stick.

commander panda
2013-09-09, 09:54 PM
Simmons is still. very, very still. first up, why is it eyeing naked Davos? he checks it as he would a cat, is it hunched? how are its ears flexed? tail waving or still? its fangs, how are- sense motive [roll0]
survival? [roll1]
regardless, the feathery feline is worth being wary of. so, clear its line of sight. Simmons moves several steps back to keep it unaware of him.
move silently [roll2]
now to deal with the pickpocket.The halfling starts trying to signal Davos while keeping hidden himself: he waves his arm's, and makes rude gestures, and points at the cat-thing and thinks LOOK AT ME YOU OVERSIZED NAKED DOLT!

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-09, 09:57 PM
Davos casually scratches his ass and continues though the woods with his rotten stick.

commander panda
2013-09-09, 09:59 PM
whoops :smallredface:
move silently [roll0]
hide [roll1]
preform (ad hoc sign language) [roll2]


2013-09-10, 01:53 AM
Okay, diplomacy failed. Time to act.
Gordan moves rapidly to the woman with the weapon and prepares to cast a spell.

2013-09-10, 02:44 AM
Mizaca still standing completely naked by the dissfigured body's, holding her rusty falchion ready to defend herself and the group around her. She doesn't relax much as the hissing man dissapears through the roof.

In the corner of her eye she can see the halfling waving his arms like a mad man, thinking Is he posessed-. Her eyes flicker towards the naked man moving rapidly towards her, she doesn't like it. She can see he is preparing something. Her thoughts race back and forth unsure of who to trust, clasping the falchion in a secure grip ready to run him through.

Sense motive: [roll0]

2013-09-10, 03:05 AM
As he comes closer to Micaza, Gordan whispers to her:

If the blue man-thing attacks, I'll cast a spell to double you in size, for a short time. Be prepared.

2013-09-10, 10:42 AM
Davos continues slowly into the woods, ignorant of almost everything happening around him, the path leads him for a short distance until he comes across a mirror almost six feet tall and three wide. It reflects everything around him but not Davos himself.

Watching the cat, all Simmons can tell is that it seems to have its attention focussed on Davos and is following him. As Simmons watches the cat watching his friend, Davos slowly leaves view, and following him is nearly impossible without entering the cat's line of sight, which stays incredibly far away from Davos as he leaves the area.

Nothing bothers the others as they spend their time about the house.

Davos does not see the cat in the mirror and Simmons does not have eyes on the mirror.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-10, 10:54 AM
Standing in the middle of strange woods, stark naked, weilding a rotten log, staring into a strange mirror, and realizing that it doesnt reflect him ... Davos scratches his head and wonders where 'it all went wrong'. Maybe the military life wasnt so bad after all; steady pay, alloted living quarters, and though far from anything worth calling good there was at least steady meals provided... and yet, here he was.

He studies the mirror for a moment, moving from side to side to confirm that it is in fact a mirror and reflecting the woods around him. He glances down to his arms to confirm that by some sorcery he hadnt become invisible, then holds the stick up to the mirror to see if it reflects.

After this he walks around the mirror to see whats on the other side and behind it, before looping back around to the front.

2013-09-10, 12:04 PM
The mirror itself seems completely normal, made of wood and some kind of glass, only reflective on one side, the other painted black. Some of the leaves are a slightly darker green in the mirror, but Davos cannot tell if that is a trick of the light or something else.

If you wan't any more, roll me some perceptions.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-10, 12:59 PM
Quite intrigued by the strangeness, Davos continues to investigate.
Did I see the stick in the mirror?

Spot : [roll0]

2013-09-10, 01:38 PM
Davos stares into the mirror, continuing to notice that his reflection does not seem to exist, not even his stick. As he watches, a large blue cat covered in feathers appeared in the mirror but as Davos turned behind himself, there was nothing there.

commander panda
2013-09-10, 02:12 PM
Simmons throws up his hands in exasperation as the pickpocket passes out of view. idiotic, bat-blind, son of a birdbrained, side-street whor- time for plan B. forgoing all pretences of stealth, Simmons gathers up his stones and whips one at the cats hindquarters. standard action attacking [roll0] (do rocks count as improvised? if so -4) also whatever range penalties i get (couldn't find a range for rocks, though i think it should be about 20ft)
i don't know what the damage should be, so
"HERE KITTY KITTY, SIM-SIM HAS SOME TOYS T' CRAM DOWN YER GULLET!!" soon as the cat turns Sim spins about and crashes through the tree cover, sprinting toward the others. "HELP! THE KITTY IS COMING!"

2013-09-10, 04:37 PM
The cat turns and crashes through the undergrowth towards Simmons, chasing him out of the forest, running like a madman. As he turned to look behind himself, Simmons notes that the Cat did not follow past the edge of the trees, stopping short of the clearing and disappearing back in the woods.

No one has eyes on the cat anymore.

2013-09-10, 04:41 PM
Convinced the wispering human isn't lying she stutters out a "N no, please don't.." as her face turns from a light skintone to bright pink and the falchion in her hand shaking. Partially paralyzed by the idea of being twice the size and still naked.

As her skintone settles a bit she can see the halfling running towards them from the edge of the forrest yelling like a madman! Doesn't he know about the hissing blue-man? Her thoughts travel back to possessed once again.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-11, 01:53 PM
(Before Sim throws things at the cat)

Quite intrigued by the mirrior in the middle of the woods to begin with, but more so by its lack of reflection, and even more so by the ghost appearance of a strange cat creature...Davos address the mirror: "What sort of strange mirror are you, and why, why are you in the middle of the woods"

He check the mirror again for the cat, and then looks back over his shoulder near where he thought he saw it in the mirror.

2013-09-11, 02:07 PM
As Davos ponders about the mirror, the cat comes closer, apparently examining it like he is. The cat sniffs the mirror and moves away, disappearing into the underbrush. After a few moments, Davos hears Simmons shouting from somewhere nearby, bak the way he came.

Make a survival dc 5 to not get lost and a perception dc 6 to understand Simmon's words.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-11, 02:28 PM
As the strange cat draws nearer to the mirror Davos backs away, doing his best to keep eyes on the mirror, while checking behind him.

Upon hearing a distant scream from Sim, he turns and heads in the direction he thinks it came from.

Survival [roll0]

Listen / Spot [roll1]

commander panda
2013-09-11, 10:05 PM
Simmons is halfway to the house before he realizes that the cat isn't following him. As he approaches the woods again he catches sight of a pair of eyes in the underbrush, that pull away the next moment. OOOkay, plan C. sim takes a deep pull of air and shouts "LISTEN UP, YOU BLIND DEAF AND DUMB EXCUSE FOR A POCKET DIVING ALLY RAT!" *takes a breath* THERE'S A CAT. BIRD... THING, TRACKING YOU! SO GET YOUR NAILS OUT OF YOUR ASS AND-" you get the idea. Sim figures even if Davos was purposely ignoring him, he can at least provoak the pickpocket into coming back.

2013-09-12, 05:44 AM
Still whispering, Gordan is surprised by Micaza's refusal.

You don't want such an edge in a fight? Very well, I'll not enlarge if you don't want it. Would you accept a spell of protection instead?

While speaking, Gordan watches the house carefully and the surrounding area casually.


Bounty Hunter
2013-09-12, 10:34 AM
Moving as quickly as one can through moderate underbrush, while completely exposed, while weilding a rotten limb, and trying to understand the raving screams of a pychoatic halfling; Davos runs through the woods back in the diretion of the sounds, not even having the time to make a note of the location of the mirror, his mind raced as did his bare feet. Finally he can see the edge of the forest as the tries begin to give way to the grass and srubs of the clearing.

2013-09-13, 08:17 AM
Gordan watches as Simmon's continually shouts at the woods and shortly after, Davos comes out, holding his rotten limb. Everything is unnaturally still, the house looms over them, nothing reappearing from it or making noise inside. Whatever Simmon's seems worried about stays in the woods, well beyond their sight.

2013-09-13, 09:11 AM
Gordan motions to the two near the wood's edge to come.

Davos, Simmons. I don't think we should spit up, not now. What did you see in the woods?

commander panda
2013-09-13, 07:00 PM
Simmons's throat is raw by the time Davos comes back through the trees. his shoulders drop and, insults or no, the halfling is visibly relieved. "You" he says "are the stupidest thief i have ever met" And drops a good natured grin.

Once Davos has his breath, Sim addresses the others. "some kind of giant, blue feathered cat thing." he considers "Giant for me, anyway. it was stalking Davos. looks like it could be a pretty decent rug." He ignores the incredulous looks and continues "speaking of blue, what happened to our oh-SO-dignified host?"

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-13, 07:03 PM
Blue host...?

commander panda
2013-09-13, 07:36 PM
"Yup. Great big host of blue knights from waterdeep. They asked if we seen any deserters and i sayid 'no siree, SIR! I ain't seen no scum-suckin' conscription dodgin' cowardly son'b*tches on my land. but if'n i do, i'll crack his head wit this here rock and send you his balls in a burlap bag, if'n you'd take kindly ta such things.' And sent them about their way. you don't have to thank me now."

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-13, 07:50 PM
Ignoring the halflings poor attempt at sarcasm, Davos turns the subject back to more important (and intriguing) matters. "So the cat...er...thing... from the mirror... You saw it?" He tilts his head and narrows his eyes at Simmons. Where? How? And why did you run all the way back here before trying to warn me...?

He turns to Gordan, realizing he'd yet to answer his question; "There was a mirror, there in the woods." He points off towards the northeast. "Only it didn't show my reflection, the only thing it showed were trees, then suddenly a large cat. But aside from in the mirror, I never saw the dammed beast. Its as it it were some kind of portal."

2013-09-13, 10:58 PM
Everyone but Mizaca and Davos: The blue man stares at each of you, dissapearing from one window and reappearing at another. He seems to watch each of you with hunger in his eyes, moving each time he is spotted.

Mizaca: Everything seems normal as it can be, considering the circumstances.

Davos: The blue man stares at each of you, dissapearing from one window and reappearing at another. He seems to watch each of you with hunger in his eyes, moving each time he is spotted.

Off in the distance, Davos notices movement, on the southwestern side of the clearing, something humanoid moves through the grass.

Bounty Hunter
2013-09-13, 11:40 PM
"There!" Davos interrupts the conversation to call out. "In the house" He points to a window on the side nearest them and to the blue man standing there, but he quickly vanishes. "Theres someone...or...um...something in the house after all!" I didnt get a good look at them though...but he was...blue? Davos realizes this must be the blue host that Sim spoke of. Had they seen the someone in the house while he was in the woods? If so then why all the side conversation and longwinded sarcasm instead of getting to the important bits? "Whatever it is didnt look friendly at all...standing around here in the open isnt exactly the greatest pla... He trails off noticing something approaching through the field...he points to the southwest. "Now what?"

commander panda
2013-09-14, 08:28 AM
Simmons is about to explain that he didn't run, and that Davos is just stupid, when the blue man pops into (and out of) view. "that" he says, pointing "is our gracious host."
Simmons checks back at the woods from time to time but the cat doesn't really worry him yet. it seemed fairly content to stay in there and wait for them.

whatever davos saw is worrying though. his head snaps to the southwest.

commander panda
2013-09-14, 08:34 AM
cant roll in edits, so...
spot check for cat in woods [roll0]
spot for humanoid in the grass [roll1]

2013-09-14, 08:34 AM
Gordan looks very pensive.

A blue cat, a mirror in the forest and a blue man... Is someone playing tricks on us?

2013-09-15, 06:16 AM
After he is pointed out, the blue man disappears back into the house. Simmons streins his eyes, but cannot locate the cat or whatever it was that Davos saw to the southwest.

2013-09-15, 02:14 PM
Mizaca nods gently to Gordon at his proposal of using a protection spell instead as that wouldn't make her the centre of all attention if a fight were to occur.

She can't see neather the blue man nor the thing Davos claims he saw. Questioning if she is the only sane person in this group or atleast the only one without some serious paranoia. She decides to move closer too the house, remembering the clothes she saw through the window. Holding the rusty falchion in a firm grip and looking back to see if anyone will join her.

2013-09-15, 03:38 PM
Gordan follows the woman with the only weapon, keeping watch of the surroundings.

[roll0] Spot

commander panda
2013-09-15, 04:00 PM
Nothing. Sh*t. Simmons sees nothing. so, now the streakers have one known enemy, two likely enemies, eyes on only one of them and these are just the ones they know about. it's almost like they're getting drawn to us. Sim swears under his breath in Halfling ok, house it is then.

when the others head toward the house, Simmons breaks in the opposite direction, toward the woods. as he walks he keeps eyes on the houses windows. as soon as sim thinks the blue man is preoccupied watching the others, he will try to creep up to the house from behind and climb onto the roof.

commander panda
2013-09-15, 04:17 PM
spot [roll0]
move silently [roll1]
climb [roll2]
hide? [roll3]
also, he's trying to carry at least a couple of rocks with him (aprobobly not more than 2) so apply any climb bonuses needed. he drops them if he thinks he is about to fall.

commander panda
2013-09-15, 06:47 PM
rerolling climb [roll0]
also tumble if i fall (assuming it even works in that situation:smalltongue:) [roll1]
sorry for triple posting.

edit: ow, can i take 10 on the tumble? don't really expect to need it, but you knever know.

2013-09-16, 04:07 PM
Simmons manages to climb the house and reach the roof while making fairly little noise. To the best of his knowledge, nothing noticed his climb.

commander panda
2013-09-16, 04:27 PM
Simmons hoist himself up top and checks his footing, deciding if it can hold the blue man it can hold him. he eases over to the hole and peeks in, hoping discern the blue mans location (and the location of the others, while he's at it.)

move silently [roll0]
hide (in case he's in the room below me) [roll1]
listen [roll2]
edit: Goddamnit! i keep telling myself i'm going to stop clogging the forum with double posts but i keep forgetting rolls:smallfurious:. i'll roll spot OOC ok?

2013-09-16, 04:44 PM
As Mizaca notecis one of the humans following her to the house and the halfling circling the other way she looks for a good entrance. Deciding against windows and the like, she moves towards the front door. Thinking it would be the most advantageous place to swing her falchion and the least likely to catch the group off guard.

2013-09-16, 05:42 PM
Izel considers his surroundings carefully. On the one hand, if he follows the other humans, there will at least be safety in numbers. On the other hand, he has relinquished the only weapon that he had to the female human - and, looking at that, it doesn't seem like it has been a very smart decision. He takes a look around to see if there's something that he can use at least for a while.

Riiight. Looking around for an improvised weapon would be, I think, [roll0] and/or [roll1]

If he doesn't find anything, he'll quietly enter the house after Mizaca... after all, she's more likely to draw attention to herself.

2013-09-18, 04:32 PM
Simmon's location alows him to see most of the interior of the house. The blue man is sitting cross legged on an old chair. The rest of the house is quiet, offering no challenged. to mizaca and Izel.

commander panda
2013-09-18, 09:37 PM
if Simmons as able to get to an area of the roof that lets him see the others

Sim observs the man curiosly for a few moments, then, carefully, moves along the roof untill he can see the scimitar girl and the blonde. signalling with his hands for them to stop then quietly describing the mans position. "i'm going to get his attention, then you charge in while he's destracted, yeah?"
move silently [roll0]

if he can't see them

Simmons continues to observe through the hole, trying to figure out the layout of the house and looking for things he could use as weapons once he's inside. he also checks for loose shingles on the roof to throw, and a way down if necessary.
search [roll1]
spot [roll2]

2013-09-19, 12:17 AM
if Simmons as able to get to an area of the roof that lets him see the others

Sim observs the man curiosly for a few moments, then, carefully, moves along the roof untill he can see the scimitar girl and the blonde. signalling with his hands for them to stop then quietly describing the mans position. "i'm going to get his attention, then you charge in while he's destracted, yeah?"
move silently [roll0]

if he can't see them

Simmons continues to observe through the hole, trying to figure out the layout of the house and looking for things he could use as weapons once he's inside. he also checks for loose shingles on the roof to throw, and a way down if necessary.
search [roll1]
spot [roll2]
As usual, only his companions notice simmons looking like a fool.

2013-09-19, 03:01 AM
Gordan, still following Micaza, whispers;

We already said we weren't here to bother the blue man. Should we really try to go into the house? The occupant has shown no sign of attacking.

commander panda
2013-09-19, 06:53 AM
Simmons gives them an annoyed look and speaks up. he describes the mans location again and hopes he cant hear him talking this loudly.

2013-09-19, 01:46 PM
Ignoring the diluted halfling, Mizaca wispers back to Gordon "Just clothes, no fighting." and moves to the house door.

Moving as silently as possible she can hear the halfling making noices, not able to decipher a thing. She continues pushing the door completely open, looking and listening for any information that may help them enter safely. Finally taking a few steps in and moving to the first big hole in the wall to her right.

2013-09-19, 03:25 PM
Izel debates with himself for a moment more, then follows Mizaca... not that he knows or remembers her name, naturally. He, on the other hand, has heard what the Halfling said, but he doesn't like the idea of "charging in". He is definitely NOT a charging type. He leans in and whispers to her. "Hey, cat-girl... the blue man is on the second floor." and relying the position that Simmons communicated. He consciously omits the other half of the Halfling plan. He doesn't want to fight, either. He's always been better at running, more than fighting.

commander panda
2013-09-20, 01:14 AM
He's a bit exasperated when the human woman ignores him. People do that to him a lot, but it still grates on ones nerves. The goblin looked at him, at least. Granted, it was an "are you crazy??" look, but it was acknowledgment.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the others are about to help him neutralize a likely threat, and he doesn't like his odds against the blue man on his own. quickly but quietly, he moves over to one of the several gaps in the roof (the one that puts a wall between him and the man) and swings a leg over to climb down.

climb [roll0]
tumble (if he falls) [roll1]
this is an edit, so other rolls OOC

soon as he's down he goes into danger mode. he listens for movement, watches for threats, checks for weapons, and moves through the hole in the wall on his left and toward the stairs.
he gets down in time to hear the girls terrible attempt at stealth two rooms over, and heads in the other direction.

OOC: Simmons will head toward the blue room on the first floor. he is still looking for anything useful.

edit: if he sees the clothes he waves the others to the room.

2013-09-22, 02:21 AM
Simmons gets down to the first floor and finds the pile of clothes. They are strangely warm and smell like they have been there for a few months, but should be usable. Judging by the size, there is enough clothes for about ten people. As he examines rthe pile, Simmons hears some of the rubble behind him being walked over my Mizaca and company.
OOC: behind sim is mizaca and company, moving over the rubble. because of not wearing shoes, treat the rubble as difficult terrain and move half speed.
Between all the commotion, Davos manages to see the figure from before dissaper, the tall grass returing to its natural position as though there was never anything there. The blue man reappears in a second floor window and seems to watch the forest, more interested in it than the party.
Mizaca, Izel and Gordan The rubble under the door crunches under their feet, , the fact that they are shoeless slows them. The pile of clothes is exactly where mizaca remembers, Simmons already standing over it.
OOC: without shoes, treat the rubble as difficult terrain abd half movement.[/spoiler]

2013-09-23, 03:16 AM
With all the rubble under her feet Mizaca moves slowly while carefully placing her steps, but with each one there is a crunching noise so sneaking in is hopeless for her. She can see the halfling already by the clothes. She thinks for herself "damn he's fast" and continues towards him and the pile of clothes.

Once she gets there she starts looking for some that would fit her.
Spot: [roll0]

2013-09-23, 03:38 AM
As Mizaca searches the pile she notices three things
There are no shoes of any kind, there are several shirts and pants se can wear and there are four large white eggs burried deep inside.

2013-09-23, 06:01 AM
Mizaca exclaims quietly more to herself than anyone else "Damn, eggs!" looking right at the halfling. A questioning look asking can you see this? Before anyone can stop her she places her falchion to the side. As quickly and as carefully she can Mizaca grabs a set of clothes and starts putting them on. Stressfully looking around to all the holes and doors expecting the snake to show up any second now!

2013-09-23, 07:02 AM
Gordan looks troubled, but takes a set of clothes as well. He tries to remain as quiet as possible, and dresses.

2013-09-29, 04:30 PM
Izel doesn't much see the point of dressing himself in something that's not a piece of armour, but since everyone else seems to be doing it, he gets nearer to do the same. It's then that he notices the eggs. That's bad. That's VERY bad.

"Er... " he starts "If these are his eggs, he won't be happy that we're here". Pretty obvious, but the humans look like they can do with a reminder.

commander panda
2013-09-29, 07:01 PM
by the time the girl gets her scared up ass in the room, sim is already disassembling the pile. of corse there are no clothes his size. as soon as the girl drops her scimitar, sim picks it up and aquardly takes ten inches off each leg of a pair of pants, pulls them on, and ties a knoght in the waist.

the eggs are a pleasant surprise. right on time for breakfast :smallamused:. still, the goblin could be right. they need to move faster. "hey, uh scar? best keep your hands on this." he hands her the oversized scimitar, picks up the extra clothes and goes looking for more useful supplies.

looking for food, tools, medicine and weapons (makeshift or otherwise, though a bow would be excellent.)
spot [roll0]
search [roll1]
move silently[roll2]
listen [roll3]
survival ?[roll4]
hide (just in case) [roll5]

2013-09-29, 11:46 PM
Simmon's glance at the eggs makes him nearly certain that they belong to a bird, not a snake. The shape and coloring fits closer to a peacocks egg than anything, but they don't seem to belong to a snake. Simmons takes note that whatever has been living here seems to have made a habit of destroying almost everything in the vicinity, there are the remains of a few chairs which seem to have been crushed under something immensely heavy or shoved into the walls feet first. The area almost seems like it was cleared of anything an intruder might use for protection.

commander panda
2013-10-04, 09:13 PM
great. nothing anywhere. its almost like mr. blue weant around crushing anything that could be used against him, but that's crazy right? thats... crap. simmons moves quietly throughout the halls, keeping eyes on the holes in the ceiling and the stairs. he can't be sure, and until he's sure he wont try to abandon their only source of supplies. but still...creeepyyyy...

move silently [roll0]
spot [roll1]
he's a still looking for useful/interesting things, btw

2013-10-08, 09:14 AM
As you wait for the others, a blue streak seems to fly from the woods. You can only just recognize it as the leopard thing from the mirror, jumping in through the second floor window that you see the blue man at. It makes a loud crash and you see the blue man quickly descend the outside wall and run around the back side of the house.

The house is just that, creepy, it stays silent, only small groans escaping from the floorboards as he moves, this continues for a good minute before A loud crash resounds upstairs, close to where the blue man was earlier. There is sound of something upstairs stepping on broken glass and then all is once again still.

2013-10-11, 04:32 PM
Sorry about that... please POKE me when I don't answer for a while, I'm having a stressful period, and it's unfortunately affecting my posting rate a bit :smallfrown:

Trying to move as silently as he can, Izel tries to track where the sound has come from...

Hide [roll0]
Move silently [roll1]